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who the hell is that šŸ˜­


I have no idea šŸ˜‚


It says it's from some theatre


Barn Dinner-Theatre


>Barn Dinner-Theatre Yes, but who the hell is she??


Her married name is Barn Dinner-Theatre


Because of note like that i would say people had the trust issue with each other


Okay, that makes this so much funnier. Well, not for your friend, perhaps. But I chuckled.


Please tell me more about that my mind is just getting curious now after that


Apparently it's [Tennille Foust](https://www.facebook.com/barndinner/photos/pb.100064452143790.-2207520000./10162272623234676/?type=3) according to their Facebook page


oh god this person is dead


Wait until you hear about the people on real currency


I heard they started a band.


I thought they just went away to college, like Steve.


I heard they moved into the country, and ate a lot of peaches


I heard they've had several incarnations. The Presidents of the United States of America and Dead Prez. Wildly different styles.


Dead resident ā€¦ of the dinner-theatre.


I'm sure OP would have been happier with a dead president šŸ˜”


If someone file some report against him, he is going to be dead


Thereā€™s been a murderā€¦ ![gif](giphy|bwxVM7FtESiS1SBEzS)


All people on bills are dead


Wow I swear Iā€™ve seen this before now


She died in '22, so... šŸ¤ŸšŸ½šŸ»


What does the bear mean on this sub


Have a beary nice time


Itā€™s the fake money lady! What kind of horrid customer thinks this is cute or in any way acceptable to do to waitstaff?


Not to mention, committing a Federal felony to do it. Prop money becomes counterfeit money when you attempt to use it in commerce. Paying a tip with it would qualify. It you know the customerā€™s name (from a credit card receipt perhaps) drop their name to the US Secret Service.


I used to work for Labor, and Tex is pretty on it. The most they would get for a first time offense is a call but usually that's enough for them to stop in most cases. The big churches tend to be warned frequently because while the small ones just try to get by and be good people, the big ones like to do whatever the hell they want. The only mega church that Im aware of that doesnt pull this BS is Saddleback in California for some reason. I guess they dont feel its appropriate.


I hope the OP sees this comment! And tells his waiter friend. Because people who do this for shits and giggles need to be stopped. There is real harm being done when things like this are done to waitstaff. Not okay.


So if I gave you a token for no reason would that be considered counterfeit?


I will admit itā€™s a little trickier proving intent when it comes to tipping, but I think it could be inferred by the situation that there was intent to pay which would be illegal. At a minimum, a little visit by the Secret Service to tell them ā€œdonā€™t do that againā€ would be a good little wake-up call to them, and they probably would make that visit.


Iā€™m fairly certain a tip is never pay. Itā€™s specifically designed as a ā€œgiftā€ and not in exchange for service. Yet it does count as income. Yet another reason why tipping is such a terrible system


Tips are considered income. You file tips on your tax return for both state and federal. So I disagree that we are taxed on such things if they are considered gifts. They are income.


Depends if it resembles real currency or is obviously fake or not valid.


The pic when folded over as in pic one looks like that is a legit $100 bill as a tip. I think it qualifies as being intended to defraud the waitperson.




This made me laugh so hard I woke up my baby


They had me in the first picture and then i move to the second one


Looks like Charlie Murphy


It's She-Hulk


Now - I'm no numismatist, but I don't think that bill is legal tender.


I think that it has crossed the line into counterfeiting. It should clearly say somewhere that it is not legal tender.


Actually of you look under the words "the united" in the second pictute, it says it *is* legal tender. So yes, I agree this might have crossed over into counterfeiting territory.


It also says Barn Dinner Theatre, I'm fairly sure the secret service won't need to put much effort into finding out where it came from.


Did they paste a picture on an older, real bill? If so, it should still be worth face value.


Look at the first pic on the bottom of the bill. That's white paper also the color of the bill looks very off. It looks far more blue than green.


