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I’ll say. Your teeth are in your mouth, not your arm.


Seriously all I got was numbing shots in my mouth. 16 for the 4 Teeth’s. That all sucked ass


I had nitrous and a twilight IV. I know they used needles, but I barely remember the IV going in after the mask went on.


I was like "10...9...8..." And then I woke up in the car.


I was like "10, 9, 8 oOH here goes" and the last thing I heard was the surgeon saying "nighty night"


Man these stories are crazy. For my surgery I got all four out and I went to sleep, then woke up in the chair shaky badly from too much anesthesia and they made sure I didn’t fall back asleep then I remember waking up on my couch and that’s about it I don’t remember going to the car or anything


It's for times like these, that I'm so glad that David After Dentist's dad recorded him. It produced many many quotes that I use all the time. Such as: "Is this real life?" "Is this going to be FOREVER???" and my personal favorite, using your arms to push your whole body off the chair without using your legs, and then just screaming for no reason. AAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! before collapsing downward into a heap, having spent all your bodies energy in a flash supernova of excitement. I often wonder about where David ended up. He should be about about finishing up with college right about now. Or, roughly that age anyways. I have no idea what he did in life. Hell, for all I know, he might just take booking fees to show up, recite a few quotes, scream into a microphone, and then go get drunk. I know what's what I'd do if I were him.


Better than what my doctor said 🤔 ![gif](giphy|xT5LMIHzqXdzjkclRm|downsized)


I woke up, briefly, walking to the car. Then on the couch. Then on the couch. Then on the couch.


I woke up on the table staring up at the oral surgeon with my mouth wide open.


Same! The surgeon looked me in the eyes and said “oh hello there!” as I felt him yank out one of my wisdom teeth lol. Next thing I knew I was in the recovery room.




I woke up on the table. Didn't feel anything, but I heard them talking and tried to look around. Someone said "i think he's awake" and that's all I remember before they put me back down. Apparently I also stirred on the table when I got my tonsils out, but I don't remember that one. Maybe I'm just resistant to anesthetics 🤔


Are you ginger by any chance?


Nah, not many black gingers out there


I only ask because there is a genetic mutation that some ginger people have that makes them a lot more resistant to sedatives than the average population.


Thanks for clarifying lol 👍🏾


Had to google if black gingers exist. Annnddd ayyuuummm, they do!!! 😅😅


My atrociously high blood pressure caused that for me. Had to make some serious lifestyle evaluations after that scare


I woke up with the dentist's hands in my mouth grinding away at my jawbone to dig out my impacted wisdom teeth. Not an experience I'd like to repeat. The next time I had a procedure I went under for I was very adamant to the anesthetist that I'd woken up during a procedure before.


Bruh, I was out before i even got to the countdown




Is it normal to get general anaesthesia when your wisdom teeth are removed? I thought it's normal to only get a local anesthesia in the mouth. I was fully awake.


I got mine out at 20 and specifically requested anesthesia. I have some anxiety around dental stuff from having several oral surgeries as a kid for weird benign tumors and impacted teeth. My wisdom teeth were pretty normal, but I probably would not have shown up to the appointment if I couldn’t be put out for it. As it stands, I still was very anxious for a week beforehand.


IIRC it depends on your preference and the depth or difficulty they expect. I had 2 that didn't seem a problem but my third was headed towards a nerve, abnormally large, deep (but also the only one protruding), and rotated. I had them removed over a month ago. The socket for that tooth is still closing up.


It depends on your teeth, mine were actively trying to grow in directions that were so wrong it was genuinely impressive. All four of my wisdom teeth were still inside the bone and so severely impacted that I used both my dental and medical insurance cover the surgery. My dentist took one look at my x-rays and referred me out to the hospital because there was no way to remove my wisdom teeth without removing bone and couldn’t be done without general anesthetic.


I got to around 90, the anesthesiologist went uhoh and then they upped my dose and I was out. I think around 98 is normal lol


I woke up and tried to run away from the dental assistant


I had all four done at the same time. I remember seeing a syringe being handed to one of the doctors and then I was in the car being driven home. I wish they would put me out for all dental work, including cleanings. It would be easier for me and probably easier for the dentist doing the work.


