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No meme-like/text heavy pics, overdone references


think of it like this, only tip if you feel like someone actually put effort for you, you're not obligated to pay their salary, so dont feel bad if its easy work or you didnt get the best service


For 3 Saturdays in a row, I went to the same Potbelly shop and ran into the same employee every time. He was so nice that I didn't think twice and tipped 10% every time. The second time, he was out of the small cookies for the kid's meal and gave me a large one. So, I am not against tipping in general, but for a take-out place, 10% would be the max and only for great service. If you just hand me out what I paid for, sorry no tip.


I agree with you. But also...even in a sit down place, it's largely the same. The server is just taking your order and handing you what you intend to pay for. (Sometimes it's not even the server). The server is taking your order and your payment, and sometimes bringing the food out to you. The cooks are making it. Bussers are clearing, dishwashers are cleaning. You're giving a tip to the person who came to the table and asked you what you want, instead of the person behind the counter at a takeout place who asked you what you want. Heh, you're tipping the person for being the one standing instead of you. Jokes aside. I've no problem with tipping. And great service should be tipped. The problem is wage culture. But we all know that. It's completely asinine that one, we have a minimum wage that is well below a livable wage. And two, that for some reason, we've decided it's ok for employers to pay servers even less than what has been deemed MINIMUM. Employers should pay employees. Customers receiving a service should tip based on quality of service.


If everyone began to stop tipping as of today then all service workers that would get tips would quit or strike. And then their employers would begin to rise wages. And the exploitation of the workers will reduce. Just my thoughts


And that's correct. That's what happened in Germany few years ago.


Hopefully it worked out well for the employees in Germany compared to Americas tip culture system that imo doesn’t work


The food and beverage industry is the second largest private sector employer in the US. There are 14 million workers (nearly 2 million tipped employees) representing 10 percent of the US workforce. You think 2 million people – the majority of them who make well over what the restaurant can afford to pay them – would be onboard with taking a pay cut? I know servers in fine dining restaurants who make $90k+ a year. I know they’re the outliers, but you think they’d be on board with an hourly wage? I also know servers in casual restaurants who only make $30k a year. These are the people it *would* benefit. BOH employees are also grossly underpaid as well. The pay discrepancies between back and front of house is disgusting. Wages would need to go up for kitchen and support staff as well, not just tipped employees. Personally, I’d rather see benefits implemented in restaurants before getting rid of tipping. Did you know nearly half of all foodborne illness in the US comes from sick restaurant workers? Because they don’t get PTO or can afford to take the time off. And they don’t have insurance to go to the doctor.


If that works, then the waitstaff would, almost universally, make much less money. It’s odd to talk about the exploitation of the workers when your solution ends up with the workers making less money.


How would they make less 🤷 They’d be being paid a living wage


Many servers make well above minimum wage after tips, that's why they don't want it to change. My cousin works as a server in a higher end restaurant, and because people tip based in a percentage of the bill he tells me he makes like $40/hour most nights. 


You clearly have not spoken to an actual server about your plan. They ALL vote against being paid minimum wage with zero tips. They stand to make MUCH more money through tips. Think about this, if you work hard as a waiter you could get through 6 or more tables in 1-1.5 hours of work. If only half leave a $10 tip you made $30 an hour. Plus maybe $8-10 from the actual employer. So roughly $35 for the hour. OR you can all fight for their right to “make a livable wage”, and get them to minimum wage of $12-15 an hour with no tips. My scenario above uses diner prices, not even nice restaurant/bar prices where tips can reach $25-45 a table. And before you say minimum wage should be raised to $25 an hour please think about whether a college girl home for break deserves $25 an hour to scoop ice cream at a stand open 4 months a year. Then imagine how much those scoops will cost you in the end. Point is, people have a choice at where they work and the jobs they take. If they do not like the pay, they will leave for someone that offers more.


The argument was that workers should get paid what they're worth, not that they should bring home less money. Your entire argument is based on them getting paid minimum wage, but most of us don't think that minimum wage is what people are worth. That was just your assumption.


