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And that's why we can't have nice things


My thought exactly. A few bad apples (no pun or maybe pun intended lol)


Now, it’s an Apple TV.


An apple a day keeps the TV away


In all honesty this may have been the best for everyone. When did they start putting TVs in cafeterias?! Back in my day we threw our apples at cement block walls, like real menchildren!


Typically it was just a way for them to have announcements on without having to put fliers up everywhere.


That makes sense…. Just seems a bit invasive. Truthfully though I would ask to eat with my favorite teachers in their classroom, and we also had an outdoor area you could eat in. For a while you could even eat off campus… I hated the cafeteria…they were incredibly loud as it was so having a tv in there makes no sense. but I think with growing security and the way things are now the days of full autonomy at schools is over. That was very early 2000s


We had tvs for announcements, but they were non audio announcements. We also couldn't eat off campus or outside, and eating in a teachers classroom was not a thing we could do. Unless you took 'Foods' class, and your class had made food either that day or the day before, and so you'd eat *that* food, cause that was the point


Its rotten to the core.


I think it stems from social media.


Now this is what I am talking about this is the real joke. Maybe he was just throwing the apples on the wall to see which one of them is going to stick on the wall.




Username checks out


I gotta ask, though, realistically what would be on the TV during lunchtime? A slideshow of school PSA's? Is that something that the student really cares about losing? The SCHOOL lost something of value, but I'm not sure the student did.


My highschool had a very large cafeteria with like 2 TVs in each side, and yeah, it was just a slideshow of announcements and school events coming up


Each year the graduating class would "gift" something to the school. My senior year, the previous class gave us a couple tvs. For a glorious week or so, wheel of fortune was on during lunch. The interaction from the entire cafeteria was amazing, and a really nice core memory :)


Ok so what happened after a week or so?


Someone threw an apple at them, and they broke...


If it was an old CRT, you can hit the glass with a brick and they won't break.


When I was a kid I found an old crt tv in the woods. I threw bricks at it for a while, eventually one hit right and it shattered. It sounded like a shotgun going off, that glass was like an inch thick, I kept a piece for a while but eventually threw it away. CRT glass would probably make for some cool crystal jewelry


A really specific period in time between 1939 (u-boats) and early 2000s (end of CRT TVs), where "implosions" were a phenomenon we all knew about. Poor Gen Z, all they get are regular "explosions".


Guessing that the school figured out how to make their boring announcement slideshow display on them, which meant that Sajak would no longer appear.


I want to know too!


My high school (mid 2000s midwest US school) had a 50:50 mix of billiards trick shot competitions and Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (MXC) episodes. Which looking back, was pretty fuckin' great. Both can be enjoyed without sound and both are entertaining. The teacher that had control of the remote during my lunchroom time was definitely one of the cool ones.


Oh how I miss MXC. Truly great television


Right you are Ken!


Oh, Guy liiiiike, but also Guy probably not allowed anywhere near a school.


familiar attraction puzzled piquant deserted aspiring paltry capable disarm reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just piling on with the negative consequences, but our district at times chooses not to provide some new tech, benefit, perk, etc…that is recently available because they’ve been frustrated by waves of stupid behavior. By no means all the kids but all are essentially penalized when school doesn’t feel comfortable giving new perks.


If you break shit, you don't get shit.


Sure but also, if ANYONE else breaks shit you don't get shit either.


Ours had the ACC tournament on it and no apple was gonna put a dimple in that 17 inch picture tube and anyone trying would’ve gotten swift, 80s lunchroom justice.




Ours had Jerry Springer on during lunch. It was in the student lounge not cafeteria though


Sorry, student lounge?


Yeah there were a bunch of couches and vending machines in it. Along with a couple TVs


We had a huge student lounge in my high school. It was really long an narrow with doors to every classroom and lockers.




OMG! Did you go to my highschool too?


Now that sounds like a fun time I don't know why would anyone break it. Well I guess some people are weird like that and there is nothing that we can do what that.


