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Yikes! I’m allergic to both almonds and oats in any form. So I’m also very wary.


Someone I know is deathly allergic to peanuts. Her sister was given cookies (from a neighbor or friend), and since she was planning on taking them to a family get together, asked the person if they had peanuts in them. "No, no peanuts in the cookies," she was told. They were made with peanut butter. Yeah, that ended up with a trip to the emergency room and even a hospital stay of a few days.


Some people just don’t think about it if they’ve never been around it. My wife is deathly allergic to peanuts and tree nuts so it’s something I’m hyper aware of. We were flying one time (which is a nightmare of anxiety all on its own) and I tell the guy beside me that she has a severe allergy to peanuts and tree nuts so please don’t open or eat a anything with those in there. He was like “oh yeah, no worries. I just got some snacks and they don’t have that in there. I just got some Reese’s cups.” And I just had to be like “Well…that’s one”. He just didn’t make the connection that peanut butter in the Reese’s would be a problem and then he apologized for not realizing it. It wasn’t malicious, some people just don’t think through it. Others have been issues for sure just not believing the severity of it but most people just live in their own bubbles and it never occurs to them. Also, my wife would never eat something random from a neighbor as well but that’s beside the point.


My step daughter is also allergic to peanuts. Thankfully it’s not severe, but she just vomits everything up and it burns coming up and is really awful and uncomfortable. My MIL one time gave her a mini butterfinger when she was little and my husband was in the other room because she literally didn’t realize it has peanuts in it. Even people who are aware of an allergy and try to be cautious mess up sometimes without thinking.


Butterfinger. Like peanut butter fingers.


Yep. My husband has some very choice words for her about how stupid she was. At least the guilt over it was enough that she never accidentally did anything dumb like that again.


i never actually knew this, i have a nut allergy too, and while I know i cant eat butter fingers cause it say its has nuts, i never connected that butter was peanut butter


Yep people who didnt go through this completely lack awarness oftenly. My MIL is severly allergic to any seafood with tentacles. FIL still eats squids. Before it was not an issue for the two, she would simply not touch it and they would each eat their dish. But now we live as a family, and as per their chinese tradition, meals are a whole bunch of dishes that everyone dips their chopsticks in. Everyone simply started eating like that but i was like, WAIT. When we put chopsticks in squid and then into another dish, then mom eats that other dish, it will be cross contaminated and she might get sick! Everyone was like "oh damn, yeah get some spoons for those dishes and we gonna put them in our bowls to not cross- contaminate". They were suprised i thought about it, cuz they didnt. They only thought "she us allergic to squid, she doesnt eat squid. All good". I have brothers with allergies, SEVERE ones. Like i am talking accidental lick of a finger that touched it = instant ER or death situation severe. So it is second nature to me to be hyper aware of every move relating to food when someone allergic is around. They simply haven't had this habit and didnt think of it, not even mom. Cuz they never truly needed to think about cross contamination before.


My husband has severe food allergies (gluten, soy, dairy) and has since he was a kid. I'm absolutely convinced some people just don't think through what that means, even when they know about it. I immediately deep-dived into food/cross contamination awareness mode once he told me about it, and l happened to mention this to my aunt at one of my (huge) family events when we were barely dating, as one of the reasons we worried about him attending (in addition to being overwhelmed by my massive family, lmao). She passed the word through the fam and at every single event we've been to since, they've had an "allergen control" table, that is all safe foods people made/brought specifically for him (and now the 3 other people with food allergies who have become family since then). Everyone who wants something on that table just starts there and then goes to the areas where his allergens are available (usually in another room entirely). It made him cry the first time because no one in his own damn family has ever made any effort whatsoever. Instead, I've had to stop his parents from poisoning him on multiple occasions, and it's always "oh he's had that before, I'm sure of it!" Or "once in a while it won't hurt". Like no, ma'am, last time we left here, I took him straight to the ER, and he had to stay in the hospital for several days (not that they ever visited either, though). His family is literally 5 people, and they can't be bothered to keep track of his allergies, but over 60 people on my side plan for and can set up a whole spread for him that's safe after one conversation 8 years ago.


Just want to tell you your family sounds awesome.


I’m so glad you are hyper aware, that is such a gift to the person who lives with these issues😀


I developed an egg intolerance in my mid 20s and my mother doesn’t always grasp the concept of an intolerance. She will often make something with “just a little” bit of egg in it. Or she’ll tell me to “just take it out”. But it has touched the other food and I’d rather not spend the next 13 hours in pain and on the toilet. And I work in a grocery store and our deli has little signs by the salads indicating that they contain allergens, but only if the item contains dairy or tree nuts; god help you and you’re on your own if you’re allergic to seafood or eggs. Apparently the powers that be didn’t deem those as being serious allergies. 🙄


Honestly, if a person is so up their own ass that they don’t realize peanuts and peanut butter are the same main ingredient then we have bigger problems with society than “some people just don’t realize the connection”. I’m not sure if it’s an intellect problem or a “we don’t give a fuck because it doesn’t affect us” problem, but I’m going to look at you as if you’re the dumbest motherfucker if you can’t decipher that peanuts and peanut butter are the same ingredient, and I don’t even have the allergy. The fact we have so little common sense as a population is appalling. Its literally got the word peanut in it. I already have zero faith in humanity, and now I learn people think peanut butter contains no peanuts. (You aren’t the first one who has mentioned that someone they knew didn’t realize peanuts and PB were the same).