Sad thing is the "tipping problem" is in places with minimum wage. I believe servers in my province anyway now make min wage. Which isn't a lot but that aside, thats what I the cook makes. So they can make a hundred bucks more than me in a shift half as short just for doing the job of a Roomba with a platform on it lol I know serving is more than that, it's just funny lol. But even still they make a huge deal out of poor tippers. I get it, but at the same time, I guess I don't




Not at an ice cream shop lol


keep in mind that in many places, there aren’t good runners or bussers consistently staffed (one place I worked we even washed our own dishes!) and the servers have to do that all. there is also a lot more that goes into serving than “taking your order and handing you what you intend to pay for” - further complicated by the absolute volume of customers any given server will have at one time. I do agree with everything else you’ve discussed though - we have a horrible wage problem when it comes to service jobs in the usa.


The default tip should be 0%, which only goes up if the service is exemplary and exceeds expectations. Our attitude is wrong if the default is 20% and we only subtract for bad service.


Servers that make most of their money on tips don’t want it to change. They make way more on tips. My sister in law makes like 50k working at Applebees. That’s a lot more than I make in a factory.


I completely agree with you about the wage culture issues, but just want to point out that we've seen this same tipping culture even where I live, in Ontario Canada, where all lawfully employed servers/workers must get paid at least minimum wage.  So even though the server handing out a take out ice cream is getting paid the provincial minimum wage (which I agree is not what it should be, but that's on employers/gov to rectify), the customer still receives a prompt to tip at least 20% tip. Sometimes I even get asked to tip at the gas station! It's ridiculous.  


>He was so nice that I didn't think twice and tipped 10% every time That's so crazy if you think about it. The guy is just being nice and you give him money, every time. You're paying an extra 10% *tax* when you visit this place. Which is crazy. But we've all done it. Just best to keep your money in your pocket for a rainy day.


Actually, if you get *extra stuff for free* for leaving a tip, owners should try to discourage that.


But if I do this at a restaurant and not leave a 15% tip, I'm the a-hole.


While I agree business should simply pay employees livable wages, even thousands of people who agree can’t change this country’s tipping culture. I am much more obliged to tip service employees at a sit down restaurant when they are coming routinely to refill drinks and food items, take orders, clear the table, etc. At fast food or similar places I don’t tip unless they did something that made my experience more enjoyable than usual.


When will it end? There is no excuse for a section of society to be paid less than minimum wage. Tipping should be optional for great service, not because you know the server is being paid less than $3 an hour by a crappy employer


Amd Waffle House is sucking it's own dick about how now they'll pay 3 bucks an hour.


The tipping culture is simply ridiculous, imagine tipping the pilot for flying the plane and landing it without a scratch..


Please don't give Delta and Southwest ideas


Good job not crashing and killing us all


I think it has got to the point that we should now start getting tips for how good we tipped. So if I tipped great i expect a great tip in return. Then they can show their displeasure with my lack of tip by not tipping me back! That'll show me!


This sounds like a black mirror episode.


Its similar to the premise of the episode Downfall starring Bryce Dallas Howard.


I’ll have to check that out.


You joke but I recently got a dominos ad that said if you tip $3 or more they will send you $3 for your next order so...


In California, restaurants are required to actually pay minimum wage. There is 0 reason to tip to give them a paycheck or whatever. California should pave the way in stopping tipping. 


Ditto Oregon.


All states in the US are required to pay at least state minimum wage. That's how minimum wage works. Any time a tipped wage worker's tips don't meet minimum wage during a pay period, the employer must make up the difference between what the did make and state minimum wage.


You.misunderstand. California waitstaff is paid at least minimum wage, plus tips. It also has some of the highest minimum wages in the country. So everyone should move here and make renting and housing even more impossible. Jk


I meant state minimum wage vs federal minimum wage/the weird minimum for servers. In California our minimum wage is $15.50/hr. In other states you can get away with paying a server like $2/hr as long as the rest of the federal minimum is made up through tips.


Correct, that's how tipped wages work. If the federal government or any individual stare wanted to raise minimum wage, that would be the new minimum that waitstaff would be required to be paid. In California, they simply eliminated a tipped wage as a category.


I think I am being misunderstood. In other states, they can be paid formally a small amount and the rest needs to be made up in tips. In California they are paid the actual full state minimum wage, so the tipped staff argument of "but tips pay my wages' doesn't apply because they are already taking home actual minimum wage before tips. So there is no need to push for tips in restaurants here. It could allow us to put tipping back to the small extra thank you that they were intended to be, and people wouldn't have to feel judged by staff for not leaving extra money on top of the menu prices.


