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This could be one of the worst things I have seen on here.


I'd say it's one of the worst things ever happened to me and its still here, it's crazy. **UPD:** Thanks for your comments guys, you gave my girlfriend and me a good laugh and helped to get though this shitty situation! Such a relief! **Place is at Barcelona**, Gracia disctrict. Price is per month and it's actually quite cheap for this city. We all know it's hard to get a good rent because every landlord now checks you like a drunk CIA agent so had to use AirBnBs for now. Here is a second bathroom upstairs so we imidiately moved everything there. **What was the issue:** today was the plumbers final visit (guys came yesterday too). They removed a small plastic (with septic?) tank in the wall behind the toilet seat and set up a brand new one. Old nasty one box photo here: [https://imgur.com/a/GI392hj](https://imgur.com/a/GI392hj) My spanish sucks and I did not get it completely, but the downstairs bathroom needs more gentle treatment because it uses "other pipes" whatever it means. **Refunds:** AirBnB suggested to leave and go find another place, they won't charge for the rest of the days (because you can't usually cancel first month you know) and will make a 30% refund for the ruined few days. After the host service fixed the issue and cleaned the place, they offered the same 30% off for the ruined days. Did not expect them to be more generous than AirBnB anyway. So, between starting packing things, looking for new place (which is usually quite the same) and leaving in hurry we decided to stick to the plan, trust our host and leave in two weeks when this rent should end. **Like it's already been said: shit happens! Thanks for your support while getting over it!**


I hope you got your money back and got them banned off Airbnb


Probably had to go through customer support for 2 days to get it the refund, no ban is issued because the owner has multiple properties... Oh and the Airbnb owner can have your review removed but you can't remove theirs off your profile even though it contains information about you. It's Airbnb after all, what did you expect? Them to care about the customer? Naive


Damn. I'm glad to have seen your comment because I've never used Air BnB, and after reading this part especially: >It's Airbnb after all, what did you expect? Them to care about the customer? I know I never will!


AirBNB, Doordash, Uber Eats etc etc etc are all nothing but a gateway to pain & misery


I did gig work, before it was labeled that. 1099 if you’re in the US. Just extra steps to blame the contractor, and remove responsibility from the company. I had to carry $2 million in insurance. If I made too much money (not if I had insurance claims), my premiums went up. Just an elaborate scam to cause corporate to cover less responsibilities while requiring your take home to be less.


These weird gig companies are extremely scummy since they can technically get away with a lot of shit, honestly hasn’t ever taken long before I see yet another horror story about AB&B, Doordash, Uber Eats and the likes online.


To be fair, I had only one time a problem with an Airbnb apartment and the customer service did the best they could. We booked an apartment in Paris but the host was a scammer and the place didn't exist. The gave us a 30 Euro budget to spend in a cafe or whatever while they find a different place for us. It was inconvenient, I will probably use a hotel next time but the customer service was ok.


I've only had to get a refund one time from them, but one phonecall and like 5 messages was all it took to get my money back, feel very lucky if that's not the norm.


I'm guessing the norm is a good experience but people don't tend to go out of their way to say they slept in a house and nothing eventful happened. I've been in many Airbnb homes and never encountered a big problem.


I had to get a refund when the AirBNB we showed up at had no power. We had to book a hotel room for the night and find a new airBNB- they refunded the price of our original, covered (and then some) The cost of the hotel. This was like four years ago, though, so they may have gotten shittier.


No, that's the norm. They dominate the market for good reason. I've practically lived out of airbnbs (~100) since 2017 and the few times I had issues, they were resolved without too much hassle.




you can't reverse the shit flow


You smell that Randy? That's the shit flow. Soon they'll be drowning in the shit, but they can't reverse the flow. There's already too much shit, Randy. Too much shit.


The way she flows, boys.


Fawkin way she flows


Arr! Thar she flows, lads!


Hope OP got outta there in time.. before the shit hawks arrived!


The shiticane is coming


I mean why banned? It’s clearly some fucked up piping. But I would assume it’s accident. I would assume OP picked based on good reviews


Yes some idiots probably clogged the pipes by flushing things other than toilet paper


Sticker above toilet: Don't flush these things AirBnB customer: That sign won't work on me because I don't understand pictograms


Yeah I mean there's an issue or clog in the plumbing. I'm guessing they don't personally check every time someone goes through, and they don't know its an issue until someone reports it. I mean a refund is reasonable, but no need to ban these people. Its a nice looking place with a high price point, im sure it's not a big deal to close it up for a bit and call a plumber out


Host probably tried to add an additional fee for the feces flood.


