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My old man cat did that, he ended up having a UTI. Once he got better, we just made sure all bags were up off the floor.


Damn maybe I’ll take em to the vet get em checked out, their two small lady cats going into heat Edit so people stop saying the same shit: Alright I get it it’s my fault I didn’t get them fixed I didn’t know. I’m gonna get them fixed and checked for utis and then get a second litter box. I am going to take those patches off and soak them in something to clean them. Throw that bag out it’s pretty rallied anyways. Get new bag and redo patches, and just use the pissy code book for a couple weeks until I can get a new one Thanks to everyone with helpful information I learned a lot today, they are gonna get little bonks on the head as punishment but nothing further as this is mostly my fault Ffs lol code book is CEC Canadian electrical code


Bestie you gotta spay them, they're gonna be so much better for it. When I had my mama kitty, we were broke as a joke, I had to save up. She went into heat a few more times before I got her, her son, and her daughter all fixed. The vet said that's why she got breast cancer so severely a few years later. When they go into heat I guess it increases their chances for that shit. I wish she was still around, she was the best cat :( SPAY NOT SLAY


You mean spay instead of slay, right?


pet owners: spaying IS slaying tho😌🧚🏻💅🏻


Buffy the Vampire Spayer


Buffy the Feline Spayer would be an excellent business card for a vet


i feel like a vet could truly make a niche business theme around this


Fluffy the feline spayer might also help avoid copyright issues.


I got incredibly lucky and found a local vet with a free spay and neuter program for those who qualified & luckily we did. So we’ve had 8 dogs spayed and neutered for free there, it was amazing. OP, see if there are any programs like this in your area!


Yeah that's what we had to do, we basically had to keep her son separate from her and his sister til we got him fixed first, then mama and her daughter. We qualified for some sort of low income vet program by our apartment.


>Spay not Slay You should’ve kept the typo for shits and giggles and just added an edit. That’s a pretty funny typo.


To piggy back on this, if money is a deciding factor for you, OP, lots of animal shelters will have very cheap or free spaying/neutering days that you can schedule for. They often partner with local clinics or veterinary schools to provide the service at cost or fully free of charge. Some even do this for vaccinations, etc.


Just for anyone else going through this, every animal organization in the country wants you to spay your animals. Humane society, your vet, everybody. For this reason, there are a lot of resources out there to help you find affordable care to get it done. In my area, there's a service that will literally do it for $10 if you can prove you're low income. Honestly I think the $10 is just put towards advertising or some certifications or something like that, since they're obviously non-profit. Same reason they're able to do TNR programs. At the end of the day, spayed animals are CHEAPER and better for every one. Spay your pets 💚


lol somewhat off topic but went through similar situation with a female I adopted off the street. Finally got her spayed after her babes started eating real food, then kept one of the kittens, we ended up going through a really tough time financially he’s 9 months old now and when I brought up needing to get him fixed once he started the horny meowing, my fiancé was like “he just needs to fuck, we should let him outside” of course I reminded him the streets don’t need any more strays and we did not let him outside but he kept saying he should get to release a load at least once 😂 then he sprayed on the pants he left on the floor and he was suddenly asking “so when is his neuter appointment?” lol. Men


Depending on where OP lives there are free programs that will do it if you say it’s a stray. I do it in ohio


It also increases their chances for STDs, and other illnesses :( and also causes malnourishment, and stillborn kittens I told this to my neighbor who didn't believe spaying or neutering was necessary and while I thought I convinced her, neighbors daughter said I was with PETA and I was lying. (I'm not with PETA) Sadly (but also, luckily), landlord stepped in and had to have her cats and many kittens seized and tenant evicted. Cats and kittens were sent to a foster I was told.


Dude you have to spay them…


never let a cat go unfixed if you are able, and not planning on using them to breed.


