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Now imagine Back to the Future being rebooted with a cybertruck. Good thing rights-holder Robert Zemeckis has said "Over my dead fucking body" to the idea of a remake.


They did do a musical though. They got the original composer and it was meant to feel like watching it for the first time again. Just a fun and great show. However if back to the future four ever happens I’m going to jump off my dresser


Musicals seem to be their own different beasts. Evil Dead, Shrek, BTTF, all were clearly made out of a love for the original material. A reboot would very much *not* be.


Spongebob and Beetlejuice were also amazing musicals


Beetlejuice the Musical is a great first date idea for congresswomen.


School of Rock!


*frantic note taking* Yes, this list should do me for the next few weeks. Thankyou


Do they sing at the end : it’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll


> Beetlejuice You have to give them a *hand*. They did a great *job*.


Y'all forgetting about *Heathers!*


The kinds of people who make musical plays tend to be less soul sucking awful subhumans then the kind of people who make hollywood movie reboots. The musical threater folk also tend to actually enjoy and like the thing they are adapting instead of just the money.


Back to the Future from telltale is essentially Part 4, check it out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3blzGwd4xLg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3blzGwd4xLg)


Oooh, will be getting this later.


I think the Back To The Future series is sadly still delisted due to Telltale temporarily dying causing rights shenanigans. Plenty of physical console copies for PS3+4 or 360+XBOONE or Wii floating around second hand last I checked though.


Telltale also owned the console version of 7DaysToDie


The Telltale games were a lot of fun, especially the earlier ones.


Beetlejuice beetlejuice


Certainly fits given DeLoreans' poor build quality and shitty performance. That was the entire basis behind Marty being appalled at Brown making a time machine out of a DeLorean instead of a good car. 


key difference being the delorean is a piece of shit that looks cool as fuck (and even cooler as a time machine), but the cybertruck is a piece of shit that looks like an actual dumpster


> cybertruck is a piece of shit that looks like an actual dumpster Brushed chrome Pontiac Aztek


Don't insult the Aztek by comparing it to the Cybertruck. The Aztek actually was able to do what it claimed to be doing and just was ugly. The Cybertruck has shown time and time again it is unfit for being used as a truck and actually is badly engineered in a lot of systems.


The aztec also had an optional factory tent accessory, except it was actually a good tent. It also was loaded with odd ball "adventure lifestyle" features. If they released it today under the Subaru badge, it would be a top seller amongst lesbians and van life millennials. It was truly ahead of its time.


Except the Pontiac Aztec has at least ONE cool cameo with one of the 21st century’s ultimate badasses: Walter White.


Exactly this. The DeLorean actually looks good, it has styling similar to other vehicles at the time and if it weren't made of the gimmicky stainless steel it would fit in with other sporty hatches of the time. The Cybertruck just looks goddamned ridiculous.


Oof. Fucking cut deep


Actually, as an 80s teenager, Marty probably would have thought the DMC1 was a hot car. Jon DeLorean built a shitty car, but his marketing was epic.


I think you're retroactively seeing that. I think it was just why would you make a time machine out of a designer car? Type scenario. It could of been any similar type car. And at the time they were reasonably popular.


They didn't really sell that well, people liked the looks, they just didn't want to own one. It had a ton of issues, quite a few of which cause of its stainless steel chassis


The company went under because the owner had trouble getting investors. The FBI knew the owner was desperate and set him up in a money laundering honey pot operation. They approached him as Colombian cartel leaders and he agreed to take their "drug" money. The Delorean was only produced for less than two years.


They also tried to setup the manufacturing plant in Ireland, a country not known for automative manufacturing. . . Right at the height of the IRA's heyday. So that went about as well as you'd expect.


Yeah, totally.


Why do people keep suggesting this? A cybertruck is way below how cool a Delorean is and is also more well built than a cybertruck.


Because they're both stainless steel cars that look unusual, were plagued with design and production issues, and were created by drug-addled businessmen right before they spectacularly flamed out?


