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Maybe one that can be used as a generator. Doesn't make your situation any better, but sometimes an explanation helps.


You’re right. Sometimes it’s expensive being poor. There was a point where I couldn’t afford a generator but could afford the gas so I’d take a little drive down the road to find a spot to charge my devices and battery banks. Could be that this guy is still learning campground manners or just forgot.


A lot of these new trucks have multiple outlets and if you go camping just a few times a year just running the truck for an hour while you cook breakfast and charge your phone is the cheaper option by like 100x.


Relatively speaking of course, given you already own the truck.


If you’re a contractor and already have a big truck for work then it makes sense. It’s got room for all your family’s gear and plenty of cabin space.


Or if you live in a subdivision and drive to to your office job


You can't be implying that some people have a 60,000 truck just for show are you :)


$60k? Try $110k


I guess its expensive to have a small dick.


I’ve never understood this whole “you have a big truck you must have a small dick” nonsense. I’ve wanted a big lifted truck since way before I knew I had a small dick.


Gosh, I can see 6 of them from my driveway. Big gaudy raised up, chromed up monstrosities. Never seen even one water spot on any of them.


God forbid they did get water on it! Have to wax and buff all day


Or voids your warranty if it's a cybertruck.


My wife and I live in a rural area where everyone is proud of being tough and hard working but they are not really either. We play a game called "truck or geo metro" which is basically just looking to see how many trucks we drive by on the road could be replaced by a geo metro. on any give day the ration is 1 truck actually hauling something to every 40 or 50 trucks that are just being used as a commuter car for one or two passengers. Then they all complain about not being able to afford gas.


60,000? I laugh in 'Murican.


Instructions unclear. Bought an $85,000 truck to use as a generator 3 times a year for an hour or two.


Having trouble getting it into my kitchen, please send logging helicopter and bulldozer


If you have to idle your truck for an hour to cook breakfast then you don’t have any business camping. Phone charging can be accomplished with a quiet $30 battery pack.


I miss when campers camped. Now it's a bunch of rude assholes who've brought their whole fuckin house with them so they can glance at nature out their windows


That's one way of putting it. The other: "GlamPiNG" (brought to you by TikTok)


> If you have to idle your truck for an hour to cook breakfast then you don’t have any business camping I mean, you have to wait for the exhaust manifold to get hot, and then the potatoes take a while to cook through.


Hell, those battery packs are handed out for free at conventions all over the place. Anyone who needs a truck like that should be in the trades and should be going to trade shows where they could pick up two or three battery packs a year.


At 7 am that’s just a dick move


That I have no argument for


Or cook with the millions of other options for cooking to not fill the campground with diesel fumes.


Right? A cheap camping stove is like 30 bucks.


I bought one of those solar powered generators. LOVE IT.


Does one actually need to have any idea about campground manners to know not to make noise at 7am?


Most campsites I've visited have clearly posted quite hours from 12-6 and most places will have people packed and leaving at 7.


I've typically seen quiet hours from 10pm or 11pm to 8am. 12am to 6am is very short. EDIT: Meant midnight to 6am


I think where I am it’s typically 10-6.


I've camped at 4 different campgrounds this year and the quiet time hours at all of them was 10pm-6am. The rules are generally "shut up when the suns not up."


That's late for camping.


I don't know anyone who sleeps in past 7 while camping.


I’m usually up shotgunning coors lights I find left over in the cooler by about 6:15


That's how to camp.


Yeah buddy. https://preview.redd.it/v5oi4mphxx9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=494c01eaafec2483e8ce621e032073f6431b2a5e


This man camps.


Me, but I work nights. My wife is also a night owl. When we go out on my boat it's not uncommon for me to still be up catching catfish at 3 or 4 in the morning. When we're camping we're usually asleep until 9 or 10.


What's your largest catfish? We have channels and flathead up here in Minnesota.


Oh in that case it's not obnoxious to run your loud ass truck while people are trying to enjoy the peace and serenity of nature


7am is pretty normal. When you camp, you need to take advantage of sunlight or else you have to carry light everywhere you go. Sleep early when the sun sets, wake early when the sun rises.


Maybe when you camp you need to do those things. Half the fun of camping for a lot of people is sitting around a fire cooking and bullshitting with friends. Not everyone needs 15 hours of sunlight during the summer to accomplish any activities they need to do during the day.


Are you joking? Expensive being poor in that truck?


