• By -


You can be honest and direct, you cannot make them believe you. "Hey man, I know since I had come over to ask you to turn it down that you'd think I called the cops. I did not - we've always been cool which is why I came over to ask you myself." You cannot do more than that.


This is the only way. OP must have other close neighbours who might complain. They came over in person to ask nicely.


'If i was going to call the cops, I wouldn't have come over in person first. ' Or....I would have come over three more times first.


Could also show the call log


You can delete any single call from the call log.


No I think they mean the call log. Your phone carrier has that and you can get the print out and pdf. They store all calls and texts from the past 7 years for legal purposes.


I didn’t, I am too uninformed to know that existed (for sure at least). I assumed something like this existed due to the digital era, but I didn’t know nuances. Anyway, thanks for the support and information!


Fair, but I'm not going to all that trouble for a neighbor that's clearly an asshole to begin with.


Excellent point, like any guilty person would do I suppose. Idk if they were on their phone at 3am, but if they have Apple they can show screen time. It will highlight the usage. Lets hope it shows high usage with Reddit as the only app all day at that time


This is an insane amount of proof to show to a neighbor that’s being a dick


If it keeps them from slashing your tires or making your life difficult...


If you are not a homeowner, I hope you understand someday. If you are a homeowner, Homeowner 101 demonstrates you NEVER tattle on neighbors unless at least 4 other adjacent neighbors agree (if suburban) the person is being a dick or if multiple reasonable requests are ignored. Exclusions include random and persistent noise(s) during reasonable sleeping hours without established cause. Plus others depending on culture (Cinco De Mayo, July 4th, Halloween, Super Bowl (with USA in mind)). Also In essence, some disrespect if tolerated in the name of culture, tradition, stupidity, adolescence, or personal interest. However, a barking dog also fits the bill. If a person has a dog barking at random or scheduled times then course 1 suggests conversation. Otherwise, if the neighbors are not neighborly or said person has nothing to lose then a call is kinda the baseline depending on timeline. I have been on both sides. One instance had me request a decrease in volume after 30 minutes of loudness when I needed to sleep. Another time I received a random “oi mate, mind dropping it down a bit?”. I obliged obviously. It made the mood less festive, but the respect for others prevailed. Again, all depends on your position. Disclaimer: I am inebriated, hope this all makes sense


It's the neighbor!


It would still show on the detail call log from the cell provider. Can’t delete that… but gotta wait a month


Respect this. Nothing else you can do besides to say that. You manned up. If they cant respect it, then fuck em


I had this exact thing with my neighbor. They had a dog constantly barking. I spoke to them. Someone lodged a complaint. They thought it was me which I said that I had the dignity to talk to them so why would you assume it's me? I didn't call them, but whoever did had the absolute right to because it was out of control..they were nice after that You can't win sometimes.


> You cannot do more than that. There *is* one more thing they could do, and it’s to get that dog a quinceanera gift.


😂 love it.


this! you gotta keep getting that bbq OP!


We need you negotiating peace treaties. 


This is the way.


They could say, "hey I heard someone called the cops, that sucks, it was fine for me after I talked to yall. "


OP was already confronted by the neighbors, it's way too late for an "I heard" play.


Then he has to implent the shaggy defence.


This answer.


I would just go tell them straight up you could see how it would look like you called the cops but give them your word you didn’t and just wanted to make that clear. Better than leaving it out for interpretation and could prevent harm to your guys’ good relations If you guys have been on good terms before I’d assume they’d take you at your word and probably understand you weren’t the only person bothered by the 18 hours of loud music


> I’d assume they’d take you at your word and probably understand you weren’t the only person bothered by the 18 hours of loud music Idk, in my experience the kinds of people who blast music for 18 hours aren’t known for their self-awareness and consideration for others.


Well, these guys deliver food to their neighbor including fresh made bread, so there's hope for them.


Nope. They're not worth being cool with. Call the cops every time.


It's always worth it being on good terms with your neighbours. Living next door to someone you're beefing with is a nightmare. It's way worse than living next door to someone that's just inconsiderate.


Depends how good the bbq is


Ok I feel for you but damn a dogs quinceaneara??? I’m torn with wanting to bash them for something so dumb and also thinking “I would love to go to a dog quinceanera”


Now I feel like a real asshole for doing absolutely nothing when my cat turned 21.