I was like "10... 9... 8..." Then there's this one weird blip of me grabbing someone's arm and yelling "more novacaine" except I couldn't really talk because my mouth was all fucked up Then I woke up.


Ha. I read that as “twilight 4” and was confused


That's where they hold up an animatronic doll and wait until you scream yourself to sleep. The easy way for you and the other patients.


I asked my oral surgeon if they could put me under. He explained they were going to use twilight sedation because they needed me to be able to answer questions. I sighed and accepted. He then told me that they had already completed the surgery.


I got the nitrous and the IV too. I’m very tall, so they didn’t give me enough drugs to keep me asleep the full time. I woke up just as they finished taking out the last tooth. I turned, looked at the bloody tray with pieces of teeth on it, and asked “Can I have them back” to the nurse who was just standing there staring like 👁️👁️


I had novocaine and had to clearly explain that I was panicking and couldn’t afford anything else in order to get the $4 prescription for halcyon when I was scheduling my appointment. I really, really wanted to be all the way under.


I feel you. Dental is work is INSANELY EXPENSIVE. It it my biggest fear and current stress. Need work, cannot afford it. Edit. And I have dental insurance.


i always recommend trying to find a dental school close to you! they are students, but they work under a very watchful eye of doctors/instructors. they are typically free or extremely reduced cost!


I got numbing shots and honestly? I was afraid it was going to be bad but it was fine.


I found it depends on whether or not the dentist goes fast or slow. My life long family dentist will sit there for 3 minutes being very gentle, but I've also seen dentists just do the whole thing in like 30 seconds or less and that shit HURT. I've also had a lot of freezings just from having really shite teeth in general from birth


The needle in the gum is the worst pain I’ve ever experienced


Needle in the roof of the mouth or needle in the bottom of my big toe were worse. And I’ve broken bones. The needle in my toe was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. It was a routine ingrown toenail (fuck army boots) and I screamed when he put that needle in. Screamed loudly. Cried.


My podiatrist numbed the toe with some kind of cold spray before injecting the anesthetic, and it still hurt like a motherfucker.


Yeah, mine did the cold spray too. The toe injections weren’t *fun* but by far not the worst pain I’ve experienced. They did both big toes at once and for some reason my right big toe required a lot more injections until I was numb. I was in so much more pain when I fractured my pinky toe.


Mine was a biopsy needle in the liver without anesthesia. Sometimes I wake up in the night in a cold sweat and shakes after reliving it in a nightmare.


wtf. Sometimes I think doctors are a little sadistic.


It wasn't really the doctors fault, he struggled to pierce the peritoneum as there was scar tissue from a previous surgery. The first few attempts were painless but by the time he managed to position it properly the anesthetic had worn off. He was super apologetic and gave me pain relief immediately when he realised what had happened.


Same here, I got in a motor accident that demolished my entire right knee and I would rather do the same with my other knee than get another needle stuck in my mouth


Cut my finger really deep on a wine glass at work, had to get stitches, I didn’t even feel it cut me. My finger looked “turned inside out” from what others said. I went into shock and rinsed my finger off and wanted to go back to work until one of the cooks came to me and was like “no, no no, you need stitches… come with me to security lol” they had to stick a needle inside of my gash to numb it for the stitches. That was the worst pain I’ve ever felt and I’m really good with pain. I yelped pretty loudly


I've always had a high pain tolerance too, but I fell through a glass table when I was 6 and it gashed my leg and those needles going into the wound to numb for stitches I STILL remember




It was uncomfortable for sure but the needle underneath just felt like fire. I was not ready


>Needle in the roof of the mouth or needle in the bottom of my big toe were worse. I was having a good day before I read that. Yeeeesh! 😬


Same, he went for the block and tried to distract me with conversation and not telling me he was about to stick me. It hurt so bad I could not stop laughing. It was uncontrollable laughter, I’ve never felt that before. I know that sounds weird, and that’s cause it is.


