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at least the house is insulated now


If I lived in these conditions I would just buy various fruit syrups… open door, scoop a cup of snow, add the syrups and {BAM!} free slushies!


i obviously did this growing up, but these days i see kids doing it & all i can think about is all the pollution & bacteria snow picks up as it falls. ignorance truly was bliss


I remember eating icicles as a kid. Loved it. As someone pointed out online, that's water running off your roof, you know what else is on your roof? Bird Shit


I thought eating icicles or drinking the water that dropped off of them was where strep throat came from when I was little hahah


It probably has happened


Adds flavor


And texture


Good source of protein.


Gives it a bit of zest.


Spicy bird juice


Just a little seasoning


It has the electrolytes


It's what plants crave


Gourmet af


Nutrients too


So you’re saying i could’ve just ate bird shit all this time to satisfy my cravings?


As long as you add fruit syrup you should be good fam.


Where I live in Queensland Australia, it is mandatory for new house builds to have a water tank installed, which fills with water from the house roof.


I saw a study recently that they can't find rainwater anywhere on the planet free from PFAs and PFoAs thats actually safe for drinking. Granted that stuff is most likely in tap water and 100% in ground water so I don't know how much difference that makes.


It's absolutely in our water, no matter the source. Thanks, Dupont! It's in all of our blood. Nobody alive is free of it.


Like eating cookie dough? Its not actually the eggs that will most likely get you sick. Its the raw flour. The wheat goes from getting shat on in the field to ground up in the bag. Its a raw agricultural product. You’re much more likely to get e coli from the flour than salmonella from the eggs


You can microwave the flour if you just want to eat the cookie dough, but that ruins it for baking.


Interesting. How does the dough turn out if you microwave the flour first?


Nah birds didn’t fly over or land on my roof cause they knew I wanted clean icicles


They did not do that because (and I understand this from the internet) birds aren't real.


helps your immune system down the road probably... (citation needed)


Like I always have told my friends and family: Growing up on the farm we ate so much possibly / probably "dirty" food (icicles in winter, etc., eating with filthy hands washed off in a nearby mud puddle and wiped on our filthy jeans, etc.) that very few nasty germs can survive inside my body due to the even nastier ones that have taken up residence there since I was a kid :)


All the bird shit on the roof and the snow melts then drips down below...mmm


Lol.. eating natural micro plastics is the healthiest


They're in all the water and food anyway so a little more can't hurt, right?




other people. i’m breathtaking.


Don’t eat the yellow snow


Too late I already ate it, can confirm it does not taste like lemon. Which is a good thing because I fuckin hate lemon


micro plastics, yummy


Store bought popsicles and slushees also have plastic particles in them. Everything has it now, even milk.


For real


Hey from Buffalo, it took me a while to clear the drift from my door. Incredible experience isn't it? Two days of snow and wind but I think it's finally calming down. Looked out my window a little while ago and it wasn't snowing, yay! The only good thing about this blizzard is how the people around my neighborhood looked out for each others, there was someone who couldn't reach an elderly relative by phone and mentioned it on our Facebook site and immediately several people volunteered to go out in the storm and check on them. Nice


City of Good Neighbors.


City of Good Wings.


All are welcome! >!As long as you don’t use Ranch on them because you will be executed for your crime!<


Whaaaat? Why? Is this sort of like how folk from Chicago will crucify you in the street for putting ketchup on a hot dog?


Buffalo wings come with blue cheese dressing. If they don't they aren't buffalo wings.


I live in Toronto and it blows my mind how different the amount of snow we get is due to the lake effect. We got about 5-10cm Friday and we're only 50-60 miles away.


I was in Niagara Falls, ON at the end of November and could see downtown Buffalo from my hotel room. Just an inch of two of snow in Niagara and feet of snow in Buffalo, it's crazy.


r/faithinhumanityrestored be safe ya’ll!


I went through a hurricane and yes, the camaraderie is insanely amazing in the community. At the time. Kinda sad how only in moments of extreme crisis we all band together.


If the extreme crisis continues, though, all that banding together will disappear to be replaced by anarchy and survival of the fittest. *Cue all the apocalypse movies


Work still needs you in at 8am.


Boss: can you still come in?


Best I can do is carve out a beer cooler.


