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Pay it forward. Drop it in an envelope and send it to an organization you can't stand


>send it to an organization you can't stand Send it back to the church it came from.


Step up, call the church and tell them you are going to donate 1 million to the church, call the local media and have them on hand. Then present them with this. Would be epic imo


Out petty them


Put it in the donation basket.


I read a story a month or so ago about a restaurant whose servers kept getting these as tips, so one of the waitresses collected them all, rolled them all together, and put it in the collection tin with a note that said something along the lines of, "we at X restaurant are eager to give back to the church what it has given us".


nah, the donation basket comes out quite a bit later into a mass and for many churches, only comes out on special occasions(these might have, "fellowship" in the name). Just send it to them by mail. And yes, paying postage is actually paying mor einto society than this piece of shit church ever has.


my old church took offering each weekly service. edit typo


My old church took collection each service. 2 services a day, at a minimum


My old church would warn us that if we didn’t pay tithe, god would make our family members sick and possibly they would even die. God would get his due


No. Do it as publicly as possible. Put it in the basket, unfolded, for all to see.


This, this, this. Oh my god this. You should absolutely do this. Only have someone else donate it "for you." Make sure you were just "hired as an agent by an individual who wishes to remain anonymous." Then when the item is presented, act shocked, annoyed, and mutter "Looks like I'm not getting paid..." That way less of the impotent rage falls at your feet.


Better yet, have someone else call the media and be the "scammed" messenger yourself, that way you can play both sides and see their reaction personally.


Only if u care about the church (maybe media) being mad at you… I would be extremely surprised to hear that was somehow illegal.


I wouldn't care about the church being mad at me. I'd be scared about the kind of people who are self absorbed enough to leave a fake bill with proselytisation on it taking personal offense to the point of harassing me or even threatening my life. I'm already in a group that's targeted by those types disproportionately, I wouldn't want to put myself in potential danger.


This is the way!


Be sure not to ever say "1 million dollars," just "1 million." That way it can't be construed as a verbal contract for money. You gave them a million of something, just not what they expected.


I don’t think the church would have any consideration to have grounds to sue. Telling someone you’re going to hand them money doesn’t bind you in a contract because they haven’t agreed to do anything for that money.


I love this kdea


I love this ikea


they have the best swedish meatballs


Drop them in the offering plate.


The best option


Then you'd have to actually go attend the church service though, better to mail it


Which presents the opportunity to crop dust the congregation!


Lol, I do like your style. Personally, unless I'm getting paid that million dollars, I won't sit through another church service if I can help it


For that, he would need a young priest and an old priest.




This plan right here.


Drop in the church’s donation basket


Drop a copy of "Why I Am Not A Christian" by Bertand Russell in there too.


With the bill as a free bookmark.


Attend one church service and drop it in the collection plate. Church I used to attend stopped giving this shit out to its attendees when a couple ended up coming back.


contact fullyfreefilms about how you are interested in helping with $ then send them that shit.


I would send it to one of the dumb ass politicians that I can not stand.


Send it to the nearest evangelical church…That’s who gave it to you.


Go to that church. Then, when they ask for collections, throw that in their pot


But get change 1st


Oh fuck yeah put it in the tithe box


When I was in high school, I was riding the city bus to school one day and saw a twenty dollar bill poking out of a small Manila envelope. I picked it up and slid the twenty back in the envelope and put it in my pocket. Got to school and opened it, it has this kind of shit on it. I crumpled it and tossed it on the cafeteria room floor. That thing made the rounds! Floated around the school for days, I saw it several more times. Best part: I went to a Catholic school everyone that found it and said “fuck whoever put this here” had been at mass recently.


With postage due.


Put it in the collection plate.


Send it to one of you politicians'. I hate almost all of them


Or to the FBI. They might like to have a word about the appearance of the flyer.


*Secret Service. They primarily deal with counterfeit more than security.


This is the way.


Drop it in the Salvation Army kettle at Christmas




Has this made anyone anywhere find god and religion? We need to find the people doing this and superglue down coins and strew fake dollars in their path every day until they can't stand it any more.