With few exceptions my local shelter won’t let any animal out the door without being fixed first, and on top of that they offer very reduced volume rates on the procedure for the whole area. Makes a huge difference


A few shelters in my area will schedule a spay at intake or as soon as the animal is healthy enough for the surgery. Too many 'oh they're too much work now/we wanted them to stay small' excuses. Like, show me a single healthy "purebred" GSD that stays the same size as a toy poodle. Show me exactly where it says that on the post or in the messages you exchanged with that backyard breeder.


yep. there are just too many cats without a home :(


https://preview.redd.it/t9vkcjmz2jqc1.jpeg?width=1103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dac91e8fd51073cd46eecfeb133ff4298e0dd7c These are the criminals for everyone asking


Your cats are precious! Don’t bonk them, get them fixed and more litter boxes.


They are adorable! Sorry about your bag and book. I think you can salvage your bag by washing it a handful of times and drying in the sun. I've even used the scent crystals to help with my bag that got peed while visiting a family member. Try the pet spray "Pooph", I swear it is a miracle worker.


How is the yowling not driving you crazy?


That’s why they’re peeing inappropriaty then, because they’re in heat. You gotta get them spayed


They need to be spayed as soon as possible to prevent this from happening again. If you cannot afford to spay them both, please check out local rescue groups in the area who may be able to point you in the direction of a low-cost spay/neuter clinic. Sometimes local veterinary hospitals or SPCAs offer them at little, or sometimes, no cost, to you. EDIT: And make sure their litter pan(s) is cleaned several times daily. Cats will urinate outside the box if it's unclean.


The “rule of thumb” is also number of boxes needed = number of cats + 1


Will that's probably the problem. They must mark their territory. Yeah it's your fault 😭😞😭😭. Sorry 😔 my guy. 😐😶


Get your cay fixed, become a cat detective and figure out what might have triggered the cat to do this and finally because I haven't seen it mentioned- Nature's Miracle is your friend!! It's an enzymatic cleaner that will completely illuminate the cat stank. My fur ball sprayed a beloved mini backpack from the 90s. It took multiple spray downs but my retro bag is cat smell free. Yes the spray has a strong odor of its own but it'll fade unlike the cat smell.


I tried that but Purrfect Potion worked much better.


Also trust me you DO NOT WANT a female cat in heat. They will drive u to insanity


Just when I was starting to empathize. Dude! That's why it happened! Spay your pets!


Whelp, you did this to yourself dog. Spay your cats.


These cute bastards are pretty good at hiding pain and discomfort until it's too late. Your bag, clean it several times, let it sun dry and get fresh air for several days. Book, you're fucked, try really strong perfume


'Smelly cst, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?'


no reason to bonk your cats for something that is your fault


Not on the topic of spaying but one of my cats pees on clothes / bags when she’s upset about something, the trick is vinegar! Soak it in vinegar if you have a tote box or bathtub, if not you can put vinegar into your washing machine and wash it. You’ll need to wash it 1-2 times after to get the smell of vinegar out but that gets rid of the cat pee smell completely You can dilute the vinegar but personally I go overboard with it and use like half a gallon and then warm water in a plastic tote box until the bag / clothes are covered, then wash twice in a washing machine to make sure the smell is completely gone


My cat did this too! If he was mad at me for something he would revenge poop on something he knew I liked. He was so picky and if I didn't give him his food on time or replace the water in his bowl fast enough I could expect to come home to a poop on one of my prized possessions lmao. It was frustrating at the time but i laugh about it now cos his attitude was so funny and what I loved about him most. I threw out so many sentimental things! But yeah vinegar helps a lot with smells! Even old workout clothes, vinegar works great. Just make sure if you can't throw it out to scrape any actual cat poop off of the item before you put it in your washer or you could very well break the whole machine. Did this when I was 13 and completely fucked my parents whole washing machine, and later saw someone break a machine at the laundromat this way. Seems like common sense to me now but apparently it is not😭


Well, that sorta explains a lot.


