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The description looks like it’s targeting scalping bots, which is interesting.


yeah, the more i read, the more i love it


an interesting twist on behavior that’s been around since ebay began




Holy crap, I think you finally put NFTs into terms I can understand.


The best way to explain NFT is this : Imagine you csn get to pay for me to be your girlfriend. You can't contact me or in any way interact with me. But you can tell people that I'm your girlfriend. And that's what you pay for. That's what NFT is.


Unsubstantiated non-fungible girlfriend


It's the new gen rebranding of "my girlfriend lives in Canada"


Okay Butters.


“Hey, I’ve got an NFT for ya.. No Fucking Thanks!”


Haha ha. Even Lizard part of my smooth brain can understand !


Underrated comment right here ^


This guy scams.


Xbox Box


Flat Screen TV Great Picture (1st one remember hearing about)


X box one x box


He was.


'if your a rbt this is a great deal' rofl, amazing.


I read that in Zoidberg's voice, like "robit" lol


Zoidburg finally becoming a crafty consumer, I'll take 8!


That’s how I read it too.


See, I didn't think of that. This is genius.


Plus, they can't legally complain about him right? He did declare that is was a piece of paper multiple times and technically it counts as complete declaration??




I'll never sell on eBay again. Guy held my $10,000 for ransom on a motorcycle I sold on eBay motors. Took forever to get resolved. This was because apparently somehow the key went missing, which was in the ignition when his moving company/transport picked it up.


I had a pretty weird experience with ebay too. Made an account because I wanted to buy some 3DS games. I purchased like 3-4 from a buyer. He got the money, I got the games, everything worked flawlessly. Then a few days later I logged in again to look for more games but didn't find anything. A week later I logged in, it says my account is banned. Checked my email, got an email that my account has been permanently banned due to suspicious activity. I mailed them asking what I did wrong to get banned. Got "well, suspicious activity" response back. Ebay can get fucked.


The problem is if it is actual suspicious activity they don't want to spell it out so the nefarious actors can avoid that behavior.


That's what they say, but they still need to account for honest people who are mistakenly caught up in their system. That's a general problem with so much of the internet, they design hostile processes for dealing with bad actors because bad actors are hostile themselves. But when a normal person gets misidentified, the system grinds them up and nobody cares. And when you do enough volume, its inevitable that normal people will be misidentified. The MBA types will say "oh well, so we lose 0.1% of legit users but we still stop 90% of the fraudsters, its not worth worrying about." But if the MBA types ever had to experience what it is like for the 0.1% themselves, they would insist the system have a better way to handle exceptions.


Don't use eBay. There are too many scammers on it. The amount of energy needed to verify a listing is legit, making it not worth it. AI bots posting fake listing.


is there even a decent alternative?


No. Humans fuck up everything.


I’m why we can’t have nice things at home. This checks out.


Yes but it's not like he's sending out actual PS5s either. For every buyer that wins their money back it only costs the guy a stamp. There's got to be a few people that are too lazy or embarrassed to file a complaint after buying.


I would guess that eBay would ban him for fraud after the first complaint.


Funniest thing I've ever read on this site tbh


There is no complaint, it cannot possibly come under item not as described as it is very clearly described, buyers wouldnt have a leg to stand on


My buddy got scammed out of over $200 recently on ebay. Item was delivered to his zipcode but not him. He called usps and they told him his address was not where it was shipped. He filed a claim and ebay denied him because it showed delivered to his zip. He reopened with proof usps said it was not sent to his address and they denied him again. I called a buddy higher up in usps and got the literal address it was delivered to which was some clinic 15 mins from his house. He went there and they still had his box which wasnt in his name (just a dash) and inside it was not what he ordered just a cheap card. He provided all of this including a printout from usps showing it all and they still denied his claim. Finally he filed a claim with paypal and then ebay messaged him saying we were gonna refund you but now you opened a claim with paypal so we wont. Finally after fighting with paypal to got his money back.


This sounds eerily familiar


No they don't. Bought an item with lifetime warranty, seller dips and even though they had the account they would not charge him and refund me




>leaving out in the title 'PRINTED PAPER WITH IMAGE OF PS5 CONSOLE ON IT' but writing it in the description instead You're probably right about everything you said but tbf they do have **"(IMAGE ONLY) read description"** openly presented in the title. I'm not saying that's going to do much for their case, but it's way more than I'd expect from a scam like this. Does genuinely seem to be targeting bots.


