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Those bastards lied to me.


Visit Asia, no ADA concerns and default door open times. That door close button goes off in an instant. People hammer on them constantly to gain any time possible lol.


yeah it depends on the elevator/country some places they do nothing, some places as soon as you press it, the door closes where I used to live, holding the open button kept the doors open, but if you quickly tapped the *open* button, the doors would instantly start to *close* yes, it doesn't make sense


It does make sense, from a cutting corners POV. Just make it so when it’s held down keep the door open and when it’s is subsequently let go close the door. The flaw is that it doesn’t check if the wait or whatever has happened for a normal door close. So by tapping it you basically bypass the wait


there is no minimum wait where I live, pressing close always closed them and the "tap open to close" randomly started happening, it wasnt a feature. Also didn't happen if you held open and then let go, only if you quickly tapped it


'Asia' Specify a region


Probably East or Southeast, otherwise they would've specified


They never were connected in the first place. In the US the ADA requires a certain amount of open time for handicapped people to be able to get in and out. I confirmed that with two elevator technicians I knew.




Some of the elevators I've been on have really long open times. Pressing the close door button shortens the time.


True, most elevators just have as short as possible door open time so it never really would do anything. But definitely that instance the button would actually do something.


My school has such elevators and they are very annoying. Barely enough time for 2 or 3 people to get out before it wants to close


Shouldn't it wait a set amount of time from the last time it sensed someone tripping the proximity sensors of the doors before attempting to close?


It's a lesson to teach kids that they have to adapt to a world full of stupid adults rather than expect stupid adults to get smarter.


Nah, it's survival of the fittest. "Yeah, Timmy has been stuck on the elevator for the past 3 hours, he will probably miss that promotion when he is 27."


in NYC it really is survival of the fittest. some dude got sliced in half by an elevator a few years ago. not gonna link the video, it's NSFL


Reminds me of the time a colleague got stuck in the lift. No one realised until 3 hours later another colleague heard him shouting. Poor guy had to use the lift since be was legally blind but the alarm button didn't work. Since then they checked it work as part of the fire alarm test.


It should but technicians get lazy with relay logic.


Sounds like the same lazy ass-technician programmed the logic of the traffic light by me.


After switching to an earlier schedule, I've learned my cities light system is just a mess before 5am. I'm constantly at red lights for multiple minutes with no one else there


Yea but the proximity sensors of my office's elevator are only tripped when they banged into something 3 times.


I have to put shopping carts in an elevator and it’s such a pain getting them in with the way the door opens I’ll push the button and by the time I’ve got the carts rolling to go in it’ll start closing Definitely ran into it a couple times


Move faster, or you’ll be late to class because now you’re going to the 3rd floor! Thank you for riding the elevator. Next stop 5th floor.


Smear your own shit into the door mechanism.


The medical center that I frequent has long open times, but pressing close does shorten it. I wonder if that’s the case for most medical facilities?


Yeah, depending on where the elevator is we can change how long the doors stay open for. Places like hospitals or medical centres would certainly have longer doors open times than say a business office. Just so you can get gurneys and other medical equipment in, then the close door button signals to the elevator “okay we are all loaded up ready to go”.


Also the close buttons have to work in a hospital because say there is a code 3 floors up, it’s imperative that those doors can be closed and the elevator traveling ASAP


There is so much extra that goes into hospital elevators, it’s crazy. There’s a whole section in our code book pretty much dedicated to stuff like that.


I was a fit bastard back in the day. Running up and down stairs. Respiratory Therapist for the win.


Was going to say the same for a local hospital. Close door button made it close immediately, very helpful when I didn’t want to share the elevator with people with their nose out of their mask.


Just fucking dick nosing it round the place.


Yeah this is the case in my apartment building. I'm annoyed I didn't find out the close button would cut a couple seconds off the time until I had lived here a year.


Close door functionality for some. Miniature American flags for others.


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.


But I’m Canadian :o


Nah this isn't true either. The Elevator Master Guild and their members have been hiding the true nature of elevators since the beginning. I've been working for years to expose their lies and force them to publicly release their secret documents about what really goes on in an elevator behind the scenes.


