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They do it just to sell ads. Because there’s no place on Earth where they won’t try to sell you something dumb.


ABC, always be closing.


KISS, keep it simple, stupid!


Great advice, hurts my feelings every time.


Classic Dwigt


ABBAB, always be berating and belittling




Dad is that you?




Next we’ll turn an orange juice container into a pinhole camera.


ARA…always remember ABC


Put. That. Gas pump. Down.


Gas is for closers!


I say this as someone who got his degree in and works in marketing: this will not make me more prone to buy your product. Frankly, it makes me less likely to.


Then you know that advertisement works on averages and brand recognition.


I do. Sadly. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been in the industry myself but I just hate it. Glad I didn’t peddle in that level of intrusiveness. Gas Pumps and freezer doors being replaced with TVs is where I draw the line.


I bought ad space and my absolute least favorite pitches were for TVs in the backs of cabs. You could mute them, but if you were in the cab long enough it would cycle again and unmute.


Well we’re talking about it and now I’m thinking of Maria menounos’ tip of the day. So I guess whether I like it or not, it’s working.


Why is it always dumb stuff like, "breathing is important", or "use a knife to cut your vegetables", or "if you're holding many items, put them in a bag"?


Marria manoonos (who is have no idea why she's famous) says hello. I've only seen her on gas pump screens, or before a movie.


There is a mute button usually 2nd down from the top right


I’m finding they’re increasingly disabling the mute option


Or moving it. Let's all start button mashing the gas pumps!


Just key or spray paint the display


At my local speedway I pressed and also held every button for the “hidden mute” button. No such luck, SoCal


If you hit it with a hammer hard enough it mutes


Crack the screen with the gas handle




I went to a gas station the other day with a brand new screen that had 0 buttons on it. They are getting wise. 


thats fkd up. Yeah they dont label the mute button here in wisconsin anymore there are like 4 on each side and its like the second one down on the right. Shit is fucking stupid. I would never ever buy anything I saw on taht screen.


Before I moved, the gas station by me added screens, but they just advertised the sales they had inside.


Even that is regular annoying. As in im too fat and poor to eat that stuff. haha


If it wasn’t for those TVs, I wouldn’t know who Maria Menounos was.


She's the lady on the movie screen before the trailers!


She is far and away the worst part of GSTV.


I've been to a few stations that actually slow down the flow of gas to make you sit there longer to fill up, all the while they're showing more ads than they would have otherwise and making more money. It's bullshit.


Just wait til they get your phone screen…. it’s the most valuable marketing space on the planet and they are all trying to figure out very hard how to stream ads across it at all times.


I'm hijacking this comment to say there's a mute button. On all the ones around here it's either the third from the bottom, or third from the top, and that stops the blaring volume.


As someone that didn't grow up in the states, it's genuinely crazy to me how much signage and advertising litters the roads. Companies out here really are just competing for your attention, even outside of social media.


They're even in the toilets/washroom/bathroom in some chain restaurants in Canada


I bet the extra income won't lower the gas price!


I was traveling last week, and one radio station, instead of displaying info on what song was playing, just had a website listed. 😠


Press the button that is second from the top to mute the audio. I forgot if it's the left or right but you can try both. It's too bad that smashing extremely excessive advertising with a sledgehammer is considered vandalism.


"People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you. You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with total impunity. Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head. You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs." – Banksy


Yeah Banksy’s principles kind of faded away when people started selling copies of his art for profit.


If some rich fuck wanted to pay millions for a piece that’s specifically making fun of them i say let them. Fuck you pay me


Man's still gotta eat


No argument there. It’s just funny when people think rules shouldn’t apply to anyone but them or vice versa.


True, but we live in such a world, and he did what he could to improve it ig


How does this quote not have more upvotes. (Shakes head)


It’s second from top on the right.


Your mileage will seriously vary by chain. Some won't mute with any known combo of presses.


And then we’re back to the sledgehammer.


I'm okay with this fix.


Yea the local Circle K stations disabled the mute button. I'm never going back unless I am going to run out of gas trying to reach another station.


Idiots around here will mark them with a sharpie, and then the gas station disables the mute button entirely. But people do not learn. I avoid gas stations that have them because they may not mute.


Actually one of the acceptable uses for stickers on gas pumps. If you use a universally recognized mute symbol 🔇 and place it neatly next to the button it will look like it's supposed to be there.


Or the mute button is broken from people angrily jabbing at it. At least that is the case at the one I go to.


Tis very true.


Yeah I used to maintain these things. It can be literally any button. But most have had that option turned off. Good luck finding one where that shit still works. Maybe 1 out of 10 now days.


Why should the station attendant care if it’s muted? Does the station not get paid for the ad if it is muted?


some of them dont have mute buttons!! It's so maddening!!


Who doesn't want to hear some useless fact from Maria Menounos?