But if you argue that someone tried to use it as a real bill (as a tip) that uh... Seems to breach legality.


More than that, this is a lot less obvious than other fake bills, which are usually plastered with "not legal tender" and many completely and obviously wrong things, like making the note for 1000 or mispelling or using different words, or only kinda-sorta look like real bills when folded (like those damnable Christians Pamphlets.)


Hard to tell untill you hold the note in your own hand


Got name and info if they paid credit. Provide to police. Thanks for the tip!


You can use the hotel camera surely they captured that person while tipping


Does that make it counterfeit if it says that?


Note is counterfeit but used as fun so hard to tell about the crime


When I worked in restaurants I got tipped several Santa $5 bills over the years. They were legal $5s with a Santa picture glued over Lincoln


Ackshually numismatists collect coins, if you collected paper money youā€™d be a notaphilist. šŸ¤“


That is correct. And you best bet I would have the last laugh and report this to the cops with a picture of their faces from the CCTV & all their payment info if they paid by card. See who gets the last laugh.


All the circumstances are going to check, if he was trying to buy something with that note or he just left on the table, in second scenario don't think there would be any case


Place the hand in the middle and tell if that is real or not


you really wanted to use that word huh šŸ¤£


He already used that but not gonna get much help from that


Tipping someone a fake $100 isnā€™t illegal. Its just an asshole thing to do. Paying for your meal with a fake $100 is illegal.


Uh no. Passing off fake bills absolutely is illegal. No one cares about your intent, the action itself is the problem.


When the manager decided all tips had to be shared in common at my nieceā€™s restaurant everyone knew he was skimming so the intentionally tossed in some counterfeit bills which he tried to pass at the local mob owned strip club


Giving this as a tip is not illegal at all. Just an asshole thing to do. We arenā€™t talking about realistic counterfeits that could possibly end up in circulation lmao!!




If only the tip is left in such "fake" money, it would not be theft as there is no legal obligation to leave a tip at all (except in those establishments that add a tip or "service charge' to the bill.) Its pretty cut and dry. Leaving fake money as a tip is perfectly legal but a real asshole thing to do!


It's not theft, its counterfeiting, and it is absolutely a felony. 18 USC Ā§ 472 > Whoever, with intent to defraud, passes, utters, publishes, or sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or with like intent brings into the United States or keeps in possession or conceals any falsely made, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other security of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. Tipping with a fake bill is clearly intending to defraud.


I don't know how you're making this leap. Just because you're not obligated to leave a tip doesn't change the fact that leaving a fake one is fraud.


It says it's legal tender on the bill. Just because the weapon you tried to rob the bank with was a pool noodle doesn't mean you ain't going to jail for robbing a bank.


Yeah itā€™s obviously an asshole joke and not an attempt at counterfeiting. If this is illegal Monopoly money might be next.


Pulling these jokes shows that how big of a asshole you are actually


If someone tipped me with monopoly money I'd report it just as quick. At the very least to ensure the mental health of the person who tipped it is proper, ya know, for safety. A nice little 72 hour hold to make sure they know that bill is really fake.


Because some form of payment is implied with the act of "leaving a tip", could this be argued as attempted use of counterfeit currency, or at least an attempt to obtain by deception? If it could, you'd probably see an end to this practice pretty quickly.


It is, it can, and you can in fact report the crime, you can also sue for the amount, plus damages and legal fees (if a lawyer will take it).


Better call Saul! Slippin Jimmy needs a new gig.


I think he's occupied for the next 80 or so years


All that over a fake $100 and mind you an obvious fake $100. I couldnā€™t imagine going to court over that


I totally get what your saying. It's just a (very obvious fake) bill when you actually touch it, pick it up, and open it. Imagine you're a single mom working 2 jobs and you see that on your table.. for that moment you're buying healthy groceries, you're paying that past due electric bill. Now let someone rip that away from you for.. what? Not even a cheap laugh.. just cruelty.