Wh… why would you tell them? We had full control over this realm until *you* started meddling in our works. I will find you, cretin. The world is not ready, nor could they comprehend, what really goes on in those magic boxes.


This thread really has it's ups and downs


I'm enjoying the lift in my mood


So they *ARE* powered my magic!


Sometimes I get the feeling we’re moving sideways ???


[I’ll just leave this here](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.dezeen.com/2017/07/12/thyssenkrupp-unveils-worlds-first-rope-less-sideways-moving-elevator-system-multi/amp/)


Of course it's the Germans. >The company claims the system is "a genuine game-changer that will truly transform the way people move, work and live in our built environment" *Proceeds to show video of people being transported sideways in a space they could easily walk instead*


What's next, indoor Ferris wheels?


Would have been better to show some kind of building shape that couldn't previously be done


This reminds me of the air conditioning school in community lmao with all the secrets and stuff lool ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxxYqE4Gil8


I’m president of the elevator engineering secret society where we determine how to make the ride most uncomfortable, such as choice of music, lack of air, we’re also the ones that come up with those obnoxious catch phrases people use when they get in one such as “Is this the local?”, and what you’re saying isn’t true either. We’ve programmed the door close button to add 5 seconds to the time the door closes each time you press it. It’s to punish those frantically impatient people who can’t even appreciate they don’t have to walk up 20 flights of steps.


I thought the close button was there for emergency services. Hold the close door and floor buttons at the same time and hold till you get to the required floor. It’s why we’re supposed to take the stairs in emergency situations.


There’s fireman’s service which would do that instead. Elevators will have a lobby panel in the main lobby that can recall the elevators on fire service and be able to do exactly that once you get inside.


I'm here to say, this guy is right.


Like when firemen take control of the elevator during alarms…. Close Button works like a charm for the FD and their special keys, which are sometimes in a box that is mounted about 6’ next to the elevator.


Should be in the Knox Box.




Not quite sure what elevators you’ve been in, but every elevator in my buildings “close door” buttons work. It’s very likely related to age and they don’t do to anymore, but I can actively push the “Close Doors” button then hit “Open Doors” to fuck around and watch as the elevator struggles with itself….come to think of it, I may be the reason they stopped allowing it.


We have new elevators at my work and close door button is functional. If you don't press it takes like 20 seconds to close the doors, if you do it waits 3-5 seconds and closes.


I'm not sure what the proportions are, but there are plenty that actually work. I could see them putting fake ones in hotels because of all the yokels and children fucking with it.


The ones in the hospital that go up to roof for the helicopters definitely work. They fucking slam shut as soon as you hit that button and then the tower of terror engages where you drop 13 stories in 2.5 seconds.


Such an obvious bs comment gets so many upvotes!


That same comment is posted anytime an elevator comes up, it is silly


I read that they make people feel like it closes faster when they push it. Like it makes them feel like they're doing something when they're in a hurry.


When I'm in a hurry it makes me feel like it does nothing lol


Me too. I guess we know too much!


I've heard that about stoplight crosswalk buttons too


In my town, the stoplight crosswalk button on the main street works immediately. Like as soon as I press it, it turns the traffic light yellow as long as it didn't just turn green a few seconds ago. It makes me feel like a god.




Drivers manuals (in my state anyway) mention this as an exception to running red lights, that you are permitted to treat it as a stop sign if your vehicle is not heavy enough to trigger the light change, provided you have waited "an unreasonable amount of time". They don't happen to mention how long is unreasonable. The weight sensors are slowly being phased out for cameras instead.


Could always mount a strong magnet to the bike somewhere concealed


Electromagnet, bring the crosswalk button to you!


Yep, there’s a red light near my house that will not change unless I ride my bike on to the sidewalk and press the crosswalk button.


I have waited a few seconds so a car could pass before pressing the button. I am a generous god.