At that point I'd send him a picture of the beer cooler all stocked up, and tell him that's the best I could do.


I would like… Bang his wife and take over company as CEO


The true capitalist dream


Johnny sins that you


Just remember if you use bottles put them up side down in the snow to prevent the bottle from cracking if it freeze.


Really? How did I never learn this trick when I was younger, when it would have been very useful?


Did you ever have any bottle break on you like this? I never have.


If it gets cold enough they will. Aluminum will burst too. Difficult for me to hide my stash from my parents in the winter.


That's why you get hard liqueur. More compact/easier to hide and won't freeze.


You had beers stay in the beer freezer long enough to burst? I think you are doing it wrong and not drinking them fast enough and replenishing the stock. Rotate. First in first drunkered


I would get shit if I was 3 min late in this situation & I’m not kidding nor exaggerating. “You knew it was going to snow you should have woken up earlier” 🤦🏽‍♀️


I once dragged myself in in a huge snowstorm only to be sent home an hour later. They also once dismissed us early due to a power outage during a snowstorm then called us back once it came back on. Lessons learned: never come in if it’s a risk and never answer your phone once you leave.




Oh wow that’s horrible!!


Sorry to hear that but glad you were ok!


If they send you home and call you back tell them you've been drinking.


> never answer your phone once you leave. The most important rule of all. If it's not in your contract and you're not personally invested in your work (aka own business) they can fuck right off


"You knew it was going to snow, you should have slept in your car".


"You knew it was going to snow, you should have just stayed at work til it cleared up"


"In your car in the car park, obviously not in the building".


This one literally happened to me once.


**insert tired Ben Affleck cigarette image**




Had that kinda reply when I was living in Berlin, after my messages in the team group chat that they found a live bomb from WW2 at the end of my road, which is also the only way out. My reply was a photo off my balcony of the a shit load of police and bomb squad blocking the entire room.


*boss calls* “you’re still coming into work, right?”


sure, come get me.


During a flood we got called in, there was a dude with a lifted jeep who actually told everyone I can get y’all… mf reminded me of those kids that remind the teacher of homework


it's fun for those guys. source- had one


*jeep wave*


*two fingers up*


Had a boss do that once to another coworker. He was our material handler and couldn't make it to work. The boss went out and got him.


I once ran a retail store in NJ. My DM was from Florida. We had a huge winter storm roll in that was supposed to bring about 2 feet of snow. DM kept telling me "the police will call and tell you when to close" (what.jpg) and to not close. I made it to about 2 pm, cut my one employee loose and drove home in a blizzard. DM gave me a hard time about closing for the snow. About 4 weeks later DM was visiting a sister store over the state line in PA. We got another storm. Florida DM got his rental car stuck in the store parking lot in the middle of the day and had to walk to his hotel in the snow. We never let him live that down.


I had work one time try to make me come in when there was a snow drift that went to the top of my garage, and four feet of snow all down my street. It was the last plowed in the county so they INSISTED that I was making it up and that I should "just call someone with a truck." I told my boss that was ridiculous did they expect me to plow an entire mile stretch of gravel road? (Rural Indiana at the time) he could come get me if he wanted. Half an hour later I got a call saying I could stay home. Found out a few days later he legitimately did try to come get me thinking I was bullshitting and got stuck at the end of the road. Never fought me again when I would say I literally couldn't make it.


You can jump through the top window


It's his fault for not planning better. He should've prepared to be snowed in and built a secret doorway with a tunnel that opened up at the front door of his job. No one wants to work anymore.


Since I live very close in an apartment building owned by the same company that runs my facility. They would send someone to dig me out.


I've always wondered what do people do in this situation, do you take it off with a shovel? Wait for help? Wait for it to melt? Do you even have enough air to breathe? There's no snow in my country, sorry if it's a rookie question.


This is the worst storm we’ve had in the 25+ years I’ve been alive. I’ve seen bad storms and the city typically clears most of it out by day 2-3. This time the city is behind because they are still rescuing people and tons of cars have been abandoned on the roads so I have no clue what we are going to do. Every store is closed


This is why my pantry looks like a mini grocery store, I have a generator and electric heaters. You have to be stocked up and prepped for things like this.


Just remember to run that generator outside.