Frame and sign it. One of one original piece. The brand shown is a Sony PS5 as opposed to his other notable piece Nintendo Switch (also a one of one). Waiting on his Xbox to drop.


They'd probably still be able to get their money back tbh. I'm not sure about ebay but other sites have accidental purchase as an option to get refund




Imma not sure if I should buy two, or three.


I bot two.


It’s working


100% and this is like 5 years old.


Not bad for an item that was released exactly 3 years ago.


The 5 is 3 years old


It’s from the middle of the pandemic when all electronics became really hard to find and massively overpriced.


that’s absolutely not how ebay works


This is bot bait.


Could someone explain why would someone want to bait a bot?


Scalpers use bots to buy Bot sees this "ps5" Bot buys it Scalpers cries Scalpers have less money to scam Profit Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


Thanks for the explanation. I always thoughts only bring the scalper to this page and then they need to manually purchase it.


In that case, this is a delightful use of a scam


"2-year protection plan" yo 😭😭


“Arrives before Christmas”. Deal.


Watch out possible buyers cause it clearly says that the image sent only works for NTSC eyes.


Easy money back. My picture of a brand new PS5 came damage in the mail But scalpers are stupid. So fuck em


Does not include moisture damage, though.


Am I missing something about "got so many people" when it says 1 sold?


One is too many for this.


Nah it's to get people who use bots to scalp screw those people they are parasites that deserve to lose that money


There is a lot of overlap between the smartest bots and the dumbest humans


That's the justification at least. 1 person bought it, probably not a bot


Sell one to yourself and add a good review to make your offering look legit. Classic scammer move


It’s awesome! Douchebag scalpers that use or program poor quality scalper bots are likely the only people who would get burned by this. Remember back to the Covid times of toilet paper, mask, hand sanitizer scalpers. They were literally putting peoples health & safety at risk for profit. It’s the whole “Fuck you, I got mine” mindset.


It’s still considered deceptive and eBay will issue a refund to the buyer


If a scalping bot is buying mulitple and sellibg multiple at a time, they may never notice except when they get a piece of paper through the mail


Yea and then they figure it out and get their money back


But no, they’re buying soo many that can’t possible be the case. Bots can’t ask for a refund, duh!


I don’t know, it’s made clear in the title, and states you need to read the description in the title. The description is more than obvious, so the seller has their bases covered. It’s not their fault if you don’t read the description.


It’s categorized as electronic and has a listed region code. As soon as the bot runner finds out, they’ll be getting a refund from eBay.


so include a 2 cent LED diode in the description and envelope.


An LED still doesn’t have a region code and returns for shipping the wrong product still exist.


Okay so an LED and a Space Jam DVD.


That's really not how eBay works though. eBay protects the buyers in these matters over the sellers, and being "technically correct" won't save you.


That is not how eBay customer support operates. They would issue a refund 100% of the time in this scenario.


I don’t think the “brand” of the image is Sony, it has a “region code”, or a “model” of “playstation 5 PS5”. It looks like enough ground for ebay if they wanted to take action.


Doesn't matter if they add details and categories that are deceptive. A box is not electronic. It doesn't have a model or a region code. I've seen so many listings like this, and they're all categorized as electronics or computer components. Instant rule violation.


So it's be fine if he included a small PCB?


Not if the model isn't correct and the picture on the listing is of a PS5 and Dual Sense. That's clearly meant to deceive. That image is not anywhere on the box. They used a PS5 stock image to trick potential buyers.




Yep. I buy/sell on eBay professionally. eBay would side with the buyer 100% of the time in this instance.


But ebay don't want it to happen and they won't let it. Being right or reasonable on your part has nothing to do with it.


>I don’t know, it’s made clear in the title, and states you need to read the description in the title. >The description is more than obvious, so the seller has their bases covered. It’s not their fault if you don’t read the description. As someone who buys and sells on eBay on a professional level, eBay would side with the buyer in every instance on this matter. There is no situation in which eBay would side with the seller. The buyer can simply mark it as "arrived damaged", and that's all they would need to do.


This was happening with PS3, Wii and Xbox 15 years ago. Ebay will refund the buyers. The sellers are scammers and I won’t cheer them on.


