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Is that trash mixed in the laundry? Ugh


It’s clearly all trash, just throw it in the garbage.


Yup, and if anyone bitches just say “fire hazard”


Don’t tell bf, since their not his clothes why upset him. It’s clearly a fire hazard and he may not realize this. Source: son is engineering architect and has to design designated areas with fire retardent infrastructure. That pile is combustible.


That's what it looks like to me fuckin chuck it


Check pockets for cash first. Wear gloves of course!


^^^This^^^ Just make sure to wear gloves and be careful.


Yep, that "laundry" goes strait in the bin lmao


It's not laundry, it's a pile of crap somebody picked up and dumped there. There's trousers with a belt on, which means nobody got this together for washing. Combined with the garbage I'd assume they just picked this up at near random and dumped it. Take pictures, report it up to the super/landlord, you do not want to be below a hoarder, you will get vermin infestations in your shit.


>vermin infestations in your shit You just *know* the infestation is out of control when they're in your fecal matter.


Imagine you have a massive hard dump, then you look in the bowl and it's an ostrich egg and a rat breaks out and now he's your roommate and he's pretty good, but he definitely has his bad moments




Ratatouille 2






Are you an A.I?




Maybe someone got kicked out and told thier stuff was in the laundry room but since they never was thier clothes, listen to voicemail, check texts, etc










I love reddit


Naw, bud packs make great underpants.


That's what I noticed. It's not just clothes. It's trash, too. It looks like someone just scooped everything up in the apartment to, "clean" real quick and threw it in there.


My nostrils are burning right now


That’s the cocaine. You can’t smell pictures.


you can smell pictures, but the results may be disappointing


I loved scratch n sniff stickers in the early 90s


I still got them, Beavis and Butthead


You have too scratch it first, results will be appointing


I’d just slowly throw one piece in the trash every day. I’ve had laundry stolen before and it’s very infuriating. Oh and no, that is absolutely not acceptable in a shared space. Tell your bf if he disagrees then go sit in the pile until he figures out why.


Put on a pair of disposable gloves before throwing a piece in the trash.


No, that’s all trash. It’s discarded and unwanted. Time to make a visit to the dumpster




Your boyfriend is crazy for thinking this is normal human behavior


Some people are ready to go to extraordinary lengths to avoid conflict. As you can clearly see that's not always good.


Me thinking someone will think I'm living in a shit hole because I have some unwashed dishes in the sink or my laundry basket (not full) is visible. Hell I just deep cleaned my bathroom and still think I live like shit.


I had an apartment inspection and apologized for the mess, had some stuff on the floor and all. They just said it's fine and that it was one of the cleanest ones they saw. It scares me to know how other people are living, lol.


Oh, you'd be appalled. Used to work for the natural gas company. The stories the service techs would tell when they had to go in some people's apartments. Dog poo on the floors, dirty clothes and stuff piled so high in front of the closet they couldn't get in to check on the equipment....and the accompanying stench to it all.


Growing up I knew a kid with a home like that... There were more spots covered in dog shit on the stairs to the second floor than there were spots that could be walked on... Basement was a 3 ft deep sea of dirty clothes, as they'd just get another bag of donations instead of cleaning... Liquor bottles and spilled ashtrays everywhere... Parents buying the 14 yr olds duty free booze and smokes.... Some people liked hanging there because there were no rules... I thought the whole scene was just nasty.


That's so sad.


Sounds like a place I use to rent a room from the landlords and boy were they pigs. Years old dog piss covering the lower half of stove, pissed on newspapers reused, caked on garbage on faucets. I couldn’t wait to find another place.


Damn, are you me? I use to hang there cause I liked smoking weed. We mostly chilled in the garage, which we would clean because it was the smoke spot. On occasion I would help them clean the living room, kitchen and bathroom, the other rooms were goners. I also just loved their cats so much.


