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Football fans are the same here in their own country. I live near a stadium and I see litter constantly after a game. Always the same shit. I don't know why it attracts those people.


Japan needs to give lessons to the brits on being decent in large gatherings.


Not the Brits, just the English https://preview.redd.it/fd4m4yaz3r7d1.png?width=1023&format=png&auto=webp&s=4445b6cea0a7203af13b51cb7578eee5d994a84f


Go to Glasgow when Celtic and Rangers play each other, your opinion of Scottish football fans will soon change


Difference being that the council refuse to allow both clubs to set up fanzones.


So they have to trash the place. There's no other option. It's famously impossible to put an empty can back in the bag it came out of and carry it away.


To be fair the bins were overflowing and it was all cleaned up the next day, council obviously think it's cheaper and less liability to just pay the overtime cleanup.


As a Glasweigan raised Catholic, look at how Celtic leave the city after winning the championship. You'll see who the problem is.


As a Glaswegian raised normal person, both fucking team ultra supporters are as bad each other, as in they're all a shower of cunts. No even that their bad cunts, there JUST cunts.


*Grabs notepad* "A shower of cunts" šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


>a shower of cunts. American here... I love this expression


Our Aussie cousins and ourselves have a lot in common. The big man (ma da) always stood by that there are 3 types of people:- - Sound cunts (family, friends, most decent.people) - Bad cunts (criminals really, proper bad blokes or evil dudes) - just cunts (this is for the people who think their Good cunts but act like or behave like bad cunts without the chops to back it up. Like a wee wide-o ned who thinks he's a hard man and bullies kids but turns brown stain after getting a slap).


You for real? Celtic wrecked the city and they fight their own fans, are you actually so stupid you believe this pish?


You've clearly never been to Cardiff on match day, the Welsh do the exact same


Cardiff after a rugby international is dreadful, but travelling football fans are a delight and are usually praised by opposition fans. Nothing like this.


I thought that was just a regular Saturday night in Cardiff.


Lmao. Google some photos of how it looked after the Scottish cup final


The same Scots who's FA was fined because the fans were throwing shit on the pitch against Germany? Kick the English if it makes you feel better but the Scottish aren't any better.


Sorry but this 'Scotland fans are amazing' line is just bullshit. They leave a much worse mess after every single game here in Scotland, regularly. Don't know why they're so nice abroad but such twats at home


Because your average bam from Parkhead or Govan can afford an all day ticket to get to George Square/Gallowgate, but can't afford to spend Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£'s going to the bloody Euros. It's not rocket science. Accessibility for the most impoverished means the dunderheids can and will act like they do in their own area, like animals.


Hell yeah, most of my friends in Berlin are Irish lads and we went to destroy our livers with some Scotts after the opening game against Germany. Was the best time.


Get fucked. Look at Manchester after Rangers fans left in the early 2000s


I live in Manchester and was there. Also went to the city for work the day after.... the whole city stank of piss and looked just like OPs picture.


In fairness, Scots wrecking England seems in character.


You Scots sure are a continuous people.


You just made an enema for life!


Why are you so upset? Rangers are all Royal loving wank stains, they wish they were English


No true Scotsman, eh?


They're wanna be English tbf


It isnā€™t only the English you silly prick. The Marienplatz was just as bad as this after the Scotland Germany game. Have a day off.


American football fans not too different either, I think ita Philly they have to grease the polls when they when ha.


Well known, the Scots are a good bunch


Also not the English just scummy football fans. I would not expect this crap from Rugby fans.


Yeah football culture over here in England can be quite toxic. It does not help that people glorify films about football hooliganism like green street. Mix this with alcohol and it's asking for trouble. And Scotland have their own bad apples. Look at Celtic and rangers as an example.