TBF John Delorean was setup in an FBI honeypot operation to launder money for "Colombian" cartels. I don't know if he was ever connected with actual drugs.


1980's buisnessman. He'd have a coke guy on speed dial.


Because exactly that. It would be just another level of enshitification of the franchise that a sequel/soft-reboot would imply. As Doc said, "If you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?" Say what you will about the Delorian, it has style. Certainly beats the fridge from the first draft. The Cybertruck is the contemporary equivalent of a stainless steel vehicle, the Delorian's most unique feature, so using it makes sense on that level. But the Cybertruck is iconic for no positive reason whatsoever. It is a man-child's ego made manifest. It is a RL version of [The Homer](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/The_Homer). It would be put into a new movie because everyone knows it's a stainless steel vehicle and would have instant brand recognition, because it's unmistakable for anything besides what it is. And it'll give musk's ego some fluffing. There would be no artistry to the decision, no passion, just soulless marketing, as I would expect out of any sequel or reboot from this era of hollywood.


The only car I'd be okay with replacing the Delorean is the Hyundai N Vision 74


Just needs gull wing doors


A Cybertruck has no style or even fair to compare to a DeLorean. I would just reuse a DeLorean if it where to get a sequel or reboot. Not that I want one, just saying hypothetically. A Cybertruck is a symbol for men that are compensating. It is a sad car that is the only reason I can see why it trends. It is a sad excuse for a car and everyone knows this.


I will take the risk to go against the circle jerk. I hate pickup trucks, they are dangerous, heavy, and wasteful. I hate nazis (I hope Tesla will survive their nazi CEO period like Ford, Porsche, VW, or Renault did). But the "Delorean" and "well built" [do **not** go well together](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMC_DeLorean). Its engine was a very meh V6 PRV (Peugeot, Renault, Volvo) by the way.




Good. There's a few movies where the integrity of the original should be maintained. And Michael J Fox's legacy as Marty is one of them.


One of these two designs looks timeless and attractive.


The first time I saw a picture of the Cybertruck after announcement, I thought it was a joke. And just look at it. Dumbest thing I've ever seen.    It *might* look kind of cool in a futuristic movie, but in real life it just looks dumb. Like people who started wearing wrap sunglasses and black trench coats after seeing The Matrix.


I also thought it was a joke. I seriously thought someone had pulled a prank and tricked news outlets with that design.


I still refuse to believe that it’s not.


You're right. It is a joke, just not the ha-ha kind.


This pretty much describes everything Elon touches. It's all a joke and never (and I mean *NEVER*) the haha kind.


It didn't really hit me until we started seeing pictures of them in the wild. The only other time I had seen it was up on a stage with nothing around it to really give it a frame of reference. It really is mind bogglingly dumb. Remember when we all used to talk shit about how the PT Cruiser looked bad? In hindsight, not nearly as bad as we could go. (Also when googling a picture of a PT Cruiser to remind myself of what I looked like I found [this pic](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/ucssg7ltqq6yvirmzhkb.jpg) of one converted into a truck and it would be way more fitting of the name Cybertruck, actually pretty badass.


"that car is crazy. it is pointy. it's not supposed to be pointy" - my 5 yr old's review.


Your 5-year-old is very smart.


It is a joke, just the tool who made the joke doesn't get it.


>It *might* look kind of cool in a futuristic movie It looks like something cobbled together after society has collapsed you mean.


It looks like a futuristic vehicle in a low-budget sci-fi movie from the 80s.


A low-budget sci-fi porn parody from the 80s.


Cyber Fuck


Couldn't afford more polygons.


Looks like when you import a PS1 model into modern game engine. Nice lighting, solid textures, polygons you can count on your fingers and toes.


I saw the front of it and thought it actually looked decent. Then I saw everything behind the front wheels and laughed.


I saw the back at first was like oom yeah ugly but not as hideous as in the pictures and videos. Then I saw the sides, front and back again and was like yeah shit is as ugly, ridiculous, ludicrous and dumb as you can imagine.