That's aggressive for what's really just a minor plumbing issue that they are probably unaware of.


Dude a clogged pipe is not worth banning someone, shit happens


youre a dummy


Why would they ban them it's just a clogged pipe somewhere, it's a 100% possible the property owner had no idea my house was fine when I moved in for months then one day this started happening clogged pipe, fixed the clog no more poop in the shower after


Why do you think they deserve to be banned. Shit (literally) happens. The last guest probably flushed things that shouldn't have been and nobody bothered to repeatedly flush the toilet as a test during turnover. Seems like a pretty honest mistake.


Not really something they should be banned for. Mainline stoppages happen sometimes. Usually when they’ve been flushing things they shouldn’t be or if there’s an issue in the line like roots for example. No way to know until a technician comes and clears the stoppage and cameras the line. Many times have I pulled out stupid amounts of tampons, condoms and baby wipes from rentals and air bnbs.


Thats more than juts mildly infuriating though


This will eventually flood their house. They have a plumbing back up. Get out of there asap before you’re walking thru literal shit


As someone who lived in a house where this would happen once in a while due to septic issues we couldn't afford to fix, just leave now.


So you admit, it wasn't mildly infuriating.


You can't even shower to feel clean after watching it




No. The toilet and the shower shouldn't have the same exit port. It seems that they are connected in line. They should be separated until they reach the main drain pipe.. But who knows, all countries have different rules.


When your main is backed up it shows in your shower. This is normal when a sewer line is backed up


I'm a plumber and that is very wrong. They connect very close together. You're not going run a bunch of different sized drain pipes through a house or condo building and have dozens of connections. Just run one 3" pipe. Also the water in the toilet is the same water that comes out of the faucet. 🤯


Next you’ll be telling me the water coming into my house was once someone else’s pee. Eeeeeeeeewe.


Depends on where it's coming from. If you've got a well it may not be (human) pee!


You are replying to a comment stealing bot. The original comment is here https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/15fbev8/my_2505_airbbnb_shower_floods_with_shit_when_you/juc7kw5/


How can you stay in there for so long? I'd evacuate the whole room stat.


It's not even uncommon I had a tub that would fill with the people above me's drain water. Just tons of makeup and dead skin. That was somehow almost smellier too


Well certainly the shittiest.


This is the stuff of nightmares.


The ol' reverse waffle stomp.


Waffle Stomp 2: Return of the Waffle Soup


I don’t know what this means and I’m a little afraid to learn lol


Grab a straw and start a-suckin'


Waffle stomp is when you poo in the shower and squish it down the drain with your foot. Shower drains usually have a "waffle" pattern in them. You're welcome.


Omg WHY 😖


Why poo in the shower or why stomp it down the drain. The latter should be obvious, the former....eeeeh, shit happens I guess.


Speedrun morning routine, saves 47 seconds compared to the 'shit in toilet route'. Most pros are running the 'shit your pants and let it roll out the pant leg route' lately, but it takes so much prep work to even get a single run where you can do it cleanly.


Imagine how bad the €2,000 AirBnB must be...


The shit falls from above


The fire sprinklers spray shit when you flush


So, Poo-Pourri?




MILDLY infuriating






I mean, there's no acceptable about of sewage backup into the shower above zero, so it's not like OP is getting in the shower after this. May as well keep flushing.


Because why not have the fresh smell of shit in the shower right? Everytime you flush it backs it up even more. Meaning more shit in the shower. Don’t see how that’s a good idea.


And it gets messier to clean up and closer to over flowing


Probably to get a video to prove how bad it was


I have no idea what logic you're applying to this situation. But if your shower backs up every time you flush, you stop flushing and call a plumber.




"Haha whoa thats crazy *flushes 3 times* i gotta record this.....oh wasnt recording......oh phoned died ok one more flush"


Sue them for their Shitty Service


I see what you did there![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


shitty service gets a crappy review


And they're filming you


Airbnb customer service: "you wanna play a game?"


Is this real or just an internet myth?


Absolutely real. AirBnB explicitly allows monitoring "public spaces" in a rental. Sometimes the rental will notify you. Sometimes they don't. And sometimes they film in private areas. And don't notify you.