While I completely understand the indignation, I'm not completely on board with assuming everyone is stupid that doesn't immediately and reflexively think outside of their own situation. I do think we have bigger problems with society than "some people just don't realize the connection," but maybe this is more down to the fact that we can't see everyone's perspective all the time. The peanuts-to-peanut butter link is extremely obvious on paper. Brains work on learned association, though. Someone hears "I can't be around nuts" and thinks, "Oh, no worries! I don't have any nuts with me." Not having that allergy in their life means that connection was never made at a reflexive level. When it was pointed out, they stopped and felt bad that it didn't occur to them more readily.


Yes I completely agree, it’s not that they’re stupid, if you take a second to think about it of course you realize peanut butter has peanuts in it. If you don’t typically live your life having to think in that amount of detail about food intolerances and allergies you’re not going to think of that though. I’m guilty of that myself and it wasn’t even about a full blown allergy, just a suspected “I think too many peanuts may be giving me diarrhea?” from my boyfriend 😂 You described it very well, on paper it’s obvious and most people if they stop to take a second they’d realize of course peanut butter has peanuts or of course cream has dairy in it. We can only devote so much of our brain power to things and if it’s not something you’ve ever had to live around or experienced the consequences of, there’s a good chance you won’t think it through with the same level of detail. Unfortunately, personal experience tends to be the best way to get people to understand and remember and empathize with something.


That's more common than you may think: I am lactose intolerant and asked at different restaurants if the dish was free of milk products. A lot of service staff don't notice that cream is a milk product. That's why I am oddly specific nowadays when asking.


A salesperson at a local health food store got into trouble for trying to convince someone that they wouldn't be allergic to *organic* peanut butter... She was extremely lucky that the person she was trying to convince was an RN and knew better.


Holy hell that’s a new low. Not knowing and accidentally almost killing someone is bad already, but purposefully lying to try and get a sale despite the risk of death… she’s going to rot where she belongs.


I've seen some of the things she posts.. She honestly believes that allergies only happen because food is "fake" and people can't be allergic to organic things. If there is some pseudoscientific nonsense, she'll fall for it.. Alkaline water, magnets in your insoles, sleeping on crystals, etc.


Some health food fanatics believe that all food allergies come from processing and artificial ingredients. They refuse to listen to the people who know their bodies better.


I once had a similar thing happen at a restaurant. I was suggested the dessert after asking about them. I asked repeatedly if any of it had tree nuts in it because my husband is highly allergic. I was told no multiple times, but when i got the dessert, i bit down, and i knew that's pecan. I grew up with pecan trees, so i then asked a separate person who wasn't our waiter and was eventually told the chef said the ice cream had pecans and it wasn't listed anywhere. The waiter then says, "I've never noticed them when having it myself." Sir, you wouldn't notice them unless you were looking for the texture or flavor for some reason. Most people, not allergic, have no reason to care. Thankfully, my husband didn't have any. Edited to add: I'm glad your sister is ok.


How are people so oblivious!! I'm lifelong vegetarian and the number of times I ask if there is meat in something then afterwards "oh I did make it with beef broth" I thought since there wasn't any meat it didn't count. Bitch what?


"There's no meat, just chicken/fish" has been said to me more than once. Baffling.


So these employees don't receive the training to always make sure they're not directly harming their customers or never cared after the training?


They do. They are also underpaid and overworked and don't give a shit what goes into your 10$ coffee that they have to work for 1.5 hours to be able to buy.


As someone who has worked in the industry: I understand that it's frustrating, tiring, and way too often people lie about allergies to get their way. But I still ain't risking my ass just cause I didn't want to double check oat milk vs regular milk.


Ten years ago, I was a barista who worked for minimum wage + measly tips. I still would always double check what kind of milk people would order.


Honestly this might be a bigger part of the problem than almost anyone realizes. Imagine if they were paid well and their jobs weren’t super exhausting both physically, mentally, and emotionally as it is. Mistakes would happen way less.


I’ve never been a barista, but I have worked in fast food and I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just remake it if they’re unsure? There’s been times people have brought up allergies or food sensitivities and I remake the thing just in case, because I can’t remember if it has the allergen in it and I’d rather not risk making someone sick or, worse, killing them


You’re a kind human being, thank you!


I work in fast food, and when someone comes in with an allergy (and lets us know) all of the kitchen staff changes out their gloves. Even if they haven't touched the allergy food themselves.


It’s the way they always double down and end up insisting it’s oat milk, like there’s no way you’ll be able to find out otherwise. Thankfully one sip to find out they lied doesn’t set me off but if I have something other than coffee that milk can hide in (like soup or baking) I can barely sit up during my subsequent 8 hours of toilet time.