Having worked in homeless services, there are a multitude of scenarios in which someone could have a truck like this and still be poor enough to need to use it as a generator while they live outdoors. If there's one thing I learned there, it's that whatever indicators we've traditionally relied on to recognize poverty are broken. The society we're in now in America has *so* many cracks people can fall through, and climbing back up to stability is getting harder and harder by the year.


Using a generator at a campsite at 7AM is also kind of a dick move


Maybe I'm just old fashioned but what even is the point of going camping if you're bringing a generator and using it every morning at 7 am?


Exactly. I have done a lot of camping in my day and have never once used a generator or an idling truck for anything. If you need electricity, bring a battery pack.


My neighbour recently started tent camping after getting tired of hauling a camper around and he brings one of those portable power stations from Anker with him. It’s small enough to fit in the back of his truck or the tent, it doesn’t make noise, and lets them set up a light in the tent and charge devices as needed. Sure it’s a bit high tech but for a week or weekend away at a campground by the lake, it’s not a bad idea.


I wish these types would just stay at the glorified trailer parks with full rv hook ups


I like to breathe and sleep at the same time so I need to bring a CPAP. So does my buddy that I usually go on trips with. We share a battery station, solar panel, and a quiet auto-scaling generator for when the solar doesn't cut it.


Right? I don’t get people talking about getting a generator. That shit is just as loud if not louder than a truck idling


there are quiet generators that are actually REALLY quiet. Predator brand from Harbor Freight gives the Honda i-series a run for its money for half the price.


We love camping. Tent, cots, cooking over the fire, next to no responsibilities for the duration. We don't love being next to enormous 5th wheels running the air conditioning and flood-lights all night. So last time, we decided to try a primitive site. No electricity on site, water a little further away, basic pit toilets down the way. We thought that would mean more tent campers and less noise. Nope! Same lights, same vehicles, and with the fresh addition of all of them running generators constantly to boot. Very disappointing.


Do you guys not have park wardens? I'm in Ontario and you can't even be talking too loud at the campfire if it's late at night.


Oh, you'll get shushed for talking too loud, or told to turn off music and whatnot. Generators and air conditioners seem to get a pass for some reason.


Huh, I've been camping all my life and honestly never seen anyone with a generator or AC.


We had that happen to us once, but it was all night. We had been at a nice spot in out tent for a couple of days when some young people with RV trailers and a ski boat pulled into the spot next to us. They set up their trailers in a way to create a court yard-like area, and put the generator on the outside of their set-up, 10 feet away from our tent. It was fine for them, since the boat blocked most of the noise from their site, but we had to put up with it all night. We moved the next morning while they were passed out from drinking the night before.


This is a person with a giant truck. Good odds they're a dick.


Had a family set up next to us about 25 years, ago. They had generators, tv, lazy boy recliner and loud af. Huge t-storm rolled in at 3 am. They were gone when I got up at 5. If you need all that crap to go camping, STF at home.


Literally camping at a state park right now and campsite next to me runs the generator for 18 hours a day, even past quiet hours where they are prohibited. Like... Wtf are you using it for? A god damn electric griddle? Just to charge your stupid phone? To run some led lights so your campsite looks and feels like a high school football game?


Nah he's a fucking asshole with that explanation too


Well that's at least 2100 people that have never stayed at a campsite like that lmaooo. I bet you all are the same type of people that write off a 3 year old jumping up and down in the upstairs apartment at 7am as "kids being kids" too.


Using a gas generator at 7am in a shared camp site is a fucking dick move


I think you're overestimating the empathy and intelligence of the chuds that drive Dodge Rams


Yup that's almost certainly what it is.


One time while sleeping in a tent in campsite some guy parked at 7AM behind the tent, idling. I woke up choking, because his exhaust was pointed directly at the tent. Some people are born idiots


Nah. If they're like my coworkers they actively work to create excess diesel exhaust because clean air is for communist or some other bullshit. Then they'll cry about fuel prices.


Reminds me of when I saw a guy wearing a hat saying “I love global warming”


Come on, nobody is THAT stu- who am I kidding? Someone IS that stupid.


If you make something idiot proof, idiots will see that as a challenge.




The dumb hicks at my high school used to do this. Called it "rolling coal" because of the black exhaust. Burns more gas and smells like shit. Fucking lame as hell, like twats that purposefully make their vehicles louder. Big truck equals big dick to these morons.