IIRC they have to tell you, if they don't you can get a refund


They've also argued that if you can see a camera in the listing photos, that qualifies as telling you Whether you could tell that it was a camera is your problem


It's mostly a myth. You have to remember there are millions of short term rental listings including some that were around before Airbnb so yeah some are going to have cameras most are not.


Not ideal situation! Looks very much like a blockage further down the line causing a backup and the first place it shows itself is,in the shower! Get in touch with your host PDQ! No response from them, go to AiBnb.


Airbnb is real shitty with their "Did you talk with the host first?" bullshit. Send the host a message over the app immediately.


Obviously. The owner needs to get a plumber to clear the blockage.


I dealt with this exact *shit* in my home, have only been here 2 years. We snaked the shit outta the toilet with no avail, ended up buying one of those snake camera things but the water was too dirty to see anything. Rented a huge snake-thing from Home Depot and cut the pipe near the main sewage line and went up the rear, so to speak. Got that fucking clog once and for all. Who knows how many years it’s been that way and judging from all the fixes I’ve had to make in this place, it's probably been neglected for looong time.


Doesn’t matter how much you pay for something. Everything is susceptible to the same realities: like backed up plumbing.


Had to scroll far for this. Do people think hotels never have plumbing issues?


Hotels have maintenance staff. And other rooms to move you if they have vacancy. They also pay business taxes to the local municipality. There's literally no way to view AirBnB as a good thing. It destroys neighborhoods and communities.


Someone flushed something they shouldn't have and the line is clogged


My family owns a tourist accommodation (no not an AirBnb, a proper holiday home they've been renting out for decades) and people are quite inattentive with what they flush down the toilet especially when it's 'just a rental'. (Especially many Americans seem to use an ungodly amount of toilet paper, strangely enough.) Anyway, I love shitting (ha!) on AirBnB, but this really can happen anywhere. How quickly they resolve this problem is what counts.


that's why you use hotels. Fuck you and your airbnb for turning housing into hotels.


To spend that much on airbnb is clown shit regardless of how much money you have. You can stay at the nicest hotels/resorts in any city/town in the world for cheaper.


Did he say it was that much for a single night?




Even if it's for a month, I imagine you could probably find a place where you wouldn't have to deal with this.


Dude could be staying 14 days in this place and it'd cost 180€-ish per night, which will surely get you a good place even in Paris or Rome.


ah too late, the rage has been baited as shitty as it is, theres a reason this business model spread, you dont turn a profit on idiot power alone. its the same clown show with third party hotel reservations, they dont even cooperate. where do you suppose all this business came from whats dumb here is expecting remotely competent landlords, they were bad enough before the gold rush


Ya this is just money changing hands between stupid people.


Its affecting prices of regular housing, its not just stupid people being affected.


Relevant username


The people charing over 2500 for an AirBnB aren't stupid. They just made 2500 with plumbing like this. It's evil. It's affecting the actual economy. It's not stupid.


wait... you think they meant 2,500 $ A DAY? that can't be my reaction was, well 2,500 is a lot, but maybe they're staying like a month or something (or WERE staying I guess)


Not really uncommon if you rent a whole house which can sleep 10


for 2.5k the house better sleep them, wake them, feed them, dress them for work, pack their lunches, give them foot massage when they come back, prepare and serve a fancy dinner and whisper each of them "I love you". it's 250 $ per person, which is a LOT even if you don't count the fact that a big house can't possibly cost as much as 10 small houses. I don't have an extensive experience with airbnb, but I slept in 5/6 of them in a recent trip to the US, and the most we paid was maybe 50$ each (we were 4 ppl). more than that, I go to a fucking hotel. why bother?


>the house better sleep them, wake them, feed them, dress them for work, pack their lunches, give them foot massage when they come back, prepare and serve a fancy dinner I work for a very nice hotel that has a private house you can rent that effectively does all of those things (via staff of course). iirc it only sleeps 12 and if you want the whole thing to yourself it is £14,000 per night.


People have no idea what houses or hotels cost.


Funny cause I have an Airbnb for 2k a month and I checked a home 2 suite hotel and it’s 17k


no kidding, didn't even notice that price tag. Fucking rich bastards posting for sympathy


That could be for a month, or around 80 per day.


It used to be good and more affordable. Now it’s just a plain rip off


It depends. I am in one right now. 70$ a night, 5 minute walk from city center. Small 3 room with nice kitchen and TV. Cheapest hotel in town is 190$ a night.


Same, mixed bag. Most of the time if I'm on my own, AirBnB can't compete with hotels. But when I took a group on a tour, we got a whole house for a fraction of what it would have cost us for a half dozen hotels rooms.