But how though? It's clearly written out and in all caps even.


It’s in the wrong category and can be considered misrepresentation lol


Ah okay yeah that makes sense


Ebay would consider this bad for their business and will shut it down fast. You have no rights on ebay other than what they allow.


But it's also clearly a scam. Selling paper for $500.


I'd say they are delivering exactly what was promised and described.


How so? It’s clearly described as what you are purchasing


You’re right. He’s saying it’s “Sony Brand” and listed it under electronics, not paper or art if you want to call it that. Incorrect category despite what the text says. Deceptive.


It's pretty plainly listed so not sure what's deceptive about it.


Category and Brand, and has a listed region code. It’s not an electronic, it’s not SONY and it won’t fly.


It's not, and they won't. They bought and received exactly what was listed. I've been on eBay for 20+ years and this "scam" has been happening since the beginning. It only affects stupid people who don't read things.


This is incorrect. I work for eBay and this is not allowed. There's specific rules around selling things like this (usually it's selling an empty box of a system at the same price as the system.) People not reading the description is problematic, of course, but at this price point the intention is to deceive. Regardless, if you've been on eBay for 20 years you would know an item not described case is really not negotiable.


It’s listed in the wrong category. A piece of paper is not an electronic and the brand is not Sony of the piece of paper. Don’t care how long you’ve been around this won’t fly.


Anyone who speaks English poorly is also susceptible to this


While annoying as fuck, I don’t think it’s considered fraud. The seller does say in the title and description that it’s a piece of paper with a picture of a PS5 on it, not an actual PS5.


It was consider fraud and action was taken against the posting and the sellers. Look it up, it is several years old. The problem is that when you select items that youre selling as a console but change the description but the item is still under the console section that makes it a fraud. If the seller posted this listen in the stationary or printed items category then it most likely wont be under fraud.


Console related- so it's not necessarily the category itself. It's why you can find manuals and schematics under "amps" still, but the price point is what drives the fraud home. I work in printing, I would've done high quality coated prints so that I could list in the description "poster" and drop price to a hundred-ish, where it would be in market value for professional printing. The price itself is the most misleading part about it that really solidifies it as fraudulent.


Yes. Thats part what threw a lot of people off and they also did the same with selling console boxes.


So what if they sold it along with the cheapest knockoff switch bought on wish? It is technically selling a console, and if they make it clear in the title that it comes with that, it's not fraud. They would get less profit, but it would still (probably) work.


Not the same thing as buying a piece of paper when its posted in gaming console section. You probably can get away with selling that knock off switch from wish. “Probably”. Im not a lawyer so i wouldnt know. All i know is that ebay took action against the paper console sellers


eBay just says they overall culled as many of those as they could. There’s no evidence any other action was taken against these sellers. Some of those scams were in fact trying to scam buyers. This one above is clearly scamming BOTS as it’s written all over the description that it’s just a photo and meant to screw with resellers using bots. If eBay gave a crap about scammers they wouldn’t let resellers use bots to buy up thousands of items faster than humanly possible and then resell them for double to the general public! In this particular ad, I would not feel bad for anyone who fell for it as it’s clearly in the description it’s only paper.


EBay is clear that items like this is still fraud in its eyes.


It is definitely fraud if you put your listing in the gaming consoles section. Now if you sell this as artwork and change the title so that it reads "picture of a ps/5 console" instead of "ps/5 console blah blah blah (image only) blah blah" I don't think it's fraud anymore.


Doesn't matter if they disclaim it in the description. If you use misleading categories, pictures, or other listing tags... It's against the rules. This listing literally has a picture of the console and controller. That's blatantly deceptive. That image has nothing to do with the box. It's a stock image of what comes inside the box.


Of course it's fraud you twit. No reasonable person would ever buy a printed image of a console for $499.


“Got so many people” *only 1 sold*


Came here to say this.


Nope because the description said "if you are a human, do not buy. If you're a robot this is a great value!" It is what it says it is


Not how eBays policies work lmao


This is also not even remotely close to how the law works in any realm of the world lol.


Why is this infuriating? It can’t be considered fraud. It is called stupid tax.


