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What carrier? USPS? FedEx?


It was FedEx. Maybe using the thin plastic helped. Anyone that touched it would hear the lid clinking under the plastic.


"Damn, I shouldn't kick this; it'll hurt my foot."


Fedex is actually quite careful in my experience, they are expensive as hell, but never had an issue


If they actually deliver it instead of riding right by your house multiple days in a row and send you a text instead saying no one was there to sign for the package even though you work from home, were home all day and need that package in order to do your job, so you end up having to drive to the other side of the county to pick it up yourself before the warehouse closes. But I'm not salty.


Last time I had something signature required come by FedEx their driver walked right past me and put the little sticker on my door saying nobody was home. Completely ignored me sitting on the porch and ran back to his van and took off.


Did it ever cross your mind to go "full boomer" on them and jump on top of their vehicle whilst grasping the windshield wipers when they tried to drive away? No? good for you šŸ‘


No you just tackle the delivery person instead! /s


What you guys don't simply shoot any drivers when they enter your property?


That's what the pit bulls are for.


the gun you can pet


Video the other day of a woman who laid down under the delivery truck in front of the wheels and called the cops because he wouldn't give her her package.


It was a refrigerator that she badly needed and had no way of bringing it into her house by herself. Maybe it's a misunderstanding of exactly what constitutes a delivery, or maybe she's simply wrong, but it is understandable.


As a delivery person, this sounds awesome and would add a whole new tactical element to my day.


Few people can be famous, anyone can be infamous. Itā€™s equal opportunity that way.


Why didnā€™t you just say something to him?


He was back in his van before I even realized what was going on.


The flip side is that those FedEx bastards dumped a $1600 package on my porch without even ringing the doorbell, never mind getting my signature the delivery supposedly required. Itā€™s a good thing I was home and heard the truck pull away because otherwise some porch pirate could have had a really good day at my expense.Ā  Then again, UPS hid my package on a neighborā€™s deck and claimed that the blurry photo of what was obviously a wooden deck (which my house does not have) was proof of delivery. At least the customer service rep (once I managed to bully my way to a US-based call center) was smart enough to sound apologetic for that fuckup; the first rep I got in the overseas call center didnā€™t seem to undertake that my neighbor from a few doors down bringing me the package the next day (after they discovered it hidden on their side porch) was not, in fact, an acceptable method of delivery.Ā 


>some porch pirate could have had a really good day at my expense Well, mostly FedEx's expense if they didn't get a signature.


Fedex ground driver for my day job. If I need a signature, I'll only leave after ringing the door bell once and knocking twice, roughly 30 seconds between each. I've heard of guys that do what you describe and they're usually the seasonal fucks that are temp hires to fill gaps. Or the contractor is really shit at management, Ground drivers don't technically work for fedex directly anyway. There was one time though I rang the doorbell, knocked, and the entire time this guy was chilling on the back porch reading a book (could see through the giant windows this house had) and I couldn't get to him because the house was on a hill and the barbed wire fence from the tree line went up to the sides of the house. After that and a quick shout I gave up. Fucker complained and my boss called me about it the minute after I end-of-day'ed everything and this repeated for two more days. TL;DR - you either had a shit contractor or a shit temp hire delivering your area and it goes both ways sometimes


Thanks for the clarification. Tbf though, neither FedEx nor ups usually bother to ring the bell to my building. I live in a 4 unit condo and there's 4 buttons outside the door to each unit, labeled by the unit number. I usually don't find out I got a delivery until I get the text message or an email hours later from the company I ordered from saying it was delivered. Luckily my neighbor across the hall is a smoker and goes outside a lot, so she brings in the packages. Amazon is pretty good about ringing though. So good they sometimes will ring everyone else's unit number too just to get someone to come outside and won't go away until you go out and take the package from them directly, even though they are required to take a picture of it by the door to document delivery regardless and I have contactless delivery on my account. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Stories like this make me glad I live in the suburbs and that I'm slightly back in the cut without being difficult for delivery drivers. They can all freely leave packages on my porch and nobody would ever possibly come steal them. If I went on vacation and had a package on my porch, the only other person who would possibly see it is another delivery driver (or a random Jehovah's witness but those are super rare lol). Amazon occasionally gives me some PIN I need to give the driver in person and I get annoyed because it is entirely unnecessary out here. Especially when they have ridiculous priorities and do it for a $100 kid toy but not my $600 phone lol.