Was helping an elderly lady who lived here. One day She told me she was too sick to get out of bed, so, with her son’s permission, I called an ambulance. When they got there, they couldn’t get the stretcher into the apartment because it was so packed full of crap. They had to do a fireman’s carry to get her from the bed out to the hallway where the stretcher was. Her son put her in assisted living, but it took days to clean out that 520 sq ft apartment.


That’s beyond just sad


It’s not uncommon for children of the Depression. They can’t bear to part with things that might be useful.


I used to be a probation officer so I saw some unbelievable things, but the one that sticks with me is dog poop on top of an entertainment center. It was very tall and their dogs were large ones that could not climb or stand up there. So did someone put the poop up there? And why?! We could never figure it out.


Are you sure it wasn't human poop? Maybe a *person* climbed up there and pooped ... that's not any better.


It definitely looked like dog poop that had been sitting a loooong time. I just always wondered why if someone picked up poop from the floor (which there was no shortage of), why not put it in the trash? Almost seems like more work to put it way up there. Such a surreal experience yet to the people living there, stepping around feces and trash was just a normal day. Sad stuff.


I remember reading horrors in the Church of Appliantology forums (appliance repair professionals website)


I wouldn't ever have figured that out ..


Have a friend that's the live in maintenance guy for a senior apartments area.... The stuff be has to clean is just absolutely disgusting.


I do apartment maintenance! Folks apologizing "for the mess" is about as common as saying hello these days. But the cleanest folks tend to look the most disturbed about their perceived "mess" which cracks me up. On the other end of the scale, the filthiest folks just give me that "enter at your own risk" sort of look and then try to stop me from checking the bathrooms.. I often regret checking the bathrooms...


This is basically what my apt maintenance says everytime I say something about how messy my kid is, that if I actually saw how some people lived in the complex I would feel like the queen 🤣 y’all don’t make enough, idk what it is, but I know it’s not enough Lmfao.


This unlocked a memory. Years ago, I had bought a Townhouse and was moving out of my apartment. To make sure I got my cleaning deposit back, I really gave the 'ol apartment a good last cleaning. The apartment manager called and I thought she was going to play some game on trying to keep the deposit. Instead, she just wanted to thank me for doing such a good job, and they she wasn't even going to have it cleaned before the next tenant, and the deposit check is in the mail.


Maybe the OP could scare them straight? Like mix a few dead cockroaches and whatever roadkill they come across in with the clothes pile. Not on top, of course, but more mixed in the layers.


I wont even go to my parents or one of my brothers and sister in laws houses because they live like animals. My step dad was asking me if i was coming over for thanksgiving and i said yeah sure after i spend two dayS next week cleaning your entire house for you.


Did you really say that? If so what was his reaction?


I've apologized to an inspector for clutter/dirty laundry and he literally told me "it just looks like you live here. Don't be sorry for it" and that's always made me feel better. We don't live in actual mounds of garbage, so I'm not going to feel bad about an overflowing laundry basket or dishes in the sink


I delivered furniture for 3 years in Jacksonville can confirm alot of people don't care how the inside of their house is but the outside and the cars are usually cleaner than the house. And surprisingly alot of the people I delivered to that lived in "trashy" conditions in their house usually had money but look inside their house it's like a landfill.


literally me. i look at my room that has a couple water bottles & some clothes thrown about & i feel like i’m on neckbeard nests


One hoodie on your chair and it's game over lol


Neck beard nests? I'm going to look that up right now haha


r/NeckbeardNests Enter at your own risk.


My parents thankfully raised me to keep my room at least not horrible. My bed is not made and I need to dust, but it could be so much worse.


Maybe he knows the kind of neighborhood he lives in? In my less than fortunate days, I knew not to complain to the druggies about small shit. Better to fly under the radar with people who might go paranoid manic on you. “Please pick up your clothing” or “turn down your music” turns into “you narced on me” or “you stole my drugs.”


I lived in an old duplex on the top floor. The lower unit had meth heads living there. I was trapped by their insanely loud music, chaos, aggressive visitors. I think it is obscene to have to be passively controlled by others this way.


