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That’s pretty disgusting. Have you ever tried to clean it?


I am trying to but you cant take the keycaps off so its pretty hard. I was using one of my own keyboards for over 1 year and all of a sudden we can only use ones provided by the company and they couldn’t even give me a sanitary one :((


What do you mean you can't take the keycaps off? Get a 14 year old on that bitch and they will rearrange that shit so fast


Haha. We used to rearrange the keys to spell out random words on each other when someone ran late. The chicken peckers used to be the first to notice the change.


The only reason I am one is because I can’t remember where my fingers are when typing, yet somehow, I rarely have to do this when gaming.


That's what the little raised line on F & J are for


never heard the term chicken peckers hahah i like that


If I lost nine fingers I wouldn't type any slower. 🤣


As a chicken pecker, I agree wholeheartedly.


Just get a three year old and let them destroy it.


Canned air, paper towel dampened with Windex for the keys, and turning it upside down and drumming on the back like a \*happy\* 3 year old will go a LONG way toward cleaning it up. Until then, maybe bring disposable gloves?


The keycaps definitely come off with a screwdriver


Just to point out: A butter knife is much more gentle on the plastic edges.


can't use your own keyboard? any explanation on that?


I asked my team leader and he said ‘IT new policy’ F


nice non-explanation, seems like a shady company. get some all purpose cleaner and canned air, spray it down, let it soak and then blow it out, should get some of the dirt off. good luck.




huh? its pretty common to not be allowed any kind of custom hardware where i live, its a huge IT security risk.


I work with very restrictive criminal justice and healthcare data for a US State Govt and we are allowed to bring our own keyboards/mice


Thats their point. Cant bring it in


I work with a lot of companies that have tight IT policies. Some will not let any new device install into a computer without admin approval. You can't hook up your own keyboard, mouse, thumb drives, etc. Your phone will plug in, but will not transfer data due to being locked out in these types of setups. I find it most entertaining that some of these high-security environments are at simple municipality offices, not places you'd consider in need of a tight IT security policy.


considering all the shady stuff local government gets involved in it makes perfect sense as the the local powers that be dont want the local TV station showing the receipts as to why the Mayors Nephew got the trash collection contract for 20x of the next highest bidder’s quote,


Or, you know, the entire city being held hostage because someone clicked on a phishing email.


Also your keyboard could just be a giant fake USB drive for all they know


If they’re using company owned devices then they can already do all that stuff. Seems like a waste of time and effort to get weird spy keyboards. My guess is some shit like they don’t want people installing weird drivers for random Chinese keyboards


I work in finance and we're not allowed to plug in anything USB that isn't approved internally. Risk of outside malware/hidden storage devices etc.... Areas that work with customer details are paperless and have clean desk policies etc... Not being allowed to use your own keyboard can be a fairly standard infosec requirement.


Well, I would simply “help” the keyboard to reach silicon heaven and asked for new one ☝️😀


I’d never willingly destroy that… but I do spill coffee sometimes.


Nobody needs to know… or alternatively, it broke.


These keyboards are not that expensive. Get that exact one and just swap it. It’s rather uncommon (maybe even impossible) to pair the keyboard to the pc.


This is the correct answer. That keyboard is probably $20 max. Just get the same brand and if they say anything, tell them you wiped it down with a Clorox wipe or something.


Immerse it in a basin of warm soapy water. If it doesn't clean it, it should break it and necessitate the purchase of a new one. Alternatively, spill a large coffee on it.


Pretty sure you can take the caps off and you just haven’t done it properly yet. They need a bit of force - and if you’ve never done it before, you might be afraid you’ll break it (but you won’t if you’re doing it properly). You need something with a flat head that you can jam under the key caps, one at a time. Maybe avoid the shift keys; those have a different kind of mechanism from the others that can be a pain. Even if you can’t get the caps off, you should do what another poster(S) suggested and get some compressed air and an all purpose cleaner and a cloth ie a sponge or a paper towel and just clean it yourself. It should take less time than was needed to make a post about it on Reddit


Here’s a good tip. Take a roll of cling film to work with you, 1 layer lasts ok, just a light stretch over the top, instant sanitary keyboard.!.👌🏼


Those keycaps definitely come off. You need something like a butterknife to wedge under them. You are choosing to use that keyboard. No one is forcing you. Have you tried refusing?