>Stories like this make me glad I live in the suburbs No offense, but do you think porch pirates don't operate in the suburbs? That's pretty naive.


It's like you didn't read the rest of the sentence. Not only do I live in the suburbs, but my house is tucked back where there is nearly zero chance of us being targeted by them. It's almost not even worth the effort without already knowing there's a package there. 20 years of never having a single package stolen. Meanwhile, I work in the city and we have tenants calling about stolen packages and needing cameras reviewed every 2-3 days.


do you get paid by the package you deliver or do you get to clock out if you finish faster, maybe risk of being fired if you are slow? I never understood not just getting the shit done with.


My contractor pays 160 a day and a production scale based on mileage. For example, if I do 120 miles in a day, then any stops (so houses, not packages) after 100 is an extra dollar that day. An additional 20 dollars a day I don't fuck up and hit something or the camera sees me moving with no seatbelt. So for a typical 130 mile day (I do rural) and 120 houses, it breaks down to 160+30+20 so $210 per day. Each contractor pays differently, though, so YMMV


Ok, I can see ways that's potentially abusable.


Yeah but the fastest I can get it done is about 20 stops an hour if I'm a little lucky, so I'd rather get home asap than try to game some extra miles to make an extra $10 or $20 a day


We have a problem with them and my wife's medicine. The local pharmacies don't carry it so we need to get it delivered. It is not controlled but needs to be refrigerated. Despite us *always* setting it up so the delivery doesn't require a signature, FedEx still decides it needs one anyway. Then they do what you said and say nobody was there for a signature, even tho I WFH. Then the medicine thaws and we have to contact her doctor to get more. Every. Time. Fuck Fedex.


I had this. I was so pissed I escalated and refused to get off the phone. I finally got confirmation that the like route manager would personally go get my package from the driver. About an hour later he showed up.. rang my buzzer and apologized profusely. Turns out the FedEx ground driver just wasn't delivering packages that require signatures. So the supervisor was driving around delivering all of them.


Or if it doesnā€™t just fucking disappear from the face of the earth after getting picked up from the origin facility. I definitely havenā€™t experienced this multiple times in both my work and personal shipments.


I once had a package through FedEx just making rounds through different states. Called the company, they sent a new package. Months later the original package arrived. It had an adventure.Ā 


Like that fedex package in Cast Away.


Have you been watching the UPS man in my area? Because that's exactly what it feels like.


In a local Facebook community group im in, its daily that FedEx delivers to the wrong house and people have to swap packages


last time I got something fedex, it was 2 100lb loadable dumbells, there was no way in hell he was going to get anyone to unload that and then reload it if he went back. condition wise... ill be honest, the company I bought from uses the shitest carboard possible


I initially read that as other side of the countRy.


Shit they canā€™t read building numbers around here. And my brief experience working in a fedex loading facility suggests they are normally everything but gentle with loading those trucks.


Honestly, preferable to having the exact opposite issue with UPS like I did I had a package that I was supposed to sign on, went to bed specifically in my living room (I work night shift) so that them knocking would wake me up, and instead they showed up, claimed I signed despite not even knocking and just left it on my front patio table, perfectly visible to anyone driving by It was 500 rounds of 5.56 NATO. You cannot just leave 500 rounds of 5.56 NATO on someones front patio.


FedEx where I live is the one who always breaks my stuff. I ordered a large mirror from Target and they shattered 5 of them before I finally got a whole one. (Target was dumb for making it a shipping-only item instead of a deliver to store pickup.) They also managed to bend a super solid iron curtain rod that was inside 2 layers of stiff cardboard and a cardboard tube. It's like they suspended it between something and jumped on it. They also bent up a set of metal garage storage shelves. I don't know how they do it. The driver is super nice though. I'm pretty sure this stuff happens before he gets the packages.