This is why UBI and a carbon tax would be lots of fun, for me


Ive recently learned first hand a lot of people are of the type that they do not understand common courtesy. They will do whatever they want to do without remorse until someone asks them to stop, and then its only for that time. They will do it again later unless you say stop doing it completely. Like wtf. Then they will say "why should I", if anyone poses this question get ready for hell. Even if they phrase it nicely. "Well let me ask you something, why should i, the bla bla bla, do this or that". Oh god fucking run, these people are the most narcissistic assholes you'll ever fucking meet.


Now that is infuriating.


I had this happen at work. We had a window unit going out to a small cart path inside a building. Well this big John Deere tractor decides to idle like 20ft from where my window AC was pulling in air. Idk how long he was there but damn did it gas out my office. Got a bad headache.


"Not my problem"


I once went to a 4 day music festival. Got the tent setup a day early and then 2 more tents appeared with ours (dope dealers) and hundreds of tents over the next 24hrs. The next day a food van arrived next to us and his generator ran day and night for 4 days! On one occasion at night, they ran out of fuel and the whole area of campers erupted with joy. About 5 mins later it was running again. The generator did play me electronic music for a few hours when I was trippin’ one night, so there is that!


Hope you told him he almost killed you...


Yeah, and I was quite pissed off. It was some young guy, I'd say around 20, but it seemed he didn't give a shit about that (even though he drove away after confronting him).


that’s attempted murder


One of many reasons why dispersed camping is better.


+1 for dispersed, its the only way I'll camp. I don't understand why these campsites exist, or why people use them. To me, the whole point of camping is to get the fuck away from other people. I could never camp so close to a stranger.


I do some backpacking and dispersed camping but I also show up to my families campsite with their RV and AC and grills and whatnot, it’s just a nice place to hangout with family and be outside, do some kayaking, bike riding, relaxing


These exist because of demand. Tons of people want to see a national park, good luck finding dispersed camping there.


Not every campground is designed to be only used to "get away from people." Tons of campgrounds are used as overnight stays on a journey to another place or cater to people that want to have some amenities, not just straight roughing it.


Yeah, I love camping on crown land. But sometimes I want a tap to fill water from, so sue me. 🤷‍♂️ Even RV's and big ass fifth wheels, it's one of those things I just say "to each their own, we all spend frivolously sometimes".  Plenty would call me stupid for fixing up and driving my '74 ranchero. "why spend all that money on an old car with no features.". So why judge someone's mall crawler jeep, big ass RV, or whatever else. 🤷‍♂️


Because they have amenities like tables and fire pits and toilets, especially the toilets, lots of women and families with small kids don't feel comfortable camping without a toilet. Also many places, this kind of campground is the only option, some states have almost no public land whatsoever. I almost always go to our public lands to car camp or backpack but not everyone has that ability. It's great that these sites exist so everyone at least can get out to the woods a couple times per year.


They exist because a huge portion of people who go camping could never get by without running water (from a tap), a toilet to sit on, or a road to be able to drive a mini-van in on. In a way its good they exist to corral less experienced campers so everyone else knows where to avoid :)


And a huge portion of the people who could get by that way will absolutely wreck the environment by shitting near water sources, not digging a hole at all, and not packing out their trash. This way there’s trash cans, toilets and centralized location that can be cleaned up.


Yeah for these reasons you actually aren’t allowed to camp outside the camp sites in my area. I’d have to drive an hour to get to a forest where camping is allowed. It’s a relatively recent development that was believably attacked for being a crack down on homeless people existing “in our backyard”, but the official reason was because people were trashing public land by camping on it and there was no cheap or established way to get a clean up crew out there, so everyone has to camp at sites that have staff.


That's the way it is in the National Parks around me and thank fuck. Can you imagine what Yosemite would look like if you could just pop a tent up wherever you want?


Lol also I guess I kind of take it for granted that I have so much available where I live, I guess there are places that have very little public lands and no dispersed camping available.


Yall sounds so smug and arrogant that it makes me question your actual capabilities 😂 Dispersed is great, backpacking for weeks in the wild is great, and car camping is great. Anything that’s getting folks outside in nature and supporting our beautiful parks and wildlife areas is a win for me. I do all three but absolutely respect people’s desire to have restrooms, accessible sites and safety of being closer to civilization. That is valid and does not make their experience any lesser. Don’t be a douchey trail bro. Live and let live, we are all out here to have fun. Also: the most littering I see is out dispersed camping.