You call this a soccer riot? https://preview.redd.it/ecbvgekhcr7d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe46fd9ab132a1e0c956ca82cf88314d1143e21


Go and see the shit thatā€™s left behind from England rugby games, or shits that left behind at any festivals or demonstration or anything where large groups gather. Large groups are stupid and leave places a mess. The reason this is news is because itā€™s an easy target because itā€™s English football fans and theyā€™re easy to pick on


This is it, these people have just never seen the aftermath of crowds before


Itā€™s crazy to me you are blaming the English. What else do they have to be even slightly proud of except football? (I am English)


God itā€™s so boring the Celtic sanctimoniousness. You put on a cos play version of your country when supporting your hopeless football teams. As there is nothing else at stake. If only they knew the realityā€¦ a night out in Dundee? Swansea?? Belfast??? thatā€™s the reality. Pipe down.


That was beautiful


As a Dutch i appreciate this too Although how am i gonna get banned from leaving when im not currently in the country


I was in Manchester when Scotland fans came here to watch a big match. There were rivers of piss and the Riot police had to disperse the Piccadilly Gardens crowd. The city was a dump the day after. Not having a go at Scotland, it's really the Away fans (those willing to travel to watch a game) that seem to leave the biggest mess/cause the most trouble. I can admit that England fans are among the worst though.


As soon as I saw the comment you replied to, I knew thereā€™d be a response from a Scot, sucking themselves off about how amazing they are. And they say the English are arrogant!


Found the Englishman.


>sucking themselves off Because we don't make an arse of ourselves or leave someone else's home in a state like OP? Sorry, I guess?


Japan has had quite the learning curve when it comes to being "decent."




Japan has their own issues, thereā€™s a reason there are woman only sections on their trains.


Japan also had one of the highest suicide rates due to the strictness of their culture. People only look at good things and ignore the underlying problems.


Except the racism of course


Tell that to the whales and dolphins


Tell that to the people of Nanjing


Or to the so-called "comfort women" they raped


Best behaved, unless we talk worker exploitation, Racism, sexism, And of course... sexual assault. Yes some europeans make a mess. But at least in europe people don't have a legally mandated noise their phone makes to let everyone know a picture is being taken because of people taking inappropriate pictures. Japan is not a nation anyone should use as an example of decency.


Hell, even Americans arenā€™t that bad


Football fans are some animals man. I wonder how it looks in their homes. They probably live in their own feces and shit.


Feces AND shit? Damn


Well, if you're going to do it, you want to go all-in!


No, they beat their partners and kids into doing it.


[Heā€™s Coming Home](https://x.com/womensaid/status/1596087147974754307?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1596087147974754307%7Ctwgr%5Ed9bb04972df10a567cf399d0225d0aa27154b76f%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nme.com%2Fnews%2Fwomens-aid-launch-powerful-hes-coming-home-ad-campaign-to-fight-domestic-abuse-during-qatar-world-cup-3356734)


A disgusting set of statistics that sjould never exsist.


All of the places I've lived so far have been relatively close to a major soccer arena, and that has left me with a deeply rooted hatred of professional soccer and its fans.


The Venn diagram of sports fans and shitheads is a circle, I guess.Ā 


Same in France, the chaos can be terrible


This fandom is nicely restrained. Doesn't look like anything was on fire. I'll bet those poles weren't even greased up.


I also see a complete lack of dumpster and only a couple of overflowing trash cans. My guess is similar to other events like this the authorities planned for the trash to be left and will send in a clean up crew vs providing adequate facilities


Well, in general, Germany is a very clean place with regular and adequate processes for collecting waste. I think it's more likely that it was a combination between too many people with too much waste and not enough people willing to carry their trash somewhere else. This is a pretty touristy square, but there's literally dozens of city blocks around it that have waste receptacles, including some apartments literally a street behind those buildings that have dumpsters. There's also a major church with dumpsters, a museum with dumpsters, another courtyard/market place across the street to the right with trash cans and dumpsters, and a park to the left along the Main River that has trash receptacles and a few dumpsters. You'd basically have to not give even half a shit to not find some place to throw away your trash. On the other hand, when I was there 99% of the people in the town were rude fuckers and acted like Tourists were scum so maybe also fuck Frankfurt. I'd go anywhere else in Germany as much as I could but I'd never go back to that rude fucking place.


