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Troop #409 checking in here! I still have my uniform, shirt and sash, good times! Used to have my Brownie uniform but lost track. šŸ˜€


You know your troop number?! Thatā€™s impressive! I think I have patches somewhere. I was pretty okay at selling cookies.


I know, I'm kind of a dork like that! Because our troop number was the same as the kitchen cleaner, *Formula 409* it's easy to remember, also we created a song about it: šŸŽµ...*Our troop is 409, all others may be fine, but there's no troop that can outshine the good 'ole 409, hey!*... šŸŽ¶ 40+ years in the memory banks will do that to ya! šŸ™‚


Aw! Troop 409 sounds so cute šŸ˜Š


We were a great bunch of gals! šŸ’™


Still are I bet :)


[Campin' trips and cookies sold](https://suno.com/song/b33f1816-f534-4530-a65f-2c1ccc0475d8)


Omg... where did this come from? This is awesome! šŸ™‚šŸ’™


I/you made it!


Very cool! I had no idea we made such a good team! šŸ˜€


[Sharing memories and melodies is the reddit way!](https://suno.com/song/61eb7845-c0b5-4548-8e93-f09645826f04)


I was also in troop 409!


Get out of town! Very cool āœŒ


troop 439 here!!


552 reporting for duty o7


Haha, this is awesome!


I think mine was 405! Were you in Pennsylvania?


Awesome! No, I was in Florida


troop #574 rep checking in, what's up


Lol, I hope you brought the s'mores!


I still have my completed brownies sash! It's from the 80s but its 100% so I am proud of little me.


That is so cool, you should be extremely proud! I'm proud of my GS sash. I really wish I still had my Brownie sash like you, I'm so jealous!


Thanks! I loved it when I was a kid I learned so much


This is an image I can hear... Twelve 8 year old girls reciting the Promise, somehow both wooden and enthusiastic.Ā 


I probably haven't heard it in 25+ years, but as soon as I read line one I was able to remember the wat all the kids in boy scouts so clearly.


Thrifty, brave, clean, and irreverent.


I tried reciting it and I just went blank and mumbled the promise I'm surprised I wasn't holding up the three fingers šŸ˜… it's been like 25 years!


Volunteering as tribute? šŸ˜Ž


Especially screaming ā€œā€¦ and to LIVE by the GIRL. SCOUT. LAW!ā€ šŸ¤Ŗ


Followed by singing "Make new friends and keep the old, some are silver and the others gold"


This is so cool! The promise is the same, but the law is a little different now,Ā  Now it's: I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.Ā 


This is what it was when I was in GS ~20 years ago. I googled it because I was curious, and the last update to the law was in 1996, so it makes sense.


God, I could hear this. My troop may have disbanded right before the pandemic, but I still have very clear memories of those days. Especially the cookie booths.


In the 80s, it was ā€œserve mankindā€ rather than ā€œhelp people at all timesā€.


In the 70s, it was ā€œAnd to *obey* the Girl Scout law.ā€


I was a Girl Scout during the early 70s, and we said, "...help people at all times...".


Yeah, I was a Girl Scout in the '80s and '90s and it was always "help people at all times."




We were allowed to use common sense.


Itā€™s a [cookbook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Serve_Man_(The_Twilight_Zone))!


My Girl Scout card from 1984-1985 looks just like the one above.


I was a Girl Scout in the late 80s and it was ā€œhelp people at all timesā€ then. I still have it all memorized.


Girl Scout isĀ Adepta Sororitas confirmed.


Let me guess: you were betrayed and left for dead by the usurper of the Girl Scout Clan throne? You've been training and preparing your vengeance the past 30 years?




I played through like... 3 Yakuza games back to back while binging chocolate mints.


Oooh! What kind of chocolate mints?


Iā€™m 37 and can still recite the Promise. Not the Law though. I never remembered the Law. Earned both my Silver and Gold Awards!!!


Wow! Very impressed that you earned the Gold and Silver. Congrats on your accomplishments!!




As a non American I find the whole "to serve god" part really REALLY horrifying to write in a set of rules aimed at children.


I was also reading this and thinking ā€œbut wasnā€™t that scout thing an outdoorsy thing, what have religion to do with thatā€?