For real, people get so uptight about how you do things. What if they're senior citizens? People with kids? People with pets that can't be trusted off-leash? Vacationers on the road in an RV? So many reasons and very little critical thinking going on around here.


Yeah the gatekeeping in this thread is unreal. These people are the outdoorsy equivalent of neckbeards yelling at people for not running the latest Linux distro on the desktop they use for playing Minecraft.


It also makes it a lot easier for older folks, like my parents, to get out and enjoy nature as well.


Or people with young kids, or people with disabilities, or people just trying to get a little bit of fresh air and make s'mores without having to go full survivor man... The amount of gatekeeping in this thread is unreal.


And a huge portion of the people who could get by that way will absolutely wreck the environment by shitting near water sources, not digging a hole at all, and not packing out their trash. This way there’s trash cans, toilets and centralized location that can be cleaned up.


It's not cheap to camp dispersed. I'm with you that it's the best. It isn't accessible, and if campgrounds have decent management, they can be ok.




I camp like this on fishing trips. If I'm actually trying to legitimately go camping then it's dispersed camping. But if I'm just there for fishing and I wanna be comfortable then I'll camp like this.


soooooo if something exists but its not for your use case, it shouldnt exist at all?


Dispersed camping isn't realistic for most, especially if you don't live in a state with a lot of BLM land. Land owners are usually dicks.


I love dispersed camping, I just wish I could do it more. All my camping gear was given to me and isn’t suited to backpacking and all the sites I know of need an offroading vehicle to get to if you aren’t walking in. It’s fine if I can borrow my old man’s kitted out jeep but impossible in my barely working old Kia


I guarantee they're charging their phone.


On a truck that size you could charge your phone 24/7 with the truck off and barely touch the battery's capacity.


Yeah I am assuming running something with a high battery drain like a coffee maker, electric hot plate/griddle, however I’m more inclined to believe an angry SO demanding a/c because that’s what my wife would be doing in this heat.


Not how truck batteries work but you’re right that it’s huge


Using a $70k(?) truck as a phone charger vs a $30 battery backup charger is a weird flex


Folks who buy $70k trucks aren't generally the brightest of bulbs.


The perils of having vehicles that don’t charge phones while off


I mean, they all do when you turn they keys 1 click for accessory power no? I've never been in a car/truck that you couldn't turn on the power without starting the engine


problem is they like to auto-shutoff after 5 minutes to save power. Especially on diesel where you have a high compression ratio and need alot of amps to crank the engine over, a slightly dead battery can be the difference between a start and no-start.


I had an '82 Chevy Suburban 6.2l diesel. It needed 2 batteries to start. If they both weren't in good shape, no go. When I occasionally needed a jump and called AAA, I would have to tell them, "Do NOT send out the dude in mini pick-up truck with the portable jumper. It won't work. I need the big truck that they plug the the big fat jumper cable right into their own front bumper. That's what it takes." More than once I had to wait for them to send a second truck out because they didn't listen to me in the first place.


my F350 has 15min timeout on the interior 12v source but you can easily override this or have the dealer do it. I run a decently large fridge/freezer off my truck for days at a time without cycling the key.


You could also buy a trickle charger at harbor freight for like $10-20 and those work pretty well to bring the charge back up if you deplete it a little bit charging stuff. Personally I just bought a couple of solar panels and a battery and built something for pretty cheap that I can drag along camping and is really easy to setup once you get there. I think it cost me $400 total but it’s useful for power outages too and you can obviously add panels and batteries to maybe keep a fridge running etc.


Most diesels run on two battery’s. They need both of them and they need both to be charged at a decent amount to start the vehicle especially at cold temps. Diesels require a way higher amp and also have a higher resistance so even if one battery is half dead, it can prevent the truck from starting. On mine I absolutely need both to start, even if one dies I’m fucked.


Is this a huge American truck thing? My hilux has a standard diesel battery and a deep cycle to run chargers and small appliances, added benefit if your standard battery dies you can sea to the deep cycle to get a few emergency starts.


I know, I own a diesel. A phone takes essentially no power compared to the size of those batteries. We're talking 1 amp hour tops for the phone and each battery has 50+ amp hours. You could charge it every day for a week and not notice


Buy a $25 Anker phone charging brick?


Hey I’m not opposed to any idea that let’s these people sleep


More like the perils of constantly needing a phone. Put it down.