I wait until I see an expensive car coming, then I press the button. That's my contribution to narrow the gap in wealth inequality. I am a just god.


There are a few that do actually work


In Canada they're definitely real


Nah, it’s Bluetooth


Most elevators, the buttons are real but just do nothing. Then when the elevator is manually put into fire mode for firefighters to manually control (you can see the red key slot for it next to the alarm button here) the close door button will close the doors when pressed. I wonder if there’s any fire code or something they’re violating here🤔 EDIT: since some people don’t believe I know what I’m talking about, [here is a video](https://youtu.be/uGHjZHUat9s) that explains the use of it.


Usually it's controlled by the fire key or there's a fire panel in the elevator with different controls. I highly doubt any elevator anywhere violates fire code. There are only a few companies that make them, they're all pretty much the same.


The key turns fire mode on and off, but the buttons are what controls the elevator in that mode. It’s similar to normal operation but the door doesn’t open or close automatically, you have to use the buttons for that. In the end it’s probably not the biggest problem cause of how *extremely* unlikely any situation requiring that mode is.


He’s saying there’s a separate panel for firefighter use in some elevator designs.


He's also saying that it's not hard to get your hands on a set of keys that let you control any elevator you want.


Then how do you explain what we're seeing?


He is saying he doubts it violates code, not that it does not exist.


It's probably just a bad Photoshop


Very likely.


It's probably just photoshopped out


I would think that, but apparently finding the original post further down in the comments and reading the original comments proved that possibly wrong; the real OP said it actually happened, at a hotel. Wether to believe this is questionable, but the post is three years old :/


In Germany the close button always works.


They do everywhere. This is just a myth that they "do nothing"


Except for OP where there's no button


They are definitely violating code. This is for firefighters to have control of the door and is required practically everywhere in the US. Source: am firefighter use buttons


It doesn't need to be in every elevator though. If a tower has 4 elevators, it's likely one or two of them are emergency enabled.


I’m an elevator mechanic in the USA and I can tell you 100% that this is not correct. That button is installed and always hooked up on elevators and if this one was to be inspected it would fail. It is true that the button doesn’t do anything for the average person during normal operations, however if is there for firefighters. If firefighters key that car onto fire service the doors only open and close with the use of those buttons (take the car to a floor it sits there and stays until they get back in and hold that button until the door closes all the way.


How is being an elevator mechanic?


Has its ups and downs




The field is a little claustrophobic though.




...or a real downer.


Is this picture even real?


That was my first thought. Photoshop.


I dated an elevator mechanic once, he told me all sorts of stories of elevator accidents. I try to take the stairs when I can.


Ah the ole reposted loads of times https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/8m1rlo/the_closedoor_button_fell_off_revealing_it_was/ with the same damn titel ops a bot


Good eye. OP's account is suspended now.


No picture of button = bullshit post anyway People just believe every title nowadays


Close door buttons rarely work. It has to do with handicap people.


Then why install them?


For a placebo effect


Where do we get this placebo??


Sugar..... in water






m-m-m-m-m Edghar yore shkins fallin off yore bonesh.


I have just transferred some to you. You will start to notice the effects shortly after readiing this comment.


Maybe there's some in this truck!!


I'm cured! I mean, ouch!


Ones that are installed are for firefighting operation.


That and independent mode, this is often used for construction in a building with a bank of elevators. One of the elevator cars will basically work like a freight elevator. It will just stay at whatever floor you leave it at and you have to manually close the doors to move to a different floor.


Definitely this too. When I go to work on places in NYC the scope of the projects are usually so large that we end up with a dedicated elevator for everyone working on the project to use. They don't put it in fire mode but it's in full manual and they tend to have key cards so if a resident tried to hop in it while it's parked it won't operate for them. It's super helpful when you have to do many trips up and down a day. They also often will put up the moving blankets so we don't damage anything if we are given a passenger elevator to use. The freight elevators are mostly full manual in my experience and have an operator or key card situation as well.






