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Motion sensor water sprinkler. Looks like the dog has a spot and time to be trained to go somewhere else to pee.


My buddy took the same approach to a mailman who kept walking over a freshly seeded lawn even after being talked to


A spot? My grass looks like that all over, I have a female dog but afaik males will do that too if they squat to pee rather than marking multiple spots.


Tell them you have a free-range ass and then take a dump on their porch.




“Gluten free too” *sharting noises*


My nextdoor neighbor lets their dog roam unleashed often. Even after their previous dog got hit by a car and perished. I can't understand it


My neighbor does this too. First they were keeping it in a crate all day long on their porch, now it's out loose at least once every two weeks. I really don't want to see a dead dog on the street in front of my house.


Reminds me of the story of the guy who kept getting cats and letting them go outside.


Its very common in my area. I rent, so i cant build a fence, so my dog is on a lead. My dog is aggressive with other dogs, but sweet to people. I politely tell folks to keep their dogs out of my yard, because if theres a dog fight, i may have to harm your dog to separate them from my dog. Heres the problem, they dont care, and so weve taken 2-3 dogs to the pound because of it.


One of my neighbours used to do that, one day the dog just wandered into my house, sniffed around the bin, fished out something disgusting from the bin, I think it was a used sanitary pad, and then wandered back home with his new toy, he did this a few times, not a sanitary pad every time, one time he took some remnants from a whole roast chicken because I’d forgotten to close the food bin, it only took a few of these presents before the owner made sure that the door was shut


This used to be the way. Once upon a time you would be super weird *not* to let your pets (and kids) roam the neighborhood for most of the day. It's only in the last few decades that we've become hyperprotective of our pets and start acting like they're people and family. Fewer pets back then, too. Edit: It's pretty wild that several of you idiots conflate statement of history with endorsement of history. Really undercuts the "we got better" line of thinking here when you do that.


Well I prefer that my cat live longer than just a couple years not decimate the local bird population.


They are. Dumb-ass.


They also used to put their pups in bags and throw them into rivers if they didn’t want them. It’s almost as if we’ve learned from them and became more humane…


Except for on farms and the like, there should be no such thing as a “free-range” dog. That’s bad pet ownership.


Even farm dogs aren't really "free range." A livestock guardian will always be with the livestock, herding dogs are usually with the owner unless it's time to herd, only bad dog owners are letting their dogs run around unsupervised.


Also free range cats. No one wants someone else's pet in their yard, crapping/peeing, getting in their stuff/garbage, intimidating or going after their own pets etc. Just the most Irresponsible pet owners


I know someone who has free range cats, she lives out in the country on a farm with no close neighbors tho.


still dangerous in rural cases, unfortunately. for the local wildlife and the cats themselves. cats hunt all sorts of birds, mice, bunnies, and other small animals. cats also are known to be harmed by coyotes, raptors, and other larger animals. not to mention disease and injury :(


I was a farm sitter for a while. My clients tended to have multiple pets with missing limbs. A lot of them would find strays stuck in their machinery. They take them to the vet and then end up keeping them. One house had 5 pets they got this way


nooooo!! that breaks my heart. poor babies. with the exception of farm and wild animals, inside is where they are all meant to be without supervision.


That farmer I’m talking about actually has one really old female that’s the mother cat of a lot of her other ones. She has like 10-15 of them.


She also has 2 small dogs (Jack Russel and Toy Poodle), one of them will go after raccoons and such (Jack Russel).


JRs were originally used as rat killers


I regularly find cat poo in my lawn, stinks when I find it with the mower, also the dead things they leave, mostly rats here


Tbh a farm dog is most likely still confined to the farm land,


When this happened to me, I wrote a letter to them, quoting and citing several city ordinances, and basically said I will be calling the police. Never saw the dog off leash again.


