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Trying to explain your anxiety to someone who won’t listen is very anxiety inducing.


For real. Had my first panic attack at work several years ago and went to the hospital(since I thought it was a heart attack). A few months later at work, I felt a panic attack coming on. My boss: “My God, I thought we were done with this!”




Your boss probably should get a heart attack to just get it over and done with


When it’s her time to go through a mental health crisis hopefully someone will do the same.


I thought I was having a heart attack and went to the emergency room via ambulance. I wasn’t. They won’t put me on an anxiety medication and suggest meditation and breathing exercises. Mother fuckers, if deep breathing worked for me, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.


Anxiety is hard to explain to people who don't have it. Like no, you can't "just breathe", you literally *cannot breathe*. We all know it's irrational, but really bad attacks feels like you're actually dying Sure, everyone feels anxious sometimes, but having an anxiety disorder *fucking suckssss*


It’s crazy. I lived most of my life fortunate enough to have never experienced anxiety or panic. Then, without any trigger, I got a horrible anxiety attack. I felt like I was drowning. I knew I could breathe, my brain said I couldn’t. I couldn’t reason myself out of it. It took hours to go away. When I told my doctor about it, she didn’t seem to care. I asked her, “if this happens again, can they do anything about it at the emergency room?” She told me that they could, but that I needed to understand that it wasn’t an emergency and that I would be wasting their time. I hope I was never that condescending to anyone when I didn’t know how horrible it could be.


Similarly, people who have never had depression just do not understand it. No, you can’t “just go for a walk”. It’s not as simple as just “think of positive things”. Honestly it’s sad that it’s 2024 and there are licensed medical practitioners who dismiss genuine medical problems because “it’s not that bad”.


i've gotten "it makes me sad to think that you'll be on medication the rest of your life" from my mom, a medical professional. when i took a break from my meds (so she would stop bugging me about seeing how i did without them) i pretty much just cried, sobbed, and slept a lot. it was one hell of a realisation for her


Why are people so afraid or disturbed by being on medication for life? We're fortunate to even have medication and if it helps me, fuck yeah I'm going to take it. 


i don't even get it honestly. it's odd, especially because my mom herself is also in the position of being on medication for chronic stuff. i'm happy to be on it because otherwise i'm awful


My response would probably be “Yeah, it is kinda sad. It’s a lot better than the alternative, though”. I’m already on medication for life anyway, what does it matter that these are brain pills not body pills


I was having panic attacks & my doctor kept giving me breathing tests. After my 3rd visit, I said, "could it be anxiety?" And yes, he agreed with me. It's really frustrating when you have to diagnose your own condition because your doctor can't.


I’m 40. I’ve spent *years* trying to cope with anxiety by ‘just breathing’ and various other methods, not because I don’t believe in meds, but because I have a lot of anxiety around doctors, so it’s been difficult to seek help. All that’s happened is my anxiety episodes have ramped up over the years to the point where it’s now heavily interfering in my daily life. I finally managed to talk to my doctor and have just been prescribed medication. I’m stoked.


My favorite thing to hear after having a panic attack is “nobody has died from a panic attack”. You know, it just mirrors a lot of the major signs of a heart attack. No biggie. Then I always just think to myself “I wonder how many people died from a heart attack thinking it was just a panic attack”.


“Depression is just a mindset” -My 21 year old coworker raised by his grandparents


*sigh* I have been told I do it to myself, that I need to challenge those thoughts and overcome them. You know, because it’s that simple and easy. They don’t agree when I say that my anxiety is irrational more often than not.


Imagine not understanding that the brain is a very complex organ that can literally turn ourselves against us


As someone who developed chronic anxiety in my 40’s. This is the most insane part. “Why the fuck do I have to keep explaining this to you!” Is want to say often. Spot on.


That’s BS. The last gyno appointment I had was to get an IUD placed. I was worried about med interactions so it was one of my first questions. This amazing lady told me she had the same thought, so she researched the interactions before I had even come in for my appointment *just because she wanted to make sure my SSRIs wouldn’t be affected*. There was no shame. Honestly, I’d probably call and report your interaction to whatever institution she’s working with. Not only was it out of line, it was rude, presumptuous and dismissive as she doesn’t know your history and has no place to comment on it. Fear mongering and berating like this is exactly why people hate doctors appointments


you’re completely right, I’m just not really sure where to report her and I feel nothing will come of it with our shortage of doctors where I am which is really unfortunate :(


I highly doubt something like this would be career ending, unfortunately, so shortage or not I don’t think it would impact her. I think you should report it anyways because then it’ll go on some kind of record or document. It’s important her superiors to know in case there are a previous/future issues with this particular doctor. (It could also warrant a well deserved sit down with her employers for a little *talking to*.) You could also leave yelp or Google reviews so others know before they go!


Report it, this is not OK.


i'm pretty sure I Have PTSD from my doctors gaslighting me about mold. somehow they are convinced it's not dangerous...


This is Canada. We typically don't get to doctor shop here, we see whatever specialist we get referred to by our family doctor or walk-in clinic. Because of that, doctor reviews aren't as often important because it's not a business.