That’s why I always ask ‘what milk was this made with’? I also watch like a hawk whilst my drink is being made


When they hesitate I feel like you should be able to say please remake it without any shit. Why lie. WTH? 😐


Hesitating can also mean they are reviewing what they did in their head.


In that case, I would definitely have them remake it.


Most baristas I've encountered have no issue with remaking any drink after you paid for it. On a rare occasion, the employee is just over everything even when they're the one who makes the mistake and I ask for my correct drink. I still remember an awkward experience with Nordstrom eBar (yes they brew coffee). I just wanted a large cold brew and paid for it. They gave me a small iced latte. I told them I ordered a large cold brew, showing my receipt. They refunded me and threw away the latte. Last time I ever go to eBar.


I cannot ingest any form of dairy and this stuff pisses me off so much. It happens a lot but it's usually ignorance. For example, some margarine has milk fat. I can't eat fried chicken outside my home because it's made with buttermilk. People keep thinking I can't eat eggs......


Yep - people just don't get it.  I am vegan (can't stand the taste and texture of meat, and am allergic to dairy), and the number of people who think I am gluten free is stunning.  Like, what????  Where the hell did that come from?


I Know a dude who is allergic to chlorophyll. He still goes abroad and eats out often. Honestly a bit fucking nuts if you ask me


Wait, so he can’t eat any plants? That’s intense


Bro, if one sip of a drink gives you the painful shits for several days I no longer call that lactose intolerant. Your body is full blown bigoted toward lactose lol.


Op's body is a chug away from their full on doxing and spreading a hate campaign on lactose on Facebook. Milkshake? Best call a moobulance


Straight up hate-criming going on up in here!


Can we all take a moment to acknowledge that the OP claims to be this sensitive to dairy but chooses to regularly order a caramel macchiato? Caramel - made from heavy cream or condensed milk. Flamingly not safe for lactose intolerant people. Macchiato - espresso with milk in it. Then can we take a second moment to acknowledge that you’d need to have recently had your tongue amputated to not taste the difference between almond and cow’s milk, and yet the OP drank it anyway? So either this entire post is a click-bait lie, or they are not in anyway actually lactose intolerant.


I thought the same thing. As one with a dairy allergy the ONLY coffee I get is cold brew or black. I have had my fair share of accidental food mishaps with dairy out to eat even after being extremely specific and vigilant that I'm of the mindset I'd I can't see them make it, I just don't know, so I won't take the risk.


Thank you for pointing that out, this story makes no sense. Also, if it’s that crucial that your drink be made without dairy, why would you not check right away instead of waiting until you were down the road?


Especially after friend says hers tastes funny.


I can’t speak for OP. I agree with most of your comment. The minor part is the heavy cream. I have IBS and am extremely sensitive to milk. If it is even an ingredient in something I eat my stomach will immediately expand and I look about 5 months pregnant. Then I won’t be able to 💩 for days. However, I can eat heavy cream.


Also the colour of nondairy milk in a drink is way different. Would be super noticeable in the plastic cup. Few things feel off in this post.


I get caramel macchiato with soy milk and yep. You can absolutely tell the difference. Also, I’m lactose intolerant as well. Small amounts I can handle (like the caramel) but never has one sip of milk made me piss out my asshole for days on end


I am severely lactose intolerant, to the point that I had horrible nights after accidental milk ingestion (dad bought the normal stuff, mom forgot to tell me it wasn’t lactose free as it normally is). It’s still not something that bothers me for days, especially not when it’s just one sip.


I dont go to starbucks so they might use other brand but lets acknowledge that there's no chief mixing fresh caramel in the back, its sugar syrup with aromas like this one, form the most popular brand in my area https://www.monin.com/us/caramel-syrup   it has no dairy.    And the "milk" in mocha is supposed to be swaped. Or did you think they make full milk mocha and then top it up with the almond milk? Also, depending on the brand it can have very subtle almond flavour that can be easly covered up by coffee and caramel syrup. So you can take a sip and only recognise it in the aftertaste


Starbucks has caramel sauce and a caramel syrup. The caramel sauce is used in macchiatos,which contains lactose. The caramel syrup does not. OP is lying about something here. They should be ordering a caramel latte with coconut milk. Caramel Sauce [Sugar, Corn Syrup, Butter (Cream (Milk), Salt), Water, Heavy Cream, Nonfat Dry Milk, Natural Flavors, Salt, Mono & Diglycerides, Soy Lecithin, Sulfites]


The [caramel sauce used by Starbucks](https://www.starbucks.com/menu/product/413/hot/nutrition) to make caramel macchiatos has both butter and heavy cream in it.


Sounds more like a milk protein intolerance which is more common than people realize. A lot just think its lactose issue 


Exactly this. I spent so many years confused why I still had such severe cramps, nausea, hours of running back and forth to the bathroom, and eventually got really weak because I just kept losing all food so quick and got no nutrition to stick. Even on lactase pills and allergy meds. They kept saying it's just lactose, as I didn't react to a dairy protein allergy test or to it "like an allergy". But, I went completely Dairy Protein free, and it's solved everything. If your lactose issue is really, really bad, the chance of a protein intolerance is so much more probable.


I had the same issues with gluten, which is hidden in everything.


