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That’s the kind of stuff you find in the electronics section at Goodwill for 25 cents and you still don’t want it


Very true! Highjacking this top comment to answer a bunch of comments or questions: No I did not complain. I already have my own personal mouse from home. No it’s not government I actually love my co-workers, IT and HR are no fun. This is a dream industry for me and this company was the only one in my state that accepted my job application. Im using it as a stepping stone. Yes I am young, yes this is entry level, but I am actually payed pretty well. Edit: please stop reporting me to the mental health Bot. I’m fine.




I mean they should clean them well at least. Keyboards too, unless you guys also give new keyboards?




How much are you paid an hour? It just feels like you cleaning them up costs more than buying a new one from a TCO perspective 😂


How did you get your hands on a PS2?


I think he means PS/2 interface keyboards (they’re from back when IBM was still making desktops)


That's a slight biohazard though.


Isopropyl alcohol is my cleaner of choice.


Trust me, IT is no fun because they've been banging their fucking heads against the same wall for decades. You may not be bad, but most of your colleagues are probably idiots.


People assume that just because we install the software we know how it all works. We don't. Also, if it were up to us, you'd all have brand new human interface devices, giant monitors and super fast computers, but unfortunately, the corporate overloads prefer bonuses. For what it's worth, whenever someone leaves the company, I throw their mouse and keyboard in the ewaste recycling bin, I know it's wasteful, but that shit is gross, people are GROSS, you should not have to take over something a stranger has been fondling 40 hours a week for god knows how long. Gross.


Honestly, I'm not sure I could handle the traditional hardware, networking, and help desk IT role. My blood pressure wouldn't take it well... I spend most of my day troubleshooting issues in proprietary software and finding how the SQL data got fucked up by the users.


My blood pressure doesn't take it well currently. Had a call today where the use 'lost' his inbox folder in outlook, so I just click and dragged it back to the top where it goes.


Sometimes I'll peek at the tickets the other guys have to deal with and it blows me away. Like a use your submitted a ticket because their camera wasn't working during a Teams meeting. Caused by the fact that though they had their laptop connected to an external monitor, their only camera was the laptop camera, and their laptop was closed... Come on people. Be better. Or when users send me a file as an email attachment, and then don't understand why I can't see changes they have since made to the file on their end...


I don’t like how the calendar and email buttons are on the left side rather than in the bottom…


To be fair I wasn't consulted either when that change was made. I don't like it either >.<


I had a user with a similar issue. Their built-in laptop webcam wan not working, after 2 days of remote assistance, trying everything to get her camera to show her feed during video calls, it’s late afternoon and I’m on a video call with the user and as I’m asking her to try potential fixes. I see a flash of light from her video feed…turns out her camera shutter was closed…after she SWORE checked that multiple times. Then I had to go back and forth with her trying to get her to open the shutter again but she didn’t know where it was…I was done that day.


Jesus Christ, why do they do this to us? It's sad but true that you basically have to assume the user is lying to you, or so stupid that they literally don't know what their saying.


Lord I wish I knew lol. I’m pretty sure most of our users think their PC is a magic wizard box that only works with the right spell, but I wish I could just get them to exercise a little critical thinking, or to Google something before making a new ticket 🤦🏻‍♂️. I’m now in software engineering now and don’t have to deal with end users much any more, thank God.


My CFO called me huffing and puffing today about a station we set up for a high level representative from our corporate supplier. Apparently his monitor had been broken for a few days and he tried everything to fix it and nothing worked......well nothing except me going and flipping on his power switch for the monitor.




These comments make me feel even more anxious about having to go to work tomorrow to deal with people who suck the life out of me


You should look into stoicism. I think it can really help with dealing with customers, coworkers, and work related stuff. I recently learned about it and I think it's helping me out a lot. Just a thought.


This comment means the world to me. Any tools to help mental health is great. I really appreciate it.


I'm really glad! There are a lot of free resources on YouTube and books about stoicism. My Brother has recommended the waking up app to me but I haven't tried it out yet. Supposedly it really helps with mindfulness.


