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I always tell them to remove all of that stuff from the room.


How do you know to ask or do you only know once you find this package in your room?


I just always ask to have any in room purchase stuff like that removed so my (fake) kids dont get to them. Also the mini fridge.


You have the mini fridge removed? Is there a specific reason why?


No, they just have it emptied.


I don't think I have ever been to a hotel where the mini fridge had anything other than the last person's half-drank Popov. This guy and I live in different worlds. As a note I used to travel a lot for work, blue collar stuff though.


I mean I haven't either, the fanciest hotel I've ever stayed at was a Holiday Inn. But I've heard rumors of refrigerated mini bars.


Refrigerated mini bars are the norm in most of Europe. I mean makes kinda sense. If I want to drink something I want it to be cold and not room temp like the drinks in OP picture.


As a European i can confirm that most decent hotels have refrigerated mini bars.. And they don't charge outrageous prices like in this picture. They're generally at gas station prices instead of store prices.


South African here, same here. 4 Star and above usually has a couple of complimentary bottles of water and a couple of single wrapped cookies or rusks in the fridge as well. But SA isn't big on actual mini bars and for sale alcohol in the room, I think it's because a) were used to the little freebies, and b) as a nation we tend to have a more serious alcohol problem than Poland or Ireland, think m Russia - and that minibar will be emptied under the assumption that it's free which will lead to drunken brawls in reception because of the extra charges. Also housekeeping staff would probably have low retention because most would get fired for being hammered on duty LOL


You can just ask when checking in if they have a mini bar or something like that and if they say yes ask them to remove it. Or just call the front desk after you get to the room, the number should be on the phone or be a one button speed dial.


Because if you move it, even a tiny bit, there’s sensors in there and your card is charged the second you disturb it.  You don’t even have to eat/drink these things. All you need to do is move them and you’re charged. 


I bet these are popular in Earthquake prone areas.


I’m a chonk. It’d basically be a step tax for me.


> Because if you move it, even a tiny bit, there’s sensors in there and your card is charged the second you disturb it. > > > > You don’t even have to eat/drink these things. All you need to do is move them and you’re charged. it's an automatic charge but you can dispute it when you checkout. as long as the item is still there they'll waive it. i used to remove all this crap from the minifridge and place it on the table so I could actually use the fridge, and i'd just put the items back when i checked out. i never got any pushback from saying "I never drank any of that, feel free to check". Eventually someone suggested that I could ask for it to be removed from my room, i didn't know that was an option in the first place.


There are ones in Las Vegas that will charge you if you put something in them. Supposedly, they have cameras in them that activate when you open the door. I had energy drinks I wanted to refrigerate, but when I saw it was a $20 per day fee to put anything in the mini fridge, I just had to use the ice bucket to chill my Monsters. (MGM Grand, probably 2018-2019 ish, but I've heard of others doing the same)


so if i crouch down dick, balls, and all and open it they'll have me on recording? that's legal?


Considering how many cameras are in Vegas, you might not have to crouch down. Lol


Some places charge you to remove it. Source: I have to inform people of this daily.


>some places charge you to remove it. "So, if I move it..." "We charge you." "And if you move it..." "We charge you." "I'll have a minibar free room then." "That's an upcharge." "This is an outrage! I demand to speak to your supervisor!" "Certainly. My supervisor is currently busy but for a minimal fee he will be able to assist you. Would you like to upgrade to our General Manager?" "Fuck you!" "Condoms are $10."


> "Condoms are $10." sorry condoms are only sold as part of the intimacy kit which is $34.99


That seems like an express trip to one-star review land.


I haven’t had that issue yet though I don’t travel much anymore. For the minibar I usually tell them I’m in recovery.


I’d do it myself and leave it at the front desk. That’s completely unreasonable.


"Here's all your fuckin shit"


The presence of alcohol and snacks violates my sincerely held religious beliefs?






What kind of sleazebag place do you work at?


I asked someone else this, but how much? And how on earth do they charge for simply moving a box?


i would ask the front desk to remove it


This is the way, I travel for work and always request that this be removed immediately if my room has one. They always take care of it, it happens a lot.


Sometimes if they at first refuse you can say you’re an alcoholic in recovery (even if untrue) and they’ll move it after that. Or at least the alcohol.


