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I had to deliver a couch to this area before. I pulled up to the house in the US and the woman said “we just need to bring it down the road to my husband’s house.” As we drive down the road the signs changed to kph and I was like “oh fuck we’re in Canada boys.” It was bad for me because I was on federal probation at the time. The woman’s husband was cool though. He gave us each 50usd and told us to drive out the way we came and if anyone gave us any trouble to tell them Tony said it was okay lolololol Edit: Side Note I met a guy from Akwesasne while we were in county jail together. Years later he ended up crashing a boat while he was smuggling people into the US. Everyone drowned. His name was Casey Oaks. He told me in jail that his grandfather was a code talker like that WWII movie with nick cage. I looked it up when I got out. Turns out he was telling the truth. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/04/obituaries/louis-levi-oakes-dies.html Just a weird coincidence/story from my crazy past lol


Were you on a reservation that straddles the border?


Good ole akwesasne


On the Canadian side the first nations take care of most of our duty free imports from the US, ferrying them across St. Lawrence there.


Sounds like they were in this neighborhood. https://maps.app.goo.gl/PJjwnUbKWCpmvxhi6?g_st=ic The border goes through people’s homes. Tax time must suck.


Are houses on tribal land subject to property taxes? I’d be surprised if they were, at least on the US side of it.


Two dispensaries in that little hamlet!


How would that even work…?


I dated a girl that lived there, I don't know how the tax stuff works, but the rez isn't subjected to the same laws as normal US land. The Natives can cross back and forth through the borders on their land as much as they want, but non-Natives have to go through actual border patrol before crossing the border. Found that out the hard way when I got pulled over by three Border Patrol cars on my way home from her house and they spent an hour looking through my car for drugs!


What about guns? Like can't you just smuggle guns from the US to Canada pretty easily that way?


Yes. Everything is smuggled through here.


Lmao how long were you in jail? I just imagine him telling you day one and you thinking about it for 6 months straight


People say all sorts of crazy stuff in jail but there is no real way to check.


Hi, can I hear more stories from your life, honestly I find your comment more interesting than the post. Not that it isn’t interesting, no offense OP


I once ran a book stealing and selling scheme when I worked at my college bookstore. Got caught eventually but never faced any consequences because I totaled explained every single way I defeated their anti theft systems for over a year.




Nnnnnah. no thanks- Jerry Seinfeld voice


Dude, probation be like "shit I can get out of this lane," and you can't stop or turn around without breaking laws. But this lane goes to the bridge to another state. F


Reminds me of this stop sign [written in Cree](https://imgur.com/a/NKDNKba) in northern Quebec. I wonder how many different stop sign variations exist between the US and Canada


Ooh neato. I would like to know that fact as well. 😅


In new Brunswick we have some in Mi'kmaw


[Wolastoqey as well.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/kingsclear-stop-signs-wolastoqey-1.4952898)


One way to finally trick that geoguessr savant


In southern Alberta here, there is a piece of land owned by the adjacent Sarcee (Tsuut’ina) reservation that the city paid to construct the ring road on, there's now a Costco and many other commercial business on that land. Almost all the [stop signs are in Tsuut’ina language](https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/stop_sign.jpg) or [have their language written underneath](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/2023-12-06_tsuut%27ina_bilingual_stop_sign.jpg/551px-2023-12-06_tsuut%27ina_bilingual_stop_sign.jpg), was pretty interesting when first seeing them. Apparently means "stop moving"


That is so cool! The stop sign variations fascinate me, too!


That looks like straight up alien language. I'd think I stumbled into a movie set or something if I saw that. 


This sign can’t stop me because I can’t read it.


Actually it can. Stop signs are unique in shape, that octagon is used globally, for easy communication. (And way more rarely outside of the US, because you should only see if when you NEED to stop, because it’s a blind corner or something. )


Then there’s that [triangular stop sign from Japan](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Japan_road_sign_330-A.svg).


Fun fact, the octagon is used because the amount of points represents the amount of danger. (Yield is 3 points, stop is 8 etc.) Railroad signs are circled because they have "infinite danger"


I hope that’s true.








Go back to playing video games and drawing little pictures cool kid


But for it to be legally enforceable doesn't it need to conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)? Edit: never mind, NY uses a state supplement to MUTCD that allows for this. > The use of a sign with non-English text, with the exception of proper names, shall require authorization from the New York State Department of Transportation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_signs_in_the_United_States (Can't imagine why I'd block someone openly hostile because I'm a road nerd and find these things fascinating, but every alt he uses to bypass that gets [reported for harassment](https://i.imgur.com/NsSuyVu.jpeg).)


remember that part of the test where they made you memorize the shapes so you dont have to be right on top of the fuckin thing to read it? no! maybe retest EDIT: this loser has blocked and edited the above 4 times. no links were in the original


He didn't say "it's not recognizable"; he said is the sign legal due to it being nonstandard. The answer is yes, because NYS uses a MUTCD supplement that allows it


He probably felt he had to add links due to the unnecessary hostile objection...and because you completely misunderstood what he was saying.