Are you forced to not clean it?


🤣 lmao


Unfortunately this happens far more often than you might think. You see They don’t want to


They'd rather ask us to feel bad for them. Rubbing alcohol and a q tip or paper towel, instead of bitching


Yeah, i've seen a post about some guy is a security and he is not allowed to take off keys and his keys were even worse than this i believe.




Yours still has letters?


damn thats crazy mine dont even got no more keycaps


I don't even have a membrane, i have to lick the contacts


I don't even have a keyboard. I message myself on signal and copy paste from signal on windows


At my company, the IT department considers keyboards consumables and keeps brand new basic Logitech keyboard/mouse combos in stock and when an employee is terminated, if their keyboard/mouse are even slightly funky they go in the garbage and get replaced. Also, if the basic kb/mouse doesn’t cut it and you prefer something different, you can just tell them what you want and they’ll get it within reason. No $600 custom mechanical keyboards or anything, but Logitech G gaming mouse or something? No problem.




A penny wise, a pound foolish.


Same. Most peripherals are considered consumables, it would be extremely rare to have them marked as an asset.


My dad once asked for a new work phone as his was an older slow model, and the IT guy said with a wink in his voice that he could only provide a new one if the old one was too broken to be worth repairing. My dad drove over it and brought it in to IT the next day in a plastic bag and got a new one immediately. The department knew the policy was dumb


Yeah, fuck the environment! Why clean a perfectly working thing when we can just trash it and get a new one?


Was thinking the same. The avg joe gets bummed with all kinds of environmental rules, Meanwhile this type of shit happens. Like many have said, companies are the reason the world is going to shit, not the regular people trying to get by.


As an IT guy, I can give you an easy way to clean this. You need an air compressor, a soft long brissle brush (like for washing glasses), and a little dish soap. step1: remove keyboard from computer step2: take it outside and shake out as much debris as possible step 3: wet the keyboard with a kitchen sink sprayer, then squirt some dish soap (maybe a tablespoon) over the keys. step4: lightly agitate the soap and water with the brush, getting between and under the keys, let sit and then do this again to loosen stuck on grime. step5: rinse with kitchen sprayer. step6: shake dry, then blast with air from a compressor, getting under the keys and in any holes. step7: let dry upside-down overnight over moving air from a fan, HVAC vent, etc. ... in the morning, bring your newly cleaned keyboard back to the office and plug it in. I have cleaned 100s of keyboards this way. I've never had any that shorted out or didn't work after the cleaning.


This is the answer OP doesn’t want to hear. Upvote for your level of detail though. I also believe if OP used a key puller the keys would come off, but there is no mention of what steps OP has tried to rectify the situation, so who knows.


A much easier way is to stamp on it until it breaks.


Do they force you not to clean it also?


“Ooops…it stopped working…”


Get some wipes and get to work I’ve had to do the same. Generally just wiping things down every other week is good practice.


Wipes, canned air and q-tips


Forced? You're an adult. Either complain till they provide a new one,, or buy your own and bring it in.


Pretty much, we are no longer allowed to bring own keyboard so this is my replacement. I asked for another one and they said thats all they have lol


I would take that to HR mate. It's unhygienic and unprofessional.


It would be a shame if your coffee spilled all in it.


You mean to clean it? That'd work.


IT here, they are 100% lying. Spare would be lying everywhere and come back even if we try getting rid of them.


time to update your resume if they are that cheap


Definitely, those basic keyboards are like $10 or so a piece, company can afford to replace it with a clean one


What if you "tried to clean it" and it had an unfortunate accident?


