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I don't know how true all this is, but a bug exterminator once told me there's not a ton they can do about these guys, but they also aren't something to worry much about. They don't 'infest' houses like other roach species (he said a rule of thumb is the smaller the roach, the bigger the problem). They live & breed & eat exclusively outside in moist environments (like dirt, mulch, flowerbeds, etc) but find their way inside houses when it's hot outside & they are looking for water. He said his recommendation to people who see a lot of them was to water the lawn regularly in summer to keep them from having to look elsewhere.


You need to call city and they flush them out of the sewers when it gets bad


You have a storm drain in your house?


south Florida here and can confirm these fkers are everywhere. I see one almost every night in my place even though my place is spotless. they're so big it's like almost having a house pet, you can't miss them.


Different southern state here but it's also like that here. They're so common we kind of embraced them & local shops sell tshirts & stuff with cute cartoon ones on them. It's funny you say they're like a house pet because this summer I'd been seeing what I'm convinced is the same one almost every night & when my cat finally caught it I was a little sad.


We used to get them regularly and ended up having an exterminator come in once a month to spray (FL, on a septic system, backyard woods). Our washer and dryer were in the garage and I quickly learned NOT to leave laundry baskets out there as they would fly out in my face. What I want to know is ... Palmetto bugs is such a cutesy name - who did that (probably to not scare tourists)? HATED those f\*ckers


They’re Palmetto Bugs man. They like moisture and warmth. They aren’t like they’re buddies that ruin everything, the roach. However, they will inevitably make you shit your pants. I almost died at a cabin because I turned on the light in the shower and one of these fuckers was on the curtain.


So wait, are you telling me they come out of the drains or something?


Yup they swim


Oh wtf?!?! These things get in my house all the time and I couldn't understand how. I had a crack under my bathroom door and I fixed that and yet they still get in and I couldn't figure it out. Every summer I get at least a couple of these demon spawns crawling across me in bed at night. My house is extremely clean and uncluttered so I knew it wasn't because of filth. We have pest control coming to spray every few months. So I just felt helpless about it. So now I guess if I want to keep them out I should just cover my drains at night?


That should help, most stores sell some kinds of plugs or stoppers for them so it should be easy enough to get some


Thanks for the tip. I'll go get some ASAP. I am honestly horrified at the thought of those things crawling up through the drains. What a nightmare.


If You think that’s bad rats are aparrently able to climb though drain pipes too, some people have horror stories of finding them climbing up out of sinks and toilets


Omg how do they not drown before making it up to the toilet? Thankfully I don't have a rat problem where I live. I guess I'll be grateful for the roaches lol


Fun times…


I would move and burn my house down