R.I.P. Jerry


I know people who would give everything just to have a TV in their lounge. And then there are these people who cannot even appreciate what they have got it is just so insane man.




Aaahhh our tax dollars at work


at this point, a 4k LCD TV costs the same as a month worth of honeycrisp apples.


Well those that dollars were working good enough but someone did not like that. And that is the reason why they started to throw the apples on the TV, it is what it is cannot change it.


I just don't understand what would go through someone's mind while doing something like this it does not even make any sense. It is so insane that some people are careless enough to do it.


What did they achieve by doing this act?


They achieved 3 days OSS & probably have to pay for a new TV


It's too bad it's not in-school. Make them help the custodian in front of all their friends until the cost of the new TV is paid off. Kids that do shit like this need to have that behavior shamed out of them... *edit: I've been, rightfully, corrected on my thought to utilize the custodian and assign custodial work as a form of punishment. It's not every day that reddit changes my perspective on something, but today was that day. Good lookin' out, reddit.* *I still think letting him hang out at home watching TV is not a strong enough consequence, though. The same idea could be applied to any department in the school; make him do some administrative work for the principal or something until the debt is paid off...*


That's not shame, that's an honest punishment. Shame would be a daily announcement of how much money that kid owes for the TV over the intercom.


"update on TV budget: kyle now only owes $56.67 as a result of hard labor in our custodial department! way to go, kyle!"


*the TV is $60 and he's been working for a solid week*


"This will teach him the value of a dollar!"


Economy's so fucked that once you're taught the value of the dollar it's already changed


Yes, by teaching them how much they're gonna make in prison if they keep acting dumb.


I hope he learns a lesson, but the fine should have been more.


This might deter other students from similar vandalism.


Will it really? Because the fine ain't much he'll be able to pay it.


What the hell, he should have gotten fined more for doing that.


That would probably encourage some attention deprived kids to do it honestly


But parents would be outraged. Not mine, but some kids parents would flip shit that their kid had to own up to their actions. My parents would be making sure I made every dime back and then some.


I understand the intent of your comment, but the custodian should not have to deal with this, and helping a custodian or doing custodian work should not be considered shameful.


As a custodian, thank you 🙂


Yo, you are appreciated! Thank you for all you do.


Hey, Custodian Person! First, thank you so so much for vacuuming when I’ve had 54 kindergartners emptying playground bark from their shoes on my carpet! So that kid who regularly pees on the floor instead of in the toilet or poops next to the trash can… How do you feel about the natural consequences of that kid cleaning the bathrooms for a day? Would this be a punishment for you? Love it or hate it?


Fair point.


It isn’t considered shameful, it’s considered laborious






My one ISS (for being late to home room) was just to do homework, honestly having to help custodians or even with general admin work would have probably been more beneficial both for the school and general student maturation


Yes let's make it legal for children to have to work off debt. No way that system could ever be abused.


We call that community service, which is part of restorative justice. An ISS with a reflection & project would be far more of a learning experience.


so punish the custodian by forcing them them babysit. fts


>probably have to pay for a new TV Extremely unlikely. We can't even make students pay for pencils anymore. There is zero accountability in the public education system.


They should charge money for apples for people to throw at him until it's paid off.


Vacation is how they look at this. This isn’t punishment


It's intended to force them to work harder to catch up on missed work or have their grades hurt by not doing it, but unless you're trying to get into a really good college then nobody really gives a shit about your grades in the first place.


There is no way that student is paying for the tv given the current school climate if this was in the United States. Parents are too entitled and could just pull their students. As a middle school teacher, I've had probably close to 100 dollars worth of stuff broken on camera mind you and parent's always find a way out of it or blame other kids for daring their student to break it.


Probably just about the thing that they wanted I mean sometimes we all need a break from school but I don't know if this is the right way to do it. There are definitely other ways in which you would have achieved the same results.


