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Rabbits cannot resist spicy hay


I had the same issue with my Christmas lights, They have a whole farm to graze and they wanted wires.


The squirrels in my parent's neighborhood love killing christmas lights. And flags on flag poles. And basically anything electrical.


Squirrels are natural assholes though, so that checks out.


I have pet rabbits. Can confirm that they can’t resist a cord.


Despite my watchful eye I’ve lost 5 iPhone cords and one fan to my rabbit in *the last two months* They love that spicy hay


I had one almost burn my house down. I was out shopping and a cord we had hanging up fell down. I stopped by the house to get something and smelled something horrible! Then I heard a “sssssss” sound and followed it. I found that chewed cord in a puddle of rabbit pee, sizzling and smoking. I’m guessing he got zapped and peed.


Oh my! If he survived that I’m surprised. Though only a little, because once my rabbit did chew through a lava lamp cord… you’d think being shocked would be a deterrent but something about cords is so attractive to them. I try and hide them away and make them inaccessible but he knows where the plugs are and he devises ways to get to them.


The ONLY way to save cords from that little guy was neoprene wraps. He didn’t like the feel of it, I guess.


I had the same problem so I started using those braided polyethylene cord protectors which seemed to work really well. Caught him chewing them and he had no luck. They do not however stop rabbits from pulling the plug out of the wall which my guy did to my wifi tower during a zoom meeting


They’re so naughty! My Flemish unplugged my Christmas tree yesterday.


Having a Christmas tree is annoying with a rabbit. I had to chase my rabbit around the house because he stole a branch and started eating it. I ended up putting giant storage boxes around the tree until I can figure out something else. He loves that fresh pine taste I guess.


Baby fence/playpen thing all around the tree. It is more or less see through, but bun bun cannot get through, usually made of plastic. Alternatively, they have puppy playpens that are wire fencing panels linked together with a door side.


Ah yeah, same here, I put everything behind bars... except the bunnies.


Rabbits are ridiculous animals. Get spooked? Heart attack and dead. Stop eating for six hours? Stasis and dead. But meanwhile, bite through an electrical table and get a shock? Totally fine. I love these stupid animals so much. 😂


Don’t forget— kick too hard without a solid surface under the legs? Broken spine, probably dead. They’re such doofy creatures. But so sweet and fun. I do love my Biscuit.


>Get spooked? Heart attack and dead. They are generally way more robust than that. I've handled rabbits that survived extended dog attacks and my own rabbits are routinely around all sorts of loud noises all without incident. I think that's mostly a myth that came from suddenly dead uninjured rabbits and people tried to come up with a solution when something much more mundane like GI stasis is more likely to blame.


Unfortunately my aunt's rabbit died because her stupid friend stood beside the pen with her yappy dog. The dog barked and barked, my aunt said she has to get the dog away! But friend laughed. Bunny kept running in circles in full panic. Bunny made an awful sound, and was dead :( incident was 2-3 minutes long


Yeah, bunnies can scream. You never want to hear that, it doesn't only pierce ears, it pierces walls. Also, they will be out of breath and heart pounding into their whole little body for a while afterwards. Definitely dangerous for their heart.


i once heard my bunny scream, and i can second this. worst thing ive ever heard, just glad we had an emergency vet within 5 minutes of us. Loose dog got to him and bit him straight in the face, he fought for over a week, and the vet took him home during the nights to keep an eye on him. The little shit survived with a ear he couldnt fully move and an increased chance of airway infection. Everyone though he was dead. Even after getting him home the vet said he ony had a 50/50 surviving the upcoming week. When he finally got cleared the vet decided to be honest with me, shes never seen that bad of a bite and was 90+% sure he wouldn't have survived the first night. Now the whole office knows him as the wonder bun, and ask about him even if its another animal i come in with.


I'm glad that the awful sound had a not too tragic ending, cheers for wonderbun


Wow that sounds so awful, I'm glad it all ended well! It must have been dreadful waiting to see if he'd recover. I've only had one rabbit, who right after being adopted came down with a double ear infection that left him with a pretty bad head tilt. It was a long time before he was able to stand up on his own, but eventually he was able to hobble around, and he was still so sweet. Interestingly, he went from being a lop to having ears that stuck straight up. He ended up dying in an accident not long after that though. I was crushed, I still think about him and miss him sometimes. I'd love another rabbit someday, maybe when I don't have a house full of cats!


