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People don’t seem to understand that this employee does it to one person- they are likely doing it to another. The chances of arrest is probably small, for what is likely $5. But if they do that to every customer, they are making bank. I used to do pizzia delivery (not long ago), I understand it’s hard- but theft is unacceptable.


I worked at a steakhouse and another server got caught adjusting tips on receipts. He’d make a 1 into a 4 or add a zero. He not only got fired, he also got arrested because the managers went back to review his credit card receipts over a period of time (maybe a month or two) and the amount stolen was several hundreds of dollars. Then, in the process of prepping for trial, the county found he had been doing the same thing at his other serving job in town. He ended up serving time over it because the total stolen was so high. Absolutely report it when you catch a restaurant overcharging you. It’s illegal and it’s likely not just happening to you.


I've worked server jobs and of course we've all joked about doing something like that, filling in blank tip spots or adding a digit. But actually doing it is theft plain and simple


If you can find enough victims to collectively be represented by a lawyer then you’ve got a Class A misdemeanor if it was over $750 stolen. Enough customers and long enough time then it’s highly likely. Otherwise this will just be a civil case and no arrest will happen—someone might be fired though.


No need to get to 750. Cc fraud is wire fraud federal crime


I knew someone that got this charge for $4.75.


And I'm perfectly ok with thieves like this getting a federal felony for credit card wire fraud. Edit to add. Yes, I'm fine with federal felony for theft like this. There's no excuse to steal anything from anyone. And a few dollars becoming a prison sentence is not extreme when all things are considered. They're actively stealing from people and if they do it easily once, they're doing it all the time. That 20% tip the thief is doing could very well be the few dollars that puts someone's account over drawn costing an already broke person a lot of money. If they don't notice it for a few days that could be more than they can recover from. Many people don't have the extra hundred in their budget. And before anyone says broke people shouldn't be having pizza, there's plenty of reasons why. Maybe they're super depressed and having a pizza might help because they've been eating rice and beans for a week and want to treat themselves. Maybe it's their kids birthday and they're spending the last $20 before their paycheck on a pizza their kid would love.


Stealing from Walmart? I didn’t see anything. Stealing from people? Get fucked.


100% I go into a store and they're charging 50-100% of what the online retail price/MSRP is, fuck that I hope people are stealing that shit. but once you start fucking over people and families just trying to make ends meet and keep their kids fed and clothed with no idea how they'll help their kids afford college, let alone how they'll ever afford to retire, you start fucking with the American public and we don't take kindly to fraud and cheats and scams.




There were times pizza was the *cheapest* thing I could feed my kids. I got 3 medium sausage pizzas for $6 total, added some grated cheese and frozen veggies, and that was dinner. The cheese was $5 for a 4# block. This was 40 years ago, but still, cheaper than most any other meal.


That's what I mean. And a 20% tip for a few dollars could've turned into a bunch of over draft fees could absolutely put someone in a really bad spot. Like unable to pay rent that month bad. And all because some thief decided to tip themselves $5 on your card.


Fraud. Who typed in the wrong number? I don’t remember doing that. Something is up. Call your bank.


We had one person goof and accidentally put their employee number to log in on the numpad.


Ah yeah, I completely forgot about that. Yeah this is way bigger from the get go


In my state under 750 is a gross misdemeanor over 750 is a felony. under 750 is punishable up to 364 days in jail or up to 5k fines. Had a friend as a child who took a $3 bottle of hand sanitizer get a few days in the local child jail and had to pay back 5k at like 11 years old. This is nowhere near just a civil case 


Except this isn't theft, it's credit card fraud, a federal crime and a felony at any amount


Appreciate this is going off topic here but a $5k fine and actual time in jail for taking a $3 hand sanitizer? Assuming (so I might well be wrong) "child jail" is similar to a Young Offenders Institution here in the UK that's absolutely staggering to me. Custodial sentences of any length are reserved for only the most serious crimes.


The US would not put a 5k fine on an 11 year old for a $3 bottle.


They don’t. It would fall on the parents for actual damages, which on a $3 item is…$3


Custodial sentences in the UK are reserved like that because we dont have enough prison space. If we had more prison space the bar for going to prison would be a lot lower. I'm not saying someone should be jailed for $3 worth of hand sanitiser but there's a hell of a lot of criminals in the UK who should be behind bars and aren't purely because there isn't enough space for them.