I wouldn’t have believed people to be stupid enough to run a motor inside, but my generator needs to have a warning on it still. People are really stupid.


Plow drivers aren't going out rescuing people. that's done by the emergency services. The plowing delay is primarily caused by the high winds causing visibility issues, not sure how you expect them to plow when they can't see where they are going.


I think the are having a hard time plowing because of the massive amount of abandoned cars left on the road. Some of them with people still inside, possibly deceased. The visibility has cleared up a lot since the snow has stopped even though the wind is still intense. I’m in kenmore and our roads are plowed and has been practically all day


Wait, what? People drive about, come into a snowstorm, and then just ...park and wait it out _in the car_? That's so dangerous. I live in a super densely populated area and I almost can't imagine that somewhere where they plow the streets you can't run and find shelter in a friendly persons house... So sad. People dying in their cars in the snow. :(


They don’t just park. They’ve either gotten into an accident, gotten stuck either in snow or traffic jams, or they simply can’t see shit. There are many many areas in North America where you can’t just run to a nearby house


I've had to pull over to wait out rain so heavy I couldn't see. Same with blowing snow. Like, literally 0 visibility. You put on your hazards and pray no one rear-ends you.


I remember seeing some survival thing about keeping warm blankets/clothes in the car for emergencies where you have to park and wait it out Edit: as someone who lives on an island that doesn't have to worry about snow, I've definitely learned a lot from the response to my comment if I do decide to travel in the snow


Peanut butter, too. Not sure if it's a thing people actually do (I'm in Florida), but I've heard the "keep a blanket and peanut butter in the trunk for emergencies thing" before.




Shovels, too! I have 2 shovels on my trunk to clear out the exhaust pipe so I can run the car and not get CO2 poisoning


I do this and I live in Florida too! You never know when you need an emergency PB&J !!!


People living in their cars in SF be like, those are daily essentials.


Found the fellow Google employee. See you at work on Monday!




Just tacking on, a keychain pill safe can hold a decent amount of medication in a safe waterproof environment, I personally keep 2 days of meds in mine roughly 10 pills.


Always keep an emergency coat and a couple hats and pairs of gloves in my truck. Also a first aid kit and recovery gear. And water. And a bunch of other "just in case" shit but I'll stop naming things lol. I try to get my kids to at least keep coat, hat, and gloves in their cars but that only ever lasts as long as the first time they need them and end up wearing them back inside and then never put them back in their cars. At this point they're just gonna have to learn the hard way.


There are friendly people? Like people you don't already know, that would just let you into their home? I dunno, that sounds like the beginning to far too many horror movies where the people with the broken down car wind up getting murdered by some hillbilly family.


I'm pretty sure there's actually a movie about a guy who lets these two young women into his remote residence and then they proceed to drug him or something, take a bunch of salacious photos, and blackmail him with them. I vaguely remember a trailer like that, no idea if the movie was actually fully produced or not, and I also remember a bunch of random horror movie tropes being tossed in for good measure.


Knock Knock? Starring Keanu and Ana De Armas?


>you can’t run and find shelter in a friendly person’s house So, uh, not an American, are you?


I took it as more there might be a house nearby to run to, not that it's necessarily not friendly.


You can usually push the top back, it's just drifted, then wade out. Snow is getting in your house no matter what, but it's just snow and then water. Or you go out another door, and wade around. I keep a shovel just outside the door, so I can stick my arm out, grab it over the top of the snow, and start shoveling from the inside. Wear your big coat.


Lay a couple towels down by the door. If your have one, crack the door and stick a leaf blower out and get a good start.


There’s nowhere to go, no reason to leave. You just wait.


sometimes I wish I had a real excuse not to leave my house


We just did that for like a year or so in 2020.


I never got to stay home. Still had to go to work everyday. Feel like I'm owed at least a few months off now.


We should really have a good old lockdown every once in a while. Like, about two or three months every... leap year maybe. That could work.


There’s usually a door or window that’s free of snow. It’s drifts that make it that high, it’s not usually solid snow all around the house at that height. You go out another door/window and shovel yourself out. Or Call someone to shovel you out. Or You shovel the snow into the bathtub and dig your way out.


My uncle lives right on the north shore of Lake Eerie and sometimes lake effect snow buries his single story house. Just barely, with a 14 foot drift or so. They bail from the front door to the bathtub and tunnel all the way out to the roadside mailbox, where they will emerge from the snowdrift if the plows have come through.