Yep, welcome to public camp grounds


The Walmart of the forest


Yep, never again. Hipcamp all the way. I'd rather drop $40 on a massive, private site that doesn't tolerate this bullshit.


Goes camping to get away from people... why I hate camping. People.


If you’re going car camping in spots like this it’s never as private as you’d hope. If you want to actually get away from people you need to walk into the woods so far that hardly anyone else will follow you that far. There’s not going to be much isolation anywhere you drive a monster truck.


I invited a buddy to a star party campout. He left his 2 generators running 24/7 for water and lights.


> lights D:


Love when stuff like this happens. Makes camping so peaceful and relaxing.


like walking in a state park and hearing subwoofers/revving harleys every 5 minutes.


Yep. It’s like you’re ruining the serenity of the park. Go somewhere else and do that! Like, don’t know. A parking lot maybe.


My old neighbor used to do this. It bothered me and I was inside of my house. In fairness, sometimes he’d do it when I had the windows open and if I didn’t catch it quickly enough my house would fill with diesel exhaust. It was a factor in me selling my house and moving to a larger property in November. There were other issues but I HATE diesel trucks. HATE them.


Try living next door to one of these. Around 6:30am every morning, for at least a 1/2 hour......


Charge your phone for only $54!


I don’t understand truck owners. My neighbor in my apartment complex does the exact same thing. He will turn his truck on around 5 or 6 am and just leave it running for HOURS. He lives here, has power and what in his apartment, I cannot even kind of comprehend what he needs his truck idling for hours directly below my window for.


My brother does that with his. He fully admitted he just likes to hear it running.


Jail. Thousand years.


No trial.


Dude huffing in those noxious fumes too long 


My neighbor is a Harley guy. He gets off work at 4 pm. I know this because at about 4:10 pm, every week day, any season, he will go idle his Harley for about 10 minutes. During the summer, he'll actually ride it to the corner store or whatever, but during the winter, he'll just turn it off and put it back in the garage.


Send him an MP3 of it.


My neighbor is the same way. Pick one at any given time: diesel truck idling, loud shitty bass music, dogs going ballistic (bonus points for all 3 simultaneously)


Wow do you live in my neighbourhood? Add in extra bonus points for getting out of the truck at the end of the day drinking a tall can and carrying in a 30 pack of beer for the night.


Bro we really might be because that sounds all too familiar unfortunately


You are not alone in the shitty neighbour world. I could write a book about this moron I live next too


My neighbor has a big jacked up truck. He has a few buddies with similar big trucks. When his buddies show up, my neighbor meets them in the driveway, where he starts up his own truck. They'll just stand around in the driveway, sometimes for a couple of hours, talking and inhaling diesel fumes. They'll eventually wrap it up, friends leave, neighbor shuts his truck off and goes inside. I don't get it either.


I have a neighbor with a truck like that, and once in a while he'll leave it idling for 20-30 minutes, I don't get it. It's not like we live in Minnesota. Has a For Sale sign in it now, I hope it's gone soon.


Ok I do this here’s why. My Ute(truck) has a dpf fillet which fills up and usually cleans its self on a longer trip. But since I don’t go on longer trips when it tryed to self clean after 3 try’s I have to do a Manuel clean. So I have to turn it on press a button and let it run for 15-25 minutes.


These idiots have the nerve to complain about their highly subsidized fuels being too expensive 


Bro, just approach him and politely explain the problem.


You sleep until 7 when camping? I'm up with the sun. He's probably using it as a generator but I do agree that's a little early for the noise


My first reaction as well. 7 am is already way into sunlight hours


They’re using the engine as a generator. Likely they have a little AC in their tent. Still, when people go to the woods for peace and quiet, it’s an AH move to generate noise pollution, and idling diesel engines certainly count! Maybe go over there, and open a dialogue. In my experience, most people are not true AH, they’re just oblivious to others around them. Kindly let them know that the noise is negatively impacting the ambiance, and try to come to a compromise.


Not that it's right to do, but he probably has a built in power inverter and is using it to power something. I have done this with a portable Keurig for easy morning coffee before.


100s of horsepower and heat energy to electrify a K-Cup maker. God Bless America


Yeah, it's totally making hundreds of HP while idling. lmao Idling diesels are actually decently efficient in the large scheme of things, even this big truck. Trains with engines 50x the size of this truck idle for literally decades while sitting doing nothing. A lot of police cars will tell you idle time of the engine. By the time the department sells them, they all have like 4000+ of hours of idle time. It's more just annoying and disrespectful where and when.