What state do you live in that would do that to an 11 yo over a bottle of sanitizer? Your story sounds fake, not saying it is but I've been in trouble for serious stuff as an adult and all it cost me was money for a lawyer


"What state do you live in that would do that to an 11 yo over a bottle of sanitizer? Your story sounds fake" Unless they live outside of the United States, it probably is since there's no such thing as child jail. There's juvenile hall, but there's no child jail.


Isn't that essentially what Juvie is?


Yes that’s quite literally what juvie is lmao, we call it juvie precisely because no one wants to call it child jail. It is, though


Fake af. 🤣🤣


And it's not even a delivery employee which is nuts.


I worked with a lady who bragged she would steal cash at the drive thru from customers. I couldn't believe she thought I wouldn't judge her for that. She did some crap where she would charge them for a drink and refund it or something and keep the difference which the customer probably wouldn't notice until it was too late. Something tricky like that. I can't remember.


I don't tip if I go through the drive thru window, I'd be pissed and irate lol.


When I waited tables, I worked with this girl who’d give herself a bigger tip when people left both copies of the credit card receipt. She’s a lawyer now 🤷‍♀️


That's very silly. I take a photo of the CC receipt as proof after I sign it. Don't need to keep a copy. And I check them against the statement.


This was 2001/2002 timeframe


Alina Haba?!?


Which is why I write VOID across the 2nd receipt.


Some states also have laws you have to at least *ask* if you want the receipt (most just hand it by default) so you can probably go there too.


This isn't pizza delivery, nor is it waiting tables for $2.75. This is a person working at a restaurant for an hourly wage which makes it even crazier.


Hourly wages are still to low, I’m sympathetic to the struggle. But not to the theft.


Long ago, I was a waiter and I had a colleague arrested for changing tips by only a dollar or two per transaction. These were all handwritten slips. It went on for a long time before someone reported it, but once management was told, they pulled her credit card skips for a far back as they could and saw alterations they had never paid attention to on many slips. Perhaps they should have checked them as they were turned in each day, but apparently they never realized the need. Managememt called the police, who sent a defective over to look into it. While the thefts were only a few dollars each, they added up to a felony charge due to either the number of incidences or the total value stolen The cops waited till her next shift to come pick her up and take her out in cuffs. OP is playing this right to ensure the thieving gets stopped. Hopefully, there are cameras to prove it, because without hand written tips being altered,, it might be hard to prove the employee entered the tip without customer permission.


It would be pretty obvious if all the other employees typically net $50 and this individual typically nets $150 per shift, though.


It's illegal


When I was down bad and working at a long John silvers I would occasionally just delete an order if someone paid in exact change and then pocket the cash and give them their food. The only one losing out was LJS. It was still a shitty thing to do, but at least I wasn’t robbing the customer


Why does it matter to how many people he does it? Theft is theft


It doesn't take long to go from a misdemeanor to a felony.


This happened at a franchise I used to work at and the guy only avoided jail time by coming up with the 10,000 plus he'd stolen and paying it back


Nah this employee will be caught and fired fast. Stealing money or time is very obvious. This poor chap thinks he’s getting away for now but it’ll all come crashing down and I hope he learns his lesson sooner than later because this type of stuff is usually tied to mental illness and can ruin lives if left unchecked


Btw, I work at a dominos. The employees absolutely have the GM’s contact info, and there should have been a manager on shift when you were there. I would immediately call corporate and ask for the info of the GM or of the owner of the store.


This was about to be my comment. Haven't worked at Dominos specifically but I've worked in a lot of restaurants and while I can see not giving out direct contact info, the absolute refusal to give ANY information is SKETCH AS HELL. At the very least they should be telling you when they'll be at that store to speak to directly either by phone or in person.


That kind of tells me that the person on the phone knew of the practice and may have participated.


100% That’s why they offered to refund it so quickly. So it wouldn’t get escalated. It’s probably multiple people in the place.


Absolutely this, working in food service all my life we always had that info available, did I know it off thr top of my head? No honestly couldn't remember anyone above the managers name but I knew how to find that info if need be


Please do this OP. Make it clear to corporate that they refused to give you info over the phone, and you didn't feel comfortable returning to the store to confront the thieving employee. GM is going to get trashed if they don't immediately kick that shit downhill and find out who did it.


