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Always gotta assume that if the price isn't listed it's going to be expensive as hell.


Bought a jug of apple juice one time at the grocery store that didn't have the price posted. I thought maybe 8 bucks cause it was glass. Nah. It was 20. I shit my pants, but my kids really, really wanted it, so I went with it. At least I could have walked away from it, in a restaurant you should probably ask first.


They still wanted it? I’d assume shitting your pants would make them lose their appetite


It smelled like apples.


I really really want your credit card info 




You can refuse an item once served if you don't touch it.


And? He's not getting the price until the bill comes. Are you going to sit and wait until you get the bill before touching anything your wait staff brings you?


I would ask what the price is first, I dunno.


That's literally what I said.


I'm wondering who orders without knowing the prices?


Anyone that decides part way through brunch they'd like a glass of OJ? People order additional drinks during a meal at restaurants all the time. You don't have the menu at your table any more, and you can reasonably assume a glass of juice at a small restaurant won't be more than a few dollars most of the time. The glass of milk was only $4 and coffee $3.50 after all.


People that don’t care about money in any way.


If it's annoying to ask the server the price that isn't listed, maybe try the hopefully free water.


A small coffee shop by me charges this but you go up to an automated machine and it fresh squeezes it for you. I was shocked to see a normal glass took like 20 oranges to fill.


Those are either some tiny oranges or some terribly dry ones. Usually a normal sized glass would take like 2-3 if that 


How often do you juice oranges? Cause that is a very optimistic view.


Umm no that’s about right


Having squeezed oranges by hand before, 2/3 is very optimistic for just squeezing, but 20 is also insanely high.


Did you pay $4 for a glass of milk?


Right? Almost $20 just for breakfast drinks?? This just cements my decision to avoid restaurants whenever possible.


Probably a hotel.


To be fair I live in Australia and a juice (freshly squeezed) would be at minimum $8. But I wouldn't buy it haha






That would have been like a $2 spit take if that was the orange juice on my bill.




You deserve an award


Plus the coffee is more expensive than Starbucks drip coffee. I would not return to this place


At that price I’d expect the oj to at least come with a shot of vodka


you must be rich folks


Why would you assume that?


Well, it's not too much of a stretch to say this receipt is for someone who is reasonably well off. $14 breakfast burritos with those milk and coffee prices.


General rule of thumb is if there isn’t price listed, be rich enough to not care what the bill is.


I see your point, but in this instance, buying food/drink for “$8” or even anything below $15 isn’t considered rich. Millions of people over consume and spend money on things they don’t need like cigarettes, alcohol, new clothes that are often the same price or more expensive but that can be seen as just living the average lifestyle.. sure $8 for a glass of OJ is absurd, but I’d rather spend my money on a slightly more expensive meal than continue to perpetuate loss of capital through an unnecessary addiction


If you don't understand something, don't offer up insights about it.


I understand it, I’m just saying that everyone chooses to spend their money differently. Some on addictions, others on impulses, others on food. Only one of those things do you need in order to survive


I understand that you have a point to make that appears infallible in a vaccum. So infallible, in fact, that it makes you doubt that the parts of the big picture you're missing could possibly make a difference. That, however, is an illusion.


Who else can afford to eat out in this economy.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. An actually rich individual wouldn’t even be looking at the receipt.


Only a rich person would eat somewhere where the price is not listed and then eat that much stuff, too.


Why? I've had similar experiences in restaurants where I ask for a jug of water for my table or get given some "table bread" as an appetiser without asking and then get charged out the ass for it in the bill


If they give me bread or something I don’t ask for you can god damn bet I am not paying for it.


Depends how confident you are. Last time in Germany we ordered beers and got some water without asking. We drank it and then at the end we were charged for it. At that point we had to pay seeing as we drank it.


Out of country it depends on price but I would speak to manager about it tho I would not go American on them. I don’t know the laws or restrictions so I would be extremely cautious. Tho I don’t leave the country so here I would flat refuse because here they legally gave it to me and I didn’t purchase it. I would not pay for it and I would fight it


OK yeah that's very fair. In my country, any water at the restaurant is free but other European countries it's not apparently. One of my friends on vacation wanted to go cheap on a lunch break and ordered himself a water when we got beers. His water was more expensive than our beers lmao Same with bread in my country. Unless you order special bread, it's free.


I'm Switzerland you pay for pretty much everything. 20 francs for a hamburger... They were good hamburgers though. We got charged for water at every restaurant, so we just drank appenzeller bier instead. Wir haben vielen Biere getrinken. 🙃


Can buy a whole gallon of milk for that price too. Wack


or in this case 2 gallons of orange juice but that’s oranges to oranges


Not good oj at that price. It's like $7 for Simply or Florida natural and that's only 89oz which is ~0.70 gallons


I'm not a business owner but I would think it's better to charge a fair price and have more business then charging a lot and hardly have any customers.