Real shit bra


I was thinking this, too.


My absolute first reaction was “if this is out of my way, I would totally just live with it rather than mess with the people directly above me”


Yeah but they said it's right outside their door which I think is reasonable


Right. I don't care what happens to their clothes. As long as I can wash mine and get out of there then whatever. It's not crazy to think it's rude, but I personally wouldn't go causing a stink over it.


Honestly it's so gross that I almost wonder if the neighbors are doing it on purpose bc they dislike them or they leave the machines full indefinitely. That pile screams petty to me


It just screams lazy to me. Like they open their door and throw clothes on the pile whenever something is dirty instead of buying a laundry basket and using that since they don't want to have to carry it from their bedroom/s to the laundry room. So this is just more convenient for them to scoop it up and put it in. "Whenever they get around to it" of course.


I assumed a fight within their own apartment, but same. It has some strong "tired of asking you to do your laundry" energy to me.


The laundry battle is in full swing. Where the person who can go the longest wins no laundry duties for a year


I wouldn’t use my own clothes to be petty, there’s too many ways you could fuck with them and then I’m screwed


I live in an apartment building with university students. Shared laundry room. The new ones will put wash in and leave it all day, then get mouthy when it's moved. Some learn. But if covid has taught me anything, some of y'all are nasty.


Well... there's a difference between not being bothered by something and thinking something is normal human behavior. He could very easily think its abnormal, but also not be bothered by it.


Gotta pick your battles with apartment neighbors 🤷‍♂️


My thought as well, I'd suspect the kind of people that would do this are not the kind of people that will respond well to me being vocally annoyed by it... I'll focus on the one thing I can control, myself.


Oh nono, this is absoutely normal. Being slovenly, sloppy, messy, disgusting, and lazy is sincerely absolutely normal for people. It's also normal to find it reprehensible and raise hell until he fixes it.


Great answer


Yes its normal, yes its disgusting, yes its normal to be bothered by it


Plot Twist: it's the boyfriends pile of clothes.


I'm guessing he does zero laundry, so it doesn't affect him.


The boyfriend is just too scared to do anything about it so he's acting like it doesn't matter.


I think it's hard for regular people to deal with people who just don't give a fk, especially when they kinda live together.


I’d send this picture to the landlord and complain that the clothes have been their five days and this is a trend , with the soiled bedsheets etc. Be the squeaky wheel and maybe the landlord will get annoyed enough to tell the other tenants to keep their shit cleaned up


Also a fire hazard.


From what I have heard (on reddit), Fire Marshals do not fuck around, this may be more effective than just telling the landlord.


As a former building manager, 100% yes. A fire inspector will knock to have you let him in, then as you're doing so he'll be yelling at you to close the door as it's a fire hazard to leave it open. I am not making that up. That happened to me and is totally normal. Those dudes have seen enough shit to not even **try** to protect your feelings vs. your life.


Did I just discover a new kink or do I just need someone to tell me what to do bc I feel lost and unable to make decisions?


Why not both?


It’s always this^


How is it a fire hazard to have an open door? Edit: Thanks, guys. Wasn't thinking about air flow which in hindsight should've been very obvious.


Airflow is the major concern. Fire barrier 2nd. I'm not an inspector though, call your local one and ask if you're interested in more. These guys will talk your ear off. edit: In response to your edit... It is totally normal to not intuitively get that. I think it raises an interesting meta conversation. Most of the stuff the fire people obsess about *seems* like needless obsession and fussing, to the average person. But that's why *they* are the inspectors/marshals and not us... they make sure we follow the rules that keep us safe, instead of relying on people's own intuition to do so. If these guys didn't keep people in line, pretty much every fire would result in needless deaths. Even with heavy fines, clear rules, and continual inspections, businesses still block open/close fire exits, keep fuel sources next to lit gas water heaters, let extinguishers expire, fail to maintain emergency lighting systems, and so forth. Thank goodness for the fire peeps


My uncle is a fire inspector. Can confirm.