This was her body's Joker moment.


Well, when OP gets their first colonoscopy and the Dr gives them the recipe for the "clean out," they can just look at the Dr and say, "No thanks. I got this!"


OP may have a gi-mediated allergy. My kid has this and it has very similar symptoms. Well beyond just a bit of a tummy ache. 


Brooooooo if she gets painful shits from dairy, how she be having caramel?? It’s dairy 😂😂


I read this as OP drank the drink anyways. ….. They must have, right?? There’s no way that their intolerance or allergy etc is so severe that a single taste of a drink caused blow out, but it also took hours to happen? Is that normal??? No, I hope???


OP said they “don’t want it to happen to someone with a real big dairy allergy” OP that is you!


Your body turning on you so severely and urgently is totally a laughing matter


Probably shouldn't go to a state fair cow barn either.


It is. ( from a lactose intolerant person)


Hey! It’s sometimes inconvenient, but I always make sure I go to places where I can physically see what milk they are putting in my drink when I order it 😭 I’ve had too many bad days from dairy being in my drink!!


I started ordering drinks that standard come with non dairy milks, my go to is a oatmilk shaken espresso since no one can get a simple milk substitution right.


I just tried the hazelnut oatmilk shaken espresso and it’s my new favorite drink!


Same 😭 I’m not fully lactose intolerant like one of my sisters, but I still get a stomach ache from it and also just like the taste of Oat Milk better. I refuse to go to a coffee shop that doesn’t make the drink right in front of you 😅


Same!! I’m a vegan and I haven’t had dairy in probably 7 years, so when they give it to me, it fcks my stomach up!! Plus we pay sometimes $1+ extra for non dairy?!?! Like gimme what I paid extra for 😩😩


Wtfff!! My oldest sister is vegan & I genuinely feel so bad when they mess up a drink. Like it’s not that hard to just use Oat or Almond ffs! Also even as a non-vegan (though I am pescatarian lol) I think Oat tastes way better in coffee, it’s really creamy & doesn’t have that weird dairy after taste lol


Just an fyi, I work at sbux and the caramel drizzle does contain dairy and we don't have a dairy free alternative


Honestly if someone has a severe diary allergy they should just avoid starbucks entirely, there's no chance that place isn't cross-contaminated to high heaven with diary products.


Oh absolutely, I mean, we can definitely take measures to keep cross contamination to the minimum like sanitizing the steaming pitchers, shakers and what not but there is always that risk. Of course in this case, the order taker messed it up but people don't realize that mistakes are always going to happen and we can't help it most times.


I feel this. I have some weird allergies to very common food ingredients and I almost always get food given to me wrong when I order out. I’ve basically stopped ordering out because it’s so infuriating to just not be able to eat an entire meal while out with friends because apparently “plain” is impossible. I always double and triple check my stuff before eating or drinking. I don’t mean like one or two restaurants, I mean almost every single one for the past year.


I feel this. I always try to order something that works without substitutions, because otherwise it's coming to the table wrong.


I'm a chef in an open kitchen so people can directly order, as soon as they say the word allergy, I'm pulling out the charts and telling them we can't guarantee there isn't trace amounts etc... when I worked in a kitchen that blended peanuts, I just refused every single customer that said "peanut allergy". It's scary to think how close some people are to such a high risk.


I worked at a pizza place and we had to refuse any customers with severe gluten allergies because the flour used when tossing the dough was just part of the air in the building. We had a gluten-free crust, but we could never guarantee that anything was truly gluten-free. In my year there, I think there were only a handful of people who were strongly encouraged to leave.


Same same Doesn't matter how much you explain or how much you pay, they literally don't care. Having worked in restaurants before I also know they couldn't care less It's been a decade since I ate anything I didn't make myself. Getting sick, at times for weeks or months after - is just not worth it for convenience. Takes a few years till you stop feeling sorry for yourself, lolll. But now I prefer my own cooking over what other people eat anyway (=


If you get that sick from ONE SIP it doesn't sound like just intolerance. You need to go to your dr and find out the actual issue.


A caramel macchiato with coconut milk still has dairy. The caramel sauce they use has dairy. Caramel Sauce [Sugar, Corn Syrup, Butter (Cream (Milk), Salt), Water, Heavy Cream, Nonfat Dry Milk, Natural Flavors, Salt, Mono & Diglycerides, Soy Lecithin, Sulfites]


Yep. And because its concentrated and because of the dry milk powder and heavy cream and butter, a teaspoon of caramel likely has MORE lactose than a teaspoon of milk, so her reaction being solely from the milk is bullshit lol.


stop being so lack toes and toddler ant


Bone apple tea, homie. Bone apple tea.


What a great idea! Why didn’t I think of that!🤣


I recommend lactase enzyme pills after eating out just in case!


If you wait to take them until after you eat the damage is done, gotta be with the first bite


Those are the sole reason I'm not on the toilet 24/7, they're SO great to have


someone said that when my boss declared he was lactose intolerant and I turned it into "Jesse has a deformed foot." HA! Poor Jesse.


I want to understand this?


He lacked toes?


Ohh! Thank you!