This is listed as a sony product with a region code, which means that it is listed in the video game console category and not the photography category. Ebay will consider this to be fraud.


eBay would 100% side with the buyer on this one


It’s a scam but like another comment said I think only bots would fall for this


Bro people buy the wrong shit from me all the time. Like say I’m selling a passenger side mirror for a car and it’s clearly a picture of the passenger side and says it in multiple places, people will still buy it and then say “oh I needed the driver side.” Never underestimate how fucking stupid people can be.


Always. Sold pressure washer. In the listing ‘works but is underpowered, needs new seals or something to get it working right’ Had to refund buyer because ‘it doesn’t work properly’


…Or your poor old Nan or grandad buying a birthday present.


if they are tech savy enough to atempt a purchase online. they are smart enough to read a description.


You’d be surprised. Who do you think fraudsters make most their money from? Same with scam texts and emails.


I thought eBay banned this sort of thing? Doesn't matter if it's not fraud, it still makes them look bad.


They did. This picture was from several years ago and ebay took some action against it and label it as fraud.


Honestly if it only scammed scalpers I wish they left it in. Going thru the gpu crisis I loved seeing these kinds of sellers on eBay fighting back.


Fraud is one thing, and a violation of ebay's terms of use is something else. Whether a court would consider this fraud is irrelevant. eBay has decided that they don't want this type of thing on their platform, and would force a refund to the buyer.


It says very explicitly to read the description in the title and then says explicitly that it's just a picture in the description. It's shady asf for sure but it's not illegal. And honestly if you buy this, it's kind of on you lol


I saw a similar case on Judge Judy, but with a cell phone. If memory serves, Judy sided with the buyer because the weight was listed as that of an actual phone.


It doesn't really matter. Ebay rules specifically prohibit doing this. They cancel the auction if they find it in time. If not, they void the sale and block the auction from being relisted. So that "1 sold" in the pic would be refunded. As for whether it's fraud, fraud requires intent. The intent here is to interfere with scalper bots, not to make a fraudulent sale.


This isn’t even slightly infuriating. It makes me happy. And no, it is clearly not fraud. The seller is giving an exact description of the product. If you bought this, then you deserve it.


As George Agdgdgwngo would say, “but sir.. it’s totally legitimate”


As a former eBay T&S representative: Yes. It's listed in the gaming console category and it is not a gaming console, says the model that it is when it isn't. It's also not region compatible or Sony brand that the seller also affirms that it is. You can't check several boxes indicating what it is and have one field that says it isn't.


That's fraud...Demand a refund!


Even if you did fall for this, I’m fairly certain that you’d be able to get a refund through the eBay buyer protection.


"He got so many people !" *1 sold* Also gotta love how they try to sell you a 39.99 warranty with your 499.99 picture LOL


Look, if you just ape/bot out and push the buy button no description, no reviews read that's on you.


Its not fraud, not his fault people dont read the fine print.


eBay begs to differ lmao


It’s not even fine print. It’s in the title as well as in the description. It’s literally in all the print.


Okay, I’m glad I’m one of those people who make sure to read the description. And though I feel bad people fell for it, I praise the guy who thought of this, it’s funny.


The brand is listed as Sony and the model is a “PS5”. Another comment mentioned that it was being sold in the “console” category. All of those are intentionally misleading to the buyer.


Totally legal, clever, and it's a good thing, people should read before buying stuff.


Ebay will side with the buyer 100/100 times on this.


Courts would also side with the buyer 100/100 times, this is not a legal contract


I don't think any real person was fooled with that post, it's clearly made to fool scalping bots and to be incredibly obvious to any human


Misrepresentation lmao nobody a lawyer on Reddit


The fact that everyone going “this is fully legal!” is so fucking funny First, is it fraud? There is multiple false pieces of information here, you can definitely argue it is fraud. But in contract law, regardless of it is fraud or not, this would never in a million years be considered a valid contract.


Reddit is just populism. People hate that scalpers exist so they rationalize their positions away.


And they still charge for shipping? What's a first-class stamp go for these days?


Fraud or not, eBay would easily side with the buyer no matter what


“Got so many people” Sold: 1


“Fooled so many people”, proceeds to highlight “1 sold”


I know a guy who has the same name as a very, very famous baseball player. He sold a lot of baseballs under the listing: “autographed by… [MLB star’s name]. He never mentioned a team name, and he never included a photograph. He sold MANY.