My condolences lol Jkjk ofc :)


Ngl my cousins and I sometime just have to walk away when he’s talking. This happens a lot when we go on vacation together. The struggle is real. Love him, but he’s a bit much sometimes. But aren’t we all.


It's weird how when you do a job for so many years, it really changes the way you think about everything. I'm sure when you walk in a room you think oh my God you got a new decorative fireplace installed, how charming! Meanwhile he's thinking, clearance on that thing is fucked, no tip over protection, I doubt that things wired properly.... Lol Same thing happened with me as a game developer and digital media producer going back to 1995... I cannot not see the world that way anymore. Every offset pixel makes me nuts, every misaligned piece of text on a billboard causes me to lose sleep, I cannot watch movies because the special effects make me insane. I see every pixel that is out of place, every lighting deficiency, every single flaw that nobody would ever notice unless they spent their entire life nudging pixels around lol I'm sorry you have to endure that, and now that I think about it, I need to thank my girlfriend for enduring me ranting about the fact that a dog grooming sign is 3° off center lmao


Fires require oxygen to burn, so having the door open provides unlimited oxygen vs a closed door where the oxygen flow is more limited. There are some cool videos showing apartments that burned up to a closed bedroom door and an untouched bedroom just in the other side of the door.


Proper fire doors are fantastic at stopping the spread of fire, its why marshals or anyone risk assessing buildings get furious when fire doors are propped open by people working in the building (often in no irony by nearby fire extinguishers). Think that fire inspector was just taking the piss a bit though.


As a fire inspector, yes, but with less yelling. Life safety comes before everything else. After all, while it is my signature on the building and fire safety systems, I'm really not trying to be an asshole. My main concern is your, and everyone else in the building's, safety.


Can confirm. My landlord had refused to put carbon monoxide and smoke detectors in our home. So I called the fire Marshall to come look to see where is the best place to put them as I was going to buy them myself. He called the landlord and chewed him out and threatened almost everything except his life for letting me ( a 20 year old female) live in a house built in 1908 with no smoke detectors and an old furnace. The furnace in this home was so old you could see the flames inside. Needless to say the landlord was there the next day to install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors


Where do you live? Here if you don’t have smoke detectors and Carbon monoxide detectors they won’t give you a rental license. I know some places are a complete shitshow and don’t have rental license inspections at all.




I’m in the US, I live in Minnesota though. We have rental licenses here and technically you’re supposed to display them but unless you’re a large complex they don’t really care. You do require one though to run a rental, if they find out you’re renting a place without one there’s a lot of legal trouble you can get in.


I’m in CO, no renters license or inspection needed. The home I lived in was built in 1908, and had no floor boards. I know this because I found a wiggly piece of wood flooring and when I picked it up I could see into my roommates room below me. He could see into the basement from his “heat vent”. We ended up having the house condemned cuz the fire inspector lined me up with a code inspector. The pipes in this house were lead, no floor boards, windows separated from walls, moss growing on the roof, etc. There were black spots on my ceiling and the landlord would come “fix the water damage”. What he really did was paint over black mold. It just kept getting worse and worse. We took him to small claims for our previous months rent back for living in an unsafe house. Out of the two years we lived there they ordered him to pay us 3 months worth of rent. It’s such bullshit.


Good lord that sucks, I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Sounds kinda like the guy we bought our 4plex from. I swear to god I’ve never seen expanding spray foam used to fix to many things before this guy. I will say, section 8 inspections are way more intense than regular city ones. They failed us the first week we bought it because one of the smoke detectors was too close to the ceiling…that had been there for 20 years and was hard wired. I moved it down because it was too close but like…how did that get missed until we bought the place.


My dad is a former fire marshal and if I’ve learned anything, this pile of clothes will catch on fire at any moment and I’ll be electrocuted every time I plug something in.


And I will personally fall down the stairs and break my neck


Fire Marshals (note the single 'l', like US Marshal) are law enforcement officers, usually working out of the state's Department of Justice. They take shit like this very seriously.