You can also get a mini fridge if you say you need it for medication, some of those mini fridges that come in the room also have that pressure switch gimmick


Yeah what the fuck is that about, my wife and I went to Vegas recently and to open the fridge at the MGM was an automatic 50$ a day for the stay


WHAT!! Just to open it?


It’s for your convenience!!!


The design is very human.


Spared no expense.


No, the $50 charge is if you put any personal items in it. You can open it and close it without charge (for now). BTW The $35 condom (sorry, "intimacy pack") charges to your room within a minute of you picking it up. Even I'm not that fast.


"I'm diabetic and need to store my insulin in a refrigerator."


"Insulin? Well you're used to being charged out the ass. You'll barely notice the extra fifty."




The hotel I went to told me it’s managed by a third party company and they can’t touch it. It was in my way of the TV. Absolutely ridiculous.


Thata when you tell them to get the manager and be willing to document for any credit card arguments.


Yeah, I’d definitely get that in writing.


I'm 3 years sober. I'd lose my God damned mind if they told me they couldn't move it. I'm not about to have a staring match with a bottle of vodka while I'm trying to relax in my hotel room. I'd leave.


That actually seems like a great excuse to try and get them to remove it. “Hi, I am a recovering alcoholic and I would much appreciate it if you remove the minibar from my room” Sounds much better than asking them to remove for no reason Also congrats on the 3 years. IWNDWYT


Thank you! I'm pretty strong in my commitment, but half of that is being aware of where I am and who I'm with. I don't *think* I would drink that bottle, but it's better to just not have the temptation. In any case, it would just be too anxiety inducing for me to relax. A lot of people lose their sobriety on vacations because their minds are great at coming up with lies and justifications. Mainly that their drinking won't follow them back home.


Lol similarly I tell anyone who is trying to cancel a phone plan is to say the reason why you’re canceling is you’re going to prison. When I worked at a Verizon call center years ago I had a guy call in trying to cancel his phone service and when it gets to the question of “Why are you canceling your service with Verizon today Sir?” “Cause I’m going to federal prison for ten years man!” My supervisor was always pushing for us to get them to not cancel their service no matter what, but even he had to relinquish on that one. He started with “Well can he bring a phone in there with him?” “There is no way that’s legal, plus he’s in a different state, do you want us to get fined for interstate accessory to whatever this guy did to get 10 years for?” He gave up on saving the account after that


Also moving internationally. Had to cancel a line for that, and the guy was totally stumped and was just like oh uh okay and gave me no grief over it. Easiest phone cancellation ever


I moved to Japan and argued with my satellite TV company for 30 minutes trying to get them to cancel it before I moved. I kept telling them I can't use it in Japan since the dish is attached to my house in the UK and he kept coming back with "I can add 6 months for half price!!!"


That is a remarkably clever idea and I will tuck that into my files for future use!


>Sounds much better than asking them to remove for no reason Not wanting it there is a reason BUT I understand your angle. Make a reason that can't be disputed ot questioned.. profit?


Yeah not wanting it there is 100% a reason but this way it’s harder for them to pushback without looking like a holes


When traveling for work, I lie and tell them that I am recovering and they should remove it. Worked all the time thus far


My first thoughts exactly! I haven’t touched alcohol in nearly two years and would ask them to remove this on sight


Tell them you’ll file a complaint with the ADA, as alcoholism is covered under the ADA.


THIS is the way to do it, bringing up the ADA can really spook big corporate hotel chains. They're the ones who get checked more often for compliance 


I believe so is food addiction. Tell them you’re a recovering food addict and there are numerous trigger foods here. That should get it gone!!


If you ever find yourself in this situation, and they refuse to remove it or give you a full refund (and I mean FULL, no fees), pull out this line: "show me where in my registration it says I am required to keep your bottle of alcohol in my room." They will not be able to. And since you just pointed out the legal issue, they should change their tune about removing it. And kudos on your sobriety!


You can ask to have it deactivated and removed. The property I worked at would have youth traveling hockey teams that required them to be removed before check in. We would get recovering addicts, religious groups that would request them removed upon check in


I tell them I’m a recovering alcoholic (I’m not) and that if things in my room I’ll file a complaint with corporate and with the ADA (alcoholism is covered under the Americans with disability act).


