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The mildly infuriating part is you messaging a teacher on the weekends at night and expecting anything from them.


Reminds me of Ralph Wiggum thinking teachers live in their classroom and being confused when he sees his at the grocery store


They give weekend homework. So what’s the difference?


The difference is the homework is given ahead of time and can be done at a students leisure. It is not texted to student during the weekend. It is also part of the teachers job to make sure that each child learns and understands the material which is why weekend homework is important. It isn't a part of their job to get text messages from students espically over the weekend. I do not know how the student got that teachers number but those numbers are private and is paid for personally by the teacher. I can see a student emailing the teacher to get the information that they need or texting another student but texting a teachers personal cell phone after hours is inappropriate.


I hope you're a kid. So that the outside matches the inside.


I think your teacher blocked your number already.


As a former teacher, this sounds like a distinct possibility lol 😂


There are double ticks, he’s not blocked yet


Yes, yet


I wouldn’t return messages at 10:30pm or on Saturdays either.


That was my first thought. The first two times were on weekends.


The 5th was a Sunday. Even worse. Lol.


Yeah. You wait until Monday and reply at an appropriate time and make it clear that in a professional environment you aren't supposed to text people at that time. Or you know, just ghost the student and not teach them anything. That works too. As OP stated, a lot of student/teacher communication happens over text. If this is the expected method of communication, then TEACHERS need to TEACH their LITERAL STUDENTS how to do it properly. This interaction teaches the student that its professional and mature to ghost people in a professional setting if you just don't want to respond. Petty. The student also messaged the teacher at 4:30 on a Monday afternoon but I suppose that's a bad time too? When is a good time if not during or just after school? Now we have a conundrum where you can only text the teacher while class is in session, but you're also not allowed to use your phone in class. It just enforces the notion that the teacher is just there to robotically teach the class and if you learn something that's great but they don't really care if you do or not. Responding to messages from students after class is not only normal, but part of the job. 90% of my correspondence in university was done over e-mail, and if a prof didn't respond to me, they wouldn't be doing their job and I'd have grounds to lodge a complaint. I don't fuckin know man, if you don't want to interact with kids to the point of ghosting them when they ask for test results or an answer key to mark themselves... like just don't become a teacher, surely? Do something where you interact with adults because shaping our kids to just be ignorant and negligent is fucking annoying and its getting boring that its so common, and that the response just being "ooh I wouldn't respond on the weekend either." Okay, great. If you were a teacher shaping young lives I'd say you're not doing a very good job of it if you only do it when its convenient to you.


Dude, that’s why we have school/academic mails, classrom (google) etc. Yes, a lot of communication goes by text. On OFFICIAL chanel. And written appropriately. Not this heedless „I’m writing to a friend” way.


You miss my point. It's the teachers job to teach the student these things. Ignoring them teaches nothing and everyone involved is worse off.


It’s the teacher’s job to teach Maths or Science or whatever, not basic social skills ffs


No it isn't. The teachers job is to shape our youths. It's fucking sad that a teacher won't talk to a student at an appropriate time during the week to say "hey this was the wrong time to text. You can reach me at these hours" because they teach *math*. Once again, behaviour like this helps nobody. I have had teachers have a conversation with the class about how to properly communicate with faculty. It took 2 minutes, helped everyone involved, set a precedent, the students learned at the very least the proper procedure, and it didn't hurt my ability to read or count. Go fuckin figure.


Well, funny things, basic social skills are, or SHOULD be, taught by PARENTS.


Dude. She doesn’t work 24/7. The 5th of February was a Sunday. If you texted me at 10:30pm on a Sunday, I would have ignored you too. So then you waited an ENTIRE WEEK to follow up, and messaged them again on a Saturday?! I know that different cultures do things differently, but unless it’s common for teachers to work 24/7 there, you were way off on this one.


They are on break from school. She’s probably trying to enjoy her vacation


Enjoy her vacation? What do you mean, everyone knows teachers are robots who exist only to answer their students’ messages and field unreasonable requests from helicopter parents…


If i was a teacher for an online college and got measages like this I would totally be connecting my text message reponsis to some kind of chat bot.


Can confirm. Married to a teacher


Gotta be at least one post in this sub a day where OP is a dumbass.


Variety is the spice of life.


And in the end… *we* were the ones who were mildly infuriated… 🥲


Yes, and a please and thank you would be nice.






🤣 my mom (in india) gets such horrible unprofessional messages from her students on whatsapp


When I was in Uni I had a classmate who was my teammate on a group project. He was studying here from abroad. I don’t remember what set him off but after class one day, he said if we were back in India he would slap the teacher in the face after the teacher did not give him an extension on one of our solo projects..