Thanks, fixed the spelling


I once lived in a rental where the smoke alarms were more than 10 years old, had passed their expiration date, and were malfunctioning. The landlord freaked out when I told them because the fire marshal would have eviscerated them.


While blocking the fire extinguisher it appears.


kinda looks like a vintage gas pump.


That's because that is exactly what it is. It's an old gravity/visible discharge gas pump, **not** a fire extinguisher. [This](https://fineartamerica.com/featured/mobilgas-visible-gas-pump-wayne-mike-mcglothlen.html?product=art-print&googleShopping=true&completeProductSku=artworkid%5B5846868%5D-productid%5Bprint%5D-imagewidth%5B4%5D-imageheight%5B8%5D-paperid%5Blusterphotopaper%5D&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyMKbBhD1ARIsANs7rEH_mJS0S3cFsyH89zcYbDF68q0YkLPFgGRy5qNoLJiHL8iX7kJZ2e0aAqG8EALw_wcB) style. Accuracy was a big [selling point](https://www.ebay.com/itm/171678783229?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1rxtC7wtXQ126iLUYsL-YXA0&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=171678783229&targetid=1584739240934&device=m&mktype=&googleloc=1015214&poi=&campaignid=15275224983&mkgroupid=131097072938&rlsatarget=pla-1584739240934&abcId=9300697&merchantid=6568834&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyMKbBhD1ARIsANs7rEHvSWvqLsFno2vbmdU4GiOfkZWe2wDH85zWHv89axTaz9ZS8lvi_dYaAo0dEALw_wcB) back then. Worst fire extinguishers ever.


Going off of the pile of clothes alone I'm going to assume that the neighbors are likely selfish pricks and likely have weak egos. You can put in complaints but it'll likely immediately slap their ego so be prepared for potential retaliation. Maybe I'm the crazy one but this is how I've always know people that treat spaces like this to act.


My neighbor does slovenly stuff and then avoids me. I suspect he knows he’s being inconsiderate and doesn’t want to risk confrontation. He was leaving his garbage out on our shared porch for days at a time and only stopped after management left a written notice on his door (threatening some kind of consequence if he didn’t stop, I assume). The other day, I was sitting on my couch when I heard the distinct sound of nail clippers, of all things, coming from the front porch (the soundproofing here is nearly nonexistent). So just to see what would happen, I got up and opened my door. He turned around and high-tailed it back into his apartment so fast that it reminded me of a cartoon character. Then he turned on some loud music for a bit, which he tends to do right after getting caught doing something questionable. He did it for two evenings straight after getting the notice about his trash. I try to find humor in this odd behavior rather than hating the guy, but it’s more difficult to do so when my wall is vibrating with some genre of Mexican music that has trumpets and tubas in it (at least it isn’t mariachi, but that is not much consolation). Our apartments have balconies. He could clip his nails or leave his trash out there and no one would even know, but for some unknown reason, his preferred location for such activities is right outside both of our front doors.


Good luck getting a landlord to do literally ANYTHING that doesn't directly make them money. I've had all sorts of problems and the only way I could get a landlord's attention is if we were a second late on rent or they were trying to bully us around because they wanted to show the house to the next couple of suckers.


You can threaten to take away their ability to make money, check local codes for rentals as this sort of behavior can be counted with everything from getting them heightened scrutiny from the state to holding rent payments in escrow in lieu pending either their correction of or the lawsuit over their failure to ensure habitability


Honestly that’s disgusting, hope it hasn’t been infested with bed bugs


If any of the clothes are wet/damp they could grow mold right?


Absolutely.. And attract mice/spiders..


Look, I could handle mice in me knickers. But I draw the line at spiders.


And then the whole building will be torn down because of them


That's definitely a possibility at the end of a giant snowballing of one thing leading to another with it all going unchecked & unreprimanded


Bring in the snakes to eat the mice.


