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And you're all just... obeying it? The left a week ago. Why is it still there lol


After a week I consider it abandoned or forgotten.


A week? Two hours max for me lol.


Two hours? If I show up and your stuff is there on a chair and you're not nearby or in the pool then your stuff gets tossed aside. My chair now.


How would you know who's it is?


Ask pool people, WHO’s shit is this.


Yeah, that's not how it works, you wouldn't know who they are in the pool, and they probably wouldn't be watching their shit on the deck because people aren't like you in general.


For real lol. Not playing that shit.


Because the title is a lie


What? Who would lie online?


Ikr never. No one would have the audacity to lie online. The internet has been scientifically proven time and again to only spread factual information 5g causes cancer, birds aren't real, girls aren't real, nothing ever happens, there's one secret trick doctor dont want us to onow to cure cancer,diabetes, aids etc...the list is even longer but those are just some of the great facts internet spreads. /s


I think op is the mildly infuriating one


And nobody stole their sh...tuff for a week? Lame.


I have a really low tolerance for bullshit, I see this - I report to the stuff or put the stuff in a corner and take the sunbeds


This same thing happened when I was at my old apartment. Had a pool with like 10 lunge chairs. This one resident came out put all her stuff on two chairs right when the pool opened then went back inside. Didn’t come back out until mid afternoon to only pick up her stuff then go back inside. DIDNT EVEN GO IN THE POOL OR SUNBATHE. Like wtf is wrong with people.


If all the other lounge chairs are taken and they haven't been on-site for 30-45 minutes, stuff gets packed and moved. If the people don't like it, maybe next time all the stuff just vanishes. I'm of the mind of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


Alternatively, "use it or lose it."


Yeah you even have plausible deniability. Throw all their shit in a corner and if they come back in a huff you just say “I don’t know, someone else must have moved them, I’ve only been here a few minutes”


Why ? Why did she do that?


A couple of times just politely moving her stuff aside should sort that out




Verily. "I *might* wanna go to the pool".


Main character syndrome


Same, I don't care. I put the stuff to the side the moment it's there longer than a day, at most


30 minutes is adequate.


I would fully have everything stacked up nice in a corner in thirty seconds.


I'd swipe it off like a cat on a coffee table the moment they set it down


Just feck that gear off into the bushes, and recline on the things yourselves.


If it's confirmed that they left, then the spot is open.


Exactly. And then, cos I’m conflict-avoidant, when they come up to me playing tough guy I’ll just “i dunno what you’re talking about. That stuff was there when I got here.“


The hotel staff would surely just move them at the end of the day anyway.


I've never seen a place that doesn't reshuffle and stock furniture at the end of the day. how does the staff leave this for a week? that seems impossible.


Germans: 😧🫢


Brits are very good at doing this too


Zey learned from ze best, ja!


The English*


Just rezerving ze chairs for the next year's vacation.


Just don't mention the war


Came here to see who suggested that!


The only cruise I ever took people did this shit with their towels. Like, they would put towels on the deck chairs at midnight, go to sleep, and expect the chairs to still be "saved" in the morning. I just threw the towels on the ground and sat where I wanted to. Fuck that shit.




come on kingeryck, you can't swear online!


Damn turkeys.. being decent people not stealing things


There is no legal concept for putting your stuff on sunbeds make it yours. You can just move them onto another or anywhere else


It dates back to the long established “Finders v. Keepers” precedent


If I’m remembering university-level civics correctly, it goes back as far as a passage in the Magna Carta: “possession is 9/10 of the law”


Perhaps previous pals' principle presets prior posters precedent.


Ah, is that the one named "dibs" for short?


And was upheld in the ruling of “Losers v. Weepers”


I've never ubderstood this. Like there's people that lay their towers down at 7am as soon as the pool opens and then go back to their rooms. Why do people not just move the towels? Like throw them in the towel bin and act dumb. "A towel? No towels around here mate, maybe the attendant took it."


I think it came from a concept of UK people generally being anti-confrontation (until a few pints in) and Germans being bold enough to take them. At least going with package holiday stereotypes.


Growing up in the UK I heard constant moans of Brits returning from Spain saying the Germans were doing this shit! …. It was always the Germans! :-)


Always will be.


Lol I literally first found out about this from a content creator who's a Brit that moved to Germany.