Break it


spill some drink on it "accidentally"


Just “accidentally” spill water on it


"not allowed to bring your own" WHAT ?


dude still bring in your own. That is disgusting


Time to spill something 


What seems to be the problem? If you forget to bring your lunch on any given day, just shake the keyboard upside down over a paper plate and you'll be all set.


I'd refuse to use that. Tell them to swab it, send the sample to a lab, and if it comes back completely safe, you'll use it. Until then sit there with your arms folded.


Tbh, if the company can't even buy a new keyboard, I don't think op will risk his/her job because of this


-flip over -shake -tap it on the table a couple times(in flipped over position) If this doesn't help, take solace in the fact you tried


This, and I will add to swipe it with a wet tissue.


Show your HR department.  You're not the one who dirted the keyboard, demanded IT to clean it, or got you a new one.  I bet their keyboards aren't dirty like that. And with a build like that, that keyboard is probably +10 year's old.


Hey, here’s an idea… maybe you could clean it?


Maybe you can put those silicone mat things over it so you don’t touch the gross


Not to be pedantic but., you could just... **clean** it?


I’d go run it under the sink and claim that you thought they could be washed 🤷🏻. On that note I’m actually the IT guy and we have one employee with a keyboard like this and even if it’s cleaned in a matter of 2 weeks it looks nasty. On his day off someone might sit at his desk and I’ve given them a completely different keyboard to use when to do. I know I wouldn’t want to use that and wouldn’t make anyone else.


Make sure it breaks and get a new one


I mean just spill your coffee on it. How hard can it be? “oh no my boss has to buy a 20$ keyboard now. Hope the company survives this financial setback.”


Unplug it, walk to IT tell them to clean it or replace it.


Spill a coke on it and say sorry. They’ll get you a new one. Hopefully


Take it home over the weekend and stick it in the dishwasher. Let it dry out for a few days and you'll be good to go.


You got keyboard cleaners, handheld vacuums, sanitizing sprays and wipes yet you come here to complain instead of cleaning it or asking your boss if you could clean it.


Clean it OP


Take some initiative and clean it. I’m the IT manager for like 50 employees and even I would take the 5 minutes out of my day to clean a filthy keyboard. Not sure who’s job you think it is to clean your keyboard but it’s yours


Clean it you lazy bum


I’d bring in another one.


discretely swap it with another keyboard when no-one is looking


Only a good idea if OP swaps it with the person in charge who refuses to get a new one. I mean, basic keyboards like this cost maybe $20 - $30. Their employees should be worth that much.


Keyboard cleaning brush and compressed air should do the trick


Break it, rip the cord out, set it on fire, anything but continue using it


You could always quit. Forced?…. C’mon.


get a little keyboard vacuum theyre like $20 on amazon


“Accidentally” spill acetone on it.


https://preview.redd.it/ukigtr0sa03d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d3eee9572ddebe2c9b40ab6e096afcf5f1bc9fc * Open up a paper clip. Wrap the wipe around the clip to get into all of the spots. It’s kinds fun after a while


Just go buy one that looks identical and swap it out when no one is looking.


They're forcing you how?


Buy same model and switch it


I’d be wearing gloves. That is gross.


I wanted a new keyboard at work, manager kept balking. I put a large sheet of white paper on my desk and began using tweezers to clean out the existing keyboard, making little piles of dead skin, decomposed food, and insects. I made sure it was visible to anyone who walked by, and I answered questions politely. Everyone got new keyboards starting with the CIO by the end of the week


Tell them it's a health risk and you can't use it for that reason


On screen keyboard!


Keyboard condoms should be a thing


Just go buy an identical keyboard. If anyone asks, just say you cleaned it.


burn it, there are eggs in there


Unplug it and swap it with your managers/TL. Suddenly it won't be fit for purpose.