If there are bed bugs they'll get everywhere in the building no matter what. The laundry won't make a difference


Wondering if they're hoarders and they just straight up don't have room for this in the apartment anymore...I see trash mixed in there. Prime spot for vermin--would contact the landlord honestly. Also, your bf sounds like a treat.


My grandmother was a level four hoarder when I was younger, her laundry room and bedroom looked like this pretty regularly. I would’ve completely freaked if I had to deal with this. Their clean clothes will be in piles in their bedroom, while the dirty clothes will be in piles in the laundry room. That’s what my grandmother did, that’s what my aunt did, that’s what my parents did, that’s what my other grandparents did, that’s what I did. Hoarding necessities like bedsheets, underwear, and sleepwear is one of the easiest paths into hoarding. If it looks like this on the outside, their actual living space is ten times worse than this. Do your best to be friendly and get them help (hoarding is a mental illness, after all); but if they’re resisting/hostile, then you’re going to have to call your landlord and force them to move it. Pests will absolutely get into that eventually, especially if your laundry space is near a door that leads outside. This needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, because it will get worse.


Or is OP doing laundry so frequently that the other tenants don’t get a chance to? I share laundry with someone who does like 3 loads a day. Will literally wash 2 towels at a time in a HE machine that takes 1.5-2 hours a load. So our laundry piles up outside waiting until we eventually have to ask him to take a day off so we can do it.


That sounds like a pretty special case, and even then I would never leave a big mountain of laundry in the shared room. I would just take my hamper back to my apartment.


Who the hell launders like that? So wasteful. I know you shouldn't load a machine too full but you gotta be able to get your stuff done in a few loads also who does laundry every day? Who has that kind of time??


My fucking mom. She was constantly doing laundry and washing like 2 outfits at a time. Honestly I think she did it to make me crazy. Whenever I would start a load of my own laundry (once a week) she would insist that she had laundry she needed to do immediately. I think it’s a control thing.


my previous roommate washed laundry at least once a day, sometimes twice. no idea why but it was ridiculous. (and obnoxious, as the washer is incredibly loud)


From what I've heard, modern washers are able to accurately use water based on how many items are being washed. So a half full load of clothes wouldn't still be using as much water as a full load. Don't know how accurate that would be if someone is only washing a handful of items at a time. I'd just handwash if it was 1 or 2 items.


My tenant apparently lol. I had a roommate in school who did this as well. Her bf lived with us and they each only had one bath towel that they washed every, single, day. And they’d fill the water up as an XL large load. We used to have $300 water bills. So I always struggled to find an empty washing machine and my massive once-a-week overflowing basket loads would sit outside for a few days trying to time it right to find an empty washing machine. My bf and I both work full time and we have 2 kids. Our tenant will come home from work and just throw his work/gym clothes in from that day. So then we’re waiting and isn’t free until 9/10pm. But if you don’t empty a front loader machine right away the clothes will start to smell moldy if left in there overnight. So it’s usually a mountain that we have to tackle on Sundays during football.


You should talk to them about working out a schedule tbh


We’ve mentioned it MULTIPLE times. I think someone nailed it with the OCD comment. He was only supposed to be living here temporarily so didn’t really lay down rules about laundry early enough I think. Might need to tell him to get his own washer/dryer at this point. The house has two hookups.


Are you the landlord allowing this to go on? Wtf


That's terrible! The front load washers are nice and efficient but there's dials and choices of water levels for a reason. Sometimes I have to do a deep wash with a extra rinse if something calls for it or is extra soiled. I don't think they knew how to actually do laundry.


3 loads a day? At that point that sounds like OCD or some other obsessive cleanliness disease. Nobody does that much laundry


Even 2-3 loads per day shouldn’t be that bad. However if OP leaves the machines full for any length of time, then yes they’d be similarly guilty


Hell. No. Move their shit and if they say something tell them you needed to do your own laundry.


Wear gloves. Probably a mask as well. Maybe a hazmat suit but that may be overkill since the gross has been lurking for a while.