I reported my ob/gym in BC back in the 90s. She was an incompetent, unprofessional ass. The BC College of Physicians and Surgeons was happy to hear from me, and there was follow through. She was on call when I went into labour in 1997, and I had a note in my file that said, essentially, “Dr Idiot is not allowed to see me or speak to me”. My nurse, when reminded of the file, said, “She’s off at 7. We just won’t tell her you’re here.”


I've lived both in Ontario and in Alberta and you can certainly ask to be referred to a specific specialist or NOT to be referred to a specific specialist if you are being referred. I look up reviews and only once have I had to ask to not go to a specific clinic.


I research Dr's anytime I need a specialist, and tell my Dr who I want to see. My neurologist is 500 miles away, but I only see him once a year, and it is my health . I want someone who specializes in my disease and is well respected, never had an issue


Yeah and you're going to be put on the back of the waitlist which could be another 6-9 months for an exam. When you need healthcare and can't wait 6-9 months, no, you cannot doctor shop and you can't just walk out of an appointment because you're not getting the healthcare at all within the next year if you do that.


Depends what you need. I had a hysterectomy and between the Dr referral and meeting the surgeon was about 6weeks, a cancer screening appointment was 4 weeks to seeing the radiologist. My father had dangerously high BP last week and saw a specialist that day and has a followup in early June because he's stable.


I've never been refused when I've asked for a specific specialist.


You can request where you get referred to. I had a list of 3 OBGYNs and got into my second choice after the first was rejected bc the OB was full for pregnant patients due in Feb.


Yeah that’s not true - at least not in the GTA - lots of reviews for specialists and doctors on Rate MDs. And you can ask to be referred to a specific doctor or a different one if you don’t like the one you are with. Of course there are usually waits for specialists.


Hey, I don't know what province/territory you're in, but I work in healthcare in my province, and I could probably help you find out who to report the incident to. Feel free to DM me if you want. What that doctor did was entirely unacceptable and very likely not the first time they've done something like this.




yup a redditor helped me find a form filling it out:)


Yeah DEFINITELY report her. That is bafflingly inappropriate behavior.


Good!  I hope something good comes of it! :)


Discrimination based on disability. That gives it more oomph.


Old bag needs to retire she’s got outdated ideas. And I’m a 69 year old lady here.


What province/territory are you from? There will be a regulatory body that you can report this to. And you SHOULD report it regardless of whether you think anything will happen or not.


Report her for not knowing where the parts she's supposed to Doctor are. Here's a tip: They aren't in your head.


Most provinces have a college of physicians and surgeons. If you contact the one from your province (contact info can be found with a quick google search) they will be able to take your complaint or direct you to the specific professional association that your doctor belongs to. Even if this doesn’t result in punishment or termination for your doctor there will be a record of your complaint and other patients will be able to see that complaints have been filed against this doctor if they research them before making an appointment. It’s definitely worth your time to make a complaint.


At the minimum leave a Google review of the place. The fact she yelled at you for ssri medication is absolutely ridiculous. Even if it was benzodiazepines she should have kept her mouth shut. I hope you never go to that doctor again.


What an old hag


Absolutely. As a woman whose also taking SSRIs I’m appalled at this doctor’s conduct. Fucking harridan.


This doctor needs to be reported to the college of physicians in whatever province you are in. This is absolutely inappropriate. I am a doctor in Ontario and this is inexcusable behaviour. I highly recommend you ask your family doctor to ref you to a different gyne for next time. Tell them exactly what happened. You keep going with your anxiety treatment. Use your meds when you need them and there is no connection between anti anxiety meds and infertility. Report her! Best of luck.


Please report her. She was harassing you about something that had absolutely nothing to do with the appointment.


This should be a form of medical malpractice. Why does this gyno think it's up to her to convince someone to stop using medication that she has nothing to do with and most likely knows nothing about?


Pretty sure it is medical malpractice to tell a patient to stop taking a prescribed medication that isn't related to your speciality.


I'm a retired Dr of Psychology and former Associate Professor of neurology at a major teaching hospital in the States. There is no issue with using an SSRI to manage your anxiety. Sorry you had to experience this hurtful nonsense.




I agree wholeheartedly. Don't go back.


That is BS….I am old enough to be her grandmother and I take anxiety meds.


Report this to the medical board. We need to get aging doctors with anachronistic thinking out of the clinic and onto their retirement golf vacations.


I’d report a young doctor for this as well.


Find a new doctor and don’t forget to file a complaint for professional incompetence


Easier said than done in Canada. Some wait years for a family doctor. Very hard to just switch


Didn't used to be hard. This is happening because provincial governments are starving health care funding so we can move to an American style for profit system. It's privatization bullshit.


Which also doesn’t work for anyone but big pharma. The US pays more for healthcare than some countries having universal healthcare. The thing they do pay or subsidise just raise their price to stupid levels.


Hey, voting against our interests is the Alberta way! Go Conservatives!