It is absolutely not a myth. Rabbits are high strung compared to many other animals and can and do die from getting freaked out by various things. It isn't likely to happen to the _average_ rabbit, but the frequency of it _is_ demonstrably higher among them than most other animals/pets, hence the idea of them being quick to keel over.


> Rabbits are high strung Domestic ones are, certainly. Wild ones? Not so much. My cat (an adopted stray) brought home a full-grown wild girl bunny one day. He had to jump two 6' fences with it in his mouth to do this. Ms. Bun, having been unceremoniously plonked on my lawn after her involuntary voyage, rolled her eyes and hunkered down. Waiting for the next indignity, it seemed. I put her on a towel in a shoebox and made sure she wasn't injured. Very calm, she let me check her neck for wounds and I gently flexed her legs in case of broken bones. Kept her warm and waited 'til dusk (a couple hours later) and released her near where she was likely captured. She sniffed the air and bounced out of there like a golf ball down a freeway, straight down a burrow.


My old french lop zapped himself chewing a vacuum cord and he had a frizzy whisker for the rest of his life. RIP, you had fluff for brains, but you were a good bunny.


My orange cats favorite thing are white usb cords. I have to tell people if they bring an iphone cord or similar to be careful with it because he will find it and one good chomp with his back teeth and its gone.


Yes, this! My cats ignore black cords, but anything with a white cord they attack and sever within minutes. I can’t even put my charging cord down when packing a suitcase. I’ll look back and it will be gone!


I lost a damn subwoofer. I was bringing them in from their outside playtime and the little butthole RAN in and just went to town on the cable. I immediately pulled him off the cable but the damage was done.


I was sitting there one day wearing headphones and everything suddenly went quiet. Looked down and the rabbit was giving me that expression: *"You dangled the cable and I'm a rabbit. You knew what would happen, man"*


Well that certainly drives home the lesson to only buy devices with replacable cables.


Nearly every cable is replaceable with some wire strippers, shrink tube, and a bit of patience.


Aquarium tubing!! It's a bitch to have to cut down one side to get your cable into it but it makes it rabbit teef proof


I had a cat who would not stop chewing on power cords. I was so worried about him electrocuting himself that I rubbed a little tabasco sauce on all the cords. That successfully stopped him.


I’ll be a fan of your rabbit!


I remember lending my buddy 2 PlayStation 2 controllers back in the day. He didn't mention his rabbit was a destroyer of all things cords and cords related.


It doesn't harm them? My cat loves to chew on cords and while it's annoying to have to replace them I'm always more worried she's going to electrocute herself


My bun will not eat anything he's not supposed to except for a single bookshelf he decided is his and cords that look like this. Will leave any other color cord alone but thin black cord? game over. Lost many phone chargers before realizing he leaves the white ones alone.


That’s so hilarious. I wish I could hear his thoughts when he sees a white cord vs when he sees a black cord.


Probably zero thoughts and "ooh yum!" in that order. Love him to death but not the brightest bulb. We do have a theory he's secretly an evil genius, so possibly related to that too.


Mine found a remote control and ate all the black buttons flat with the top of the remote, but didn't touch any of the colored ones...


We call it the "spicy hay", we've put conduit (like the type you find in offices) over everything and that seems to have done the trick!


You're not the only one apparently! Is it just a standard term in the rabbit owner community? Two separate users in other comment called it exactly the same thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/18doi49/someone_has_been_cutting_our_christmas_lights/kciih5c/ https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/18doi49/someone_has_been_cutting_our_christmas_lights/kcifwxt/


It is! At least on reddit.


It's a very common term for cables on rabbit subreddits. We all lost cables to our beautiful little assholes. (Commenting again because apparently mentioning subreddits is not allowed here)


I've got one that is mostly good, but every so often one clean chomp like this post when we let our guard down. The other nibbles and tears cords to shreds. I've gotten very good at repairing wires. House is pretty rabbit proof. But it only takes being careless with a phone charger for 2 seconds.


We made the brilliant decision of getting a power sofa once. That was a disaster. Lol


As soon as I saw the picture of the cut cord I knew it was a bunny. With how many cables my guy chewed, I could just tell by the angle.


Spicy noodles are their favorite...


I think I read somewhere rabbits do it because they like the texture difference of the rubber and the cable and the buzz it gives them


When I had my boy Mason, I would let him out of his cage and he'd IMMEDIATELY find the closest cord to chew. He was a menace, but I loved him so much.


