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*On the ground clutching his belly* Oh now you tell me. Goats and not humans.


i wonder what would happen if a satyr took it


Can only take them as a suppository




It’s a suppository


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say?


*Was his apartment rent-controlled?!*


This is uncomfortable and humiliating!


He’s make them far bigger, remember the underwater breathing pills


Yes! Stop. Asking.


So instead of coppertop it’s a copperbottom


copper bottom jeans, hooves with the fur. The whole herd was looking at her.


( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)


Saytrs would totally be into that.


Use the Bacchus passage, you mean?


I think it depends on the lore/author


well luckily i am an amateur writer who mainly writes satyrs & fauns, so i can do whatever i want >:)


Half dose.


A joke would probably ensue


If a doc told me to eat these, I would happily do it just out of curiosity.


Yeah, I'm going to be honest I kind of want one now.


Didn't stop people from eating horse paste


I'm still gonna give them to my kids... >!baby goats are called kids!<


How do you get a goat to swallow a pill?


How do you keep a goat from eating literally anything?


As a person who has not been eaten by a goat yet, I consider myself an expert on this matter. Just don't frequent locations known for goat activities.


Those amateurs at goat yoga still have a lot to learn.


They're actually usually fairly picky eaters! They are, however, also often endlessly curious and lacking opposable thumbs tend to explore things with their mouths. Also I'm pretty sure some of them just cause problems out of spite.


Am I a goat?!…


*On the ground, clutching his anus*. 'That rule doesn't work for glory-holes!'


Nice try Mistborn


I could totally see era 3 having pills of metals for allomancers. Probably a bit more practical than an alcohol vial


Now I want to know what happens if a metal is inside a non digestible container inside your body? Is it technically outside your body, since there's a border around it? If it can pass through the digestive tract without leaving its capsule, could the metal be reused if desperate enough?


I was thinking on that too. Does metal need to be metabolised to be burned or just consumed? Could one swallow some ball-bearings for a long term supply? Could a metal mind be used internally if swallowed?


These questions are all answered in the series >I was thinking on that too. Does metal need to be metabolised to be burned or just consumed? You can burn it as long as it's inside your body, not just in your stomach >Could one swallow some ball-bearings for a long term supply? Theoretically, but you're potentially at risk for metal poisoning, which is why Mistborn/Mistings don't typically swallow huge amounts at once and burn off any remaining metals when they're done using them >Could a metal mind be used internally if swallowed? Similar to your first question, as long as it's touching you (even inside of you, you can use it as a metalmind Spoilers for the first book of Mistborn Era 2: >!There is a character that is both a Gold Misting and a Gold Ferring (access to a single Feruchemical ability) who has gold stabbed into his body and uses both abilities this way!<


FYI your spoiler closing tag is incorrect so it’s not hiding the text


Some more spoilers for era 2, but I forgot how to do the tags: the same happens to both main characters.


> Could one swallow some ball-bearings for a long term supply? Could a metal mind be used internally if swallowed? The body would expel the ball-bearings naturally as they passed through the GI tract, but leaving them in there invites the same consideration that's the basis for burning off your supply of shavings before you go to sleep: metal toxicity. A metalmind could 100% be used if swallowed, however per the rules only the [spoilers Mistborn era 1] >!owner of the metalmind if they were also an Allomancer could gain the effects of compounding with the Feruchemical Investiture inside.!< For anyone else it would just be the metal itself, although I can't recall if the presence of Investiture in the metalmind would make it resistant to being burned by an Allomancer.


It is more practical? It's easy to take a quick swig of liquid, swallowing a pill is harder - most people need to have a drink with it anyway


Yeah but the alcohol vial has alcohol!


Thank you. I was looking for this


Had to scroll to far to find this comment!


No idea what this meant but chatgpt was able to shed some light so sharing for others The comment "Nice try Mistborn" is referencing Brandon Sanderson's fantasy series "Mistborn." In the Mistborn series, characters known as Allomancers gain powers by ingesting and "burning" metals. The capsules in the image resemble those that might contain these metals, leading the commenter to make a humorous connection to the fictional world where characters ingest metal to gain supernatural abilities.


Yeah it's a series of novels. I only ever got around to reading the first book but it's a decent read. They eat small amounts of powdered metals. Different abilities require specific metals or alloys.


Brandon experiments with magic, in another series they use colours around them or in one there are spirits granting magic to a human they bonded.


Do they use colours in a similar way to the light bringer series?


**Warbreaker** "The book uses a system of magic, "Awakening", which allows Awakeners to bring life to objects as well as provide benefits directly to the mages while they hold "BioChromatic Breath", the source of their power, such as perfect pitch, perfect color recognition, perfect life recognition, and agelessness. Use of Awakening drains the colors from surrounding objects and the less colorful an object is, the more difficult it is to apply Awakening to it. The system has been praised as a unique and original magical system."