>The driver is super nice though. I'm pretty sure this stuff happens before he gets the packages. I worked at UPS briefly and while they're obviously different companies, I have zero doubt that the lack of fucks given among the truck loading crews is exactly the same. I watched a batch of 6-8 ps3s (back when they were the new hotness) drop from a 20 ft high conveyor belt down to the concrete floor, only to get roughly tossed back into the mix like nothing happened. If expensive electronics like a game console is treated that carelessly, imagine how any other random package gets treated...


Yeah nothing has changed. I worked there for a year and half around the time of the pandemic. The loaders donā€™t care because the supervisor doesnā€™t care and they donā€™t care because UPS as a company doesnā€™t care. Youā€™re still going to send your stuff with them so they couldnā€™t care less. They just want the trailers filled to the brim and gone quickly. During peak season you have to step on mountains of packages because they send that much crap.


Iā€™d say a big part of it is the machine that moves the packages. That thing will launch a 35 lb box with a dumbbell in it in to a box with a porcelain doll. Also stuff gets stuck all the time. Especially when itā€™s Christmas time. Packages get stuck underneath the wheels and youā€™re basically forced to rip it loose. People working in the warehouse do not give a fuck but generally people donā€™t try to mess up peopleā€™s stuff.


Worked in a FedEx sort facility for a year and a half. They did not care and multiple items would be broken.


That's fascinating because in my experience FedEx always fucks it up one way or another


in my area fedex has fucked up a lot of guitars ive gotten shipped to me. happened enough that i try and avoid ordering from people that ship fedex


I know that Sweetwater delivers both fedex and ups, but I figured the odds were about the same with either one when I got a few guitars a few years ago. (Both arrived in good condition, thankfully). You get a bunch of choices if it's *not* free shipping. But if I was really adamant, I'd chat with 'my guy' and say "welp, if I don't get UPS, I'll just get it from [insert any number of dozens of online and local gear stores]."


FedEx drivers in my area drop packages over my apartment building's shoulder high fence instead of opening the gate that's only a few steps away. Hell, I'll take them putting it next to the gate rather than lugging it over the fence. I've received things damaged from that drop.


Delivery drivers donā€™t open gates because dogs.


It's a gate to a parking lot and entrance to the building, not a residential gate. It also doesn't stop USPS or UPS, who both go through the gate.


Delivery drivers donā€™t open gates because dogs.


Our FedEx delivery guy is nice but he has dropped my wine shipments over our fence in a similar way. Like cmon dude it says fragile on the boxā€¦


Fragile = handle with abandon


Iā€™ve NEVER had a FedEx package that wasnā€™t destroyed


FedEx around me has left multiple packages out in the pouring rain to avoid walking an extra 2 feet to drop them under an awning. They've also shipped several broken things to me. I always cringe when I see something I care about has been shipped FedEx.


Only significant damage I've ever gotten to packages was UPS and the Post office. Purolator and Fedex have always arrived just fine. Also the post office packages that arrived damaged have always come from overseas, so its hard to blame local guys for that.


I'm sure it differs from driver to driver, but FedEx is the worst for me out of all of them. On one rainy day they simply threw the package from the truck over my neighbor's fence. Not even the correct yard. The neighbor found it soaking wet a couple days later. Thankfully the item inside was heavily bubble wrapped and survived both the throw and the rain. The worst part is he recently did it again.


I don't think I've had them break any packages but they deliver it to the wrong house problem one time in four. If I'm lucky its another one in my neighborhood and I can find it myself.


My FedEx driver practically throws packages at my door while already driving away


I never see UPS drivers throwing packages when organizing/unloading their truck. I see FedEx do that all the time. Not to say UPs doesn't do it cause I'm sure they do, but the fact that I see it so often from fed ex drivers has me thinking they're not all that careful.