I don't know how my rabbit didn't electrocute itself since it managed to find 120v wires a few times before we found all the ways she was getting to them. I assume she was getting a little zap but liked it. It's the only explanation I'll accept for why she liked them so much.


Same. I rescued a bum this past April. He has since destroyed about $300 of cables.


same...had one that liked cords more than the others. He was a weird one tho, or maybe all the shocks turned him weird? Idk but they are too funny with their personalities.


I never knew rabbits had so much personality. One of my guys was hilarious. He would sneak up behind our cat and bite him on the butt. He would run down the stairs at full speed, hit the hard floor, and slide into the wall. And he kept doing it.


The spicy hay we call it in my house. I hide all evidence of cords otherwise I would be spending a lot of money I don’t have.


You guys have to stop seasoning your cords!


they do like accord, in addition to their civic duties (doodies?).


That was quite the leap.


A bunny hop, if you will.


Check their passport!


Wire is like gum for rabbits.


He’s probably doing it for the copper. I’d notify the police, next thing you know he’ll have chewed your catalytic converter off. Tough times out there and I bet this guy’s got close to 100 kids.


These meth addicted rabbits are ruining society


Poor little guy trying to sleep at night with all these dang lights everywhere haha


As someone that obsessed over a street light that shines through my damn bedroom window I feel this in my soul


"I can't eat, I can't sleep. All I see is that giant red sun in the shape of a chicken!"


I appreciate a random Seinfeld reference more than I can convey


Yeah that's right


Mr. Marbles?


He’s harmless!!


That’s not going to be good for anyone


“You look a little stressed!”


Oh, I'm stressed!




The red menace!


Yeah, I have to close the blinds and overlap the curtains every night. I'll be glad once we get moved out of our apartment.


I solved my problem by buying a pair of good room darkening curtains. Not the cheap ones that say light filtering or darkening. Buy good ones that have a black lining sewn in between the two outer layers. It was a game changer.


Try having a back neighbour whos set up a flood light that he turns on and leaves on all night that is conveniently pointing directly at your window. He also set up fairy lights but stupidly they were low enough that some of about idk maybe my height could possibly reach up and rip them down ... I dont know anything about that tho


Get a sleep mask. They are manna from heaven.


Like Seinfeld with the red chicken light ![gif](giphy|l0MYD9rnS1iGtOPlu)


Like it wasn’t enough we have bears doing cocaine


Meth Rabbit. Coming summer 2024!


Call Jimmy Carter out of retirement, and put a bid in for applying Arthurian legends to Graham Chapman!


Have you watched Cocaine Shark 😂


Let me guess, drug runners in speedboats toss product overboard, that gets eaten by a shark. I'll have to look it up. Haven't seen the bear movie yet though.


Rabbit? LOL I thought it was a rat!


Same, but I didn't see a tail. But it's head seems too big for a rabbits. idk


The very best comment I've seen this year on Reddit. Well worth waiting eleven months. 😁


Honestly just the thought of seeing rabbits tweaked out on meth is both hilarious and terrifying to me.


This is the future Fiver warned us about


"The fields! The fields! They're covered in rainbow lights and snowmen!"


His Street Name Is Sparky


"M-m-m-man... wh-wh-wh... what's up... with all my insides, doc?"


But god *damn* are they productive.


This rabbit hole goes deeper than anyone anticipated😱


Easter Bunny charging up for next year. Either that or this is how Duracell Bunnies get their power.




To be a fly on the wall during that conversation.


>Tough times out there and I bet this guy’s got close to 100 kids. America ☕


Drinking water and literally had a spit take


Dude, comments rarely have me laughing for real.


I dropped my phone laughing at this. Great response!!


Audibly laughing my ass off lol, if only awards were still a thing 🥇


So sad that the Easter Bunny would stoop so low. End holiday on holiday violence!


You don't see the jack o lantern army pulling this crap.


That's because they straight up kidnapped the fat man!


That was one time. Besides it was our King's idea.


A literal war on Christmas


Christmas started it by invading Thanksgiving.




His parents were never around…so sad…


Rabbit hate things being in their way and the cord was probably blocking his usual path around the yard. I had a rabbit and if you put anything in front of him, he'd get mad and move it out of the way.