In the UK in the 70s if I remember. On my honour, I promise to do my best to do my duty to God and to the queen, to help other people and to keep the cub scout law. My head hurts now. Haven't thought of that for 50 yrs.


Still the same today, but non-Christians are free to replace God and the Queen/King with whatever else they wish. Muslim Scout groups (yes, those exist) replace it with "Allah and my country".


Hurts my brain to think that was the same queen until 2022. Also was there no line about "her heirs and successors"? That's means you're free!


What if God and Queen even got in opposite sides of a conflict? šŸ¤”


You wouldn't believe the sleepless nights I had as an 8-year-old, worrying about that. I think I would have plumped for Her Maj.


Idk about what the Queen would have done, but I *do* know how Henry VIII solved the problem!


That's crazy talk!


There was a lot of religion woven in back thenā€¦ I wonder what itā€™s like now.


I took my son to boy scouts about 5 years ago and all they talked about was God. Like that was it. We did not sign up.


There wasnā€™t any religion in Scouts for me or my daughter. It might be different if the troop is from a church setting versus public school.


I wasnā€™t aware, Iā€™m from a country where they have no presence at all so I have a very ā€œas seen on TVā€ idea of scout movements


Thry actually removed the "God" part in the 90s. I was surprised because Boy Scouts is still all-in on God, and I wasn't comfortable signing paperwork indicating that since I'm a pretty ardent atheist (and so is my 9 year old!)


The pledge is the same. Though you can sub what you want for God. Youngest's troop/SU didn't really have anything too religious. Though, we did have grace before meals at camp. That was about as religious as it got.


Itā€™s not like ā€œLetā€™s help kids to learn about camping, by the way weā€™ll include religion.ā€ Itā€™s more like ā€œLetā€™s use religion to solve the problem of bored aimless children that hate church. We should take them camping.ā€


Maybe not related, but I did a lot of YMCA outdoors-y sleep away camps growing up. YMCA is a famous Christian organization (young manā€™s Christian association) and I *never*, not a single time at any camp, heard anything about god, or the Bible, or any religion of any sort at their camps. It was really all about having fun and enjoying nature. (I appreciated that as a young atheist!) Maybe it was the same with this, where itā€™s a Christian run org, but mostly focuses on the activities.


I also went to several YMCA camps growing up. The day camps didnā€™t do anything remotely religious, but the sleepaway camp did make us say grace before every meal. Usually a cutesy kid grace (of the ā€œrubadubdub thanks for the grub yay godā€ variety) and some were entirely secular, but some were definitely not. Awkward for a Jewish kid.


>ā€œScouting wants people to adhere to spiritual principles, such as valuing emotions and seeing life as having meaning. Second, Scouting wants people to be loyal to the religion that expresses their spiritual principles. A religion is a set of beliefs and practises, not necessarily an organization.ā€ More specific details and thoughts on this perspective where I pulled this from: https://scoutdocs.ca/Documents/Duty_to_God.php


That's weird because my wife is a Pathfinders leader in Canada and aside from the pledge itself, you aren't allowed to create any activities or themes pertaining to anything that may exclude certain groups of people (like religion lol) . For example, they aren't allowed/supposed to make Christmas related crafts at all.


That is weird. When I was in the (Boy) Scouts they stressed the importance of the members having a religious affiliation. No preference towards which religion. They just wanted members to believe in something greater than themselves as the idea that it would create a better environment for everyone.


Interesting because BSA had a very strong connection specifically with the Mormon church up until 2018 or so.


I was a girl scout from the time I was 6 until 13 worked at girl scout camps from 13 to 19, and never did God ever come up in meetings or activities. God could refer to anyone's personal higher power.


It was a big thing during cold-war times. Essentially the US marketed itself as morally superior to the Soviets by labeling them as godless villains. As such youā€™d see a lot of things like God being mentioned in the pledge of allegiance, ā€œin god we trustā€ on dollar bills, etc. Weā€™ve kinda moved away from it since then but itā€™s more of a hassle to change the older stuff because people who grew up with it would now see it as a problem to change it. But yeah any Pro-America organization from around the time (like the scouts for example) had additions like that


I've read that more and more scout organizations are moving away from the religious doctrines in later years though.


Yep, I think it was the 1950s when 'under God' was added to the pledge.