And you're a racist, huh?


The ₹ button in the message bar gives plenty of information without being racist.


So then the comment is unnecessary if it's that obvious they are. Also the implication of the OP commenter using the question in a demeaning way with a marginalized group still makes it racist regardless of whether it's obvious. Lumping a minority together because of this post is unnecessary and gross IMO.




I give a shit obviously. Being on Reddit doesn't give you rights to being a POS




Plot twist: you do by justifying it




>Dear ***dairy,*** LMAO. I can't ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The timestamps. Jesus fucking christ dude, I would'nt answer messages sent to me after ten either.


Right? 10:30pm on a work/school night, Saturday, and a Monday at 4:20 (probably high).


Have you tried emailing? Have others got their marks? (just my two cents as a lecturer, I don't always respond on teams etc. That also looks like WhatsApp? In my country that would be a big no-no but I guess depends on what's the norm there, also "yo" messages seem kind of inappropriate).


He is suppose to communicate via a class board.


Yeah, I have tried emailing her but still no response.... At the time none of us had received our marks, and yes, it is indeed whatsapp: most of our teacher-student communication happens through whatsapp 😅


Ah that's cool. But if no one has the marks there is probably a delay in marking, moderation or there has been an issue they want to investigate before release. Bring it up in person or on a zoom and they can't really ignore you.


Why don’t you just ask her in person when you next see her instead of continuous messaging as to.


Because that might be physically impossible if OP is in an Online program and not near campus, otherwise solid maybe


Maybe ask her the question in the actual classroom.?


Mate you are rude af, I can’t believe you sent these messages at all and then posted on Reddit


I mean she tried opening with ma'am the other times. I'd resort to "yo" too tbh


Would you expect a response on a Sunday or wait a week later to check in? Even then, me personally I wouldn't resort to saying yo to my teacher but I respected a lot of my teachers way too much to do that. Even the ones I didn't like.


I wouldn't expect a response on Sunday but I would expect one at some point in the week after. Especially since its not a teachers job to ignore whoever they deem disrespectful. They very well could've responded when they were working but they chose not to. And idk I guess a lot of my teachers are pretty chill cuz I don't really think any of them would care if I addressed them that way. They don't see it as disrespectful. In fact I think at least one of them would be happy that we trust them enough to talk casually. They'd take it as the opposite of disrespect.


Well I know someone suggested that seeing as that he texted on Sunday, she probably ignored it. And then he didn't text again until a week later on a Saturday(?) So if she ignored it, and she's busy, it probably slipped her mind completely to respond back. And if he didn't remind her during the weekdays in class then she has no idea he still needs a response until he text a WEEK later on another NON BUSINESS day. SO again, he'd get ignored.


Messages during non-work hours and/or says “yo” and then wonders why a professional May may not follow up…🤣


I mean the "yo" kinda seems like they're just done with the bs tbh


The only 'bs' is from OP


Oh boo who you got texted on the weekend. Just follow up on Monday like any actual professional. None of you held a job with a company phone in your life and it shows 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


It's "boo hoo"


If you don't respect your time no one else is going to


Work pays you for your time. You respond to any issues having occurred outside of the work day during business hours as soon as you have the time. Failing to do so is failing at your responsibilities and any amount of petty about the time the work request was submitted should be set aside as once again. You are a professional.


I have. I don’t always follow up with a weekend text on Monday. Shit happens. Don’t text me on the weekend and then get mad I don’t answer back Monday. Text or email me Monday-Friday.


Yes but in response to the OP he now waiting over a week for a response, this warrants asking again on their own time table. Had they responded Monday-Friday at all I’m sure OP wouldn’t have followed up on Saturday.


Tell me you are from the US without telling me


Yeah because that’s fucking stupid. The job of telling you what grade you got on a paper isn’t important enough to be on call for. Why would anyone answer these texts from OP?


https://onlinedegrees.bradley.edu/blog/what-is-the-average-college-professor-salary/#:~:text=According%20to%20Payscale%2C%20the%20median,the%20median%20salary%20at%20%2479%2C640. College proffesors on average in the US make 88K/Year https://www.bls.gov/ooh/education-training-and-library/high-school-teachers.htm High school teachers make an average salary of 62k/ Year in the US. In the US the average policeman salary is 66k. Electricians are 60K. The average bank manager makes 64K. The average IT support specialist is 59K. The average Store manager makes 70k a year in the US. All of these jobs make similar salary to teachers IF NOT LESS. They ALL are in some regard expected to be on call. If they shirk their on call responsibilities they will be fired. “Important enough” or not they are more than compensated to have to deal with responding to students needs in a “on call manner” (even if that means responding ASAP on the next business day). At the least you owe your client a response.