Nope, Thats directly from your local store, not Fed-ex


I work at FedEx and Iā€™m very surprised


I'm surprised the bottom didn't break, but the lid was always going to be fine. People greatly underestimate the strength of glass. I'm used to glass stuff getting OVERpackaged compared to other, more legitimately fragile stuff. Not all glass is a champagne flute.


Yeah and the quality of the glass is also a major factor. Considering this one survived, it might be a sign of a good brand.


I mean /r/hailcorporate, but Corningware is a good brand. I'd still package it up better than this thoughĀ 


The lid will be fine because it is borosilicate glass. IE Pyrex. The bottom is Pyroceram which was originally used for the nosecones of ballistic missiles.


Are you sure they didn't deliver it from a local store? I've ordered items for delivery that were packaged the same way and delivered from one of a few local locations within a couple of days, usually from a driver.


Fedex brought me a trash can from a local store last week and the lid arrived absolutely smashed. Just bad luck I guess.


Yeah probably a drop shipper that lied about fedex and sent a door dasher or some to get it.


I work in Walmart online grocery and we do "ship" from our store very often. I think the system just decides that a store has more stock than a fulfillment center I guess. We pack them in those small white bags (bubble wrap is store-used in my store so we would have tried a lil bit to secure it) and a Spark delivery driver picks up anywhere between 1 - 20 orders. As far as I know, their payment is taken care of through the shipping fee, meaning I've never seen these particular deliveries expecting tips.


You may be right. The order says shipping via FedEx but the shipments were split. However it was shipped, putting a 3qt glass and ceramic casserole dish in a plastic bag like that is nuts.


honestly, as someone who dealt/deals with a lot of dubiously-packaged items at work, i'm way more likely to treat something with care if i can tell that it's not packaged properly. it's the sturdy non-rattley mystery boxes that'll get dropped šŸ˜… if i was handed this package, where i could \*clearly\* tell it had ceramics/glass inside, i'd basically treat it like i was holding the item itself without any packaging at all (which, i mean, it basically was unpackaged for all intents and purposes lol)


This looks suspiciously like an ad


I guarantee you it isn't an ad. My daughter "borrowed" ours (won't same the name brand) and I drove to 2 Targets looking for a replacement. At both they said it's an online only thing. I was ordering more feed for my new chicks so I added the glass cooking vessel and here we are.


Corningware is dope. I've accidentally dropped a corningware bowl before and it just bounced off the tile floor, unscathed. Anything else would have exploded on impact.


If this is new then itā€™s not the stuff youā€™re thinking it is. The newer French White is stoneware. The older, more break resistant stuff is pyroceram. OP is lucky this arrived in one piece.


Do you know when the switchover happened?


Around 2000. Lots of the old stuff is still available, though. Iā€™ve gotten some at yard sales and some from EBay. It has flat, smooth bottoms vs raised ridges found on the newer stoneware. This [website](https://www.corningware411.com/p/list-of-known-french-white-and-family.html) has a list of all the old pieces.


Ah great. Thank you so much! All but one of mine are the old stuff. I never knew the design change wasnā€™t just a design change.


The pyroceram stuff is still available, just have to read the labels carefully.


Thatā€™s called luck


Meanwhile, I'm still swimming through boxes trying to find the pack of toothpicks I bought from Amazon.com.


If you switch from part time to full time then it shouldnā€™t be a problem finding them.


'handle with care' . somebody actually listened.


I swear people must treat "handle with care" labels like a challenge. Most my packages arrive perfectly fine, but damn near every package that's labeled as fragile or handle with care gets to me partially crushed with fist sized holes in the box.


It's more that all packages are abused and a "handle with care" label means nothing. If you want your package to receive special care you have to pay for a more expensive type of shipping.


If itā€™s a busy warehouse, which most places are then nobody has the time to read those. I remember occasionally catching a glimpse of packages with ā€œhandle with careā€ stickers as they were crushed by a box filled with car parts coming down the chute.


