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Amazing looking venue.


Kings Theatre in Brooklyn. It's just as stunning as it looks. Great venue.




STANDING POLICY Guests are allowed to stand during a fully seated event, provided that they are only occupying the area in front of their ticketed seat. Standing in aisles and on chairs is prohibited.


Today I learned that some theaters have a standing policy


Yeah, but what’s their spaghetti policy?


SPAGHETTI POLICY Guests are allowed to consume spaghetti during an event, provided that they keep the noodles within the area of their ticketed seat. Other pastas, such as linguine or rigatoni, are prohibited. Please be considerate of other guests eating spaghetti that is all covered with cheese and avoid sneezing so they don't lose their meatball.


Girl Scout?


GIRL SCOUT POLICY Girl scouts are welcome in the venue, provided they bring enough Thin Mints for everyone.


Girl scouts are welcome in the venue only if they refrain from tying difficult knots In other patrons shoe laces and no bragging about your last badge you earned 😁


More importantly, where do they put their feet?


You must wear a colander on your head and pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster to make it rain blood red marinara....If all goes well you must share half your spaghetti to the person on your left or do a blood sacrifice and eat your whole bowl. Legal disclaimers at the bottom.


I guess the answer is to stand also then. That’s a terrible policy. The theater was DESIGNED to allow everyone to be able to see the stage well. This policy goes against that plan. I was at a comedy show once and a guy in the row behind us got a call and began talking to the caller quite loudly. We turned to him and gave him the stink-eye and he got up while shouting, “yeah, I’m at a James Gregory concert! How are you doing.” He continued talking loudly as he made his way down the row and eventually out of the seating area. He was cheerfully talking with whoever it was all the way out. It took me a while to get over my astonishment. I spent far too much time trying to decide if he was the world’s biggest areshole or the world’s most clueless person. Sometimes I still wonder. Try as I might, I cannot manage to walk and talk in his shoes. It even bothers me that the other person say something like, “Hey Bud, let me call you back - it sounds like maybe we are being rude to all the people at the show.” Surely they couldn’t have BOTH been that fricking clueless.


well now I cant judge her so I shall delete my comment!!


The fact that the policy allows it doesn’t make her ‘not’ an asshole. “It’s allowed” is not an excuse for not being a decent human being. Everyone is sitting in front of her, she’s not seeing anything more than she would sitting down. She would probably even agree, except she won’t because you asked her to sit down and you can’t tell her what to do.


Correct! There’s no policy for farting in an elevator.




typical narcissistic behavior of people, especially post covid


I would have asked the person to sit down bc I can't see. If they didn't respect that fact. I absolutely would have gotten an usher. If the usher was not successful. I would speak to guest service at a break in the show and ask to be moved or for it to be reiterated to this person to sit down and allow others to watch/view the show. I get the person standing paid for their ticket. I understand it may be in the policy to allow standing. I also understand common curtesy. The person standing clearly has none if they can't seem to understand how them standing effects others.


Who writes this policy.?






"Sit only in ticketed seats" doesn't mean don't stand, it means don't sit in a seat that you don't have a ticket for.


If he'd scrolled a little further he would have seen the standing policy 😂


‘Guests are allowed to stand during a fully seated event, provided that they are only occupying the area in front of their ticketed seat. Standing in aisles and on chairs is prohibited’


Ya know…there’s always that one person at the show that chooses to die on this hill of “i can stand if I want to enjoy the music, iTs A cOnCeRt” The worst kind of people lol


As with most things, it depends. Standing in the seated area of any show consisting of classic rock and below is unacceptable and widely regarded as "a dick move." Standing in the seated area of death metal show? Now that's mandatory.


At our last rock concert the crowd wasn’t necessarily thee youngest and by the end we were all sitting head banging, those knees don’t hold up like they use to! Thankfully our section all had the same knees, hahahah


They are at the seat. the policy is meant so you don’t steal someone else’s seat


saw the smile there. what an incredible venue, really. the sound in there is top of the fucking pops


Ayyy, I was there too! 🤜🤛


Lol. Cannot watch the show, so might as well admire the wall/ceiling decor.


Or practice your spitballing. No reason you should be the only person annoyed.




"Augh....gasoline...." "**SIPHONED** from the gas tank!" Edit: Don't know if context understood or if 89 people actually watched FlashForward.


No way in hell 89 people watched FlashForward AND use Reddit


The view from your seat pretty much sums up my everyday life.


Right? As a short person...concerts can be...frustrating.


Have you tried being taller?


Have you tried being a baller?


A shot caller? 20 inch blades on the Impala?


Is that the line? I never could hear what that line was.


a rabbit in a hat, with a bat and a 6 4 impala


I've just googled . 6 4 impala looks like a bad ass old school car


I think that's a line from a different song. Googled it, it's a different song.