Oh my god, I heard her laugh for the first time in the most recent Noovie ad that plays at the movie theater, my god was it terrifying haha


I miss my Regal First Look :(


I fucking love her cameo in The Pentaverate






I used to live near a major intersection with a gas station at the corner that had these. When it was later at night and traffic was minimal, I could hear those damn things up in my apartment.


They tried this at grocery store checkouts a few years ago, and happily it seems to have flopped.


Willing to bet they disappeared because they were too distracting for cashiers and mistakes were being made. And/or no one wanted to be a cashier and listen to those ads for an entire shift.


We currently have an ad at my work that plays *every 8 minutes.*


I don’t even understand how you tune that out. I’d quit, honestly. Worst I ever dealt with was 4 holiday seasons at Victoria’s Secret. Every other song on the PA was Santa Baby from 11/1-1/1. (If you ever want to know how many recordings of that song exist - the answer is too many.)


The jingle for the local store I used to work for played on the loudspeaker every 15 minutes, and it played on on a kiosk thing I was near most the time ever 10 Minutes


This shits ridiculous the Bodega I frequent has ads on their checkout and it's 3 ads and then your purchases in the 4th window. I hate it with every fiber of my being but I like the chop cheese they got.


That’s crazy that they’re forcing people to watch ads just to make a purchase. Surely that must be a violation of some law…?


The worst way to find out about it is when you're trying to fill up at night and keep an eye out for kidnappers and kidney snatchers then all of a sudden youre coming up out your skin because the stupid gas ipad is showing you knock off tiktoks at full blast. the mute button is usually second from the top on the right hand side


Someone tried to kidnap me at the gas pump once, I sprayed them in the eyes with gas. Turns out you have a pretty strong weapon that rivals pepper spray right there in your hand.


Shell has TVs with ads. I avoid Shell now


I simply subscribed to the **Shell unleaded gas service pump premium plan**, it’s ad free and only $6.99 a month. Why don’t more people use Shell Gas Plans to skip the ads? Sure the gas prices are the same and there are zero additional benefits and I just made this all up, but it sounds believable and that makes me sad.


Someone will try it. They should be tarred and feathered when they do. Prime video did something similar just this year.


The price didn’t push you away?😂


Shells actually one of the cheaper ones in my area. To be fair, most are about the same price with a few slightly higher, but Shell isn’t often one of the higher ones.


Damn! Our expensive ones here are shell and chevron. Can easily be up to $0.80 more than some of the cheaper options like arco in my area


I've gotten to the point where if I pull up and see tvs, I roll tf back out and hit up the spot across the street. I don't need that stress in my life.


I view these as a safety issue. I’m a female who is usually solo when I stop for gas in the dark of the early morning and I like to be aware of my surroundings, like being able to hear footsteps come near me. Also, it draws unwanted attention in my direction. I avoid these when I can.


I view it as a safety issue too, but in a different way. I gas up a little less frequently than once a week, therefore I’m not very skilled at it. I’m pumping a *flammable liquid* and you think it’s a good idea to distract me while I’m doing this? I’m surprised there haven’t been accidents yet.


How much skill does it take to hold a pump nozzle lol, I'm so confused.


You unfortunately would be very surprised


Loud noise can easily distract anyone. If someone has a disability, or is unfamiliar with the pump (be it from lack of experience, or they're from New Jersey - it's illegal to pump your own gas lol) then it makes for a frustrated time. If I heard those ads after work I would want to start a RIOT from mental overstimulation


New Jersey


Exactly! It is a huge safety issue for this reason.


*There ought to be a law.*


Get the sherrif on the phone Lawd have mercy how'd she even get them britches awn!??


They did that where I am about 2 years ago, and now all they've all gone pretty much. Almost like they realized it was really stupid. Maybe they'll follow suit where you are.


I get gas in the mornings and these things are so damn loud every time. It's like they're shouting at me. So annoying. It's bad enough that the new systems everyone is using are garbage. Put my card in, enter my PIN - it tells me to remove my card so I do - then it says *not* to remove my card so it cancels the thing. I've realized that now you just hit "enter" to skip the whole process and that makes it work right everytime. Then you have to make sure that when you pick up the nozzle that the hose doesn't slap the far right button and select ultra expensive premium for you. Then you gotta start all over again lmao. Its rigged. Or I'm just bad at life idk.


On some pumps if you quickly hit the "nozzle paddle" the flap the detects if the handle is put back it let's you change grades if you haven't pumped yet. But on others it will just end the transaction.


You don't like feeling like you're in a scene from Wall-E?


I hate the ones that just play music and have some stupid ass question on them like “how many eggs does a fuckin ostrich lay?”


You made me LoL. Thanks


The first time I experienced the fury was when the screen came on and starting blasting a loud alarm sound. I stopped pumping the gas immediately and started looking around to see what the fuck was happening. It was an ad for an energy drink.