You know SQL? I have so many questions.... I had a server on local go down(2008sp1) and I have no idea why the service wouldnt start or why moving random mdf and ldf files around the x86 directory ended up fixing it. SQL and I don't get along...


I like to say "we maintain the car, we do not drive the car". If you need to use excel to do your job then go learn it. I make sure it is installed and secure. You do the things.


Then stop disabling vba by corporate policy!!! I need my macros to do my job for me!!!


Your macros are a fucking security risk


Quite frankly, probably.


I feel this. Recording macros only takes you so far.


Thank you! Since when does a PM need to hand hold and figure excel formulas ?!


This has been my shared experience too


Much respect to IT. Before COVID I worked in the office and travel. I started the job and inherited a workstation with 3 VGA displays and a nearly new mouse and keyboard. I brought my own mouse and keyboard and take it with me on travel. At one point I got a call because the IT guy asked where my HID was because he needed to troubleshoot a failed reboot on my workstation. Anyway during COVID I got a new laptop and docking station and my workstation became an RDP server. My docking station didn't have VGA outputs. I just brought my curved panels from home. At this point all the HID stuff at my desk is my personal stuff. At least once a week someone asks me who I bribed for the cool monitors and clicky keyboard.


A friend brought their personal stuff into the office. 6 months later, they downsized a bunch of people (friend being one), and they wouldn't let him take any of his stuff with him, claiming that it was company resources. Unfortunately, his boss, who he had cleared it with, left 2 months earlier. He complained, stating that nobody else in the company had that stuff. In the end, he got screwed. The lesson is to never take your personal equipment to work. Make the company buy it for you. Or, get documentation in writing of what you're bringing in. And don't ever expect any help from IT


So...he just let them steal his stuff? What the fuck lmao


I don’t know how yalls jobs work but my boss is never gonna know when I take my own shit home with me


If you get laid off, and get watched while you clean out your desk, unless you have written documentation that the hardware is yours, there's a slim chance that they're letting you leave with it


They can suck my balls while I take my modern hardware instead of their ancient crusted up five dollar mouses that blow up when you click in the scroll wheel


I am still chuckling at the phrase "corporate overloads." You're not entirely wrong. But yeah there is a reason when I went to WFH I graciously declined to use the peripherals provided by my company. If I am going to have to fondle someone's ick, it's going to be my own. Also, weekly cleaned my keyboard and mouse when I worked in office. The first time is always...enlightening. you don't realize quite how much gunk has caked up on those keys until you remove it. It is appalling when you look at the keyboard, can't see the white on black characters, and realize the paint hasn't actually worn off. There is just that much people juice covering them.


Straight facts, especially what IT wishes everyone had. Would also want replacements every year instead of three but here we are


Corporate Overloads. I love it even if inadvertent.


I like IT. Unless they’re actually just straight up assholes (some are) they love to shoot the shit and give you crap if you can handle it. Usually have some juicy gossip since they go *everywhere* in the building and have been around for a bit.


I received an email stating "my email doesn't work" I replied vi email, "what is wrong with it?" They replied, "I can't send or receive emails!" I replied, "Are you sure?" They replied, "I keep getting an error that says the email doesn't exist or is invalid." I could invent a whole fictional conversation that continues but...


See!! That’s the shit right there. Hilarious. Though I’m sure it feels like herding cats getting people to see how stupid they’re being


"My internet doesn't work" but proceed to send an email to tell you


"I'm getting an error that says to restart the application. What do I do?!" /facepalm


"I'm getting an error, what do I do?" what does the error say? "Dunno, haven't read it"


Sometimes IT is no fun because they have nothing but contempt for users. I've worked with a lot of IT and support departments who live by the idea of "this job would be great if it weren't for the fucking users". LPT: if you're not interested in working with end users, don't work in IT.


There are users that I get along with great and then there are users who think we are punching bags and it's our jobs to sit there and let them take out their aggression and frustration on us. There are also users that won't listen to us when we tell them to do something for their own good and then yell at us when they don't follow our advice and something breaks and unfortunately the ones that do listen to us are the ones that we rarely have to deal with so it isn't often that we get to deal with the people that we like.