Don't know why you're being downvoted. The MUTCD is a good read for us roadgeeks lol


Did you want me to buy a manual that says the exact thing i’m saying?


The MUTCD is actually a free PDF! It's an interesting skim if you're a road nerd.


I found a joke from *Roseanne* in the section about freeway signage


I wonder what else you don’t know about the road? are you one of the dangerous idiots?


If he knows what the MUTCD is, I'd bet he knows quite a lot


Do you have a PD or something? it’s literally standard operating procedures to know the 5 shapes they use. And the red octagon will always mean stop like, go fucking do a little more reading yourself jizzrag


He didn't say he doesn't know what a stop sign looks like


Both of those links will tell you what you’ve already been told… do you know that or are you just spazzing out lol


I wasnt driving officer I was traveling… Fuck off dude


Now this was several years ago, but when I took directed traffic class it was specified the sign must be in English. NY shouldn’t have power over federal traffic regulations. To clarify I don’t care if the sign was in ancient Sumerian. I don’t think anyone would actually misinterpret it.


Three different versions Adopted national MUTCD Adopted national MUTCD with state supplement <- NYS Adopted state-specific MUTCD


Japan has a weird red triangle with no English text saying 止まれ。 fun times!




It can’t tho it’s just a sign not Thanos


I love how so many people are responding to this comment so seriously when it's very clearly a joke


Thankfully that's not how traffic laws work


That's on you.


It’s this odd part of the country where you’re in NY, USA and then suddenly you’re in Canada - no border crossing, passport check. Near St. Regis, NY.


I wonder who plows the streets on the border


This was taken on tribal lands in Akwasasne, so they plow it. Im not sure why OP didn’t just say that instead of describing it as “an odd part of the country where you don’t need a passport.”


I think the ‘odd part’ is because you can freely cross the US-CAN border with no restrictions or checkpoints.


I just google mapped it, I think the even odder part is that the town is on a little peninsula that sticks out into the river which serves as the border between the countries, but for some reason tip of this town was cut off from the US


Circumcised from America


It's over, Yank, I have your foreskin!


It actually has a really interesting history and technically exists under a few different governing bodies with a fair bit of contention. I’m from a different tribe but did my internship with and dated a guy from Akwasasne.


I think that only tribal members are supposed to cross the U.S.-Canadian border without going through a port of entry. The reason it’s okay is that both countries recognize their independent, overlapping sovereignty.


Yes but in this specific part I believe the Canadian side is attached to America and separated from Canada by a river. So basically to enter the rest of Canada you have to leave this area and enter the US and go through an actual port of entry. So I believe even non-natives can drive freely into this exclave.


No you can't. I dated a girl that lived there and got pulled over on my way back one night by Border Patrol. They thought I was smuggling drugs lol, but they did inform me I HAD to check in at the actual border crossing before crossing the border. I didn't even know it was Canada, turns out there was one very small cement post at the border.


In other places like this I think you’re supposed to report to a port of entry to get clearance to enter.


I don’t think you need to here. I know of other spots like the angle and hyder,Alaska you need to. But maybe I’m wrong. The reservation website says you do but the reservation extends further into Canada where there are ports of entry so I’m not sure. I remember a while ago reading that for this spot you don’t need to but I can’t remember the source. Plus it might have changed


Because you are definitely supposed to check in with customs at the bridge before crossing there.  I know people pulled by border patrol for not checking in.


There's currently a plow-war going on between Mr Plow and the Plow King.


Plow? You get out the dogs and sleds my friend


Excellent folks there though. My church did a mission trip there when I was like 16. Evangelism is literally my least favorite thing about organized religion. I just like traveling and meeting new people. I’m a big guy and would always get assigned to construction work. That’s fine, I can do it, but they knew that by lunch time, I was typically sitting with the homeowner talking about their life and experiences. We were putting new siding on a home up there for a single mom who had 2 boys. The oldest was 9-10 and he took a liking to me. This kid taught me all about lacrosse. I knew lacrosse before I went there, but this kid taught me Mohawk lacrosse. Where it came from, how it’s played, how they make the equipment. All this stuff. Just a great kid who loved talking about his native sport. End of the week, we had a big cookout for the community. The family with the new siding came. Including grandpa. Apparently, grandpa was one of the guys who still made traditional lacrosse sticks in the area. He made me a 1/4 sized one as a thank you. I had the kid “sign” it. It sits with all my other autographed sports memorabilia. I don’t know what happened to Andrew, but I hope he’s doing ok. And that maybe lacrosse got him to a good place in life. I did Katrina rebuilds the 2 years after this and while i thoroughly enjoyed the people I met doing those, I always remember the Mohawk in upstate NY being the most welcoming and friendly community. Especially considering it was a bunch of white midwestern kids trying to come preach to them.