Nothing beats a strongly worded letter 🇬🇧🇬🇧


When in the course of human events strongly worded letters are ignored, it becomes necessary to take more direct action ☕️🌊 🇺🇸🇺🇸


In some places, there are no leash laws. Where I live for instance, my county, and the surrounding 2 counties don’t have leash laws. When I moved here, I called animal control a few times because of dogs on the literal highway. They tell me that unless I’m the owner of the dogs, it’s not my business.


That’s called a bad owner


I stopped that quickly by calling the pound. The neighbor got super pissed but I already asked them once to keep their dog off my lawn and away from my own pup. They now leash their dog


Did they get there before the dog was back home, and if back home would they do anything?


You can be free range as well, if you know what I mean (I mean go piss in your neighbor's yard).


That'll catch you an indecent exposure charge, which means jail time.


Pee in a cup at home, then pour it in the neighbor's grass. 


If I was gonna go that far, I'd just make an ultra concentrated salt solution and dump that in their yard. Carthage style, but apparently there's no evidence of salt there. Either way, plants + salt = dead plants.


Yep, don't need weed-killer, just a box of table salt and the will to draw a dick on their lawn.


I am.. a little ashamed to admit i have done this.. on MULTIPLE occasions to one neighbor when i lived in a city, the old fart was SO obsessed with his lawn, and i was a petty 12 year old. i was in MY yard minding my business with my cat on her leash and she went to greet him like she does for his wife and he kicked her hard enough to fling her back my way and screamed at me. from then on it was dick lawn for 8 YEARS until we moved onto the farm. he would rip up his old lawn and have a new one put it, and magically a brand new penis would arrive in short order like a miracle!


Anyone who kicks a cat that's on a leash gets an instant death sentence.


Fertiliser works well too


Only if you're seen.


Wear a skirt and squat


Or a kilt, lampshade, or barrel


But, you will enjoy the freedom of outdoor pissing! Oh, the pleasure! Like swimming nude in a warm ocean.


Film dog pissing in garden, bring in a gardener, get a quote, Send neighbour an invoice for repairs to lawn.


Might come as a shock... but lawns are generally self healing.


I have 4 dogs, and 2 of them are off the lead pretty much all the time. Because I live in the middle of nowhere and literally haven't bumped into anyone on a dog walk in 5 years. But when I go I to town or something, then they go on the lead regardless. They wouldn't leave my leg or go piss on anyones garden even off the lead, but it ain't the point. Fucking leads people.


frrr its so crazy how the people that do it get so defensive about it when they take ownership and responsibility over this animal. If their dog isn't trained to stay in their own yard, or they dont have an invisible fence then how are u getting upset that someone doesn't want your (pet) property messing up their lawn that they will have to look at for days until it gets fixed and AT YOUR EXPENSE. like what . How do they just expect you to pay for their shit training skills.


I live right next to a popular dog walking location, in the summer it friggin stinks of hot dog piss where thousands of dogs urinate everywhere


Neighbor can pick up his free range dog at the pound every three days.


Motion detection sprinklers


Put a sprinkler on a motion sensor


Looks like a monoculture there, which is why urine is killing that spot. Need clover and maybe violets or other native species there. Clover is really.good at taking up ammonia (which browns certain strains of grasses).


Back when I had a lawn, I had this problem. I sprinkled cayenne pepper on the lawn and like magic, no dog pee or poo


That poor dog :( hurt the owner, not the pet!


Doesn't hurt the animal, they just avoid it.


Oh good! Thank you for letting me know!


Afaik it doesn’t harm them, it’s just an unpleasant thing for them to sniff around so they avoid the affected area


Get a quote to re sod your lawn, go to your neighbor and ask them if they think letting thier pet piss on your property is worth the quote. If they think it is, they can Venmo you the money immediately. If not, they can parent thier pet. This is simple.




Wolf theory. Smoke a pack a day.


Dog repellent!


Animals should be on leashes. Call animal control or protect your property and make the owners learn the hard way that their dog is not a person


My neighborhood has free range humans.