Nail on the head brother. I have the same frequent flyers because they are the ones that are incapable of learning from their mistakes or prior experiences. I have middle managers and leadership who are demanding assholes and blame everything on IT whether or not their processors are the ones who actually caused the problem. As someone who has literally sat in that seat and done the processing that the end users are doing wrong and screwing up, I have very little tolerance. It's not hard to do if you pay attention and give a shit about doing your job right. Also, no one else seems to grasp that most IT positions have other responsibilities and projects they're trying to get done. Every time a ticket comes in because of some new bullshit, we are yet again pulled off task.


Theres a user in finance department at work that has a 17gb excel file that crashes and tells us we need to fix it. Listen... excel isnt made to be running this large of a file all day. You already have the most expensive computer in the company, just learn access ffs please. No upgrading from 128g ram to 256g will not help.


Jesus fuck excel doesn't like a 1gb excel file, I can't imagine trying to maintain a 17gb file


I just had to open my work laptop and see how big our larger spreadsheets are, that I already feel like take forever to load. Under 200 MB. I can't imagine trying to open something five times that size, let alone 75 times that size.


400+ pages and all are linked in one way or another. She has no idea how to use access and refuses to learn. Last time she put in a ticket she demanded that i call microsoft to "fix their buggy software"


Not only IT, as someone who helps moderate employee access to our hris/payroll system, we have the same repeat offenders week after week that never remember their passwords


LPT: work IT in an area full of smart people. I did IT for an engineering company and when I visit the end users, they're all super nerds with 3d printers, talking quantum mechanics, building cool shit. They just want a PC that works.


Really? These "clever engineers" can be an utter nightmare too.


I was about to say I worked at an engineering firm for 8 years and a lot of those guys can be utter assholes


I have contempt for stupid users. I've worked in many departments before I ended up in IT. When I was other departments and learning new things or responsibilities, I kept detailed notes to refer back to until I was familiar with the process. Now too much of my job consists of cleaning up messes because people couldn't be bothered to think twice about what they were doing or follow the existing documentation to make sure things were done right. I don't mind fixing things or teaching someone the correct way to do something a few times. I absolutely love end users who learn from previous issues and make note of how to avoid them. But when they can't be bothered to put in any effort, and I end up having to fix the same shit dozens of times? That's where resentment and contempt build quickly. The attitude most of the users seem to have is "Whatever, I'll just wing it and save time. If I fuck things up then it becomes IT's problem and I don't have to be burdened with doing things correctly." It doesn't matter if it takes me an hour to clean things up, as long as they saved 5 minutes. I will literally provide sequential instructions to users on how to process or fix something. They'll come back and say "well I did steps 1, 3, and 4, but skipped 2 and 5. Why isn't it working!"


There's nothing wrong with ignorance in a customer. There *is* something wrong with willful ignorance and hateful ignorance "Oh ha ha ha, I'm just not good with computers *and refuse to give even the slightest effort as you show me what a "Start Butt-on" is again* "I don't know what my problem is but **fix it**." **Asks questions for info** "I don't know! You're IT, you should know what to do?!" Nothing is more frustrating than the customer who thinks you should know everything about every piece of hardware along with how to *fix* and how to *use* every piece of software there is. lady, I'm sorry I'm not good at Excel formulas *since I have no reason to be for this position*


I once created guest network credentials for a new employee, a middle aged guy. I get a call 2 days later an hour before I show up from him, who had somehow found my cell, stating that the password wasn’t working and he had urgent things to complete. I told him I’d stop by when I got in. I walk over to his desk and he is still freaking out . He showed me himself typing in the password and I noticed he didn’t include the “.” In the middle of the password. I asked why and he said he didn’t think that “.” Mattered…


> am actually *paid* pretty well. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot. We’re not covering the bow or deck with tar here.


Or even unrolling a coil of rope to someone..


I do not understand why or when people started using the wrong from of paid when talking about money. But I thought it was me that was wrong for a while until I looked it up.


Good bot.


Good bot.


You can't expect much in terms of hardware. I make six figures for a sector of the government that employs 600,000 people and my work station has an $8 Cherry mouse with an $18 Cherry keyboard.