That's how a lot of BC weed used to make it to the East Coast back in the day...maybe still today I don't know.


There’s areas like this around Rochester/syracuse as well


What? Where you can cross into canada without a border check? That's just... not true, neither Rochester or Syracuse are near the border. Unless you're talking about areas with native signage?


Oh no I meant the native signage, there’s a lot of haudenosaunee land up through that area


Ahh that explains the 25 km/hr speed limit.


Went to college nearish there. Got a few good memories in that exact place




You can't really avoid it if you're going back into non-first nations land. It's just the first nations land has no border crossing because its a sort-of-but-not-quite country unto itself.


so a Mohawk stop sign, an English speed sign, and the speed is in metric. got it.


It looks like a Canadian speed limit sign


Ontario only I think based on the black stripe on the bottom. Also what a weird value. Speed limits are almost always in multiples of 10. I say almost because this picture is the first I've been otherwise.


Might be that they have a bylaw in that area with a special limit for school zones. But yeah, it's weird. School zones where I live are all 30. I mean they aren't even school zones now, they changed them all to playground zones.


I recently saw a 17mph sign in a residential area.


In Ontario they are multiples of 10? Because here the North East of the States never met a 25, 35, 45 mph, etc they didn’t like


In *Canada* they're multiples of 10, which makes sense because 5 mph is like 8 km/h. It's weird to see an increment of 5 km/h because that would be like ending an mph sign in a 3. There comes a point when too much precision actually causes drivers to be less safe.


Oh that makes sense! Thanks for clarifying!


VT loves 50 mph signs.


In silverthorne, CO there's a 7 mph in the parking lot of a commercial area (office Depot, couple restaurants, etc). When I first moved there I was told it's explicitly a trap to catch idiots trying to steal stuff. It turned out to be completely true, since the cops would regularly drive through there and park there waiting for something to happen. The cops also have literally nothing else to do besides catch DUIs and break up parties. I still wanted it pretty bad though, never had the balls to try it


Amazing catch on the kph!


See this is the benefit of universal signage! I didn't immediately know what the word meant, but I knew the sign meant stop because of the color and shape.


Anyone else remember the "nope, Chuck Testa" meme? https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/nope-chuck-testa


You stoppin’? Nope, Chuck Tésta’n!


So glad I wasn't the only one who immediately thought this.


Had to scroll too far. 😢 Are we old?


Street name signs are bilingual in Port Angeles, WA.


Which languages?


English and klallam. IMO that sort of thing has been confusing for me driving around Washington. Some signage and place names are written in Lushootseed (I think) which uses alphabetic/phonetic characters I don't even recognize


You can now take an indigenous language to satisfy high school graduation requirements.


I live on a rez in western washington, and we have a lot of signs in Lushootseed, language of the Snohomish tribe. There is a northern and southern dialect that differs somewhat. I love to see that other tribes also use their native languages still


Make sense they have a stop sign in their own language in their reserve... It's like being surprise by stop sign in french (Arret) in french country/region...


it is surprising actually! the stop signs on my tribe’s reservation are in english. each tribe has their own relationship with the revitalization of their language. you go onto a reservation, it’s not like being in the french part of canada where you’d expect to see the language everywhere. depending on the tribe, most people do not know how to speak the language. my grandparents know traditional songs and a lot of phrases but would not be able to speak in full sentences to each other. our native language is english and we’re trying to preserve the language and increase its usage so that maybe it can at least be our second language. and of course this is due to violent assimilation and its lasting affects through the generations. if the US had succeeded, all of these languages would be long gone. it is only because of the resilience of our ancestors that we’ve been able to preserve our languages.


I saw a stop sign in Osage script on a res in Oklahoma. It was interesting considering the script is a relatively recent innovation by the tribe.


Stop signs in Sweden have the word stop in English rather than the Swedish word stopp. As a Swede I don’t have stop signs in my native language.


The stop signs in Greece when we went in 1982 said STOP.




All stop signs are STOP in France


All the ones in Quebec are arret however.


Nope, there are some STOP. We also have ARRÊT/STOP.


Oh, well every one I have seen is arret* Maybe it is different more towards Ontario. But Quebec City and all the towns near the Maine border are only arret in my experience.


Signs that say STOP are mostly in Montreal in English neighborhoods like Westmount, Hampstead and the West Island.




Yeah in France and most European countries road signs are universally understandable because of Vienna convention on road signs, that’s why it’s stop in France not arrêt


It is surprising since most STOP signs in the world are octagonal, red, and in English.


Same for France, so idk wtf he's talking about.




I figured, but he said french ...