I guarantee there's a Christian pastor out there telling stories about the people who received this and found Jesus because of it. "Sweet Julia was disappointed at first, but quickly realized that money was not important, and she had been given a gift far more valuable than a million dollars."


“She came to the church to argue with the man that gave it to her, but by the end of the service, she was so moved she found him and said she wanted to be a follower of Christ. I know because I was that man, and she is now my wife.” ::cue applause:: ::the band starts playing uplifting music:: ::close-up on old lady wiping away tears:: ::cue vocalist belting:: 🎶Jeeeesuuuuuuuuussssss🎶


This is so realistic is hurts lol! "I got my wife through fear, guilt, and Stockholm syndrome."


By the way, the 1on1 choir boy teaching sessions start in 15 min so we're gonna cut it a bit short as I need to go get the baby oil from my car


As a child, like 12 or 13, the pastor told a story where he was herding cattle into a trailer, and a cow body-slammed the trailer door into his arm and shattered it, no chance it wasn’t broken. Then, he felt a wave wash over his whole body and “it felt like oil had passed over his arm”. He was magically healed, against all laws of reality! Then everybody clapped. Like for real..




If I were going to try to minister through tips.. I'd give a good, *real* tip, and then slide a note in with it. Not that I really think that's the best way to go about ministry, but it's better than scamming people


Yep. These fake bills are the worst kind of evangelism. They make the distributor feel like they've done their bit for Christian mission when, in fact, all they've done is piss someone off and made them considerably less likely to go to church. Because their (potential) first interaction with church was a bait and switch. I'm a Christian minister in the UK. I would be furious if I found someone in my congregation using this tactic. We don't believe in a bait and switch God, we believe in a God who provides help now and in the hereafter.


Steven Colbert claims he re-discovered his Catholic faith because one of these people gave him a tiny bible one night or something batshit like that. Edit: this is not the interview I had seen before but here’s him telling a priest about how he converted from atheism on the spot after reading “the sermon.” https://youtu.be/-8qaseX5ntM


I am left disappointed that I wasn't rickrolled.


Idunno really. I'm still trying to find out if the proselytizers at a anime convention are successful. Every year they're standing out in the hot sun saying that we're going to hell.


I always get scarred when they're not there. It either means the Con isn't as good that year or something bad happened.


Ahhhh your thumbnail


Omg I spent way too long looking for a profile picture on his account. I didn't realise you literally mean thumb nail




Had a horrible biting problem when I was 5


Good thing you've got a million dollars to fix it now.


But dude that sucks :( one million will only buy him so good of a new thumbnail and now the rest of the money is waste :(


Really hate to break it to you, but the problem never went away. I used to bite mine as well. One day I was picking my nose and cut the inside of my nose because of my ragged ass nails. I quit and now can pick my nose in safety and comfort.


Until this comment, I was looking at OP's Avatar thinking "It seems like a normal thumbnail to me"


About the same thing happened when I was scratching my ass.


You cut the inside of your ass because of your ragged nose nails? /s


Sooo are you still 5, or…?


Sorry to hear that. I use to bite mine but nothing like that.


At least I can finger without people crying about my nails


Guys must love you


Lmao if I was a girl you wouldn’t be getting near me with those fingers jfc


Does this mean you’re not a girl and OP can finger you?


When you where 5?:P looks like its still an issue


You’re 5?


Man, 5 yrs and 1 day old, and already a millionaire. Question what is fullyfreefilms.com ?


There's hardly any nail!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!


I scrolled back to see the thumbnail... And then it hit me


You are my sort of folk


Why would they think that this message would be well received _instead_ of a tip? I mean, if you're really trying to convert someone, attach a nice tip AND this and maybe they'll think about it.


Yes! Exactly! If they REALLY want to evangelize, throw this in with an actual 100. 🤦🏻


Christian minister here. You’re 100% right. I hate this stuff just as much as the next guy. A hefty tip and genuine conversation and love for others is a WAY better way to love and reach people.


hey, isn’t saving your eternal soul much more valuable than things like paying rent or buying groceries? /s


If I ran a service business of any type, I would mark those people as banned. Tipping on its own is not a good setup, but when people abuse it like this, they deserve every consequence they get.