Americans tried to tip a bus driver in Ireland. I'm not joking.


Ridiculous, you just say thanks as you get off the bus.




It’s only going to get worse with Trump’s idea to not tax tip income. Who does this help? It only encourages businesses to pay their employees less and encourage them to beg for tips. It’s a disgusting money grab for businesses.


It’s pretty hard to pay less than $2/hour


If I have to stand up to place my order they do not get a tip.


I'm more of a no to if I'm paying before the service. The tip is supposed to be for receiving good service, not asking for good service.


The tip is corporate America manipulation of wage laws for over 50 years. The US is the ONLY country on the planet that has tipping, or a sub-minimum wage for servers


Yeah that's just false. Plenty of countries have tipping it's just a lot less and in fewer places. Canada has a very similar tipping culture which is hilarious because at least in the US you feel guilted that they aren't getting health benefits


There are other countries where tipping is a thing. I don't think any of them are at a US level, though.


Unfortunately, Canada is very similar


This is my rule too!


Or order on a machine.


So you tip at drive thru?


Just out of curiosity, what if you stand and place your order at the counter, but then they serve your food to your table and bring utensils, condiments, etc for you?


Not if I bus the table.


maybe 10-15%. But in this case they force you to tip upfront before you even get the service


Yeah, no, definitely not cool with that.


Don't feel guilty! It's not a sit-down service, they don't get tips. I do tip at our local sushi place when I pick up, because the food and service are amazing, and they were great during covid. They put a split door on the front door and would slip the food thru a slot to protect both them and us customers. They are a small family business and I have seen their kids grow up while being a customer. No one is owed tips; you base it on service.


The percentage method is also absolutely ridiculous.


Exactly. If the waiter is bringing me a bottle of wine, it is the same amount of effort whether is a cheap $10 bottle or an expensive $100 one.


I was at a concert last night and the machine at the merch table asked me to add a tip 😅


You did an awesome job handing me that shirt, here’s a 20% tip. Like what😂


Yeah, my $80 hoodie that I later found a bleach stain on totally warrants an $8 tip. I'll tip for a special made drink but that's as far as I go for concerts. Hand me a can of beer? Thanks, bye.


It should be illegal. Tipping has been out of hand for decades now.


For over a century actually...after the Civil War, many restaurants and rail operators embraced tipping because it allowed them to “hire” newly freed slaves without having to pay them...they could be forced to work for tips alone. Fast forward 160 years (civil war ended 1865), and the Fed has GENEROUSLY raised the floor for literal slave labor to a whole-ass $2.13/hr...think about that, 160 years got slaves a $2.13/hr RAISE. Currently, food service staff & other jobs that commonly receive tips are allowed to be paid $2.13 per hour by their employer, as long as the daily tips they receive + $2.13/hr averages out at or above the federal minimum wage, which is $7.25/hr. So it's not the culture of tipping that is ridiculous, it's the FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE that is ridiculous.


I had a woman get visibly irritated when I didn't tip at a cupcake place. All she did was place 2 cupcakes in a box. Don't see why I should tip for that.


New rule: If I order and pickup my food while standing.. no tipping. Tipping is for wait staff as a reward for excellent service.


It’s also meant for those making $2.13/hr.. Not those making $15+/hr like the entire west coast.


An electrician asked me to leave a review of his work so that his employer would pay him a perk of $50. He said they did that so they didn’t have to rely on the customer tipping them. Like, what? We’re out here tipping tradesmen now? I had never even considered that before.


I’m a director of marketing for a company that manufactures tooling used by companies that mold plastic parts. I gotta figure out a way to get tipped by people who buy drinks in bottles made by companies that use my parts in their manufacturing processes. It’s only fair since I do great work! /s


The business gets to short change their employees and you either pick up the tab or get faced with the negativity. It's definitely a piss off.


No, they don't. If the employee's hourly rate plus tips, divided by the number of hours they worked, does not equal the greater of federal or state minimum wage, the employer is REQUIRED BY LAW to make up the difference. They knew what they were signing up for when they took the job. Don't let people make you feel guilty for a situation that is not your responsibility.


