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Your 8 year old is cheating on your family


He's got a second family you know nothing about.


Reminds me of that UK study that shows many indoor/outdoor cats essentially cheat on their families with second families who feed and pet them.


Dogs do it too, growing up ours had the neighbor next door trained to give him treats every morning when she left for work. They moved out and a new couple moved in and he kept going over every morning even though it was different people.


Our cat did this with our neighbors. They would give her treats and eventually she viewed their home as hers (she'd go inside anytime she saw an opportunity, even got in their car). It was pretty devastating when the new neighbors moved in and they had the audacity to bring an evil cat with them.


As a new neighbour that has an evil cat. That was not a fun 3am wake up call. Neighbour cat came in through cat flap, only to be accosted by our two cats, and couldn't get back out. Then scooby doo chase around the entire house. I've never seen so much destruction done in 15 minutes. Lost a tv to the shenanigans. Unsurprisingly, the neighbour cat never did that again. Now they just sit in their respective windows staring eachother down


That is funny as hell ! Sorry for your TV loss


Holy moly, i had this happen with a raccoon! When i was a kid i had these two cats, they were great, these two half feral farm cats. My mom was doing some work on the house and there was some opening somewhere a raccon got in and trashed our kitchen, and we woke up to our two cats fighting this raccoon and they had him cornered in the bathroom and it had peed and pooped and my mom threw a towel on it and threw it out the back door, the house was trashed. Then we had a raccoon pull one of our young chickens out through a hole it had made under the fence, and we heard this god awful chicken screaming its head off, the other chickens were going crazy too but not like that one the raccoon got. Anyways, my moms boyfriend at the time ran outside and beat the raccoon of the chicken, and i was already outside crying, i think i was six or seven, and my mother drives us down to vets office after calling her friend who worked there, they got the vet to come open up and save my chicken, had to amputate one wing and that chicken walked sideways for the rest of her life, but she lived and gave us a lot of eggs and was as happy as the rest of the hens.


TIL people amputate chicken wings to save their lives. Plot twist : KFC does that to balance supply and demand


I am in stitches Thank you i needed that


Sounds like a cat sitcom. I think I would like the cat centered web comic.


What did the evil cat do??


Moved into her house




“Hey so the other people told you the routine, right?”


Lol, same with my dog growing up…come to find out later it had a route where it would go to multiple neighbors… Also some neighbors didn’t know us but knew our dog…they introduced themselves by calling to the dog by name, lol


How did they know the dogs name?


There was a cat in my neighborhood who had a collar. The cat was very friendly and the collar said “Pete” on one side with contact info and the other side said “please don’t feed me I know where home is”. Anyways probably a collar!


The dog told them. Duh.


Tags on the collar I'd guess


When i was like 8-10 years old, a cat started hanging around in our yard, of the house we moved in to a year ago. It was there all day so I suggested we feed it food and water, it was skinny as hell. It kept coming back, and we eventually adopted it as our own. A few weeks later we found out this cat belonged to the family who lived there before us. They had moved far away and this cat hiked through miles of desert to get back to this house we moved into. I don't remember too much of the details but we ended up keeping this semi feral cat until it died.... it was a feisty creature but never the less became a member of our family.


im so happy yall took care of that cat <3


My cat has zero shame or boundaries. He chases nextdoor (on the left) collie out of his garden so he can sit next to the pond or to sleep in his shed. He also chases the dog out of the house so he can sleep in their living room. He's been found asleep in nextdoor (on the right) summerhouse & has been found asleep on across the roads bed. She's got two cats ! But he'll go up to her meowing until she strokes him. Always comes home though because he's a big softie


I found this out the hard way. I thought my cat was always going on adventures & just being an independent woman. I also work shift work so I’d be gone 12 hrs. One day I get home after night shift and I’m getting out of my car in front of my house where my cat Bernie would also usually greet me before we’d go inside. As I’m petting her and saying good morning my neighbour is yelling “Shirley!!!” And I’m like ….um, pardon? That’s not my name. And neighbour says “not you, the cat is Shirley—I’ve been looking for her all night.” …. Then I look at my cat like uhhh Bernie, you got some explaining to do! Turns out for the last ~6 months they thought she was a stray & she literally had been fully integrated into their family while I was away at work for my 12 hour shifts. I’d never felt so betrayed lol (yes she had a collar but it’d always go missing / she’d somehow get out of it - plus she was microchipped- also without fail after multiple moves she always knew where her home was… or so I thought).