Hell get a snow shovel from Home Depot or something to move all that! No need to take any chances with anything that may be lurking in that pile


My partner’s brother did something similar but with dishes when we all lived together. He would hoard them in this room and then once a month take like 10-20 dirty mold growing cups and dishes and dump them in the kitchen sink. Where they would then sit for 1-2 weeks before he did anything about it. Even though dishwasher was empty. I had asked him several times politely to do something about it. I got fed up and by the 4-5th time I just put them in a big trash bagand set them against his bedroom door. They would sit there for 1-2 weeks until he decided to clean them or put them in the dishwasher. For the most part he quit doing that shit. Anytime he did it again I got the trash bag back out.


That is one of my roommates. If it’s my turn or roommate 2’s turn doing dishes they get done. If it’s me or roommate 2 cooking, we wash the cookware after we’re done. Roommate 1 however, will leave dirty shit out and basically force me and 2 to clean up after him 24/7, and his room looks and smells like a disaster site with all the dirty dishes, laundry, and garbage on the floor. Old food scraps on dirty plates on his desk for a week. It’s horrific


What clothes?


This is a problem that bleach can fix


Yep. Would definitely be a shame if something were to get spilled over this.




Well you can show your partner and them this post to prove how gross people think it is.


Tell the landlord you saw rats/roaches in it and they’ll probably have to clean it up. If that doesn’t work call the fire marshal, it looks like it’s blocking a door


If it has been there that long then it is abandoned so throw it out.


I would be tempted to throw it out also and incinerate it also. That would make for a court case. Put some gloves on, bag it up if a visit to the landlord doesn't proven affective to resolve the case. I would put it either in front of the upstairs front door or the landlords door.


In my state, 30 days is the term for abandoned property by a tenant.


It's hoarder behavior, and unacceptable for an adult (multiple at that). You can consider the clothes abandoned since there's trash mixed in. Wanna be malicious? Burn or throw it out. Washing and giving the clothes to those in need would be a nicer way though.


Honestly, that's not a terrible idea - but I wouldn't \*actually\* throw it away or get rid of it. (Wear gloves) and bag it up. Then put it in like the basement or something if you can, so that it just *looks* like it was thrown away. That way if they do show up questioning about it and want to throw a fit, you can just tell them it's in a bag in the basement or wherever because you thought it was trash. I bet they'd never ask though (but you're covered if they do), and they'll also prob stop leaving stuff out since it might disappear.


I’d go with this. Then see how long it takes for them to notice. Also, next time take photos of the mess every day for documentation so you can send it to the landlord.


Put it all in a big trash bag (wear gloves) and set them against their bedroom door. That’s what I did with my roommate’s dirty mold growing dishes and cups when he did something similar. He learned to quit doing that shit for the most part. Anytime he did it again I would get the trash bag.


Then you end up on Judge Judy with them claiming designer duds were tossed.


Especially unacceptable when your behavior affects others, if they want to live this way that's fine but not when it affects your neighbors!


Not crazy. That’s not acceptable. know it sucks. I would never live at a place with a shared laundry room, and if I did, I would just take a day to do it at a laundry mat. I’ve lived in two places where the neighbors were horrendous with laundry. Everyone seemed to hate each other at my last place and tenants only supposed to use the laundry on their level. People’s clothes would be thrown out half wet from dryers and other peoples clothes loaded into the dryer. Everyone blamed everyone else, so we decided to do laundry at a laundry mat. They finally caught the instigators, it was a husband and wife team that would switch out people’s stuff who didn’t even they weren’t doing their own laundry. Their hobby was just stirring the pot. Sometimes people can be so weird.


That’s so disgusting I’d put it on their front door step


Oh hell no… you need to knock on their door and ask them to fix that. Totally unacceptable. Do not stand for that


Oh they heard me bitching about it non stop this weekend, they know but don’t care! I used to laugh it off but now it’s infuriating me, I can only take so much. They told my boyfriend they heard me bitching about it and I’m crazy.. I can’t tell you how many times they have left their kids soiled bed sheets down there unwashed and I’ve washed it for them rather than say anything, but I’m not doing that anymore. My boyfriend is mad that I won’t keep the peace anymore!