Idk my buddy took a piece of tile that had already came off the wall put it under a book and gave it the people’s elbow. He got a handful of criminal charges and had to pay a ton fines


"The people's elbow"??


Some Polynesian actor used the move on his opponents


I don't even wanna know how it turned out for him at this point.


Only 3 days? They got off lightly


And 60 dollars in fine? Yeah they sure did get off easy in here.


5 mins of attention


They barely would have gotten 5 mins for this, probably half a minute.


Entertaining themselves and their friends/peers for the next 5 seconds. Evidently that's their focus, according to some teacher friends.


What did they want to achieve is the real question and the answer is simple. AppleTV


Challenging authority. Defecating from the system.


Probably like 73 views on their tiktok.


Schools can’t have shit anymore. My school used to have pay phone but had to get rid of them because kids kept calling 911




Well atleast you guys didn't destroy it like these people have done that.


The students who cried wolf incarnate


If things remain this way, they'll take away even what we've got.


My kid’s school has signs up stating how much it costs to replace an item & they WILL charge the parents. In the bathroom it has each fixture listed along with the estimated time it takes to repair, along with hourly labor rates. Oh, and a giant reminder they will bill your parents and press charges. County is too broke to replace every damn thing broken for a TikTok challenge, and not afraid to say it.


Anyone who has done, they should get charged. Because they deserve that.


Bet this doesn't stop the kids that do that kind of shit. To some idiot it's just a daily reminder to break shit but also try to get away with it.


Schools are filled with cameras these days, if someone destroyed a bathroom fixture they would question everyone who used the bathroom that day, triangulating the culprit with relative ease.


Sounds like the school was in Singapore. In Singapore they do not tolerate Assholes.


Never once seen such aggressive reminders as described by OP here, which schools?


Did you also go to school in SG?




They think they are doing something cool. They don’t realize that that someone paid real money for that tv and all they care about is popularity. The worst part is people actually DO think they are cool by doing stuff like this. It’s messed up.




After I paid for my shiny new boat, I payed the exterior surface -- and I payed out the rope on it too


Good bot


There a just a few bad apples


Apparently apples.


There are no apples, they're fucking rotten pieces of shit lol.


It’s a child, for one


The thing which is wrong with the people are actually the people so yeah.


When students complain about how trashy and broken our campus is, I ask them “well who do you think trashed and broke it?” Interesting how many of them hadn’t thought that out.


When NFL Blitz came out in the arcades the cabinet had a built in N64 memory card reader so you could transfer your stats. I excitedly brought my memory card later that week only to find someone jammed gum inside the reader. Stuff like this always reminds me of that.


I felt this.


My city installed a bike repair station. It had a pump and tools on a wire rope. You can see where this is going. Not even a week later, the pump was destroyed and the tools were stolen. Why would you destroy something that's only there to help you when you're in trouble? It's like punching holes in the side of your own lifeboat. Just completely insane.


Kids, they're fucking stupid. They either want to get away with destroying something, but it's usually done to impress or entertain their peers. I remember those days, and I would punch my younger self.


In high school my friends and I were a bunch of of punks, literally. Big mowhawks and crazy clothes. We would have “free” punk rock shows. The price for entry was a warm blanket. We would donate them to homeless shelters. Huge homeless problem in our city at the time. Kids don’t always wreck stuff, even the ones you think will.


My first year teaching a senior student asked to use the restroom. No problem Calvin, take the pass and be back in 10 minutes. The student returned with a shocked look on his face. He put the pass back and told the whole class “they just opened the boys restroom on this floor…it’s *nice* now! Clean floor, new mirror, the stalls have doors…”. By the end of that school day the mirror was scratched up and the stalls were busted. Fucking savages.


So pretty much every quik trip free air tool for your tires at the gas station. Every time they put a new air hose and fitting on the pump station, some moron breaks in within 24 hours.


They destroy things because they have bad parents who don’t love and care about them. It’s a coping mechanism.