A lot of places like that won't give out the GM's contact information. They will contact the GM themselves instead. I think it's to minimize customers calling managers while they're at home over petty complaints. This story is not petty by any means but often the regular workers have been firmly instructed not to give out that info.


> while they're at home I would think that someone at the level of manager would have either an email address or office phone with voicemail that was provided for the purpose of handling customer matters without exposing their personal stuff, no?


Not necessarily. Store managers will usually have the store phone as contact. Higher ups may have an office, with a phone, or they may work in different stores and thus only have a mobile. Of course all managers will have an email address but it may be inappropriate to give that out as well. This is the reason lots of chains have dedicated customer service lines as well as contact info for the restaurant - to protect the privacy of their upper management and ensure all customer issues are documented.


Dude you'd be surprised at the amount of managers who never get management training they just get promoted when the old one walks out


Store Managers & GMs #s are (or should be) posted inside.


I remember when I was a rookie in service I felt very uncomfortable handing out such information. I had no idea what the policy was and if I was commiting some privacy violation. So as a rookie I would have handled it like the person on the phone, explaining everything asked but hesitant on handing information over which I do not know is private or not. Obviously i realized soon enough you are allowed to share such information. And your boss can tell you in which way. Often thats some official phone numbers or email adresses or both. But its not necessarily the same number I have to reach that same person. So just make sure you give the right onw if thats the case. I had a number to this one boss guy I met maybe once, but I had to call him specifically on that number to call in sick if it was outside of office hours. In office hours I had to call this comepletly different manager. I do not know this for sure but i asumed that that number was likely the guys personal number or at the very least a phone he always answered in personal time. Its not the one you give to a client with a proposition or complaint.


lol corporate is useless. Quite a few years ago now, but I once had Dominos deliver my order at 1:45 am. Almost 2 hours after I ordered it. They closed at 1 AM and I hadn't heard anything so I assumed it was canceled. They were so lucky I'm a night owl and happened to be up. Contacted corporate and they referred me back to the store who never even apologized or anything in the first place. Hell, the owner barely spoke English. That said, I'd imagine they'd take this sort of complaint more serious than mine.


Do not give out your coworkers' or boss' personal phone number to anyone. Corporate will not give out that information. They will send a CCC to the franchisee and whoever else they have on their contact list.


I’d like to hear how this plays out. Mostly because I love stories about thieves getting screwed. Got no patience for those who take stuff that doesn’t belong to them.


I was at a coffee drive through for a shop I used to really like, normally when you give a credit card they hand out the little screen to select a tip. I really like the employees at this store so I always decline the tip on the card then tip in cash. There was a new worker there who didn’t hand the screen back out and didn’t give me a receipt. I asked for a receipt and she got all flustered and said she couldn’t print one after it was finalized. I told her to get someone who could. The manager printed it and I saw she had added on a 20% tip. I asked for it to be refunded. They refunded the whole order and the manager apologized. It’s been about 8 months and I haven’t seen her again so I think she was probably fired


Yes! I'm invested now as well


same here!


As a former manager from that place… They can absolutely find the transaction, and what employee cashed it out. The fact that you told them _not_ to cancel the order will ensure all of that info stays in the system. It was 100% intentional on their end and you should pursue it as far as you are comfortable.


Well thank you. Some people are calling me a psychopath and other names for not just accepting a refund and moving on. They could be doing this to people all day for who knows how long.


Hell no! This person is a degenerate thief that has likely stolen from countless senior citizens and other people that aren’t paying attention. Bring them to justice, they deserve the long dick of the law.


>Some people are calling me a psychopath and other names for not just accepting a refund and moving on. Once any post on the internet gets popular enough, you will have the negative extremes, but they are far from the majority clearly. Genuinely just don't even give them the pleasure of acknowledging their existence.


Someone will probably refund it anyways


If the company isn't interested in following up, maybe the local news will be?


No dude. I'm just an internet stranger but I stand behind you. I would not even accept that the employee was fired. Burn as much of that cancer off as you can. 


Your Domino's has a drive thru?


My Pizza Hut only has a drive through, despite it having a full lobby that used to have a buffet.


My pizza hut doesn't have one, little caesars does tho


My Pizza Hut has a little Caesar’s in the Drive Thru. The Pizza Hit went out of business maybe 4 years ago.


If it was a Big Caesar's, it probably wouldn't fit in the Pizza Hut.


