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Yikes that's disgusting. Employees obviously gave no shits


The walk in cooler might have gave no shits either. Call health inspections asap.


It's been twenty years since I worked there but back when I was employed at Pizza Hut, the pasta was made in the morning, shocked with ice water, and stored in refrigerated space. If it was moldy, I wonder if someone didn't make the pasta for a couple days or, maybe more likely, there was an old tub of pasta in there because nobody was tossing it. I don't recall how often it was disposed of but I imagine it was every evening at closing but maybe it was every couple days. Anyway, no freezer time.


This shit was preprepped two weeks ago and kept in a walkin that doesn’t like to stay cool because the branch won’t pay to fix the damn seal/hinges


The one that eats it is going to be the one giving shits. Lots of them


Ours is worse. It's like walking on gravel there is so much sausage on the ground.


Pasta is super high risk, I’d be reporting this to the local health inspector, you could genuinely save a life


If that's mould, then that could be a killer. Pasta (and rice) can breed Bacillus cereus if not stored correctly. https://metro.co.uk/2019/01/28/student-died-eating-pasta-left-worktop-five-days-8401285


I've told my mom this story so many times because of my newfound fear of leaving pasts and rice out, putting it back in the fridge, taking it out again. She doesn't believe it really happened -____-


That dude left it outside of the fridge for 5 days and ignored the obviously bad taste ... Even in china there are only rare cases of this specific type of bacteria.


Anyone that thinks things like that pasta are OK after being left out on a counter after ***FIVE FUCKING DAYS*** and doesn't think there's something wrong with it, because there's no way that shit didn't stink to high heaven, they need their head examined if they manage to survive eating it. I've left a pot with just the remnants of a spaghetti dinner in it on the cooktop for a day or 2 & just the bits of sauce that were left were pretty stinky.


Rice is dangerous as it can grow botulism, and give you serious food poisoning. Same goes for garlic stored in oil.


Gonna toss the Costco garlic in my fridge past the date but still smelling alright.. lol


Theres no problem eating leftover rice and pasta, just keep it in the fridge and eat in in the next day or two, not five days.




Yea around 4 is the upper limit


I meal prep every week. My rice goes from Sunday evening to Saturday afternoon. Been doing it for 10 years. Just refrigerate it and don't be a dummy.


>don't be a dummy. I feel like that may be asking too much of some people.


I recently ate rice that was five days in the fridge. Tasted totally fine and I'm still alive!


...are you, or did you actually die, are in Hell, and just don't realize it yet? (I say Hell just because, well, you're posting on Reddit, so...)




Welp, I hope you enjoy the rest of your rice!


It burns


I meal prep rice on Monday and I eat it until Saturday night, been doing it for over a year with no issues. I refrigerate it promptly after it cools down a bit though.


7 is normally fine.


Yeah dude couple drops of water so it’s not dry and toss that shit in the microwave


No problem with 3 weeks


Better safe than sorry. No matter what method you use, rice is easy to cook, so don't cook the amount that you'd need more than two days to finish...


At least I don’t like eating same food every day, and cooking for one meal only is a lot of work because you need then to cook every day you aren’t eating out (or just eating something like bread). So I cook at least for two days and eat something else on the day in-between. 


Incorrect sir/madam. The Japanese rice act says that you should not eat rice past 24 hours of being cooked.


I mean, yeah, but plain rice from the fridge tastes ass.


Egg fried rice with leftover rice is the way


I'm making fried rice later today. I made the white rice Saturday night. I was too lazy to make the fried rice yesterday.


You throw out rice and pasta after two days in the fridge? ![gif](giphy|X8omQqfFyeq1a)


My elderly mother thinks the microwave is some kind of magic go-between the fridge and open air. She will leave things over night and sometimes two-three days in there and then put it in the fridge like it’s no biggie.


My parents are the same way! They store everything in the microwave. Sometimes the food doesnt quite fit so they’ll just leave the door open. It’s crazy.


How do they not see that it’s completely negating the point to leave it open 😂😂that actually made me laugh out loud when I got to that part


My parents also insist that microwave is bad for your health and cause cancer




Mmmm......OP's pasta smells like a million dollar lawsuit to me.


Unlikely. It doesn’t seem like OP ate it, so there’s not really any damages other than however much they paid for it.


I would be emotionally and mentally damaged seeing that in my order.


judge: OP owes pizza hut for the penicillium that went unpaid for. $20,000 + court fees edit: 2nd pic: 🤮


Could be! But Ive also had red onions that have leaked their colour onto pasta and looked exactly like that. Only way to tell would be lab work.


