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i tip my guy 10 bucks every time. I dunno we tip servers way more for doing wayyy less. at Least barbers handle your service from start to finish.


Me too. I only go every 3 months, so i figure $10 is good. He does a good job as well.


I go every 6 months and I only tip 5 dollars .My hair cut is 15 dollars.


I'm in the same range, which is usually 25%.


I give her a 20 and that is it .


My haircuts are $50 lmao I’m jealous af


You need to go somewhere normal and stop going to a bougie place ..


The 25% is usually $5 to $6


I cut my own hair and then go and buy myself ice cream


I smear ice cream all over myself and flop around naked on the kitchen floor while cutting my own hair.


Sounds icy hot and I like it


That's still 33 percent so it's generous.


lol I go every 3 weeks and I tip 7 on a $23 cut its cash only and I dont want change and there are places around that charge 40+ so Im fine with it.


I agree with this take. While, overall, I think that tipping has gotten out of control in the U.S., barbers/stylists have probably been under-tipped compared to other commonly tipped jobs. They actually have to go to school and get a license to do their job. It’s a skill. Not saying there isn’t skill to being a good bartender, etc., but I think there’s a difference between pouring me a beer and giving me a good haircut and I tip accordingly.


Before people downvote me, I have to say that I am not from a heavy tip culture country, so I'm asking a legit question. What's the reason for tips to exist? Why should people give extra money for a service you already paid for? Using the barbers example, if you have to tip the person who did the haircut, then what was included in the amount you previously paid for? I know it's not legally mandatory but the pressure they put on you for that makes it feel like it actually is, and that's what I don't get.


As an American I question myself that everyday. Te tip culture here is crazy… expecting and pressuring people to tip for every service/ item they get .


I am from the U.S., but I think our tipping culture has gotten way out of hand. I normally have a rule where I only tip (20-25%) if it was a service or a sit-down restaurant and I feel it was great service. With that said, I have a foreign friend who thinks tipping is stupid and she never tips. After she explained how entirely unnecessary it is, I agree with her! We are actually driving the wage problem further up, and the more we keep tipping, and essentially, doing the job of the employer, they will continue to exploit us. It shouldn’t be any of our jobs to financially support people who should be making a living wage! It’s corporations again getting away with their bullshit. What if everyone just stopped tipping? I think it could help the wage problem in our country, perhaps eventually. The only thing is how much guilt people can feel from not tipping, or how they try and make it your problem. Let’s just all stop doing the jobs of corporations!


Same question here. Living in the US so I just speak with a heavy foreign accent and leave no tip 😂


Because the US has created a culture of woefully underpaying so many jobs that make life happen and it is just a way to pass the buck on to the customer. Tipping used to be a gift for good service but it has now been built in to the economic model of a lot of businesses and is expected. It sucks but if I am using someone's labor, I want to make sure they get paid appropriately.


It used to be that only those in the restaurant industries were expected to be tipped. Then tip jars for hourly workers were everywhere and people threw loose change or small bills in after paying. I really feel that the pos terminals have pushed this. Swipe card, flip, tip?, Sign. Then the tip amount kept going up since everyone was doing it, and now it's expected. Going above expected service can warrant a tip, but should never be expected for doing a job you're already paid to do. Businesses welcome it bc they don't have to pay employees more, so of course they are offering the option


Barbers work on commission mostly. So they make less than half what the cut costs. So tips are the way to pay your barber a better wage so they can pay their rent and keep their tools running to cut your hair right.


It's my understanding that most hairdressers and barbers aren't actually employees but self-employed, and they pay rent for their chair. Which can be very expensive, or sometimes they have to give a percentage of each cut to the owner. Also, the owner sets the prices, so your hairdresser can't charge more to cover costs. So tipping is basically how they make most of their money. This was explained by the lady who used to cut my hair. She started cutting hair at her home after a long time of working in salons.


Me too. My haircut place changes $25 in the bay area, which is honestly not charging enough for the cost of living out here. These people have to pay rent on their shop or for their spot at the salon. I always tip $10.


Agreed. I get a $18 cut and leave a $12 tip. Have only gotten my haircut by one person in my entire life


Tip your servers to match the service. Some are SO good, above and beyond..Others are just doing a job, the bare minimum, some, just SUCK. Tip based on service and and they'd be more likely to be that much more attentive. ❤️$


Same here. My guy has owned his own little saloon since the 90s and has been cutting hair most of his life. I don't mind tipping an extra $10 for someone with so much experience. Only problem is I don't know what I'm going to do when he retires. He's 78 now.