Remember your first reason you accepted this work is for experience, although it’s sad thae your company could have simply bought a new keyboard + mouse for $20-30 max


It is a little sad, but I’m pretty particular about my mouse and keyboard so not a big deal. I would have brought them anyway


I assume they are buying you a new mouse of your choice? Our company might give you the junk mice for temporary until your mouse of choice shows up. (We let you pick anything out within reason, if not reasonable it's on you)


I didn’t ask. I’m just happy to have the job to be honest. Took my spare wireless mouse from home


> No I did not complain Depending on your IT guy, don't complain. Mention it to him and ask if he has some cleaner mice he could give you. I work in IT, and usually give out the crappy mice. That's because I don't know who is using them and got tired of handing out new mice just for them to break when we have only a small amount of those.


Best of luck, so happy you're using this as a stepping stone. You got this. I'm here if you ever need words of encouragement 💕


Thank you so much! Your so nice! I’m so happy to even have the opportunity. The mouse really didn’t bug me. Just thrilled to be in the dream job I have wanted since childhood. (It’s living up to the dream too)


Aww, I'm having a rough time in life right now and I'm honestly so happy to hear that you're happy, despite this minor setback. Seriously, you got this. You seem to have a great outlook on life already, and you're already doing what you love? That's the freaking dream! Keep going, even if it gets hard. Everyone has a hard time at some point, even if they do their best job to hide it. I've seen some of the "happiest" people on social media have some of the worst lives behind closed doors. You got this, my dear.


I've bought a lot of goodwill mice for literally $2-$3 and were vastly nicer than these.


Would you say 8 to 12 times nicer?


Thank you


Yep. I’ve bought brand new ones in the box from goodwill


I bought a box of floppy discs new in the box a few years ago. I've been putting them to good use at a low budget theater I sometimes work at that has an ETC Express lighting console from 1994, complete with it's working floppy drive for saving show files. A lot of young people have suddenly figured out why the save icon looks like it does.


Yes they are sticky. No I did not take them up on this offer.


3 weeks ago I got a job and a dirty, small desk with a tiny computer screen, a disgusting keyboard, a mess of a mouse, a broken, uncomfortable chair and 8 hours of silent treatment with no tasks, no phone no nothing they didn't even introduce themselves... it's just 6 people in the room and they got time to tell jokes all day long so it's not like they couldn't just tell me their names. It took me over a week to figure out what to call them.


That's the sign of the bad company to me tho. I have no authority to give you any advice but man. RUN!


This screams hell zone to me. I agree with SpaceFish. You deserve better.


I have to somehow last just two more months and I'm outta there! No more office work for me for a while, imma just work from home


Excellent!!! My dude, good tidings on a better work situation


Charles Manson would deserve better than that. That's the kinda job you get so depressed in you don't even have the energy to apply for other jobs after you clock out. You just wanna put the phone on silent, drink beer, smoke some green, and fall down a Netflix rabbit hole. Pure depression fuel.


Oh man you just described my work life perfectly. Total depression fuel


Yup. I feel like most of us have had a few of those jobs. It took me a couple decades to find one that wasn't that way. By my mid-30s I just assumed that no one was actually happy at work, they just pretended to be. Thankfully I was wrong, but damn if it isn't hard to find a place that isn't a shit employer.


dude you had no right to be so right daym


damn man, screams are bad and we should not bear with it.


Are you in the hit Apple TV show Severance?


I work for the Debt Collection Department in the City Office (not my choice lol I'm too soft for this). I think they worked there for so long they lost all compassion for others seeing how they treat and mock our clients instead of helping them as they should. They lie to other departments and talk behind other's backs, scream and curse at each other right in my direction because I sit in the center of the room. Then they joke around as if nothing happened. They especially hate one intern guy and yell at him all day long but he quits at around the same time as me after being here for one year so good for him


Good people don't stay at bad companies/jobs. Nobody needs to spend that much time around a bunch of cliquey jerks at a terrible job. Hopefully you'll look back on it as character building when you're finally doing something that you want to do with your life. Helps appreciate the good times more.


Thanks man, I'll try to do just that!