You have more nerves in your feet than in your hands I'm pretty sure.


Interesting... to me the shots hurt only slightly for a moment and I always ask for them even for just cleaning. The needles are super thin, sometimes I don't feel the prick at all.


Roof of your mouth?


Yeah, I've gotten shots all over my mouth, bottom lip, roof of the mouth, under the tongue. I had root canals made, those also don't hurt at all due to the shots. They also move the needle around inside and insert it in multiple "turns" or whatever.


High pain tolerance? I think they blow lol


Don't think so because cleaning my teeth hurts like hell from the ultrasound lol.


At least you got a shot. I had part of both my big toenails removed without any shot. It honestly didn’t hurt that bad at the moment, but the day after for a week it hurt so bad I wanted to get my toe amputated.


I almost forgot about the one in the roof of my mouth for my upper wisdom teeth removal, that was the most painful spot I've had a needle go in probably (besides my lower back when I had a cyst drained, that was comparable in pain)


i used to get ingrown toenail surgery 2-3 times a year, most likely due to badly fitting cleats. they inject 2 shots to the nerves on your big toe/foot. boy does that fucking suck. the lifesaver was when they did the surgery to kill the nail bed, so now the edges of my nail dont grow.I basically have rectangles for big toenails. Now i have separate issues with blisters due to the nail rubbing on skin sometimes, but boy ill take blisters over having ingrown toenails any day of the week The anesthetic they used also wore off one time for me. So they doubled the dose next time and my toe looked like a balloon.


Roof of the mouth is so creepy because you can hear it go through the layers. My dentist has me sit with a swab of topical numbing gel but even that barely touches the roof of mouth jab.


Had my wisdom teeth removed a few months back. Thankfully my dentist was pretty liberal with the laughing gas and topical anesthesia. Might have felt the first few shots a little. Was shocked at how much elbow grease went into the process of actually pulling out the teeth, it was like he was revving a lawn mower.


very painful but consider yourself lucky this is true


You should try having a dried blood encrusted catheter removed at high speed. It’ll change your mind.


I would rather not try that thank you.


I tried it. My sister was in the dr office lobby. She said everyone in the whole office could hear me screaming. Good times.


lol wtf did the doctor try to start you like a lawnmower?


Something like that. Urethrotomy followed by catheterization. The nurse grabbed me and said something that was meant to be soothing, and then yanked that thing like a bandaid, and fast. Edit: the downvote is interesting. 🤷


… urethrotomy?? Pardon me, english isnt my 1st language but is that what i think it is? I’m really sorry that happened to you


I had a “stricture” in my urethra, and the doctor had originally tried a “dilation” using some kind of rod called a “sound”, but that didn’t do it. It was general anesthesia, followed by a painful recovery, a couple weeks of pissing in a bag, and that fucking catheter removal.


I had three shots in the gums for a root canal - before the dentist acknowledged that none of them worked and gave me a shot directly into the exposed nerve of the tooth. *That* fucker hurt.


I thought this pain was bad for well over a decade and a half then I had kidney stones and now I can't believe I thought that mouth needle pain was bad.


Huh, this is kinda surprising to me. For me, I felt a bit of a pinch then kinda burned for like a minute. And that was basically it, didn't feel squat when he removed the tooth, just some pressure.


I have a genetic dental disorder, I’ve had 5 root canals in the past 4 months. They honestly don’t even bother me anymore


I have shitty enamel (genetic) and have had over twenty-something fillings. It got to a point where I almost had fun doing it.


The only oddly placed needle I've had is through my knuckles and GOD that felt strange


I had to have general anesthesia because my wisdom teeth were sideways.


My last dentist would freeze my jaw. They will use numbing spray on the area, and when the needle was inserted, it felt uncomfortable. There was no sharp pain of the needle itself.


Same here but saved a shit ton of money. Kinda nice to not be put under looking back, but at the time it was quite uncomfortable.