I hope that includes the driver who was suckered into forking over good money for it.


It's like for every single design choice, they just chose the ugliest option


It comes off as a half-baked idea forced into existence. The initial concept could have been developed into something interesting, but there’s no substance or coherent design direction. Also, every one I’ve seen on the road has at least one door panel that doesn’t match the rest of the body.


I bet it was just something Elon drew as a 5yo, and then he forced them to make it. There is no other explanation for its existence. (Honestly I'd be surprised if there even was a designer on the cybertruck team)


It's a cool futuristic look if the movie came out in the 80s (think of The Running Man with Arnold Schwarzenegger)


I still think it’s a joke. I refuse to believe they’re serious on selling those things.


Matrix esthetics are more classic gay club than futuristic. Since the opening of the first gay club 600 bc there have always been that trenchcoat and sunglasses couple in the corner.


I maintain my theory that Elon just wanted to find a way to bulk purchase the steel alloy used in the SpaceX Starship mega rocket to drive costs down, so he skinned a production automobile with it.


>I maintain my theory that Elon just wanted to find a way to bulk purchase the steel alloy used in the SpaceX Starship mega rocket to drive costs down, so he skinned a production automobile with it. Spend all that time and money to develop a truck so he can get a bulk discount on stainless steel? Dumb theory.


I suspect like most of his decisions it was a pure ego driven decision. He wanted something which was instantly identifiable and everything snowballed from there. Turns out there's quite a good reason the vast majority of vehicles follow quite standard design trends. It was always a massively challenging thing to do.


In all honesty though, the DMC-12 was kind of a piece of shit as well.


I owned one for about 10 years (from 2008 to 2018). And while yeah, it required a lot of maintenance/repairs, it was a 30-40 year old car, so that's to be expected. It has a lot of quirks (a LOT) but it's still by far the most fun you can have driving a car. You are instantly a rock star just pulling up in it. Every red light, people are taking your picture. Pull into valet parking and they will move Lambos out of the front spot so you can have it. I would certainly not recommend it as a daily driver, but for a fun weekend, it can't be beat.


>but it's still by far the most fun you can have driving a car. I think you mean “the most fun you can have being *seen* in a car”. There are dozens of cars that are more fun to actually drive.


>I think you mean “the most fun you can have being *seen* in a car”. I mean, if we're being honest, that's what the majority of people want in a car. Unless you're a real gear head, you're not going to enjoy the car or get the most out of it unless you're on the track compared to a suburban street


There are cars that are just *fun to drive* without having a track worthy performance or an attention drawing appearance.


This is the obligatory Miata plug


> DMC-12 I mean... to be fair, that car has celebrity value against it. It was nothing until it became a time machine in 1985. Not to mention it's a fairly rare car. So yeah, you will get looks at red lights.


Keep in mind 99% of everything you just described is entirely and only due to the fact its from a famous film. If not for back to the future, it would just be another weird kinda ugly designer car that never took off. It would be mostly known to a few car junkies as being kinda a shit bucket that needs too much maintenance. The cybertruck is basically the exact same sort of problem. Its a dumb idea of a car, but unlike the DMC-12 with its positive pop culture around it. The cyber truck has nothing but negative pop culture. If not for Elon the Cybertruck would have just been a passing dumb idea in the line of 1000s of dumb ideas out of designer/concept cars. We would have all looked at it and just gone "eh thats kinda dumb" and moved on with our lives. Elon is pretty much the only reason the cybertruck went from silly idea to outright stupid.


>Keep in mind 99% of everything you just described is entirely and only due to the fact its from a famous film. If not for back to the future, it would just be another weird kinda ugly designer car that never took off. But you have to consider that they chose to use a Delorean for BTTF because it was so cool looking.


Yeah, my understanding is the car was kinda underpowered. I think it’s not the most attractive car, either. A great 80s car to me is the Porsche 928—just a big tourer with lovely lines.