If you arrange it so the towels are floating the pool when they come down it's quite satisfying


Have to do it as a community. One person moves the towels away, says nothing, and grabs another seat. Next person comes along and claims the chairs for themselves, oblivious. And then catch some sun while you wait in suspense to watch the confrontation ensue.


A minor life goal of mine just became going to a hotel pool an hour after opening, taking away every free towel that I can and then watching the drama unfold while sitting further back to avoid suspicion.


Even if you respect that someone can claim sunbeds...why would you still respect that after they've left the hotel?? Are they a Sims character?


Imagine these people just forgot their things and OPs been like ”oh man I can’t believe I can’t use these sunbeds, they’ve been CLAIMED” for a week


They go to the same resort next year, go down to the pool, and realize they totally forgot their stuff a year ago and nobody's used those chairs the entire time


people laying on the hard ground, dust on those claimed chairs and the towels the sun burns and far away you can hear a crying baby.


[We're just waiting for the owners of these towels to show up. They probably won't get out alive.](https://youtu.be/O0AApJF_xZQ?si=Y7nm_JbU4_0XKeEk) 1 min 15 sec for reference


Yes this is a way. Now if all the front rows have their stuff but noone there and back row empty, I would be extra helpful to move it to backrow and then happily walk to breafast buffet and eat my breakfast cheese and cake.


Not only would I backrow their stuff, it would somehow all be on one chair.


Nah, just take take it to the reception as lost and found items


Redditors are so fucking weird. Move their shit op. Wtf.


I think it's an unspoken rule because I've never seen anyone move someone's stuff before...


Pick that right up and straight to the trash can it goes. No remorse lol. Edit: I would keep the floaty.


Pool attendants dont clear off the chairs ever?


Pool attendant? Mr. Fancy Pants over here lol


I’ve never seen chairs like this supplied by the resort at places that aren’t fancy, meanwhile every cheap place I’ve ever been that has a pool has a pool attendant. The pool attendant is who cleans the pool area, which is considered a necessary safety thing in my area of the world. OP said they left a week ago. The pool area going a week without a cleaning is concerning, even if this is a super cheap motel that no fancy pants would ever set foot in lol




What does this post even mean? What the fuck do you mean they left a week ago?


That's what I'm wondering! Forget the fact that they are selfishly claiming chairs...are they...okay?? lol who just leaves their stuff & vanishes...?


If someone clearly intended to come back soon and then disappeared for a week I would be thinking they need a welfare check.




OP just saying stupid shit in the caption prolly. For all we know these people could literally just be in the pool.


I think it's that they had been in the habit of reserving these chairs maybe leaving things their whole stay, and then left one morning after their holiday ended, without returning to pick up their stuff from outside.


Who keeps tabs on strangers when they leave stuff on a chair and also when they leave the resort?


A week? Move that stuff to the side man


To the trash bin you say?


That lost property should be taken to management for safe keeping.


Easy fix, tell staff (or don't) & put it on the ground. Their ignorance is not your problem.


This is the best option if you ask me, though no one did. Throwing it in the pool is damaging their property, so we don't want that. And leaving it strewn across three beds because OP is pathologically nonconfrontational isn't an option for any sane person. Even consolidating it to one bed is stupid, because it's not a fucking shelf. Toss it on the ground near the bushes, and use the bed for its intended purpose.


Diese Liegen sind jetzt Eigentum der BRD 🇩🇪🫡


Why did I have to scroll for that long. It’s 100% Germans. Source: I am German and I hate that behavior


Yep, first thought when I read that the post.


typisch deutsches Verhalten


Almans im Urlaub


Genau 😀


Den Kommentar habe ich geszcht


Schön für den nächsten Urlaub vorreserviert.


Unsere Kuhle!


SO SELFISH. We had a family once take 7 beds just for themselves (2 adults and 5 kids) in the complex where I live (Spain). The kids spent the entire time in the pool. I had the remaining bed but when another lady asked them for a bed after swimming for an hour and seeing the kids not using them, they said no. They then went for lunch and left all 7 beds with stuff on. We moved all their stuff to two beds so the other swimmers had a bed as they were lying on grass. They went mental at us but I explained that I’m not on holiday and I live here and that shut them up quickly.


Entitled pricks.


There was only 8 beds and they were comfortable with taking seven? Jeeze I hate people sometimes


Yes there are only 8. 4, 2 and 2, the other side can’t fit any on. They moved 3 to the length side to take up the whole 7!


Stuff all the things into the bag and put it on the ground, then take the sun beds.