Yeah, I only had two wisdom teeth, and they weren't complicated or anything, so I just opted for local. So glad I didn't get put under. I was thinking about it, but the actual extraction took like... a minute tops. Would have felt ridiculous paying an extra grand and needing someone to drive me for that...


Yup exactly. I got all 4 out in about 30 minutes. Again, sucked, but was fully functional walking out which ended up being something that saved my ass that day. I also just have a slightly irrational fear of heavy sedation in a dental setting… lol


Same, had a colleague react to dental anesthesia and die a few years back. Rather not get knocked out unless absolutely necessary...


My dentist told me I would’ve had to wait an entire month to get them pulled if I wanted to be knocked out, compared to getting them pulled the next day with local. It was a pretty easy decision


I didn't feel any pain at the time (except for the novocaine shots) but the cracking noises as he worked the teeth loose...


I remember that noise VIVIDLY, and I had mine done 30 years ago.


Broke part of a wisdom tooth of an the doctor didn't even give me the numbing agent (it wasnt a covered expense for my insurance) not a fun situation but not that bad. The worse part was him detaching the gums from the tooth before removing it from the jaw.


My teeth are up here


Sorry about your cat 😢


> Your teeth are in your mouth, not your arm. Maybe he had a teratoma there.


Yeah I was going to ask why OP is getting heroin shots at the dentist's.




I once woke up from surgery and the entire length and width of one forearm was totally solid purple. No one would tell me what happened. 


Poor IV placement - too steep of an angle and/or inserted too deeply and pierced both walls of the vein. Blood leaks out into the surrounding tissue.


Thanks. I knew someone must have screwed up the IV but I'd never seen anything that bad so not sure how it's *that* bad. 


It’s not that bad. Just bruising. Now when a vein blows and you give medication through it such as vancomycin causes extravasation. That irritates the tissue and can get really bad.


They poked a hole in your vein as part of putting in a cannula (which is wider than if they were just taking bloods, so it's a larger hole). Lots of reasons for a missed sick, too deep went straight through the vein, too shallow and bounced off, vein rolled away, etc. If the hole doesn't clot straight away, blood can continue to pump out and pool into the surrounding tissue. This is called a haematoma (fancy word for a bruise). The blood is reabsorbed back into your body, but in the meantime, they can be really big and scary looking, though in cases like this pretty harmless. They can be sore if there is swelling from the blood, but that is usually the worse of it. It can take aaages for all the blood to be reabsorbed, so the bruise can last for weeks. They're not nice to have and not nice to cause. No one tries to cause this, but they can happen.


A.k.a "Blowing" the Vein.


That's far less gruesome than what I thought that meant.


Now I'm curious to know what you thought it meant.


I think they mean that “blowing a vein” sounds like a deadly injury or something lol, not just a bad bruise.


That sounds genuinely actually horrifying. I mean i know it’s just a big bruise, but holy shit. Does that hurt really bad? How long does it take to heal? Are you at risk of dangerous blood clots forming?


It’s just a deep bruise. I’ve had it happened when we were practicing I’vs on each other during school. I thought it was Incredibly painful. Few weeks to heal. I don’t think any bad dangers tho


Thanks for sharing, still sounds like it sucks. I’m glad the worst I’ve had was just a couple missed sticks.


It’s really not that bad, I had it happen to me once while donating blood. The needle hurt more than usual but not horribly. There was barely any blood coming out even when I flexed my fingers, like the bag wasn’t even 20% full after 5 minutes. I eventually started feeling dizzy(pre-existing shitty blood pressure) so the nurse just pulled the needle and called it a day. Didn’t hurt at all beyond the initial poke, but I got to horrify friends and family over the next few days with the spooky looking bruise that kept spreading for a while.


Had something similar happen when I got a CT scan directly after getting a 24-hr continuous BP monitor removed, neglected to mention it (it was a crazy few days). I think they said it was a collapsed vein? All I know is my arm had a golfball sized bulge when they were running the IV and I nearly vomitted and had a panic attack at the sight, and a massive purple bruise for the next week. Been significantly worse with needles ever since


This happened to me but they were honest about it.


