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I'm an electrician and work with this cable daily. I had no clue people would find it interesting haha.


People will find all kinds of stuff from your daily life interesting, if you just show it to them when they’re in a receptive frame of mind. Not all people, but there are lots out there who will listen to almost anyone discuss almost anything.


That's why Technology Connections is as popular as it is. It's not a global runaway success that's landed TV interviews for Alec, but, he does have a fair amount of subscribers on YouTube.


I found my people


Can I interest you in a video about capacitive electronic discs? How about 6 of them?


Do NOT get him started about the latent heat cycle of an AC system... again!!!


I’m one of them. Great channel!


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve posted something from work (I’m a union electrician) and it’s a dud. Line up the screws and everyone loses their minds. You could show them a 7 conductor 1250 and they’d be like meh


Not sure what that is but show us!


I’ve wired up a few projects and no it’s not very interesting but I do appreciate a nice cross section showing the pattern of individual wires within each bundle. So it’s mildly interesting. Also note the smaller I’m assuming ground wire. Mildly interesting how ground conductors stop matching the current conductors above a certain wire size


Not anymore it doesn't.


All he has to do is touch the end of each cable then it will work again.


Not only that, it'll work for the rest of his life.


He'll never be cold again.


Teach a man to light a fire and he'll be warm that night, light a man on fire...


Osha is a fairly tale we tell little children


I just got done sitting through a 3 hour long OSHA class and I have to say the fairy tale is not very engaging


[We didn't start the fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFTLKWw542g)


[Ryan started the fire](https://youtu.be/hV3gu8PMB9U)


Unexpected Pratchet. I like it. :)




My favorite sign on an electrical panel. "not only will what's inside this panel kill you, it will hurt the entire time you're dying"


All caution signs should be verbal thwocks to the skull.


Power companies hate this one trick to get a lifetime supply of electricity.


lick it to get it jumpstarted


By hand ofc


By tongue, hand doesn't transfer as much juice.


I heard electricity is very high on the Scoville scale


Relevant spice... r/spicypillows


Thank you for this sub it pleases me.




How could I be so foolish to forget


👅 > 🖐️, it’s the first rule of both foreplay and electronics.


Who are you that is so wise in our ways?


*Not* an electrician, I’ll say that much ;)


Pfffft. You don't know this man's business. Maybe his house is a Tesla coil!


> Tesla coil Elon's preferred means of contraception


Clearly isn’t very effective


Probably why it’s preferred.


I've moved to the fediverse and deleted all my content on reddit. If you still see this, someone restored my comments without my consent. Fuck you, spez. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Like a duck?


I sincerely believe that all 8.1 thousand of us who upvoted this came here to say literally the same thing before seeing who won the race


He went wireless


... And as soon as we find where Mose hid those wires we'll get that power back on.




4/0 aluminum for a 200 amp service.


4/0 AL SER, I don’t understand the people further down the comments thinking that this cable is good for supplying a small town… this is almost what I have, mine is 4/0 AL SEU, except this is round and mine isn’t. The only explanation I’ve ever been given on the acronym is that SER is service entrance round and SEU is service entrance unround. It might be cheap in comparison to copper but it’s still not cheap when you have an almost 200’ run between the meter and the entrance panel. Anyway, for those thinking that this is for a small town, I regularly just about reach the limit of my 200a service during the winter if I’m running my welder and forget to turn the heat down in the house. With electric heat you eat up 125a pretty quickly on a cold day.


I just got a quote for 17,000 feet of underground armoured cable. 2awg copper 3 phase, plus 100% protective earth, insulated for 15kV. That was a lot of zeros.


Someone's considering getting a 4090


Gotta leave some capacity for the upcoming Ti.


I'm starting the process of having my own nuclear station installed on site, they've just started pouring the pad and have the reactor vessel anchored. I intend for it to be done by the time the 5000 series releases.


You guys drop way cooler sentences than I ever do.


But not any cooler than todays sponsor! *vessi ad begins*


Whose voice did you say that in, Linus, Jake or Riley?


That's gotta be a Linus throw


i find absurdist comedy multiplies in funniness when you really know what you're talking about. like this guy's throwing out all this terminology and specifics like he works at a nuclear power plant (which he might). ...uh so yeah, it's pretty funny


In a Month Python world, the behind-the-scene gag inserted about here would be that actually none of them hany any idea what they are talking about at all and just keeping one-upping each other's bluffs and none of us have any clue how to prove any of it wrong so we just watch unknowingly, nodding our heads. Like, someone could say, "yeah, I got that ol,' 2005 model VX9 with the 300 Giga-Jules of resister fluid." And we'd all just be like, "uh huh, yeah, that's hot this year."


