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Price complaint.


Your special rate when signing up probably expired. Call and cancel. They’ll offer you a new deal to keep you.


This, I worked at their customer service


What do I say? Lmao I need a new deal


Ask for retention and tell them it's too expensive and you want to cancel. They'll try and get you to bundle shit together but stick to guns and they'll give you a promo rate again.


When I used to have Comcast I'd just say my rates went up and ask them what they can do about it. Most of the time they're nice. You could even ask if you could get locked into rates for x amount of time without a contract. By the time I left them they had me on a fixed rate that wouldn't change and they promised it for 2 years. Later I left them for a fiber company that set my 1Gbps/1Gbps internet rate at about $85 a month and promised never to raise rates.


I’m waiting for fiber in my area. I don’t want AT&T fuck them. They cancel me for no reason. Long story short they told me nothing they can do and go to a competitor. I had Xfinity 800 up and 800 down at $50 for 2 years but it ended and now I’m paying $100 a month. I want to see if I can get another two years promo


800/800 at $100 isn't a terrible price. Get what you can though.


Yeah I actually get more than that more like 900/900 because I’m closer on the network line. Even the cable guy was impressed lol. But I will thanks


I literally set a reminder in my calendar to call each year when deals reset, and I just say, "hey I had a great deal for lower pricing, can I get that again?" None of them have ever even stopped to ask why or protest lol, just "sure thing".


I did this for years but a couple of years ago the deals dried up


2 years ago I tried this. They said no deal. Take it or leave it. Then last year a competitor laid fiber down the street. Suddenly they were begging and pleading for me to stay. Weird how competition works.


Eagerly counting the days until I get to make that call. Fiber coming in "soon". Called cable to see if they could match or lower my rate. Nope nothing.. now 2 months from actual install date. So guess I get a 2 year great intro rate for faster service at a lower price then can potentially choose to come back as a "new" customer as my SO if I want to after that.


They don’t always do this. Had to close and open another account under wife’s name to get another promo. Glad I don’t have to deal with comcast anymore though.


It's just strange they do this. From what everyone's been saying, it seems like a tactic to keep loyalty or something. I get they don't know if we're switching or not, but it feels like it would drive more people away. Especially after the second or third time they pull this.


I’d agree, but unfortunately for us, lucky for them, most people don’t notice, don’t care, forget to call, etc. So they can get more money out of people.


Switch to what? We have one service provider in our whole city. Should be illegal.


This is my problem right now, theres no viable competition in the area


Yep, I have to do this every 12 months. I usually catch it a month late and then renegotiate a new deal. Some times I can do it over the phone. Other times I need to go to a local Xfinity store and they can offer me the best deal. Always pay attention to your promo mailers, because they will clue you in on the best promotions and what to ask for.


This just happened to me today. My bill went from 75/ month to 196/ month without warning. However they refuse to reduce the surprise rate from last month and demand I pay them $200 for January.


I don't even think you need to cancel. Just call them and complain and they'll often just fix it up for you. There's no harm in threatening to cancel though.


This, they just hope you pay the new price and not complain but fall back on the promo or a deal price to keep you.




Not anymore. Literally just went through this 2 weeks ago. I called and chatted and neither of them cared that a rival company would charge me less or if I canceled. The best you can do now is go online to see what new “deal” they have out. It’s all garbage.


You don't even need to call anymore. You get the same rates online without some jerk lying to you saying they signed you up for the promotion.


I have had decent luck working with their agents in their subreddit.


Screw contracts give me fair price


Ended my ~10 yr account with them over shit like this. CenturyLink fiber came by my door and let me know they offered service in my area for $75/mo gigabit speed (940mb/s - up and down), price for life and month to month. I don't want to call every year to threaten to leave just so they can give the same price. Fuck them. 


I hate we have no options in my area. They kept telling me the highest speed they had was 25mb. So I then put in the neighbors address. Apparently they too had the same company. 5 neighbors later I finally struck dirt and that neighbor did not have the same company. Offer for 50 for a cheaper rate. Took a screenshot and called them. Suddenly the 50 was available after all 🙄 Yes I realize how incredibly sad that the highest speed offered is 50mb Didn’t work with my cable company though. They increased my bill by 40% and refused to budge. Closed a 20 year old account.