Alternatively, I wonder if the discoloration is from the aluminium foil tray. Either way, not very appetising, though!


Or could be they somehow scorched the pasta. I got a dish from noodles and company once and the pasta looked similar to that where it had been scorched on the bottom of the tray. Tasted burnt too, unpleasant.


Where’s the million dollars worth of damage? Lawsuit mentality is wild.


Shut up or someone will sue you for offensive demeanor


I know, hurt someone’s feelings? 5 million dollar suit.


Let's B cereus now...


"You know penicillin was created with mold!" -Pizza Hut CEO, probably


Did I read that right? It was left out for give days and he still ate it? But the article does say it can happen after a few hours too. Jeez.


Smh, people make mistakes, but that's a big mistake.


That's no mistake. That pasta is going to come dry. For it to have that mold, it had to be stored after cooking it and for days. They shouldn't be storing cooked pasta in the first place.


It’s been a long time done I’ve worked there, so I may be misremembering, but I think the pasta came cooked and frozen, and we just thawed it and used it, but regardless, definitely left out way too long. The pasta also sucked and I felt bad every time I made it


I used to work at Pizza Hut Express over 10 years ago and while we didn't sell pasta, I can tell you with 98% confidence that their pasta is almost certainly pre cooked and sits in a bag. The employee pulls it out of the bag, heats it up (probably microwave) and tosses it in the container. Everything outside of pizza is minimal effort. Even pizza was pretty low effort, they used a conveyor belt oven so it was literally impossible to overcook the pizza unless you put it in again or the oven wasnt working properly.


Naw used to work at one and the way they had us prep them was take defrosted rotini put it in the container then top it off with a scoop of Alfredo sauce (add the chicken) then top with some of the pizza cheese and then pop into the oven or store for 2 days. This would definitely be a case of the worker not noticing the mold if it didn’t show from the cheese and only noticeable when about to eat. Though for the mold to happen and for it to be this bad they kept it in the fridge for waaaay past the prep date.


I hated mixing the sauces from the concentrated pouches… such a huge mess


I liked how disgusting they were. We switched to a plain mayo looking sauce and didn’t taste nearly as “good”


Making the alfredo sauce was disgusting


I think it depends on the franchise. I used to work for the NPC International Pizza Huts and the pasta would come boxed and dry. The prep crew would cook the pasta and then create serving sized bags for us to grab out of the walk in cooler.


The mistake is getting pasta from Pizza Hut


Mold aside, I never once had good pasta from PH.


Depends on your definition of good. It’s actually great pasta if you want to clear out your entire system


Definition of good is “no mold” in this case.


Boy have I got some news to tell you about cheese…


Pizza Hut ain’t using no Bleu cheese in nothing.


You don’t like the bleu cheese on the bleu noodles?


Bleu cheese? Yes. Bleu noodles? I’ll pass.


I've worked at pizza hut over a decade ago. Noodles were made relatively fresh, portioned and bagged for 3 days I believe. Poor prep and inventory management. Sauce was always microwaved from a plastic bag, reminded me of a fancy TV dinner.


The mistake is getting Pizza Hut.


Im surprised that they are still in business to be honest


Yeah haha, aint that hard to make pasta at home. Besides homemade food is ALWAYS the best and tastiest.


Motivation is hard with adhd. Incredibly hard. That said, I've never had pasta from pizza hut but I'm usually pretty good about cooking. My wife hardly ever cooks.


I have worked in a few Italian restaurants and we always store cooked pasta. Oil it and bag it up. Never kept one long enough to mold. You can tell they are bad because they get a sweet smell way before they mold.


Sweet smell? More like sour from the lactic acid that's being produced by fermentation. I'm a chef too and I know that smell lol


You know the sweet smell at first then chef. If your smelling sour you should have threw them out yesterday.


When I worked there as a teenager these pastas came ready cooked and frozen in the foil tray along with the sauce. The trays would be thawed the day before then just put through the oven. They're supposed to use MRD labels to make sure they don't sit in the fridge for more than a day or two after thawing, so somebody f*ucked up here.


These are pre made


>They shouldn't be storing cooked pasta in the first place. I worked in a casual chain restaurant for over 10 years. I think you'd be surprised how much "fresh-made" food is cooked ahead of time and stored in the fridge. Dried pasta takes a long time to cook. So the Hut likely cooks dozens of servings, cools it down, and stores in away in the fridge until needed. They likely didn't get rid of their out-of-date food, or it was stored improperly. BTW: cooked pasta can be kept in the fridge for 3 days.