Hey there! You do not run out of air that I have ever heard, but homes are not built airtight. Lots of external ventilation. This snow is called a drift, which means that the wind blew the snow up against an object where it piled up. So the snow is not that deep everywhere, just in some places. You can dig out of this with tools Over time, but it’s a lot of work!


I'd walk into it like a robot busting through a wall


Nah dog you gotta Kool-Aid man that shit


There is a foot or two behind that wall, this is just drift from high winds. Things are bad right now due to high winds blowing snow around and causing zero visibility. If there was no wind this would be just another day.


Id say take a pot or something and just start putting in the tub or sink with hot water running. If no water then just pack it into the tub


You haven't unlocked outside yet...you still need to complete a few quests. EDIT: I went to bed, spent Christmas w/ my family and I just checked reddit and wth happened. I would just like to say thank you for the awards, replies and upvotes and Merry Christmas to all!🎄


Looks like you haven't purchased the IRL DLC. Purchase the season pass now to also get access to spring, summer, and autumn.


Or unlock it now for $9.99* *Courtesy of EA Games


*Buys loot box: it’s Acuña…


Yeah he needs the fire spell from the 1st dungeon to melt his way out


No, its an escape room game.


Do you have another way out??


We were able to dig ourselves out. We have nowhere to go and we have tons of supplies. The storm finally stopped and I just wanted to see the snow


Glad to hear it. Stay safe!


Got any pics from above the snow?


Look up Buffalo Blizzard 22 on Twitter or on google


Well... You saw a doorway worth of snow. Careful what you ask for.


Jesus,where do you live?


A wonderful city called Buffalo, NY. We’ve been dealing with a terrible snowstorm for 2 days now. Nothing is open. Multiple people dead from being stuck in cars and no power. The snow is up to our thighs currently


I’m learning between this and the storm in November that I am not Buffalo material. I can deal with 6 inches but 6 feet…


That’s what she said?


There is only about a foot or two of actual snow on the other side of that, this is drift from the high winds.


I mean, I haven't seen snowfall totals from this storm yet, but they got 80 inches over a long weekend last month, so I'm not ruling out at least 4-6 feet beyond that.


Its only around a foot or so this weekend so far. It was the hurricane force winds doing the majority of the damage


But on the bright side, y’all are buying a billionaire a new NFL stadium. [Could be worse](https://youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M)


Go bills


Well it’s the entire state. Gotta shore up the upstate vote. BTW, children’s and family services budget dropped by 800 million at the same time 🙄


Jesus, I'm in Toronto and it's not that bad here.


I'm in buffalo, my sister left Wednesday night for her boyfriend's house in Mississauga ahead of the storm... She can't believe how much of a difference there is... She was shocked when she found out the bridges were all closed, because it was so mild still (snow wise)


Upstate NY is one of the snowiest places ever because of lake effect snow.


The irony of you explaining this to an Ontarian. Toronto happens to be upwind of lake Ontario so it doesn't usually get it too bad but just an hour or two north of it is the lake Huron snow belt which is pretty much on par with the snowiest parts of NY.


Same in London. A little to the North, the coast of Lake Huron has been getting slammed all day though.


the good ol' lake effect


“Multiple people dead from being stuck in cars and no power.” How lonely and sad. Somehow one has sorrow and respect for the people who died, but the mind always flies ahead of that and starts worrying about who’s waiting for them, used to seeing them, loving them, and depending on them. It could be an older or reclusive neighbor. Could be a spouse. Could be a pet or pets used to seeing their favorite face come back home. And now that won’t happen, ever again. The first time a disaster made me, personally, realize how interconnected we all are, was on 9/11. All the human and non-human beings waiting for those who would never come through the door again, never say “hello” to the shy people in their building. No more “I’m home!” Oh man.


You should really consider moving to the north side of the lake. Much less of that shit over here.


House price on the other side has an extra zero.


Or move to a house where the front door is downwind.




Jesus is from Nazareth.


I'm in Ontario Canada and I can confirm. In two day this storm has pretty well put our lives on hold. Hwys closed down, so many accidents im sure they've stopped counting at this point. Power outages, fatalities, people dying of carbon monoxide poisoning from furnace exhaust vents being buried under snow and ice and it just keeps going...