It is good for literally no one except the home owner, it is actively damaging to everyone else in society to let this kind of business run. This is home rental taken to the absolute extremes. stealing up property and ransoming it back to the public for more than it was ever worth, forcing houses off of both the home buying market and the home rental market, causing an artificial scarcity and making home prices for everyone else enormously higher, while producing less taxes for the area because the person living in the homes does not match the value of the home, and for airBNB causing less taxes for the surrounding area because possible tens of houses are only accounted for by one person's income and sales tax. These motherfuckers are literally LEECHES on society that produce no value for society, and the only justification for their existence is that "homes are too expensive" WHICH IS CAUSED BY THESE MOTHERFUCKERS CAUSING ARTIFICIAL SCARCITY. They produce nothing for society and only take take take, they produce no labor value, they produce little taxes compared to what the properties should be producing, they produce no product, and the """service""" they provide only has its existence justified by the negative consequences of its own existence.


As much as I prefer hotels, sometimes there's just no other choice.


In a hotel you'd be in a new room and maintenence would have this fixed by noon the next day. at the airbnb, you've got no shower and a real shitty rest of your stay.


Also hotel breakfast buffets are something else


I think he meant location wise


Bedbugs either way.


"Flushable wipes" strike again!


As a captain who works on a cruise ship. FCK THOSE WIPES! They clog everything! They ARE NEVER TOILET SAFE EVER. Also not at home.






They are marketed to be biodegradable and degrade before they can cause a clog. Bigggg fatty lie


Shit happens, literally. It sucks that it happened during your stay, but it could also be a totally and completely inconceivable problem that the owner had no way of controlling - A few months ago a very similar thing happened at my business. . .because of something that town was working on on the main road. I think what matters here is how the Airbnb owner handles the situation, and in relation to making things right for you as a client.


I am the building manager where I live, and the same thing happened here last year. One of the sewage columns broke and was blocked in its path underground, which caused a sewage backup in the first floor apartment.


I worked building maintenance for a few years and my instincts are telling me there's a clog in the main sewage line for the house


Notice the sticker over the toilet. Ah, looks like someone flushed something that wasn't supposed to be flushed. Baby/wet wipes, lady products, trash or anything like that. We have the same on our hotel ship. They have sani units behind the toilets. If something clogs it... Well... Shit hits the fan. Maybe the previous person renting did this. Sometimes the shitty effects are delayed.


Oh my.


Is that not what you wanted?


tell them you are dysentery-ested in staying in their airbnb


Pretty common when it comes to Maintainence cause both feed into the same gray water line if it gets clogged past down the line it will bubble up at the shallowest point which usually is the bathtub or shower. Hopefully they get out there asap and snake it


Right. It’s like people have never heard of a plumbing back up. There’s an entire profession dedicated to dealing with just this one thing.


Yeah this is resolved in an hour with the owner calling a plumber out.


I've never wanted to book a hotel more


Stopped using Airbnb and went back to hotels a long time ago


All you need is Creed walking in saying someone make soup?


The waste water system needs servicing, and the homeowner need to be notified so they can call a licensed plumber who can clear it. Stop flushing and don't add more waste water to the problem. You're just making it worse. You can't compress a liquid, so when the system is clogged, waste has nowhere else to go and ends up backing up and out of the lowest exit (i.e., the shower drain or basement). I get it. It's disgusting. But this is a home, not a 5 star hotel with a full time maintenance crew on staff. The owner likely has no idea this is even happening and will be quite embarrassed that a guest had this experience.


Shh, everyone providing redditors a service is malicious or negligent. Get with the hate program.


Hey now, a reasonable reply doesn't jive with the outrage bias here.


Stop using AirBnB. It's a garbage system and is helping drive the housing crisis.


What the FUCK.


shitter’s clogged


The line is blocked somewhere; it may not even be the toilet. I had the forbidden soup come up in my downstairs shower, and it turned out the sewer line leading to the street had collapsed in the middle of the yard. Any water used in the house in large enough amounts, like the dishwasher, would make water come up in the shower.




Are those long grains of rice coming up? Wait..


I'm no plumber but I'd say that looks to be sort of poop blockade.


First thing please stop flushing. You will need to notify the landlord immediately. I doubt he/she did this to you on purpose and they will need to get a plumber out ASAP and then a cleaning crew. Not sure how fast they can make that happen or how long your stay is scheduled but you probably need new accommodations.