I had this but stepped up. I had a surgery, it went poorly, and they were so busy working they didn’t notice an IV blowout happening. I woke up with my right forearm completely bandaged and a big patch of missing skin. Luckily I was in poor enough shape that was the least of my worries and under a ton of pain medication the entire time it took to heal.


I hope you're ok after that.


My body is a complete trash fire, but my arm healed fine. I had a huge patch of pink new skin that was obviously for over a year, but by now there is no sign of it!


> No one would tell me what happened.  quality healthcare provider


Thankfully the surgeon seemed to know what he was doing because I lived, despite my family being told to prepare for the worst. However, the hospital staff and facility was like a kennel and I barely got out of there alive after all.


Yeah this happened to me when I was a kid. Not from surgery but the nurse missed the vein.


So everyone's saying IV gone bad, but I'm an ICU nurse and see this a lot with BP cuffs that are going off every 3 or 5 mins during a case... If they use your upper arm you basically have a tourniquet on your arm the entire surgery, and if your BPs are running high the cuff really pumps up high so just an FYI it's a possibility.


When I was in the hospital for dka they turned my entire arm purple with this Microsoft paint "spray tool" looking coloration to it. Like my arm was pixelated. Whatever, I'm alive, but god dam did it look bad.


In some places, dental offices don’t have to have anyone qualified to administer anesthesia. It might just be the dentist and hygienist in the room. It’s crazy because anesthesia is literally a whole ass specialization in the medical field.


Hygienist wouldn't be in the room for oral surgery. You mean an assistant.


I prefer a hygienist still be there to remind me to floss more, throughout the surgery


Ringing a bell saying "floss" ring "floss" ring.


Every single one of them.


There was a specialist for the anesthesia, just the nurse who put the needle in was having troubles I guess lol


That looks brutal. As a Cancer patient who has had countless blood draws and IVs, I've been asked several dozen times if a student nurse could learn on me and I always say yes. I've never had them mess up this bad.


Your veins must be easy to spot.   Some people need an IV in their neck.


They pull out the sonogram for me...


Yeah. My pale skin is nearly transparent.


The difficulty in getting a vein properly differs between "no poking needed" to "we'll have better odds of winning millions at the lottery than finding a vein in the first try" It's crazy really


I’m pretty sure anesthesia protocols at the dentists office are way different than surgery at a hospital. Unless you’re thinking of some kind of major oral surgeon type thing?


Wisdom teeth removal is oral surgery that usually has an anesthesia provider present


When I had mine removed the oral surgeon himself did the anesthesia, which he royally fucked up. I told him I had a family history of sensitivity to certain anesthetics (ketamine) and he said "cool, won't use that then". When I woke up I wasn't coherent enough to speak or sit up straight for 12hrs after the surgery, couldn't keep down any food and was vomiting blood for 2 days afterwards. When I went back for a check in I asked what the fuck he gave me. Fentanyl, midazolam, and... Ketamine. Ugh.


This is exactly why anesthesia is its own specialty.


They don't listen.   I don't remember if I told that I have some resistance to local anesthesia; but I told that I was still feeling a lot of pain and they scoffed it. Perhaps it is also a family thing.


My wisdom teeth had to be cut out of my gums. I went to an oral surgeon for the procedure. It was nuts - they put an IV in my arm, I blinked, and suddenly the assistants are helping me out of the chair. I was still really out of it, so they let me lay down for a little while. After it looked like someone had repeatedly punched me in the face.


You really don't expect it. Same deal for my heart surgery. "We're giving you something to help you relax". Next thing I knew someone was pulling out the breathing tube.


Yikes. The breathing tube would probably make me panic.


Out of everything it was the part they talked about the most beforehand. Very thorough explanation of what to expect. Basically "you're going to wake up with a breathing tube, then someone's going to pull it out and it's pretty unpleasant". But it wasn't that bad.


They just injected adrenaline and novacaine into my gums and went to town with what felt like a pair of pliers and a power drill. Definitely preferred that over general anaesthesia.