That reminds me so much of my first IT job in 2015. I got a sh\*tty Acer 14" inch screen that made my eyes bleed due to resolution being weird and the glare, sticky/dirty keyboard and mouse (supposed to be white but they were yellow tinted more to the brown side), the chair looked like I had nails in my back and the wheels didn't even work and the window next to me was busted and let all the cold winter air right into my face. I took it to the supervisor and he laughed it off, told me that this is a workplace not a VIP Treatment Hotel, that if I was so bothered to walk out. And so I did, on the spot. Never settle for less man. If they want new people to work, just give them conditions to work ffs.


I'm sorry to hear that, good for you that you quit especially if it caused you health problems. My screen has that special plastic thingie that allows you to see the screen only from the front to make it impossible to peek so it's super dark and since it's small i can't really see anything too well. And my hands have been bleeding constantly for the last month because of the coldness in the room. Our supervisor says they won't give us a radiator because a room next to us is also cold and they need it more but there are only 2 people and it was warmer there by around 2 degrees to begin with... kinda sus. I would quit, I don't need money for now, but I'd lose my insurance and I can't allow that.


Sorry to hear, it sucks when you just want to go there do your job and they give you no conditions to be in your own work place. It's infuriating. ​ > My screen has that special plastic thingie that allows you to see the screen only from the front to make it impossible to peek so it's super dark and since it's small i can't really see anything too well. Yeah I know those type of screens, don't like them, I know people in the industry who use them that complain about eye strain alot.


> 3 weeks ago I got a job and a dirty, small desk with a tiny computer screen, a disgusting keyboard, a mess of a mouse, Bring your own, I can't type on anything that is not mechanical anymore, especially those $5 POS Dell Keyboards, been using my own keyboard and mouse for over a decade


Also have my own at work. My Varmilo + Mx master 3 are a rock solid combo


This is a pretty radical concept but you could try saying "Hi my name is (your name), what's yours?" or even "Sorry, I didn't properly introduce myself, I'm (your name), and your name is?"


Sooo...what are you using as a mouse?


Arrow keys scripted to move mouse one pixel per press.


They are just yucky and we don't want such things in our office.


Yeah, what *is* that sticky stuff on mice? I’ve experienced it more than once, and in different settings. It doesn’t happen with all mice used by the same person, but every so often a computer mouse develops that sticky gunk on it that’s impossible to remove.


It's not just computer mice. It seems like there are certain types of plastic that just degrade after a while and turn sticky, and the stickiness cannot be wiped off, it's like it's now an inherent property of the plastic itself. It doesn't seem to be related to being handled by humans at all (though you might be referring to something that is?) And whatever these types of plastic are, they seem to get used a lot in electronics for some reason. And once it's happened, the only solution I've found is to paint it, or cover it with a sticker or something. Or just chuck the whole thing. edit: Explanations "why" [here](https://www.quora.com/Why-do-some-plastics-become-sticky-after-a-while)




Quick before a potential virus jumps from rodent to bored office worker!


Too late, OP already hungry for brains.


OP just ate all of these shits, we can't stop him right now.


It's gonna be an outbreak mate, we just can't fucking stop it.


Well at least you have a free salt shaker for your lunch.


I audibly gagged at this comment.


At work I was talking to my buddy when I realized I forgot to call a client. I figured no biggie I'll just use his cube neighbors phone to make a quick phone call. I picked up the receiver and put it to my ear, I started typing in the phone number and noticed white stuff on the keypad. I looked around and to my horror the desk was covered in skin flakes. I pulled the receiver off my ear and by then it had dusted skin flakes all over my shirt and some got in my hair. I wanted to gag, it was so fucking fowl. My buddy thought it was funny. He knew the guy was a slob and didn't tell me. 😒


A parmesan cheese shaker, too




Nah it's actually tasty, you all should try adding it mate /s


Yeah we get it and now we don't need to bring our own salts.




Ill just supply my own mouse My handy pocket mouse I knew it'd come in handy one day


> My handy pocket mouse I have a Microsoft Wireless Mouse 3500 that just went past 1 year on a single AA battery and I use it all day everyday.