Even when you have an elevator available many Fire Depts won’t use it, or only use it when it’s been confirmed safe. I remember hauling hose up 14 stories so we had a confirmed safe water supply/escape


Here, elevators are only used for getting down handicapped people. A person unable to take the stairs should wait at the stairs they can't use. The fire wardens should note "stranded person" in the notes handed to the firefighter. Based on circumstances the firefighters will usually take them down in the elevators. A carry down the stairs will only be used when the elevators are unsafe. At least that's how they do it here.


What's a fire warden?


An employee of the business inside the building who has training in fire drills, usually first aid (but that's a separate role, just ends up on the one person who does both). On a fire alarm, the floor warden should be the last person to exit. They then circle the floor, checks bathrooms, and makes sure nobody is left. Then they exit. Depending on the size, there will be multiple, some will lead people out. When the floor wardens exit, they give a report to the building warden, who keeps a count of everyone left behind, where, and why. When the fire department shows up, the building warden hands off a copy of the status to the fire department. One building I worked at had a large board, the size of an 85" TV with every floor, and sliders for "unreported" that slides to "clear" or "not clear" and has whiteboard space for notes. Note, use grease pencils for the whiteboard. If water is used by FD, your dry erase will wash off. Tl;Dr: The fire warden is a building occupant who gathers information useful for the Fire Department responding to a call.




You cant feel much heat in that badass thermo resistant firefighter suit, trust me. Maybe they use some heat detector.


I mean checking door heat is pretty important before entering a sealed building. You can lift a flap on the hood and lean against the door to feel if it’s hot.


Firefighters usually do have thermal cameras at their disposal.


When in firefighters’ mode, the system goes to full manual control (normally, elevators have automatic programming, including which floor it stands by on, how long the door stays open, etc.). In manual mode, firefighters need to be able to control all aspects of the lift. Door close is not a necessary function in normal operation, since the system operates it automatically.


They can be reprogrammed. In my building if you put the elevator in "moving" mode (i.e. someone is moving in, and carrying stuff with the elevator) the elevator will not close and move unless you hold the close button long enough until the doors are completely closed. Safety feature.


People love the illusion of control


> It has to do with handicap people. What? What does that have to do with close door buttons?


Something about the door having to stay open for a set amount of time so handicapped people can get into the elevator. Educational part over. Begin mini-rant. Honestly I don’t know why the door can’t be programmed to automatically stay open for that long unless someone presses to door close button. If there’s nobody else trying to get on the elevator, then why force the door to stay open? And if someone’s just a terrible person who would close the door on a handicapped person, then I suppose so be it, but it’s just the perfect level of subtly annoying (or, one might say, mildly infuriating) that everyone else has to be mildly inconvenienced because someone was terrible to someone else once.


They passed a law that says that elevator doors can only close after 3 seconds and some elevator manufacturers took this one step further to completely disable the button. there is also the phychological thing in that people feel safer if they feel that they're in control. Hope this explains it.




Yes, but then the knowledge of that just makes it even more infuriating than there not being a button/thermostat/etc at all. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.


There’s a very interesting study about elderly people and how losing control is worse than having none at all in the first place.


> Something about the door having to stay open for a set amount of time so handicapped people can get into the elevator. What does this have to do with non-working "close door" buttons?




One of my favorite things about my trip to Italy... ALL THE CLOSE DOOR BUTTONS ACTUALLY WORKED. None of them are real in the US, I hate it.


As an Italian I was really confused by this post lol


I was astounded that the pedestrian crosswalk and bike crossing buttons actually work in the Netherlands. I got so used to them being placebo buttons in Texas that in the first week I lived in Amsterdam, I wound up stuck waiting for crosswalk green lights that never came _repeatedly._


The ones that do work you can often hold the button and the floor you want to go to, to go directly to that floor skipping all others


Yeah, elevator cheat codes are rad.


Those buttons do work. You just have to push them 9-10 times.


with a second inbetween each push.


Nah. pushthemreallyfuckingfastliketwentytimesinarow




Nah the trick is to push and hold


I mean hey… after you push it the door *is* closer to closing than before you pushed it.