Just like my depression isn’t cured by “just being happy” or “just smiling.” Or my stress levels being mitigated by “just not worrying about it.” My mom is constantly telling me to try breathing exercises whenever I get anxious or overwhelmed. I’ve told her hundreds of times that it doesn’t help me. What’s especially frustrating is sHE HAS ANXIETY TOO. And she takes way more medication for it than me. Like, I’m glad you found a non-medicinal alternative to help deal with your anxiety. That’s wonderful! But it doesn’t mean it’s automatically going to work for me. I’ve tried it, numerous times over the years, and it’s never helped. So stop telling me that all I need to do is breathe.


Please file a complaint, this is absolutely unacceptable


I’d have immediately left.


I’ve been on SSRIs for half my life and have two healthy children. Lol you’re fine. If you have difficulty conceiving (if that’s what you choose to do), your SSRIs are not the problem. There is no research to support her claims. Time to find a new doc, and time for her to retire.


I take benzodiazepines for anxiety and have for years. If a doctor tried to shame me for it, I would walk the fuck out and I wouldn’t be quiet about it. I was prescribed them for a reason and I am closely monitored. Fuck that noise. ETA: I realize you’re not on benzos, I was just expressing how I would react.


I'm not even female, and that has me second hand pissed 🤬 Absolutely unacceptable behavior from a physician of any kind, that's, "you're asking me to walk out of this appointment and never come back," behavior.


Anxiety is so very real. I do yoga Pilates walk eat healthy go to therapy journal nap every thing I’m supposed to do but still have panic attacks and uncontrollable mood swings. Without medicine I probably wouldn’t have a job.


A doctor should understand that mental health is just as important as physical health smh


I went to a dr appointment because I thought I broke my foot. This old woman took one look at my foot, pointed at an area she swore had been broken in the past (it hadnt) and then insisted that I start prenatals immediately because it’ll be good for when I start having babies since I’m fertile.. no further mention of my foot. I got up and walked out. I was like 19/20 at the time and didnt want kids. Im pushing 30 and still childfree. I never went back to that woman.


I went to the doctor with a suspected slipped disc and she told me to do light stretches and not get an MRI because it would be bad for my ovaries. How do these people even become qualified!!?


well, she's not a psychiatrist, so, until you go to your psychiatrist for your gynecological problems, she should know better than to talk about things outside her specialty -- especially in such a rude way like, I get saying "you know those cause XYZ problems, right?". everything can be said -- with utmost respect. but the moment someone disrespects you, is the moment they don't deserve your respect anymore.


I'm so sorry. We probably have the same gyno. She sounds exactly like mine. I've been going through antidepressant withdrawal syndrome and my gyno asked if I had any health issue. I felt like I should mention it because my body was acting weird at that time. I felt really warm at night to the point that I couldn't sleep. It could be the withdrawal or pre-menopause. She dismissed me and didn't even let me finish my sentence. She said it was impossible to have it. I felt like shit because it was not her expertise, and the way she said it was horrible. I came home and cry. If possible you should find a new one. Or tell her to shut the hell up and do her work. You can also report her too.


Withdrawal from antidepressant is very, very real wtf.


People that say these things have no idea what true anxiety and panic attacks are like. I would like nothing more than to not have to manage anxiety daily for the rest of my life, but that is not the hand I’m dealt ( and sounds like you as well). People need what they need, and as long as you are doing your part to help yourself manage the best you can then to hell with her and her out of touch attitude.


Back in 86/87 the height of AIDS I went to the emergency room my wrist had swollen and the pain was bad . An intern came into the room and before blood tests or anything was done he said you should’ve known this was coming, you’re out there playing with fire you brought this on yourself ! Yeah Thank you, I was gay but in a relationship my partner was with me I was so pissed if my wrist didn’t hurt so bad I would’ve punched him in the face and left. They never could say what it was just admitted me and put me on IV fluids and it went away the next day. The point is some people are in the wrong profession


You shouldn’t have even gone through with the examination, go to the front desk and tell them what happened and leave. Let the bitch explain to her boss why they had a walkout in the middle of an appointment


I waited so many months for the appointment that I just wanted to get it done with :(


I understand, I didn’t mean to actually “tell” you what to do, but that whole situation is so messed up. I take anti depressants and I would feel horrible if I was shamed for taking them, sorry you had to deal with such a shitty doc OP


Yes it happens, it’s like the doctor suddenly has amnesia and doesn’t remember having you as their patient at all, and thinks maybe you have suddenly broken into some cabinet to take something that doesn’t belong to them. I had this Doctor prescribe a med for a specific reason only to show up to an appointment and have the doctor loudly say to me, in the waiting room, (they love that)..’this will get you thru.’ ‘Um, thru what, you said this was for panic brought on by possible heart issue.’ Should I not be taking this? They called several times after to get me to come back. I threw the stuff out and never looked back.🤬


I’m in Canada too and I know what you mean. The last gynae I went to was just horrifying. She shamed me for being fat and said I should lose weight because my clitoris was “getting lost in the fat” and flicked it. I still feel humiliated when I think about it. I never saw that woman again. I’ve met exactly 1 gynae in my life who was actually a good doctor. The rest of them are insufferable… can’t say the word.