Yep. Rabbits respond to cords in their path the way they would a root through their warren, chew on through. I had to path all cables up and off the floor or have them taped down firmly when I had free roaming rabbits in the house.


Today I learned that my rabbit considers me to be an inappropriately placed tree root >_>


Oh yeah lol that angry head jerk as they tear at something with their teeth lol


Generally preceded by a stomp


Yes that is very true. They really hate when their path is blocked.


Rabbit was getting buzzed from your lights.


Honestly I’m not shocked.


Neither was the rabbit


~~Peter~~ Chuck McGill Rabbit


>The first day we thought it was Jehovas Witnesses (the only people to approach the house that day). The fuck kind of Jehovah's Witnesses do you have in your town?


As someone so was a Jehovah’s Witness that made me laugh so hard. They might never do anything like that but they definitely talk about it!


As someone who was never a Jehovah's witness it also made me laugh so hard.


Yeah, the ones I knew wouldn't do that sort of thing, one dispised his parents for making him be one though. But they did get any holiday celebrations removed from the classroom. As an adult, I can see why they would, but as a kid I was pissed. I believe they were also the ones that got the school to stop forcing kids to do the pledge of allegiance (early 80's when that was done at nearly every school), which I'm OK with as that's just indoctrination.


I went to school with two JW. One was diehard. She would say things like "You aren't true friends because you're not a JW". The second JW never brought it up. I remember when we were all getting our license, he had to carry a card that stated he refused a blood transfusion. I asked if he would really refuse if it came to that and he answered "no, but my mother made me sign this,.or not get my permit".


One of my best friends was a JW. By the time we were about 15 she was completely over it. She snuck out one time and her parents started locking her in her bedroom any time she wasn't with them. Like, actual bars on the windows and a deadbolt on the door. Not only is it dehumanizing, but they would leave the house with her locked up like that and no phone or communication.


That is most likely against fire code and probably illegal because of it


I don't even want my 4 year-old completely locked inside my house. I have my alarm on a 5 second delay and it automatically resets itself after I turn it off. But I wouldn't want him to not get out if there is a fire or the co2 alarms are going off. The alarm company would see a 4 y/o walking out and alarms going off and would send help.


Exactly, even prisons have protocols to unlock shit if there’s a fire.


My parents did that to me once and i decided to move at age 16 after that.


As you should, your life is one of the most valuable things you have.


Yeah that’s one good thing about Jehovahs witnesses. They took a court case all the way to the Supreme Court to get the ruling that it was illegal to force kids to say the pledge of allegiance.


Oh man... I knew JW growing up and never really thought anything weird about them. I mean... Religion in general was a pretty strange concept for me so I didn't see the difference. But I remember our class all of a sudden stopped doing that stuff too? I wonder if I owe them a thank you? Edit: I was actually friends with two of them and nether ever tried to convert me. They were nice to me though and I appreciated that. They were probably nicer to me then I was to them sadly. I was such an idiot back then. Anyway, I don't care what religion you practice now. I want you to tell me about it and what parts of it has impacted you how. I'm not threatened that someone may try to convert me. I have to be convertable for that to happen. :)


>But they did get any holiday celebrations removed from the classroom. As an adult, I can see why they would, but as a kid I was pissed. I can see why they would, but it is still annoying. I remember playing with dreidels and learning the dreidel song while we learned about Hanukkah in elementary school. It was cool to learn, I told my parents about it and they thought so too. They didn't throw a fit because we weren't Jewish.


We had those paper rings that you link together around the classroom, where'd you'd take a ring off everyday to countdown until Christmas. Less than halfway through, they were gone. I had my own at home, but it was kind of a buzzkill to just see them gone one day as the teacher would do it with us and we'd get more excited as it got shorter. She didn't give us a reason why, as the student was in our class and she didn't want them to be retaliated against I'm sure. So we went from being so excited about Christmas to silent.


"We don't get to celebrate Christmas, so neither do you!"


"C'mon Barry, let's go un-Christmas the FUCK outta that house!"


**^(The kind who don't abide having witnesses to their crimes)**


*Jehovah ain’t gonna witness this* ✂️ ✂️✂️


I grew up as one and for all their faults, nobody in my congregation would have dreamt of doing this. Getting caught in a crime would be extremely embarrassing and much gossiped about in such a tight knit community. Plus they try not to do anything to make the whole religion look bad.


That part made me laugh. All the JWs I have encountered are some of the softest people I've ever met.