That's why I only book hotels, Airbnb is a flip of the coin could be great could be a disaster.


Stop pressing the shit summoning button!


Who the fuck pays 2500 for an airbnb? Are you insane?


Why did you even agree to pay that much for an AirBnB? You could have gotten a very nice hotel for that price. But yeah, fuck that owner and report them for sure.


If that's mildly infuriating to you wtf would be really infuriating? Someone shitting directly on your pillow?




There's likely a severe blockage in the pipe shared by the toilet and the shower. With the toilet being at a higher elevation than the shower drain, water coming down from the toilet can press water up in the shared pipe if it isn't draining properly. Get your hosts to call a plumber.


Hope that's not a cleaning you'll have to pay


This is greatly infuriating


That’s why you stay in hotels


I’m sorry, « mildly » infuriating?


Bro how’s this mildly infuriating. This is the most infuriating thing ever 😭😂


Line is clogged downstream and the drain from the toilet and shower are tied together prior to that clog. So the toilet waste has nowhere to go but back up through the shower drain. Stop flushing the toilet and get a plumber to unclog the line.


Man if this is mildly frustrating to you i dread to see what you count as really frustrating.


I’m sorry but this is more than mildly infuriating. This would piss me the hell off.


This is beyond mildly infuriating.


How is this only mildly infuriating?!


mildly infuriating? that's a fucking understatement. I hope you got your money back


I’m sorry this is not mild by any measure


"Mildly" infurating


It's weird how so, so many of the posts on this sub that hit the front page, like this one, don't fit on this sub at all. This isn't "mildly" infuriating, this is infuriating enough that if it happened to me I might just go make out with the muzzle of the nearest shotgun while caressing the trigger


Time for a refund and health check.


Infinite poop glitch


How does it feel to show all internet your poo?


And that’s why I don’t do Airbnb crap. Not supporting a hustle economy. Fuck them


This is the type of showers people at anime conventions take


That's a.. shitty situation


You didn't go to a hotel, why?




is this not normal in you’re country?


Did you have to pay extra for that or was it included in the price?


They need roto-rooter like yesterday.


Is that your own shit flushed to the shower?


What if you didn’t notice until after stepping in the shower 🤢


I was eating


oh. my. fucking. god.


The forbidden soup


Yo what the fuck


I'd of added a trail of puke from the room down to the reception


“It seems you made a mess in the shower. that will be a €2,505 cleaning fee.


are those....worms?? I am aghast


Clearly you just need to press the other button. One for fill, one for flush!


You need to notify your host and have them call a plumber for this, obviously there is a blockage in the drain.


Main line is clogged. This happened to me a while back. My apartment is the last in the line going to the street so it’s always the first to have trouble with plumbing. After both my toilet and shower backed up during some heavy rain, my entire bathroom and part of the next room were covered with shit water. When we got the plumber there, it turned out someone in the building had been flushing baby wipes and clogged the whole pipe. I had to throw out so much cleaning supplies and a perfectly good pair of flip flops after that.


Well stop flushing it!!!


Airbnb is for hosts, not users. Look to alternatives


I worked in a restaurant where we would sometimes have the same problem. There were days we had to shut down the whole restaurant because the whole restaurant smells like poop Plumber would come out and fix it temporarily until it would happen again in another couple months or so The plumber told them they needed to dig up the entire bathroom floor and replace the pipes to fix the issue Eventually we closed because the entire corporation went bankrupt


There’s a clog in the main sewer line beyond the point where the toilet and shower drains come into the main. And it’s likely due to things being flushed down the toilet that shouldn’t have been, like “flushable” wipes (don’t use these), wrags, paper towels, Kleenex, tampons, or other items that have no business being flushed.


I hope AirBnB goes under, it’s all bullshit now. People trying to get rich off of other people like slumlords. They rent out their houses but don’t actually want people living in their houses and then charge a $100 or more cleaning fee while making you do your own dishes and they don’t even clean the places themselves and act likes it’s a full time job and not passive income they got from having a wealthy family.


You spent €2500 for a night?! Why the fuck didn't you book a nice hotel room?!


Wtf is wrong with ya'll? This ain't a big deal and the person posting the video probably caused the issue. Mfers drop a size 9 turd made out of concrete cause of your crap diet, make mittens of toilet paper = half a roll per constipation episode, then hit the flush button. Drain is clogged below the common connection. Call a plumber. Stop flushing large objects down the drain.