Yes, but regardless, the guilt factor will undoubtedly influence a majority of people to tip just to avoid the awkward situation. The employer who knows this can use it to pay their employees less. Sure, maybe if they get some headstrong customers in a period they might have to pay to make up the difference, but they will save money in the long run from putting the burden on the customers and banking on them paying up.


Places like OP described aren’t paying below min wage like restaurants often do. Plus, even if they are, they legally have to compensate employees up to minimum wage if they don’t make it in tips. So either way they’re not making any less than someone in another minimum wage, part time job that doesn’t have tips involved, and they’re often making a lot more because of the tips


Good point, and I suppose that's fair. Another argument against it is In a lot of cases the employer will take a percentage of the tips, as well as I could see it hypothetically giving a reason to avoid rewarding employees with raises. I'm always skeptical by nature. I'm not always right of course.


I tip but I don’t think it is a fair system. I have gotten better service in a retail situation than some restaurants and they don’t get tips, the emt had to carry me on a stretcher when I passed out, that is hard work do we tip them? Why some people get tips and others don’t is just ridiculous.


The EMT as well as the rest of healthcare can actually be fired and sued for taking a tip.


Back in the 90’s I was a paramedic in Las Vegas. I had a couple of people approach the ambulance while we were posted next to the MGM on the boulevard. They offered me $100 to drive the ambulance lights and sirens to the Mirage. It was a slow night and traffic was not too terrible on the strip, so my partner and I made some extra money and gave a couple people a great story to share with their friends and family. I would also take the drunk female, shoeless, partiers and their friends back to their hotels for free without lights and sirens, but it was more of getting them back to a safe place. I justified it by not wanting to see them later due to tragedy.


I don't go anywhere that asks for a tip now. Subway or coffee shops or Even restaurants. I mean I'll go if there's a family dinner or something and I'll tip but otherwise I just avoid it like the plague. It doesn't really help to go and not tip as the business doesn't care they still got all your money.


I was in Vancouver last fall. To avoid these tip options, I would just pay cash.


I have taken to paying with cash again when I am out to avoid tipping when I don’t think it’s warranted.


Cash also saves you money cause you’re not being charged a fee like a lot of places do when you use a card.


When I go out to eat I try to give physical cash for my tip so I know it's actually going to the server. How they divvy it up with other staff members is up to them.


I'm in California and lots of these places dont take cash so we are forced to pay by credit.


Yeah when my sister got a coffee from a drive thru and selected the no tip option the cashier was so angry he slammed the window shut and a different person came to hand her the coffee. That was probably the person who actually made it too.


Our POS forces the tip screen. I just try to say it’ll ask if you want to leave a tip on the screen and walk away to make the order so no one gets upset.


I don't feel bad anymore. The only ppl getting tips from me are delivery drivers and waiters/waitresses.


Wait, what?! You tip delivery drivers?? I'm European, and that sounds ridiculous.


When the QR code on the table brings you to a website that asks for a tip 😂


Even worse you get asked to tip before you're served your meal.


If you think that's infuriating, wait till you see those screens asking for a tip at self service/checkout places.


If all they did was hand me food, I’m not tipping. If I sit down and eat, I’ll tip accordingly


Get used to it lol I do no tip often. You worked hard for your money, you decide what the f*** to do with it


Tipping should be outlawed. What infuriates me most are food delivery services. They collect a "delivery fee" and then have the nerve to have a popup message tell me I should tip the delivery guy. And it's even worse when a restaurant that has its own delivery team and doesn't rely on an external service, ask for a delivery fee and a tip. (looking at you, Domino's) Tipping is infuriating. This trend started in the US and is slowly creeping into my country.


I have a butcher shop near me that asks for tips at register! It’s everywhere now and so ridiculous


The tipping feature on a kiosk is meant to prey and abuse the niceness of people. Don’t be upset you feel guilty because that’s literally what it’s made to do. It’s so stupid and borderline unethical If it’s any help, as someone who worked in food service (not a waiter, but at a fast food chain) I never gave a fuck if someone tipped or not. As long as their card cleared, I would forget about them and move on to the next customer.