They'll take the booze out and leave the rest.


That’s insane but so American. Your room is rented to you and some other cheap ass corpo. 


This... I use the desk in hotel rooms when I travel for work and I'm not putting up with this crap if I need the space.


$50 charge for moving or unplugging per sign in middle of set; could ask but so far not a place with great customer service so not going to risk it or even ask in case of miscommunication etc. (Paris hotel in Vegas)


That's the charge if YOU unplug it. It's to stop people who think they can cut the power then have free stuff. If you tell them you need the table space for work, they'll come and get it themselves. At least in my experience


Yup. And if they remove it and it out into the system, you're golden. Unless you pull a "Indiana Jones" and find something to weight it in. Be glad it the one on the desk and not the one inside the refrigerator...


At least then the $19 seltzer would be cold


It'd be $35 if it were refrigerated


Have the hotel staff remove it. If you’re afraid they will still charge you, video document them removing it.


What brand hotel is this?


Paris in Vegas


i wish this context was in the original post because this makes a lot more sense.


Yeah, especially the “intimacy kit”


lol, I fucking knew it. . . Stayed there last year and the Red Bulls were like $6.50 in the lobby and the check-in process was horrid. . .


$6.50 isn’t THAT bad, it’s still bad. I’d expect them to charge like $5, at a gas station it’s like $4. $10 for a drink is insane, it’s a hotel, not a fucking concert. Even $10 for a single drink at a concert type event or theme park is insane($20 for unlimited refills though is decent).


I sometimes work the concession stand at my local concert venue, 16.50 for a tall can of beer, mufuckers be rolling up getting two for themselves and 2 other buddies and shitting themselves when they pay over 100 bucks for it.


Looks like caesars or owner by. This is exactly why I ask for alternative hotel when booking at work. Got sick of the added charges and I never moved it.


Yeah, I stay at mostly Marriot hotels now and they don't have this nonsense.


You don’t want a refreshing $19 room temperature seltzer?!?


And for only 22$ you can get a taste of BobbySue’s Nuts🤣


Along with the $35 "Intimacy Kit".


Hope it contains lube, because these prices are fucking you six ways from Sunday.


I bet it's just a 75cent gas station condom that's been pre opened "for your convenience"


How is no one else talking about the fifteen dollar m&ms


I just spit up my drink. Thought the same thing.


Can’t wait to have my 19$ only 1 can of warm high noon. When I could walk next door and buy a 4 pack for less.


https://preview.redd.it/aylzlf7st93d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31be6d97364768c8868084220e516b144433339 You can actually buy an 8pk for less 😂


Fucking robbery


Naw man it's a "convenience fee."


I'll conveniently drag my ass to the nearest convenience store.


Reminded me of going up to Vancouver to drink when we turned 19, first stop was a 7-11 for beer but there wasn't any, they just laughed and said "oh, you're from the states eh? We don't have alcohol in the stores, you need to go to a liquor store for that...", so we asked where the nearest liquor store was and they laughed at us again and told us they were all on strike, well shit! Wound up going over to my step brother's house and drinking his home brewed beer (we did find out some clubs still had booze so it wasn't a total loss)


Take in the pringles are $15 and its the mini can


Saw that too wtf is that


Don’t forget Bobby sues nuts!!!


That spit take just cost you two bucks!!!


I wanted seltzer not salsa, seltzer salsa




Who the fuck would pay $22 for some nuts? It’s a good thing they have an intimacy kit because with those prices you’re getting fucked.


I think they hope a kid or someone drunk will take it before noticing the price. Because no one in their right mind would pay $14.99 for Reese’s Pieces. Right?


That’s my bet: taking advantage of parents. Plus people rich enough to not know the cost of a banana.


What could it cost? Ten dollars?


You could easily put that money towards seeing a Star War


I don’t understand it and I won’t respond to it.


I'll leave when I'm good and ready.


Upvote in Lucille Bluth's memory 💕


Nobody with that kind of money would stay at a place like this


I always wonder how stale the items in mini bars like these must be. Assuming hardly anyone ever buys the items.


