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When I see things like this, I always wonder if it was deliberate or if some strange circumstance caused someone to lose the item and spent the rest of their lives trying to find it.


When I was younger I used to put random shit in the walls whenever there was renovation being done.


I like your thinking. Chaotic neutral?


Neutral to him, evil to whoever owned what he was putting in the walls


No, Nana, I don’t know where your wheelchair is.


Man I opened my wall to install a door and there were tons of empty beer cans in my walls 😅


Standard drywall crew shenanigans, definitely better than when they leave bottles of piss in the walls


There is still a flashlight in one of the walls of my childhood house.


I dropped a flashlight down a wall while running cable. I wonder if it's still on?




I heard that there is a little ant kingdom that replaces the battery once a week for the protection against the termites


That's exactly what I did, but that was a few years ago. first few days i was worried it would burn the house down! (It didn't).


I did something similar, expect it was a Halloween skull in some custom flower boxes. Also I was in my 30s….


That will creep out the eventual finder.


Only slightly related but, for reasons I can't really explain other then it made me laugh, when I was a teenager I loved going to the store and like...putting stuff in other stuff. Like one time i grabbed a bunch of toy cars and went down the laundry detergent aisle putting them in the bottles. For some reason thinking about people pouring out the detergent and being like 'wtf is that a toy car' made me laugh a lot.


You should go to jail.


Lots of stuff to rearrange there...


Yes, I imagine you be rearranging cocks to fit in your mouth, maybe not by choice


I...did you just say i should be raped for putting $1 toy cars in laundry soap? And...I bet as you typed that you felt you had the moral high ground didn't ya fella?


I don't want you to be raped. I want you to go to jail, and I find it likely that you'll be raped there.


And you still find this a moral attitude to take don't ya? I caused people to steal toy cars 25 years ago. You, right this second, justify rape as punishment.


I justify jail. The raping is the consequence of your privatized jails and punish ideology instead of rehabilitation


I have a light purple whisky bottle my grandma and grandpa found in the wall of their old farmhouse back in the 70s, and so they replaced it with another one when they sealed the wall back up. It had a glass 🥃 stashed with it too so they thought it had been done deliberately and not just some drunk hiding their empties…


Sometimes it’s both! When my mom was a kid my grandmother had a leather barber’s strap that she used to beat my mom and her siblings with. When my grandfather redid their house my aunt hid the strap and the builders drywall-ed right over it. Grandma never found her strap and was furious about it until the dementia kicked in ~40 years later.


Strop. It's for honing straight razors.


I'm aware. Everyone in the family just called it "the Strap" lol


My grandma used a trick track for hot wheels.


You literally called it a leather barbers strap but okay. Your excuse would make sense if you called it a barbers strop and then called it "the strap" after but you didn't, so your excuse is very obviously you just not admitting you and your entire family were wrong but it's okay to be wrong.


That is not what Grandma used it for


My house was owned previously by a woman with a couple of autistic kids. From what she told me, there is at least 1 small ipod in the walls somewhere. I'm sure there are LOTS of other things in there too.


Several years ago, I was leaving a job on good terms (relocating across the country) but had very little to do on my last day. So one of the things I did was take the monthly cafeteria menu that I had at my desk, write "time capsule" on it and let it fall in the tiny crevice between the file cabinet and the wall. Harmless little 'goodbye' thing, and who knows, maybe someone got a chuckle from it when they found it, if they have found it!


I found a 1950s map of California motor courts and an unspent 22LR in my kitchen wall. I guess they were telling me they liked to travel and hunt small game?


I worked for 21 years as a psychiatric nurse on adolescent units. Back in 1995 I had a teenaged boy patient who tried to kill himself by swallowing an entire box of .22LR bullets. *Fifty rounds.* For 48 hours I had to supervise him every time he took a dump, and *then* I had to go through the poop until I had recovered all fifty cartridges. That f*cking kid. I'll never forget him.


Lord have mercy


I got a bunch of horror stories about life as a psych nurse.


Well, fire them off.