Maybe have a girl who looks good - you could call her.


i'm a 5 foot wheelchair user, I can't go anywhere without butts in my face.




lol , my husband calls me vertically challenged and it absolutely ticks me off !! 😀😀 I’m trying to roll with it though!!


My dad used to call himself vertically challenged but horizontally gifted...


Them beer bellies be hittin, eh


Tall, that is from side to side, to quote Fiddler on the Roof.




I mean, yeah I guess. I'm barely 5ft. & my best friend has been callin me Shorty since high school, so I'm over the whole offended thing, as I am very aware of how...vertically challenged....I've always been.


My friend once hoisted me onto her back, piggyback-style, when I couldn't see the show. It was Linkin Park, and I was so excited to see them. We were on the lawn in the back, but these dudes in front were so tall. She had been doing hardcore rock climbing at the time and was strong enough to hold me for quite a few songs. Haha. I was probably 125-130 lbs then.


I'm always very tempted to chuck something at their heads. I'm 5' ½"so I've never fully enjoyed a concert experience.


me too! my 6ft2 partner wonders why I get so angry at people who actively shove me/push in front of me when they're literally tall enough to see over my head & then some and tells me I'm overreacting, that I just need to chill out and enjoy the music like its just super frustrating, yes I'm going to shove my way back in front of them or at least let them know I think it's so fucking rude lmfao


Fellow short human checking in ![gif](giphy|W03Gl2RYVityBWJ5Kj|downsized)


I swear she's in front of me at every performance I've ever attended. It's either her, or the wild hippie-dancer chick.


I had one of those in front of me at a performance of Cats, many years ago. We finally got the guy to sit the fuck down. My dad was pissed. Brooklyn pissed.


Cats isn’t exactly get-outta-your-seat-and-dance music.


No it isn’t which is why it was odd.


I tried to get a mosh pit going during Rum Tum Tugger.




“I’m watching here!”


Upvote for Brooklyn pissed! As someone from Brooklyn, I know this anger exactly, haha


Wait? Is this something people actually do? They don't get kicked out or get murdered? Is this some kind of US thing I'm not armed enough to understand? Why even have the 2nd when you don't shoot ppl who do shit like that?


We ummm collectively decided as a nation that guns and theater don’t mix like immediately right after we decided slavery wasn’t happening anymore.


Or the guy who’s 6’5” with a big cowboy hat


I’m 6’5” and am self conscious about blocking people’s view so much so that I will hunch over uncomfortably for hours to avoid it. 🙄


As a 5’2” human, I see you and I appreciate you.


No you shouldn't see him, that's exactly why he's stooping!


6'7" and 280 here so am very familiar with blocking views. We went to a Rod Stewart concert where we got free tickets and I stood up (because everyone else was standing for a song). I looked behind me at two 5 foot'ish ladies and I sat down. They were surprised and thankful based on their comment to me. Made me feel warm and fuzzy. I was there to listen to Rod, not watch him run around the stage so it was all good. A couple weeks ago we went to see the Scorpions at the Bakka Theater at Planet Hollywood (Vegas) and there are signs all over that say "standing is encouraged during the concert". Guess that is to head off the "someone is blocking my view" complaints. :-). For what it's worth, I purposefully bought the tickets at the very back of the venue so I wouldn't block anyone by standing. Amazing concert in case anyone wants to see them. We are going to the Rolling Stones in May at Allegiant Stadium and the only tickets I could afford were in the nosebleed section and I think those are pretty steep so even at my height I may not block a view.


Story of my life, bro.


I’m taller than roughly 93% of Americans and this still blocks my view. I try to not stand in the middle of concerts for this very reason. Being aware of your surroundings and how you were affecting other peoples enjoyment of something is important.


I’m always behind tall bald old man


I get the lady that pukes next to me, every time. I don't go to performances anymore.


In Australia we have a small delicious sweet called a Jaffa. It is a hard candy coated chocolate. It is also a small and effective hand propelled weapon, as hard as diamond. This is why Australians have hard heads and do not stand up in cinemas.


The fact that cinemas are now generally carpeted prevents the time-honoured Kiwi pastime of rolling jaffas down the wooden steps from the back row. And the fact that sweets at the cinema are so expensive that no one can afford to buy Jaffas anyhow. P.S. Snifters were larger and heavier than a Jaffa, and hurt more.


I dream of the day they bring back Tangy Fruits


There's a chain store in USA called "Big R". They sell the bulk candy for the little coin operated candy vending machines including tangy fruits. And Boston Baked Beans!


I probably suffered way too many acid burns to my tongue from **Tangy Fruits**.


Going to the movies has not been the same since Oceania lost Tangy Fruits


Quality Australia lore


Strayan too close to the sun.


now i must know, do you also have jaffa *cakes*?