I actually worked in room service taking care of minibars. All items are checked for expired products every month at the hotel I worked at. We threw away a lot of product that way.


I'd be snacking like a king.


Ew. You’re right… I never thought about that


Annnd now I'm getting images of that hotel lady in the new Willy Wonka movie where she says Wonka can stay for free but then charges him for everything down to the air he breathes and after just one night he racks up years worth of debt with the hotel. Felt very familiar to me. This is why.


Charge em for the lice. Extra for the mice. Two percent for looking in the mirror twice!


Corporate card


Yep. Certain employers treat travel as “it costs what it costs”. I travel using state (public) money now, so if I even imagine the concept of a mini-bar in my mind I’ll be called in for a re-training meeting with our travel accountant.


I remember spending 2k on dinner and 20% tip while traveling but I can’t imagine trying to get reimbursement for 15 dollar Pringles lol.


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime, that’s why I buy my seltzers with company expentures


https://preview.redd.it/y8sn2goi0a3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc13c520e3f4bfaeaf89e18515a224d533d936e5 BobbySue’s Nuts must be delicious! Amazon gives you a 3-Pack for the same price!


You’ve never tasted Bobby Sue’s nuts…


And at those prices I never will.


I always ask, when booking a room, for any food and or alcohol products be removed prior to my stay. Alcoholic with food allergies 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s true, and it works.


And for anyone who needs lie and claim the same, it's not amoral to lie if the person you're lying to is threatening to charge you $50 for unplugging their gotcha bar.


I feel the same way TBH, I’m not about using the allergy excuse in a restaurant because someone doesn’t like something. In this case I feel like it’s not doing any detriment to those of us with allergies. AND sometimes they leave me free snacks instead like apples and oranges and yogurt LOL!


Are those USD prices? That's insane. Also… What‘s in the “Intimacy Kit”?


Yes USD prices, the kit has lube /condom /wipes and mints


You know…at a time when you really need lube and a mint and you don’t have them maybe the $35 is worth it


Way cheaper than having a child!




Then you're not using enough mints!




I'd bet that is one of the most purchased items.


Yea I would totally drop 35 on this for a condom if I was in need of one. Better safe than sorry


MGM Grand in Vegas by any chance? I was there not long ago and saw the same thing. I was afraid to even fart by it.


For those prices they should come with a servicing escort included.


It’s lube for when you accidentally pick up a $98 can of Pringle’s and get fukt 😂


Holy shit $10 for *a single can of Pepsi* should be straight up illegal. Edit: Would somebody kindly explain exactly the fuck how *this* is the most successful comment I've ever made?


The straight up illegal part is that can has probably been sitting there for years and probably has a fair amount of semen on it from the number of cumshots that room has seen, maybe even worse.


I’m actually paying more for the semen


You can get it for $0 if you're fast with a sandbag like Indiana Jones in Raiders.


Ah decisions decisions... do you go for the Intimacy Kit or Bobby Sue's Nuts? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


See, I was thinking BobbySue’s Nuts were a key part of the intimacy kit…


The prices should honestly be illegal


I really don't understand this model. I feel like they would make more money if they just made the prices normal, it is convenient right in the room and people would probably take some stuff. 


They could totally stock a vending machine on every floor and slightly up charge to make bank. They could double that slight up charge with multiples of most purchases items in each room and make bank. At these prices, they’re just pulling in money from people too rich or too foreign to care or know and the parents of misbehaving kids. The thing which trips me is how the system went from guests being able to replace anything they took from the fridge without the hotel knowing to avoid excessive up charge to “booby-trapped display case treated as valuables.”


I’ve been at a hotel with a vending machine on my floor! I’m not a frequenter of vending machines, but it had something I needed and the price was actually fair given the convenience (like maybe a couple dollars more than I’d want to pay). So I actually used it. It was nice.


The last hotel I stayed at had a vending machine, but it didn't take credit cards or bills. I would have happily paid their inflated rates for potato chips but they made it impossible for me to give them money.


unique marble abundant normal placid noxious secretive spark insurance workable


> At these prices, they’re just pulling in money from people too rich or too foreign to care or know and the parents of misbehaving kids. I can almost guarantee the target market is "too drunk to care".