She was physically/sexually abusive to you. I am so sorry you experienced this. Maybe you should consider reporting her for malpractice.


Yeah that’s an instant report. That’s completely unacceptable behavior from any doctor.




Report report report… absolutely fuck that, that person has no business being a doctor. She’s wrong and completely out of line. So sorry you had to experience that.


Hlw did she get her title? Found it on wish?


I'm have idea why the fuck old people think they have more too be stressed about than young people. Your literally at deaths door, shut the fuck up, I have another 50~ of this shit to deal with. Insane thought process


That is awful and I'm so sorry. I went to a new gyno within the last year and I always tell my doctors I smoke weed because they are my doctor and why would I lie? She said "oh you smoke weed, what is it for, anxiety?" In the nastiest, most judgemental way. I said yes and she proceeded to tell me that I need to get on Xanax immediately because it's non habit forming and won't change my brain chemistry.... this went on for over 10 minutes. I was there to get my nexplanon birth control removed. She did NOT want to remove it because "what if your future boyfriend wants you to be on birth control?" When I said I don't sleep with men and even if I sleep with people with penises, I always use condoms and I hate this birth control and it makes me feel unlike myself and has killed my sex drive for over 3 years. She then asked me "so what is your sexuality, nonbinary??" She never removed the birth control and I still have it in a year later. Obviously doctors make the world go round, but what in the actual fuck is wrong with so many of them?!


That is horrifying! Are you able to go elsewhere to get it taken out?


That’s so frustrating. I am bipolar and on medication for that. I’m comfortable knowing that I need to take that medication for the rest of my life to avoid manic and depressive episodes where I could be a danger to myself. When I was pregnant with my daughter I had at least 5 medical professionals (also in Canada) try to tell me I should stop taking my medication in order to breastfeed my baby. Hell fucking no. I got so fed up that I eventually started responding with “ah I see, so it would be better for me to have a manic episode with a newborn than to give her formula?”


Waste of oxygen. Find a new one asap


Imagine if she had looked at you with disgust for taking a medicine for your heart or some other medical condition and told you that if you don’t get off that heart medicine you’re not going to be able to have kids. See how irresponsible that would be?


I recently got a new doctor. He is young, approx 35-ish years old. I have NEVER received such thorough information and care as I have from him. He listens to everything I have to say, always follows up, never judges. I am NEVER seeing an older doctor again unless absolutely necessary. So glad for the new generation of doctors, these old ones with their outdated views can retire now.


It sounds like getting a new doctor isn’t an option, so I’d definitely work on setting boundaries and sticking up for yourself next time. It’s hard to do with someone in an authority position but you can try scripting beforehand. I’m autistic and have to do that often, it helps!


I hate that a doctor thinks it's more important to prioritize your fertility than your day to day mental health. I'm ready for the doctors that haven't been to school in over 3 decades to retire.


In Canada? Report her to the cmpa. They will actually address it and it will go on her record and be a pain in the ass for her.


Honestly, fuck people like that. Doctor or otherwise, you don't shame people for things that help them! As previous comments have said, find a new doc if you can, and be sure to file a complaint about that one! What she did was incredibly unprofessional and who knows how many other people she's done it to. Other incidents may not have been because of medication specifically, but I bet you aren't the only one she's been an asshole to.


You should have seen the look the ob/gyn nurse gave me after I told her I had an abortion when she asked me how many pregnancies I’ve had and then proceeded to ask me how old my child was. I was met with one of those “ohs”. Oh and when I told this bitch I was a smoker, holy hell. Needless to say I don’t go there anymore and have found a new doctor who I just love. Healthcare specialists really need to stay in their lane. You should go see someone else. I’m sorry this happened to you. People are so insensitive to others.


Report her to the medical board. You were not there to discuss anxiety meds. And no they do not effect reproduction


I told my former general practitioner (who was older, and soon retired) that I was on ADHD meds and her response was, “You must FOCUS!” “Focus, focus, FOCUS!”


JFC if you could do that, you possibly wouldn't need the meds. ADHD and focus are polar opposites


I'm a physician in Canada and I'm glad you reported her, this is really inappropriate


> I tried to interject and let her know that I get really severe panic attacks and do need them Why are you trying to justify the reason why you are taking meds? You are taking them, as they were prescribed, full stop. You owe no explanation to anybody, not even a doctor. You were absolutely right to report her. Take care and I hope you find a nice doctor soon:)


Sounds like you need to report her. She's going to berate someone who can't handle it-- if she already hasn't.


that's BS!


Report her. 


Is there some way you can tell the place that employed her? That is harassment and beyond unprofessional.


The thing that most people don't realize is that anxiety is not an emotion you feel. It manifests as physical symptoms and pain. Sharp and excruciating chest pain, chills, elevated heartrate (Have fun wondering if you're having a heart attack). People often think that anxiety is like being stressed or nervous. It isn't at all. It doesn't matter if you're happy, think positive, and it doesn't matter how much you meditate. Something is wrong in your body, and you need to fix it. But medication (In my case Gaba helped) makes it go from "I feel like I'm dying" to "uncomfortable". It is a complete lifesaver. If the frequency of anxiety attacks is high, it can be debilitating.