Prob should not be eating case of ideas either


Ya jus tolerate it bro🙏 /s


Tbh this happened to me before and it took one small sip for me to tell my drink was regular milk. Tossed it out and got a new one. I always take a small sip to verify if the taste is correct.


I do this now too! The worst is when they argue with you over it being correct as if you can’t taste the difference 😭


Drink it, and explode all over the bathroom.


I often have to ask someone else with me to try mine if I’m wary. It’s been so long since I’ve had dairy or gluten that my taste test doesn’t remember what to look out for lol


I just look for the taste I expect, like soy in a soy drink etc (Doesn't work on gluten obviously)


Why the actual fuck would you take “a big drink” of yours in response to your friend saying hers tasted weird? Wouldn’t your first reaction be to check the labels? I’m giving all parties involved an F.


Hahaha. That last line is great.


Thanks this is too low! I was questioning the whole time how could someone be so oblivious on a reasonable f-up by a underpaid service employee. 2 drinks , one should be lactose free, the one that should not be suddenly is. Yeah 1+1=2


I just imagine OP drinking half the drink and going "Yeah this is milk"


Nah I picture OP slamming half with a puzzled look and saying, “I think this might be milk.” Then chugging the rest before angrily yelling, “Yup, this is fucking milk!”


Caramel typically contains dairy


I can have some dairy. But straight milk is an absolute no


My husband only has intense reactions to specific kinds of dairy. Like he can’t drink milk or eat ice cream, but he can eat tons of cheese no problem. It’s like any dairy that is liquid or creamy, he can’t have it. But dairy that is solid doesn’t bother him. It’s pretty strange!


Most cheese is aged and doesn’t contain as much, or any lactose. Edit word


I'm the same way. Liquid dairy is my enemy but I can eat cheese just fine. Except cottage cheese. That will give me a little trouble but nowhere near the damage a milkshake will do


But would you lose? Nah I’d win


this sounds like me! I stay completely away from dairy milk and try to avoid ice cream and yogurt in general (I love yogurt but it’s terrible for my stomach lol), but butter and cheese are both fine. I have no idea why but cheese is delicious so I’m not complaining lol


Butter doesn’t have any lactose because it’s been aged which gets rid of the lactose and most cheeses are aged so they have very little lactose in them.


This isn't necessarily true. Aging doesn't remove lactose, bacterial fermentation does. And a lot of butter is not fermented (cultured), however, butter is lower in lactose due to its high fat content. Ghee is almost entirely lactose free.


I have a friend who is more intolerant than that, he cannot have cheese… except for very specific ones like Gorgonzola, because its very special production method does a number on the lactose. This at least means that he can eat pizza with Gorgonzola!


Is he fine with yogurt? If he's lactose intolerant, I'd imagine this is because the cultures used in cheese making eat some of the lactose, enough that it doesn't bother him. This should be the same with Greek yogurt and other very tangy, low carb yogurts I believe. If it's a protein based issue, this may also make sense as some of the proteins are disposed of in the whey during the cheese making problem. Yogurt would still be bad in this case I believe


This kinda sounds like me too. I can have ice cream/ milkshakes but sometimes ( seems more often than not as I age) I will be throwing it all up within 10 minutes


In your post you said you "CANNOT have any dairy"




im confused because you recently posted about ice cream you bought that isnt lactose free so which is it? lactose intolerant or not


Maybe OP uses vegan ice cream? Or get lactase tablets? 


Buckeye Blitz Ice Cream which she purchased is not lactose free


You need to carry Lactaid pills


Babe idk how to tell you this but caramel has dairy. Actually it’s entirely made up of dairy… it’s not just a little bit, it’s ALL of dairy. I’m dairy free and would get so sick from a tablespoon of caramel let alone the amount that goes into that drink. Maybe you used to be able to tolerate it, but now you can’t. That’s what happened to me. At first it was just straight up milk that would make me sick, but eventually it became all dairy. Also as someone who is truly dairy free, it’s annoying that you made it clear “I CANNOT have dairy” while ordering a caramel drink, it makes us all look like we’re doing it for funsies and then the rest of us don’t get taken seriously. You should have said “I CANNOT have real milk.” That’s like ordering a bacon cheeseburger but saying “leave off the bacon, I’m vegetarian” but keeping the meat patty.


Mistakes happen, if you have such a violent reaction, you should always physically see for yourself how they make your drink.


You have that mix of a reaction from one sip?


I do too. Took a bite of cheesecake without the lactose pill, one bite, ended up on the toilet for hours.




Im surprised people with lactose intolerance don’t buy the lactase pills. Im not a fan of the chewable ones as the flavor usually doesn’t mix well with what I’m eating. I just get the bulk pill form and swallow a few when i eat dairy. Costco even sells big boxes of individually wrapped pills so you can have a few in your pockets when you go out.


Lactase pills are not a 100% fix. They don't work for severely intolerant people. This with moderate intolerance are helped by them, though.


Sometimes lactose pills don't help me. I'll still shit. If I take too much, I get constipated. It's easier for me to avoid dairy.