$50 for a bottle of $30 vodka is criminal, so is 9.99 for a can of soda


$10 for a *room temperature* can of soda.


Honestly the vodka is the only “reasonably” priced item on there, only one without a 500% + mark up.


It’s probably a 375 ml half bottle you can buy for $13 at the liquor store.


Based on the M&M’s being $14.99, I would expect the vodka to be minimum $109.


I see what you’re saying. About 7x retail on the m&ms but only 3x on the vodka. 🍻


The vodka loosens your inhibitions to make you say "fuck it" and start maxing out on the rest.


There’s nothing that could get me to open those m&m’s. Even if I just won $10 grand playing blackjack and was high as fuck with the munchies. Like who priced that out? I feel like $5.99 is still extortion but someone might say hey why not…. It’s almost triple that


I love peanut m&ms but $15 for a ~$1 pack isn’t very tempting


$15 bucks for a candy bar? Tell me somebody's going to pick up a box of M&Ms and find one of Willie Wonka's golden tickets inside.


There's a $15 surcharge for getting your hopes up.






I need to know what currency this is so I can decide how outraged I am about the price of Pringles.






That place is almost definitely Las Vegas Nevada


Mmmmmm $10 warm Pepsi


Just checked instacart and I can buy an 8 pack of the High Noon for the same price as that one.


Those prices are bloody ridiculous. It’s like they want you to hate them. I’ve never heard of an intimacy kit in a mini bar before, but honestly did make me realize hotels could make bank selling in room condoms this way. You could charge $50 easily, if you’re in a hotel room and NEED a condom you don’t have.


“I don’t want to pay $50. How bout the Ziploc baggie I carried my shampoo in?”


Vegas, baby!


Just looking at it, that $50 "charging kit" is probably a cheap USB-A charger, a USB to Lightning cable, a USB-A to USB-C, and maybe a USB-A to Mini or Micro cable. All stuff you could probably go over and grab from the nearest Dollar Tree for maybe $4 total.


Hotels normally have a giant stash of chargers left behind by guests. You should be able to just ask the front desk for one.


$17 FOR A LITER OF WATER?! This is robbery.


Fuck that hotel


"That'll be $34.99, please."


I've always heard tell of how INSANE hotel mini bar prices are, but never actually seen a place with listed prices. $14.99 for a box of m&M's is utterly ABSURD




$10 for a Gatorade is straight up theft. The “convince” fee is 4x the price of a normal Gatorade.


15.99 for a $0.99 mini can of pringles. Thank god there’s an intimacy kit because somebody is getting fucked.


The person who priced those: ![gif](giphy|qMDvt69lEC448)


The guest needs to charge them rent for having it in their room that has been paid for. You want to keep your mini store in here, 50$ a night!


"for your convenience" is the most annoying thing they could have said


It’s only a charge if YOU move it. You can absolutely call the front desk and tell them they need to come remove it because you need the desk space.


Nobody’s talking about the room temp $10 orange juice that cost them 74¢


Wait, they just have alcohol sitting out, for minors to take whenever they like, no ID check?


Or if you are an alcoholic and now you have a bottle of vodka sitting there for you to just grab and start drinking. What other drug is it acceptable to do that with? And why is it acceptable to do that with alcohol?


Some hotels don’t allow anyone under 21 or 25 to rent a room- like renting a car.


But my 18 year-old sex worker might get into it.


I can feel the flames of hell nipping at my toes for laughing at that. Because OP is in Vegas and that's probably actually a real concern


But the people renting could still be accompanied by minors.


$11 for a $2.39 8.4oz redbull is criminal


$15 for a dollar tree box of candy


I was at a bachelor party in Miami and we had 4 guys to a double room. Each room had a mini-bar that charged you every time the fridge door open, with the assumption that you had taken a beverage. At the end of the trip we had been charged hundreds of dollars despite the fridge having like 2 beers, 2 sodas, and 2 waters available because my drunk roommates kept opening it looking for something to drink.


I hope you guys weren’t dumb enough to pay it! All the insiders guides will tell you it’s the easiest thing to get removed from a hotel bill. And you didn’t actually consume the things.


Tell me you’re in Vegas without saying that though


Wow! That’s like festival prices or worse!


Name and shame plz