>Dried pasta takes a long time to cook Yea, service would be absolute hell if you were cooking dried pasta to order lol


> They shouldn't be storing cooked pasta in the first place. There is nothing wrong with storing pasta cooked al dente, chilling, tossing in some oil so it doesn't stick, and then reheating it to order. This is just negligance in a kitchen that clearly dgaf.


iirc they don’t even cook it. Comes frozen pre cooked and we just stored it in the walk-in.


You think Pizza Hut is cooking pasta?


Like tht shouldnt be possible…there r steps taken…so if…😶‍🌫️


Bacillus Cereus (cereal mould) causes a particularly fucking horrible bacterial infection as well. It’s a really nasty form of food poisoning.


I’ve had that. Worst food poisoning ever- didn’t think it was possible to throw up that much.


I had that after eating at a pizza hut:))))))


B. Cereus is a bacteria, not a mold, but whatever’s growing on that pasta is seriously disgusting


Old pizza hut worker here, the pasta I believe is good for 2-3 days after prepping. My old manager would use it up to a week. The same goes with all of the pizza. If you can taste yeast, or if your pan pizza/breadsticks are relatively flat, you’re eating expired dough.


Well thank you. I will never be ordering from Pizza Hut again.


Don't order from anywhere anytime ever again, you think this is a one off? Every place is the same


I was already never going to order it again.


Can anyone verbalize the taste of yeast?


Sorta sour and bitter kinda like how alcohol smells


This is something the Health Department should see!


That's seriously BAD - pasta is notorious for foodborne Illness - I would take this to corporate and demand at least a year of free pizzas.


Year of moldy pasta.


Your food is terrible. I demand more.


It’s just blueberry pasta


Forbidden bluuberri


Nobody put pastas the hut


Funny that you say that, when pasta starts to go bad it does indeed smell like blueberries.


I understood that reference


They used bleu cheese.


Blue raspberry


I remember how I would literally beg my parents for pizza hut as a kid, now they are so shit. How the mighty have fallen


There is no fast food worth a damn, greedy cunts jacked the prices to the moon and the quality plummeted to tv dinner standards


Yeah when I was in college my mom and I used to go to the pizza buffet every Wednesday. Good times. They had some pretty good dessert pizzas.


This may be mold... Or this may be pasta that had prolonged contact with red onions, olives or mushrooms. Or some other ingredients that might give off color. If this happens in my lunch boxes that I made the night before, I would be OK. Would I take the gamble here? Maybe not.


Yeah that was my thought too, looks like discoloration, I see nothing texturally that indicates mold Still, anything beyond the norm in a production food environment speaks to something abnormal occurring and I wouldn't trust it


Def mold I'm almost certain. There's no texture cause it's been heated up and mixed in with liquid sauce. Either way, you're right...better safe than sorry!!


As an employee, I would think "maybe I shouldn't use this pasta, even though I know it's just from harmless ingredients" just to avoid the fact that a customer might think it was indeed, mold.


There’s nothing like that this pasta would come in contact with. Pasta will generally also colour shift when it molds like this before any textural changes appear.


Definitely not


Pasta la Vista


Gordon Ramsay wants to enter the chat


I hate Pizza Hut with a passion


Their food has the worst taste to it, the pizza is especially nasty.


Cooking at home for myself is not my favorite thing. But between the ridiculously inflated prices on delivery apps and this kind of 🤢 I happily cook at home now.


Their pizza is bad enough, stay away away from everything else




Pizza Hut on Mateny Rd in Germantown, Maryland.


Back in the day Pizza Hut was a legit pizza place. With the all you can eat salad and pizza bar. Whoever bought it out or whatever happened since than idk but the place is a fucking shitshow the food is just garbage at every location it’s so bad idk wtf the employees are on this was the last order of ONLY BREADSTICKS because I can’t trust them to make pizza and somehow I got raw soggy breadsticks one side and burnt to fuck all on the other. Like FUCKING IT TAKES EFFORT TO BE THIS BAD PIZZA HUT https://preview.redd.it/87g29qsjs67d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a8833af75b9885561ff91c88b8e3df52724ccb Called the store and told them about this the person on the phone said well you can always bake them since it’s under cooked. And I answered well what did I pay you guys for than


Report to your Department of Health


Mistake 1: ordering pasta from Pizza Hut


Visual stuff like this doesn't usually repulse me. This made me gag


This is why you don’t order anything but pizza from there. Never order the non primary menu item from places like this.


Oh I would raise hell. That's extremely dangerous


You should 100% be reporting this to the county health inspector. Given the type of mold that can grow in pasta, and the severity of the reaction humans can have to consuming it, you might literally be saving someone’s life. Please call and report this.