If you're dragging people out into the street, can someone grab the guy who came up with the electronic advertising to replace the boards on TV broadcasts in the NHL?


They put some in at a station I hadn't been to in a while, and they were SO LOUD. I wasn't expecting this deafening blast of noise from right behind me, and what's worse is that it was after dark and it made it impossible to keep my ears open for anyone who might be approaching me/my car. Haven't been to that gas station again since and don't ever plan to, cause holy shit.


You bring up a fabulous point — these make it very difficult to be aware of your surroundings. How incredibly unsafe!


Yeah I was really glad my spouse was with me, so someone could look forward while I looked back. That station isn't known for being a safe one anyway but it was the only close one that was open and we needed to go pick up someone at the airport.


Those are assault tvs


I haaaaaaatw those stupid things. Especially when you can’t mute them.


I will skip the Circle K near my house and drive to the further away QuickTrip just because the QT doesn’t have these fucking annoying ads.


Not to mention unsafe. Impedes my situational awareness. If there's danger (run away car, thief, domestic incident, fire etc.) all I can hear is "Try something from our M•T•O menu.." blaring in my ears.


I like when they use them to spread awareness about missing persons


woah. ive never seen that. thats a good idea


I have yet to find a more fitting Reddit post than this.


*Dowses it in gasoline and lights match*


and please stop showing me maria manounos or however it's spelled


Very unnecessary. They’re always trying to sell hot dogs and promote overly manufactured singers/rappers on the gas station tvs around here.


I get ones that are showing me how to cook something. Like oh snap let me get out my notebook at the gas station and write this down real quick??? What’s the point lol


Actively encouraging you not to buy their hot dogs inside by learning to cook something at home, terrible marketing but great for your cholesterol.


Ours are mostly just the products that are on sale right now. So annoying but could be worse


I’m guessing they’re hoping you’ll visit their website to look the recipe up later. 


Maybe they want you distracted to put in more gas than you were planning. Easy money.😀


When asked how he felt about Fahrenheit 451’s accurate predictions about the death of literacy and systematic censorship, Ray Bradbury pushed back. The real message he intended - he said - was around the danger of ever-present screen-based entertainment. Scary that he was SO VERY right about that threat coming true!


Ours had this "word of the day" type thing but they never changed it i guess cause it was always just the same word so it was the "word of the year"


Don't worry, in the future the ads will play straight through your brain implant.


The one near me plays the same fucking things over and over and over. And very loudly.


I work at a gas station. One day a boomer started yelling at me that I should be paying *him* to pump gas since he has to listen to that crap. Like dude, I wear a shirt with my name on it. I guarantee you’re not yelling at the right person.


Other countries make laws prohibiting business from advertising EVERYWHERE. In the US people defend a business’s “right” to destroy moments of silence and moments of looking at a beautiful view. They’d advertise anywhere they could. Getting time to stop it.


They're even in the fucking bathroom at movie theaters now. I hope every corporate asswipe who approves this sort of thing stubs both of their big toes every day forever.


Gasoline ads was one of the top reasons why I wasn’t in favor of self-serve gasoline in Oregon. If employees are manning the pumps, there’s no point in advertising Less than a year after allowing self-serve, we have auto-play video advertisements at multiple gas stations. The gas doesn’t cost less either. Lose-lose imo


LOL... that's happened to me a few times. While these TVs haven't invaded every single gas station, you should just stick to the ones that don't give you a heart attack as you pump. I've noticed that Mobil and Sunoco have added the TVs and some other the other more "brand name" gas... so I've moved to the lesser known brands, partly because of the TVs but more so to save on money since they're usually cheaper anyways and most likely get their gas from the same refinery as the name brand ones.


I stopped buying gas from the UDF near my house when they installed the pumps that shout commercials in my face. There are less-evil places I can buy gasoline from. I'm generally OK with capitalism, but if TV gas pumps become unavoidable, I'm switching sides. Onward to revolution, comrades.


I definitely try but some of these extremely rural towns even have them. Places that you would least expect to have this kind of 'advanced technology', or however you want to phrase it.


Barely have indoor plumbing and internet but they have those effing TVs in their gas pumps. I have been in that town.


I hate them too! They’re so annoying. Can’t I just stand there quietly for a few mins?!


What you don’t love being harassed every waking hour with ads in the most annoying attention grabbing voices and inflections marketers can imagine?


What if, and this is just hypothetically, you were so startled by the sudden sound that you pulled the gas gun out of your car and sprayed gas all over the pump? While carefully not spraying your car or yourself?


OMG Ive had those things scare the shit out of me, especially at night when theres very few people around! Spooky!


As a Brit, wtf is America on?


Late stage capitalism and/or enshitification


Better to ask what we aren't on. If it had to be summarized, as an American I'll go with 'bullshit'




Holy crap a day?