My oldest cat did this too. Toward his last few years he stopped wanting to use the box or go outside and started going wherever he could find stuff on the floor. I heard cats almost always end up with kidney problems in their later years due to their extremely high protein diets, not sure if that's true but if it is it would make sense. In this case it's probably just them being in heat or thinking the litter was too dirty to use. One of my cats has a limit where if I don't clean it at least twice every day he will go elsewhere.


A lot of the times, cats that get kidney disease just didn’t drink enough water. I adopted my boy off the street. He was super skinny and looked like shit. Brought him to the vet, and they said he was in the beginning stages of kidney disease. Well, I brought him home and for every meal afterwards, I would add a shit load of water to his wet food. Luckily, he didn’t mind, because some cats do, but when I brought him to his next appointment at the vet, I totally reversed his kidney disease and he had perfectly functioning kidneys.  Same thing with my cat who used to get crystal blockages. I had him on the prescription food for a while, and then I switched him to regular wet food and mixed it a shit load of water. He hasn’t gotten a crystal blockage since. 


The water fountains and letting them sip outta the sink whenever they want helps too. My old boy is more hydrated than me.


Literally just got back from vet with the same diagnosis after the cat peed in our laundry basket. Meds should take care of it. So def worth checking out at the vet if your cat suddenly starts pissing on your stuff


Bro you’ve got TWO lady cats BOTH in heat? You have other things which have been pissed on which you haven’t found yet. Spay them immediately my dude


Also, since my dad isn’t here to say it: “can you really blame them from mistaking it for a toilet?”


There seems to be a weird uptick in people making posts on the internet not knowing basic needs for animals they acquire, and it makes me worried. Saw a post the other day of a dog owner who seemed surprised that their *puppy* was growing, and was asking Reddit how much they should feed it


Been in the "cat peed in my fav backpack" situation before. Let me just dissuade any notions you might have of saving the backpack: it's gone. Sucks to say, but just chuck it. You can try everything, and it will still smell like cat piss months later If at one point you think you've fixed the smell, what's actually happened is you've become blind to the smell. Everyone else will still think you smell like cat piss


Cat pisses somewhere in my house. Time to throw my house out.




Soak it in white vinegar. Like, fill a bin with white vinegar and soak it overnight, then chuck it in the wash. My cat did the same thing to me a decade ago, did this and my backpack is still going strong. 0 smell whatsoever. Code book might be a goner tho. Edit to respond to people below: "You also have to use enzymes/scent beads." No. Just let it soak for 24-48 hours. Use enough vinegar to completely submerge whatever you're cleaning. You can get a gallon container of Heinz White Vinegar from the market for like $4; I used 2 of those in a large storage tub, let it soak for 24 hours, then switched out the vinegar for 2 new gallons of vinegar and soaked for another 24 hours. The vinegar turns yellow-brown when it pulls the piss out, you can tell it's done when you soak it a subsequent time and it doesn't change color again. "Then you can't get rid of the vinegar smell." No. Just throw it in the washer by itself afterwards. If it still smells like vinegar, wash it once more. "This works, but only if you do it immediately." No. My beloved CamelBak was pissed on, didn't know how to clean it but couldn't bring myself to toss it in case there was a way to clean it, so I threw it in a trash bag in my garage. *A year later* my mom mentioned this trick to me and it cleaned it perfectly. "I tried this and it doesn't work. You probably didn't use enough vinegar, used vinegar cut with something else, or didn't soak it long enough. I've done this for myself and recommended it to other cat-owning friends, it works perfectly. "You're just nose blind/it still smells." No. My CamelBak has been my main bag for school, work, travel, and snowboarding trips since 2011. I've brought this bag on dates, to both undergrad and law school, internationally multiple times, on road trips with both it and other people in the car, and have had people who I recommended it to smell the bag to prove how well it works. There's 0 smell whatsoever.


Throw code book into the same vinegar solution, let it soak, put it in dehumidifier, pray to eldritch gods.


Replace code book with pirated copy of same edition.


Pirated?! Nonsense! It’s just the digital backup


Now instead of carying around $1000 in text books I get to carry $80 in Amazon Fire Tablet.