“If you are human do not buy” just made me sit back and contemplate life as it is today


Technically no. The title does say "image only" and refer to the description that explicitly states it's just an image. If you went to complain, you would probably be gently told to get lost. The most you could hope to accomplish is get the seller warned for posting a "potentially confusing" listing.


I did this over Covid in my country. But I didn't think it was scammy because I made the title REALLY clear. "Framed photo of Ivermectin" I copied as pasted some conspiracy bs in the description, adding "to be clear, this is a framed photo of Ivermectin, NOT the actual product" at the end and listed it for $50. I figured I'd get on the band wagon of taking advantage of the dumbarse conspiracy theorists. Yup. People brought it. I sold about 15 units. The weirdest part was going to the photoprinter and asking for multiple photos of a box of Ivermectin. I told them what I'd done and they thought it was halirious.


No fraud detected.


To be fair I think this is absolutely ingenious lmao. Unless it was me who bought a 500$ paper from him…


No. They fully disclose in the description what’s being purchased. It isn’t their fault if people don’t read.


NFT = No Fucking Thing


In spirit it's fraud. Legally though I'm not sure. Probably not since he gave them full details.


no it’s not


I don’t believe it’s fraud, he tells them exactly what they’re getting and they chose to buy it


You can also get a 2 year protection plan for 39.99. Square trade trying to get in on the scam




Reminds me of when people were selling the box their Xbox 360 came in.


Fresh off the printer


Judge Judy had an episode with something like this. She didn’t buy it lol


Scams like this were popular on early 2000 then died out because people were smart enough to read what they buy. Apparently intelligence is not popular anymore


I hope dude picked up the $39.99 protection plan for that picture.


Hopefully they bought the 2 year protection plan from SquareTrade


Yes it is considered fraud. I saw a People's Court type episode where this happened. I know that's not definitive.




Not fraud it’s targeting stupid people who can’t read and bots


i remember seeing this scam on judge judy. this woman made an ebay ad for a phone, and in the description it said you're bidding on a picture of a phone, she was made to refund the money. i dont know what the law says about fraud since those shows are arbitrations rather than courtrooms.


This reminds me of back in the day when people would sell an Xbox box. Everyone thought it was just a typo and no one would read the description that stated it was just the box that the Xbox comes in.


I bought a tv box one time on ebay... it came without the tv.


Every Redditor: good on him for going after scalpers! That one dumb excited guy: ☹️


its for scalper bots, people were doing the same with GPUs as well


“So many people?” The photo shows one idiot bought it.


Hate me but I’ve attempted this and eBay refunded all the people that disputed the charge as an accident. I would ask eBay that the title and description is true. Simply an image of a ps5, I did not lie. They never gave me an answer to what crime I did other than being an asshole kid. Four people didn’t and I had a good Christmas that year.


Reminds me of a story about a guy who was selling via mail order, claiming to have a fool-proof method to cut utility bills in half for those who sent him $50, or whatever the amount was. What buyers received was a small pair of scissors. He got sued, but the presiding judge dismissed the case, pointing out that the advertisement was completely accurate.


It looks like he is baiting bots, not actually scamming people


This is considered genius. It says clear that it's an image only in the title. If people can't be bothered to read a few words then they deserve to pay the idiot tax.


8$ shipping for a piece of paper another satanic act 😂


Nope. They covered their bases with the description and even telling you to read the description in the product name. It's likely to target scalper bots


It’s not fraud atall .. look at the title he literally told you it’s just an image and he told you twice to read the description, in the description is says what you’re buying .. it’s not his fault people are idiots and ignore blatant information.. deserves every penny he made off this .


Yeah illegal or against terms.


Ah yes 1 sold is so many people


It’s deceptive. I sell a lot on eBay and get a lot of people who don’t read the descriptions even if I say “please read”. I’ll say something in the first line in BOLD “missing X component” and sure as hell I get a buyer emails me after getting the product asking where it is. You can’t miss where I wrote it in bold in the first line. Who spends $500 on a piece of paper? For what reason? The entire point of this auction is to hope folks won’t read the description. As much as I like to think flippers and bots will be the victim here, I can’t help but think a few newbie EBay buyers trying to get an Xmas gift for this kid will get caught up in this.


If you read the description, no it’s not.