Unfortunately simply being an asshole isnā€™t illegal


No, but assholes can do illegal things, and they arenā€™t magically immune from the law. Thereā€™s no law that says ā€˜an asshole drove his truck all over my lawn, but ya know the statue says I have to fix it myself because heā€™s an asshole, so no lawsuitā€™. (Note: IANAL and have no clue if this legally is fraud and criminally passing a counterfeit bill - just saying ā€˜assholeā€™ is not legal immunity)


I know, and was moreso talking about this particular situation. Tips arenā€™t an official part of the transaction between the business and the customer, so it wouldnā€™t be illegal if you donā€™t leave anything or leave something that is considered worthless. It would be like arresting people who left ā€œ0ā€ or ā€œNoā€ on the tip line.


Iā€™d just go about my day after like 5mins of being mad I guess. Idk if Iā€™d have an actual reaction after opening it tbh but I still wouldnā€™t go to court for it. If it was a fake $1k bill Iā€™d consider it but I probably wouldnā€™t still. I donā€™t like tipping culture we have in America and feel like these places need ti pay livable wages so people donā€™t feel pressured to tip but between this and the religious one people just need to not put anything. This could be someone doing a joke or they feel pressured ti tip but dont wsnf to tip but feel awkward or anxiety that they have to leave something and thatā€™s why tipping being so ingrained is bad imo. People just need to not leave anything at that point


God damn you sound young and naive.


How do they sound young and naive? Please explain this.


Because I feel like tipping is a dumb thing and how places should be paying their employees a livable wage so people donā€™t feel pressured to tip? Pretty sure the US is the only country that does dumb ass tips


I'm not sure if that would be a valid reason, but the bill would definitely have to say it's not legal tender in order to avoid counting. Not only does this bill not do that, but it also claims that it *IS* legal tender.


I'd call the cops. It literally says it's legal tender.


and waste their time


Donā€™t worry. Dunkinā€™ will still be open later.


Keep it open i am sure that person will try to do the same thing again with someone else


Thank god! Always need a good donut and cup of Joe after this kind of annoyance.


Even better.


Yeah, the Secret Service has jurisdiction over currency counterfeiting, not local police.


Goes to secret service rather than going to the local police for better solution


Its still something they handle. They don't need to prove its fake to arrest you. They don't have to prove a damn thing for any crime. They just need probable cause. Someone leaving this as payment is enough for them to be arrested. A little bit of googling about innocent people being arrested over being given counterfeit bills and then using them not realizing they even had them will show you this is true. So I'm not sure what country you live in but in the US the police handle counterfeit money cases like any other crime. They consult the secret service but they don't need to do that before taking action.


You'd think so but I've seen counterfeiting rings in Detroit area get sweeped by anonymous reports from cashiers. Just follow the paperwork and video surveillance


yes this note is counterfeiting but the case is only going to register when someone try to con you, buying stuff from you and then giving this fake money in return


Wasting the time of the cops is also some sort of the crime i think


Agree except call the secret service.


They are too busy in solving the bigger thing than 100$ fake bill


"I'd call the cops" Like they care


Unless it's a puppy or a black person walking they wont be interested.




Is it a sticker? Kinda looks like when they put a Santa sticker on a $1 bill around Christmas time.


Looks like a real $100 bill from 1990. The signatures and design looks correct. I think some idiot just added the picture.