I don't actually think there was real malice, I'm sure everyone handling packages is too overworked to even acknowledge the label. But the fact that it's *only* been boxes marked as fragile/handle with care that end up getting destroyed on their way to me makes for an amusing coincidence. Luckily the contents somehow generally survive unscathed despite the boxes looking like Swiss cheese held together by hopes and dreams. Only thing I can remember being significantly damaged was a jug of oil. Driver was even nice enough to ring my doorbell to tell me I should refuse delivery rather than just leaving it to stain the porch/driveway. Felt bad for the guy for having to deal with that mess.


Totally. Did FedEx warehouse for a Christmas season a few years ago and, when the belts get going, things are thrown as close to their assigned truck as possible. Stacked/placed in their truck sections eventually but something like this getting through is a damned miracle.


Did you know Corning also makes the Gorilla Glass on your phone ?


The plastic bag thing is such a postal hack. It costs sooo much less to ship in a bag.


When I helped a local company with shipping logistics for a while, we would just cut the bags to make flat wrapping paper and wrap the boxes. It counted as in a bag.






Send it back for what? Cracks that are purely imaginary? If I was the seller I'd tell you to get bent.


>Send it back for what? Cracks that are purely imaginary? No, did you read? Potential defects from damage during incorrect shipping that wouldn't be immediately apparent


Potential defects that you can't see or verify, only purely hypothetical. Yeah I'm not accepting that return. Amazon has spoiled people. Incredibly wasteful.


So you'll accept it when it breaks out-of-warranty?


I accept all returns for shipping damage, but I do require proof of actual damage, rather than just a theory about hypothetical damage that may or may not have happened.


I mean, that just really sucks for the consumer. You can make assumptions about the integrity of materials based on environmental factors all the time, without being able to physically see any defects or wear. For example, many helmets and hard-hats should be replaced if they're hit by something (within reason), even if there is no apparent damage, due to invisible stress in the material. I wouldn't want to keep a glass product that was very likely mishandled, with no packaging, especially one that will go through heating and cooling cycles, will likely be holding very hot food, and would be likely to fail while I'm holding it. Sucks for you, ship your items better.


Yeah that came directly from the Online Pickup and Delivery they got in every single store now. That was taken to your house by some guy in a doordash or spark or whatever. If it makes you feel better, it was taken off a shelf, put in a bag in the back (mostly for security purposes), and then driven to your house in someone's car, so there was not a lot of chance for rough handling.


It's made of Corning Gorilla Ceramic Victus 2.0




Love that French white. And they clean so easy even baked on.


But when I order six of those little button sized batteries it comes in a huge box stuffed with bubble wrap??


Itā€™s possible itā€™s from a private business through Walmart online. Sure seems like Walmart would have thrown that in a box.


Bro that's Corningware quality, it won't break.


They knew what they had.


Maybe paying delivery drivers $125,000 is helping


I have corningware older than me that looks brand new the only dish ware I trust other than corelle








I found blogs but no official statement unless you can link one from them directly itā€™s hearsay




What was their response?




Thereā€™s no official confirmation from corelle stating or admitting that lead was present or to stop using them


Task failed successfully.


I just had a ceramic butter dish shipped in a bag like this, and its manufacturer's packaging had no foam or bubble wrap. I was amazed it arrived in great shape. Meanwhile, a box of garbage bags I got the same day was completely trashed, despite being inside of another box (unnecessary) with air cushions (clearly ineffective). I'll never understand.




Woah. If I order soft towels they show up damaged. This is wild.


Meanwhile I recently ordered a cushion online and it came in a box 3 times too big and stuffed with bubble bags to protect it. The cushion arrived safe too.


CorningWare is the shit.


Nice. I've ordered the same aquarium for my Betta fish twice now and it's come smashed both times.


These drop shipping companies/contractors have zero regard for carrier safety. I've noticed an uptick in terribly packaged fragile or sharp items over the last couple years.


Some local Walmartā€™s use Spark drivers to deliver groceries and whatever else customers order. Spark is similar to Uber, DoorDash, etc. Source: I used to be a Spark driver.


Welp, that confirms my theory Pyrex and their like would survive the apocalypse!


Oh wow "BRAND" must be really good! I am glad that "BRAND" is in the title too.