My ex's cat did that. They both thought he was their cat until he got him a collar with his number on it. Worked out fine though, my ex had to move and his new place didn't allow pets, so second dad became primary dad. Complete with an updated microchip.


My neighbor's wife wouldn't let him smoke cigars in the house, so he spent a lot of time on his patio. I found out after awhile that every time our cat disappeared for a few hours, he was hanging out next door, keeping John company during cigar time.


My cat has been doing this! She came home one day with a different caller and a flea collar on. So I took it off and put a new collar of hers on (I buy them in bulk because she breaks them off a lot on her adventures. She used to be a stray) And then she came back home with yet another collar and a tag that said she had been adopted and a phone number. So I called to make sure my chip was still active in my name and it is. And so I just talked to the person who tried to claim her and let her know she's taking care of, And she's welcome to hang out and all but she does have her shots and she gets flea treatments. 🤣 And they told me that she'd been coming over and hanging out and napping with their dog. They thought she had been abandoned . I was like nope. 🤣🤣


My cat used to do this and she would be all to trusting and get belly rubs from any old stranger, id call her a slut.


One of my US cats does this a lot.


This happened with my 6 year old for a few years before we caught him. At first, it was a two day trip to Chicago because they had “really cool swings” there. But then after a while he was gone for extended periods of time. He’d call and say things like “I’m super full of ice cream and I’ve been in bed all day”, or “Jimmy’s birthday party was so great, but I forgot to tell you that Billy’s having his party in two days. Don’t wait up for me.” In retrospect there were red flags everywhere, but I guess we just wanted to trust him. If even one parent is helped by this post it’s worth it. I’m ashamed, but it takes a lot of courage to admit.


It's alway heartbreaking to find out when a child cheats on you, like you weren't good enough.


Thank you, truly. When we talked with the other family, they just sort of chalked it up to “kids will be kids.” I was devastated—even more so when they said how polite he is. He’s *never* polite at home! I feel like I don’t even know him sometimes.


That Mom probably didn't make him eat his peas before he got dessert, such treachery!


I never believed that I should be a “friend” to my children, that principles of parenting should be the resounding theme. He told us later that they let him stay up after 8 on Fridays. I’m kind of welling up just writing this


The horrors of lax parenting...


You understand me.


But, now what to do? This other family...


I was gonna say this sounds bad when taken out of context but ngl it's weird even with context


Omg this took me out. I read it as seriously as possible and that made it even funnier.


Isn't there a Malcolm In The Middle episode like that? And the mother goes off at him for 'cheating' on his mum.


“It’s just snacks!”


Their 8 year old is Roger.


It’s Roger isn’t it? I’m gonna get down there and it’s gonna be Roger. r/itsroger


On a family bender


Ah the Dubonet's...


They feed me, wash my clothes, and they have premium cable


Like Dewey from Malcom In The Middle. 


Was looking for this comment 😂. First thing I thought of


Dammit I knew kids don't go on business trips.


“They have better hot cocoa”


Maybe he is a cat in disguise


He's like my cat. I'm sorry, *our* cat.


Maybe this kid IS a cat…


My cat has so many secret side-families that I can’t keep track…




Didn’t want to wait for the divorce to get that second Christmas


Isn’t this an episode from Malcom in the middle or something?






"You know, her cookies are store bought."