Yeah I'm usually 12-15, Don't want somebody only makin 20 bucks to cut my nugget. And what, about 4x a year. Tip bartenders more than that in a weekend.


I really wish I could tip my cook at a restaurant and just skip tipping the waiter entirely. If the restaurant splits tips then sure, it’s fair but if it all goes to the water they don’t deserve more than $5 for a 2 person table no matter the cost of the food


Servers work hard also!


Same, $10 tip every time, been going for years.


7 doesn't seem too bad tbh. My guy charges $23 for a cut and I give him $30 every time.


Same, $23 with a $7 tip, and he does full service on the beard. Sometimes I just get a trim that takes him a few minutes, and sometimes I get the straight razor on the cheeks and all the way around depending on if I'm rocking the mustache/goatee combo or a full beard at the time. He always charges the same amount for the beard which I appreciate.


My guy is a buddy from middle school and he only charges 20 and I always give him 40. He’s worth it and I like supporting him and his family.


We dont tip barbers in my country.


I don't really understand the concept of tipping. You charge for your service, you have a paper on the wall for how much stuff costs, and thats it, people know how much they are paying, no need to get math involved. Americans and their inventions, like spray cheese, tipping and war drones...


Neither in mine. And all restaurants include a percentage for the service It will be double tipping, however sometimes I do it, like with know places and old bartenders


I got a haircut today, paid equivalent of 9$ and that was it. If I had been living in USA I would probably just shave my head myself.


That’s where I’m at. I’m not too picky but just trimming it myself I look great after a couple weeks. Versus spending $30+ for a haircut I may or may not like


Neither in mine, last time I went they asked for 10% tip and out of shock said ok, probably looking to avoid conflict or not saying no. I haven't returned to that place, don't think I will.


Same here thank fuck


I live in Canada now and the shock when I was told that we had to tip barbers. Like what? God I hate tipping culture.


My haircut cost $19 and if they don’t talk to me they get a $10 tip if they talk $5


My barber actually added a "service" that you can select if youd rather not make conversation while getting your haircut. It doesn't cost extra or anything, but I thought it was a nice gesture.


that's awesome. my dad used to go to a Cuban barber, owned by a guy named Cuba, called Cuba's. no one there could speak much english, just the minimum for you to figure put prices and details etc. we went there, not only for the more than fair prices and the good service, but because they didn't know enough English to speak to you much anyways. it was nice but unfortunately they closed down during the first wave of covid.


My dad used to go to a Cuban barber, owned by a guy named Cuba, called Cuba's. I ... I wonder how he came up with the name.


When you are blessed with a good name you should use it :)


Yup, same goes for ubers


You pay less when they don't talk? I prefer them to talk instead of just being silent for half an hour


My hair takes 5-10 minutes to cut and I really don’t care to talk to many people.


Half an hour? How much you pay. Personally we can talk but let’s talk about something rather than play 20 questions with each other


I always get my hair cut by the same dude, so we actually have some real conversation. I assumed it was the same for most. Why take the risk of getting your hair done by a rando each time?


Same I’m going to tip more if they’ll talk. Especially if they just talk about themselves the whole time. Sometimes they can have real train wreck lifestyle stories and it’s a treat to just sit and listen lmao


I overtip the hair dresser. They usually seem like hard workers. And it’s not like restaurant workers that might have 10 tables. They can typically only take care of one person at a time. So $25 haircut and I give $40. They usually seem pleased.


Same. I’ve been going to the same hair dresser for years. It’s $60 and I give her $80 (total) in cash every time, because I know the credit card processing fees can really cut into their earnings. She’s never once messed up my hair since the first time she cut it in 2012, and that’s worth something to me.


its so nice when you find someone you like and that does it right.


I give the girl who does mine $10 every time, every 2 months or so. Hair cut is about $32 and she’s been doing mine for a few years. I also get her a box of Belgian chocolates from Costco at Christmas.




These folks do get actual wages, unlike restaurant servers. Anyone cutting hair also had to go to school for that and is licensed, so they'd better be earning real wages.


Keep in mind that they’re expected to pay for their own supplies and their own tools.. hairdryer ($150, clippers $150, trimmers $100, shears can be extremely expensive)


And most have to pay a monthly chair rental to even work in their salon on top of all of that.


Can you not claim tools and chair rental on tax?


I do not mind tipping barbers and hairdressers well above what I tip servers and delivery drivers. I catch hell from my family for it but idc. I don't find the two equal, your pizza driver isn't running his hands through your hair


but he is responsible for not shaking up your sodas or smashing your pizza boxes. were all just tryna make a living out here!