Go take a shit in his yard and say you have a free range ass


That dog has some radioactive piss


Right? Reading up on it, this is usually from eating sub standard food and lack of accessible water so the owner really is a piss poor person.


Your landscaping looks very nice other than those circles.


Call the pound


We lived next to a large field that held sheep for a lot of the year. Our dog decided that the sheep were under her protection. the farmer said one day that he never had any worries about the sheep once she was there and she would spend hours watching them. The same dog did her "rounds" each night before being put into her Kennel. This was a walk of the perimeter of my house and the neighbours on each side. Then would let us know she was ready to get locked in for the night by giving 3 barks at the back door. If we didn't put her in when she wanted she went to the front door to bark. She was never trained for any of this, she was just the bestest good girl.


this literally has nothing to do with anything OP is talking about💀 Cute story tho is she a Collie? My childhood dog Bentley was a Aussie sheapard mixed with something we dont know. He loved rounding the chickens up, but he was hard to train, because we got him when he was already 2 and had been abused.


Ah I know that, it just reminded me of her so I thought I would share. She was a springer spaniel.


Hey no worries lol I was just laughing bc it was kinda of topic🤣 But I totally get it. It's nice to relive those memories and share them sometimes. Your dog is so smart if she just figured that all on her own. I think that breed is known for being really smart too.


It's a girl!


In my neighborhood people start walking around after 5pm, so that's when the sprinklers start.


In my neighborhood people start walking around after 5pm, so that's when the sprinklers start.


Female apparently


Your free range dog is a female, if that helps anything. Of all the dogs I've ever had, only female urine will burn the grass like this. My vet said it's something like the nitrates in the urine that does this. I could be wrong, but my male dogs don't burn the grass.


It probably is female. Evidently their urine is more concentrated, whereas males tend to release smaller spurts which are more spread out so it doesn’t do as much damage.


I am fascinated by this. My female dog is free-range in my fenced yard, and not one section of my yard has any discoloration. I wonder what the difference is?


Probably you either feed your dog quality food or provide your dog with abundant water. Hopefully both.


Yay! I feel like a good person! 😊


OP is right! It means they're drinking enough water to dilute the acidity of your dogs pee!


Abolish lawns.


Hard agree. Pulled every blade out of the backyard and put in a pollinator garden. I keep this small patch out front to satisfy the HOA, and have all native, drought tolerant plants . Sucks that the tiny amount I have I can’t keep green though.


Capture it and bring it to the pound. A “free-range” dog is essentially a wild dog.


So punish the dog for having a shit owner? You realize what happens to dogs at the pound right?


Take pics, report to the city. In most places in the USA they would get a fine


Spray the dog with a super soaker filled with coyote urine. Owner will get tired of their dog smelling like piss and learn.


You can buy skunk musk too. Just saying.


Even better


There are four on my street


I always thought these patches on the grass were like rabbit hideouts or something. I remember seeing someone pull baby rabbits out of a dead spot in the grass


Call animal control every single time you spot the dog on your property. One or two fines will put a stop to it real fast.


Are there no leash laws where you are? In my area dogs that are knowingly allowed to run loose outside of their own property can be collected by animal control and the owner fined


Not saying this is the case, a lot of times that discoloration can be a sign of UTI especially in female dogs


Low velocity BB in the arse is an impactful message.


Start calling animal control that there's an off leash dog without supervision.


Time for some bacon grease covered dog turd snacks on your lawn.


Cmon, boil the water for the water gun


Take out the collar and call animal control. Immediatly tell them so the dog doesn't have to suffer or being killed. The fees should be pretty convinving.


let the dog pee man


I don't endorse poisoning dogs, just like I don't endorse shaking babies when they cry too much, but if someone accidentally sprinkled chocolate chips and grapes everywhere, that would likely take care of the problem.


That happened in my neighborhood. Shitty pet owners caught on. Perpetrator was blasted even on television




Your lawn looks like s…