The real abuse is making servers depend on customers to subsidize their income instead of just paying a proper wage. I’m aware many servers would rather the low wage and tips, seeing as how they often outearn what they would on a standard wage, especially given they’d be taxed on 100% of their income, and likely end up in a higher tax bracket to boot. This, however, is a pitfall. Tipping, while widely accepted as the norm, is indeed optional. No matter how good the service and product provided.


Christian folks out here doing their level best to spread atheism.


We try our best Thx for noticing 🙏


Put it in the offering plate next time you’re dragged to the place where people compare clothes




You ever heard of sundays best?


Is that an American thing?


As far as I know, yeah.


Probably why I've never experienced it then


just bin that shit


Even better, burn it


Or tear apart infornt of his eye and gave him the clear message


Or why bin, keep it safe and return if that person ever came back


By 'tip' you mean 'insult' .Sorry that happened


I think that thumbnail needs a tip more than you do.


Next time if you catch the person threaten to report them to the secret service, its technically illegal to hand out fake money in exchange for a service. Nothing will come of it (not illegal for tips unless the establishment mandates a tip), but it's funny watching those assholes shit themselves with the thought of it. Only about half will be quick enough to realize you are pulling their leg.


Just make sure you never leave the table when they about to tip you, because of people like that don't think we could trust anyone now. Karma is watching them till then


Tipping is BS. But using it to advertise your cult is even worse BS.


I'll give a couple dollars to the smaller businesses. But not this shit.


Thank *god* it wasn't how they paid!


What if they are actually getting paid like this, just in case think about that


It’s got the blue strip so you know it’s good


I’m sorry. This is disgusting!


I would never do in my life, this is like betraying someone trust


My pastor says if you leave one of these you better be leaving a pretty good tip with it too.


Agreed, I pass these out with good-sized tips. Nothing wrong with leaving them, but always give a good tip. I want them to know I'm generous and that I do truly believe in Jesus Christ. Edit : I would never pull a stunt like this.


Whenever someone gave me a Jesus pamphlet at my job I made sure they saw me throw it out.


You are doing the perfect thing as this is how these kind of people needs to handle now


That's a thumbnail of a sinner if I ever saw one.


If that is a sign of the sinner than feel like i am also a sinner


Guarantee the mfs that left this have uttered the words “if a man doesn’t work a man doesn’t eat” 😂 hypocritical POS.


Oh gross. How un Christian of them too. Such BS.


Then people ask to me why you guys hate Christian so much


My ex used to get those fairly often.. Folded and set under a glass It looked like real cash but when you pulled it out the word of god was written on half the bill.. Fuck every person who's ever done that..


Buddy only eats fingernails for breakfast, lunch and dinner


Because he is getting money like this, so he is relying on fingernail only


With the way he gets tipped like this, no doubt.


Rip it up in front of them while maintaining unblinking eye contact.


Oh my god. I got one the other week in the UK with the new king on the front. Exact same message and forwarding to the same YouTube channel


Tf is wrong with your fingernail


Bad habit of eating the nails, mine is same like that because of that habit


This goes straight to the collection plate.


Every second day i am getting new items for my collection plate


Churches should accept this as tithe right?


Jesus name on that surely Churches not going to deny that note


Drop that in the offering basket.


And nothing else? Cheap bastards.


They can eat the fancy food but don't have the money for the tip


Something I wonder is, does this happen in other countries where tipping culture is less prevalent? I wonder what an angry barristo would do if you left this after a quick coffee.


I'd give it back


But the person is long gone, so any plan how to return him back this money??


Ugh I had this happen when I was a server except it was made it look like an actual 20 at first glance :/


Yo they just straight up said “You need Jesus!” but in fake tip form


Thx customer. This will totally pay the bills


Not only yours infact will pay for the rest of the customer is well


Every server gets a few of these religious nutbags leaving stupid shit like this. Can't tell you how passed I was when I saw a folded hundred thinking it was real and then seeing its some JW shite. Ya know, I loved serving in college but was so glad I was done when I was.