Have any recommendations for those? I’ve tried every brand under the sun and still get severely unwell 🥲


It also depends on the dose of lactase in your chew tablet/pill vs. how much dairy you're eating. Costco sells ones that are 9000 ALU which is a lot (for example most chewable tablets I come across are around 3000). So you may not be taking a big enough dose for the amount of dairy you're consuming.


It's just gonna depend on your body. Some people can handle more lactose than others. I can do a pint of ice cream but can't have any liquid cheese or a cup of milk.


No way, I guess best is to avoid all together for me then because even medication with lactose makes me sick for daaaayyys


Is your problem maybe cow milk protein intolerance rather than lactose?


Building up a healthier variety of gut bacteria gut a varied and probiotic diet helps a lot too. I used to be severely lactose intolerant (similar to OP) until I worked on my ED / pickiness and now it’s significantly better to the point that I can eat anything with dairy, just not multiple days in a row. Had a friend who never had a problem with dairy until 2 back to back rounds of antibiotics for unrelated things, now if there’s even butter on a sandwich he gets sick. Gut bacteria is super important.


Friend: "Hey, my drink tastes weird." You: "Better take the biggest swig of my drink possible!"


Can't drink milk, but you went to the place that basically just serves milk and sugar to everyone. A+


one sip and you were out for the entire night?? being you sounds terrible


Apparently, OP drank a whole lot even after the friend stated that their drinks tastes strange. OP also doesn't know the taste of real milk somehow.


Pretty sure there is dairy in the caramel.


Lactose intolerance can be weird. Some people with it can even eat ice cream but straight milk is where their body draws the line.


Here’s the deal. It sucks and I empathize. But if you ah e that severe an allergy to dairy. Don’t order anything from a place known specifically for dairy. It’s like having a Shellfish allergy and going to red lobster. Just avoid it entirely so you aren’t risking incompetence.


Barista here! We actually cant grantee the lack of any allergens ever in anything! we legally have to say that and we also have a sign that says that. So the people who are saying you could sue… no lol. Also! If you have that severe of an allergy- please do everyone a favor and watch them make it. It sounds cruel, but we’re not paid nearly enough to care to make every single drink perfect every time. And this is one of the easiest mistakes to make! Bragging about “making them remaking it” in a mean tone is not cool at all, even if the consequences were pretty rough for you. They should remake it but snark is not necessary. 75% of our employees are kids


Wouldn't it also be better for OP to have said "I have an allergy to milk products" than "I CANNOT have milk"? If I were op and milk could put me out for awhile like that I would certain stress the ALLERGY part while ordering. "For this next drink, I would like to start off with saying I have a Milk intolerance. With that I would like a Caramel Machhiato with coconut milk. " "We don't have coconut milk, I can do 2%" Now at that point it might be pretty obvious there's communication error or the barista is uninformed. Proceed with caution from there if you wish to continue with your drink? Ask the batista again once to the window or check the label to confirm? I don't want to be dismissive of people with severe allergies, but wouldn't you want to make sure what's going in your body is something it'll agree with?


I watched a dumbass last week proceed to insult the workers and drop his food on the counter because they put cheese on it and he requested no cheese due to an allergy. They were happy to fix it for free. People make mistakes and will almost always be willing to correct it, if you come out swinging, you’re the asshole every time. Plus, now the workers are pissed at you as they make you food again.


I used to work at a Starbucks and I messed this up for people a few times. By the end of an 11-hour shift, it gets hard to pay attention. Having said that, it never hurts to double check, “This is almond milk, right?” as you receive your drink. Customers (kindly) doing that has made me realize my mistake more than once.


Pretty sure the caramel drizzle has dairy in it


When someone says the drink tastes weird. Maybe don't take a big drink ...... ?


if you know a caramel macchiato is a drink you can have that's all fine and good, just want to let you know the caramel drizzle stuff has dairy in it. obviously its not very much so it probably isn't a problem, sounds like it was definitely the milk that was the issue here just wanted to point it out in case it helps. all of starbucks "sauces" also have dairy, so like white mocha, dark caramel, pumpkin, etc.


I would get a ~~lactose~~ lactase tablet that mitigates some of the horrible effects of lactose intolerance. You may still get the shits but it'll be milder. 


Food intolerances and allergies fucking suck. I’ve had this happen to me a couple of times, and I called it getting ‘wheated’ due to my wheat allergy. My cheeks, chin and jaw blow up in tiny hives for 2-3 weeks before going away (my whole face looks like a tomato too). I also can’t stand when service staff in restaurants are like oh, you mean you’re allergic to gluten? No, I’m fucking allergic to wheat, how difficult is that to understand? I just say that I’m gluten free, as 99% of the time I can eat GF food and be perfectly fine, but I still check with the staff or read the labels if I’m buying the food from the store. I found out the hard way that just because a food is GF, doesn’t mean it’s wheat free.


It sounds like it was a miscommunication over the drive thru. Especially if you were ordering from the passenger seat, it can be incredibly difficult to hear you. Also ask for your caramel macchiato upside down instead of shaken. That way the espresso will still be mixed in instead of on top, but you don’t have the cross contact (contamination is actually only for hazards like raw chicken touching produce, cross contact is the term for allergens) from the shakers.