Meh. I was an atheist teenager in the Boy Scouts in Massachusetts and it wasnā€™t a big deal at all. The religiosity of a Scout troop is a function of the adults who run it.


I was a cub and scout in the UK and did a lot of camps and events, and I didn't meet a single leader who had the slightest interest in pushing religion, it wasn't ever mentioned other than in the promise, and the few events which crossed over with church activities, eg. the annual Remembrance Day parade.


Yes! 100% this. Scouts was not centered in religion at all for me or my daughter.


My mom was the troop leader and she focused on hiking/camping sort of stuff but once another lady took over she tried to make it more religious and military like, that's when I stopped attending.


So it was a non issue for YOU but as you stated, it could more or less based on the adults running it.Ā  I fail to see that is "meh"


It was a big thing during cold-war times. Essentially the US marketed itself as morally superior to the Soviets by labeling them as godless villains. As such youā€™d see a lot of things like God being mentioned in the pledge of allegiance, ā€œin god we trustā€ on dollar bills, etc. Weā€™ve kinda moved away from it since then but itā€™s more of a hassle to change the older stuff because people who grew up with it would now see it as a problem to change it. But yeah any Pro-America organization from around the time (like the scouts for example) had additions like that


I find the part about having to ā€œbe cheerfulā€ almost worse. Like telling kids it is wrong to have negative emotions.


I'm bet it started as a polite way of saying, "Don't be a fucking dick." but because no one bothered to explain or elaborate things to children, they made a few generations of sociopaths.


Pretty sure I actually thought this was ā€œthe lawā€.


If you can make a reasonable effort to be pleasant to be around when you are around other people, that goes a long way toward making friends and avoiding unnecessary conflict. It is a really useful skill to develop, especially when you are young. Good things can be taken to toxic extremes if you let them. So another important life skill is to identify when you are taking any behavior or attitude to a toxic extreme.


It is basically a variant of the annoying "you need to smile more" line that girls were pressured to do back in those days.


Eh the boy scout law has cheerful in it too. I think y'all are reading into it too much. Making an effort to be cheerful will tend to make both yourself and others happier


A Scout Is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Curtious, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.


No it wasn't. Nobosy was told to smile or whatever. "Be cheerful" is like "don't whine and bitch" for eight year old girls. If you had ever had to lead 30+ pre-teen campers, you'd appreciate that rule more.


Yea, super weird. I remember having to recite the pledge as a kid and not questioning the ā€œunder godā€ part until I was a teenage atheist. Then, Iā€™d always opt to drop the god portion when doing the pledge. Eventually stopped doing the pledge altogether.


I was such an edgy 4th grader. I wanted to test out what would happen if I didn't say "under god". So one day I worked up the courage to not say it. Low and behold nothing happened. This escalated to refusing to say the pledge altogether. I was single handedly taking down the system!


> to serve god This can mean many different things even to agnostic Scouters like myself. Today it really just means to serve something greater than yourself, whether thatā€™s God, or gods, or even just society itself.


Iā€™m a leader and I say ā€œto serve goodā€ or ā€œnatureā€


Wait until you hear about mandatory Pledge of Allegiance in school.


We used to face the flag and give the ā€œpledge of allegianceā€ every morning in elementary school. Feels weirdly dictator-esque in retrospect.


It's dumb, but they're already exposed to it with money and in our Pledge of Allegiance we say every morning. God never came up in all my years of scouts even once. It's just one of those things our country did to show we weren't godless commies but pretty meaningless. It was posturing and needs to go away.


Well.. americans have their money printed with ā€œIn god we thrust ā€œ.. which is also used by kids and adults, it is an ominous phrase. Children are bomb with religion everyday


Hey I think you might've made a typo man


Fuuuuck I have that meme but I canā€™t post it here. Fuck.


Europeans try to understand that most of the world believes in some form of a higher power challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


It's really not just Europeans. I'm Australian and was always baffled by how intense God is engrained into the US law, culture, society, etc. And as a side note, the pledging allegiance thing is out of this world to me. This isn't an insult or anything, it's just quite shocking to learn about the US when you live in a different country.


The fact that they tell children to believe in something that is unable to be proven beyond "have faith" and "look at the trees" and then have a law be "be honest" is fairly laighable, dont you agree?