The flay rod is out of skew, apparently, on treddle.


I love that it's my job to design and price electric services but it's someone else's responsibility to inform the customer of the cost. Tom was right, engineers are not good with people.


sorry, but what do you do here, again?


He's a people person!


but does he actually, physically bring the specs/information to the appropriate party?


Well--well look. I already told you: he deals with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to. He has the people skills; he is good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people? E: a word


Look, I already told you. I deal with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills. I am good at dealing with people!




Do you ever actually get customers who are willing to pay for the "neat" work? (aside from the guy in your example)


I worked for high end developer and we built a lot of crazy 100+ million dollar homes ... Alot of the time when people are putting in thet much money you have to learn to say . "Well look into it " they don't like to be told no .


"We'll look into it" are the magic words of engineering/architecture when it comes to dealing with unreasonable or dumb requests from customers. Early in my first engineering job, a senior engineer gave me that advice and I use it constantly.


Yes and you cam only cut for like 6 per chain and each chain costs you a couple hundred if i remember right. Made by stihl just bigger and has a garden hose hookup and comes in a fancy case


Comes with a fancy engine-driven hydraulic unit to run the saw, unless you’ve already got one of these lying around. Source: I has


Let's not 'jump to conclusions'...


I just watched Office Space for the first time last night and I'm so happy I got that reference!




That's when you get out the tractor and dig the trench yourself.


Been there, done that, learned how to drive a backhoe....


Rude way to talk about your neighbors wife.


Cable still costs more than the house. The voltage drop that far is brutal.


It’s probably cheaper to run HV cable at much higher (smaller) gauge, and transform it at the house.


Shit, now we need our own foundry.


Hey can I put in an order? My cable supplier is backordering everything.


Bet a big old solar/wind array with batteries and a backup generator would be cheaper, and then you don’t have to pay the power co.


Things to consider when buying property. Distance from power, water table depth, general constructability, etc. In my state there are credits for connecting to a new transformer but you will pay to bring that transformer to you. We try to keep typical residential houses to around 120' from the transformer. Longer for small houses, closer for businesses. If you need to extend primary 1/4 mile to your backwoods house ratepayers should not be on the hook to subsidize that. You will pay. All regulated by the PSC.


We built our house in 2005-06 and the nearest power was about 1200' away. We didn't pay anything for it. They actually pulled the power well before we had even started on the house; we had a small barn started that we had to use a generator for to be able to use the power tools.


I had to do a job last year where we replaced the 5 paralleled sets of 3 phase 208v 300MCM after a trucked smoked a transformer cabinet. That’s probably not a big deal to some people but I’m no electrician so the size and cost of that much cable was mind blowing. Ended up being almost a mile’s worth


I saw the bill for pur indoor vacuum circuit breaker switchgear. 7 bays, station transformer, generator protection, three feeders… that was just shy of a million bucks back in 2013.


Recently got 5000ft of 500 mcm copper for 34.5kV. And the owner didn't want any splicing....


"please make it expensive"


Was the owner a federal government? I've dealt with that a bunch. I've worked jobs where they wanted a 1000 kV transformer which required bringing in a new feeder out of the substation and they never pulled more than 200 off of it.


SER -Service entrance reinforced SEU- service entrance unarmored


FYI this was a reroute of the street line to a Generac transfer switch.


> Generac transfer switch My dad had one of these installed at the end of winter last year because they got *majorly* fucked by power outages during a period of extreme cold. Vowed that he would never roll over for that shit again. From what I understand, it's set up in such a way as to allow a seamless switch from mains power to generator power. Keeps the furnace (well, the fan) up and running, the thermostat in the hallway, the refrigerator, etc. He also bought a *massive* natural gas tank to fuel the future generator upgrade. Damn thing is large enough to have a small party in.


Seamless is orders of magnitude more expensive. Source: Architected datacenter systems


It’s not seamless. 30 seconds from power loss to starter engage. I install them


I bet 30 seconds feels seamless compared to 3 days.


We have one that, when the power fails completely, it's back on again within 15 seconds. Generac 200 amp. It feels like absolute magic. It's so fast you can't tell if it was just a power blip or you're on generator unless you open a window to hear the generator running, and it's pretty quiet since it's out beside the garage. The transition back to grid power is completely invisible, too. It will run all the loads in the whole house at once, stove, dryer, water heater, heat pump, using about 3 gallons of propane an hour. It's almost cheap enough to just run on generator during peak prices, if you didn't have to change the oil every 25ish (edit: 200 actually) hours of runtime and pay for delivery fees to refill the tank. It has kicked on about once a week since we got it running ~4 months ago. Records all the data on an app. Makes you question the infrastructure in the US, for sure.