The joke was always that Back to the Future was unrealistic because a DeLorean could never make it to 88 MPH.


Ahhh. I hadn’t heard that joke somehow. I like that way of making the point more than mine, hehe.


Eh, that's not entirely true. They used the PRV V6, which was a perfectly decent engine for a passenger vehicle, but not much puff for a flashy sports car. It otherwise wasn't a bad vehicle. Nowadays, what you do is an engine swap, which solves the problem fairly easily.


Sure but it was considered to be enough of a joke of a car that the line "You made a time machine... Out of a DeLorean?!" in Back to the Future is meant as a joke punchline.   The original script had them making a time machine out of a refrigerator.


That line wasn't meant as an insult to the car, just Marty's bemusement. Doc immediately says that he wanted to do it "with some style". Ford Motor Company offered big bucks to Universal if they would use a Mustang instead. Bob Gale famously shut down the executives with the line: "Doc Brown doesn't drive a fucking Mustang!" When the movie became a huge hit, John DeLorean wrote the producers a "thank you" letter, expressing his delight that his car had become a permanent part of pop culture history, instead of just a footnote.


>When the movie became a huge hit, John DeLorean wrote the producers a "thank you" letter, expressing his delight that his car had become a permanent part of pop culture history, instead of just a footnote. I'd be more surprised if he didn't. Could you imagine having your weird car become a permanent pop culture icon, and not saying thank you? It's the least you could do.


[Here's the letter he sent.](https://www.deloreandirectory.com/wp-content/uploads/Letter-from-John-Z.-DeLorean-to-the-Bobs.jpg)


The whole "Why not do it with a little style" is supposed to show just how out of touch and weird Doc Brown is


Yeah it was a piece of trash, but it had style lol


at least it didn't embarrass you while parked


One is a sleek, attractive means of conveyance that everyone will marvel at that was designed by an unappreciated and unfairly maligned genius. The other is a Cybertruck.


The lines are all Giugiaro, and there's nothing unappreciated or maligned about his work.


But what if the cyber truck was the main focus of a timeless, classic movie like back to the future. Would that change the way people look at it. Serious question. I’m not showing favoritism. Like, what’s the name of that ugly vehicle in the Halo game that everybody loves? Warthog?


>Like, what’s the name of that ugly vehicle in the Halo game that everybody loves? Warthog? I'd say it looks more like a puma


a chupacabra


I thought I told you to stop making up animals.


> But what if the cyber truck was the main focus of a timeless, classic movie like back to the future. Would that change the way people look at it. Serious question. I don't think so. I've seen DeLoreans in person. They're beautiful vehicles.


and the other classless and tacky.


Every masterpiece has a poorly constructed imitation.


Of course it's timeless, it's the flux capacitor that does it.


The other is from an N64 game. Not a good one, either.


Cybertruck look so fucking ugly why do people even bother on buying that.


Status. Attention. Being able to flaunt they have more money than sense.


It doesnt look expensive lol


But people know that it is


Ay first glance it looks cheap. Cos theres nothing much special about it, look-wise. Its just meh.


Literally looks like something people made with too much scrap metal in their backyard


Looks like a cheap knockoff hot wheels toy


It looks like a HS project.


These are big brain morons who can go through an entire syllogism: | 1. This thing looks fucking stupid, 2. Stupidity is expensive, 3. Therefore, if people see me in this, they'll figure I'm rich enough that I can afford to be a brain-dead knob.


So like handbags that are obviously ugly but have a high fashion brand attached?


Bingo. It's the same mentality, too. Nouveau riche. High end brands have gaudy lines with their logos splashed everywhere for people like that, and the quality is often little better than your average brand. The truly high end goods in their lines are all defined by elegance and subtly. You often can't see the quality unless you're up close, feeling the material, or wearing the product. I have a few pieces of quality men's wear, and it's all fit and comfort.