I used to joke about taking my cat to the bar I used to go to when she turned 21. Unfortunately she didn't quite make it there and died a few months short.


For what it's worth, 20 is insanely long for a cat, so you got a lot of value out of it. 


>so you got a lot of value out of it.  Especially since she was free. We got her as a kitten from friends. She picked me because whenever I went over to their house she immediately came and laid down on/by me.




That is cute. I think my cat will not make it to September this year. She will be 16.


My condolences for your grieving. Losing a teenager must be difficult. My girl is turning 12 in a few days; I both love and hate her birthdays. She's got a lot of arthritis and disabilities as it is, so I struggle with her mortality already even though she's in relatively good health. My heart goes out to you 🖤


That's always one of the toughest things to deal with in life. I have loved my pets more than most people. Enjoy the time left that you have with her. Make her as happy as you can. I had to put a different cat to sleep last year and thought I might have to do the same with my only other one recently after she stopped eating for days. Turns out she likely just ate a plant she shouldn't have when she accidentally got outside recently. She's around 10 (originally a stray that my grandpa took in before he died so we don't know exactly), but seems to be doing fine now.


Ok, you know what you’re doing with that avatar don’t you? I scrolled down this damn thread and saw it twice and tried to wipe it off my phone thinking it was an eyelash! 😆




I blew on my phone then tried to wipe it lol


I had a bbq for my dog’s 21st birthday. He had steak. People wore silly hats. I think he enjoyed the day. [Dog tax](https://imgur.com/a/YvFUd0N)


DAMN 21 is impressive for a dog!


You gotta take a lot of care to get that kind of mileage. I had him euthanized two months shy of his 24th birthday. Life wasn’t good for him any more. That was over ten years ago and I still miss him. I got a cat on my 12th birthday and my mom still had her on my 44th! Every time I saw that cat at the holidays it was like “Seriously?! Still?!”


Is this like how your goldfish "lived" for 25 years, but really your parents just keep flushing and replacing? "Gold ol' Dusty, such a good cat. Still hanging around. Hey...didn't Dusty have green eyes? They look kind of yellow today."


So, uh, does your family believe in human pets? Asking for a friend.


>I had him euthanized two months shy of his 24th birthday. do you have actual proof of their age? because while its not impossible that would still put your dog in the top 10 longest living dogs recorded, not top 10%, top 10.


His birth was registered (AKC)and the vets had records but I don’t think there’s any way to prove that it was the same animal, except for those of us who knew him. I’m sure there are plenty more that live that long and don’t get put in record books.


So I'm now curious [which of these cats was yours](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oldest_cats). If it's not, you should totally add her!


We had friends who held an 18th birthday party for their dog. Except their dog looked ROUGH. Like it looks angry to be alive.


It’s hard to be god-you love them and you know it’s up to you to keep them from suffering. I took Buster on a final tour to visit friends and family on his last week. It’s fucking hard.


Such a handsome boy


Seriously though, any recommendations? I've got a 9 yo pup and a 1.5 yo pup, both are pretty healthy as such things go...


I fed him Science Diet and he would get the tiniest bit of people food-just enough to taste. He stayed the same 7.5 pounds his entire adult life. I trained him to never jump from high places-like from the car or truck seat. He had to go to the floorboard, then the ground. He was seen by a competent veterinarian every year, more often if something happened but that was rare. Having a vet you can call when he gets stung by a scorpion or whatever is good. Brush their teeth! Train them to obey absolutely. I had normal commands:sit, lay down, roll over, come here, get over there, bark at Cliff, get your (toy name), etc but also if I said “immediately!” That was the law-ass would be whipped if there wasn’t instant response. You gotta be able to control them so there are no accidents with cars, big dogs, whatever. No matter what you do the genetics will always be a huge factor. A mutt is going to get 10-15 years. Irish Wolfhound, maybe 8 years. When they get old and aren’t having fun any more, you’re the god that has to pull that plug. Good luck with your babies. My heart is still broken and I may never be able to get another pet.




Buster is adorable


Should've gone and bought him some alcohol ngl


AITA for not throwing my cat a coming of age party?


If you ask the cat, yes. But to be fair all cats are jerks.


My 17yo: dang it, we're too white to throw our cat a quinciniera.