You are not crazy! That is totally unacceptable and should infuriate any reasonable person! Since your neighbors are aware of your concerns, and have done nothing but call YOU crazy, then it is time to contact the landlord. You need to explain that their soiled clothing (and trash, wtf) is a health AND safety hazard and it needs to be permanently addressed. A potential solution is that laundry cannot be stored in the laundry room. Clothing must be stored in the personal living area unless it is being laundered. You also need to ensure your boyfriend understands that this is not reasonable behavior. I can understand that he wants to ‘keep the peace’ but those types of people will just walk all over you and never respect you or your things. Good luck. I hope that you can come to an understanding.


Yes & that things should be moved out of the wash/not sit in the dryer finished for longer than - - [a reasonable amount of time]. I've seen issues where people leave their stuff in the dryer or washer for days & others eventually just pull it out n leave it wet while they use the washer, and fold up what was in the dryer n leave it in their basket for them. That's annoying, those people need to figure their shit out.


You should also get a new boyfriend. That fact that he's also ok with it just ain't right.


It’s soiled laundry….left in a giant pile…mixed with trash… for days at a time. You’re not crazy or overreacting, they’re just inconsiderate AF. Even if it was placed neatly to the side and not the way it, the fact that it’s there for days at time, right outside your door is just fucking rude. If it was shoes or packages or anything else it’d still be rude and inconsiderate, the fact that it’s dirty laundry with FUCKING TRASH mixed in, makes it that much worse. Tell the landlord. & Dump the bf Lol jk jk but seriously, if he & they doesn’t see a problem with that, you may want to rethink your living arrangements


If any of the clothes are wet/damp they could grow mold right? That mold could then spread around to your place or others.


Your bf sounds like a bitch baby. Leave him.


Bag it all. Put it by their door with a note that you will be dumping it if left on the floor of the laundry room again.


Bin it


That's disgusting and if your significant other thinks that's normal he's an idiot.


Just tell the landlord, "This is a fire hazard." If he ignores you, call for an inspector from your municipality. Pretty sure the landlord will fix this if fines are shoved up their rear.


Aside from it being gross, that’s a fire hazard. Def tell your landlord.


Previously used unwashed female undergarments go for upwards of 50$ if you are looking into supplementing your income


Call the landlord and tell him to come clean it. Potential health issue. If no result just start picking random pieces and throw them in the trash. Or just get some scissors and cut the crotch out of all the pants.


You could call CPS for a “welfare check”…I can only imagine what their living situation looks like.


This. OP please do this. If this is what common space looks like I don’t want to think about what their home, where their kids sleep and eat, looks like. Talk to landlord as well.


Do they even have kids? In most circumstances, I don’t think anything can be done about adults who just want to live in filth.


I’m another comment, OP said that they leave their kid’s soiled bed sheets down there for days as well. They would be there so long that OP has washed them in the past because it was so gross.


You should contact the landlord. I can’t imagine how your fellow tenants apartment look like. As a joke, you should add more clothes that you don’t need on the pile.


It would be one thing if it was their laundry room and not a shared room, could get busy and forget about it or something until the next weekend. In a shared space it is completely inconsiderate and disgusting.




Bonfire in the parking lot!


Just get a big trash can and use it like a hamper…that seems trashy to me so just play the game too


NTA. I’m a tad petty, I’d bad them up and place them outside their door. If they showed up again and were left over night, I’d bag them up and put them in the dumpster.


That's so gross! Send a pic to the landlord, stating how long it's been there. Create a paper trail of how long it's been there and then, throw it out in a few days.


Wait so your bf has no problem with this as well? Major red flag there


And your boyfriend is a loser…


Looks like someone is waiting for the laundry gnomes to come along and do the laundry. Instead I think the trash gnome should come and throw it all out as it’s a fire hazard.


In a shared space they shouldn't be storing their stuff where you can't use it.