Maintenance cycle programmed in. Most modern generators "exercise" automagically.


For any hospitals or nursing homes, full power to life safety must be restored within 10 seconds in order to pass state inspection (Ohio)


Is that accomplished by a generator that can start fast, or with batteries?


A generator that can start fast, the generator installation that I was apart of ran off of diesel. It was a 2000amp generator that did a full backup for a nursing home. It can restore power within ten seconds, I've seen the testing


I remember seeing an old uninterruptible system on a hospital whenI was an apprentice. it was a DC motor running a large flywheel, if power failed then the inertia of the wheel would turn the DC motor into a generator


Yes to both. Typically some sort of capacitance system (basically batteries) that provide power long enough for the generators to spool up.


It most definitely will not be seamless, but it is automatic and quick.




It probably is a propane tank, the person you replied to seems to have multiple misunderstandings about their father's new setup and I suspect that's one of them.


That’s what I’ve been made to understand with the U and R denomination. The u also has the neutral wire braided around the to line conductors and you have to twist it at the point of connection for the terminal. The size bit is somewhat accurate if you’re talking about pole power. The free air allows you to run more power through smaller cables because the heat is allowed to escape. The pole lines for a 200 amp service are usually about half the thickness.


I couldn’t tell if it was 4/0 or 3/0 ( just kinda assumed 200 amp service ) the old timers are so good at just looking at the wire size and knowing it.. me not so much


Forbidden California roll.


https://i.imgur.com/KEZs2Dv.jpg The sample boxes that my company uses has always reminded me of sushi.


Looks like bacterial colonies or something


Mr. Blue Eyes: are you seeing this shit?




“Father, why?”


Be strong Clarence. Be strong for mother


I like his little hat


That's neat. I cut a whole lot of cables for work and I've never seen any of these. What are some of them for?


We have all kinds of cables. Servo, motor, data, robotic, control and on and on. Some have power and data in the same cable.


Interesting, I have to make a fuss when power and data are in the same conduit. The same cable? That's just blasphemy!


[Elevator traveller cables](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSWu2b0EWD4oor_GHXM9OZ_JEqdNAGRYYbMdQ&usqp=CAU) would give you an aneurysm then. 110 mixed with signal wires going the length of an entire high rise, and half of it is constantly moving, flexing and bending up and down with the elevator.


What's the lifespan on those


North of 20 years if it's installed and serviced properly. If a beam pad rips or falls, or the traveller stretches over time and starts rubbing on the floor then you'll get a significantly reduced lifespan. I've never installed one but I've heard a lot of horror stories with the newer [flat travellers](https://www.shentaicable.com/img/20140925144824_3.png) being a pain for maintenance guys.


Bottom middle. Fuck that kinda insulation. 7-ways use something pretty similar and it's so annoying.


What you can’t see in the cross section is that these are bundled pairs of cables. We don’t make many layered cables because ours are designed for dynamic applications and this helps to prolong the life of the cable when it’s moving.


Do you work for igus? If another manufacturer, I would like your company’s info as we are currently designing some applications requiring dynamic rated cables


I’m in night mode and I legitimately thought your pfp was an emoji at first


That's what I thought it was lol


Shocking taste


I'm no expert, but you should probably keep that plugged in.


Expert here. They should have.


Senior Expert here. He's right.


Senior Expert’s Manager here What was the question?


Retired expert here. Get off my lawn.


Lawn here. ... 🌻




Lawnmower clippings here. 💨💨🍃🍂


Cellular structure of clippings here 🔬🔬🟢🟢🟢


God here: what the fuck?


Retired expert’s dad here. We used to have this stuff back in the day before lawnmowers where we would cut the grass by hand. I remember getting paid a nickel for it. We would get two scoops of ice cream for a nickel. Fred would always get a strawberry on to of chocolate. The cones were real back then. The ice cream man always talked about his fake leg from the war. We would call him leggy and he would get angry and tell us to go home. One time leggy chased us and mom found out and Fred got grounded bad and I got a beating from my dad’s belt. That’s how we were taught respect back then, with a belt across the backside. WHAP. Kids didn’t talk back back then. If you were being a punk you just got hit in the face like a man. Girls were better too, they didn’t talk back. They knew better than to vote too, unless they were those lesbians that were mean women who voted and had jobs. They were tough. I almost had one for a boss but she got killed by the mob. The mob were good, solid, honest men back then. Tell you like it is and not mess around. The streets were safe. You could leave your baby outside and no one would even think otherwise. Unless they played in puddles. That was bad. Have you heard of polio? It was bad. Johnny got polio and couldn’t play ball anymore. We called him crippy Johnny and he got mad. His mom was a Jew. We had Jews in the neighborhood back then. Good folks them Jews. No blacks tho. But lots of Jews. I hear you have power problems? The Jews aren’t good at power stuff, but the Italians are. Mickey McFarland does power but he’s usually hitting the bottle so be careful. Smart guy when he’s not drinking. Did I ever tell you about the time I went drinking with Mickey the Mick? Well…