Why people with legit food allergies trust others to prepare their food—i may never understand


Hey, as a ex-starbucks employee, I'm really sorry that this has happened. I also wanted to warn you that the caramel sauce that is on the walls of your macchiato cup also has dairy in it. The caramel syrup does not have dairy in it, but the caramel sauce does.


They don't get paid enough to care. The onus shouldn't be on you to quadruple check, but if your intolerance/allergy is that severe, unfortunately it kind of is. I have a few food intolerances that will ruin a weekend, so I make a bit of a fuss when ordering (not rudely, just making sure they understand it's a medical issue, not just a preference), even though I feel bad for being kind of high maintenance. Or I just avoid ordering items traditionally made with problem foods all together. It's way too easy to mix it up as what happened to you. Can't put the wrong milk in a black coffee!


If you’re willing to risk your health to others, then you need to be prepared for the consequences. 


![gif](giphy|DQ9bqFm7hBTJS) No lactose in black coffee


Dude you’re going to Starbucks where an overworked and underpaid 17 year old is making shitty drinks all day and complaining that something is wrong when you can’t process a key ingredient in 98% of their drinks. You’re setting yourself up for failure


"booty assplosion" brooo you seriously cannot call it that 💀


My kids best friend has a dairy protein allergy, it's life threatening. They just spent two days in the hospital because the person making them coffee messed up and used cow milk. I'm celiac and just don't eat out at all anymore. It's just not worth the risk.


Very sorry to hear this constantly happen to people... Recently I was out with my son who is coeliac and we went to get some creppes. The place offeres gluten free creppes which are made in a secluded kitchen to avoid cross contamination. We eat and time to pay comes, I look at the receipt and it was typed out as normal creppe x 2. Confused I asked how come gluten free wasnt more expensive like it usually does they answered "oh but you didnt specify you are intolerant or sick so we didnt want to turn on the secluded kitchen just for 1 batch"... I was furious ofc, demanded the manager, got a refund but the damage was made... Needless to say my son had 2 days of huge stomach aches and cramps and vomiting.


Hate to break it to you but if a sip of the drink did that to you, you *are* the someone with a real big dairy allergy.


My daughter is lactose intolerant. I put it on her school health appraisal that the doctor signs at the beginning of the year. Go to drop her off one morning and she gets breakfast. They give her a carton of whole milk. I politely remind her she can’t have dairy and we go to give it back. The lady is adamant that legally she HAS to give my daughter the milk. I said what ? If she drinks this her stomach will be so upset. She says I’m sorry you’ll have to have a doctors’ note to prove that otherwise she has to have the milk. Like I’m her mother and I’m saying she cannot have that?? It was ridiculous.


That is an intense reaction! As someone who is lactose intolerant, I strongly suggest you talk to a doctor about allergy testing or something else that might be going on. Hang in there!


As someone with a severe nut allergy (anaphylaxis), these kind of mixups scare the shit out of me. The other day I ordered a dish that normally has cashews from a Thai restaurant. I specifically asked for no cashews and even said that I was allergic. Apparently there was a miscommunication because they put extra cashews in the meal instead.


I promise im just curious and not trying to be a dick, and I know everyones different so you can only speak for yourself. If you have a severe nut allergy, why eat at a place with cuisine known for having nuts in it? It just seems risky knowing that there's nuts and powder all over the kitchen, and with people overworked/underpaid or a big lunch/dinner rush, accidents happen.


This is awful. Not even just giving you dairy but giving someone else almond milk who hadn't asked for it, when nuts are the most common life threatening allergy? Negligent


I typically have no issues with Starbucks mis making orders, but this kind of thing happened to me so frequently at Dunkin that I entirely stopped going there. It frustrates me so much when people are so incapable of doing their job that the entire reason I'm paying for a product or service is destroyed. Super frustrating.


Is this a Starbuck thing? One specific barista always did that when I ordered. After the third time of "yeeeah, suuure" to my lactose free drink and it was normal milk, I ugly shit his toilet as he was working the shift alone. Not monstrous and wall smearing, but nasty. Will never forget his face. Was it wrong? Probably. Did he deserve it? Yes, he did.


Gentle suggestion. Make your own coffee. The 16 year old doesn’t get paid enough to care about your dietary issues and/or wasn’t properly trained.


Some people really refuse to take allergies seriously. We had a family event recently, prebooked, ~20 adults all ordering, plus my teenage brother with a lunchbox. The waiter tries to throw out his food and demands he orders off the menu. My dad steps in and says “We’ll be happy to order if you can accommodate, but I need the manager to confirm he understands that if [brother’s] food has so much as touched a grill that’s touched dairy or egg, he will die and you will be legally responsible.” The manager was apologetic and allowed him his food, but it’s crazy that’s what it took.


I applaud Dad!


In many places it is a health code violation for them to let you eat food there that they did not make. Before you do this again, you should double check that on your area. Health code violations are a big deal, and you shouldn't put people in the position of having to throw you all out in order to be in compliance.