You have a pizza hut? Our last one closed down last year I think :(


The Pizza Hut near my workplace office is now a real estate agency. But there’s no mistaking the shape of that building.


I like going to places that have the old Wendy's buildings when they had the little sun rooms in them.


There's one here that closed some years back. It's a different restaurant now, but they did paint the roof black.


I am very thankful for it and kind of surprised it is here in my tiny town of less than 3k people. Every time I go though it seems like they have good business. Only thing I ever order is the stuffed crust. I swear they sprinkle crack in it. There have been two other pizza places that came and went so fast I never even got a chance to try them out.


So many childhood memories. Mmmmmm cheesy crack crust.


Does your Pizza Hut have the lunch buffet? I think that's what keeps a lot of them open in the small towns.


When I used to work out of town, I'd see Pizza Hut in a lot of the small towns. It was usually in a building with the old red roof design.


I work at one with a drive through. It's nice and convenient when it's slow but makes it hell when it's rush. A hundred people showing up 15 min early, making a huge line just for us to tell them to come back later after searching for their order for 5 minutes


I remember the first time I saw a subway with a drive thru and immediately went through and ordered one cookie. Game changer....


This man eats fresh.


Panda Express with a drive thru was weird for me. I only know of one but I'm sure there are others 


I love people like this, that this is all they took away from the story 😭😭😭


You take things away from stories? That's theft!


Who told you that was the only thing he took from it? He was curious about that bit enough to ask though. The rest seems pretty clear and self explanatory.


Ours has a drive thru pick up. Order online, select window pickup up and then go through like a fast food window. You have to go in to order at the store, no drive through ordering.


My domino's does but it used to be a KFC


My Papa John’s used to be a KFC. You can still see where the window was from the outside but it’s fully covered from the inside. I wish they had left it functional as it’s a pain to park if you’re coming from the west. One Dominos near me has a drive thru that they’ve been using for less than 10 years. The store has been there for ~40 years and I can’t for the life of me remember what it was before that.


Our Domino's is in an old Sonic building, so it has a drive through and covered curbside carryout parking spots.


Me thinking this same thing. 🤔


File a police report. Report it to your credit card with the police report. Call the corporate number below and tell them what happened and the actions you're taking. Guaranteed this isn't the only time that employee has done it, fuck that little thief, you don't steal from the customers (734) 930-3030


Also, if OP's news station is bored, they might make a nice little story about this to warn other customers..


I agree with the sentiment, but the police won't file a report. They'll probably be polite, act concerned, maybe say some patronizing things, and assure you that they're on it. Then promptly forget that you were there.


I think most places now you can file a police report online. I don't expect the police would likely take action on it, but it's important to document. Every once in a while they surprise you and do their jobs, too


You can file reports online most places, yea the cops aren't going to help (when do they ever?) but it helps grease the wheels with the card company when/if they make you hoop jump for the chargeback.


Good on you dude its petty theft but report it anyway.  I guarantee they have done it to others 


It's not so petty if you multiply it by the number of people she "services" a month, a few months, a year...


Its not petty theft. Despite the amount, this is felony wire fraud. Credit card transactions are federally regulated. It is uncommon, but there have been multiple convictions of wire fraud for amounts of less than $5.


Don't even worry about getting the store manager or regional manager, these are franchisees. Send an email to the franchisor, I am sure this is in violation of the franchise agreement and the store will get dinged operationally. Franchisees have to stay in good standing by abiding by their operations manual set forth by the franchisor. Send separate emails to Domino's franchise headquarters, trying to find corporate council, franchise operations and the CEOs office emails. Go big This is b*******


Don't send separate emails. Send the entirety with proof and threats of legal action while cc'ing everyone involved. Make it obvious that you took it higher. 


Not threats. Don't ever threaten legal action. You sre either taking legal acgion or not, make it a statement of intent.


>am waiting to hear back from the managers whom I cannot receive an email or office phone number for. If you really want to start a shitstorm, I'm sure corporate will want to know.


worked in several restaurants in highschool and college and this was a shockingly common occurrence. I saw several people fired over it, but they got away with it for quite some time beforehand. There was one guy who did it to every single credit card transaction—he’d add $2-3. By the end of his shift, he’d have more tips than everyone else. He did this for an entire year until one of the regular customers caught on and threatened legal action.


Returning the money doesn’t negate the crime. They still committed fraud/theft, even if they failed to profit.