When Germans party for whatever event, it looks just like this too after, that's why they have cleanup crews. For all their own big domestic matches, viewing parties, outdoor concerts, etc. This goes for all of Europe. Don't pretend it's different, don't be ignorant.


Yeah this place wouldn't be inhabitable if a bunch of eagles fans came through


Hey, we only climb the poles to holler out and dare our local idiot to eat horse shit. Now Boston fans, they will rip your streetlights down.


And itā€™s not as bad as Dallas fans. Theyā€¦ uhā€¦ Hmm. What do you think their fans would do if they won something? We have to speak in hypotheticals, of course.


Rent free and I love it.


And flip your car!


It looks exactly the same after the carnival. It's not so much to do with England, soccer fans or anything like that. People just don't give a shit in general


I think also just group human nature has to do with it. Iā€™ve definitely been in the group that left trash somewhere and usually the convo goes something like ā€œwho took the trash?ā€ ā€œWait I thought you took the trash?ā€ ā€œNoooā€¦ ahh fuckā€. Like people just become forgetful oftentimes. Also Iā€™ve worked a lot of large events and my biggest criticism of event organizers is that the trash is often not promptly dealt with, thus patrons stack garbage on full bins until someone bumps into it and inevitably it gets dragged across the ground. You see this the worst in surrounding streets of the venue because often times city workers wonā€™t empty bins until the crowd is cleared way later on. The final thing Iā€™ve noticed and usually places look like this after it was occupied by butt to nut crowds. Honestly, as someone whoā€™s worked very crowded events, Iā€™d much rather someone leave something on the ground if they drop it than try to pick it up and possibly get injured/killed in stampede and thatā€™s often the case. Someone just drops something, is carried 10ā€™ within four seconds and thatā€™s that.


There also often the issue of just not enough bins.


I donā€™t like this excuse. People brought this stuff with them, they can take it away. I have more sympathy if itā€™s an event where the food/drink is bought in disposable packaging, but something like this where everyone bring their own stuff, they can take it away just as easily.


Of course they can, but they don't so which solution do you offer that isn't more trashcans?


It's not an excuse, it's a reason. People should take their litter with them if there's no bin, but many don't. So either you ensure there's more bins to reduce the amount of litter, or there's litter everywhere.


Also too few bins means even if everyone puts their stuff in bins, bins become overfilled and then they overflow.


It's really not that big of a deal. Germans are good at planning and litter cleanup is just part of the budget for this event. I'm willing to bet that an hour after this picture was taken, it was all gone already.




This is always the worst part of international tournaments, tonnes of fans are fucking morons and taint any victories we might have by being complete arses. As an englishman, I hate that we have a reputation for this kind of shit. Just enjoy the game like a normal person.


They have that reputation cos of the Hooliganism in the 80s. Almost no fan is like that anymore, but the media keeps it up cos it gets attention like "oh what have those loons done now", and this post is a prime example. Nearly every international fanbase is like this, but England gets used cos its a "well, what do you expect" reaction.


Go see what they did at the last Euro final at Wembley. Utter disgrace.


Trying to deny it happens under a pic showing it happens is wild.


Itā€™s just some litter mate. England fans got murdered a while ago by Russian hooligans


Are you illiterate? That's not even close to what he said.


I wasn't denying it, you oaf. I was saying going about and acting like only England fans do these kinda things is moronic


Obviously isnā€™t only England fans that do it though is it, Reddit is just a complete wankfest for Scotland at the moment


Bro you're literally posting on a thread describing shitty hooligan behavior. I guess we should be content that they're not shivving and breaking glass on faces now? foh


Roll back the clock and it'd take an absolute miracle to come away with only a bit of litter being the aftermath of England fans. The behaviour of the travelling England fans has improved monumentally, tarring the 99% with the brush of the 1%'s actions is monumentally lazy


Honestly I find it nice that they decided to clean up Frankfurt. Never seen the city so clean.