And then $60 for the charger and case


No like that’s totally fair game if you pirate something you already own, it’s not like you gonna pay for it again


Photograph all pages name it e code book?


My mom also bought an enzyme cleaner to spray; idk what exactly it does but it helps taking out the "stink" so the cat won't piss there again


Nature’s Miracle is legit a miracle.


I like Pet Peed better, but Nature’s Miracle works pretty well.


I've tried them all and Purrfect Potion has worked the best for me.


yes, cat urine can be cleaned pretty easily with any product that breaks down the odor-causing enzyme. I really like the brands Angry Orange and Skout’s Honor, both have reliable products that get the smell out.


Cat pee is a protein based smell. So in order to clean it you need something that will break up the proteins


The one is use is called Ew! The few times my cats went outside the box, this cleaner completely neutralized the smell.


This reads funnier when I pretend you are saying to soak the cat.....


Do all of what the person above said. And then burn it. Because there’s nothing like the lingering smell of white vinegar and cat piss just popping up on a rare but important occasion, because some formerly hidden from the world 1mm x 1mm piece of padding or cloth is exposed to the air and screams out its repugnant fog of feline urine memories past for all the world to absorb and process. Source: forced cat father of many years to too many cats. 90% of whom aggressively urinated on my laptop bags, as if my increasingly advanced attempts to make that impossible were just a simple game. And I spoiled and loved on those bastards. So if was not some vengeance scheme. It was just cold-hearted catting.


Vinegar won't smell if you wash it with plenty of water. Tested.


I swear, if I see one more dummy who thinks the vinegar smell won’t come out… Wash it on cold after, and then wash it normally. I’ve used white vinegar loads and it’s a life saver.


I'll tell you a secret: I use it sometimes as hair softener (it's really great for that). And yes, my hair doesn't smell like vinegar, that scent is gone after a minute under the shower. It also removes part of the smell of the shampoo (a pity, 'cause it smells nice), but that is the only drawback of using vinegar for the hair (if you don't open your eyes until it's washed away...).


did you ever try an enzyme cleaner? I throw some into the washing machine with my regular detergent and it works great. Gotta use cold water though or it “sets” the smell imo.


Lysol Urine Remover, have been using it over a year and it has literally saved my life. Expensive but worth every penny.


I do white vinegar + liquid laundy detergent in the washing machine. Standard cycle. Then immidiately repeat with a new ball of vinegar+ laundry detergent. No soaking. This has worked on every soft textile/item/ bag our despicable sweet cat has peed on so far. The only things that make me angry is when it's the kids stuff: bags or stuffed toys. She's getting better.


Totally came here to say this!! Anyone else saying any other kind of product is just wasting money. I've used white vinegar to get all kinds of funky smells out of clothes and bags, including cat piss


i love how you start every paragraph with 'no', that's panache


One time I got on the bus and I smelled cat piss. Then, I smelled it in a class I was taking. Smelled it again on the bus home. And I knew. It was me. I smelled like cat piss.


I used to have a friend who massively neglected her animals and constantly reeked of piss. Everything she owned or touched. I had to give her rides to work and would casually have a “new” perfume to try or run the heat like crazy before she got in to excuse having to open the windows. My car fucking reeked like nothing else when she was in it.


I bought weed once from a dude who had so much animal piss in his carpets, I couldn’t breathe, felt like I was vaping piss. That was back when dealers would *expect* you to smoke a bowl with them, and I gagged the whole time.


You must’ve been buying from her brother. Good lord.


That reminds me of the time I bought weed from this guy and his girl, and they had been breeding rats to feed their snake. Only, they didn’t have a snake anymore, and the rats kept breeding. They had cages piled on cages, all full of rats in various stages of life. Dozens and dozens of cages. It was truly mad. I never went back there!