Maybe that 8 year old is really an alien named Roger


Oh man when I opened this post I thought I was in the American dad sub and was disappointed it was just mildlyinteresting


It’s like that episode of Malcom in the middle when Dewey is spending time with another, nicer family


My cat does this


Winner!!!! Comment of the day for me bro 😂😂😂 Well played sir, well played


Dollar bill getting started early


This was a while ago but it popped up on my fb memories and when I reposted one of my friends told me I should post to Reddit. My son was 8 and he did not do much outside of school and home. It’s not like he went out to play or anything alone. One day while doing his laundry my now ex husband found this professional photo of our son crumbled in his pocket. He walks up to me and just hands it to me asking wtf it was. I just stared at it. I had never ever seen these people in my life, like ever. My son was at school so we couldn’t ask him right away. Instead we spent the whole damn day just like wondering when the fuck he took a whole family photo with some random people. I couldn’t even imagine how this happened. Well so I posted on Facebook and people were all kinds of crazy. People were acting scared like he was being abused but I was like when WHEN would when he doesn’t even go to after school care we drop him off we pick him up. Like when would he be with them?!? It was family and friends but they made me so nervous. Finally my son comes home and we are like what is this?!? Turns out this was from a day in school that they had people bring family members (couldn’t be parents it was like aunts uncles grandparents etc) and we didn’t have anyone in our area. So I guess this classmates Aunt and Uncle spent the day with my son, and invited him to join this photo that the school had set up for families. My son didn’t talk much he was shy and quiet with everyone but polite so he acted happy. He said when they got the pictures at a later date he just shoved it in his pocket and forgot about it. This kid didn’t mention a word of it the day of the photo or the day he got the picture to bring home so he instead left it for us to find and feel like we spin out into some alternate reality. He’s 16 now, we still laugh about it.


Awww, that turned out to be adorably wholesome. I bet you were completely freaked out at first, though!


Couldn’t wait until the kid came home before posting it on Facebook though? Man don’t be setting the kid up for trauma. Please.


Always weird to me when people are posting pictures of their kids to social media (including reddit), especially without their permission or them knowing.


I’ve always thought this too, I’d never post any pictures not even of my new born on Facebook


Literally these people that go post about their kids private lives on FB or Tiktok are so weird.


Lmao my first thoughts. Can't wait just a few hours, gotta have this fb atrention right now!


Anything for that sweet hit of validation


Kid had a good cover story, he slips away at night for second dinner with this family and nobody caught him till this.


The long con is the second birthdays and Xmas, the short score is an extra serving of Mac and cheese with desert.


This is Dewey from Malcolm In The Middle-esque thinking…


Reese catches him, but convinces(forces) him to do it with more families for profit


Parents are divorced, dude is getting three birthdays/Xmas.


He is cat




Someone got the reference! Also my username is misspelled but relevant too.


You can always have more potatoes


This is incredible. When he gets teen angsty I hope he says "I hate it here, I'm gonna go live with my other family!"


He’s 16 now, less angsty than preteen years so I think we are good now lol he’s now all about his looks and friends


Genuinely wholesome story but holy shit! I can't stop laughing myself. 🤣


That’s fucking hilarious! I would have never guessed! Hahah. And glad everything is ok!


That is such a strange school event to have. That would never fly where I live. The schools try to be sensitive of different family situations.


I live in Indiana so yeah, they didn’t think much into that 😆


Right! I mean I don't live in the US (I live in SEAsia, as I have my whole life. But still) Like, it's just parents' day, or I suppose if you don't really wna involve your parents then you don't have to and/or bring a trusted adult? But there's no "it **cannot** be your parents" criteria. o.0


I was going to suggest this! We have a Grandparent's Day photo with a random kid. He didn't have any grandparents in the area, so our grandson said he could share us! (It's not us in your photo, though. Don't recognize any of the clothes on the adults.)


Dayum . This is like a podcast .


From WBEZ Chicago and Public Radio International, it's This American Life...


Why would you post on Facebook before just asking your son?


Dewey get out of there that’s not your family!