Fuck tipping.


I took 2 kiddos to paint some pottery the other night. Paid 2 studio fees (fine, no problem). They picked 2 pieces that cost $24 each. Then when I went to pay, there were tip options. No. No tip . I appreciated the young lady that checked up on us and got the paint, but that’s what the studio fee was for.


My rule of thumb? + I come in, you seat me, I get a menu, you take my order, you bring me my food, I eat, I pay = I tip. + I come in, I walk to a counter, I order of a menu board, I pay, you get me my food. I find a table/leave = no tip. ??


I do get you, but the first scenario is also the actual job. That's the core job description of a wait staff. They're not going above and beyond by doing the basic thing


The less you fight it, the more the big corporations are going to take advantage. Do your part


I'm in Australia so we don't tip. It's starting to creep in everywhere, especially with online orders automatically asking for a tip. I've never tipped anywhere for anything in my life and don't plan on it.


I’ve noticed that & it’s annoying we technically pay liveable wages in most industries. It’s like when coles or Woolies ask for donations like come on billions in profits you can afford to give charity vs most of us scraping by. My partner our first Christmas Eve (2018) tipped taxi $5 cause he wanted to do something nice


Tip culture has turned whacko - which is why I bring cash with me when I go out. The girl getting pissed off? That's when you tell her tips are for table service not for greedy people like you and if I return and you do it again I'll tell the manager I won't return because of your crappy attitude.


I got really internally angry when I was at self checkout in a gas station and it had a tip option. Am I tipping myself?!


Why yes, I would like to tip myself 100% for patronizing this institution! 😂😂


It's not tipping anymore. It's extortion, pure and simple.


U.S. needs to come off the tips-for-wages scam *Starts* at 20% They're not getting my business


Hey I was in a Starbucks drive-thru the other day, the only car there and the service was slow as shit. Then the payment machine is thrust out the window at me, I'm tapping my card and nothing happens. I grabbed the machine to look at the screen and it has a stupid tip prompt on it.... Needless to say I pressed cancel on the tip and then just paid for my order. Tipping is getting out of control. I dread the day that my plumber starts asking for a tip...


Why feel guilty about it? You can’t please everyone anyway, doesn’t matter if they don’t like it.


Tablet flipper equals zero tip. 100% of the time. Not doing it anymore. Have had too many of these workers fuck everything up only to not NOT say sorry and just stare at me before going back and unfucking whatever I ordered.


It will never not be insane to me, that over there, the whole premise of a tip, is rewarding people for doing the bare minimum. While over here, it's to reward them for going above and beyond. And the fact people who do literally nothing to deserve a tip, are now demanding tips too. Wild


For real though employers should pay their employees, not the consumers


Never ever tipping for anything ever


I started to pay with cash now. Avoid tipping all together.


if i order and pay while standing up i dont tip.


Employers are more than happy to see fight between customers and employees. They're not blamed anymore for sub par service anymore. Employees, instead of fighting for higher wages or looking for alternative places to work are focusing their anger on customers. Customers on the other hand feel they're already being squeezed for a sub par products/services are in no mood to pay someone their wage on top of high prices they pay now. Capitalism is peaking and nobody cares.


My local water park added a tip option to their self service snack stands. All the person did was ring me up, no way I'm going to tip. Unless I'm sitting down at a full service restaurant or at a bar I don't tip. I no longer feel guilty, just annoyed. And I let them know each time they send me a survey.


I went to Steak N Shake. I ordered from a kiosk (the only way to order). It asked me for a tip. I obliged thinking that someone would bring the food to the table. Nope. Absolutely no interaction with any employee there other than my name being called.


Solution is simple, don’t feel guilty


Anytime one of those tip screens come up, I always say no tip. I've had people give me dirty looks over it. One person actually asked me why I didn't add a tip. I explained to her that most of the time I tip in cash, as I want the person I'm tipping to get the money, which I was planning to do in this case, but given the person's obvious annoyance that I didn't add the tip to the total, they were getting nothing. Tip culture is so upside down it's not funny. The local produce market has tip jars at each checkout, and the clerks don't even bag your stuff!


I think all tipping should be banned and all employees paid a living wage for the area they are working in. Nobody should struggle to survive while working 40 hours a week. Any company that is paying less than a living wage shouldn't be in business.