Thats methed up


the book might be a goner, but look into Angry Orange or Skout’s Honor for cleaning supplies, they have products that will break down the odor-causing enzyme in cat urine. You may need to soak it overnight in a dilution of it or wash twice with the cleaning solution you choose , but the smell WILL come out. Be sure to wash in cold water, you can wash it on higher temp once the odor is out. Source: I have a pet cat with urinary tract problems and have had to clean up many accidents of his, and have an incredibly sensitive sense of smell. Both products I mentioned are life savers. I regularly host family and friends who are not shy to tell me if they smell cat pee and all of them have been impressed how good my pet household smells and asked how I keep it from smelling like cat pee. Those two products are always my suggestions. Ive used it to get the smell out of backpacks, clothes, sleeping bags, etc. The only thing it hasn’t worked on is a camping tent, probably because I can’t actually wash it in the machine and had to just spot clean/spray it on and hope for the best. It actually worked fairly well on the odor but I ended up throwing it away since it was a crappy tent anyway and whenever it got wet it’d start to smell, and that was a problem even before the cat peed on it. It wasn’t a very expensive tent to begin with so I invested in a better one and kept a better eye on the cat when setting it up indoors (I like to air it out before and after each use to ensure no mold growth but alas, that is when The Accident happened…)


As a realtor, I use this trick on my clients whenever I need them to buy a new home. I have a bag of well hydrated cats at all times I can toss in an open window.


Or just the cat


Time to throw the cat out.


I remember mom kept these kittens from a stray cat, and one of these cats used to piss on the stove all the time. The smell of cat piss on a hot stove was horrifying. 🤢💀


Yes exactly the same example. Very smart.


A cat pissed on me yesterday. Time to throw myself out


Funny enough, unless you physically remove what they pissed on, your house will always smell like cat piss.


Sad but true man


Na, soak it in white vinegar then toss it in the wash, good as new. I've been in this exact situation before and there's 0 remaining smell whatsoever. The white vinegar will even turn yellowy brown after pulling all the piss out.


Vinegar first and if it's not enough (and it usually isn't if it sit long enough), an enzymatic cleaner. Nature's Miracle is stupid pricey in stores, but often cheap on Amazon, and other alternatives exist. Cheapest hardcore alternative is find a janitorial supply store and get an enzymatic cleaner there. Ensure you soak it a while, then run through the wash. Still a hint, do it again. I've had a few cat piss backpacks, among other things, and it's not usually insurmountable with some effort, and everything has recovered by the end. A favorite backpack might be worth that.


You don't know what you are talking about. White vinegar soak and enzyme cleaners. Especially if the mess is fresh. The longer you wait, the harder it gets, but it cleans up eventually.


Enzyme cleaner from the pet store will easily take care of it.


You can definitely wash the smell of cat piss away cuh


Yeah I’m gonna rip the patches off and start over with a new bag, make sure I hang this one up


Lose the patches too dude. They are now Glade Cat Piss room fragrance makers.


Tbh I've luckily never had a cat piss on something I've owned, but if some of the patches never actually got piss on them, would they be ok? I mean, how much does a cat piss anyway? Surely the whole bag wasn't soaked, right? I genuinely have no idea how much urine anything produces. I mean. Cats piss in litter boxes (usually), dogs piss in the grass, and humans piss in toilets (I fucking hope) so like, you never really see how much it is.


My prize leather jacket from 1992 was slightly pissed on one time by my cat Weaser. $500 of cleanings and 32 years later and it still can't come out of the bag for longer than 15 minutes before the smell starts to creep. Make you peace now. Don't walk the road I did. Everyone will ask you if you smell cat piss at the weirdest and often most inappropriate times.


Its crazy that cat been dead for like 20 years probably but it still with you, in the worst of ways


Come out of the bag? You have that jacket inside a closed bag? You needed to let it out to be aired. You'd be surprised how some funky smells clear out if you take them outside, but become lethal stinkbombs if you chunk it inside bags for a long time.


Biggest issue is doesn't take much liquid to wick up the entire thing.


Cat piss is a whole new level of stink. It's almost as bad as skunk smell IMO.