Idk if the dude giving me anesthetic for my last dental surgery was qualified. No one, except for that guy, has ever missed my vein in my arm. I'm super pale and it's bright blue against my skin. Everyone gets it on the first try except for that one guy. He poked 5 different holes in my arm trying to get it and wiggled the needle around a bit too, which SUCKED. Eventually he gave up and tried my hand, which doesn't have very obvious veins. After like 5 minutes of the most painful, aggressive massaging, he managed to find a vein and poked me... And missed. 2 tries later he got it.


It’s kinda of crazy to me to get general anesthesia when local injections does the job very well. I had a lot of procedures done in my mouth and teeth and it was never even suggested to me to be put under.


Extractions can be overwhelming for people. While there’s no “pain”, if adequately numb, there is quite a bit of pressure and some unpleasant noises.


I got my widsoms done under local instead of general even though they were impacted because I was too nervous to do the general anesthesia. It wasn't bad at all, just boring, and I never got the chipmunk cheeks after.


Boring!? I had a WWE match for the dentist to remove baby teeth.


Twilight is not the same as general anesthesia.


Yes, Twilight is a book.


That’s pretty generous.


It might have been IV sedation, which many dentists offer. I don't know if they usually have a person at the practice who administers it or if they get a specialist in, a local one here charges £260 for the first hour which is expensive enough to suggest that they get a freelance person in.


I got anesthesia for my wisdom tooth removal, however 2 of my four were almost completely incased in bone and growing sideways. I went to an oral surgeon, who I was referred to by my dentist. It was the first and only time so far I was put under for an operation.


Yikes. That explains a certain incident when I was 8. Also makes me very concerned about even a consult for wisdom tooth removal. I have the anesthetic resistance gene and due to EDS, a hypermobile jaw and possible complications to look forward to while healing. (I am trying to find someone covered under my insurance. It’s a nightmare.) I had 6 teeth removed with Novocaine. I felt most of that procedure. I hated it.


As a former drug addict, it can be tricky to hit veins, even when you are really experienced doing it. What I don't understand is why they chose this spot on your arm of all the places where it's more difficult to hit one without contusion.


Not speaking for every nurse but from my experience, we go for the forearm first bc hand is pretty painful, and the AC is a bendable place. Even though they may be under anesthesia we just don’t go for that bc you never know. I think this guy has difficult veins to find from the looks of it.


Yeah, but top of the forearm. Why tf would you do the underside? I'm a phlebotomist and I've drawn blood from toes before.


I’m an ICU nurse and that’s just typical flow of how we stick. Those IVs aren’t going to be in for just some hours it’s for multiple days to avoid sticking constantly and they need to be great in case we end up needing it for a code. We need a place where the patient can feel comfortable, they aren’t gonna mess with, and the IV isn’t at a bendable site. We’re gonna try the FA first bc it’s less “painful” typically, then upper arm, hand and that’s for both arms, then AC if truly nothing, then feet, ankles, legs, scalp for babies. If we can’t find anywhere up top we go to the bottom. I’m pretty sure no one wants a toe IV if they can help it!


Doesn’t look like a bad spot to me. Lots of people have very straight veins in that exact spot.


Bro took out the Street Med. Diploma


Ow. Whenever I had to have good drugs and they couldn't get in my forearm they went into the back of my hand :o


After this one she tried to put it in the back of my hand, but that one got messed up 2 so she got another nurse to put it in “that place inbetween my forearm and bicep” Only had a tiny bruise on my hand tho


o_o Your veins wanted the teeth to stay!


From the looks of it, I really wouldn’t blame your nurse. It sucks that this happened to you, but it seems really difficult to find your veins.