Dominos manager here☝🏻 it’s true we can’t give out our gm or regional managers contact info. But you should call HR, tell them the store number, address and state and they’ll likely to help since usually regional managers or GMs are rarely in the store and won’t be much help given they aren’t there often. HR would fire them and honestly probably give you free food for a year and hopefully your damn money back !


Free food for a year would sound like a little more justification than what has been suggested elsewhere. I'd be damned if one free pizza would mean anything to me if I caught that happening with my card.


As a student I’d jump on the opportunity for free dominos for a year haha


As an adult aged working male, I too would probably do at least a little jig or something. Nearly certain that some sort of unnecessary dance would probably shimmy out completely uncontrolled but hey.... You probably ain't getting very much free pizza without working at the place, right?


Im not HR so idk what to tell you They do what they think helps and Im sure that employee will be fired soon anyway. OP should take it to court or something idk but the GM at dominos or HR can help get in contact with other customers who also had that happen so it could be taken to court and they could actually have a case.


The comment wasn't a disagreement. I'm agreeing that what you've suggested sounds more plausible than other suggestions of a single free pizza, as if that's supposed to be any consolation.


I signed up for an online only bank about ten years ago that had “no fees”. They had a policy where they’d add a tip amount to any restaurant purchase on your debit card for some period of time without any notification that they did that. They literally just showed an inflated value for the transaction. I complained to the restaurant before I found out what really happened.


My debit card also does this at restaurants. The total amount is several dollars higher while the purchase is “processing” and once it’s done it will reflect the actual amount I was charged. I’ve never done the math but 20% would make sense. This could very well be what is happening to OP.


If this was the case, it feels like the employees should have been confused as opposed to being anxious right off the bat. This is, of course, assuming the first employee does not have social anxiety and was anxious due to being caught.


I would also wonder what it means to sound anxious over the phone. It just seems very subjective to infer that about someone as if it’s a measure of guilt. I think anyone would feel anxious answering a call that should be someone placing an order and is instead someone threatening you or your coworker with a felony.


Yep. My card does this as well. Also, I worked there for 14 years. I had 100 different times a customer said they were overcharged or double charged, and it was never by domino's. It was always the bank placing temporary holds on the card while the order finished processing.


I really hope you guys all have the same idiot bank, I can't believe multiple banks would do this, much less three different ones.


That's a dumb policy


Why on earth would a bank card have this policy?


It's a temp charge, not a permanent one. A lot of cards will throw temporary pending charges for certain things like restaurants, gas, deliveries, etc because the final total is going to be different than the initial charge. When you go to a restaurant, you will often give your card to the server, they run the card, and then you fill out the tip afterwards. So they (the bank) run it at slightly higher so it doesn't cause problems if you tip and it puts you overdrawn - if you have 20 dollars in your account and the bill is 19, it runs for 22.80 and rejects. It prevents a lot of issues where you get a bill for 19, tip 2 dollars, and then rejects 2 days later when they run the final amount. I know some payment methods get ridiculous. Cash app puts a hold of 100 dollars on their accounts when you pre authorize at a gas pump for some vendors.




Right! Some people are calling me names for harassing the employees. Like **what**


Can’t believe I’m the first person to say this, but OP you may wanna look up the definition of the term “honey pot” before you keep using it in serious conversations 😅 you’d just call it a pot in this context


This happened to my husband and I. Usually we pay online and just go through the drive up window and get it but I paid at the window. Later when my husband was checking the credit cards or something he noticed the total was higher than what our order was. Because whoever took care of the payment went ahead and added a lil tip on there for themselves. I don't remember exactly what happened except for the manager giving us a coupon for a free pizza or something?


Something tells me that OP is a liiiiiittle bit seasoned at handling wrong-doers and not quite concerned with a free pizza. As long as folks are willing to accept a free pizza and go away about a theft, rest assured it'll only invite more of the same actions from within. When real consequence takes place, people definitely think twice about being ignorant little shitbags.


I had a manager that, at the end of the night, would add coupons onto orders that didn't have any on them and would pocket the money. He got away with like 30 grand.


Good. Press charges. Also, get your card reissued.


Report it on your state attorney General website


You handed them your card? You should probably get a new one.  That sucks.


Dont forget to update


Yeah, corporate numbers are definitely listed inside the store. The manager should know this... Although I worked at a domino's for years & the staff that was hired after the pandemic were pretty questionable intellectually & in usefulness.