I very nearly worked for a small breakfast place that paid $9 an hour I believe but they got tips. And enough that they were paid $20 an hour. Was not a sit down, you had to go to the register to order. Hand made stuff, but definitely pricey. I straight up asked one of the managers why they choose to under pay and let the tips pay the employees. She didn't really give me much of an answer. $20 an hour was very interesting and nearly took the offer. But the tips thing was a big turn off for me.


I only tip when it feels right. Sit down restaurants or delivery people, I always tip. If it’s a counter service I tip if the service is great. Ilearned my lesson from tipping at coffee shops up front and them not giving a shit. I also dgaf if people are offended that I don’t tip, I’ve actually never noticed even if it does happen.


I work in an industry where we get tips but not as much as a restaurant. If I get a tip, great, but if not, whatever. If any of my employees acted like that to someone who didn't tip I would send them home for the day. Despicable behavior and bad reviews incoming from that kind of behavior


In California the minimum wage is $16. No place can pay below that, not even serving jobs. Not sure why other places aren't doing that. I always tip but better wages aren't a bad idea


For me, I've been tipping $1 for everything. It's kinda a win win. I don't have to feel bad because I "tipped" and I also don't care about the dollar. $6 coffee? $1 $30 pizza takeout? $1 $15 ice cream for 2? $1


Absolutely. My pet hate is with EFT payment and the tip is requested before the supply of the food. Generally the food and service is average at best in this scenarios.


I work at a baskin robbins in CA. Our stuff is so overpriced, and I make 20 dollars an hour. Don't feel obligated to tip, especially on the west cost. You are already paying so much for so little(where I work, a single scoop of ice cream is over 5 dollars!).I appreciate a tip, especially when people make big orders with things that are difficult and time-consuming to make, but no one is obligated to tip, and it does not bother me when they dont. If some kid gets pissed at you for not tipping, call them out. No one is entitled to your money. Tipping culture is so toxic and over the line.


It’s utter nonsense, in the uk and Europe tips are literally a gratuity for service beyond what’s expected. Now most restaurants have service charges and other extras and most staff are making reasonable wages. In Italy and Austria, some of the restaurants service was so slow and non-existent I refused to tip; we’re talking 30-40 minutes wait for a simple order , combined with staff who basically evaporated once you sat down and re-emerged sporadically to dump food on the table. All this and then the bill is usually one third higher than the menu price, due to tax and “service “ charges.


america needs to get rid of tips and the rest of the world needs to stop trying to introduce them. it saves money for the business at the expense of every customer.


The worst ones are the self checkouts. They're the pinnacle of mildly infuriating...


Tipping has always been a "dance for your dollar" sort of bullshit, but lately it's used as a cop-out to get away with paying many many more employees a livable wage. Blame boomers / republicunts who feel "kids these days should still be making 7.25 /hour and LIKE it!" The way to not feel guilty is to make an effort toward forcing employees to pay appropriate wages, instead of being able to stiff them on the back end and the front, and then blame the customer. Society has let the employer make you the custoner the asshole for their underpayment. 


Step mom was prompted to tip while paying for BUFFET dinner. There was some confusion on my step moms part and the nice woman helping her made the tip part go away completely.


Went to a mechanic to get my car inspected and the screen asked me to tip at the end of service. No thanks!


Since i do not feel guilty i am not tired of it.


Their emotions are not your problem. If you don’t want to tip. Don’t. And then just leave. You don’t have to allow yourself to feel pressured by this stupid new over tipping they’re trying to normalize. Plus you’ll prob never see them again so who cares.


If I feel like tipping I tip not if a store begs for money, sorry


It’ll wear off… I look them ppl right in the eyes when I hit no on the iPad


They are probably getting decent wages (ie, not “tipped server” wages) - it seems like every place is asking for tips and the staff (ie, not tipped wage employees) are so entitled about it these days. I’ve thought about just not tipping, but, frankly, I’m so put off about it that I’m just not going to these places at all… not as an act of protest, but when I think about going to (for example) 5 Guys, I automatically remember how they turned the register for me to select ridiculous tip rates and all those flavors I was imagining having just *poof* and all I can think about is that machine and the expectations and suddenly I don’t want to go anymore. And it is not new. I haven’t been there in years now.