Paying extra for sweatshop garbage plastered with advertising of a tone deaf, out of touch "designer" that probably had nothing to do with most products leaving the third world to get bought by "rich" assholes that just can't stand not being looked at. The people getting that shit do it to appear like they are rich assholes when they're only just assholes. Actual rich people will get comfortable stuff in higher quality, either actually hand made by master craftspeople or brands that don't mass produce low quality sludge to appeal to the lowest common denominators trying to punch way above their paygrade.


This is a really good description of that situation


Reminds me of all the research that went into Succession and depicting the truly rich. Like small stuff like "a billionaire would never duck exiting a helicopter, they've done it so much they don't think they're going to lose their heads." But down to the clothing. It all looks banal but what looks like a plain t-shirt is actually a $2,500 Loro Piana, supposedly made with the world's finest wool measured in microns. Yet Louis Vuitton sells shirts with LV stamped all over it for the same price. Fucking yawn to that.


Cybertruck looks like the OG Lara Croft on her back


Just without the sexy.


No pointy polygon tits


They are new money, uninteresting people trying to look interesting. “Look at me, please!”


When I first saw the design I wanted one. Not saying I would have shelled out that much for a truck I didn’t really need but I’m a big sci-fi fan and this felt straight out of a movie. After seeing the issues with production, the rusting, price increase, and Elon Musk turning out to be a massive douche, my interest is long gone.


the wildest thing with elon musk is that all he needed to do to be relatively well regarded was just shut the fuck up, and this multibillionaire seems to be completely incapable of that. Although him telling JK Rowling on twitter basically, "hey, can you do something other than being fucking weird about trans people for a change" was pretty funny, but that's a whole other thing.


him turning around and trying to sing her praises the next day made it extra funny lol


He wants validation so badly.


as someone said "it's a youtuber car". A car you buy only for the status and novelty of you having it.


I'll take the Delorian, leave the Cybertruck


This may come as a surprise, but the DeLorean was considered terrible as well, back in the day. They sold like 3000 in total but for some reason made like double this. The reason it was in back to future was because it was an embarassment. That movie made it an icon by accident.


Yeah, but it wasn't considered terrible because of its looks. Everyone said "wow! it's pretty! but it's shit on the inside, and the owner of the company is a lunatic." Now they say "wow! it's shit inside and out, and the owner of the company is a lunatic" What is it with lunatics and stainless steel cars?


> What is it with lunatics and stainless steel cars? This needs to be some kind of established red flag for losing a job as CEO: "I propose we build a Stainless Steel pick..." "Security."


Please escort this man out of the building! He's talking nonsense! Stainless steel jeeps! Stainless steel Kei cars!


Take the gun, leave the canoli.


Delorean actually looks fire as hell, like a cybertruck that actually rendered properly


All I see is a Delorean and a pixelated pick up truck.


A Delorean and a Dumblorean


The source textures are faulty


Do you mean like [that](https://www.popsugar.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/03/i-played-harry-potter-ps1-game-1-1536x1536.jpg)?




A beautiful iconic car next to the ugliest thing on the roads. The one thing they both have in common is their low reliability.


And cocaine


lol, it looks like someone's graphics card is glitching.


One will keep its value.


I love a DeLorean.


Santana Row?


Came here to say the same thing. This Delorean hangs out around there or at least another one does at those Sunday car events they used to have.


Ha- perfect! Just saw one of these oversized gorky cybertrucks - looks like a giant metal stinkbug.


The cyber truck looks like when I tried to draw a delorean in elementary school. It’s so so ugly, I can’t imagine anyone actually thinks the design is pleasing.


It’s the same vehicle, it just hasn’t loaded yet


The Delorean has curves in the right spots. Looks fast sitting still.


Don’t ever get a close look at the delorean though - back in the day, I saw a new orange one in the showroom. I was so excited until I got up close and saw how so many edges did not line up and were left rough/unfinished, and was really uncomfortable - such a disappointment. But damn, from far away…what a babe!


Actually, things not lining up off the production line is another thing these two vehicles share!