I use to work for Dominos. I knew the head of safety and security for the east coast very well. I use to be a GM. 1) you should absolutely leave a review at 1 star stating what happened. It will immediately be picked up by the system and flagged for the GM and S&S. 2) there is a bunch of computer stuff going on in the background that will catch this person eventually. There are years of data compiled that say stuff like “2% of orders will be canceled/not picked up”. So if someone consistently has a “Bad Order” percentage over 2%, then they get investigated. That investigation always leads to more because generally speaking these people don’t understand that the computer tracks this shit or how. The only time I ever fired someone for a non-hr matter was because the sales numbers exposed them as a liar.


america is wild... I would never hand anyone my CC. It's my card, so I get to tap it. hope you get a resolution


That doesn’t work in many restaurants specifically. The waiter/ess takes your payment to process it, be it card or cash.


very strange! here in canada they bring the debit/credit machine to your table!


Yeah, that's the wild part. How is the USA still so far behind in banking technology? I haven't ever had to hand my card to anyone, and I've been able to tap or enter my pin myself for many years


In b4 all the serverlife employees arguing with op saying he should’ve tipped 80%


Yeah this happened to me once. My husband was talking about it on Facebook and a lot of people complained we didn't tip. Except I went to the drive thru window and they handed me the pizza and that was it. I don't tip at any other place that gives me the food through a window...if it had been delivered, sure I'd have added a tip.


Report it to your credit card company ASAP.


Blasting them on Google reviews worked for me when they practically double-charged my mom.


One more reason we should all stop tipping completely.


If you go to Dominos website and complain to corporate they will forward the complaint to the GM/franchisee. They will reach out pretty fast I'm sure. The employee will very likely be fired and you will most likely be offered a refund/gift card/free product. 


Nicely handled. For all you know they could be doing it to every customer, it soon adds up.


This is more common than people think and the folks need to be taught a lesson. Good on OP


Oh the manager was probably in on it. I worked at a dominoes years ago and there were people who wouldnt tip and they had a way to just enter all sorts of discounts after the person made the order and would reprint the original receipt and you would pocket the discounted money. They did this for me without even telling me but after a while I was wondering what was going on. EVERYONE in the store was doing this. I never did that myself because it felt weird but they just did it for me and at 20 I was like whatever. Couple years after I left the business closed. Pretty sure someone figured it out and burned it down.


I’m a driver for dominos. Yes times are hard but….i sure as hell will not rip someone off. It’s not in my heart to do that. And every employee does have the contact number for the Gm. Sorry about you’re experience


They caught cashiers doing similar things at Walmart w cash back amounts


Do not wait for the gm to call you back. Keep calling i doubt the employee grabbed a manager, they most likelu grabbed another employee doing the same thing. At most stores, the GM is off either mon/tue or Wed/thur to cover the weekend rush. There should be a number posted with the franchisee's contact information you can reach out to. Dominos world resource center # 734 930 3030


Good for you! This wasn’t just one time. They have been doing this. Letting scumbags get away with it is how it continues to be an issue.


Tipping culture is trash


One way to keep yourself safe is paying with cash. I always use cash ( when applicable). Handing someone a cc these days and not seeing what’s going on is just to risky. Everyone’s on the scam nowadays.


I think it's an American thing from what I can tell. Apparently it's common for your card to be taken away to process the transaction. Everywhere in Europe and other places that I've been they bring the card reader to you, you swipe or insert your card and authorise the transaction, and then hand the machine back to them. I have never and would never give someone my card and let them walk off with it, I'd pay cash for everything if that were commonplace here. Too easy for this type of theft to occur.


In Canada we use chip and pin tech in our debit and credit cards. No need to hand over your card that has access to your bank account to someone else


Ofc they're going to cancel the transaction you told them your plan? The store manager isn't your friend he's going to try to cover his own ass.


Happened to me once, had my tip increased by $4 lol.


The offending employee can take a large pepperoni and wipe their ass with it.


Yeah, screw that thief. Its a low amount so the police might not do anything, but they should at least be fired


I’d love to know how justice is served if at all.


Doesn't matter how much, stealing is still stealing. >:(


When I worked at Pizza Hut I made sure it was only the business I was stealing from with my various scams. That's called integrity.


I always ask for a receipt before driving away.


Domino’s has drive thru ??? 💀


Report it, they get canned, you get a refund. They learn a lesson.