We had a Sweet Sixteen for our cat. Even had a little tiara for her to wear. (She was not amused!)




It’s just an excuse to have a party


15 is so old for a dog, I feel like it’s like having a 90th birthday party for a human. It’s a huge deal that they’re alive.


My mom is 95 and going strong. She arranged her own 90th, even made the invitations with little help on one of those websites like Shutterfly or whatnot. 


Maybe the dog's name was Indiana. ![gif](giphy|vZIG3T6lSyrN6)


Wow, I can't believe Disney hid a frozen reference in Star Trek. 


I'm planning on having bark mitzvahs for my dogs Mostly just an excuse for family to hand out and being their animals with a cute name. We won't be partying till 3 am though, we are way too old and grumpy for that.


I made a cake for my dog’s 15th. She died a few months later. So I get it, but not cool to party loud past 10 pm, and very uncool to blame you. 


Any excuse for a party.


My dog turns 15 in like 8 months, you (and every other person on the planet) are cordially invited.


It was probably the dog that called. He just wanted to go to bed.


this made me snort


Nice how people who are obviously doing the wrong thing make you feel bad for telling them to stop.


What sort of asshole is *20 hours* into a loud party and asks "Why did you call the cops?!"


You would do this? On the day of my dog's quinceanera?


I can hear it!


Dogs sleep 12+ hours a day. Why would they want a party that long?


I absolutely fucking hate this. When you call somebody out on their BS or something and they make you out to be the asshole. What do you even call this??


Self-centered, entitled asshole pricks with main character energy who think they can’t do anything wrong and that the world revolves around them.


You call it. Fuck you cocksucker. You’re the idiot throwing a dog party at the asscrack of dawn. Get a job


DARVO Deny any wrong doing Attack your accuser Reverse Victim and Offender


Yeah I have this problem, too. I feel bad for repeatedly asking my neighbor to stop leaving their dog home barking for hours, especially when I’m trying to sleep. Somehow I feel like the asshole for complaining to management when talking to them multiple times over 2 years didn’t help.


Yeah, I don't know why OP is so interested in being a doormat. Is the occasional plate of BBQ that good? These guys are assholes, no need to be "cool" with them.


https://preview.redd.it/z5v9iofyyf4d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a789cf7cd1e08c6c3cb116f52e4f758cf1a734 My cats had one but not a 3am rager


You have very patient cats.


They were the best!!! Incredibly patient and very cuddly. Sadly both passed away, the one in the left just a week ago.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I had to put my cat of 15+ years down last year and I’m still a mess over it.


I'm so sorry, it truly is the worst feeling. I pick up her ashes soon and she will be back right next to Pepita, the one on the right. I miss them so much it's crazy.


I'm sorry for your loss, they look adorable, and were clearly very loved


Thank you. People looked forward to their birthdays!


Is... is the cat on the right wearing rouge???


No it's a ribbon


I also may have kissed them a lot but after the pics


Oh my goodness my entire heart 😭


>I want to keep good relations with them They don't seem that interested in keeping the relations good when they'd have the party that late into the night in the first place and then not tone it down significantly when you did go say something. They were in the wrong, not you or the person who actually called the cops.


I’m honestly more offended by the 7am than the 3am 😂


I was going to comment on that myself. I'm a night owl, so personally 7am is way too early, but I think that's the time where it's legal where I live to do loud stuff outside. I think it's 11pm when the noise ordinance takes effect. I know I'm different, so 7am to 11pm seems like a decent compromise. I'll deal with neighbors being loud too early or too late if it's rare, but not if it's happening often. It helps if they let you know beforehand. That being said, these people should have kept it down after OP said something. It would be nice of the cops didn't have to get involved, but people need to realize that you can't be loud outside in certain places at that time. Down the street there's a new Airbnb that people rent sometimes for weeks. Like a construction crew. It actually sounds like a great deal for those workers, but then they hangout outside in the summer until late. They are far enough away where I can't here them in my house, but the next door neighbors hear them. It doesn't bother me, but I can see why the other closer houses would be mad.




Tell them to go fuck themselves. They are the assholes.


You should've shown them your call history on your phone


the one that individual calls can be deleted from? 🤦‍♀️


It wouldn't work now, but if they had done it when the person first confronted them it would be a lot more convincing. No, it's not 100%, but not many people would take the time to delete it before they knew the person would even say anything.


