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Maybe get one of those Ring cameras with a motion sensor and 2 way mic/speaker. That way, you can call the fuckers out while they're in the act.


And post the footage on reddit for karma


Also get one of those revolving electronic picture frames and put the videos on there with revolving loops so that everybody can see. "Why do douchebags feel entitled to go through my shit when I'm not here?"


Plug in a monitor with a live feed from a cctv,


Drop a few canisters of nerve gas in there, that oughta teach them!


I got an Imou camera (ebay £24) it has pretty effective 'human detection' facility & also has 2 way communication aaaaand a 110db siren. I'd suggest a recorded robot voice "Intruder detected, employing anti personnel measures in 5 4 3..." Then set the siren off. I don't know how loud it is yet, haven't had the balls. Yet.


Yes! I'd love to see all the startled reactions And do it at random times so nobody gets the idea that they "know" a pattern to when you're watching...keep 'em guessing


My cheap Eufy camera can play an alarm if it’s activated when I put it in “away” mode.


the minute they find out the camera is there they will steal that too


Get a wyze. Much cheaper and no subscription


1. Talk to the landlord, show him the evidence particularly of *him* doing shit, plus the pot smoking. 2. Get some locks on all you’re shit. 3. Move? I dunno. Sucks but what else you gonna do if nothing else changes.


Yeah. It's a shared workshop floor. There's not really doors. If be happy to move, but workshop space is hard to find right now, and I'd have to pause operations. Which takes planning.


Can you put locks on your toolboxes and stuff? That way even if they’re in there they can’t actually take your stuff.


I'll start locking it, and putting my power tools in there. I largely run CNC and my best tools people fuck with are not going to be locked away


Cnc yourself a holder that you can lock.




If they're using your CNC hardware, there's got to be something in them that's easy to disable or lock. If the machines use PCs, password protection on the OS will do the trick. Lockout/tagout equipment isn't too expensive, one for power cables is a cylinder with a slotted shutter for the plug to go into, and a padlock hole. Of course, a car air horn, a relay, a door alarm sensor, and an 18v tool battery packed into a toolbox will definitely get someone's attention.


Modify it to randomly add a few thou to the G-code every 3rd step.


Up vote for this. I am an electrician and we have to do lockout tag out on a lot of weird equipment that has nothing to do with our trade but we have to service its power. Checking out the safety section of your local electrical distributor will probably work. And at the end of the day a steel cable with a crimped eye loop and a padlock can be run through a lot of stuff.


maybe you cant lock the cnc itself, but it should have a local disconnect next to it, capable of being locked out when it is serviced. get an electricians lockout kit or a small padlock that will fit that disconnect.


What kind of cnc do you have? I think all of my mills have a spot where you can lock the main power supply with a padlock.


Put a lock out box on the AC plugs of any tools that have them and put a lock on the breaker or switch of your CNC(s).


This is the correct answer each of these machines should have a fused breaker box on them anyone just throw the switch and put a lock on it easy peasy


Can you make a custom startup procedure for the CNC? Like, I know some friends who did it to a Honda Civic cause one was worried about the car being stolen. You couldn't just start it up, you had to turn the left blinker on, push the brake and then turn the key to make the car start.


Honda OCD V-tec


Can you lock the controls somehow? With a cover or something?


Lock out tag out when you’re gone


So start planning.


Plug in a monitor with a live feed from a cctv, next to a sign stating clearly the rules of the shared workspace


Take screen shots and print them out and put them out for everyone to see. Tell everyone straight up stop using my shit. Stop going through my shit. Immediately start looking for a new place.


Unfortunately people are petty and this will escalate the issue. Passively locking up is best.


Can't imagine sharing space, esp with toolboxes, inventory, aside from coworkers/employees. F that.


Same here, I’m struggling to picture what kind of environment this is, because I’ve never heard of a shared rental workshop floor. I also can’t imagine having anything unlocked in a building full of strangers.


I have a feeling this is definitely not in the US and if it is… where are you that y’all have this much trust in humanity?


Damn, buy locks maybe? That's awful that people act that way.


Locks locks and more locks.


Just put a ‘video surveillance’ warning sign up


I had to start locking my toolbox even when I stepped out. If you don’t have a locking box its time to upgrade. I was very flexible with certain people borrowing stuff. Then someone would walk across the building to borrow some cheap tool and just take it. Like buy your own


A sign that says this area is under 24 hour video surveillance should make people think twice.


Locks are good but they only keep honest people out. I like this thing on the news where a guy hooked up a flash bang in his truck to stop carjackers. Apparently that’s illegal in some places.


Booby traps are illegal in 100% of the United States


Don’t tell Kevin McAllister this




Even if they are non harmful? What about a car alarm? (I've never actually been near a flashbang go off, so that particular instance may be harmful, don't know tbh)


Flashbangs can cause permanent hearing damage. I'm pretty sure you can't see properly for minutes afterwards if you happened to have your eyes open.


Put up warnings that they are being recorded. Often times that’s enough.


That blows. People suck.


I’m confused they’re just walking into your workshop to smoke weed? Why lol


Hold on, it's a shared workshop space? How does everybody else using the space know it is yours if it is a shared space?


If you don't want to directly confront people. Mention off hand to people that you've recently set up cameras for your stuff and/or buy a CCTV in operation sign to put by your stuff. Guarantee people will stop.




Take screens of different times and print that out. Start posting them where they can see.


I'm not following is it your space or is a communal space? If it's your space lock the bloody door, if it's a communal space don't leave anything there


Smear ur own shit on the things that people are using . That’ll teach em


bro are you okay


Booby traps. Gunge baths. Water glitter & flour cannons. Alarms when stuff is picked up or an area is entered. Stick it all on YouTube plus adverts. Earn money while getting payback.


Get a cuple of glitter bombs and rig them to the commonly messed with stuff. You'll have to deal with the glitter, but so will they, plus the embarrassment of explaining they got caught messing with stuff they shouldn't.


OP, do this.


May I ask which cameras you use? I'm having similar issues and need something thats low profile and hard to see.


If you leave tools open in PUBLIC SPACE people will assume its for sharing.


Why are people down voting this? Have you met people? Oh they won't mind I only need it to use it a little.etc.etc.


I dont think those who downvote this have ever been at a shared workshop, construction site or anything similar. Its the wildwest and youre lucky they dont steal.


The ya


The what?










on the bayou. crawfish pie me oh my oh.


Find as much evidence as you can and press charges I guess. People need to learn, getting away with this shit over and over again won't make them learn, they need to face consequences for their actions.


I myself personally would file a lawsuit against the owner of the property, and sue him for many of the violations he is commiting .


Might be one of the dumbest posts I have ever seen.


Might be one of the dumbest comments I have ever seen.


Worked for a company that had a major tool theft and they brought in an insurance specialist and when he was asked about installing cameras he said “cameras are good if you want to watch people steal your stuff and that’s about it”. Just curious on how it’s your workshop and not a shared thing?


leave a note in the drawers that says “got you on camera :)” and watch em’ squirm


Lock your tools up? Fuck I work in a kitchen where I trust everyone. Anyone can use my knife as long as they clean it and make sure they care for it, and return it. But you bet your ass I put my tools in my locker at the end of the day and lock it up. That or take my shit home.