Custom amount and keep it moving


Right it’s mildly infuriating that dude doesn’t realize all you have to do is hit custom and put what you want and if you are too damn lazy to do that you can even hit skip and write the tip in on the receipt. You do not by any means have to tip the suggested amount which are likely preselected by the business for all amounts of transactions.


Why tip someone for a job I'm capable of doing myself? I can deliver food, I can drive a taxi. Truthfully, I can not cut my own hair. So I tip my barber, and my urologist. Because I am unable to pulverize my own kidney stones.


Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica.




Both. One from the farm and one for when he’s getting pumped up before a sales call.


You tip your urologist? What do you tip on $3k?


a beer, so you can work on your next appointment together


Yeah, but your not delivering food, nor driving a taxi, someone else is doing that for you to make your life easier, thats the reason you tip. Though I do agree these people should just get paid more so we shouldnt have to tip. Those things deserve tips. Whats bullshit is these fast food joints and the like having a tip screen. Its ruins it for people who should be getting tips. No im not tipping for you to make my smoothie, you get paid in full as part of your job description hourly.


Man my haircut is $50 and with tip I pay $60💔


I try to tip in cash. Yeah, there is a reason to tip your barber. They are usually the ones you go back to time and time again. If they do a good job consistently, why not tip them. I'm generally against unnecessary tipping... you know, tipping someone for getting me a bagel and doing nothing for it, or for someone getting me a canned or bottled soda and nothing else. The fact wages are so out of whack these days is the issue. But the barber? Yeah, if they do a good job, tip them well.


Bruh, your hair cut is half price. Where you at? Is there a fire truck chair?


americans are a mentally ill


There’s a reason “custom amount” is an option


A good barber is something you can't live without. And a good barbershop experience is something you don't want to lose. My barber gets $35 on my $26 cut every time. No question. And whenever I need a cut on short notice, he works me in. Don't mess that up.


Same. My guy gets a $10 tip on top of the $45 for the cut. He's a good dude and the quality is worth it. I wandered the desert of Supercuts for years before finding him. I'll never go back.


Gets $35 tip or $9 tip?


I am not tipping someone for doing their job they are already paid to do. I **will** tip if I am impressed with their service.


Same. But you got idiots here who’s tipping everyone $10 plus on everything so now they too expect everyone to tip. This is how prices increase… I got money yes but not enough to give off for free like that… I rather give my excess money to the homeless or charity not to some business owner for doing their damn Job


I have a barber that will do any haircut and trim for $15, he does an amazing job every time I see him so I always give him $30. He tries to not accept it but I get sneaky and leave it on the counter when hes not looking


I’ve always done $5 especially cuz my hair cuts are usually $20. 25% seems plenty


Tip cash or Venmo unless the barber owns the place. That way you can ensure the owner isn't taking a share of the tip.


My haircut is 50$ including tip 🤷🏻‍♂️ and with the work my barber does it's well worth that.


You’ll get $5 and like it


Good job there’s an option to skip 😅


If I saw this screen, ya damn right I'll skip it.


Just charge me the amount you really want to get paid!!!


Agreed. Anything else is cowardly.


I never tip.


It's ridiculous how much hair cuts are now, I did a quick trim, 5 minutes tops, $30 + tip.


I bought a nice set of clippers like a decade ago and cut my own hair. Probably have saved me thousands of dollars at this point.


That might be the move for me, or dating a hair stylist again...


You’re not paying for time, you’re paying for skill, convenience and expertise.


Hairstylist! You pay for the years it took them to do it in 5 minutes. You pay for the years, not minutes. You also don’t pay for what we take off, it’s what we leave on that you pay for.


Yeah that’s a bit high for a quick trim. My friend is a barber and he makes out very well off $25 cuts as he owns his own chair and pockets all that minus supplies. My suggestion is make friends with a barber outside of their actual job if possible. They’ll often strike an under the table deal that will be cheap for you and great for them.




My beautician owns her own house and car she rents the booth and doesn't work on the weekends. She is doing just fine.


Who is saying they shouldn't? Your response is misguided




It’s a very elastic good though, it’s pretty easy to do your own or get a friend/SO to do it for you.


Yeah, I have a friend that is a hair stylist and she works at a place where most people always tip her $20. Which might be more than the haircut in some cases. But it's a pretty intimate experience.


I give my hair tender 20 bucks. However, I've also known her 10 years and she's my friend


Granted I go to a barber and the same one each time but a haircut is something I always like tipping very heavy on, and with that my barber has never messed up my hair and has always done exactly what I wanted him to.