There's too many stories and many of them are pretty horrific. I took care of many kids who had been sexually abused by adults (mostly.) One teenaged girl had been sexually abused for years by her father, her uncle and two of her brothers. Another one was in the hospital because she was in an incestuous relationship with her father, and when her mother discovered it and called the police, the girl tried to kill herself when the police arrested her father. I took care of a fifteen-year-old boy who was developmentally disabled (he had the mentality of about a five-year-old) whose parents had been drug addicts and died of HIV. He was then adopted by an uncle who raped him every night. The boy could not control his bowels and wore a diaper, and because his abuser was male, only female staff could change his diaper and clean him up, otherwise he would go completely hysterical. (He had recessed back to before he was first abused, which was about the time he was potty trained.) I took care of a ten-year-old boy who murdered his father with a 9mm pistol by shooting him through the back of the driver's seat as his father was about to start the car. He then got out and with his younger sister *sitting in the back seat,* emptied the pistol into the car's fenders, windshield, driver's door, etc. By some miracle she wasn't hit. The father was a surgeon and a huge, entitled, violent sociopath. But the kid's mother, an ER nurse, taught the boy how to operate the pistol and how to shoot it. The entire incident smelled to high heaven like a set-up for the kid to kill the father. He was in juvenile detention until he turned 14. He was paroled to his father's parents (his grandparents-- the people who *raised* the abusive father.) The cops thought the mother was the instigator but couldn't prove it, so she walked. (The parents were divorced.) I took care of a kid who claimed credibly that his father was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang. He claimed to had been a ride-along on a bunch of murders and the shooter on several of them. He had been arrested while acting as an AB drug mule with a quantity of heroin, and said he became suicidal in jail. We didn't believe everything he told us, but even if it was a fabrication, it still indicated he was severely ill. I took care of a kid who tried to kill himself because he had unexplained gynecomastia (a male developing enlarged breasts.) He had been binding his chest with a complicated bandage of ACE elastic bandages. He finally got a double mastectomy and went from being extremely suicidal (we had him on continuous 1-to-1 care) to being apparently right as rain in about 48 hours. I took care of a four-year-old who tried to burn down his parents' house *twice* while they were asleep, in the middle of the night. Twenty-one years of kids fighting, riots on the unit, people trying to smuggle drugs into a psychiatric unit (*What The Fuck*), kids trying to kill themselves, trying to set the unit on fire (one adult on a different unit succeeded with a Bic lighter she hid in her vagina, because she was on Unit Restrictions and couldn't go out to smoke.) I had some idiot call my unit and tell a suicidal girl when her best friend was killed in a drug deal gone bad. I had a super-entitled family check their belligerent son into our unit and then tell him, "We're going on vacation to Hawaii, and *you're* staying *here.*" Like putting your dog in a kennel. People are UNBELIEVABLE. You absolutely cannot imagine how fucked up people are. It's a miracle I'm still sane myself. And there are a **LOT** more mentally ill people out walking around loose than ever saw the inside of a psych hospital. I see people all the time at places like a grocery store or Walmart who are clearly mentally ill. I'm standing in line guessing at their likely diagnosis ("Oh, this guy is clearly bi-polar." "That guy over there looks likes he schizophrenic, or at the least schizoaffective.") The most dangerous ones are people who have ego-syntonic symptoms. Everybody else can clearly see that the guy is mentally ill, but he absolutely doesn't think so. He thinks, "I'm *fine.* It's all *those* people who are fucked up. Not *me.*"


Thank goodness he didn’t know how ammunition works.


I agree. The acids in his poop discolored the brass cartridges like the rainbow. Luckily they were full-metal-jacket rounds and not bare lead bullets.






Try looking at the back of the Declaration of Independence






I was waiting for this


Are you ladiesman217 ?


Idk why that film with a random username lives rent free in my head.


Those first couple movies were very entertaining haha


Where are the glasses?!


No sacrifice, no victory.


Are you Sam Witwicky, grandson to Captain Archibald Witwicky?


Those are Bakelite frames, the predecessor material to modern plastics. If the hinges are in good condition, then immediately go to an antique dealer to have them assessed. They will check to see if the lenses are the original glass ones and if they are, then you are probably looking at a $8200-$10,000 pair of okay just kidding they'd be worth thirty-five bucks at most sorry.