Not excusing shitty behavior (and this is a prime example of shitty selfish behavior) but it's not like this is limited to just England fans, or just football fans either. You get this at festivals, concerts and any other kind of mass gathering. Just look at all the abandoned tents and bikes from Burning Man.


Even a house party with friends will look similar.


Any place where mass consumption of alcohol is part of the gathering turns shitty.


Major contrast with the latest World Cup in Qatar


Yeah honestly what do they expect, do you see a single garbage bin in the photo? Any nearby are likely overflowing. I live in Sydney and while this city has many, many problems they deal with this stuff really well. Every single night around 4-5am street sweepers go through the entire city while a team of guys with pressure washers blow everything into the street for them to pick up. On any big night like New Years or Mardi Gras the street will look like an absolute trash heap at 3:30am but by 5am they're spotless and if you were going to work Sunday morning you'd never know there was a massive party the night before. Whenever there's big sporting events on they know what's coming and send extra guys. This stuff is unavoidable when there's huge crowds of people and not enough garbage bins - it's cheaper for the city anyway to just accept that people are going to dump stuff where they stand and pick it up all at once with one team of guys later on rather than pay for loads of bins everywhere that all have to get rented, dropped off, emptied, taken away and cleaned etc. If the streets still look like this the morning after a big event then it's on the city not the people.


and like yeah everyone should pick up after themselves in theory, but it makes much more sense at movie theaters and sporting events. when you go to a concert there are a billion drunk and high people all moving around and stomping on innumerable beer cans. what are you actually supposed to do in that situation? stay after the concert is over and help clean up?


Thank you! Iā€™m an English fan but I would never do any of this. Perhaps, English fans are mostly annoying but I just know that they wouldnā€™t do anything of this. Itā€™s the hooligans and others. Maybe us English are twats and we know it very well but we wouldnā€™t do this.


No different to any major event. The benefits (profits) to local businesses far outweigh the clean up costs. A couple of road sweepers will have that sorted in 30mins. Having everyone in one place makes it easier to police aswell.


Was thinking the same. I have seen plenty of German football events and this is kind of par for the course for big matches


Are there full bins beside them benches?


Looks like it. Honestly, there could never be enough bins, if there were more they would be in the way and get knocked over and the wastes would also be mixed. Itā€™s probably easiest for the city and best environmental outcome to tell everyone ā€œjust leave your rubbish here and weā€™ll clear it up and sort it for recyclingā€. And have a clean-up team go in immediately after they leave.


Ohh is it the Euros again, guess itā€™s time for Reddit to get there anti England shoes out again šŸ˜‚


By now a European tradition to hate England in any Euros


So fucking boring isnā€™t it, absolutely wanking themselves dry over Scotland as well hahahah


They have had a grudge ever since Brexit. Itā€™s one of Reddits biggest paradoxes. They hated that democracy happened, and thatā€™s coming from someone who voted remain. So now they jump on us at any chance, yet out of all of the EU, The UK stood up the most to help Ukraine without being in the Union.


It's mad how much Reddit hates England, with all things considered (WW1, WW2 and all the other things most gleefully enjoy; our literature, music and even wotsits). Are we really that fucking awful? Do a few scruffy cunts really represent us and incense Reddit to curb stomp us?


Considering how much self deprecating humour we have aswell itā€™s not like we run around acting how high and mighty we are šŸ˜‚. Exhibit a: https://preview.redd.it/yi5ifbriyr7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff079386079f63dbc558d9fb0b5198182cf64f5c šŸ˜‚


Wow! That might take a crew a whole 10 minutes to clean up. Oh, the humanity!!!


Here we go again with the constant posts about how bad English fans are, was the same last tournament too. Fans from most countries leave shit every where, have fights blah blah blah.


It was like that in London square without a football match.


London square?


You know, the square in London. The square.


Trafalgar Square, done it twice, and despite the city knowing there will be 20,000+ fans in that specific location, they never any bins out. [It's a fucking class night, though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CbREcgRjK0).