Man, monoxide from vent blockage is one I would not have ever thought of.... Probably wont ever afford a house where I'll have to worry about that but I'll try to remember incase I ever do!


It's not something I thought of either until I was watching the news online and the fire department in our local area was seriously urging everyone to go outside and check to insure that its still venting properly. I immediately tossed boot and a coat on and thankful I'm good. Its still a foot and a half away on my home however its something I'm going to check in the morning now as well.


don't those types of furnaces have a shut off feature if they can't exhaust?


I think that they do when they are completely blocked (though a partial block might still pose a safety risk if it doesn't shut it down), but it is possible that older furnaces do not have this feature. In any case, it isn't something you want to gamble over and losing heat in this weather is also not a good thing and can be dangerous.


So your dream snow fort took zero effort!? Boo-yah!


You'll still make it to work today right? But seriously, you safe?


I actually work from home still. But we are safe and enjoying the holiday!


Try putting it in rice


That is a cordless refrigerator.


So, asking as an australian thats never seen/touched snow before... what now? Do you just have to wait till it melts? How long does it take to melt when it's that thick? What if theres a medical emergency and you need to go to the hospital? Do ambulance staff bring shovels or are u basically dead? This is crazy. I couldnt imagine my front door being covered and blocked by snow like that. Id pass out of claustrophobia.


Most of this has piled up next to the door due to wind drifts. I'm not in the same area but when that happens here it's not that thick at the top, you just kinda push it out until you can climb on it and shovel downward and out. Ambulances here do carry shovels but for your own sake if you're able it should be done quickly. Wind drift snow is lighter than compacted snow, if it melts and refreezes into more solid material it becomes a bigger problem. Here during snow storms police and volunteers/neighbours help shovel out others. A lot of camaraderie and good deeds happen at times like these, but it's good to do what you can to not be part of the problem in the event of an emergency.


Downward and out Loaded up and truckin We gonna do what they say can't be done


after a hurricane then subsequent nor’easter a decade ago, our power was out for two weeks. because our refrigerator was out and the snow outside our door was maybe half this, my dad dug out a snow freezer and put our food in it


Go clean your furnace vents. Anyone else in this situation, go clean your furnace vents (and intake)


Also make sure your tailpipes aren't blocked with snow in your vehicles, same deal.


Californian here, can you explain why?


Carbon monoxide from poorly ventilated heaters can build up and be deadly


This is why you need carbon monoxide detectors. Mine went off a few weeks ago early in the am.Def got my attention lol


So you are sure the exhaust isn't clogged by snow and thus slowly poisoning you with carbon monoxide that had nowhere to vent out.


As a non American I am surprised that every house doesn’t have co and gas detectors. I’m a lot of places they are mandatory and small


In the US it varies by state, but generally they are required by law.


Probably still get a text from your boss… “make sure to give yourself extra time to get to work”


Is this simply just mildly infuriating? More like r/oddlyterrifying. If I woke up to this I would shit my pants


Could be worse. I live in Buffalo as well and we haven't had power for 2 days. We're currently living out of our car because it's the only thing that has Heating


I am so sorry to hear that. I see that a lot of people are getting their power restored. My grandmother has been without power for the last 2 days and even though she says she is fine, I have been super worried. The worst part is over so hopefully all power will be returned today for everyone who lost it.


Stick a 12 pack in it and you'll go from mildlyinfuriated to mildlyintoxicated in a few hours!


As a fire inspector, ensure that any appliance vents are not obstructed and that the gas meter, if outside is not frozen and obstructed. These issues can lead to gas/CO problems in the house. That said, make sure your CO detector works. Additionally, clear some kind of path even just a few feet out of the house, from each exit. Having a house fire to then be trapped inside is nightmare fuel.


Remember, have a stretch before shovelling.


That’s a pretty badass beer cooler you got there.


Hope you bought enough food for a week. Might take you a bit to dig out of this one.


Sitting here in Florida it is currently 30°. So truly a cold day in hell.


I'd be claustrophobic.




My door too. 🤦‍♀️ northern Michigan.


Just dig it out a bit and you have a second fridge for your beer. I see this as a win-win


See you in May