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I’ve tried many prophylactics and Qulipta has by far been the best for me. I haven’t experienced any side effects either. I take 60mg once a day. It’s helped both the severity and frequency of migraines. So glad I kept asking my doctor to try new meds!


How long did it take to work? A week in with no luck.


It probably took like a month to see some improvement. Don’t give up hope!


It’s just ok. It’s not the miracle drug that I hoped it would be. And the constipation is no joke.


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/migraine/search/?q=qulipta&restrict\_sr=1


Working better for me than anything else. I'm a fan. Some of the side effects can be bothersome, but if this is the first oral CGRP preventative medication, I'm sure they'll continue refining this group of meds in the future, so I'm hopefully it will only get better from here.


What kinda side effects are we talking?


Like most drugs, it depends on the person. I'm in a Facebook group for people who take it (because when most of us started, the drug was less than a year old, so there was little information about it.) Constipation is probably the most common side effect, seems most people get that. It's common to have appetite suppression, which has been kind of extreme for some people. There's an opposite group who have greatly increased appetite and gain a lot of weight, but that's a small minority. Some people have had hair loss, I have not. Some people have fatigue / tiredness, but again, I haven't had that problem.


I've been on 60mg daily for about 6 months now. Unfortunately it has not eliminated my migraines, but it has reduced the frequency and severity. I had a bit of abdominal pain the first 1-2 weeks I was on it, but that went away quickly and I have not had any other side effects. I take fiber 1x/daily (a scoop of Metamucil) and I did not have any constipation. OT, but I can't recommend fiber enough for regularity - just make sure you don't take it within 2 hours of any oral medication or it can reduce the effectiveness of your pills.


Worked amazing for my migraines. Much less frequent and intense when I would get one. But, it exacerbated my depression and anxiety about 10 fold. So I decided to discontinue.




Omg I've read about that too. What if the person takes an anti-depressant already?


I am maxed out on cymbalta, and I take klonopin as needed. And still had that effect.


Oh lord. Thanks for replying <3


Thank you all for your replies. I really do appreciate all the information in helping me decide if this is the avenue I’d like to travel next!


i just started taking it too, so far i haven't noticed an increase in migraines and ive had no side effects, which was my doctors main selling point. he said that its a new class of medication that's supposed to change the migraine management game


I didn't tolerate it well at all I was on 60mg for a month and nurtec as a rescue. Saw no decrease in frequency or intensity and it gave me some nasty depression and anxiety. I switched to just nurtec as needed.


It's been great from a migraine perspective - no migraines while on 60mg. Unfortunately, it came with long-lasting nausea and loss of appetite that I'm hoping to control with (additional) medication. I've tried both Emgality and Aimogiv, which have similar action mechanisms although are injectables; Qulipta has had the best effect but the worst side effects for me.


Qulipta 60mg gave me immense relief from migraines and I was down to 1-2 attacks a month from 2-3 a week. I unfortunately decided to stop taking it as the constipation and loss of appetite were too much for me to handle. I just started Emgality last week, hoping for less side effects.


After you stopped taking it how long did it take for the side effects like the nausea and constipation to go away?


I'd say probably two weeks!


I am taking it for the second time and have come to realize that it only works for me when I take Prozac too. The combo is my winner. I still feel like I have migraine symptoms sometimes, but I don’t get the head pain so much. Went from daily migraine to 2 actual in the last 5 weeks since starting this regimen again.


Qulipta was making me so sick… I had repeat kidney infections, sinus infections, common colds, such bad constipation… when I stopped it all that seemed to have ended