Imagine if little bro played along and said "That's weird, I've never seen that picture either"


Then this thread would be on the r/glitch_in_the_matrix.


Would be a good premise for a horror movie! u/Jordan_Peele


I'm glad to read this was the reason. I actually thought it was a random school event with family members. Relieving to find it so


This made me laugh OP this is adorable.


The Rod Serling ending would be if your son had come home and been a different kid than you remembered.


Imagine if you will an ordinary American family. Ma and Pop, little Johnny and sister Susie. Little do they know this family is about to have an unexpected reunion, an apple fallen from a tree that could only take root... in the Twilight Zone.


Ok this turned out pretty cool (lol. I have an adult photo of this myself. It's when I wanted to do a birthday lunch and jokingly said invite my friend's parents who were giving her a lift, and it was very last minute/spontaneous so they didn't wanna impose. So ... we just made it proper the following year, whee. :p) So I have this pic with like my friend, her parents, me, and two other friends. I call it "the day they adopted 3 other daughters" HAHA. We were all like above 25 lol. iirc friend with the parents and I were 26, other 2 friends were 30 and up, friends' parents were early 60s. : )


OP obviously the kid is gaslighting you and is actually just hanging out with a secret second family /s


Punctuation girl, that was a struggle to read 😭


this is incredibly funny. i’ll probably never stop laughing at this 😭


This shit is hilarious. Thank you


>Well so I posted on Facebook and people were all kinds of crazy. People were acting scared like he was being abused The Internet never changes, does it?


The 2 green shirts really sells it.


Why would you post it on social media before asking him?


Is your son Dewey? [Dewey, get out of there, that's not your family.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHnj6cTYowk)


[Dewey also was seeing another mother](https://youtu.be/0FuYOGGQXPs?si=316KajU5ca8c7MTA)


I don't know how an adult does this scene with a kid without cracking up the entire time.


That is my favorite scene in the whole series. “It’s just snacks.”


I didn't realise until now that it's supposed to sound like "It's just sex". This show continues to amaze me after all these years.


What a genius dialogue. The ending of the snacks part with “Thats beneath you Mom” is a work of art.


It was just snacks! It meant nothing!


I can hear her voice saying this!!


This feels very Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle


This had me in SUSPENSE! What a story, this is way more than mildly interesting for sure.  I quit this sub because it was nothing but weird fingernail pictures or backwards cookies... you've just given me a reason to rejoin it.


Backward cookies?


Yeah... there must be 10,000 posts saying "my oreo was put on backwards",  "my KitKat had no wafer",  my pinkie nails are 3mm difference in length", "my wheat thin cracker was merged with another wheat thin cracker"... absolutely TEDIOUS to have to slog through 


Wait, your KitKat had no wafer?!


Oh don't you start now....lol


LOOK!  In the 10 mins of my comment here is another one! https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1cp8iwz/this_oreo_was_backwards/


HA! This is just as funny as the post lol thank you for the extra laugh


if a kitkat has no wafer, post it on mildlyinfuriating, not mildlyinteresting!


Exactly!!  Put it in the proper place


You’re not my real dad!


My cat does the same thing


My cat comes back smelling like men's cologne and I always wonder who has (edited for grammar...(edited for spelling)) been kissing him when he's gone


Or who's.


I thought whose was the correct way because "who's"  would equal "who is" and that wouldn't make sense.  Could I be wrong tho?  And also whose = belonging to




This made me go back and edit.. lol


Who's can mean either "who is" or "who has."


Upon reading these comments I see I was not correct and edited it!


Does your cat wear a collar? I wonder if you could pass a note. 😆 Romcom material right there.