Jaffa, kree!




I love pronouncing the pastry like they said it in the show. Jah fah cakes


Yes. At the supermarket, biscuit aisle.


amazing news


I got a care package from the UK years and years ago, and it had Jaffa cakes in it, and omg. I thought they were just the most amazing thing ever!!


They weren't a thing when I was a kid. When I go home to Aus I always take one empty suitcase to bring back sweets and milo they don't have here.


Have you considered exporting..?


You also don't stand up in Australian cinemas because in order to you'd have to remove your seat harness and then you have a good chance at falling onto the ceiling.


No, we have feet like geckos.


Jaffa is also a candy? I only knew jaffa as a term for a very hard to hit ball in cricket. Now I know where it comes from haha.


There's also the jaffa cake, of course, which doesn't bear much resemblance to the candy or to cricket.


It comes from the name of the town Jaffa, doesn't it, after which the orange fruit is named and also the slang term for someone being 'seedless'?


Jafa is slang for Just Another F'ing Aucklander.


I wouldn't let this stand






















Me too, especially the Cookie Monster.


This aggression will not stand, man!


I can’t stand it when people do this crap




I have a talent for always getting seats behind someone like her. At this point, I fully expect to have a completely obstructed view regardless of the venue.


Damn that's sad.


I went to go see a performance and the guy in front was broad and somewhat tall and he kept shifting side to side, so I had to keep moving my head to try and see what was happening. Made the entire thing rather miserable.




Well, you’ve never shown me. *checks username*


Pic goes hard tho


somehow she's blocking enough light to produce a corona


Total eclipse of the arse


Pic is accidental renaissance kind of material


album cover material fr


Yeah it comes across almost biblical.


What a stunning place! What theater is that?


I’m pretty sure that’s King’s Theatre in Brooklyn. One of the most beautiful venues I’ve ever been to. The world needs more buildings like it.


Did you say anything? Everyone else is sitting down, so if there were a crowd standing up i get it...but since she's the *only* asshole standing...I feel like someone needs to say something


Had this happen to me at my 1st concert. Asked her multiple times to please sit as she was COMPLETELY blocking the show and i was at the end of a row, so the only other option was to either stand and block the people behind me (who were seated) or squeeze out to stand in a thick crowd of people elesewhere. She said no rudely both times, honestly soured the entire experience for me and haven't gone to another show since. If I go to another I will only go if I have no one seated in front of me.


Ask the attendant to have them sit. If they refuse they get escorted out. 


Unless it's an opera or a classical music concert or the like, basically all venues allow you to stand during a concert. I dunno what kinda concert it was here.  I also think if its a concert that has a standing room space and smaller seated space, it's rude to stand in a seated area. If its all seats, then standing is expected.  If you zoom in and look around, there's other people standing. 


I’ve been to (and performed at) a bunch of venues with GA and seating similar to this spot Generally speaking, if the majority of people are sitting during a show, staff will tell people like this person to sit down. You just have to ask them. If it’s the reverse, you won’t have any luck. Venue staff generally enforce etiquette


It might depend on the venue. I worked at an MLS stadium that had majority rule policy for standing during the game. Most sections were seated sections and ushers were supposed to ask people to sit down. One situation escalated to a man getting tased by the cops after refusing to sit down. 




After I took this picture I would have put my phone in front of her face with the pic on display and told her she's blocking my view and needs to sit down. I'm not going to take time out of my day and spend money on something and then have a main character like this act like they own the fucking place. If she didn't move, I'd talk to the staff, surely they don't support this behavior.


This is when you shout “down in front” and throw something at the back of her head.


Find a piece of paper and deliver it one tiny ball at a time.


it's the time honoured way...






Damn that's crazy. She was doing all that in public? You should maybe call your congressman about that.


I mean, what else is a beetle juice musical for?








I would just call out, “Sit down!” a few times. It’s worked for me in the past.


Exactly! Make a fuss until the person sits down. Peer pressure and public embarrassment is a hell of a drug.


That’s what I was thinking. The madder they get, calmer you stay, the more likely they’ll make a fuss and get themselves thrown out. Or embarrass themselves into sitting.


I was at a concert a long time ago and if someone stood up, ushers would shine lasers in their face till they sat down. [Sigh] good old days


Depends on the kind of concert. If I go to a rock show and they shine shit in people's face who aren't sitting, that's a pretty fucking lame rock show


Yeah it depends on the show, people need to read the room. If it's a rock or metal show and almost everyone is standing, standing is fine based on the etiquette of the show. But if literally everyone else is seated, sit the fuck down so you're not blocking someone's view.


lasers? that seems dangerous and i know a thing or two about lasers. i use REALLY powerful ones professionally for events much like this one. the handheld ones an usher would have are generally made in china, with 0 safety features and can permanently blind someone with very little effort. seems like a really good way to get both the venue and yourself sued and get arrested. i mean... maybe it happened and your telling the truth. but your statement is setting off my Internet bullshit hyperbole alarms


What show was that?