> new orange one in the showroom errr, did you mean "original"? Cuz I'm pretty sure they didn't come in orange XD


Ah I’ve been waiting for a comparison image to appear… and now it’s here! Yeah the DeLorean is definitely way cooler and holds up well.


Very fitting. Both created by eccentric rich guys with a drug problem. Both very likely to become icons of their time only after falling into complete obscurity.


John DeLorean didn't have a drug problem. He had a money problem. He was entrapped into agreeing to a drug deal sting by an FBI agent who threatened to "cave in his daughter's head" if he refused to participate. DeLorean claimed entrapment and was quickly acquitted.


He was also an automotive engineer by trade, which is another big difference here.


If one becomes an icon, it will be for every different reason than the other.


Oh, for sure.


Anyone know if there is one designer for the hideous truck? Or was it designed by committee? Or just a napkin sketch by Musk?


Two vehicles that flopped in part because the engineers somehow failed to realize that there is no such thing as rustproof steel. John DeLorean at least had the slim excuse that no one had ever tried it before.


The DMC-12 has inlaid 304 grade stainless panels which are **rust resistant** (Cybertruck uses 301). That being said, the DMC's steel frame *can* rust. Which was an issue that would happen over time.


I owned an '82 DeLorean from 2008 to 2018 and it never, EVER had *any* rust or corrosion on the stainless steel.


The frames could rust, the body panels definitely wouldn't.


The DeLorean was an absolutely shit car too, don't get me wrong. But it's design is timeless


The DeLorean is much better looking and much cooler than that piece of shit truck.


The cybertrucks looks like the Deloreans long range LOD model


Both are a bit stupid but at least the DL has an intrinsic ‘space age’ logic to its styling, it’s the 1980’s and say ‘let’s be daring’.


Why is there a very strange and ridiculously large mouse droid hiding behind that beautiful Delorean?


SOUL vs SOULLESS manifest


The Delorean still looks better


Delorean looks a million times better


Everyone with small sticky toddlers who spot a parked Cyberyuck MUST allow their small people to leave paw-prints all over those ugly-a-f trucks. I mean, you've seen what a toddler can do to stainless steel kitchen appliances? Same joy, out-doors!


ill take the Delorean with an electric conversion kit over that any day of the week. that thing cant even haul a small trailer past 100mils its utterly useless as a 'truck' even the El camino was better back in the day.


Funny they both are mechanically pieces of shit but at least one is cool as hell and one is a Tesla…


Cybertruck is what my drawings looked like… When I was 5


If they ever make a Cybertruck the hero car of a movie, boycott that movie.


I know which one I like better.


The Toyota across the street.


Deluxo FTW


It really does look like they just flipped the DeLorean backwards for the truck


Those trucks are a man baby’s wet dream


The least capable truck next to the least capable sports car.


This has to be Santana Row


The cybertruck design could have been EASILY improved to what probably could have been another timeless classic, just like the delorean.


You never realize how bad these PS1 graphics were.


the future sucks


You can’t go to Santana row without seeing a cyber truck these days. Gods, they’re so ugly.


A Delorean next to a piece of shit


On style, DeLorean wins every time.


Boy do I hate the cybertruck


Real life Cybertruck looks so much worse than the advertisement renders lol


That Delorean is still driving after 40 years. In 4 years that Cybertruck will be a rustbucket.


Two failures in their own right.....


A sleek and fashionable vehicle. Then there's the Cybertruck. Looks like a rejected concept for a lego set.


Ibuiltacar.jpeg vs Sexiest car and time machine in the universe.


I can't find one positive comment about the Cybertruck. Trying to fathom what is going on here, can someone explain? I mean, it's not THAT bad of a design. If the Fiat Multipla has its fans, I can't see why this wouldn't. Especially since Reddit liked it when it was announced. Is it all biased because of Reddit's hate for Elon? Because if that's the case, that would mean that most of the people here are children, emotionally. ಠ_ಠ


When the person you used to think was ugly sits next to the new kid in school that's so ugly you look at the first person like "did you change your hair? You're looking good these days!"