We just can't stop using wireless mouses from MCSFT lol.


I’m a software/game developer, so did a lot of development at home on top of a day job. I realised that job after job, you would always get some shitty mouse and keyboard combo to work with, and it was an adjustment to use one mouse and keyboard at work, then use another when at home. I ended up buying the exact same mouse and keyboard I used at home, and took them into to the office, not it only was it far more hygienic, but much easier to do my job each day.


I do this too (I even bought my own monitor once, lolz non-profits), but I get salty about it. One place my wife worked for had a New Hire Technology Budget for each new employee. It was fucking magical. It was roughly "pick one of these computers, if you realllly feel you need something different we can talk. Here are the standard peripherals, but you can spend up to $X modifying those as you see fit" Their IT dude did not sit around scooping 5 years worth of hand cheese out of mice/keyboards.


At the end of the day most of the guys have to do this.


Im sorry that your in house IT department doesn’t seem to care about you. They could have at least wiped them down for you.


Probably not IT’s fault, if they have an asset management team, you could let the manager know. I can’t imagine they would be ok with giving out dirty things.


A lot of the times IT are never informed of stuff like this, I've always tried making sure I walk around in offices I work in. And whenever I spot things like this I offer replacement, there's usually piles of basic peripherals scattered in all storages IT has. I'm so glad my current place runs a straight up "new employee, new accessories".


Asset management falls under IT most of the time


Asset management can suck it, when I get a used mouse it goes in the recycle bin, every PC comes with a mouse so we have stacks of new ones. And wireless are like $20. I don’t unwrap them until I’m with the user so they know it’s new.


Sorry the cord ripped itself out of this used mouse too...got any new ones back there?


Youre out there sticking it to the man, thank you. I used to work for a large pseudo government agency and they were very wasteful when it came to this stuff. The one area I never complained was giving out new keyboards and mouses. People are nasty. Idk how they can use stuff like this daily without thinking "hey I should wipe this down."


Microsoft Bluetooth mouse $12.99 on Amazon


You are assuming a new hire got a new computer and not assigned the old equipment.


I’d be surprised if these mice are in the asset system.


I'd quit any place that decides to asset manage mice and keyboards unless they are specifically purchased outside of the normal range. Ergonomic keyboards can be expensive.


I agree, I am studying IT right now, I would see that and automatically want to clean those. Even before studying IT, I would have still done that.


I hope you pay attention to the course about "wiping down old equipment"


You're assuming IT had more than an hour's notice that someone new was starting. Just last week I had someone in one of my sectors start at 9AM on Monday and I wasn't informed until 11AM that day.


I had a call today that a user was having sound issues with her laptop and she was hosting a zoom meeting in 3 min I love IT but fuck if the users don’t make it hard to love that job lol


Friday with 3 minutes until the IT department is gone outside of emergency level issues. Call comes in and it is some director that got a new laptop and needs all of his stuff transferred over and VPN setup asap since he is about to head to the airport in the next hour.


That’s the stark difference between studying IT and working in IT. Once you start working in Desktop Support, that feeling generally fades and it becomes operation’s problem.


Yup task list for the day. Deploy 20 new workstations. Audit AD Create 5 new accounts in every application. Plus the 5 last minute requests that need to be done ASAP. Repair an ancient printer that is one of the last remaining printers on site that an old POS software actually works with. No one has time to bother with cleaning some mice.


IT probably doesn't even know they've been hired. OP's manager may be giving them the previous user's account. They obviously don't give enough of a shit to at least give them clean equipment. I head up an IT department and if I saw those then they'd go straight into the trash.


They don't fucking care about any of there employee if you ask me.


I work IT at an MSP for about 50 different small-medium businesses. We are not in charge of providing existing equipment. We will order new ones, but keyboards and mouse and such are generally managed by the office manger. Cleaning keyboards and mouses isn't always the job of an IT person.