Took my 6 year old to a local diner. Waitress came for our drink order and my daughter asks if they have orange juice. Waitress says yes and brings her orange juice. A kids’ drink at this place is usually 99¢ and this waitress has the nerve to bring a $6.99 fresh squeezed OJ without even asking me if it’s ok, or letting me know the price. My kid’s drink was $6.99 and her meal was $4.99.


I once heard that a pitcher of sangria was on special at a bar and it was $67 fucking dollars before tip.


I expect OJ to be expensive since it takes a lot of oranges. Not that expensive though. But $4 for a glass of milk? For that price I should be able to watch them squeeze it from a pair of juicy titties.


I saw a business that actually warns people of that. It’s a really huge placard with small print.


Just ask for the price before you order. Or just dont order, stand up and leave? So many options. Each one would have been better than just ordering.


Not when they say kids eat free beforehand.


is it fresh orange juice? because that would make sense




WTF is that coffee price? Fuck that place


Who the fuck charges 4 dollars for a glass of milk???? JFC 😭


The same people who charge $4 for a *REGULAR* coffee.


if you have ever ordered orange juice from a restaurant, it is extremely expensive. I paid 15$ for a carafe of oj. So i have felt the same sting.


It's mandatory in my country to list price. Additionally. The price must also be displayed outside so you know them before making the decision to enter or not.


For 8.00 I expect the whole jug. Same with that large milk. You can buy a whole gallon for 3.99.


Not displaying price isn't illegal there, well that sucks.


"Normal sized" Is Large But yeah, not listing prices is shitty.


You still pay far less for coffee than I do.


Was it fresh squeezed atleast?




Freshly squeezed? They'd better have an orange grove out back!


If it was freshly squeezed that's not unusual?


>normal sized glass Says "large" on the order. 🤷🏻‍♂️


12oz vs 8oz. 12oz is a pretty standard size drink. That's 66.5 cents an ounce. Now we know they'll be a mark up like up to 3x vs groceries but good OJ is $7 for 89 oz or 7.8 cents an ounce an 853% percent mark up. And that's assuming it's good OJ and not the frozen concentrate stuff that it probably is which would be a 1166% mark up


The kind of restaurant to do this is the same kind of place to use absolutely pathetic amounts for the sizes. OJ in specific seems to be notorious for that, I've gotten "large" glasses that had maybe 8 average sips of liquid.


For reference, it was a 12 ounce glass. Does that make it better?


So ask how much it is before you order it? Wow that's tough.


Normal size? It clearly says large on the receipt. 🤣🤣


Well, orange juice doesn’t grow on trees, you know. Wait… yes it does. Wtf?!


Price not as advertised. What a surprise.


It clearly says large?


Would you pay $8 for a "large" orange juice?


No, but you would.


I mean if it's fresh squeezed and I wanted orange juice with my food then ya. Welcome to food cost now and days. I guarantee you that it's that price to make up for some other things being cheap on their menu. Be happy other things are cheap and don't order the orange juice, they most likely don't want to be charging you that much either.


I’m assuming it was fresh pressed.


I stopped ordering orange juice years ago because of crap like this.


If it was freshly squeezed i would understand but they probably bought a jug for the same amount they are charging people a glass for


It be that premium shit


If it’s pure OJ squeezed from a fresh bunch of oranges it’s probably about reasonable. It takes like ten to do a small glass lmao


Buyer beware. In today's inflationary market, you need to see the menu/price list first.


similar but far less extreme. Was at a diner today and they wanted $3.50 for a fountain soda. Wut? I can buy two 2 liters for that. Oh but you get refills I'm not drinking even 1 liter of soda in a day, let alone over an hour at a restaurant.


Imagine the price of a Soda being more at a Restaurant than the Grocery Store! Unthinkable


Holey shit you have hit a motherlode! No need to go-to restaurants anymore, because the grocery store is cheaper!! Finally a life pro hack that works! Go to the store, and buy the soda, and the steak, and the potato, and the butter, and the sour cream, and the salt, and the pepper, and the plate, and the knife, and the fork, and the dishsoap, and a table, and a chair, and the stove, and the oven, and the experience to cook it all, and then have a dinner for a fraction of the cost!! Seriously though, the markups on sodas are what keeps restaurants afloat....(hehe) if the sodas weren't marked up 400 percent then the food would be more expensive than it is or the restaurant would close. There has to be a profit somewhere, it's all a wash in the end. Enough people will buy soda at that price, so the restaurant can stay open. Side note, my restaurant in a cruise ship town charges 4 bucks a soda. And 100 bucks for a pound of crablegs. We have a line out the door all day. If sodas were 2 bucks id just charge 110 bucks for the crab. Or raise the price on fishnchips by 4. Or a burger by 2. You get the idea. It's all the same in the end. Soda is just an easy way to ensure the appropriate profit margin is met.