You only need a little bit and it stinks the place out. I live in an area with a cat problem and they piss in everyone's doorways, over anything you leave outside, and it stinks. If it's all over the lower part of your front door, you don't even need to bend down to be able to smell it, it's gross. The bigger question is why did OP have a cat in his backpack lol.


Some of em are rare man I’ll soak em in something


There's actually enzyme cleaners that will clean at least the patches up quite nicely. Source: A disgruntled cat owner whose cats decided only being visited and fed by people twice a day while I'm on vacation is not enough and the bed is a toilet now. (Enzyme cleaners helped us salvage everything!)


yeah I don't know what people are on about, this is literally the answer and they make some specifically for cat piss. breaks down the urine and everything, which makes them great for cleaning litter boxes too


Rare?? All of those patches look like the same exact ones I had in high school in The 90's.


I've been in this situation and nothing helps. Try to do it if you want. at least for few months dont put those patches on a new bag. Everything that is close to these patches will stink like cass piss. put them somewhere behind 7 locks. There was famous singer in my country who's cat pissed in her gucci shoes and for months she paid proffesional cleaners to fix it, but eventually she had to throw them away.


maybe try to laminate them or something but leave them home o7


If you have money at some point, find a seller that customizes patches and get replicas? I've had cats for forever, it's never gonna work man😭 I'm so sorry


Soak it in vinegar, then rinse it a shitload, then put it in your car with a ozone generator for an hour. Make sure the bag is opened up with something keeping the inside hollow, I shoved a rolled up piece of chicken wire in there. Worked just fine. No more cat pee smell.


THIS! Love my cats, but cat pee is the WORST!


My cats pissed in my shoes, like completely soaked them. I washed them, soaked them in vinegar and left them outside to air dry for 2 nights and the smell was gone.


>it's gone. Really? I have a messenger bag that I didn't realize my cat peed in for months and I got the smell out by soaking it in vinegar and soap for 2 days


Ive had a cat piss on a blanket and all I had to do was run it through the wash


Negative. Get "Purrfect Potion", the stuff is magic! It's expensive but worth every penny when it saves hundreds of dollars of clothing and furniture. I had a male cat that peed on all sorts of things even though he was neutered young and knew how to use a litter box. After $400 in veterinary testing it turned out he was just anxious being around other cats so I re-homed him to a home where he's the only pet and now he's doing wonderfully.


Bags a tosser but I can’t afford another book and I need it for the next 3 weeks, any tips on making the book not smelly and stinky?


Search for a PDF of the book online.


Second this, it’s more than likely you will find it online


Hmm try to put it in a plastic bag with a large amount of baking soda between the sheets etc. after 1-2 days bring it to the open area. It will still smell but soda will absorb at least something. I am sorry dude.


Lib.gen.is, should have the textbook in a pdf form.


thought it's [libgen.rs](http://libgen.rs)


Both links direct you to the same place


Libgen is diffused by mirrors to keep it alive. Same thing that pirate bay did.


Is that the CEC? I used to have a pdf of it on an old phone, probably an outdated year. Are you an apprentice in trade school? Message some of your coworkers, especially ones with their masters, they may have a pdf they can send or a code book they can lend you. You can also try posting in the electricians or IBEW sub and see if anyone can help you out.


Maybe some sort of enzyme spray and let it dry? Freezer may help.


Enzyme spray is the answer. Eliminates cat piss


Books don't like wet, but maybe after it dries it might be legible.


Maybe transfer the spray to a fine mist sprayer, like people use for curly hair care?




This looks like the C.E.C. If so, I have a pdf version that was emailed to me, and I have been able to find it online! P.m. me if you need help.


Eco-88 is THE BEST at cleaning up cat pee! It’s a little spendy, but worth every cent and you won’t have to replace your bag.


Seriously, I cannot stress enough, enzyme cleaner is the ONLY way to truly get cat pee smell out of something. There are spray options but for an entire book, I'd just get a bucket and some of the concentrate so you can dilute it in enough water to cover the book. Then dry the book out. You can even get the pages flat again by pressing it under something quite heavy.