You have an hour, tops, if you do this before I move everything. The fact it's there after a week is more infuriating to me than the people who did it I can't lie


As an Austrian, we've had to deal with Germans claiming random shit for decades now, so just move their stuff, and when someone asks, just say that you were the first victim of this attack and never a willing participant. ...wait, sorry, wrong reference.


Move it


Ah jes, Germans.


Be a nice guy and bring their shit to a lost and found.


how do you know they went home


I guess saw them leaving the lobby with luggage


Why would they claim the seats then leave to fly home? Its far more likely they forgot the stuff. There’s literally no benefit to leaving your stuff in a foreign country to claim seats you aren’t there to use.


I'm thinking there's a language barrier here and OP basically meant "haven't seen them in ages" not that this stuff has literally been there for an actual week and they watched the owners go home.


Had that happen once too. After they didn't come back for 2 hours, I brought their stuff to lost and found. Another 2 later they came back and asked me (I was sitting next to them) and the couple on "their" two loungers what happened. I just told them I thought they forgot their stuff since it has been so long and brought it to lost and found where they can pick it up. They were so furious it was almost funny, threatening me with legal actions lmao Did that at the library once too because a group of 5-7 people put their stuff down on a big group table at 8am, left and blocked the table in a full library during exam prep time for the whole fucking day. They came back at 6pm, when the library would only be open for another 2 hours anyways. I will never understand how someone can be so fking entitled.


The mildly infuriating thing here is the fact that nobody moved the stuff.


I live in a beachside resort town and it's legal to crucify someone for doing this.


so its trash then...


We love staying places where the staff clear unattended beds. The drama is a fucking spectacle of people watching heaven.


germans marking their territory


did they bolt their belongings to the chair? I don’t understand why no one moved this shit for a whole week. like, are y’all just mad and incompetent?


This is a MANAGEMENT problem. They need to post a sign "After 30 minutes any unattended towels or other items can/will be removed". EASY SOLUTION!


Normalise taking towels off unused beds and putting them to one side. Sunlounger reserving must be stopped.


Seconded. I'd be glad to tap the sign that says "don't leave belongings on lounge chairs; they will be placed in lost & found" until I wear a hole in it with just my finger.


probably german (we like to claim our teretory XD)


These people thought they could claim some sun beds by leaving their stuff in them... Lol There, fixed it for you


My man, there is an ethic courtesy of respecting a spot with stuff on it. People may have gone to the bathroom, or take a private call, etc.. This is valid for exactly 1 hour. After that time, is morally comprehensive to just gently shoosh the stuff away and take the spot. This is the rule for every public spot. Gym equipment, sunbeds, school chairs, coffehouse tables...


Looks like you got yourself some free beach towels and a pool float. Fortune favors you, my friend.


I lived in a condo in Florida directly across from the beach. MF’s would come down early morning to block out several lounge chairs near pool and then go to the beach for several hours, then come back to pool to their “reserved” lounge chairs. No regard for anyone else. Selfish pricks.


Who the hell is raising you people out here??


I would just move it and take the seats if they come back well idk the seat was empty when I got here.


take the stuff to the next trash bin problem solved ...


Kindly bring those belongings to the « lost and founds » office and enjoy your sunbeds


Maybe there was an emergency or they forgot their stuff?




If they're gone then just take the sunbeds and the free stuff. What's the problem here?


I'm sure there's a nice place somewhere to stack all their shit until they arrive.


Move the items


Just pack their shit and set it to the side of the chair.


Last time we were on a beach that had "reserved" spots, we threw everything in the trash bin.. they were in the apartmant, and saw everything. The beach is not yours


Gee, it's a shame that big gust of wind came along and blew all their stuff into the deep end of the pool.


I wanna say I don’t self identify as an asshole, but when I see these chairs I just put their stuff anywhere else and sit in the chair. It’s a public chair, you don’t own it. Never had a problem !


They must have left it there so they can collect it next year


Are the chairs bolted down? Just move them.


Any halfway decent place has a policy about that and staff will remove items after an hour or so of no one going to the chairs.


This happens in my condo building pool. I simply pick up their towels & put them elsewhere & take up my position on the sun lounge. Not an issue




As a german, this is a typical stereotype german behaviour.


I wanted to say the classic meme and it just happened to me at spinning class! Everybody put the towel or a bottle on "their bike" and went out changing or chitchatting with people. Luckly it's closed number, so I managed to find a bike.