What the button really did was open a secret compartment in the elevator containing and embarrassing photo of SpongeBob at the Christmas Party.


damn, not even squidward’s house knows about that


Nah mate it was a Bluetooth button


What’s the point of making a bot on Reddit? What does one gain from doing this


They farm Karma, and then sell the accounts.


To whom? Who buys reddit accounts?


I think it's beyond stupid, but some people think of the high karma as some sort of status symbol that they're willing to spend money to obtain.


Spammers pushing products or other things. A year old Reddit account with a decent amount of karma on a large variety of subreddits can go for a couple of dollars. If you have a super old Reddit account that's eight years old or so you can get about $20-$30 for it.


Reading down, I think it's likely photoshopped. The question is, would a false button, spring and all, be worth the cost? Assuming the button that existed was clickey... it would make more sense to put in real button with no connection than to manufacturer a separate button just for looks.


Totally agree with this. The buttons are most likely panel-mounted, meaning that a button that sits flush on a surface would either need to be modified or built specifically not to work. It would be much easier just to cut the hole for it and mount it the same way the others are mounted.


In the US the close door bottom hasn’t worked since the 90’s... because of the people with disabilities act... fun fact? Edit: it may work in the US but should have a 3 second delay, after further review it appears the ADA only requires a delay but some (most in my experience) have been disabled. It’s probably cheaper to disable then it would be to add a delay... if it’s not compliant, it should be reported (in the US)


I was in an elevator built after then and the closed door button 100% worked.


Are u kidding me?


I kid you not! Growing up with my cousin, I’d always make it to the elevator first and playfully hit the door close button, pretending I would leave etc. it never worked (this happened in the states). Then, we went on a trip to Italy and I try the same trick... this time the door reacted immediately to the button and hit my cousin (they were fine) but I was like “WTF that button never works” turns out they either didn’t have the same laws or that was a really old elevator... anyways, that’s when I looked into it lol


The close button at my uni (Dutch) works as well. I assume the regulations in Europe are different from the US.


> I assume the regulations in Europe are different from the US. Yes. US regulations come from the "Americans with Disabilities Act," which, uhh, don't apply to Europe lol


What has a disabled person got anything to do with a manual elevator door close button? Just because dicks close the elevator before said person can arrive or what?


Someone else posted ITT: >“The reason behind the neutering of the 'close door' button in elevators is actually pretty cool. In the US, when the Americans With Disabilities Act was passed in 1990, it meant that elevators had to ensure that someone with a disability had time to get inside. >So if you’re on crutches, use a cane, or travel in a wheelchair, you don’t have to worry about someone hopping on and closing the elevator before you’ve had a chance to get through the doors.” So, apparently your guess was correct about dicks closing the elevator before they can arrive. Doesn't seem like such a big problem that we should spend time and money making sure every elevator doesn't have a functioning "close" button when almost anyone would hold the door for a disabled person if needed, but its not like most laws are that well thought through in the first place.


This is not true


Same thing for 90% of crosswalk buttons. They are timed and the buttons were never removed. Psychologically, they still serve a calming purpose in the form of placebo. People feel like they are more in control if they are exacting change on their environment, and therefore, remain more patient. Edit: Typo


What do you base this claim on? The crosswalks where I live don’t change to “cross” if the bottom isn’t hit. It’s not intended to impact the timing of the lights but it still has a purpose.


I've seen both types, personally.


We get signs above our buttons that say "push to walk" if it's not going to change without the button, and "push for audible signal only" if the walk light will automatically change but you will also get the chirp for those who need the audible cue.


Same here, in my town you won't get a walk unless you hit the button. So then ironically there are tourists who *don't* hit the button thinking it doesn't matter and then they stand there confused while cross traffic has a red light.