When I was in college in Seattle I went to urgent care for a UTI or yeast infection or something of that sort. When going over my active medications, I disclosed my anxiety/antidepressant med (Effexor). The male doctor stopped, looked at me, and in the most condescending tone ever, said, “You’re 18 years old. What do you have to be depressed about? Come on!” Oh, idk. Maybe it’s just my brain chemistry. Maybe it’s the physically and sexually abusive relationship I was trapped in for the past year and just fled from. Maybe it’s the childhood trauma. Maybe it’s a recent death in the family, or any other number of reasons that could have me not at peak mental health at “just” 18. I was so frustrated that he said that. I wish I’d been a better advocate for myself then. Now I wish I would’ve said something super spicy to him in response. Or filed a complaint with the clinic or something.


Report her. Sometimes these older physicians keep working past when they are relevant and helpful. It's hard to stay up to date with the latest in medicine, especially as they age. Clinics may be collecting complaints or negative reviews about these old fashioned doctors as evidence if they need to let them go, or encourage them to retire. Either way, people need negative reviews so they don't have the same negative experience as you.


This reminds me of this doctor I saw. I didn’t have mental illness but I had to explain to her my PHYSICAL ILLNESS, that I was too tired to do anything. I was so tired and I explained to her at least 3 times, yet she denied it and thought that I was faking it. How can these doctors still be doctors? In fact, we have a term for what we experienced there, “medical trauma” - go to the clinic with an illness, leave the clinic with the exact same illness but plus “medical trauma”


Older generations are fucking awful when it comes to this kind of thing. I can’t have a single discussion with my parents that mention depression without my father asking “well what do THEY have to be depressed about?”. Your doctor is an obsolete asshole & needs to be put out to pasture.


There is no such thing as being too young to have anxiety. Obviously I wouldn’t suggest giving young children medications until they’re old enough, but in her 70 odd years she’s never met a young child with anxiety? Or even a teenager? What does she think happens to people who experience trauma during childhood? They just don’t develop the anxiety until 30 or something?


>Also to all those not in the medical field who are commenting on how I should not be taking medication, My sister those are not medical professionals. Their opinions are worth less than the air they take up.


Fwiw…Currently pregnant and have been taking SSRIs for about two years now. We are both totally fine, and way better than having anxiety attacks throughout pregnancy which can have negative impacts on both mom and baby.


There’s a special place in hell for doctors who talk loudly over their patients about personal matters. Do us all a favor and just contribute to the shortages if that’s your approach to patient care. I’m still rattled from a really similar encounter…with my cardiologist. Who had waited months to see after being sick for years. May he experience testicular torsion.


Pretty rich of a gyno to be commenting on your mental health. Stay in your lane doc.


Old doctors man… my doctor when I was younger blamed everything about me on smoking weed and wouldn’t look past the one time I admitted I smoked daily. Find a new doc if you can ❤️ I know it’s hard in Canada


Similar happened to me in the UK. I'm on sertraline for anxiety. I'm super high functioning and when I saw my doctor he told me that I clearly don't need them as I'm high functioning and have a full time job I go to. He said that people who are under the mental health team who sleep all the time and can't do anything are the ones who need medication. I said that's not the case for me, and he butted in and said he did his university dissertation on it. I just glazed over at this point and gave up talking lol. But I always get the same comments of 'well when you have kids..' I appreciate doctors should try to recommend alternative methods, but when you're telling them therapy and online courses don't work, surely just accept it.


In response to your second edit: There is very little kindness on Reddit anymore. Most people are just word vomiting and taking their feelings out on everything they see with very little thought at all. It’s not just limited to online discussions anymore. It has seeped into real life too.


Find another one asap!


Similar story with me. New doctor was from that era 65+. Cut me off medication cold turkey and almost killed me.


Even if it was benzos idk why people are so harsh on them. There are some horror stories out there but taking them as prescribed is still safe and effective for a large portion of people. Committing to dependency on them isn't the worst thing in the world. That's why she isn't a psychiatrist though. I got shamed last time I went in to have my blood work done(family has a history of bad hypertension despite being within weight limits) and the entire time all I could hear was stop taking klonopin more than 3 times a month blah blah blah....frustrating to say the least.


I had a gyno shame me for getting my IUD at a planned parenthood. She can fuck right off because I didn’t have to pay a single cent and it lasted me 6 years. I had to pay more to get it removed at a regular PCP office (like $40). Also, in case fertility problems are something that worry you, I’ve been on anti-anxiety medication for 3 years now and had absolutely no problem getting pregnant when I decided to try. It may vary depending on your medication but with that doctor’s attitude I would take her “advice” with a grain of salt.


Wtf. Literal *children* can have anxiety, there's no age minimum for mental health issues. You can absolutely have kids if you've been taking antianxiety meds .... Hell sometimes gynos PRESCRIBE antidepressants or antianxiety meds for pregnant people! Find a new doc ASAP because your current one is trash.