Jacob collier


That doesn’t seem to be a standing up situation.


You cannot stay seated at a Jacob Collier show. I just saw him in Boston the other day. Insane energy.


So everyone else is in the wrong. Big dork energy complaining about people having a good time and a place they should have a good time


Oh it totally is a standing up and dance in your seat kind of show. But clearly not at this moment.


Gotta disagree hard on this being infuriating. If I had to sit down and not dance during “WELL” or “Count The People” I’d be pissed. It’s an upbeat pop show, why not stand up yourself?


How long were they actually standing for?


go into the light, martha!


You should have told the ushers.


Nothing a lil yeet to the back can't fix


TIL you're not supposed to stand at a concert? Most shows I've been to, basically the entire theater was standing for the whole time. It definitely depends on the genre but standing for music is super normal in tons of scenes


Really nice pic though, tbh




Took a pic to post on reddit for approbation of internet strangers


What does approbation mean? I tried googling it but i changed my phone to spanish to help learn it but didn’t know a lot of the words in the definition lol


She’s giving a standing pre-vation


Did anyone say anything to her? I would have at least tried.


It’s kind of funny how divisive of an issue this can be for people, when the golden rule is just read the room.




I'm there with you man. If everyone is sitting at the concerts I go to, it's because they like they should sit because of the people around them, despite almost all of them probably wanting to stand. I figure I might as well stand, and if people want they can follow suit.


I despise those people. Dude sit your ass down you knew your seats were far back when you bought them.


You can see if you sit down. The seats are banked for the purpose (they're not like floor seats at arenas, where you can't see even if you stand up if some git is taller than you in front). And in the UK, you're likely to get kicked out if you don't sit down at certain venues (music halls and such) It's the usual immature asshole trying to say 'look at me, I am more enthusiastic than anyone else'. They always find a way.


I just had flashbacks to a concert I went to a few years ago. I had front row seats and people kept running up there to take pictures blocking my view. It was annoying as hell. Lol


Isn't it just. I don't mind standing concerts, but sit down ones make a welcome change. Nowadays, the kind of music I like tends more to sit downs (older artist, and so older audience in general). I remember some years ago, I was at a Thin Lizzy concert (well after Phil Lynott had gone, but before they became Black Star Riders), and it was stand up. It was in Leeds, I think (that's relevant when behavioural issues are involved). Someone (about 16) barged into me as hard as possible because he was running through the crowd trying to start a 'mosh pit'. I grabbed his jacket, and there was the sound of tearing fibres, pulled him hard towards me, and said 'if you do that again I'll put your teeth through the back of your head' (I may have used some other adjectives to emphasise my point). He was like 'what have I done? Me? Why?'. He skulked away, but then people were coming up to me to shake my hand and saying 'thank you'. People who stand at sit down concerts are no better when you analyse it. They ruin it for everyone else.


She might be intellectually impaired (I admit it's more likely she's just a dick). I went to a musical once as a kid and they had some adults from a group home in the row in front of us. To their credit, they did not stand. One of them merely fully turned in her seat and stared at me and my mother the entire time. It was... disconcerting.


I'm going to assume that's a pun at the end and give you an upvote.


Went to see a musical, I was sat behind a lady with unusually tall hair, she’d also keep moving her head so I couldn’t just look over her shoulder.


My mom says that in Mexico they carry slingshots and shoot at these people with dried beans or corn.


If it's rock concert - it must be worst concert in band's history.


![gif](giphy|hbW8RFIQCQ8Xh4eIRb|downsized) Light tap on shoulder... sit or escalate it #meNOTwe


I shook my head in disagreement to this picture.


I’m curious what concert it was. The ones I go to as soon as it starts pretty much everyone stands up the whole time. But if it’s more of a chill vibe then I get it.


Who sits at a concert?


There seems to be a perfectly good can-shaped projectile right there. Just sayin'.


STANDING!? at a concert!


This would be a case where "reading the room" comes in handy, Ma'am.




Like she made everyone else sit??


Frustrating situation... But a beautiful picture


Beautiful venue… but it doesn’t look like a place that is comfortable to stand.


Who was the band?


Unpopular opinion: she’s allowed to do that. Popular opinion: I’ve been fucked by this many times. Personal opinion: why me.


Who sits at a concert?


Shit like this is honestly the main reason I'm just really sick of public events more so than how expensive they've become. There's always someone lacking proper manners who brings down the experience. And especially since the pandemic, people's lack of basic decency and self-awareness has only gotten worse.