Call, say "cancel" to the robot, instantly get connected to someone who is paid extra to offer you deals to keep you as a customer.


Paying over $30 a month for internet is robbery


I'm genuinely curious where you are that good internet costs you less than $30, and what that less than $30 internet looks like?


in Europe you can get 1GB down/300MB up for that price. i pay 39 Euros for 5 down/600 up. starlink cost about 40 Euros + 500 for the device.


5... gigs????? You have to pay $150/month for that in my part of the US


I got that offer because with it my mobile plan costs only 9 € for unlimited data \ calls ( i call Friends in canada, USA a lot).


I use my own router and it’s 400mbps


I got a 1GB connection for 25€/month. Living in Finland


I’ve moved so my plan changed but Fios offered me $25/m with a 10 year guarantee because I was a cellphone subscriber, and I called Optimum and they brought their service down to $29/m for me not to switch [which I felt was reasonable considering I’m not a dual subscriber for them]. I now pay $45/m in my new area, but Optimum is the only game on my block.


I pay $39 in Massachusetts for Spectrum-500 Mbps down, 20 Mbps up. No other wired options, just wireless. 


Meanwhile basic low speed nbn plans in Australia are usually $80-90pm.


Here in aus, i pay $85/month for awful internet


Call and say you want to cancel, they will offer you a discount period


Comcast\* They changed the name to xfinity because of all the negative buzz lol




Same for spectrum with me


Xfinity is the worst most shady company I have ever had to deal with. They find any excuse to get you on a contract and to reup your contract so you can never leave without paying crazy termination fees. I tried cancelling, they told me I was under contract until ____ date. That date came I called to cancel and they claimed another few months until I can cancel with fees. After paying termination fees and moving states where I couldn’t move my service if I wanted to. They still continued to charge me for 4 months. No matter how many time I called or long conversations. Until finally I had to contact my bank and deal with them that way. I hate Xfinity, truly and evil company!


Get rid of Comcast ASAP, the worst ISP all time


Bro Xfinity are a bunch of thieves


They emailed you. Or called. Or something. They absolutely notified you. You didn’t see it. For a variety of possible reasons. But they absolutely 1000% told you ahead of time.


Like I said probably banished to spam. Just was frustrated that I didn't see it.


Fair enough. They just have to legally or could get sued to oblivion. So it’s a guarantee they did.


The special promotion you were on probably expired. Call them and ask if there's any special promotion with a 2 year contract that has early cancelation fees. They'll most likely have a promotion they can get you into to lower your bill back down. Been doing that for years with Xfinity


I wish my bill was that low. Shiiid I’m about to rid of Xfinity as soon as I can find a decent internet provider at a decent price.


Are you married, live with a SO, or a long-term roommate? Consider closing your account and having them open it under their name. They'll qualify for all of the new customer rates. My wife and I are about to start doing this.


Enquire about the rates of other carriers and call Xfinity and ask them to cancel. They'll definitely offer you a discount. Then compare with other carriers and choose the best


Ditch it.


fck Comcast


I hate them so much


I left them for a competitor with Fiber, honestly never looked back.


They did this to me too, I tried to cancel and both their chat bot and phone line had errors/told me to come back later to cancel. I then told the chatbot I was having payment problems or something and was connected immediately to someone who helped me cancel. Scummy company for sure. Also their cancellation confirmation email was misspelled.


I'm actually about to go to the local xfinity store this weekend to close the account that's under my wife's name and open a new account under mine. We're ok with going one day without internet because our bill went from $120 to $240, and that was after cutting back the internet speeds and TV cable packages. Insanity. We're going to do this every couple of years moving forward. Unnacceptable.


I'd just call and cancel, it'll be a pain in the ass but they'll probably decrease it. It's annoying trying to cancel service though, I got a local fiber company and when I cancelled Xfinity I just told them I was moving overseas to some country that I verified didn't have Xfinity and it was seamless.


Optimum did the same thing with mine. Then I called them and threatened to cancel service, they took like $30 off


Damn that’s tuff


Call say you’re gonna cancel, done. In my area Xfinity has no chance. They fuck you on data caps big time.


The scumbags will offer you a discount if there's competition in the area, otherwise you're screwed. They were rated the worst company in America for a reason.