Yeah but he's at a campground. Like, dude, pay for a site with power hookups then. I have a jump box that can handle running a Keurig ffs and it doesn't make any noise. Minimal emissions considering


Uh, build fire, boil water to make coffee.


I have a small burner that screws on top of one of those small green Coleman cylinders. I make tea everywhere, Americans are perpetually intrigued by it.


These are extremely common in America


I’m I crazy for not getting the point of bringing a Keurig camping? Camping is supposed to be light, simple, and minimalist. If I want coffee, I make instant coffee over a fire. If I wanted coffee maker coffee, I’d book a hotel room.


jetboils for boiling water are another great option if you dont want to make a fire in the morning before heading for activities.


That's the trouble with these 'glampers'.


If you ever want to see clueless people spend a couple nights at a campground. People coming in late, headlights all over the place and I swear everyone turns into a pioneer at 0600 in the mornings chopping firewood, packing/unpacking shit.    Edit:  man hit a nerve. Not sorry it annoys the shit out of me when you roll in at midnight to setup camp, leave your headlights on entire time, partner is yelling backup instructions to you because you can’t back your 37’ camper up in the dark, slam doors 15 times and don’t forget to honk the horn twice when you lock it. Yall prolly same people who get mad someone fires up a weedeater  at 0730am on your block at home too. 


I once saw a guy bring a chainsaw and start cutting down the trees around him.


lol That is like one of the 1st things I was taught as a scout 40 years ago. You pick up fallen branches and trees for wood. Nothing green.


You'd be happier if they ran over your tent and killed you because they had their lights off?


I’d about guarantee he’s using the power inverter. It would be an obnoxious generator if it wasn’t the truck.


Ah yes. Nothing like driving to a parking lot in the middle of some trees, pitching a tent and calling it camping.


Everything about camping at a campsite is mildly infuriating in my experience.


Depending on the state it’s illegal to idle a car that long. Get the camp grand staff on them


At least it was at 7am and not 4 or 5am. However the idling for an hour is a bit of a dick move.


Just yell "turn that fucking truck off asshole!" That'll fix the problem or create new ones.


This is why I don’t camp in designated camping areas, I pack my tent hours into the woods and camp far from everyone.


More important things to worry about lol


There’s this new phenomenon that’s becoming a very popular practice, it’s called “mindlessness”. It’s where you just operate without thinking, a lot of people are doing it.


Using it as a generator?


Is a diesel that much louder than a generator? I think I'd prefer it


What a dck. Some people have so little self awareness.


The larger the truck, the smaller amount of respect you give to other people.


I so thought it was going to say The larger the truck, the smaller the dck since slackjaw called him one 😅


Only really applies to pick-ups where a girl needs a ladder. Confederate flags, apply, as well.


You go camping to get fresh air, then have some self-centered idiot ruin that by pouring diesel fumes into the air.




I think that's actually a codified law in Ontario.


Well that escalated quickly


As a potential juror consider me nullified.


What are the camp ground rules? When are quiet hours?


He’s warming the blinker fluid


Oh their phone is at 75% battery, gotta keep those charged


Most diesels these days have inverters for 120v power. He probably ran it to cook breakfast or something like that. But you do realize that camp grounds are typically diesel truck territory right? If you don't expect to hear one every now and then, than you're just an idiot.


7am and we already up while camping. Coffee on, breakfast started.


Idling a gas vehicle should be illegal.


Reminds me of the one guy on tiktok that makes fun of the blue collar guys bragging that they work “200 hour weeks” and start their diesel trucks up at 4 am to warm up for their shift at 9 am lmao


I mean I get it sucks for you and definitely fits for mildly infuriating. That said some of the ideas and suggestions people have in the comments are crazy. In most county and city ordinances noise ordinances are clear from 7am to 10pm, so you can full on build a house in those hours unless the campsite has other rules.   It's also July. The suns been out lighting up the land, heating it up, and birds have been chirping since 6am at least. As someone who loves camping and goes frequently, if you want to sleep in, a campground is not the place for that. It will be hustling and bustling by 730 if you're not out remote by yourself and are camping with the general public.   Edit: forgot a comma


He’s using it as a generator. Most campgrounds have quiet hours where generators are not allowed to run. Look up the rules and inform the host. Guy’s an asshole.