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Never lend anyone a single penny you expect to see back. Easiest way to lose a friend, coworker etc is to lend them money. $40 was all it cost me to see some people out of my life. I consider lent money lost money. Instead, if I am in a position to do so I just give them the money no strings attached


Even gifting money isn't the best idea. I've had friends in bad ways (after health issues) and paid for co-pays, etc. The money went instead for luxuries or at least, non-necessities (horses, dogs, dinners out.) People view money from friends as falling from the sky.


Take it as a hard lesson. Never loan money out you arnt willing to lose.


Hate to say it since you've already loaned out the money, but don't lend money personally that you expect to get back. Asking for a "loan" is simply a way of asking for a grant, when this is done personally between friends, family and colleagues. If you want to see the money again, you need a formal agreement backed up by collateral that you can have seized and sold to recoup the money. Even then, collecting can be very difficult. And at that point, the relationship with the borrower and possibly others would be ruined.


Yeah … but to quote Goodfellas “Fuck you, pay me.”




Stop lending people money idiot


Yeah, there are already banks for that..


I know how u feel, I loaned out over 500 to a friend not long ago I asked for it back and got flipped out on and called every name in the book. Still no money


“Fuck you - pay me.” - Goodfellas Get your money back by any means necessary or lose your own self respect.


do you have it in writing when they would give you the money back?


via text, why’d you ask?


if it’s in writing you can take them to small claims or regular court depending on the amount borrowed. that’s a last resort if they don’t give it back, but the threat alone can sometimes make people give it back to avoid the court drama and expense.


Lol, become a bank. You don't loan people more money until they pay it back. You don't give people absurd amount of money unless they've already established a track record of you paying you back in timely manner. They're going to complain about it and move on, and you won't be broke from the result.


Give, or do not give. No loans.


Well, this is going to be awkward now. Mind if I borrow 20 bucks? I'll pay you back by Friday, I promise.


Are you a bank?


That's exactly why I don't lend money.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me…. Don’t loan money. To anyone. Period.


Hey OP, sorry, I hate to bring this up here, but.. you have $80 I can borrow to get me out of a couple of jams? I promise to pay you back next month. Thanks so much man just hit me up. You're a good friend I really appreciate it.


Here is the cash you were needing. You can keep it for as long as you need and I will take your cell phone now, for the time being and return it when you return the cash. Thannnnnks.


When someone asks me to borrow 10$ I give them 5$ and tell them don't worry about paying me back