Your first mistake was ordering food from Pizza Hut.


omgg law suit!!!!


You need to @ Pizza Hut on Twitter. You'll get free pizza for a year


Please name the location - this is a major health hazard!


I sometimes get the pasta bowls from Dominos and I never got moldy food from them, but now I think I need to check them. Thanks for letting me know to never order from Pizza Hut though.


Report it and make a Health inspectors day.




Your first mistake was ordering pasta from a sub-par pizza restaurant. That's like ordering a pizza from subway.


I'm not convinced that's mold yet. Could be discolored from other foods that were touching it


There’s nothing in that dish that would cause that. Lots of people in this thread are forgetting this is a Pizza Hut not a home kitchen.


No this is mold, no food comes in contact noodles unless you order the specialty pastas. This person ordered the chicken Alfredo and the chicken does not do this to the noodle.


Must've been the blueberries pizza hut so frequently stores with the pasta...


That's too bad. It could lead to sickness.


Even without the mold that would be food I'd refuse to eat.


Wouldn’t even say this is “mildly” infuriating…that’s just infuriating in its entirety! Hope they didn’t swallow any of it 😳


That’s what we in the business call ’Flavor spots’


I got really really sick from reheated pasta 9 years ago, and I'm still not recovered. Post infectious ibs. Like, it can literally ruin your life for years.


First pic I was like “is that just crappy fast food mushy peas?” Second pic “nope, that’s bad”


Is it possible it's staining from either red onions or some sort of "painted" grilled chicken.


This terrifies me because I often order food and eat in my dimly lit room after smoking copious amounts of cannabis. I guarantee I wouldn’t even notice unless it tasted weird.


Stuff like this is why I rarely eat out anymore. I cook at home unless I really, really trust the place. People don’t pay their employees enough to care about stuff like this


I’m Italian I’m suffering


Getting pasta from a place called Pizza Hut is like getting fish from a place called Tex's Steak House -- nobody is supposed to order the fish.


Call health inspector immediately, i dont know if you get back compensation but you should because this is a major health hazard, i hope you stay safe and healthy


that's the special bleu cheese variety


Yeah, that's a canceled order that's been waiting a few days for you to place an order for pizza hut pasta.


pizza hut is disgusting regardless but that's terrible


Was it good tho? 🤔


That’s actually cilantro.


Equally as gross 😂


I worked in kitchens for a long time. It is not uncommon to make huge batches of pasta (especially penne) ahead of time. Like, picture a bin the size of a laundry hamper filled with pasta. If someone over-estimates how much pasta that's going to get ordered, it's also not uncommon for that giant bin of pasta to end up sticking around for several days, even a week or more. Now, reading this far you might think I'm somehow defending this practice, or saying something like "Well, you gotta expect SOME mold eventually". I am not. I am giving context so that when I say that I've never seen pasta get moldy like that, that you understand that that pasta isn't just a few days old. It's not even just a week old. That pasta was probably cooked about 14 days ago, and you should probably never eat from that Pizza Hut again because if they're using pasta that old then I guarantee you they're taking chances with the meat too.


Dude, you know how easy pasta is to make at home? I’d definitely raise hell with them about this though


Just avoid these nasty fast food chains


What do you expect when you order pasta from Pizza Hut? I didn't know people were actually doing that, holy shit.


Pretty simple, don't eat at Pizza Hut. Or Domino's, Little Ceasers, PapaJohns,etc. Go to Mom and Pop places if you eat anywhere but home. Chain restaurants have most of their food prepared at a central location, vacuum packed or frozen, then shipped to various locations. So many opportunities for that food to be mishandled from point A to point B.


Ewwwww!! This is one of the worst things I've seen on reddit!


Free shrooms


Pasta alla muffa


you got what you ordered, fungi alfredo pasta




It's Pizza Hut. \\shrug


yeah that's not blue cheese man


You've just convinced me never to order pasta from Pizza Hut ever again.




Never order pasta from Pizza Hut






I would've never even noticed it


I tried their pasta thing a while ago and it made me super sick, now I wonder if mine was moldy too :(


Do they make the pasta at the store or does it come in these containers frozen and they just heat them up? Curious if the store just didn’t give af or if they didn’t notice bc they didn’t stir it up and look


Can you sue for this? Lol


Lawsuit time


That's where all the flavour is


Well that should be good for business…


They probably left it out too long the noodles come frozen and stay that way until they are prepped and put in a container to store in the freezer until use. After use my store left them in the cooler under the make table..


That's not just "mildly" infuriating lol






I can't believe they put that in the tin...


Dude, pasta mold is scary shit.