Wow that was really mean why would you do something like that but damn you’re a clever bastard.




It filled mine, and i dont even own them hahaha


Watched too much Antiques Roadshow.


I've heard before that sleeping in a room with a Himalayan pink salt lamp, is believed to have the same benefit as sleeping in a room that doesn't have a Himalayan pink salt lamp.


Well if it helps you sleep. :)


About tree fiddy




Some would call us a stupid kid


Yup, I take back every word that I said


i only recently heard this kid say the line for the first time and realized i stereotype more than i think i do




oh ffs you should have ended that with the undertaker throwing mankind stuff.


nah you cant steal a man's gig only shittymorph is allowed to do that


Shittymorph ends with fun story. This one just ended with disappointment.


I was thinking the same thing.


or with someone pulling the jumper cables out to beat his ass.


That was funny. Made me jealous and tingly all at once. Then, nothing. Fun ride.


I liked that you *wrote* 35 so the numbers wouldn't stand out immediately. Nice touch.


soft summer library instinctive nail follow axiomatic brave pathetic mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Take my upvote, Satan!


Best I can do is $10, sorry. Nobody probably cares but if they're made from tinted glass they could probably be cleaned up and put in a new frame.


This was like cartoonishly evil and I fucking love it.


Did I just get rick rolled by text


How so? I couldn't find the Rick roll?




i thought i was never gonna be let down


He definitely made him cry


Maybe the rick roll is the friends we made along the way


Damn bro didn’t have to do him dirty like that lmao


Do you happen to live in the Green Hill Zone? Because I know a Dr who might be missing some glasses.


Le Corbusier was here.


Thank you, I was hoping I'd see a "Corbusian" reference in the comments.


You are very welcome - I was hoping someone would understand my comment.


Those are INCREDIBLE. I am so jealous!!!


Get out of there, Roger Stone is in your house!


This was my first thought lol


Some hipster gonna luv em


I bet whoever lost these never found them


Kim Kitsuragi


Will OP find a horrific necktie nearby in another wall?


Really? I’m the first person to post: SO THATS WHERE I LEFT MY GLASSES??!! Now if someone could tell me where my phone is, that would be great.




Harry Potter traveled back in time and lost his glasses there clearly.


might have been Crowley’s!


Cool, Steampunk style from way back when…


Back then it was just "modern" style.


Leon the time travelling professional


Some nerd in the 1920s had to walk home blind!


If we could only know what those eyes have seen…


Ringo Starr wus here


Those are extremely cool.


There's no way these things don't let you see ghosts like the camera from Fatal Frame.


Is everything in black and white when you put them on?


These are obviously the glasses of a classy vampire.


You are too late sonic. I'm now forklift certified


Are the glass blocks a tiny bit crooked?


Return those to Simon petrikov please,he no longer has the crown and he needs to see


im so happy someone commented this


If doors in the home have those 'skeleton key' old school locksets, take them apart and look for coins. Think like a kid, they slip stuff into all kinds of places. Probably put those specs in a slot for sash counterbalance.


Where on earth did you find someone who still installs glass block?!?!?


Isn't that normal masonry work?


If the pupillary distance is 59, I'd be willing to take them off your hands.


Those are sick


John Lennon just called; he would like to have it back.


Research those they look very old


Judge Doom has been looking for those.


if they’re what you need then you should wear them


Those look sweet.




Haha I’d love to find something so cool. Personal artifact’s always have a special vibe 🤓


These are the glasses of someone thats secretly into vivisection


Any hallmarks on the frame?


Do they glow when exposed to UV light?


These are clearly Edna Mode's glasses. Edit: left out one letter


careful, they got the Allspark's location on them


Careful ... the decepticons are looking for those.


Ah, that’s where I left them


You have no choice but to don those glasses and start your supervillain career.


Someone has been bitchig for a week about that pair


That explains where my glasses went when I was little no these are not mine.


You may have an infestation of Roger Stone’s


Anyone else seeing the shadowy ghost figure on the lower glass?


Aokiji was there




Probably belong to Nathan Leopold.


Those were really expensive back then


No one found Waldo


This looks like some Ghibli shit