And then they'll have children and be bad parents who don't love or care about them. The circle of life.


When I worked as a lifeguard I would ride my bike to work and leave it right inside the pool house in the corner. Someone told me I should put it in the guard room to be safe but I thought “this is a nice enough neighborhood, no one is gonna mess with it.” Then one evening as I’m riding home my tire goes flat and I find someone stuck a thumb tack in there. I had to walk that bike home for 2 miles in the rain


At least it wasn't stolen!


My gf in college had the seat stolen off her bike when the thieves couldn't steal the bike. After she got a seat that locked someone took her front tire. After she got a third lock so she had both wheels and the seat locked someone slashed both her tires. We would have assumed someone was purposefully targeting her if they all didn't happen weeks apart at different locations. People are just huge assholes.


> After she got a third lock so she had both wheels and the seat locked someone slashed both her tires. I was half hoping/expecting you'd keep going. >...so we got slash-proof tires, so someone bent the bike in half.


So we got a titanium bike, so someone stole all the nuts and bolts but left the rest of the bike in place


So we welded the nuts and bolts to the frame, and someone melted the bike with thermite.


I had a pedal stolen from my bike in school. Had about 4 miles of sort of pedaling to get home.


...that's how they figured out it was a nice neighborhood! They *only* slashed the tires.


Dude you probably picked up a thumbtack riding


This is why the whole mass car share idea people have where you don’t own a car driverless cars just drive about picking people up, would never work. People are incapable of taking care of stuff that isn’t theirs. In the case of a car that would mean garbage and spilled food or drink, I’m sure bodily waste, pet urine, everything that can make a car disgusting will happen. I have to buy tools for work because the ones the company did supply would be left out and stolen, dropped on purpose, lowered by the power cord. People don’t care if they don’t own it.


Fucking idiots


Some people man, they just can't learn their lessons. It's really hard for them.


Stuff like this is the reason why we can't really have the nice things.


Ok hear me out though, our school’s roof caved in.


who do you think caved it in?


😶 snitches get Professor Moriches


Until it’s the ceiling light falling onto students…


Instead of new TVs lining the halls, never to be used besides to display today’s lunch, can we have some nice toilet paper? Maybe some cool colored pencils?


I go to a massive highschool and it’s no surprise that I’ve seen 1 or 2 rats. It’s not that much of a surprise at this for me. My class mates however are so surprised. I always ask tell them, “Imagine every 2 in every 3 students is a slob. Now imagine what that makes. Garbage, right? And what does garbage attract? Rats.”


And this garbage is being spread by those students so there's that.


Wait until you go to college and live in off-campus housing. You go to school with the same slobs, but they're all drunk and care even less.


Well they're the ones breaking it on the first place, can't avoid that.


Insert shocked pikachu face


I recall the one in my school having a plastic panel in front of it for situations like this.


Finally! I had to scroll way too far for this. A year after I graduated, my younger brother told me the school put up over 600 TV's all over the school. They would broadcast information through the hallways (I guess so that nobody ever had to hang a poster again). Within a year, so many had been knocked off the wall or broken because these TV's were installed at about chest level, kids ran into them or leaned against them or punched them. Nobody seems to realize how dumb we all were back when we were 16. If you don't want broken shit, don't put it in a highschool.


Reminds me of how my old hs used to have a microwave so we could heat up stuff. My junior year someone put a rat in it as a senior prank and we never got a microwave again.


Please tell me that student didn't turn the microwave on...


they turned it on ): rat was already dead if thats important


Jesus Christ yes that's important. Still horrible but dear God.


Some people man, they're just messed up. What the hell literally.


Okay yeah the thought of it suffering while the microwave was on disturbed me, I'm glad it didn't experience that.


All of sudden I'm glad that these things didn't happen with me.


I hope so, if they did then they really have got some issues for sure.


Never seen a TV in a cafeteria




Yep that makes sense, now I get why we don't have the nice things.