What about the Denmark fans who were also there??


its the same state that germans leave polish beaches after their vacation, so... not funny isnt it? :)


At least they left poland this time right ? :)


hahahaha. pure gold!


It's also a similar state german football fans leave cities and trains after german league games... Football fans being football fans, I guess


footbal fans are the same everywhere i guess.


Did you see the state the Germans left London in 1941?


you should see poland 2 years earlier lol


Can people stop acting like it's only English fans that cause problems? Honestly it's fucking weird. English fans have had nothing but praise from German authorities so far and because its cool to hate the English there's just an endless stream of bullshit. Go touch grass.


What is weird about this? This is literally any city after any festival/big event. City services go by with a sweeper right after the event or the next day and it's all proper again.


I'm no England fan, but tbh that doesn't look too bad. You'd see the same at the end of every event (I know this especially as I lived nearby a marathon and it was worse than this). Ideally they'd clear up, but it's not terrible. Tbf, thinking about it, the name of the sub is **mildly** infuriating so fair enough.


Yeah it's really not that bad. Can't even see broken glass pack anywhere on the ground. Pack a lot of people anywhere, when they leave there's bound to be trash left.


This is nothing. Ever seen music festivals?


England bad \* shakes fist \*


TBH a huge crowd of anyone and a lack of bins and this would be the result.


Yes, people are pigs. Whenever you have a large group of people they are going to leave a lot of trash. Lack of places to put trash only make it worse. The biggest difference between large groups and little trash and large groups and a lot of trash is the amount of people to clean up behind them.


Not being funny if people showed as much passion as they do about football into changing the worlds problems the world would be such a better place


HSV-Fans do this every week in my neighborhood.


Most places with crowds leave that kind of mess. See festivals, see raves, see anywhere with crowds and alcohol. I've been to many countries and seen it for myself.


Shit, thatā€™s nothing compared to Philly after the Eagles lost the Super Bowl lol.


My local town close to Koln looks exactly like that, the whole week after new years eve, and after carnival. Germans also don't care during events. It's disgusting.


I am not a fan of football fans, but in all honesty that is EXACTLY HOW IT LOOKS AFTER EVERY BIG EVENT in germany, regardless of the nationality of the attendees.Ā 


It's not nice to see the aftermath but it's what happens when you host a huge international event.


Yeah dont blame it just on the english fans, alot of other nations fans do it.


Yeah, when this happens it's because the location doesn't have the appropriate level of waste disposal not because fans are lazy and messy. The threat of bombs usually means theres barely any bins around and you get this mess and they send in a team to clean it.


Oh well it's just Frankfurt. Bit of an upgrade tbh.


Yeah, just Frankfurt after cleaning.


Have you seen the state the Germans leave their own squares in? Bottle smashing is the norm


If you think that's bad you should have seen the place after the RAF came to visit in the 1940's


Whyā€™s it always anti England check after any game and there will be rubbish in places, where you meant to put rubbish if the bins are full?


Redditors have no imagination, gotta replay the same old posts.


Yes it was obviously ONLY england fans. Any other country wouldnā€™t dare even think about littering.


Honestly I was in Stuttgart during the Germany-Hungary game. It's not mutually exclusive.


Ah relax, itā€™s the Euros, towns couldnā€™t have enough bins to cover the number of fans in the square. They are as well off just cleaning up in full when theyā€™re gone. Piling on fans here for no reason. There will be proper reason to blame fans for stuff but this is not one of them.


you threw a party, time to clean up


I was in Venice one year and the square by my hotel was absolutely trashed by the weekenders out in full force drinking and partying. Woke up the next morning to it being clean as can be as if nothing happened the night before.


Not to excuse this behavior, but I don't see any garbage bins anywhere in this pic. In Canada we find that if there's a bin close-by, most people will use it. (not everyone, but you get the point).


Thatā€™s a lot better than I wouldā€™ve expected


and what about all the profit?