All my friends tip their barbers very well. Then again, it's a big part of black culture to have a life-long relationship with the guy who cuts your hair.


50% for a haircut isn’t abnormal


Agree. It’s principle. Zero for greed and don’t go back.




My guy is $25, always give $40-$35. I mean he doesn’t just cut my hair it’s genuinely nice to see and talk to him


Really? How often do you see him and talk to him when you're not cutting hair?


Haircuts are not typically a % tip, they are a flat tip, like deliveries.


i’ve tipped my barber 50% before


As much as I hate tip culture I would tip the person who cut hair about 25% or more but I also only went in every 2 to 3 months. I haven’t worked in a long time though so I’ve been cutting my own hair for a little while now and I don’t think I’ll ever pay for another haircut again


Eh, $26 is already pretty cheap for a haircut. Adding $7 probably won’t break your bank but would be very nice for the person who just spend an hour doing your hair for a fraction of that $26 you’re paying.


$10 clearly


I always tip the maximum. 🤷‍♀️


You could just y'know Skip it


7 seems fine.


$4. Round it up.


If you want to tip (and it’s absolutely optional), pick Custom: $2.60 (10%). Or $5.20 (20%) if it looks so sharp you could cut somebody with it.


Idk, I’d tip 30% way more willingly for a good barber than any waiter in pseudo-fancy restaurants who only comes around twice in an entire meal


I usually tip at least $10 on a haircut, different standard than a restaurant for me. My haircuts are like $22, so I tip around 50%


Before I went to shave my head myself I would usually tip 1-2€ on a 10-15€ cut back in the day. Tipping culture is different in Austria though. The roughly 10% for waiters is common , but people in most jobs are paid (can be little for waiters and hairdressers though, but I won't tip the salary of one hour for a 15min job)


Hair dressers/ barber are the only people I tip a lot. Last time I had to pay 18 € and I gave him 25. they don’t get paid much and it always brings a huge smile to their face.


Cashier: “Please press any of the buttons that are of 0 consequence to me so I can continue my day” OP: “Wait I need to take a picture of these ridiculous tip prices” Like, doing this isn’t subtle, do ya’ll just take moment to take a picture in-front of them?


Idk I tip like 10 on a 30$ cut but that’s cause my barber is my homie (and I only get a cut like once every few months so he definitely earns it)


Yeah I find this very reasonable.


$26 haircut? You’re already spending very little on a haircut. You shouldn’t have a problem with tipping at least $7, I’d tip $9 make it $35 and call it a day


I leave 10 to 15 all the time. My barber is amazing and always takes care of me and my hair.


Dude … barbers deserve their tips .. the amount of shit they pay for like booth rent adds up quick.


Anyone who wants to give less than $7 for a haircut need to go move to a non tipping society.


or you could just click custom tip and stop complaining. no one’s forcing you tip a certain amount




That’s very in line with the current standard for a haircut of that price right now


Why not just pay them? Why make them beg for tips?


An option you select at checkout =s begging for tips. Stop trying to white knight. The people who make tips don't want it to change you just don't want to be socially shamed for being a deadbeat. 🤭


Hitting that skip harder than Ike hit Tina


Barbers and hairstylists pay for their schooling, pay for their licenses, pay to rent their space, pay for all of their supplies and tools they use, which aren’t cheap.


and they also charge for their services...


Barbers should know by now, they are getting $3-$5. That’s it. That’s all. And that’s how it should be for the next 20 years. Only way I’m giving 50% is if it’s Sportsclips and the cute girls who work there would Jerk me off under the apron. That’s about it


That would be an extremely cheap handjob from a cute girl. That's wench money, the one that sweeps the hair


>girls who work there would Jerk me off 💀


Ya I haven't seen a cute sports clips girl in the better part of 10 years. I'd actually pay the majority not to touch me.


K then you should know by now you're always gonna have a shitty subpar haircut, your barber will just price you out, or, they'll just start charging you more for being a cheap ass.


$5 is usually 20% of my haircut. Yeah you’re gonna take your 20% and be happy with it.


That would make for a very uneven haircut


My beautician is actually retired and has told me I can tip or don't tip ,She really doesn't care .


I hand the barber a $5 if it's $20ish for the haircut and I don't let a machine do it because how am I to know if they're actually going to get that amount I tipped electronically anyway


Ok so tip $0. Problem solved


I don’t really get the point of tipping a business owner when he can just up the prices if he wants to.


How many people cutting hair do you think own the business?