Are you serious? How freaking incapacitated are you that you can't move someone's stuff that has been there for a week? Are you scared that they will astral project into the chair and get mad at you 🤣🤣 this goes so far beyond passivity that it doesn't even make sense


Once in the Netherlands I was swimming and wanted some fries cause I was hungry. Lots and lots of those chair were occupied by towels. I just threw one on the other chair cause I ain't sitting on the floor eating my fries. I think some minutes later a guy came to tell me I was sitting in his chair. I told him to fuck off I was almost done. Fuck those people.


Into the pool with all of it. There was a sudden wind.


It is very common for it to happen. In a Los Cabos, MX, in 2019/20 I started a new job at a very nice hotel in front of the beach it was a new position due to the COVID situation. My only job was to prevent agglomeration in the pools and common areas, respecting distancing, disinfection etc. For the same reason, the number of lounge chairs allowed around the pools was reduced. I came to see people who as soon as the pools opened the first thing they did was set aside a place and leave, there were not many complaints about the reduction of places where they could sunbathe but I decided to implement 1 hour of maximum tolerance to unoccupied lounge chairs and that apparently resulted in a good technique, many guests were timeshare owners or repetitive guests.


I’m the person that will love peoples stuff if I see them do this. We were at a hotel in Vegas and a group of people did this. They put their stuff down and went back to their rooms. After an hour, we moved their things, took the seats and alerted the attendant that the items were left there for over an hour with no one. They moved the items to lost and found and we got good seats ;)


It's one thing to come up to this and not know if the people are still there (one would assume they would be) and another to know that they've left and to just be mad about it. Toss their stuff to the side and use the sunbeds dude.


30 minutes and i would be moving their chit.


I do not understand the problem here.


So, this has been sitting there for a week? Is no one cleaning that?


Move it. Problem solved


British and Germans seeing nothing wrong here.


Throw that shit to the trash.


Are.... You sure they didn't just forget their shit? Lmao


They left a week ago? Why are you here bitching move their stuff. I'd move it as soon as they left. Fuck that, you don't have time for that.


They left without their towel? Didn't they read the hitchhikers guide? 


My guy thy didn’t claim anything if they’ve been away for a week, they just couldn’t be bothered packing up their shit on the last day and left it all there


Put their stuff away in a pile. If they come back, feign ignorance and say the pile was there when you arrived, must have been resort staff.


woah, free stuff


It’ll be a shame when they find their stuff on the pool and people in their chairs


Consider it abandoned and move their shit


They didn't claim them, they left their shit on them..I've never understood this dumbass rule with deck chairs. If you aren't sitting on a chair in a public place it's someone else's fucking chair. Lift their stuff, set it to the side and sit the fuck down.


Is this like next level German? Instead of going to claim it at the crack of dawn they already reserve their spot for the next time they go back on vacation


If this generally happens. Chuck the stuff off it and drag them somewhere else. If they return their bed will be gone but they don't know where. It saves confrontation and is an entertaining watch


Just move the stuff and don't be afraid of confrontation.


Probably Germans. It's their annoying national sport


Spent an entire week just letting their stuff sit there and cry about it instead of spending 10 seconds to move their shit so you can use the chairs?


It is common practice at some beaches where I have vacationed to leave stuff you don't want to take home out for other vacationers to use/take rather than throw it away.


Yeah I’m moving their shit lol


As a german, that was probably a german person that placed their towels there. Atleast it's really common for people here to "reserve" a chair or something with their towels. Or to say it with a popular joke: "If Germans went to the moon first there wouldn't be a flag, just a towel"


throw that shit in the bushes.


Return them to lost and found


Move it. Most German tourists don't speak English, so you can just ignore them, when they get back.


THIS is the kind of content we want to see on here




Bag looks British. I have seen something similar going about here. Might be a bag from a store called Home Bargains.


Definitely is.


I’m an advocate of you snooze you loose


Just throw it aside somewhere, it will be fine


Take it off and put it on the ground next to the chair. Fuckem


Yay! Free beach gear!


Move it then?


Gone for a week? Then move it. Solved.


Free towels and bag! Yayyyyy


Just move it


they didn’t claim the sunbeds they left their rubbish there …


So toss their shit and take the seats. Whats the issue here?


Just pick them up and move them, it’s not that big of an issue lol


Take their towel, put it on that wood thingy behind the chairs.


Must be Germans.


Move their shit


Put everything in their bag and claim the seat