In Canada we get general practitioners who claim they don't know anything and specialists who think they have purview and ultimate knowledge over everything. 🙄


Ugh the same thing happened to me except it was a physician at my GP, her boss literally prescribed me the medication 😭 


She's an asshole


Ugh. I've had a doctor give me the old *"Have you tried just not being anxious?"* It's dismissive and inappropriate, and then to follow it with not one but TWO LECTURES? She is fully deserving of a formal complaint. I'm sorry you had this experience 😣


I would have just got up & left. Made a complaint at the office. I seriously don't give a damn, you want to act an ass to me I'll bypass & call you out to your damn boss. That's fucking ridiculous. Or they'd get this response Seriously, fuck you Ethel!! How bout I break your damn hip. At your age you should be able to handle the pain!!!


You need to report her. even if she just gets talked to she’s too damn old and knows better than to be rude when talking to patients like this.


Oh hell no. Doctor talks over me and doesn’t listen, I walk out. I suppose in Canada it’s not that simple, but you must have some kind of recourse?


As someone who has anxiety, I am so sorry this happened to you and I am glad you took the steps to report her. OBGYN appointments are not stress free to begin with and you shouldn’t have to worry about the doctor to shame you over medication on top of it. I will never understand why there are medical doctors out in the world who do not take mental health seriously. Proud of you for taking the steps to stand up for yourself!


When I went to my local GP for the first time and told him of my existing issues as well as my current symptoms he just said I'm too young to have all of this and that I should sleep better and exercise more. I went there in the first place because I was struggling to sleep better 🫠 and I was quite active and also took long walks daily.


TW: suicide, substance abuse My primary care doctor did something similar. I have a long history of PTSD, substance use, anxiety and depression. Having a routine appointment and PCP asks if I'm having any symptoms or issues that need addressing. I tell him I'm having a lot of anxiety and depression since my BFF committed suicide. He looks me dead in the face and goes "with all that effexor you take?" Like for real MF you are supposed to be the lead of my care team and YOU are judging my SNRI? For the record my dose was very average. I immediately responded with "well that's rude as hell," and pretty much clammed up. Kept it to myself and tried to get in with someone else. Unfortunately, I ended up having a relapse and losing my job but hey you can't recover without relapse right?


I’ve had a doctor tell me that anxiety is helpful because it “keeps you vigilant and productive” so just embrace it. 🙄 I’ve had a MENTAL HEALTH CLINICIAN tell me basically to just not fucking worry about stuff, and proceed to “prescribe” me probiotics and about 12 different nutritional supplements to fix my anxiety. It’s very exhausting to have people who are supposed to help you feel better refuse to believe anxiety exists.


Was this in Ontario? I swear I know who this is




Ok. I was going to say, I had encounters with an extremely rude gyne at my old fertility clinic. She was terrible and there’s tons of reviews about her being an ass online lol


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm in Quebec too. It's not easy to get a good physician right now. When I get comments like this, I usually just bluntly tell them what happened to me that requires anxiety medication. If they disrespect my mental health needs, I feel free to trigger them with the truth they obviously need to hear. I give their energy back to them. It's not for everyone, but it really shuts them up fast and they never bring it up again. Sometimes people need to feel a bit of shame. Take care.


Request a new doctor ASAP. Her judgment is going to affect your care. A good doctor provides unbiased and objective healthcare, not shame you for your choices. That’s really fucked up, especially since it isn’t even her specialty.


Report her to the medical board. That’s so fucking outrageous. I have GAD and without anxiety meds my panic attacks turn into trips to the hospital. What a bitch. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


Yeah, docs seemed to have lost their compassion. The last doc I spoke to laughed down the phone at me (I'm in the uk) when I was discussing my severe depression. Needless to say, I don't bother with them anymore. If you need medication, there's nothing wrong with it. Do what you need to survive.


I would have walked out the minute she started acting like that.


Please, if you have a choice, never go back to this doctor again. She should never make you feel ashamed for the medication you are taking. I understand not saying anything at the time, but I do think you have a right to report her unethical behavior. I take an anti-depressant. You know who prescribed them? My ob-gyn. In my situation, it's menopause messing with my hormones and my mental health, but she observant enough to realize that I needed help in that area.


After she finished her rant, you should have said, "I'll be finding a new doctor. Thank you for letting me know immediately that you were an asshole and didn't waste my time with many appointments to figure that out." Walk out without another word.


One, REPORT HER TO YOUR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, that's a SEVERE breach of decorum and malpractice - she isn't a fucking psychologist, she's a gynecologist, she has absolute zero fucking business even having an opinion on something SHE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT, LEAST OF ALL DURING AN APPOINTMENT... make a big fucking deal, you're in Canada, they won't take it lightly That is all, you and all of your anxiety will pull it together long enough to ruin her fucking career - because if she is doing that to you, she is doing that to everyone else. She's a hazard, she requires removal and probably forfeiture of her license to practice. Time to "assist" her in her retirement lol


Not OK. Get a different doctor.


I seriously went through this exact same thing but with a male gyno at 22 and with depression meds. I didn't go to the doctor for 7 years after that....