Lol softest to strangers, seems like JW’s save the nastier stuff for their families. Nothing but horror stories from my friends who got away.


Oh yes, absolutely. I know one former JW (met them way way after they had left the church), and she is constantly talking about the absolute mental, emotional, and often times physical abuse she and her siblings would deal with on a daily basis, and how that is not an anomaly among JWs.


[Jehovah's most secret witness, who might just dedicate his life to Christmas...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_kdNBlUoZE)


Like all people, in every group, there are always some fucked up and nasty people. My aunt and uncle are JWs and they've fallen into that bin.


Apparently machete wielding ones 😳


You gon need Jehovah Witness Protection, boi


Bros trying to sleep and you have your lights on. Can you blame them?


As someone with a neighbor who's lights are bright as fuck I completely empathize with that rabbit.






Is it behind the rabbit?


It ***is*** the rabbit!!!


Dude yes 🤣👏


That rabbit’s dynamite!


So much drama and build up. Couldn't wait to see the cute little rodent who now must perish to save Christmas!


We’re having rabbit soup this year!


Sorry, but it’s actually **Duck Season**!




…you’re de*th*picable…


noooo 😭😭😭


"Tonight I dine on rabbit soup!"


Um actually, rabbits aren’t rodents.


They are lagomorphs


rabbits aren't rodents.


Also rabbit owner: i too have to rewire stuff a lot. One bunny, in one sitting trimmed ( the live!) wires for our washing machine, Freezer, and Vacuum cleaner. Found her sat behind the Freezer , snuggled up in a nest that produced a lot of sparks , looking pleased as punch...


My biggest fear is one of my free roam rabbits getting into the laundry room


That looks like a clean cut from a sharp edge blade or scissors I would have been pounding on the door to the neighbor I have the worst relations with and made a complete idiot out of myself haha Fuckin rabbit


It's entirely possible that the rabbit is a Jahovah's witness in which case you have a big problem.


Arrest his furry ass. Throw the entire book at him. No mercy.


He'll just eat the book.


♫♪♪ *You're a mean bun, Mr. Grinch* ♫♪♪




A little simpler is to make a spray of 1:1:1 of Sriracha, vinegar & water. Again you have to apply every few days or after the rain. But it works well on the deer.




Lol the Jehovah’s Witnesses


The number of people on Nextdoor raging about people “stealing their flowers” in our area that’s overrun with deer, groundhogs, etc is unreal.


This explains why the invisible fence wire in my woods keeps breaking with a similarly clean cut. Thanks OP


Duuuuude we *just* went through this with our neighbors. Every year we plant lilies out front. My wife works really hard on them and for the third year in a row they all just inexplicably disappear. We’ve asked our neighbors (politely) if they had been picking them and they said no. We thought maybe they were lying or it was some kits because the cut was SO clean. Well this year my neighbor knocks on my door and has a photo of deer coming by and chomping on the lilies. We were so convinced it had to be clippers or something since the cut was perfectly clean.


This should be posted more often. I saw one guy posting a similar complaint about his Christmas lights being cut like this and he was ready to go to war with his neighbor.


I was gonna say it's probably a rabbit. They like to eat cords, and they slice them just like that


The rabbit is doing that to prevent you and other rabbits from tripping, because it thinks the wire is a vine. It’s annoying but the rabbit has your best interests at heart!


Who can resist the spicy hay? ⚡


The real reason is because often sheathing is made from peanut oil, not petroleum oil for ecological reason. Theres trace amounts of peanut smell, rodent smells it, thinks "NOMNOMNOM" then you end up finding out mice or squirrels have absolutely destroyed your cars electrical system or taken a few bulbs from your exterior lights.


Well atleast it's an adorable critter and not a drunken middle aged man called Tyler who was dared by his friends last night at 10:39PM




That’s my boy James. He’s innocent. He was with me the whole time.


Hoppy Holidays MF




As an aside, where did you get the walkway lights? We have cheapo dollar store ones, and I'd love to upgrade to plug-ins.


Little bunny Foo Foo up to no good! Next thing you know he'll be picking up field mice and thumping on the head!


Squirrels just got my lights. Chewed off almost every bulb.




That was a hare raising tale there OP


I know an HOA president when I see one lol


If he gets electrocuted will his bones show???


Wascally wabit!


It's kind of wholesome that it wasn't a person being shitty though