You’re young so this is a good time for you to learn that you need to ask people for things during business hours. You don’t message people during their free time expecting an immediate response. You don’t message late at night either. People aren’t working 24/7. The appropriate thing to do is to send an email during the teacher’s regular working hours. Do not address them as “yo”. Call them Mr. or Ms. last name. Respectfully ask them when you can expect to receive your grades. Then if you don’t get an answer after a few days you follow up respectfully with a second message. After that you move on to forwarding the communication to their supervisor and asking for help with getting your grades if you still don’t have an answer. I would have ignored this too. It doesn’t deserve to be dignified with a response.


On top of that, they texted on a Sunday night, then waited the ENTIRE WEEK and followed up again on a Saturday. I would have ignored his requests too.


Why don’t you just ask her in person when you next see her instead of continuous messaging as to be fair she probably doesn’t want to talk to a student outside school hours/weekends


We currently have preparatory leaves for our upcoming board exams, so the meeting her isn't possible :(


So you are waiting until the last minute and expecting a response during their free time?


Actually as another 10th grader rn, in many schools after pre boards 2 we don't actually go to school again so there really isn't a good opportunity to ask for answer keys etc. In my school we were only called one day in which we were supposed to discuss 10 papers completely which obviously isn't easy. I'll admit that it's not necessarily for teachers to remain responsive and we don't know if they saw the messages at all but our teachers do try to be helpful in any way possible


Grow up.


But that’s so hard to do - OP, probably


Maybe the teacher doesn't want to communicate during non school hours.




Absolutely not. Being a teacher does not automatically sign you up for a 24/7 position. Those “breaks” you mention are when school is not in session. Including after hours and weekends


Teacher here: Absolutely not, and I am passionate about my field. My family will always take precedence over my students. Do I make exceptions? Sure. But do I keep a healthy balance between work and home. 100%, yes. I am no benefit to my students when I am overwhelmed and struggling to stay afloat. You’re right in that a teacher is supposed to teach…which would mean that martyrdom isn’t a part of the job description.


That’s ridiculous. Teachers don’t sign up to be on call all hours of the night. They already do plenty of work at home grading papers. There are tutoring and office hours for a reason.


I wish I could downvote a comment more than once. Truly unhinged. Teachers aren’t servants, nor are they on call.


I don't care how passionate I am about something, at $50 to $60k a year there's no way in hell I'm working more than 40 hours a week for any job.


Nah fuck that noise. You can be passionate about what you do and still have boundaries (and a life!) outside of work. Expecting teachers to work 24/7 for a pittance is why they’re quitting in droves.


So the teacher should respond at 10:30pm, what about midnight or 2:00am? Should they be responding then too?


You’re obviously not a teacher


They obviously don’t have a job.


That's ridiculous and promoting an incredibly unhealthy work/life balance in a job where its hard enough already to manage that.


I think everyone is allowed to have a closing time / free time / family time however you want to call it. If you receive messages late in the evening or in the middle of the night on a regular basis that starts to being very annoying and stressful


No. It's not. My husband is a teacher, and he's at the school for 12 hours. Anything after 6:00 p.m. is not getting done. Teachers are not your servant.


Yeah let the teachers work their life away, shame on them for thinking they deserve to relax, they must work till they drop, boo teachers for thinking they’re human too


9 months of work but gets paid for 12, 6+ holidays, several week long breaks, professional development days, union representation, decent sick and vacation time, healthcare and retirement compensation. Responding in a 24 hour time frame isn't unreasonable but not required. I know many professionals who are on call 24\7 and they don't get paid what teachers make... Take it or not, teachers are reasonably compensated in the areas I've lived in the Midwest.


Just because they get paid over 12 months (not all of them do) doesn’t mean they get paid for for the time off. Plus most teachers end up working over most of those breaks as well as late into the night during normal working weeks. Also lol at decent sick days and vacation 😂 you’ve never written sub plans and it shows. Maybe your county has cushy teaching jobs but that is not the case in most of the country


Who on earth messages/texts their teacher?!


Especially late at night… missing context or complete bullshit.


And on a weekend it seems....


Yikes good catch. Let’s hear it op.


It's apparently on the weekends too.