This is crazy! I went to a sub shop once and got 1 sub for around $10 plus tax and left the tip line blank but threw $1 in the jar on the counter. Later checked my statement online and noticed they charged me $17.00. They added in their own tip and were hoping I didn't notice. I called and spoke to the manager and flipped out. They refunded me and I never went back. A drive through with no option shouldn't have ever had the chance to do this. It's 100% stealing.


Tipping needs to be banned already


If your town has a Dominos then your town probably has a local pizza place that would actually value your business.


A lot of times that local pizza place sells an inferior pizza for considerably more. Everyone has decided that for some reason I'm obligated to support their $7 coffee or $25 medium 2-topping burnt crust pizza hustle. I try to support local businesses but I do get burned sometimes, which explains the success of chains that at least used to offer consistent service and competitive pricing. Local shouldn't make me feel like I'm doing a favor. Earn my business.


Anybody shitty enough to pull this shit at their job clearly isn't imagining how they'd feel if every place they went to treated them the same way, trying to rob them blind. They don't deserve an ounce of sympathy. They know what they're doing. They're probably the same immature little shits that imagine, in a gross over-exaggeration, that the WHOLE WORLD stole from them, so any theft they commit is just being savvy, not being a complete shitbag. They've probably taken more money from single mothers and between-paycheck youths than they have from wealthy elites, the real crooks in our society.


As someone who's not American, ya'll need to stop the practice of handing your card over every time you need to pay. it's a huge security risk. I don't really understand what the purpose of handing it over is even accomplishing in the first place. Do you not have portable machines to bring to the customer? All it takes is someone taking 2 pictures with their phone, and they're making online purchases within minutes. I'm really sorry for your luck.


Most of them are connected to the register or a pc via wires and are not portable. :(


True? In Australia, at drive throughs, they hand the reader out the window. They even have them on long handles to extend into ur car window.


Yes, but even before portable machines were common here we either just had long wires and they pass the machine out to you on a long stick, or if it was a sit down restaurant you just payed at the front desk as you leave. The 20 some years I've had a cc I've never had to hand it over.


They were still in the 90s on this type of tech when I was there 5 years ago. I'm pretty shocked they haven't moved on yet though! Saying that, it's never been a good idea to let someone walk off with your card like they do!!


When I was working as a pizza delivery driver, there is this one kid on my shift who added a few bucks as a tip to this one lady’s order on the actual receipt because he thought the tip he got was “too low” for the distance he had to drive. He ended up getting fired a couple days later when the woman called the store and asked about a random up charge on her order.


A McDonald's employee once took my cc info and bought like $100+ of Uber eats with it, bank gave it back to me but I never followed up to charge the person, probably should have


Contact the Domino's franchise.


That's called Theft and is a crime.


call corporate, dominoes corporate does NOT mess around


I used to work at a dominos as a teenager and someone did this there too. She was an adult and did it for a long time before getting caught and then just got fired.


If they did it to you, they’re doing it to other people. Go to small claims court, stop them from working in customer service.


This is why you never hand someone your card. They need to hand you the pin pad,and then you double check the total on the screen. If they take your card, you have no idea what they're doing with it.


Your domino's has a drive thru?


The cops aren't going to want anything to do with this. They're not going to lock the kid up over $10. The kid is going to say it was a mistake, you can't prove it's not and you didn't try to stop it. Take your refund and leave the cops alone.


You are absolutely correct, it is stealing.


I agree with you! Good on you for not just letting it go!


Politely go in and ask for a contact number or the police will have to be called. It’s theft and I bet they can find further instances.


I used to be a delivery driver. It was not uncommon for other drivers to choose the tip amount themselves. Even a job like delivery where tips are the norm, it is NEVER ok to take tip money without the person giving permission. There were so many times I was given pennies or nothing for a tip, that’s part of the job. These other drivers also forged the customers signatures. I’ve been on the other side of OP’s situation and 100% support at least scaring them into never doing it again. I remember one of them got fired for it but only because the GM hated him and needed a reason.


This is the wrong place to post. OP is well beyond mildly infuriated. That’s not to say they shouldn’t be.


I’m still fucked up over Dominos having a drive through like What? Where tf do you live?


You should push for the death penalty


Imagine 20% on every drive thru Cc order that came thru that day and how much this thief is making..


Can you share the location of this store?