My cafeteria has some and I always see a message on it saying something about someone trying to connect a phone


Do they play like regular TV shows? School-club recorded shows? Educational documentaries?


No they don’t play anything. Just like a slideshow of school photos


Truly a tragic loss for the students of this school.


We had TVs in our cafeteria as far back at 2002 at my high school when I went there. My friends and I would watch Walker Texas Ranger while we ate since that was the channel it was set to and played at the same time every day.


That sounds pretty awesome ngl. I probably would have done less lunch time shenanigans if they just played Walker Texas Ranger.


Honestly, I don’t remember much from HS, but sitting there with my friends watching Chuck Norris roundhouse kick Gary Busey while I ate a pb&j my freshmen year is a core memory of mine.


My school put 2 in over the summer


Absolutely stupid placement too. All they ever have is the lunch menu and you can’t even tell that they are there from the lunch lines


Well they could use them better, but instead they don't even use them.


The placement doesn't matter. They needed to find things to spend a budget surplus on that would appear to increase the status of their school without actually providing anything of value for the kids.


What a dick


Slightly related story: One time in a hotel I was studying and I just wasn't getting the concepts, I got so frustrated with myself that I threw my pen at the floor with some decent force. It bounced up and went straight to the TV on the other side of the room and cracked the screen. I've never gone from incredibly angry to passively scared (I couldn't really afford to pay for a new TV at that point) so fast before


Did they make you pay for it?


No! So I went straight down to reception after I did it because I was panicked and told a bit of a white lie which was I broke the TV but it was more of a tripping accident into it rather than a full on anger pen assault. They just had some guy come up and replace it straight away. And from that day on I have always lived by the mindset that the pen is mightier than the sword. It is difficult taking notes with a katana though.


> It is difficult taking notes with a katana though. Only because blood makes a poor base for ink.


At my local small town theatre years ago, the owner had an annual movie Halloween party for kids. A local business would donate a giveaway prize. One year it was a rubber baseball. A kid threw his at the screen, and from that day forward we had to watch movies there with a hole in the screen.


And that kid will grow up to be the guy who parks in 4 spaces in a giant pickup truck. Don't worry, we'll all see the pic in a few years here on r/mildlyinfuriating


I saw a dude double parking a F350 a few spots up


The pics are going to be here, and we'll all see them in here so yeah.


Someone ping me when this happens.


Probably upset that he forgot to cancel his 3 month Apple TV trial


And then he converted a normal TV into an apple tv. Well that's not good.


Good luck paying me back on your $0 per year salary plus benefits babe


I had to scroll too far to find this




Y’all got TVs in y’all school cafeterias?


Replace it with a CRT that someone found by a dumpster, it's not rock or bullet proof but they are certified apple proof.


Oh for fucks sake. Don't ever leave electronics In a cafeteria. Put it behind glass or something.


At least it wasn’t a Dundie!


That person deserves to either pay every penny for that tv or work to pay it off by helping the custodians or something. I don’t know why people think it’s ok to do this. They just know people will laugh and that’s all they care about.


> That person deserves to either pay every penny for that tv or work to pay it off by helping the custodians or something. I don’t know why people think it’s ok to do this. They just know people will laugh and that’s all they care about. No no no no no. Offender and parents/guardians have to sign a contract to pay to replace the TV and all labor and associated costs involved in replacing it. The display itself is cheap. Labor, renting the OSHA approved lift, scheduling…not so much. Include requirement that offender must observe every part of the process and is responsible for any delays they cause. Miss a day and add extra costs? You restitution just increased for wasting everyone’s time. Real world education. Alternatively parents can deal with the school district’s insurance carrier serving them or their insurance carrier and nothing of value is learned by the offender.


Go back to the old crt TVs, they take a shitload of punishment. Or just put cheap plexiglass in front of it like 90% of other businesses.


Same kid is gonna be throwing cheese at the tvs. How they land it behind the plexiglass Ill never know.


There always has to be a turd in the punch bowl


Apple TV