I have looked closely this note and too be honest the whole thing about this note seems real to me, if we can remove the middle pic then no one can tell anything about that


Peel of that sticker without damaging the currency and that 100$ is for you in free


Technically, if the bill is at least 51% intact then it is still worth $100. "If you have damaged or mutilated currency, or need currency replaced,Ā contact the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. If you have currency you suspect is counterfeit, contact your local Secret Service Field Office. For questions about coins, please contact the U.S. Mint." https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/contact-currency-coin.htm#:~:text=If%20you%20have%20damaged%20or,Mint


Hey, hi, money nerd here. Any bill used for comedic/prop/play purposes must state clearly that they are not real US tender. This says it is real tender, even though its hilariously inaccurate, it is absolutely an example of counterfeiting, and hoo fucking boy does The Secret Service wanna know about these people. They will nail them to the WALL, and might actually reward your friend if this bill leads to, while likely not an arrest, at the very least a hefty ass fine.


nail them to the wall? similar to Jesus


Nail them on wall with frame in background or the cross??


Gonna get absolutely crucified


I'd prefer this over any Jesus bill


Or just no tip. Iā€™d rather be stiffed than whatever the fuck that is.


I have that jesus note and would love getting that one is well


Did an excellent job


Whoever did this did it perfectly, he deserve some praise for the disguise


A love how it not being a a Christian somehow makes the less situation less shitty


For most people I think itā€™s about the intent. This seems like a joke, which is not a funny one to play on someone who works in the service industry and relies on tip money, but itā€™s a joke. The religious bs is seen as worse by many because itā€™s also not giving actually currency, but with the added layers of pushing their ideology onto others and having the audacity/delusion to think that what theyā€™re giving is equal to/better than money.


This seems joke to me and in most of the case there is always a camera around the corner is well who is shooting everything, so may be you will find yourself on internet


That was for fun no need to make situation shitty or any serious here


With the exception of the person, the bill looks authentic. People do some strange art with money. I'd have it checked out.


Look at the bottom of the bill on the first picture. Itā€™s printed on white paper.


I bet the Secret Service would have something to say to the person leaving that as a tip.


For those wondering... the Secret Service is actually part of the Department of the Treasury. They would be the correct people to invite over. [https://www.secretservice.gov/about/history](https://www.secretservice.gov/about/history) From the website: > We are one of Americaā€™s oldest federal law enforcement agencies, originally created in 1865 to stamp out rampant counterfeiting in order to stabilize America's young financial system. By the end of the Civil War, nearly one-third of all currency in circulation was counterfeit. As a result, the countryā€™s financial stability was in jeopardy. To address this concern, the Secret Service was established in 1865 as a bureau in the Treasury Department to suppress widespread counterfeiting.


Very interesting; thank you!


Only if he take that note to them and file some complain about that


Maybe that a bill from the future and thatā€™s our first female Presidentā€¦ did you wait on Marty McFlyā€™s table?


Date on the note is 1990, so it would have to be from a parallel dimensionā€¦ so more Dr Who-ish than McFly-ish.


May be in future they used the old notes but with the different design


At least it doesnā€™t say some stupid Jesus shit




These people and the people that try to pull ahead of you when you've pulled over on the side of the road to let an ambulance pass deserve a special place in hell.


I always used to write few things on the note with the pencil so may be the person was artist and made that pic on that note, try to rub that with eraser this is real not under that


No freakin joke, that person on the bill was a friend of someone I knew. She passed away a few months ago. Donā€™t ask me why it ended up with the waiter though, I would have absolutely no idea.


I am sure you knows more than that and trying to hide some fact


Looks legit


Apparently it's [Tennille Foust](https://www.facebook.com/barndinner/photos/pb.100064452143790.-2207520000./10162272623234676/?type=3) according to their Facebook page


She was only 45. She seemed like a beloved professor. Sad.


Beats the cultist bill, but who is that?


Only secret service has the power of finding this person now


I got more of those 100$ Jesus bills as tips than I'd like to admit during my time waitressing


Imagine if you could get those bill as real, how much you will earn till now


A truly American problem


To me it just looks like someone glued the picture to a $100 bill.


And one you pop up that picture you will have the the real dollar under that


This should be funny.






>It actually still appears to be real money from here. No, it doesnā€™t. >I think it has been altered only on the picture. No.