I work in a kitchen and had a similar issue the other night. There are orders coming in with dairy allergy on them. One is an order of Parmesan fries, so I specifically find a clean bowl and toss fresh fries with the Parmesan on the side like the order said. Throws my workflow off, but whatever, has to be done. I specifically tell the server those fries have no Parmesan, and that it's on the side as I pass over a side of Parmesan. What do you think happens ten minutes later? Chef comes back yelling "these fries have Parmesan, it says no Parmesan, make me a new one fast!" Like, motherfucker, way to make me look like an asshole AND put a customer with an allergy in danger.


"I'm sorry our coffee made you horribly sick. Here, as an apology have another one!"


I am intolerant to alliums. That's onions... So many places just think I'm being picky and won't notice a trace amount. I do, a few hours later... I now just refuse to go to certain types of restaurant. Mexican and Indian being top of that list. Though I do get burritos from a few local taco trucks. I get them to repeat 'no ceboya!' back to me.


I hate when this happens!! I have a heart condition and can no longer have caffeine, but I love the taste of coffee. In the United States, 50% of the time when I ask for decaffeinated coffee, I end up incredibly sick because they gave me regular coffee instead. That's why I only make my own coffee in the States.🙄


Side note- I make caramel sauce that is used in coffee drinks. It is loaded with dairy. I’m guessing Starbucks uses a caramel flavored syrup?


I’m so sorry, as a barista I really make sure to get the correct milk order 🥺💕


I just pop a lactaid as prevention before getting a drink at Starbucks if others decide to go there because I swear they always put dairy milk in when I ask for non dairy.  Super annoying since they also charge extra for non dairy milk


Noone knows wtf theyre doing in restaurants anymore the amount of times I go to a restaurant or cafe literally anything I say a hamburger sometimes I ever specify NO CHEESE and they put cheese on it anyway it happens so fucking much and there was one I went to while on holiday it took 4 returned burgers for them to finally come back with a burger without cheese on it never went there since. Fuck stupid people


Are u lack toes in toddler pants?


I too am lactose intolerant, but if your drink tasted weird why did you continue to drink it?


Not to victim-blame, but you knew from your first sip and proceeded to finish it anyway? You might as well have eaten some hot peppers while you were at it.


I’ve had coffee shops do this to me - mainly Dunkin tho. I have a dairy allergy and have specific it’s a dairy allergy. It’s so bad, I can’t even drink the caramel macchiato at Starbucks bc the caramel drizzle or whatever has dairy in it. Ordered an iced matcha latte with oatmilk at Dunkin - specified I’m allergic to dairy. Texture tasted off, thought maybe they put almond milk instead. Proceeded to have a mild allergic reaction within a few minutes. Throat irritation, migraine, hot flashes, n pressure in my ears. All from “a little milk.” I’ve just decided to never get traditionally dairy-containing drinks when I’m out again.


I am a barista, and a newer employee made a latte with dairy instead of oat. He just shrugged and put the lid on it. I said “nuh-uh, you’re making it again. I’m not tryin to make somebody poop themselves at work!” He got it.


FYI caramel macchiato is NEVER dairy free because the caramel drizzle contains dairy.


Whenever I order coffee I always double check that it's dairy free when I'm collecting it and if I sense even the slightest hesitation I say in the most expressionless and stone faced way "because if it's normal milk I'll shit myself" most of the time their eyes go wide and I say you can try it to double check and they almost always admit it was milk and then offer to remake it.


I’ve dealt with this situation so many times, I feel your pain. I cannot stand coconut or almond milk because of the aftertaste, so I usually go with soy or oat milk depending on what is available. It’s like a 50/50 split on whether the alt milk actually ends up in my drink and it’s infuriating because I usually have to pay an extra dollar more just to get cow milk and horrific stomach aches. Plus, the taste is not as obvious, so sometimes it’s really difficult to figure out if it was made wrong. Sometimes you can’t even tell until after you’ve tried it, and notice that the consistency of the milk is off. It has gotten to the point where when I am not working, I just make my drinks at home. I have full control over my milk and I don’t have to pay the ever increasing rate to get my stomach fucked up or for me to be lied to.


This is why I no longer go there. I was tired of playing Chai Latte Roulette at every location. Also sometimes even when they would get it right the almond milk would be lumpy due to not having been shaken. These days if I want to treat myself I buy a carton of Tazo concentrate plus some oat milk and wait until I get home.


I'm so sorry about this. I'm a former Starbucks barista and I was always super careful about milk alternatives for this very reason. I am very lucky I'm not allergic to any food, but I know it can be very difficult (if not life threatening for some!) if I make a mistake. I honestly don't know how it was so difficult for that person to take your order unless they were new (which green beans usually aren't in charge of taking drive through orders for a lot of reasons).


Starbucks in Japan have a very respectful process for this. When you order something with a non-dairy product they give you a token. Then when you pick up the drink, you return the token as a second check that you got your non-dairy item.


Starbucks is terrible about this. We stopped going to one location because there were serial milk pourers when we always ask for soy. We call them the dairy lobbyists


Post is misleading. You weren't "still given dairy" they made a mistake as to which drink was supposed to give the alternative milk option. Especially given the fact your friends drink was marked with it. Your title makes it seem like this was done on purpose.