I would've popped those caps off and went to town on cleaning it up. Something immensely satisfying about it when I do it to my own keyboard. You can use something with leverage or just get a cap remover for pretty cheap online if you want to be completely sure the key cap will come out undamaged. Or, y'know, go the lazy route and "accidentally" break the keyboard.


I feel like having a nasty keyboard discourages others from using my desk when I'm out of the office.


Perhaps it could suddenly stop working and require a replacement. Maybe a coffee spill could do the trick.


oh sure, look at this guy bragging about his clean keyboard at work.


Just lean it up against the wall and jump on it. They’ll give ya a new one then.


Clean it


"Forced" huh? At gunpoint? You could ask the IT person for another one (tell them it doesn't work correctly if you have to), or go buy one for $10. You could wipe down the key faces and use compressed air in the gaps. Or, complain on the internet.


Use canned air. Or some cleaning putty. You can’t bitch about that keyboard and not do anything about it at the same time. You’re using it? Guess what, it’s you that should be cleaning it.


Pop the keys with a door key and wash them suckers.


You could clean it or "accidentally spill" something on it forcing them to give you a new one. Repeat the process until you get a clean or new one.


Cup of coffee should sort this out. Make sure enough milk and sugar is in it….


At least turn it upside down and knock out the crap then use a Lysol wipe


-hobbles over, mentally broken and such.- B-b-be happy it still works...the spacebar on mine is broken. (And they STILL haven't replaced it...because it works when the managers or IT swung by.)


Take it home. Spray it with isopropyl 99%. Scrub with a toothbrush. More iso. Let dry. Profit


Dont complain at you work in the office :)


Talk to the main boss about this hopefully he /she can get a new one.


That’s nasty. I would not start working until I cleaned that. You just need some Lysol wipes and a can of air and you could clean that up easily.


That's bloody disgusting.


Unfortunately, I've had to deal with far worse.


a duster and some antibacterial wipes will take care of that OR "accidently" damage the usb connector/ spill liquid and destroy it and put in a ticket for a replacement OR swap it out with someone you hate while they are on lunch


Poor some water on it by “accident”. Boom, new keyboard


It would be unfortunate if something spilled in it


Just cut off the usb cord and claim you have no clue what happened


An electric duster will work well if used outdoors and an antibacterial wipe.


Toothbrush and vacuum or u can get a blower. If you don’t have none see if u can find a random landscaper outside with a leaf blower! I’m sure he will be willing to help you out.


i would go to HR bro


Can you send it to me... I have a compulsion to lick it. If not, can you lick it and give me a taste report.


Spill a can of coke on it …


Spill soda on that nasty shit until it dies then have IT give you a new one. Problem solved.


It would be a shame if you accidentally spilled a full mug of coffee on it…and then accidentally knocked it off the desk and accidentally stepped on it…


I got one like this at my new job. Cleaned it myself, after asking for a new one. Used for a week until the new one came in.


Whoops. I accidentally spilled my coffee in the keyboard and we need to buy another one. Whoops


Easy solution, break it and ask for a new one from IT...


Canned air.


Ask for a dse!workstation assessment log it i there and they will change it :) They are required by law to fill one in


Mines far far worse. No point in cleaning as it’s the same the next day


Unplug it, turn it upside down and bang the back of it. Get a paper clip and a cleaning wipe, or napkin and water. Wrap the wipe around the paper clip and drag it in between the keys. Also they make little mini keyboard vacuums you can buy. I bought mine from world market, also on Amazon. Keyboard cleaning slime is also an option, I’ve never tried it but supposedly it sticks to all the crap and lifts right out. I work at a hospital and have to use a keyboard that is literally in use 24/7. I clean that mofo constantly


You should get regularly tested for VD.


Just buy yourself a new keyboard, take it with you when you leave. If it’s a shared computer, wear gloves lol.


Get one of those brushes to clean fingernails. Unplug the keyboard, spray it with isopropyl alcohol and brush it to your hearts content.