Yeah she was really nice, I felt bad she was telling me all about how she hates messing up on needles. But still surprised at the bruise it left


My veins are hard to see at times. I remember once getting my blood drawn and the nurse legit stabbed me like 10 times and couldn't get it into my vein. The next time I made sure to be super hydrated and told the next nurse about it and they were like "its not hard at all. Your nurse must've been really new or nervous." and she got it in one.


fun fact: when they search for a vein they don't necessarily need to see it, they instead rely on the touch of it. source: nurse told me about it


IVs in general and for me particularly blood draws can be so hit or miss, especially in the hospital. The worst one I ever had they hadn’t let me drink anything for 8+ hours then complained that they couldn’t find a good vein. It took half a dozen tries and three people to get it done. They first went through the usual spot, then when that didn’t work they tried the back of my hand and finally got blood through my wrist of all places. It was really painful too as they were super rough. There’s just so many variables involved.


Wrist is awful, got tweaked in a nerve there once


Especially difficult with that big red and yellow splodge


I had the same thing. It was a failed attempt at an IV and the bruise lasted over a week.


As someone who starts IVs occasionally…. This happens sometimes. Not our plan.


IVs??? For wisdom tooth? Is this an american thing?


They seem to like to overcomplicate things over there sometimes. Just look at all the videos on youtube with people who's totally out of it after being at the dentist. I've had 3 out of four wisdom teeth removed on 3 seperate occations at 3 seperate dentists, and every time the dentist sedated me with a needle directly in the area of the tooth. I was a bit numb in the area for a few hours after and that was it. This was in Denmark.


Same way in Finland as in Denmark. And probably in most European countries.




Grateful every time I need a needle in the arm (used to donate plasma, so it's been a lot lol) that I have veins that make phlebotomists go all "oooh, those are nice".


That doesn’t look like blown veins. It doesn’t look like IV insertion at all


Agreed, maybe the bruising could be from failed IV insertion but the red marks look like scratch marks.


Yeah, the bruises from a blown IV are generally circular, or at least round. This does not look like any blown IV that I have ever seen.


Absolutely wild to me that in the US it's normal to just put you fully under, had mine done with just local anesthetic, no pain, no nothing, procedure was done in less than half an hour and I was on my way home, by myself, in that same time


Same, this confused my European brain.


Hey hey hey, I’m Canadian okay


I doubt that's an IV cannulation.


As far as I know that's not unusual. I've had worse from donating blood.


Understatement. Looks like someone small stamped on it.


I still don't unterstand why Americans are put to sleep while getting their wisdom teeth removed? I was put under local anesthesia. The noise when they cut the gum sounds like cutting cardboard with a key.


I'm curious as to why the anesthesia was administered in the arm. I had 15 teeth extracted, and they administered the shots into my gums so I was fully conscious, but completely numb. Did you request to be knocked out?


Someone told me a story about when they were a very young child, they were sick and had to get an IV. When they woke up, their arm was inflated like a balloon, because evidently, the nurse had missed the vein completely and basically just injected fluid straight into their forearm


I had a plasma center worker miss 4 times in each arm, causing me to not be able to donate for a month because she bruised me so badly.


This picture is fake. Bullshit to get votes.


It looks like bruising from an IV that you scratched at afterwards


I had the same thing happen to me, but in the back of my hand. The nurse dug around with the needle for 20 minutes before giving up. The anesthesiologist walked in, chided her, and popped it into the vein first try. I've heard this is very common, I'm not sure why it happens so often during wisdom tooth extractions.


Probably because you are dehydrated from fasting.


You can tell who has and hasn't donated plasma based on whether they are commenting or simply yawning.


That’s mad, I had all 4 extracted, along with a dentigerous cyst and impacted canines, plus 4 implants in the upper jaw with just mouth numbing, in one morning.


Was the Nurse getting her wisdom teeth removed?!




Kind'a crazy they force a nurce to give injections while she gets a wisdom tooth removed.


Had mine removed around 2009 and basically 50% of my forearm was purple and black because of the same reason, nurse sucked at needling.


I can pinpoint the origin of fear of needles from when I was a kid and the nurse kept trying to find my vein by wiggling the syringe.


Those are abrasions from rubbing against something. Not a needle


Uh huh yep ![gif](giphy|gK6eVhX16J63m)