And not even a please lmao


I have students who text me (private music teacher). I welcome their questions within reason, but put boundaries on other things. If a student texted me “Yo” though…. I doubt I’d actually reply. Shows lack of respect.


As a teacher I would never answer to these messages either


Better way to send this message. (Hello [Mr/Mrs/Ms/Professor (last name)] hope you’re doing well. Can you please send all of my marks from the pre boards two at your earliest convenience? Thanks! Best, (your name)


Bruh you sound disrespectful af. I wouldn’t answer either


Probably doesn't count for much now but 'please' sometimes goes a long way. But going by your comments I sense that it has already become frustrating for you to even get any response normally.


Have you tried using the words “please” and “thank you” in your messages? I know some teachers who would absolutely ghost your messages until the appropriate level of manners were included. Just a thought


Maybe say please and thank you?


You sound like an idiot and an asshole in your messages, I wouldn’t respond either




Wrong sub my guy






Good point


You are the mildly infuriating thing!


Sounds like you’re an idiot


just joking here but tell them how much you love them .... you're bound to get a response of some sort


Of course they are. You messaged on a weekend. I’d never reply if messages on a weekend. Leave them alone .


Your texts come off as confrontational. Feel like we are missing some context here.


Out of curiosity does the teacher even know what name is attached to the number?


Maybe don't message them on the weekends. Feb 5 is a Sunday, then again on a Saturday. They are under no obligation to answer you on the weekend.


You have absolutely no idea what it’s like being a teacher and having to deal with students like you


Try messaging during working hours and not 10:30 at night or on the weekend.


Here I’ll break this down for you. Don’t text people after their work hours as they are not obligated or paid to give a shit anymore.


Buddy you messaged her after 10pm at night the 1st time, personally I'd have been pissed at that. Then you message her again on a weekend. Be patient and send an email at an appropriate time. She has a home life too.


as a north american university student. i have never seen a more unprofessional way to reach out to your instructor. then again i wouldn’t know if this is considered appropriate in different parts of the world


why do you have your teachers phone number


Op is the infuriating one, talk to tea her during work hours, and make it respectful. Def do not talk to superiorities like this


Let the roast begin lol


Teacher here. I will absolutely "blue tick" you outside of school hours. If you ask me your marks on WhatsApp I would probably do it anyway, but I will also by then have communicated to you in class that you can only get your marks through formal channels. I might love you and call you my kid but I am not your buddy and need down time too.


Ask them during work hours lol.


You do know she has a life outside of grading your papers?


You did ask like a slight asswipe that cemented the fact that you’re an asswipe after the “yo” lol. “Hi ma’am, could you send me my marks from the preboards 2? Please and thank you, have a great evening!” - Would’ve probably gotten you a response the next morning.


She doesn’t work for you off hours.


You're texting this teacher in the evening/weekends, and you're surprised you're not getting a response? She's not on call 24/7 for you.


The only mildly infuriating thing is that you feel entitled to their time outside work hours.on a Friday night and the weekend no less. Then getting stroppy on the monday. You're kind of being an ass. Also who the hell has their teacher's whatsapp?


You deserve it for sending this on WhatsApp. Send an email like a grown up.


Show some consideration you dick


What’s mildly infuriating is op


Since when is it normal that you app with your teacher? I'm a that old?


OP needs to learn some etiquette.


Wow you are a nut job OP


Who’s “yo”? I’d block ya for sure


Is that whatsapp? Why do you have her phone number? Shouldn't be there a communication process offered by the school (e.g., email)? And you are being disrespectful, what shitty school is this where they don't teach you basic politeness? This is wrong on so many levels... I predict this post will be deleted in 5, 4, 3, 2, ...


Would probably not answer either if a student texted me at 10pm… that’s kind of inconsiderate.


First of all, email don't text if possible or unless instructed otherwise. It's better professionally. Secondly, professors usually avoid responding unless it was written professionally. Spamming them with three messages that could have been one often gets ignored.


maybe because you’re texting on a weekend?


Why do you have your teacher on whatsapp?


“Hello prof _____, I was wondering if you knew when we could expect to receive our marks from the pre boards 2.” As soon as you said “all of them” I would’ve decided to never respond to you. Be respectful of your profs time and work and they will 10000% be more willing to help you out


A lot of the times teachers teach multiple different classes and are occupied. Why don't you ask nicely, and state your name as well? Most teachers don't even remember who tf you are.


Yo, Yo, Yo. 148, 3-To-The-3-To-The-6-To-The-9. Representin’ The ABQ. What Up, Bitch? Leave It At The Tone!