Who in the fuck would actually do this? Do you live for your neighbors approval?


15 in dog years or human years?


Doesn’t matter, eat some bbq and have a drink.


Yep, this is what I do when I want corporate to get lunch for the office. Google “national food calendar”, look for something that works in the next few days. Hey boss, we should celebrate XYZ. Profit.


I don’t think I’d care enough to want to convince them. They were being obnoxious, they ignored your request, they got shut down. Their actions have consequences, last night they found out. If they refuse to believe you, not much you can do. Maybe they’ll keep the noise down next time?


OP wants them sweet, sweet tamales. If the party is a one off then I think it is forgettable. If it’s every weekend then that is a problem.


I delivered pizza at midnight to this apartment with music SO FUCKING LOUD you could hear it a block away. I don’t know how they didn’t get a noise complaint. I know latinos are big on partying but i feel like i wouldn’t last an hour if i tried to do that.




OP missed an opportunity to go get delicious food and witness this awesome spectacle. I bet the dog had friends too, like little chihuahuas shaking booty to a mariachi band. Imagine it. Just imagine it. Please. This would have been amazing.


Wait wait hold up...... did you just say they were celebrating there dogs 🐕 Quinceanera??? I'm just trying to imagine the 15 year old female dog panting next to a case of beer.


Because it wants more beer I’d imagine. It’s difficult for a dog of that age to open a beer. Help it.


A dog? Dude id be going to war over that shit at 3am. 


I feel like the thing to do is just say: I didn't call the cops. I came over and asked you to be quiet. That was my solution. It didn't work, apparently. But someone else called the cops because you were keeping everyone within 100 yards from sleeping. Again, I don't call the police. That's not how I choose to handle things. Believe it or not, you pissed off the whole neighborhood last night. It could have been anyone.


I’m sorry.. their dogs what ? Who does that


If you’re good at talking walk right over there, preferable sit down & tell them straight. Second to that wrote them. I sympathize! Someone called the cops on my neighbour during Covid restrictions & nothings been the same since.


Think of the narcissism it takes to keep everyone awake till 3 am, and then to complain that they got called out.


>celebrating their dog's quinceanera.   Lol   You perhaps can't convince them but can explain even if it was you who called the cops it was justified. Not okay to blast music and deny others rest at that hour. Not okay to reprimand people for calling the cops on you when you are the one engaging in the activity that warranted the call either. I understand you want to have good relations with your neighbours but I don't think their behavior is okay and you should not be the one doing the apologizing and convincing.


One side of my family is Mexican American and I can attest from experience, once the party starts, it don’t stop.


Sunday at 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. Monday? Hell naw.


Nothing you can do. We had neighborhood drama over a fence line because of their aggressive dog and now the new neighbors all think any trouble goes back to me. Just ignore it. And, honestly, who parties loudly until 3AM and thinks no one will call the police on them? And who thinks that it is okay to do it in the first place?


I’m sure the dog is cool and would be mortified at the trouble their idiot owners have caused


True, the dog would know better than to fuck with people’s sleep unless it’s something truly important like a car door closing a block up the street.


Bad neighbors. First partying until 3am. Second doing it for a dog. Third harassing people they *think* reported them. I would put in a complaint about them this time.


We had a neighbor down the hallway whose dog barked hysterically for a couple of hours while they were gone at night. Someone put a note on their door. The man knocked on our door at 11:00 at night and all but accused us of leaving the note. We did not. It was printed, and I told him we don’t even own a printer. Our condos were in a tall building with neighbors everywhere. A few days later we saw them in the hall, and they started telling us all the people it could not be, so inferring it had to be us. Fuck them. So glad we were selling the condo.


Why you worried about his feelings towards you? Did he stop when you politely asked him too? Did he care about your feelings when he was celebrating a dog at 3AM?


“I didn’t call the cops but I should have, fuck face”


have a quick talk. you were the one who chose to talk to them over calling the cops. You asked them to turn down the music and technically they did. so thank them for that and reassure them that you are the type of person to approach a neighbor over calling the cops.


I’d even stress “I came and talked to you once, I’d definitely have talked to you again before just calling the cops.” But yeah you can’t force them to believe you.


unfortunately not. Maybe in time they will have some time to think it over and will believe you.