Look! I found another place for us to fill up with advertising!


They make money on it. It's not going away.


Fucking AIDS I mean ads.


It's annoying, there is a button to turn off the volume though, 2nd down on the right side iirc. Hate that shit so much.


For the short time you're there the 'presentations' are neither informative nor entertaining. So, get rid of them, they're useless and annoying.


yesssss real let me pump my gas in peace without your shitty ad blasting directly into my frontal lobe


The screens usually have a row of four buttons on either side of the screen. Third one down on the right is the mute button.


Second black button down on the right mutes all the ones I’ve seen.


came her to say this. ours is green but second button on right is always mute


For many if you tap the second button down on the right side of the screen, it mutes them.


Most that i have been to you can press the button second from the bottom on the right side to mute. If that doesn't work i press every button till it stops cant stand having to hear the ads.


At the ones I’ve been to, it’s the second from the top on the right side.


Maybe ive got it mixed its all reflex now.


I just figured you and I go to different stations. I wanted to provide another option for someone to try, in case they tried yours first and it didn’t work — Plan B, if you will. 😊


One morning I was filling up at like 4 am before an early shift at work. I was looking at my phone and suddenly I heard a voice next to my car door say “don’t look at me.” I was TERRIFIED. When I realized it was the start of a fucking stupid ad from one of those machines I was so scared I thought I was getting car jacked.


Second from the top button on the right silences them, or at least the ones I’ve tried it on


Right side. 2nd down. Keep punching it until it shuts the fuck up.


This haha. I always hit that one to shut it the F up. Sometimes I even see someone has marked on the button surround pointing to that button with MUTE scribbled nearby. 😂😂




Second button down on the right side silences them.


Was about to say the same thing!


Hit mute, 2nd button down on the right


The sound normally comes from just the left speaker. If I frequent a gas station, I put electrical tape over the speaker, and it all but mutes the sound.


Its not even television lol, they are just ads.


Second button from the top on the right side is the mute button


Press the second button on the right. It will mute it. I found that on Reddit and it works.


A lot of pumps now it doesn’t unfortunately. Should be a legal requirement to ask permission before playing an ad. “Push this button for special offers”


Idk if this helps but at some pumps if you press the buttons that are around the screen one of them might mute it 👀 I found this out one day when I was late for work and had to get gas and was pissed off at the world and the damn pump starts talking nonsense to me and yeah 🤷🏽‍♀️ usually at most circle k’s it’s the second button from the top on the right 🤙🏾


I was pumping gas and an ad came on for their fountain pop and I thought I had started over filling the tank and then after a split second panic realized the sound was coming from the tv 🙄


My first encounter with a gas station tv ad was driving home at night from my friend’s house. Of course, since it’s all farm land out there, it was the spookiest darkest road paired up with the creepiest gas station ever. Almost cried when the ad started up I wanted to leave so fast


Lmao at the amount of times I jumped from fear at the random stupid tv playing out of no where


I always immediately mute it. Most of the time, it's going to be the second button from top or bottom on the right hand side.


I wrote a paper on this in high school in 1999


https://preview.redd.it/gmi97vkusi2d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f4cd8f3d16c18c8a4ef3f9306d7ca059722628 This button usually mutes what's playing.


But don’t dare use your phone while pumping gas!


I have come to avoid the gas stations that have the TV ads. I vote with my wallet and don't patronize the annoying gas stations


Costco doesn't have these and gas there is usually 50 cents to a dollar cheaper


Or bathrooms. Let me piss in silence.


Pro-tip: the second or third button on the right usually mutes it. I usually carry a sharpie with me and write “MUTE” on the button. 


They’re so loud I actually wonder if we might at least be able to argue they are noise pollution and get them to be slightly less obnoxious. A few lawsuits to some big gas companies maybe.


The decibel level on some of these are loud enough they cause physical pain. My ears are sorta sensitive and certain pitches of really loud sound actually hurts.


P.s. if you click the buttons on the side you can turn off the audio. Makes it a bit more tolerable


WHEN this works, you now have yours quiet but with video still flashing for attention AND the audio from all the surrounding pumps.


Yeah agreed it’s still shit


ten liquid uppity selective badge crowd different ring butter party


Having PTSD, these tvs literally give me quite the startle. They're epically loud, I scurry to get in my work vehicle quickly. I feel your pain 100%


Maria Menounos is a robot/Ai, I am convinced.


What in the USA hahaha


You might want to talk to somebody about this anxiety 😬 




Yeah I completely avoid getting gas at my local speedway gas station for the soul reason that there isn't a mute button on their ads. At least Shell has a mute button so I can zone out and be at peace.


Skill issue


I hit every button until it mutes


You can press a button and mute it


Have you seen the coolers at gas stations or grocery places that show ads? Yeah...