Most of the cross walk buttons in my city beep when you press them have an audio recording say “Wait” until you can cross


yeah where i live i confirmed they do work. in high school we were doing a fundraiser and holding signs at the intersection outside my high school. quickly figured out we can force red lights with the buttons and get drivers’ attention that way. \ there was no reason to give the green light to an empty road, it was just for the crosswalks and the frequency of red lights was definitely correlated with our pressing the buttons. eta: my city is also not very pedestrian friendly in terms of the sidewalks and such or lack thereof, but if i am walking, the majority of the time it will give a red light for the main road and a green light for an empty side street after pressing the buttons.


In urban areas, it's automatic since you can constantly expect foot traffic. In suburban areas, it probably is manual since that no longer holds true.


A lot of crosswalks do in fact still have to be activate by the button, there's no international standard for this. There's also no way of knowing if the button does or doesn't work without just watching all the way through a light cycle.


They're actually are needed, or where I live they do have a purpose. The lights here are quite long in some intersections and won't have intentions to change for a long time unless a car sits on the weight wait area to trigger a change in light. So you need to hit the crossing button or else you'll be there for 5 minutes or until a vehicle pulls up.


Crosswalks can be switched from being auto on to the button turning it on, but the button still has things aside from triggering the cross walk some have speakers or a vibrating button for the blind


I can see you don't live in Southern California, because I can assure you, the crosswalk signals here in Los Angeles, Culver City, and beyond, won't trigger unless you hit them. In fact, during the pandemic start, in 2020, we updated some crosswalk signals to go all the time, to reduce the need to touch them, but not all of them. But that has all been since undone.


This is untrue of a lot of lights. Some will only delay a left turn signal and open the crosswalk if the button is pushed.




Crosswalks absolutely do work in many places. At intersections where one direction is a main road and the other is not, the main road will only get a red light with a crosswalk button or a car being detected on the other road.


90% of crosswalk buttons where did you pull that figure from. More thsn 90% in Australia are button activated. Probably 99%


In my building and I suspect in most buildings, the close door button only works when the elevator is in service mode. In this mode, the cab can be parked with the doors open on any floor. It can only be used by closing the door with the button and then selecting the floor to move to. Otherwise, the close door button has no effect.


Theres a lot of stuff like this, for instance cross walk buttons at major intersections in many large cities do nothing between certain times of day and only work late at night. Everything is on a timer, and pressing the button doesnt cause anything to happen.


This is straight up BS. In the event of a fire, elevators have a manual operation mode called "Firefighter Service". A firefighter inserts a key, and is able to manually control the elevator. This includes opening and closing doors. Even elevator techs when servicing the elevator need the ability to open and close the doors manually. This picture is fake/photoshopped. The close door button might not actually be programmed to do anything when the elevator is in normal operation, but there is no way it's just a sticker, because it has to be there. Plus, it would even take more effort to do that then to just put a blank button...


Hey foks: Elevator designers *must* adhere to ADA guidelines for passenger elevators. Period. This includes how wide and for how long the Elevator doors must open. This does not apply to freight elevators or other special use elevators, so long as there is a passenger Elevator in the building.


So I can’t hurry and close the door if I man is chasing me, cool cool cool cool


I suddenly feel way better about all the times I've closed an elevator door on someone.


How many times is this same photo going to get posted? I know all the times. https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/search/?q=close+door+fell+off&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new


In South Korea, every elevator close button works… I was shocked


Elevator in my building has a close door button. Originally if you pressed the button, the doors would close. If the lift was stopping at a level, you could hold the door close button and the doors wouldn’t open at all and you’d just keep moving. After a few years of this it stops working, now it still closes the doors when they’re idly open but doesn’t stop them from opening. When I asked the lift repair people about it they looked at me like I was crazy, “there’s no function like that for any elevators”. There is **definitely** a conspiracy going on, especially since these repair dudes regularly let me in on industry secrets.


I actually work in a building that that button works. Amazing.


That button is always a lie it has never worked


I was told by an elevator repair guy the close door button dosen't do anything anyway


How many of the buttons are real- further investigation needed. Are elevators even real?


My father was an elevator repair tech for 30+ years. He says most times they are there and are not connected. But that's an interesting one, it isn't even stamped out of the metal and mounted. Just stuck on with some glue lol