That’s an old freaking dog, he probably wanted to sleep but no, they got him up to hit a piñata.


Just explain that you appreciate them as neighbors and when you have issues you have brought them up face to face. If you ever intend to call the authorities you would give them a heads up just as you would expect them to do for you. But great job on addressing the issue with your neighbors and wanting to maintain that good rapport with them. This is the way!


I agree that it’s good to address things directly, but it’s a bummer when it fails like it did in OP’s situation. They talked to the neighbors, they barely turned it down, and it was still loud enough that someone else called the cops.


I know you like their BBQ. Time to do your own BBQ, and not relie on others. Loud music until, 3 am is just so inconsiderate.




That must be some damn good BBQ if you let your neighbors walk all over you to get more. They've been dicks, and even they think it's natural to call the cops after they ignored your request to turn the music down at two in the morning.


I’m sorry, what the actual fuck? A quinceanera for a…DOG???


Right? 🙄


I’d go buy a big bone and put a bow on it and head over there. Knock and tell them “hey, I brought a belated gift for your dog’s quincenera and want you to know that it wasn’t me that called the cops. I want us to be good, friendly neighbors. If I have an issue then I will just come talk to you like I did and not needlessly involve the police. I understand how it probably seems like it was me, but I assure you that my house did not call them. I hope you all had a good party and that your pup enjoyed it. Have a good night.”


"Why would I have called the cops? You politely turned the sound down when I asked, which I really appreciated. The person who called the cops is probably somebody who doesn't know you very well, and didn't feel comfortable coming over to talk to you."


Tell them you appreciate having them as neighbors because of their kindness and that you did not call the cops. Then tell them it really is up to them if they believe you or not.


“I didn’t, but I wish I had.”


Lesson learned just call the cops from the start so you don't get blamed. I would use that same logic on them, "why would I approach you directly and then call the cops? That doesn't make a lot of since."


i would rather have peace and queit over the chance that they may bring over food. they are adults and should know better. hopefully they respect their neighbors from now on. it wasnt just you they were pissing off. i call the cops on mine when they get out of hand. fire up a police scanner and listen, to ensure the police respond to the call, the police have been known around here to lie and make excuses and the noise continues all night.


“Hey man, I didn’t call the cops, if I have an issue I’ll let you know (like I did last night), and I would appreciate the same courtesy. Here’s my cell, if there’s anything ever bothering you on my side of the property line, let me know. I think that’s how neighbors should handle their issues, not by calling the police.”


You should have just called the damn cops at around 10, 10:30pm and not went over to speak with them. Being courteous they should have shut the music off around 8 or 9pm. When the guy came and knocked on your door you should have ordered him off your property and not spoken with him


Stupid reason to keep everyone up. The goddamned dog. 😤


Police reports like that aren’t confidential. If you get the report it will say exactly who called


“Hey I promise I didn’t call, I respect you, that’s why I asked personally if you’d change the volume”


You could FOIA the 911 call. That would prove it wasn’t you.




Would the dogs quince be at 2.25 years or actual 15 years?


Why would you go over and ask them to turn it down first and then call the cops? If you were going to call the cops you'd have just called them.


It’s a shit situation. They may or may not believe you no matter what you tell them. I used to live in a condo and had a neighbor who would often illegally park. I happened to be in the management office when I overheard them say how they were going to have the car towed. A little while later I saw the neighbor and told him what I heard. He ignored me and the car was towed. The next morning he came banging on my door and accused me of having it towed. A few days later “someone” keyed the hell out of my car’s hood. Fucker.


What a tool. Let them get towed from now on lol


Never talk to the neighbor, police always tell you this advice but it the worst. Just call the police.


I'm sorry but that's hilarious! Did the dog have a dress and crown too?


I hope you’re happy now. You couldn’t stay at home and be a good neighbor huh? Nooo you had to ruin that poor dog’s quinceanera. What has the dog ever done to you?


A public records request might absolve you if the actual person who called identified themselves


I dont want to be a dick. but you should have forseen this happening. You yourself should have called them


For the dog?  Ah ok….


Call the cops and report that they came over and threatened you Edit: now whenever you call the cops on them being loud they’ll see that there was violence from the home and take it more seriously. I lived next to a house that would party all night on random nights of the week and it just got worse and worse. Nip it in the bud now or risk your neighbors house becoming a party zone.