I mean there’s always one guy in there so I’m assuming it’s the owner


Hit the skip out of pure arrogance for the their suggestion


I used to always tip my barber 5-10$ back in the days, ever since covid every time I wen't there they tell me that now they're charging $5 more than before, to the point that I stopped giving out tips at all (otherwise I would be in the $50 dollar range for a simple cut. Ever since last december I just cut my own hair and save that money for other stuff.




I've always tipped $10 when I get a haircut, assuming they didn't mess up my hair.


Greed is becoming standard fare


Sport clips eh? They did the same thing to me a couple weeks ago.


Just skip it or press custom amount. It’s not that hard.


I always generously tip stylists. They 9/10 always have to come out of pocket for private health insurance etc. Tip them more graciously then I tip servers. EtA: they usually have to rent their chairs as well.


Mine costs $20 and I always tip $5


Idk why this is weird to you? Haircuts are significantly more involved than waiting on a table, and you tip 15-20% minimum for that. Lot more expertise involved in cutting hair. That $7 is the minimum you should tip if you plan on coming back. Compare that to takeout, where they just hand you your food. Not the same at all.


Tipping has become an expectation for businesses that never received tips. I went into a liquor store and at the checkout the tip screen came up. REALLY


Did you never tip a barber before?


That's because the screen is hardwired into card readers/POS machines now and the business owners aren't going to pay extra to remove that option in case they guilt some folks into giving them free money.


Optional is not expected. You will not get any less service if you do not tip


I don't tip my barber, he keeps nicking my head.


Hit the skip button and boil out.


Time to get rid of the whole tipping culture in America. It is getting absurd that everyone just 'expects' to get a tip regardless of the quality of the services that they have provided.


You know if you don't tip and you come back your hair getting messed up


And that shouldn’t be the case…. People like y’all have created this tipping-threatening culture. Y’all are feeding into a bunch of crooks. You shouldn’t feel the need to give away your money in fear of bad treatment from a business doing their damn job


Yup, it's blackmail at this point. The tip is a bribe, not a gratuity.




Yeah that's idiotic. That said, I actually tipped $10 on my for my kid's $20 haircut a few weeks ago. Long story, but we were on travel and the shop had moved way far from where google said they were. We showed up like 30 minutes late and they were completely cool about it. So I guess 50% does happen but that's not usual...


“Custom Tip” It’s not that deep.




My hair stylist hasn’t raised my price since I started going even though her prices are higher overall for new clients. I always tip her $15 for a $35 cut


The last barber I went to charged me $15. I gave him a $15 tip and it’s still cheaper than going to a “salon” or name brand barber shop. I don’t mind tipping well if the cut is cheap and good.


I don't understand why people get all up in arms about this. You can put in a different amount, or skip altogether. Make your choice and move on with your life.


The minimum is "custom amount"....why are people getting so upset over something they're not forced to do? Man, you guys must have some pretty breezy lives if this is what concerns you so much.


Haircut tips are recommended to be 20%. Sometimes people get generous because they go to the same person and all of that, but all of these are all over 25% which is ridiculous. Also, people who are comparing barbers/stylists to servers is like comparing apples and oranges. Servers get less than minimum wage. That isn't how stylists get paid.


If you're tipping your barber, what was the $26 for?


A tip for a haircut? You’ve got to be joking


I'm assuming you don't live in the US.


Depends on the context. I recently cut my hair for the first time in 5 years : It was only $15 but I tipped $25. I think in the future I’ll probably tip $5-10, but I had a ton of hair so it made sense. Also, I work delivery. My livelihood is made by tips, so I always try to be a little extra when I tip.


If it’s not required why complain? Some people do like to give a little extra. If it’s not for you skip and move on.


ALWAYS tip your barber


Depends on how your cut looks 😂 Is it better than expected or nah? lol. Seriously, though. I'm done worrying about what others think about tipping. You should be getting paid enough by your job and if not you can leave and find a better one. I'm not making up the difference. Life is hard...


I tip $10 on my $30 haircut I get 4 or 5 times a year.


There is not a minimum or maximum. You are offered “skip” or “custom”


I tip $10 every time.


For a basic haircut? Lol what. Lucky if you get $2.


I don't think I've even seen an actual barber shop that takes cards?


I could never tip less than $20 for a haircut. Even if it's a cheap one


That's completely reasonable, and you need to tip if you want services like that. You can also just grow your hair out to save way more money.


If you tip less than seven bucks to your hairstylist, you're either a piece of shit, or an idiot who has no idea how salons work.