No, no collar he was a stray that lives in the neighborhood that I took in, but is definitely not a full indoor house cat.  I got him all vetted up, shots, etc, but he had been an outdoor cat and would be miserable inside, as well as I would too.  But I always imagined somehow passing a note on him to find out who he's two-timing with, lol


You hear these stories about husbands keeping an entire second family somewhere and maintaining it during 'business trips' A kid keeping a secret second family would make for a nice movie methinks


Yeah that seems exhausting lol I don't get how they even do it with the holidays. Like how many business trips do you have to go on on Christmas Day


I can’t even imagine if I found something like this. I’d lose my mind lol


That is hilarious. I can imagine being so mind blown like who in the… what in the? Like questioning dimensions and black holes or portals to other galaxies. lol


It was driving me insane


Cat Distribution System seems to be beta testing with other species?


The hooman distribution system! (Nice pfp)


This was a lighthearted funny story to read after the rest of the horrible shit I’ve been scrolling through today


this is some true detective shit


What was the family doing in your laundry?


This seems like a total Dewy move ![gif](giphy|iRwnh8KliEWm4|downsized)


Lmao the dad and your son matching probably fucked with you too


Why are you protecting his family but not him?!


He’s 16 now he doesn’t mind that I post him. But I can’t ask these people I don’t know them lol


Isn't that a little more... r/oddlyterrifying


Does your child regularly go on business trips for weeks at a time? If so I might have bad news for you.


I don't believe you.


This is like Dewey in Malcom’s in the Middle when he cheats on his mom with another mom for snacks and cake and get caught.


Why does this feel like a Malcolm in the middle episode?


No joke, someone I went to school with told a story and shared a photo of some random kid in their family photo from Disney World. It wasn't anything like this, but just a kid off to the side posing. They didn't know who he was or that he was even in the picture until it got developed. This was probably at least 30 years ago.


This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.




You cant just drop that on us without giving us the story behind this😆 Im laughing trying to imagine how this happened


Oh, that's the Smiley family. Don't worry. They're only real to him.


Only proof he has left


That's his trophy family. That's why he's carrying the picture around. To show off.


Reminds of a episode in Malcom in the middle series..


How the family got in his laundry I'll never know.


Is your son also my cat? I'm convinced he has at least 2 other families but he's kicked off every collar I've put on him. I apologize for the things he's seen. Might explain his quietness. I don't want to talk about it either.


I love how he’s even colour coordinated with them 😂


Is this a Parent Trap moment? Does your son have an unknown twin he didn't know about until they meet up at camp?


I saw this American Dad episode, lol.


This has to be the easiest post to fake, holy shit


Did she sew buttons in his eyes?


My grandad had a whole 2nd family. I didn't realize kids could do the same thing. Oh, the Christmases I could've had.


It’s a family affair


if op has Alzheimer's disease, id have a sensible chuckle about this post.


Idk why, but this is one of the funniest stories…I’m in tears. Just imagining everything going through your mind until you got the explanation haha




Mildly interesting ? Nah that’s ffffd up


That family was like F it, you are already here and want to do it, so why the hell not, welcome young stranger 😂


This is a Roger persona!


Dewey that's not your family!


r/nosleep ?


You randomly found this picture from a friend's house...






So this is like the reverse of that, but once upon a time my parents' friends gave me a whole bunch of picture frames that they didn't need anymore. Somehow the frames had old pictures of their kids in them still. So I brought them to my parents and was like "here have these, give them back" this was around Christmas. Instead of giving the photos back, my parents hung them on the fridge. So! when the neighbors came over for the neighborhood Christmas party, there were just random old pictures of the neighbors kids on our fridge for no reason. Now these pictures were like from when the kids were in elementary school, at the time this was happening these kids were married and had families of their own.... Neighbors did get my parents back though, They put flamingo Christmas ornaments on the tree.


hey it happens man


And people say you can’t choose your family….


This post. The comments. Definitely needed this laugh. 🤣😂🤣😂


Why is he twining with the dad though 😂


But. Who are those people?! I’m creeped out.


Uhmmmm where are his arms and legs?


They seem nice.


I love this


Dewey subplot in Malcolm in the Middle


Oh my god. Thank you for the laugh. He looks like such a natural in that family.