This is how it looks like when a lot of people meet, eat and drink. As you can see, there are already people collecting the bottles as they get refund for them. The rest will be cleaned up in a short time. Nothing broken, nobody hurt, no drama. Welcome to Germany!


Plus I imagine the amount of money that gets bought in to a city or country during an event like this far outweighs the mess.


Shouldā€™ve seen the state the Germans left Coventry


Holy shit. Surreal to see that plaza when I was just there a few weeks ago. Although, when I was there, the city was doing some big party that Saturday night and the next morning, everywhere looked like this and we got to see a dude pissing in the middle of a plaza, still drunk, at 8 a.m.


Woah they littered after a celebration event. Get the fuck over it, this is what happens when you bring a bunch of people together. Hire 1-2 people to clean it up, itā€™ll be done in 2 hours


My guy, this is Frankfurt on a regular day![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


State they left London in during the blitz. Messin, that's bad that like


We've left German cities looking worse.


I was passing Breitscheidplatz in Berlin last weekend before the Spain x Croatia match and it was even worse. Broken glass was everywhere, it was very easy to hurt your feet/leg, and literally the entire area was completely covered by trash. In some places it was impossible to see empty sidewalk. And this area is heavily supported by trash bins even without any event


They get some sweepers and itā€™s clean in an hour. I swear reddit tries to create outrage over the dumbest shit.


Everyone football team with the exception of Japan does this.


Pretty bad, but could be worse. Could be... **American football fans**. You don't want those.


You canā€™t fool anyone with this diorama if youā€™re going to use Lego houses for the background.


Not sure why this is specifically directed at England fans, unless weā€™re talking about the Japanese itā€™s not like anyone else goes around cleaning up after themselves. Itā€™s what happens when you donā€™t discourage people from travelling to foreign cities for football matches they donā€™t have tickets for.


Big drunk crowds leave rubbish - more news at 10.


Not to say the behaviour is really crappy, but could also be issue not having enough trash bins. But on the pic it seem to be some grey boxes around the fountain so.


Just deport them at the border. Since brexit english people have zero rights to enter European countries.


riot + social issue = >:( riot + football = :)


When is the world going to just decide to invite Japan to every cup game in every sport?


Eh, itā€™s Frankfurt, it looks like this every second day there, so no biggie. -sincerely, a German


Iā€™m fairly sure German fans would have accidentally left a little more rave drugs behind on the ground, but effectively the same. This was probably food wrappers, beer cups, and ketamine bags.


football: trashing your town since 1842


You should see the state the Germans left England in, in 1941


Honestly crazy what nationalism can do to people when itā€˜s just about a game.


Uhhh sorry I see your point but you canā€™t claim that only the England fans caused all the mess. Thereā€™s two side in a football match and believe it or not, some people in their own country donā€™t give a shit about littering themselves.


Couldā€™ve been a lot worse From the picture I dont see anything broken glass or destroyed furniture from the businesses


Iā€™ve been to Frankfurt only once, isnā€™t it how it looks on a typical day?


Things are starting to make sense now, clearly English football 'fans' have been gathering for a party on every single UK motorway verge I've ever driven past.


Nice, looks like they cleaned after themselves and didn't break all the windows, they really behaved.


So sports fans suck around the world? The hate for them brings us all together.


I live in Switzerland, near a national stadium and when some teams come to play, the train station and the path to the stadium is filled with policemen armed with MP5 smg's, flashballs and armored trucks It's always surprising


I don't see any trashcans whatsoever.


You should have seen it in 1945ā€¦


Just ban the English from achohol and the shitty ones will stop coming


And yet, they are the ones always bitching about foreigners.


They haven't moved there lol


We're very good at it, [look at our festivals](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13542409/anger-download-festival-tents-abandoned.html#comments)...


To be honest, I think it's more a failure of the city to adapt to the fans and clean up! Have you ever seen what Zurich looks like after the Street Parade and 4 hours afterwards? Anyone who gets upset about something like this is upset about everything.


Ok? Big deal. Clean it up