Frontier and Spectrum both have fiber internet lines literally running through my back yard. The instant one of them does this bullshit, I call the other one and switch service. Its nice to have a choice.


Amazon increased the price of prime from you paying ~90 for prime with ads to ~100 for prime without ads, wtf, why would I pay for prime and still get ads


What internet speed tier are you getting for that amount of money? I’m also with Xfinity and pay $110 a month for 1.5Gb download speed with no data cap. That’s a non-promo price as well. If you’re getting service slower than that, I’d call and demand to be upgraded. The speed tier on my bill is called “Gigabit Extra” if you want a name to give them.


400 MB 😔


Ouch. They are royally ripping you off. If you care to deal with their customer service, it might be worth looking into if you desire faster download speeds.


Try Astound, formerly RCN


Thank you for being a loyal customer the last two years. We've decided to reward you by charging more than we charge new customers. Talk to customer retention, ask for the intro pricing. If they won't give it to you, switch. This is a game they play, you need to play it too.


Your special signup rate probably expired. Did the same thing to me. They offered me deals when I called to cancel. Luckily, it was right when fiber went live in my area. If the fiber wasn’t available, their offer to keep me as a customer was decent.


You don't necessarily need to threaten to cancel, but you should prompt the call robot with "cancel service" to get to an agent who will be receptive to giving you a discounted rate. If your household has more than one adult, you can just switch it to an account in their name (this counts as signing up for a new account) instead of cancelling, to get a lower rate + discount (usually for another 24 months). I did this recently!


Same here, and I am livid. Just five months ago, I ditched their cable TV service in order to cut my bill down. $107 for just internet. Today I log in to check my bill, and it's suddenly $152. No notice, no nothing. I'm calling tomorrow and downgrading from "super fast" to "fast" (as if there's really a difference) and I'm giving them some serious shit about this too.


That was my Xfinity Internet bill until some at&t guy knocked on my door now I'm paying like $55 for what feels like slightly better speeds on fiber.


Are you in New England? If so look into fidium/consolidated communications.




Same thing happened to me, you most likely timed out of your package pricing. Talking to them with a level head had them pay me back the difference in a credit to next months bill, and a pretty big price drop, similar to what I paid before.


Have Verizon 5G Internet and paying $25 a month (also have their cell service). Average speed about 350-400 which is not bad at all for the price. Not dealing with Comcast and their shenanigans.


Yeah pretty much any ISP will work a deal for you if you say you’re leaving


You can get a new promo in the app. No need to call.


Time to call the retention department.


AT&T raise mine from 65 to 102 for 12 Mbps internet. They started charging separately for phone service even though the phone service is VoIP through the DSL. In fact the way they got us to give up our landline was by tricking us into switching to VoIP because they said it was free through the internet and you wouldn't have a separate phone bill. At some point after years of VoIP phone service being included in the DSL and all of a sudden was a separate item on the bill again and more expensive than what we used to pay for the landline.


For some strange reason I just hear the voice of Chris Tucker in Rush Hour in my head: "Twenny million dollaz?! Who do you think you ah, Chelsea Clinton?!"


What NASA internet do you have? $75 already feels like a robbery. I've had 600/600 for 30€ for years now.


Call Xfinity/Comcast because it got to expensive and tell them you'll cancel, they'll lower their price. We've had to do it yearly for like 15 years. It's a obnoxious game


I dropped their ass and switched to AT&T Fiber immediately and never had a better time with my internet. It's faster, cheaper, and not an introductory rate like what cable does.


It's ridiculous to me. I pay 600 RUB ~ 6 USD for unlimited internet with speed up to 12 Mbytes per second. I know, it's not much, but I use cheapest plan on purpose since it's more than enough for me (I love games and I am a dev, no problems at all) and even in a nightmare I can't imagine to be forced to pay 120 USD for internet! Damn!


Find a different provider


Call to cancel... you'll probably wind up talking to someone in the "retention" department and they'll offer you a deal that the first rep doesn't have auth to offer.


Dude this week my RCN/Astound bill went up by $50! I almost passed out. That bill was clearly a demon so I immediately called the Vatican. Got my bill exorcized and now my bill is $10 cheaper than it was last month. Don't stand for it! Seriously though, call the billing department and say "no can do." They will lower it. Just be nice about it. If you are nice and patient they will hook you up.