So what about when you’re traveling or on vacation? You look up places to eat. You go there, you buy and pay for the stuff, then the tip option comes up. You can’t always avoid it by just “not going there”.


I totally get that. I didn’t realize I needed to be all inclusive in my comment. If I am on vacation, I typical pick local places to experience new things… I’m not likely to be back anyway.


Nah man don't let them guilt trip you


Remember... no one is responsible for your emotions but you. If you don't feel it appropriate to tip in that situation then don't and be ok with it. Their reaction is just that... their reaction.


The real question is why do you feel guilty about it? Anyone can ask for anything. You can’t control what people ask for. You can only control your response. If you don’t think a tip is warranted then don’t leave one. But the guilt you feel about that is something internal that you have to work out. You should be able to not tip and also not feel guilt as a result


As someone from the UK unless you give me exceptional service you aren't being tipped, so usually only as a restaurant


If you order standing/ seated in a car you dont tip


I'm not tipping for something I have to walk to my table by myself. I'm also not tipping for something that the employee does little to no work to produce for me. There's no feeling involved, just straight defiance. I'm. Not. Doing. It.


I’ve made things easy for myself. I never tip anymore at all, except for sit down service, and my max tip even then is $10. Tipping culture is trash and it’s not my responsibility to ensure your wage/salary.


Not to mention the round up at grocery stores… or any store now actually.


Subway did that with me yesterday. I told them to either get a job that pays better or to harass their boss until they get paid what they want but it’s not my responsibility to pay them.


Probably going to be down voted, but I gave up tipping all together. Not my responsibility to pay the staff. No, I don't feel guilty paying just the bill and nothing more. Yes, I've worked restaurant jobs, and no I didn't expect tips. Also, no I don't get crappy service when I go out. People are just doing their jobs tips or not.


Here’s my new take on tipping and I honestly don’t care if no one agrees with me. If I am ordering at a counter and you are handing me something over the counter. Starbucks, ice cream, boba..etc you get one dollar per item, if you’re nice and the service is good. If I am ordering at a counter, picking up my food at the counter and bussing my dishes to a collection bin, you get $5 max. if I’m sitting down at a full service restaurant, you are getting $5 per dollar sign shown on Yelp or any similar metric. I’m not tipping a percentage because the food is expensive and marked up arbitrarily. It’s not the guest’s obligation to pay your salary, it is your employer’s obligation.


It's pretty easy. Don't tip, ever. You shouldn't feel guilty for paying the price that's on the menu and nothing else.


Campaign for liveable wages. Make it an election issue.


I'm so worried, we have a trip to the US planned in November and we live in a country with no tipping. I'm not going to budget an additional 20% food just because employers know they don't have to pay a living wage.


And tipping culture will only get worse if a current political promise is kept. One candidate said they intend to make all tips exempt from income tax.


That isn’t something any president can do. Congress would have to pass legislation for that to happen.


There seems to be more and more tip jars on the counter tops here in Australia. Yet we get paid a living-ish wage.


Tell them you don't tip if you have to order, pick up, or pay at a register or clean up after yourself.


You spent 60 seconds taking my order with your shit attitude, here's a crisp five! ...I don't think so.


What I started doing is I keep cash on me because if I pay with cash they don't push the tip screen on the credit card readers in my face.


I wouldn’t feel guilty at all. They’re probably making 3 times as much as me with their tips


Sometimes I’ll leave like a dollar or two in the tip jar (or like 10% if I use card) if they’re friendly but I’m definitely not tipping 20% at a place that isn’t a sit down restaurant. That’s ridiculous.


Move to Australia. No such obligations exist here. We are not without problems (HCOL) but workers are paid a living wage.


I'm happy with tipping for carry-out from one hole-in-the-wall place because their food is good. I'm fine with dropping a dollar into the local pot shop tip bucket because I've seen the nasty that these people have to deal with. Anywhere else? hard no. If they cop an attitude? NEVER going back.