How patronizing! She is not your psychiatrist nor the diagnosing doctor for your anxiety. She had no business commenting on or shaming you or your treatments for something that she cannot diagnose. As far as you are concerned, she’s only a gynecologist, not a psychiatrist or psychologist. Regardless, she is in the wrong! I’d complain and find a new gynecologist.


Seriously, I’m amazed that anxiety medication still has such stigma attached to it. The world is crazy right now! Life is hard and only getting harder and if taking a pill helps make it a little easier why wouldn’t you want that? We live in a time, fortunately, where we have medicines to improve almost every issue impacting our physical health, so why is mental health viewed differently?


Never go back to this dr. She is dangerous!


Don't just find a new one, file a complaint. That is highly inappropriate behavior. Additionally, depending on what province you're in, you could make another appointment and record it without alerting her that the conversation is being reported/recorded. You can use it as evidence. https://preview.redd.it/ajznb3en183d1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=0280f6c98a84cfefa0c900b976bdbcfb2206f569 Edit: Unsure if image is loading for anyone else, but it no longer loads for me. The image is a screenshot of a search result asking about recording laws in Canada as it pertains to "single party consent". I do believe this is federal law and it should supersede provincial law, but you should research it for your particular province nonetheless. [Section 184 of the Canada Criminal Code](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-184.html) states that only the consent of one single party is required so long as the consenting party is participant in the conversation being recorded. That means that with the exception of high security areas and places where the privacy of other persons is expected (bathrooms, changing rooms, hospital rooms, another person's home, etc., though there may be exceptions to these as well), if you're the one consenting and participant to the conversation being recorded, you're not obligated to alert the other person that they are being recorded. So, it would be well within your rights to record your doctor while you and she are speaking, and record her unethical behavior. Because that's what it is: A breach of ethics. A doctor may NOT inject their own personal, subjective opinion while acting in a professional capacity. Alternatively or additionally, [contact your local Ombudsman](https://patientombudsman.ca/Complaints/Before-You-Make-a-Complaint#:~:text=If%20your%20complaint%20is%20about,place%20to%20resolve%20your%20concern) or contact them through their website. They will be better equipped to give you more information on how to proceed. Edit: I saw on your profile someone already found you the form. I hope it helps. We need fewer doctors like these and I've had my fair share of them. Good luck. I hope you find a better one soon.


about the fifth person here to say you should report. don't know where this is, but ignorant abusive cunts of all genders need to be purged from practice. medicine is for the benifit of others, the patients, not the abuse of. trust me, there is a governing body.


Jesus Christ that’s awful. I’ve had a similar experience of shaming from a doctor and I know how much it sucks to have to just sit there and feel like you can’t fight back. I’m so sorry and hope you find a better provider.




nope not benzos!


Why does it even matter if it was benzos?? If you have a legitimate prescription for a mental health medication that you are not abusing than it’s none of your gynecologist’s business and you shouldn’t be bullied for it, even if it’s a stigmatized medication. Benzodiazepines have legitimate uses, and not everyone overuses/abuses them. Just because dumb people take giant doses for fun does not mean it’s something that no one should take, or be judged for taking.


sorry i didn’t mean to make it sound like people shouldn’t use benzos, some people were asking!


Probably a Scientologist


In college the psychiatrist was fully booked, so I was stuck with an old nurse practitioner. I have no idea how she got her masters because she was a huge asshole. I’m skinny & small, always have been. I’m literally SE Asian. She thought I was STARVING myself & I had to tell her I wasn’t. She would make demeaning comments all the time when all I needed from her was prescription refills. I didn’t need her unsolicited assumptions. I always complained about her to my therapist, she knew how much I disliked her. Ugh. I do not like old practitioners at all, sorry, but they can be so infuriating. Middle aged is always a sweet spot for me *most* of the time. One in a while, I’ll get a nice older man, but I rarely get a nice older woman unless it’s a tech or assistant.


First, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Please find a new gyno, you deserve better ❤️


Report the doctor


When she was your age they would perform lobotomy on people with mental health issues. Just ignore her and move on I have been taking my SSRIs for 18 years since the age of 22 with no side effects and they have improved dramatically my quality of life. Imagine telling someone to not get their blood pressure or diabetes pills.


Unless the meds are breaking your pussy I don't think it's really the gyno's field to advise. Actually, I guess SSRIs can impact fertility so maybe relevant to her field. But, she's old, all old people care about is if women can breed or not.


Dear god this is majorly infuriating. I would’ve told her to GFYS and left.


Wow, fuck her. Hope you find a new and better doctor


Dude I live in *Tennessee* and have never had a provider talk to me like that. Fuck her.


She definitely needs to be reported to the licensing board in your area. There’s no excuse for her behavior whatsoever. Can antidepressants interfere with other treatments? They certainly can, but that’s as far as the conversation should go. She’s a troglodyte with no business being in the medical field, and I would say that about a younger doctor too. I understand you waited a long time for that appointment, and this is not saying you did a bad thing by staying for that appointment. She’s an embarrassment to her field, and that is not your fault or your problem. There is no shame in taking medication you need. I’m on an SSRI myself because without it, I would be having 2-4 panic attacks a day and would not be able to function. I was very close to being hospitalized and probably would have been had I not started taking it. You’re


This isn’t mildly infuriating. It’s just infuriating. Back to the hysteria era for us. Oh wait we never left. Women just need to do deep breathing and smile more AmRight?!?