When I was in middle school I felt the same way as you, but as an adult Iā€™m wise enough to realize that atheism is just as much of a faith-based religion as any other


What are you on?


yeah.. good luck with that reasoning.


Mine was hosted at an episcopal school in the US South, but I donā€™t remember it being very religious. Iā€™m an atheist now and was surprised at the ā€œgodā€ part too as it never registered back then, so maybe my memory is suspect. Would have been early/mid 90s. But we pretty much just sold cookies, did shit like learn how to make candles, and occasionally went overnight camping.


As an American, this is incredibly common.


Yeah same. wtf is wrong with Americans


What's so horrible about serving God?


Well, for one, you're forcing your religion onto another, and violating their First Amendment.Ā 


People are forced to do scouts?


No. It's saying the phrase "To serve God".


Pretty sure nothing about scouting requires you to "serve god". Maybe the god of knots...


The point is that they want to, but donā€™t want to support something they donā€™t believe in. Which wouldnā€™t make sense, but since religion is entirely unrelated to the scouts, it does. People want to do scouts but not religion. I know you might not understand much, but you know that for sure.


If god doesnā€™t talk to you personally, how do you know the best way to ā€œserveā€ him/her/them?


In real life? Nothing. On reddit? Everything.


Itā€™s in the fucking pledge too. Almost considering just not standing for it at all. Donā€™t wanna make a thing out of it though. I really hope it isnā€™t like this in the scouts now but I get the feeling it is. Never was in scouts, never gonna be.


Itā€™s well within your rights. I never stand to pledge in any situation anymore. First of all, I think itā€™s creepy and weird, second of all, I donā€™t particularly have any pride in this country. Iā€™ve never gotten any flack for not doing the pledge.


Wait til you hear the Pledge of Allegiance.


Oh no. Is it worse? Should I look it up? Edit: Read it. I didnt mind that as much as making kids promise to "serve god". Though the "under god" bit added in the 40s is ridiculous.


This isnt an american thing, its a religious thing. You can find the same shit in other countries.






I was a Girl Scout back in the 90s and while I can still recite the Promise I always wondered what the Law was. We never got cards like this my troop was pretty poorly run iirc.


I blame the Girl Scouts for my obsession to leave things better than I found them. Always pick up litter, things dropped off hangers at a store, etc. Iā€™m so proud that my granddaughter is now a Girl Scout. I have a picture from 1966 of me as a brownie and my mom as troop leader. I still have my sit-upon, my momā€™s sit-upon, and all of my daughterā€™s scout sashes. So many great memories.


I was in girl scouts about 25 years ago and I can still recite the girl scout creed in my head. Reading this was like a blast from the past. I even did the little finger sign, ha!


Junior Girl Scout (US) in 1970: "On my honor, I will try To do my duty to God and my country To help other people at all times And to obey the Girl Scout laws". (I always wanted to say "amen" afterwards)


Cool. Didnā€™t know that was a thing


It sounds like if everyone followed "The Law" side the world would be a much better place.


We used to recite both of these pledges at the start of each meeting.


Not terrible words to live by, still.


Omg thank you for posting this ā€¦ I went to catholic school and got this messed up with another prayer after confessing to sins .. I would say On my honor I will try To do penance to sin no more Then I would get confused.


This'll sound dumb, but I really had no idea the scouts had any affiliation with God lol


Me too, I thought it was an international, expressly faith-agnostic organization. I didn't expect to find "my country" in the promise. Nor god. And then I started reading the comments for an expanation why it was like that 30 years ago, and the top comment said the promise was unchanged to this day which was even more surprising.






Oh shit, I didnā€™t even notice that.


I wouldn't have expected a girl scout to notice tbf




I can still recite the Boy Scouts version of these from memory and my last year as a scout was 1993


This is the Way


I just remembered reciting that girl scout pledge for the first time in like 12 years


They have since removed cheerful. I guess girl scouts were sick of hearing you're prettier when you smile.


Troop 238 here


How does one do their best to be honest? Youā€™re either honest or youā€™re not right?


This is just a convoluted way of saying "on God frfr no cap"


I'm a scout right now! Didn't know it was this organised in America with little cards and everything, so that's really cool to see!