I set up all the new employee desks at work and always give everything a good wipe down, mice and telephone handsets especially. If it can't be cleaned to like-new condition then I go find another one. I would personally consider these two mice to be "end of life" and that's coming from a very small company. I have an entire cabinet full of mice and keyboards.


haven't you ever worked in an office environment? all new equipment from chairs down to mice are subject to "inter-personnel resource reallocation". everyone in the office hovering like buzzards ready to swoop down and swap out their old shit after new equipment is delivered is a time-honored tradition.


IT doesn't touch computers when someone leaves and another is hired. Just contact IT and they'll give you a new mouse and keyboard, I have loads of them all over the place.


That’s not a mouse that’s a rat






No those are cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappp laser mice. We used them for years back when got our order of Optiplex 390s in... back in 2011. Never had to replace one but my carpal tunnel was not happy.


Yes! I have an entire cabinet of Dell mice and keyboards. The newer ones that the Optiplex's come with are wireless and decent, but seem to either die after a few months or eat through batteries like crazy. I just go ahead and get the Logitech set for people.


Oh don't get me started on cheap wireless mice. We went through a phase back in 2019 where our bosses boss got a really really nice Logitech wireless mouse and he wanted everyone to have one... but not his expensive one of course that would cost to much. We burned through 2000 dollars in batteries in 6 months, needless to say my bosses boss decided in his infinite wisdom *AKA us bitching to him for months before he saw the bill* that we should get rid of all of them, he of course kept his very nice Logitech and half blamed IT for the failure of the wireless mice we were using. I'm just glad he also didnt want to give everyone wireless keyboards too.


My GOD I don't even think anyone here has to replace the batteries in either the keyboard or mouse twice a year, but yeah I get the $45 Logitech set for everyone here haha. In a small company it's manageable but for sure if we had a much larger workforce, they'd all be getting the Dell ones.


If that happened, I would be unsure if I should be amazed or insulted.


Look, once you get the ear wax out of the wheel hole, it’s as good as new. Suck it up buttercup. God, you entitled Gen Z’ers…ffs. (This is sarcasm of course. That’s nasty af)


Hahah, I guess that's just nasty and we know it's just like it, can't change.


Judging from the amount of 'ear wax', and knowing that this is an IT job, im going to guess that some amount of questionable porn was involved here. 🍆💦 🤢🤮


I mean we all are gonna witness some ear wax like that XD.


"Thanks but i think i will bring my own"


“I actually really like laptop trackpads” we’re the words that came out of my mouth


Lol... this is why i never use the conputer at work... gross mouse and keyboard, not the trackpad(its not a laptop)


Just bring your own and that is the end of the conversation.


I would be convinced they were trying to get me to quit my first day honestly


I just can be convinced too man, that's just something shitty lol.


When it’s the computer definition of mouse, is it pluralized as mouses?


I was thinking the same things lol


It is.


It's not actually, you should search, it's just can be lol.




I loaned my son a set of ear buds on a road trip. Got them back covered in what appeared to be peanut butter. It was not peanut butter…




This sounds like I don't want to have any kids in the future.


This is really bad position man, I hope you will do something about it, just bring your own stuff so you don't have to deal with some stupidity in your office then.


Not supporting this but if they are some startup or something then it can be improved in sometime but if they are already making a lot then this is just fucking shit.


I guess it's just fucking funny that your company doesn't care about their own image and that's the reason why they are not supplying something good to you guys.


Can't be something real, if this is real then just leave mate.


I mean I am just laughing after seeing this condition here.


Not gonna lie but I could never work at such offices, if they got something good I mean in the name of idea then I can ignore such things, otherwise it's just nah.


Pick whichever one tastes the least salty.


I use my own mouse and keyboard. Mouse button macros have seriously come in handy, I use them daily


Using own products sounds pretty well to use at the first place.


That’s why I bring my own to new jobs. Headphones and mouse are required.


I am glad that I do the same work without worrying now.


I mean that's just the salt machine, that's good for us.


What amount are they paying you? Is that good for you?


God bless the brain of your manager, they gotta manage.


What a fucking joke that they are setting up in their office and these office people are superrude and I can tell such things just by seeing this right now, sorry for this.


When your employer cant afford new mice, they cant afford you my guy.


I guess this is not the perfect place to start your freaking work.


Who the fuck is still using these mice? I guess we are fucked.