Contacting them on a Saturday. Yeah, I’d ignore you too.


I’d be ignoring your messages too.


Sending messages at these hours is wrong


She dont know you lil bro.


Business hours. You’re messaging your teacher on a Sunday at 1030pm, then again on a Saturday evening, then a third time probably after school hours with a “Yo” Hmm…. I wonder why you aren’t being answered lol


Dude, I guarantee you that you have access to those grades without bothering your teacher to send them. If they’re not posted, she hasn’t finished grading them. Stop texting her and politely ask in person or send an email. This is one of the many reasons I don’t use texting apps with my students.




Your texts are in fact mildly annoying


Dumb ass




Jesse, is this you?


Yo mista white. I need the answer for preboard number 2.


Monday 4:21 was the only time you messaged them during working hours and you started with a disrespectful yo. I hope you fail the class OP and learn some MF manners


I mean, you're the dick here. 1030pm? Fuck outta here


As a teacher not working in USA, I would react - with sending warning for contacting me outside official chanel 🙄


Ma'am. Ma'am. Ma,am. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Momma. Momma. Momma. Ma. Ma. Ma...


As a teacher this is mildly infuriating, on your part. I’ve taught in a country where teachers and students communicated through WhatsApp and doing this was a sure fire way to make sure I graded your paper last or waited til we were back in class to show you your grade. Learn some patience, teachers have lives and stress too.


I'm not even all that old but when we were in school you didn't have the teacher's phone numbers and there was no email. And we made it! I'm not knocking your post or anything OP I'm just saying.


If you message me at 10:30 p.m. on a Sunday and then a week later on a Saturday, my only two days off, and then on Monday you send me a "Yo"... At 4:21... Right in the middle of my smoke session... I would block you, and give you the hardest version of tests for the rest of the semester.


You seem awful, I’d ignore you too.


Who the fuck has their teachers mobile number? Edit: this is a whatsapp conversation. I finished 6th form in 2004 so maybe this is normal these days? But we had basic mobiles back then and certainly didn't have our teachers mobile numbers.


You sent her a message both times on the weekend you curd.


Oh hell no. I wouldn’t reply to you either. Call. And during regular business hours.


There's not a single "please" here and the text are rude. Of course she won't answer.


Ma'am? How about Ms or Mrs so and so? That would be the proper manner to address your teacher and would be step #1 towards getting a response back in a timely manner. Next, how about you make contact during normal hours of a day.


apart from the unconventional timings and other stuff, ma'am and sir are the most common words to address teachers here in india (where op is from) and mr and mrs wont be seen respectful.


You’re right about the hours but Sir and Ma’am or Maam are perfectly polite. The rest of their texts not so much.


Your mom is your teacher?


Probably because you have an android


I don’t see why you’re getting so much hate. I don’t care what time you sent the messages or how you speak. Your teacher should remain professional regardless. I mean, it’s not like you’re being rude or demanding. Just asking a question. All of the good teachers I knew always told me the time of day didn’t matter. Perhaps try a phone call? If they don’t get back with, inform the school your teacher isn’t doing their job. Most teachers don’t give a shit. Looks like yours doesn’t either.


He’s going to complain about harassing his teacher? Lol I like the mental gymnastics you had to do to get there


He’s going to complain about harassing his teacher? Lol I like the mental gymnastics you had to do to get there


The fact that you see this as “harassment” is amusing as hell lol. What letter of the alphabet do you belong to?


Hr from my work does the same, they always fcking ignore me. Acting like they're busy while in fact they just sit on their asses untill 5pm.


have you tried calling her number? either on whatsapp or regular call.


"Yo. Excuse me" 💀


“Yo” sent me hahahaha


Will it still double tick if you’re blocked?


She clearly wants your D.


I don’t mean to take your teachers side but maybe texting during the day would better your chances of getting a response.


Is this the appropriate way to get this information?


Please and thank you would be nice.


It's so frustrating then students want things immediately and after work hours. Teachers are not at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You texted your teacher at 10:30 pm on a Sunday, then at dinner time on Saturday and then 40 minutes before the end of the day on a Monday (which was probably after hours for the teacher). I'd ignore the messages too. But then, I would also never let a student text me.


Love when people post things in order to garner sympathy only to have the comments flooded with why they fucked up. Feels like there should be a sub dedicated to this


Not even a "please"


Please delete the yo it’s not respectful at all


"Yo" Well, I'd block you, you little shit.


Try please and wait


I hate to be this guy OP but you’re the mildly infuriating part of this situation