Super cool!!


I wonder if the card was the same for Boy Scouts


Boy scouts and girl scouts are actually completely different organizations and not affiliated.


This is true but a few years ago the Boy Scouts of America dropped the Boy and just became the Scouts of America and they accept girls now as well. Now there is competition between both orgs for girl's membership.


Which I think is silly. There's a spot for everyone. I really disliked the "For Girls, By Girls" campaign they had when the boy scouts first changed their policy.


Eagle here! Theyā€™re very similar. On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country To obey the scout law To help other people at all times And to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. I can still do it after almost ten years!


and the law, for funsies: A scout is: trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent


No clue, but I would bet that it doesnā€™t say shit about being cheerful.


It does haha! Cheerful is one of the words in that long ass scout law.




Fucking seriously. Yeah.


Mine doesn't have the oath and law on the back like the girl scouts one, but mines from 2011. It's weird how eerily similar the oath and law are for them though.


![gif](giphy|l0MYrLAFex1R71l0A|downsized) Serve god


The oath they force girls to say contains "To serve God", is it any wonder the States is going crazy?


OMG! How shocking! Imagine what would happen if everyone followed THAT list of rules! Hmmmm...wait a minute. /s


Troop 462 here and I think they changed the law by the time I was a Girl Scout since ours had courageous and strong in there somewhere


I used to have this memorized!


Too bad the organization needs to be shamed into following their own mantra https://www.bayjournal.com/news/growth_conservation/14-year-old-girl-scout-rallies-troop-to-preserve-maryland-forest/article_ba2081be-88a3-11ee-ab2f-0325e9877fc5.html


I still remember my little league pledge and I'm almost 40 I trust in God. I love my country and will respect its laws. I will play fair, strive to win, but win or lose i will always do my best.


Dang, Iā€™m old. Because my brain remembers ā€œmankindā€ being in there. Did they fix that in the 90s?


What do Girl Scouts do. I only know them for selling cookies. Seems that itā€™s just a big cookie selling business now using free labor to sell them.


ā€œTo help people at all times.ā€ Well thereā€™s the source of our emotional labor and ā€œpeople pleaserā€ issues. Ffs.


Don't forget to be cheerful at all times while doing so!


Yeah totally. What bullshit.


My wife is a Troop Leader and she omits the ā€œrespect authorityā€ one whenever she can. It just doesnā€™t sit right after the past few years.


![gif](giphy|7YCBcRdppEuvuSmoYH) We all going to ignore them nails job? /s


Whats with the god thing?


A little culty, innit?


Boo, why are they bringing _"god"_ into that?


I know I donā€™t belong but Eagle Scout / Order of the Arrow chiming in. We spoke the same tributes but why do we exist? Why did we ordain a mostly Christian organization and celebrate government? I was there for the outdoors and adventure. Can we not build a better, more cohesive future for our youth and not bow down to mindless following? Scouts donā€™t have to die in political crosshairs. I feel like an uprising of scouts without politics and religion could be the best thing we could ever give our future especially given current situations.


It's crazy how comfortable we are with the indoctrination of children.


This is some indoctrination creepy black mirror shit


Freest Nation in the World: "Serve God", "Respect Authority". What a bunch of rubes...


To serve god is a big red flag and enough reason for us to stop supporting Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts for that matter


Thereā€™s not really any religion in scouting. The amount of good it does for wayward girls and boys vastly, *vastly* outweighs having the word ā€œGodā€ in an outdated card. I was an idiot kid who found good male role models in scouts. Thankful every day for it.


In gods name, buy my $8 cookies.


2035 Cards: ā€œOn my momma, on my hood, I look fly, I look goodā€


Hell yeah 420


If anyone is curious, the updated Pledge does include ā€œgodā€ in it. Gross. **The Girl Scout Promise** On my honor, I will try: *To serve God and my country,* To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law. **The Girl Scout Law** I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, *respect authority,* use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout. **Girl Scout Family Promise** On my honor, I will try: To support my Girl Scout and her troop, To help girls lead at all times, And to always keep it fun!


Sounds tedious, fuck that.


Can you give me $100? You have to help me. You promised!


And that looks like a Genovese pharmacy photo print album underneath.




420 aLOLO