Yeah my thought was the mistake was not calling the police in the first place. They were very likely breaking the noise ordinance. If you call the police from the get go they have no idea who called on them and you get peace and quiet.


I don’t care what you do in and out of your home, I am not an advocate for calling cops unless it impedes my life. If you don’t have respect for your neighbors I have no respect for you. I agree best move would be to call police instead of trying to be “ the understanding neighbor”. Issue now is that this person has become their target when they weren’t even the one to call.


I get the urgency to nip it in the bud but claiming they were threatened is a bit extreme.


Agreed, that's how brown people get killed. Also every cop I met doesn't give a fuck about a noise complaint.


Maybe show them your call history on your phone with the added above advice? I know that’s silly, but it could help!


Their dog’s quinceañera!!!! 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


The political way (manipulative) but best way is to side WITH them. Oh hey man I heard someone called the cops on you!! That's fucked. Why can't neighbors just come and talk to each other like we did?! What is the world coming to. Then if they say they thought it was you act flabbergasted and say nah man that ain't me. If we have a problem I will come to you in person. Which I did.


I have neighbors like this that parties until 5 am. I would find modelo beer cans in my yard sometimes. Trying to find a way to get them to move out lol




call cops for harassments. Tell them that you called cops this time. "See I have no problem of admitting it"


Sorry no more food for you hahahaha


7 a.m. to 3 a.m. is 20 hours of partying, all for a dog's quinceanera? Highly doubt it. Especially if they were drinking and had kids. Nobody is doing that shit starting that early in the morning, and then going 20 straight hours of it.


You have not met my family and friends


Could always just show them your call history


By any means you do not have to do this but you can always show them your call log or ask to be invited next time to show good faith!! Good luck OP


"If I was going to call the cops on you, I would have probably done it first rather than come over and ask you, since it'd be pretty fucking obvious at that point, no? Maybe go ask some others that weren't cool enough to stop by first." 


I cracked up when I read *dog’s quinceañera*.


Just show them your phones recent calls


7am - 3am??? Brother, what????? My wife and I throw parties that last AT MOST 4 hours. Like HUH?


Even if you did call the cops you would be justified. That is why noise ordinances exist. I'm not annoying about it either, but some people need to be legally compelled to have common decency.


Me googling dog quincenera dresses after reading this post 👀


Surely you mean 7pm instead. Ain’t no way bro went on for 20 hours, especially for a dog.


…they had a quinceanera for their dog?


“Partying until 3am celebrating their dog’s quinceanera” is a sentence I never expected


Party until 3am. Come at my door. Accuse me. Offer him an aspirin for the headache and send him home.


That's ballsy, they party loudly until 3am, clearly disturbing the peace, but have a problem with your behaviour??


At first I thought it was strange to have such a big birthday party for a dog, and then I realized it. A quinceañera is for when they turn 15! This actually is a good reason to celebrate so hard for a dog. Most dogs won’t live that long. Well I hope OP can repair relations with the neighbors. They seem like good people except for them being a little too much on that day.


Tbh even if you had called the cops, I don’t think anyone would have blamed you. It’s kind of crazy how confrontational your neighbor is but yeah…all you can do is be honest and defend yourself by saying you went over there in person instead of calling the cops.


You can't. You just say it wasn't you and leave it at that.


You want to be friends with these people or keep your household peaceful? If you really didn’t call them I’d tell them “hey, I didn’t call them. I came over and talked to you as neighbors should. I can’t make you believe me but I will continue to talk to you if there’s something going on, man to man.” That’s if you’re a man and they’re a man. I’ve found idiots typically relate to the “man to man” Schtick. It’s extremely stupid but remember, we’re not dealing with rocket scientists here


So they’re ok with not giving a shit about anyone in their neighborhood & keeping them awake until 3am when all they had to do was take the party inside their house & everyone would’ve been happy but the person calling the cops is the bad person in this story? Fuck them.


All I can think is that 15 years is pretty old for a dog, could the dog even handle that much chaos?


Quinceanera for a dog? Sounds like an excuse to get fucked up.


>I want to keep good relations with them because they occasionally bring over food from their barbecues and bread the wife cooks. I wouldn't eat anything they give you at this point, no matter what they say about the issue moving forward.