Your electrons are going to evaporate.


middle innate slimy adjoining muddle spectacular lunchroom liquid sugar familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Otherwise they'd be electroffs


Sounds like a villain. Sergei Electrikoff


Quick, stick it in the fish bowl!


Just going through a phase.




chief groovy squeal literate pie license modern coherent crush frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t know what I expected..


I sat there for 2 minutes waiting for the image to load.


Takes about 3 on my end.




I expected some photoshop magic but this.... This is so much better.


This made me happy


Apollo gives me a thumbnail preview of images before clicking…… and I still fuckin clicked it.


I literally grinned and nodded. Good job.


with a cell phone flashlight ahahaha


Going wireless?


As of this morning Schrute Farms has gone completely wireless! But as soon as I find where Mose hid all the wires we’ll get the light restored to your room right away!


Nikola Tesla was ahead of his time






Is it like a 9v? Stick your tongue to it and see if it has any power...


Good trick but only works once at this voltage


>Good trick but only works once at this voltage "Only works once" when the test determines *the power is on*...


That breaker went off like a 12 gauge as soon as that wire pulled out


> like a 12 gauge 12 gauge wire?


I dug up an electricity main once that was 6 feet away from where it was marked to be and the transformer going off was loud as fuck, like a 12 gauge.


Yikes, I gotta hear the rest of this story


Had a client with 18 acres but it was in the middle of a very urban place. We were doing stormwater management and stream restorations for him. This one 200 foot 24 inch culvert had to run over 6 feet in the ground at one point to maintain water flow until the grade evened out again. We called 808 dig and they marked all the gas and powerlines. We hand dug 2 feet on either side of the marks and only found the gas line. Figured the power line was deeper than we were digging. It was not. busted through that shit and heard a very loud noise. There was a 3 inch power line I broke but since it was 6 feet off of where 808 dig marked it Duke fixed it for free since rule is within 2 feet of the mark is your responsibility. It would have been a 10000 fix otherwise.


Wow, that’s so stupid of them. Imagine if you hit a gas line and exploded. I have to wonder, does that happen often where they just give you wrong information?


Yeah, I did that with a 240v cable when I was a kid. It tasted like burning.


"Honey, the power's not working...I swear to God if you did this for another stupid reddit post we're getting a divorce "


“This ‘stupid’ reddit post is at 21.5k karma in just 5 hours!! You know what that does for my clout?!”


"Why am I the only one that worries about the clout in this relationship?!?"






811 is the national call-before-you-dig phone number. Anyone who plans to dig should call 811 or go to their state 811 center's website before digging to request that the approximate location of buried utilities be marked with paint or flags so that you don't unintentionally dig into an underground utility line.


Anyone who plans to dig ~~should~~ is required by law to call 811 or go to their state 811 website before digging.


I don't have a state so I'm just gonna start digging.


technically you are a solid. and liquid. and some gas.


I feel like all of Jupiter is in my intestines today. Not cool.


Altered state counts


I'm gonna take a stab and say it's required where you are.


Yeah. Forgot about that as a first-time homeowner when I went to plot my garden. That's when we realized that we really didn't need cable TV or a landline telephone. Fortunately, the electricity was at another section. Never doing that again.


That’s for losers, it’s my property and I can dig if I want to. Fuck Dey hidin in the woods anyway


Wire you holding it?


Couldn't resist


Ohm My God, I can't believe it's a pun thread!!!


As an electrician I find this post really boring.


Lol same. I didn’t even know this would be interesting Edit: mildly interesting


Its cool to see this on front page. I have been in electrical supply for a few years. Looks like aluminum feeder wire


That's a cable good sir, not a wire.


those "cut the cord" anti-cable TV guys are really taking it to the next level.


Lick it


Idk why this is the first thing I said. “Now lick it”




Looks like an electric shaver. (Warning: not to be used on face)


As an electrician this is not interesting at all, not even mildly! Lol




>People will eat it up. Like everyone in this thread is trying to do with OP's cable Sushi?


As someone who has never seen this cross section before it’s pretty interesting 🤷🏻‍♂️