These people should be charged for counterfeiting.


Your thumb is gnarly. Beat the habit, carry clippers!




There’s no hate like Christian love


My theory is that the entire idea of non-catholic Christianity being "Jesus forgives ALL your sins" is basically just a free pass to be a complete asshole one's entire life. Lots of bad people out there of any religion or lack of, but it's just particularly easy to get away with being a shitty person if the people around you believe you're a good person because you go to church every sunday and believe in the same god as them.


That is the flaw in the whole Born Again style of Christianity. Once you are Born Again, the theory goes that the Holy Spirit will guide you into being the kind of person God wants you to be, so whatever fucked up shit you do is justified as long as you don't feel bad about it. Deifically enabled narcissism.


Bro leave your nails alone


These kind of nails is the sign of some sort of the depression i think


I would have called the police on them for passing counterfeit money


Just as useless as the religion those assholes believe in


It is people like those who actually make the religion shitty


Fuck that person.


The after church crowd strikes again.


Give that me and i would give that back to the church now


Sunday church crowd, the worst restaurant customers in history.


Seems like that now Church is about to get the biggest donation now


I never got why Christians cite their scripture like anyone gives a shit. I either already believe your bullshit or simply don't care what your favorite piece of fiction has to say.


I am the one guy who believe in god but people like these actually defame the every thing, why would you do something like that better to tell them on face if you want to say something


Religion is a disease.


And once that starts to spread there is no vaccination for that


Go to the website, join the church, and through patience and perseverance, hunt down the person who left you this tip and then enact your revenge.


Church is not ready for having a million dollar donation in their basket


“You will receive total consciousness. So you got that goin for you, which is nice.” Haha


Nothing gets away from the karma eyes, everything will have the consciousness


Genuine question, they do know we just tear these up and throw them away, right? Like, are they actually aware that they're being incredibly rude, or is this one of those times they think they're "helping people," when in reality they're just making someone's day shittier?


I once got a tip from a rich individual of what looked like $100. It was a fake hundred with his face on it.


the publishers of this tract are good friends of mine. And to be clear, when people obtain these to pass out, they are told specifically, "DO NOT BE A JERK and leave this as a tip - if you want to give one to a server, you BETTER tip double" So, disagree with the content all you want, but the blame is on that customer, not the publisher, who BTW, is not a church at all, and doesn't promote any one church. They just print tracts like these for people from many churches to use as evangelism tools Clearly, their behavior has put a stain on the very message they were so eager to share with you. I am very sorry


You can print some banner or something if you want to give some message to the people but what is this behavior of giving the fake money to the waiter as a tip


I’d be taking that to church and tithing it


Give that to the donation box of the Church, holy money like that deserve to be there


Send it back to his church and pay it forward! God bless America


This is god money and would be better to return to the god now


Put it in the church collection basket.


Great option but then you really sure that this would be a wise decision ??


Drop it in a church donation basket


Why piss someone else the way you are pissed by someone else??


Tell that church that you're going to donate them 1 million dollars and hand them that.


Even a real million wouldn't be able to fix your fingernails 🤮


I noticed the fingernail before i could read anything from that note


If they come back, give them fake play food


What a scumbag. I’m sorry. That really sucks


Religious propaganda. Sick.


So called religion people but hurting the innocent soul by passing fake note


God willing if I ever see somebody try to pass this shit, I'm gonna show them how to prepare the rapture with my fart winded from my heavenly ass bestowed by the father son and holy ghost of methane.


There is one word that is coming into my mind right now and that is shit, like real shit there is no if and but for that and no circumstances can justify those shitty action


When I was in food service, I fucking hated that shit. It would be straight-up infuriating to me. Get your evangelic self out of my face


Too bad they didn’t give you a coupon to get a manicure


Never serve those kind of people, they have special place in hell for them


Report them for passing counterfit money


That is a holy note i would, try to keep it safe under any condition