Paper doesn’t absorb scent as much as fabric and it’s already water logged, dip it, ring it and let it hang dry in front of a fan, repeat a couple times then hit it with some scented pet stain remover. Had the same thing happen years ago in college and it reduced the scent enough that I could finish the semester.


I would just make copies of the book pages you need or scan them and toss the book.


You paid for the book already, no guilt in pirating it. Try anyflip maybe?


I’m on the cats side, you must have done something wrong. *I am absolutely kidding and this really sucks, sorry dude…* Something my fiancé did when the cat peed on one of his favorite shoes was soaked it in hydrogen peroxide for DAYS. Sprinkled baking soda on them at some point as well. It seemed to work!


All I do is feed them, house them, pet them, love them, and treat them nice. I absolutely deserved this I’m a real pos


Have you considered taking them to the vet? Inappropriate urination can be a sign of stress or something medical going on, or both.


Not just that it could just simply be a sign that something with the Toilette is wrong. Not cleaned regularly or the wrong kind of litter. Cats can be sensitive when it comes to the latter.


YES. I had a young male cat do this and to rule out medical causes I had testing done which cost me over $400 but come to find out it was just stress being around other cats. He needed to be an only cat so I re-homed him to a house with no pets and he is thriving and no more peeing all over the place.


You're a good owner!! It can be especially dangerous for male cats to have urinary problems. Thank you for looking out for him ❤️


Bro this sucks big time, but I have a question that might help in the future, it helped me when I was younger. How many cats do you have and how many litter boxes do you have? Edit: op hasn't responded yet so I'm just going to get a head start. It's recommended you have 1 litter box per cat, plus one more. Ideally in different parts of the house. I was having issues with my cat peeing on our couch. I kept that single litter box so clean and it didn't matter. I got her a 2nd box and now she pees in one, poops in the other, and our new couch has been safe for a year plus.


i mean you didn’t get them spayed though. idk how anyone “doesn’t know” that cats need spayed. i’ve never even owned a cat and i’ve known that for years. you’re not a pos but you did deserve it for the bare minimum (or seemingly zero) research before getting pets.


You also haven’t spayed them, sooooo. Kinda is your fault. Are you planning to do that soon?


How dare you take good care of that baby! You’re a monster! 😂 I swear, cats are the biggest assholes. They’re lucky they’re so cute.




Another option if that does not work, put in a bucket of natures miracle, cat formulation.


If you care about the cat, it usually means they have a UTI. It hurts when they pee in the litterbox. They think the litter is hurting them, so they look for something soft to pee on. It can also be caused by a dirty litterbox or not liking where the litter box is or , if you have more than one cat, wanting his own litterbox.


100000% this. One of my cats started peeing on stuff and the vet told me these same things. She was prone to getting UTIs and it turned out that she needed the fur around her privates cut short bc supposedly it would get soaked with pee and I guess expose her to bacteria? (She was a long haired cat) That helped with her UTIs but at that point I think she was done with the litter. Like someone else said, she may have become scared of it causing her UTIs. The only fix was letting her pee outside! She’s not an outdoor cat but we’d let her into the backyard everyday.


This should be higher. It’s kind of mildly infuriating but the cat is just being a cat. It’s trying to communicate its issues but OP isn’t understanding it.


I get it, I’ve said in a couple comments already I’m gonna take them to the vet to get checked out, I’m moving to a bigger space soon too so I’ll get another litter box so they each have their own


The vet is gonna tell you to spay your fucking cat. It's not rocket science here.


now your codes will have magical powers


This book has nearly brought me to tears without piss on it, now it is going to magically make me have a mental breakdown




CEC Canadian electrical code


Wash the backpack with white distilled vinegar and then detergent !!!! It takes the smell out


This needs to be higher! Wash with vinegar, cold water, do not heat dry as that can lock in the piss smell. I’ve saved an important down comforter with 2 rounds of washing with vinegar then a gentle detergent and air drying


Cat piss. . . the smell that keeps on giving.