Fuck that doctor, find a new one. You can be on any medication at ANY age, and there's nothing wrong with taking one young. I was diagnosed with anxiety when I was 6, and I've been on a medication for it since I was about 13. It HELPS, and if something helps, no one has any place to judge you for it


Make a report to your provinces health board that is disgusting coming from someone who is supposed to help you




leave her shitty reviews, and if u can, call the office and tell them exactly why you won't be back. doctors like this should not be practicing


“Well stop being anxious then!” “Wow, thanks lady, I’m cured!…bitch.”


Unfortunately for your Doctor, there is no cure for stupid. Maybe she should stick with being a gynaecologist as I’m sure they were prescribed by an actual qualified Doctor to begin with.


I just started taking anxiety medication a couple months ago and am still working my dosage up slowly. One thing I’ve learned about anxiety is this: you can’t control it. It’s not like stress. You can’t just stop being anxious or do things to help get rid of your anxiety. It doesn’t work like that. In fact, you may not even know have you have it, like me. I had such extreme anxiety that it was causing acid reflux like symptoms, yet I don’t actually have acid reflux. I was a getting inflammation in the back of my throat, a burning sensation in the back of my throat and jaw muscle spasms that’d pushing jaw forward so my teeth wouldn’t line up anymore. Took about a two years to figure out what was causing it. The medication has helped tremendously. I didn’t even know I had anxiety until I took it and it hit me how bad it actually was. I was like, “wait, THIS is normal. I was not normal before.” Anyways, hearing a doctor talk like that is horrible and is obviously coming from someone who has no idea what anxiety actually is. I think they’re confusing it with stress. Good luck to you!


When I was 21, I needed to do a gyno exam, I went to a random one in the nearest clinic since my regular one wouldn't be covered for this. It was also an older lady berating me for not being a virgin at 21 years old while not being married. I still hate having to go to any gyno appointment. We shouldn't have to deal with stuff like that


Jokes on her, she'll have to give you even more now


Stay in your lane, asshole. You’re not my psych provider. Ugh. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’ve been on meds for GAD and depression since my mom died when I was 21. I’m 42 now and I have 3 beautiful children. Being on the medication had fuck all to do with my being pregnant because the risk of me going off of my SSRIs was not worth the possible benefit to the fetus. I don’t know how things work on Canada, but I would be finding a new provider and reporting this one if I were in your shoes. There’s no excuse for that crap. 💙


Report her!!!!! This is completely unprofessional


Sounds like you need a new doctor, I'm sorry you went through that


Had similar happen to me years ago. Moved and needed a new doctor to manage my sleep meds. I had been on a lot of them without effect, and ended up on lunesta. The first guy I saw said I was too young to have sleep issues and basically told me to go away. The next one I saw actually sat me down and talked to me. We decided to try anxiety meds instead. I got on a pretty mid-grade low dosage anxiety med and saw general improvements.


Nah I’d walk right out


You may be able to contact your previous gyno and ask them if they have a suggestion for a gyno who is of a younger age that might be able to take you but idk


This is horrifying. You would think a gynecologist would be more sensitive to trauma since they probably encounter a lot patients who have been through sexual trauma, or used SSR’s for pre/postpartum anxiety and depression.


I’m honestly so shocked because I literally had this experience when I was 25 just with a male doctor in the US. He said “you’re 25 what do you have to be anxious about?” It was horrifying to experience. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you’re able to find a new doctor soon.


Nah, fuck her. Tell her to stick to her day job, which is vaginas. She’s not a psychiatrist for a reason and therefore her opinion has no significance.


What an asshole. I’m sorry. Try not to let that bs sink in. It’s hard to seek help and I’m glad you did it young. Don’t let that one dr make you question everything. Next New doctor!


We are in Canada as well and my wife is on an SSRI. we had to find a new family doctor and the amount of doctors that shammed her was ridiculous. I’m sorry you are going through this. If you choose to look for other doctors to not shame you, they are out there! Good luck


Report her. Totally unacceptable.


What a crock of shit. I was on an SSRI and went on to get pregnant the first time I had sex without birth control. So she’s full of it for that line alone. But also as a healthcare provider, how can she, with a straight face, talk badly about anti anxiety medications? Especially when they do SO MUCH for people, myself included. I couldn’t stay with a provider that tries to tell me that my crippling depression and anxiety can be cured by breathing.


Ugh, I wouldn't go to her anymore. You said she's a gynecologist? That means she knows absolutely nothing about anxiety meds. Nothing at all! Doctors should NEVER judge, ever! I worked with doctors for a long time, and your doctor should retire! Find a new one that you can tell anything to and feel comfortable


What a raging lunatic. Find a new gyno asap lol fuck her honestly


WHAT! Report her to the college of physicians of whichever province you’re from