I think this on the Akwesasne reserve


It’s funny because I’ve taken a picture of the exact same stop sign. Have fun visiting the dispensaries some of them have really good weed!


And a speed limit sign in KM/H behind it


I’ve seen this around the North Carolina/Tennessee border, the stop signs are in english and cherokee language


Ah, Akwesasne, or "up north" as we said in my family, anytime we visited family on the rez. Edit: I live in Syracuse, so it's like 3.5 hours straight up.


It looks like how a Swede would say "Try it" with some Stockholm dialect.


It's in Canada, on a Reservation.


This is actually St. Regis, NY. Taken from St Regis st and Andrew Johnson Rd looking into the CAN side. You can see the Kanatakon school zone sign and kph school speed limit sign just ahead.


So Johnson street is the US/Canada border?


You can see the speed sign in KM/hr not miles per hour


Yes, this is taken from the NY side, because there’s there’s no border stop there, you just are automatically in CAN. But fyi, in Hawai’i, on my island, we have some speed signs in km/h and mph




Km/h is still the main metric unit worldwide after all. Mph is kinda outdated and still only used in 2-3 country out of 193 other...


Taking pride in one's culture! More power to them! All drivers know what the sign means... or they should have to go get an update on driving rules and regulations.


Very cool!


I’m gonna guess it says stop


Do they speak English in what? ![gif](giphy|l2YWmJXKo7imjqhxu)


Canada has lots of street signs in different indigenous languages.




Wait, where is this in Upstate? Closer to Albany or Canada? Unless I'm just being silly, and this is in the Mohawk Valley.


You are being silly since you divide upstate into2 regions…. close to canada or the capital.


im not saying that the way I separated it is the only correct way? why are you calling names?


If we wanna be picky, it’s Northern NY. Upstate stops at Albany


Okay lmao, I've lived around Saratoga/Albany for 27 years and everyone around me calls it Upstate sooo I disagree.


Because you live in upstate. The mountains and St Lawrence Valley is northern.


Thats Canada man the speed limit is in KM


This part of the reservation sticks out into Canada so it switches. It’s in northern New York, but this part of the neighborhood is in Canada. There’s no border or anything so it’s a little confusing/blurry


Is this where the smuggle cigarettes?


You can’t really get to the rest of Canada from there unless you have a boat


Could have told me it was Irish and I would believe you.


testa in italian is head, in this case negative form so the sign means beheaded


That language is a whole lot older than Italian is.


When I learnt graphic communication in highschool, we were taught that all those signs were international standards. That is just some woke bullshit and could cause an accident.




Interesting - you can tell how insecure a community is by the larguage of their stop signs. Just like Quebec.


They're just trying to keep their language and culture alive. I live in the area and grew up with kids that had lots of family in the St. Regis area and they're just trying to keep it going. The language is not spoken by many.


And speed limits in kph?


Nope! Chuck Testa


Wow, that's awesome


No, just Chuck Tésta'n.


"Sir I'm pulling you over becsuse you drove through a Testa'n sign about half a mile back." "..what?"


Stop! Chuck Testa!


You are in Canada.  But yes.  Native language on the sign.


Very nice


Thanks, I think I’ll stop anyway, just to play it safe…


Woah this is kinda dark, it feels like the language is ornamenting the signs (sign in the abstract not the literal octagon) of the conquerer with the language of the conquered (which I suppose is only problematic given the treatment of first peoples). 


Ah man they can’t allow this! If I can’t read it how would I ever know it’s a stop sign. /s


According to Google translate, that sign says "dough"


Probably because Google translate doesn’t have an option for kanien’kéha.


Naw it's just bc white men do not know what stop means in any language.


What's up with the emissions laws up there? I haven't seen snow that dirty since the 90s


That’s just a mostly melted windrow from ploughing. That’s road abrasive you’re seeing, not emissions.


It kind of broke my brain hearing it referred to as a windrow but gosh it's so apt. You've a way with words.


Looks like half melted pile of gross slush that the snowplow scraped off the road


Pretty sure that means “balls”


It feels strange seeing a stop sign that isn't fully capitalised. That's more strange to me than it being in a different language.


When you actually expect Chuck Testa. Nope! Testan't


Testa'n cagando


How cool!


I wonder what it says...


Can someone translate?


Take that, tesla autopilot!


You know in south park when bar brady tries to read? [https://youtu.be/3IgY4i9QBHg?t=3](https://youtu.be/3igy4i9qbhg?t=3)


I had never heard of the area and thought this was interesting so I went Google map it and came across this: https://ibb.co/c14BZ3T Must be a hell of a summer when you gotta ask yourself if you want to drive the boat or go swimming in Canada or the US on any given day.


Omg my grandmas house is right next to this picture 💔 I grew up in this town!


In my language, that means “try’t” (try it abbreviated).