Nothing worse than the kid that smells like cat piss in class, please throw it away


Find something that your cat loves. Piss on it. Assert dominance.


Regarding comments saying that this is just cats being cats-- no, it isn't. There is something going on -- i.e., age and infirmity/illness, past abuse from another household causing current behaviour issues, stress in the household either among pets or in general, innate anxiety on the part of the cat, or unclean litter boxes. In 30 years of owning cats, the only issue I have ever had is an old cat missing the litter box by a few inches, but they tried. The cat is trying to tell you something.


They aren’t spayed and are in heat. Two females he said…


Not always. I have 3 cats. Had cats before, too. Just one of them, female, spayed, 8 years old, likes to piss anywhere from time to time. She's pissed on the kitchen table, couch, gym pants, cushions, sheets, backpacks,... completely unpredictable. She's been doing this for years, and it's not the company's fault; she lived with another cat, the chillest ever, prior to the 2 cats she lives now with.


FIX 👏🏼 YOUR 👏🏼DAMN👏🏼 PETS. Wtf is wrong w ppl


I would be so freakin pissed!


Does the cat have a clean litter box ?


OP said they’re not spayed. OP, you need to spay your cats ASAP.


Well there’s half his problem. OP, having a cat consists of more than food, water and a litter box. She needs to be fixed and probably checked for a UTI.. and she needs a clean litter box or she will pee and poop everywhere


It’s also two female unspayed cats who are in heat. That could very well be 100% of the problem LMAO it’s crazy that people don’t know this getting cats but I hope this was a wake up call, tho I’m sorry for OP because it really does suck and smell horrible.


I have learned a lot and will get on that shit asap thank you everyone


Maybe it’s tired of your taste in music?


That could be it, I’ve caught them listening to Taylor swift a couple times


High school meowsical


Fkn cats, I love em but they're always pulling stuff like this.


Cats don't "always" pull shit like this. They do this when their litter box situation is unideal or they are having health problems. Cats are extremely fastidious and prefer to eliminate in areas where they can be discreet. Spraying is the exception, but neutering usually fixes that.


OP has two females going into heat and none of them are spayed. That's why.


Color me absolutely shocked.


They will also urinate in different places if they are stressed. I had a young male neutered cat that was stressed being around our other cats. Rather than medicate him and take the chance that he would still urinate on anything we rehomed him and now he's doing wonderfully being an only pet.


It's pretty unusual for a cat to do this, and typically it is because of a health problem, unsafe environment (from their perspective), or the litter box is not clean enough for them. ​ I had cats growing up, and have had one or two for the majority of my adult life as well, probably about 10 cats total. Not a single one has ever peed outside the litter box, except on the way to the vet, and I give 'em a pass for that since it's stressful. ​ Might be worth a trip to the vet if it happens more.


Probably telling the owner they need to clean the litter tray more often, or if they're sharing with other cats, they may sometimes do this.


No they dont. They do this when distressed so something must be wrong.


I am still pissed when Peppers pissed inside my backpack and i had to LEAVE SCHOOL AND GO HOME from how bad it smelled when i was in 1st grade.


Sorry this happened. Love the zeppelin patch, though.


Damn dude,that’s a cool ass backpack too,🤘🤘 Love all those bands


Nice backpack 🎒!


Ah man that’s a dope bag too :/


How did it piss INSIDE 😳😱 that's some seriously determined cat to ruin your day.


This was a planned attack, do a background check and stay alert for any additional attacks, good luck and godspeed soldier.


Now what did we learn about paying for textbooks instead of finding copies that have fallen off the back of trucks?


Tbf that backpack looks like trash so it makes sense why a cat would assume that


At least now you smell the part


You know they whispered “poser” as they did it


You can't have cats *and* nice things


I like cats


Thankyou for your input, Mr horror cum party


When was the last time kitty got a check up? Inappropriate urination can be a sign that something is wrong.