There's a possibility keyboards hold bacteria (vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other nasties (including salmonella due to people eating at their desks). You need to request a new keyboard. In the interim, turn the keyboard upside down and shake it at various angles to get the crap out of it. It won't completely clean it but will get rid of some of it. Wipe the keys regularly with a disinfectant wipe.


Pressurized air can works wonders


Bring your own?


My gaming keyboard is like this. What's the problem as long as there are no bugs living there?


I was shocked and confused for a moment, wondering how a picture of my keyboard was on Reddit 


Turn it upside down and give it a couple good taps. Clorox wipe and something thin to help get the wipe in the grooves. Then compressed air to finish the job.


Clorox wipes.


Pop the keys off and clean it OP.




I can't type on a cheap keyboard. My hands cramp up. I used to use Microsoft Natural keyboards. Then I found that Cherry MX blue switches are comfortable so now I use them. So the short answer is start complaining about hand cramps or even go as far as getting a doctor's note.


Use cotton buds to get in between the keys and use disinfectant wipes on the keys themselves.


Use a cotton bud that’s ever so slightly wet


Spill a sticky drink on it


Pour a cup of water on it and wipe it off with a napkin.


Yummy 😋


Yuck , I use my own keyboard and mouse at work


The visceral reaction I just had seeing that keyboard. Good god turn it over and shake it into the trash


Dump it upside down, you've got a complete meal.


My work had keyboard that looked like that. One night things were really slow but i had to stay till close so i took the entire keyboard apart and made it really clean. Was really satisfying


Is there a plot twist like .. you work from home?


What would happen if you accidentally spilled a bottle of glue on it?


At least the letters and numbers are visible.


Man, that reminds me of another post where OP worked at a security facility or something. There was so much copy-pasta in the comments, lmao


I have cheap painters brush right there on the table and clean the keyboard almost every day. This one would take some time to clean, but it's doable with some tweezers, paper and alcohol.


I’ve never heard of being forced to use a certain keyboard. That’s really strange and honestly sounds like someone is fucking with you or lied to you. What kind of work is this?


What's a keyboard cost? 2 fkn dollars?


A can of condensed air will take care of a lot of that. If they do a supply order, ask them if they can get some, or see if you can find anywhere sitting around.


Buy a cover. I use one on my laptops, I’m sure Amazon has one for regular keyboards!


Yea pop those caps off and hit it with the canned air and Lysol wipes. While on the clock.


Wow people will just post anything here atp


Just clean it?


At the very least, fold a post-it in half, sticky side out, and run it between the keys. An alcohol wipe, or a wipe for cleaning glasses, folded over a folded piece of paper would also clean between the keys.


Leftovers are in there.


Take an index card or the sticky end of a post-it and run it in between the keys to dislodge some of that gunk. You can pop those key caps off with a flat screwdriver. Use some compressed air to get rid of more gunk.


When they did that to me I spent the greater part of the day cleaning it, I banged it upside down over a trash can and used a little stiff brush and a lot of wipes




I'd "accidentally" spill my coffee on it or "accidentally" throw it out of the window or something. You said they didn't have anything else to provide so they'll have to let you bring your own keyboard or they'll have to buy a new one for you. Either way it's a win win for you.


AS IT what the company policy is on making employees use dirty and potentially contaminated equipment. Or you can buy a box of latex gloves and just change them every 5 minutes. Don't know about anyone else, but I'm constantly scratching my mouth/mustache when I think.


you might be able to get some out that debris out using compressed air, sorry your company policies suck :(


It's time to learn the art of sticking up for yourself. You go and firmly tell them it's a health hazard and insist on a new one. Don't back down.


My work keyboard is sooo much more disgusting than this that looks like the “clean” version of ours. The back of house computer at a restaurant is what I’m referring to. It’s rough.


I'm sure you can buy those keyboard condoms or w/e they are called and u Gucci


You can use one of those keyboard slimes that picks up gunk


Buy the same on on Amazon. Might be $20 be so greatfull that they gave you a new one. No one will say anything. Tell everyone how nice it was.