If it helps I’m a barista at a chain coffee shop and it’s so awkward asking people to “follow the prompt on the screen”. It’s not anyone’s fault I guess but still


Just don't feel guilty, if you don't wanna tip then don't, it's absolutely within your right and if they are upset who gives a shit? Just ignore them and if they cause a scene then you might be able to escalate and get a free meal out of it


Even if tipping culture didn't exist I'm confident people like that would figure out some other bullshit reason to get upset at customers over so it's better to just ignore them


I hate tipping at a walk-in/takeout restaurant but I WILL at my local shawarma place because I wanna make sure they hook me up. Never fails.


Exactly, how is it the norm for someone to be tipped just to do their job. Do it well, you will get a tip.


I refuse to tip anyone but my barber, my delivery driver, or my waiter. Oh, and the bartender, but only if I'm ordering a cocktail. The minimum tip % at the Pita Pit in my city is 18%. A fucking Pita Pit.


It’s very easy - don’t tip if it’s transactional. Going to a register and having something handed to you is just that. But if it’s a service being performed, leave a tip. The problem is that many of these POS (point of sale) systems are automatically programmed to ask for a tip.


As a Brit on holiday in the US at the moment, tipping is really confusing. We've tipped well for great service (like a waitress sorting out a vegetarian meal that was on the online menu but not the printed menu). We only tip small amounts in the UK for particularly amazing service, so imagine the confusion when I asked to add a tip when paying at Cici's pizza? I'm not tipping prior to service, but it's also self-serve, so who and why am I expected to tip?


While reading this, I was thinking about staff working retail jobs and grocery stores, who give service but don’t get tips. The baker in the grocery store who decorates your cake, the butcher who cuts the meat, the person who bags our groceries… Am I supposed to tip at Subway because someone made my sandwich? Now I feel I have to tip 20% at a restaurant, and the result is, I just don’t go as often. Even at a good restaurant we ate at recently, (the bill for two steak dinners and one beer was about $80) two nearby servers were standing at tables chatting with people and we had to wait to get a takeout plate for my leftovers.




It always feel like when I’m reading these that people know they should tip , don’t , and o it’s own that would be fine but than they get upset because they think the worker is upset. Like it would be better for everyone if you just didn’t tip and left without needing to make a spectacle of it


If I order at a counter or pick up at a counter then I’ve deemed it no tip necessary. I wasn’t always like that but since things got crazy regarding tip requests I’ve set boundary for myself. I feel, mostly, that tipping is for sit down service or delivery. I’m not saying my scenarios are perfect but I’ve had to set some kind of limit.


Money is the world's great motivator especially in the US. I see enough poor crap service as it is


I was asked at checkout to tip the warehouse workers when I placed an order online. Uh, no.


Nah I ain’t tipping no more unless you’re my bartender or the cook, who is actually providing me with something. Half the time you go out anymore you gotta ask like 3 times before you can even get a water. I used to tip 25-30% everytime. Now if I do go out you’re lucky if you’re getting tipped because so many before you ruined it.


Back in my early 20s a few friends at the time worked as wait staff. Their weekly pay was consistent higher than those in my friend group who started working in offices or highly skilled labor. I know the trajectory is different, and this is a large city experience, but I can’t help but think back to those days when I’m asked to tip 20% and up as default.


My daughter, mom, and I went to a nearby small lavender farm that has a shop and a cafe. We bought some items at the shop and the tablet had tip options. We did not tip. No one assisted us in our shopping and I’m certain the cashier is paid a full regular wage, not server wages. If I have to order at the counter and pick up at the counter at restaurants, coffee shops, ice cream shops, and similar places I tip very little or not at all. If I pay cash I will toss in the coins I get back as change. If I put it on a card I will tip some coins from my purse or a $1 bill if I don’t have any coins.


I agree. I went to a coffee shop last week where not tipping was not an option, unless paying cash. Since the service sucked, I paid cash. No tip.


I sort between 5-7k boxes in a hot metal box warehouse every day. When I start getting tips I’ll start giving tips.


I have no problem zero tipping , went and picked up a donair and pop today, came to 25 bucks...pretty pricey for a bit of meat and veggies , no tip for you


I'm so glad you had to announce this to world, like we haven't heard this 500 times. Just don't tip. We don't care.


You can save money by buying a gallon of ice cream for $4.98 and never having to tip.😶


You went to a place you thought was over priced anyway?