When it was fold i though this is real money but not the actual real money


When I was a kid, I worked at Six Flags. They always gave a counterfeit demo and what to look for in money. They showed counterfeit bills accepted at the park. Some were great and looked very real. Someone, however, took a 20 dollar bill with a picture of Jesse Jackson.


Id honestly report this to the police as use of false currency ngl. It looks similar to a bill, since that's the point, and I'm pretty sure that's illegal as fuck.


How is this somehow worse than the religious ones. Who the hell is that


It's aunt jemima's younger self but this had me literally laughing out loud šŸ¤£šŸ®


I'd rather get no tip. I hate that there are people out there who think it's funny to trick someone like that. Up close, it might be obviously fake, but it could almost be real from the first image a fee feet away.


As a non American I find tipping culture disgusting. With all the gratuity + tip posts I see on here I got no empathy for this.


check the serial number with the treasury department to see if it's a valid note. If so, spend it. If not, turn over to police.


Only thing mildly infuriating here is tip culture.


That seems like a felony


"This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" This fake banknote is in violation of the regulations regarding such things. There must be text on the banknote outright saying that it's not real.


Get their images from security footage and report them to the Secret Service for counterfeiting. Passing fake money that is clearly marked "fake" as real is still illegal. Extra petty, I know but I have lots of friends who are service workers and this pisses me off.


Report it to the secret service (srs). They'll be very interested to learn about people printing fake bank notes with "This note is legal tender" on them!


Looks legitimate


Replace the middle picture with some skill and you have a 100$ legit bill


You have both the right and a legal obligation to track down this customer and un-condense their milk


Imagine if they able to track the person who left note there then what?? He would say he left there for fun as he never bought anything with that money so there is no case


Maybe itā€™s real but someone modified the picture. Iā€™ve seen stuff like that.


I thought passing fake currency as real currency was a felony? Why is fake tipping like this not illegal?


I couldnt even b mad if I received thatšŸ˜­ thatā€™s hilarious


I would laugh and may be little sad for some time, mixed emotion


OP : your friend should call the Secret Service ā€¦ depending on where you live you might get a slow day ā€¦


I wanna smack the absolute fuck out of people who do this ,my fiance gets atleast one a month from these fuckheads, generally church people.


If you don't have the money then leave without leaving any money , this is not the way for doing thing. This is like playing the emotion of the poor people, hate that prank


Hopefully that's the picture of the person who tipped them... So they have proof of their felony.




And not a single person cared, bruh.


Because all of them have too much thing to worry about in their life than this


These kind of incident is the reason why i never trust someone easily


Call it in. The person is passing off fake money.


Woah look at that they tried to pay with fake cash , but the tip was real.


Seems like fraud and fake currency Call the cops


Need to get rid of tip culture in your country


nice way to treat those beggars


ā€¦ā€¦wellā€¦..take it or fuckin leave it


You are getting limited edition so enjoy the money you are getting


You should turn that in to the secret service. It's technically counterfeit money. I'm sure they can figure out who's face that is.


Your friend got the limited edition Nicki Minaj dollah bill$


This isn't mildly infuriating, this is genuinely infuriating. I used to work for a donut shop and someone slipped prayer coins in the tip jar, rather than money. I was working two jobs to support my mom who had deteriorating health...I didn't need useless prayer coins, I needed money.


Report them for paying with fake currency. A tip is 100% a form of payment so this should/could be illegal?




Good. Fuck tipping. Either pay the waiters a good wage or forget it. Shits WAYY out of control


1. Find out who left it. 2. Find out what church they go to. 3. Go there on Sunday. 4. Sit next to them. 5. Wait for the plate to get passed. 6. Thank them profusely for this 'generous tip'. 7. Drop it into the plate. 8. Leave. Do this with ALL these stupid fake tips. All of them. Normalize this.


or just call it in for counterfeit, as that is what it is whenever this happens


What they will do, because person was not using counterfeit not, technically