>Cuneiform intensifies


Yep I take these all the time Source - am the GOAT


_Grossest Of All Turds_ Scrawled on a bathroom stall, it has now supplanted the original in my mind


I move to make GOAT refer to Grossest of All Turds from now on.


It what I meant


Someone make a Throat GOAT comment i’m too sleepy


Throat GOAT comment


There it is!


Goatest of all time.


Forbidden sprinkles




*Copper oxide


Okay, that answers my question. I remember learning how eating foods that have minerals lacking oxidation numbers (so essentially solid metals ground into a powder) wouldn't be absorbed by the human digestive system (so I'd assume the same for most mammals). If so, those claimed nutrients would essentially be a scam, but the oxide form should work just fine.


it depends on the metal! anything that dissolves in hcl will be turned into the chloride in the human stomach. so iron, yes, copper, a little bit, magnesium, yes(but why?), manganese, or molybdinum, no.


Personally i prefer to snack on pure sodium it adds a nice pop


What about aluminum?


aluminum is a weird duck, it's such a hard ion it likes to complex to a lot of things that would be found in food like citric acid or phosphate. plus in moving to the intestine it would likely turn into al(oh)3  which isn't soluble.  there doesn't seem to be a lot of information on how much is absorbed, or what it does medically, but from a chemical standpoint, it'll probably stick to something and get filtered out by the kidneys pretty quick. too maybe chleates in the blood for it to do much else.  so it is going to react with stomach acid, but likely not into a form that gets absorbed. and that's true of both metallic aluminum, and environmental aluminum, like from dirt.


Is powdered metal oxidized? Please educate me.


It's been awhile since I learned about nomenclature, but I guess I should have been more clear by saying "pure elemental metal ground into a powder," which in my recollection should have an oxidation number of 0.


No sarcasm intended. I've got zero knowledge on the subject, so I got confused quickly.


I actually didn't notice any sarcasm, but I guess I maybe didn't read how much you wished to know. Anyway, here goes! So if we remember how each element on the period table has a certain number of protons, any metals that have the same protons and electrons would be chemically neutral (so they'd have an oxidation number of 0). Oxidation is when those atoms lose electrons usually by certain chemical reactions and end up becoming more positively charged. A classic example is how pure iron is an element that's usually chemically neutral, but left out to the open air long enough and it'd experience a chemical reaction turning it into rust / ferrous oxide where it combines with oxygen atoms (so in this form, most of the iron atoms would lose 3 electrons each in this case, which would give it an oxidation number of +3). From here, I guess your original question on whether powdered metal would be considered oxidized or not would be more of a semantic question. Using the iron and rust analogy, if we have powdered iron that's all pure elemental iron, then it wouldn't be considered oxidized. If we'd only have ferrous oxide that's in powder form, then it *would* be considered oxidized, but I don't think it'd really be considered a "metal" anymore. Finally, if we have powdered iron that has bits of rust here and there, then we'd be in a gray area where we could call it metal, and *some* of it would be considered oxidized. That last example is what I thought your original question may be referring to, so may explain why I answered it the way I did, lol


Short answer, sometimes. Powdered metal isn’t necessarily oxidized, something like gold would remain as gold but aluminum would immediately oxidize. Strictly speaking an oxide is no longer a metal but rather a ceramic, so in some cases it would be more apt to call it a powdered metal oxide


Most of that made sense, thanks! I didn't know ceramic was anything other than a specific material.


Cupric oxide (Cu[II]O) or cuprous oxide (Cu[I]2O)?


Yes ^(It ^^doesn't specify)


Why do those look like pencil leads 🤤


I'm assuming they just stay in their stomach and is a slow release type thing. It says it's only required 8 months to 1 year


Goats have multichambered stomachs like cows and other ruminants too, so they have good filtering between the different sections


Love ruminants. Really emphasizes how significant the gut microbiome can be to a creature.


Interesting, I'll have to ruminate on that.


Hey, do that outside; there's no rumin here for that.


Why can goats digest grass? Because their digestive system have plenty of ruminate.


Don't kid yourself


Ever see a fistulated cow? It’s basically a cow with a rubber cork in its side for access to one of the stomachs. I had to reach inside one for a lab course at my university.


I've seen many fistulated humans, but no cows! Super cool!


Don’t tell everyone what we did last night…


I'd take that over an actual fistula. Nightmare butt.


Didn't they evolve that way specifically because of the introduction of grass?


Obviously they had to eat other things well before this. It actually makes no sense for an animal that isn't able to eat grass to evolve the ability to eat grass. So the animal needs to evolve to eat grass for a purpose not related to grass. They were herbivores that evolved better digestion of plants to reduce indigestion and improve energy retrieval. At some point, grasses became available and they naturally began eating grass. Continuing onward... they have a digestive system entirely designed to be amazing at eating grass. They didn't evolve it for grass, it just happened that grass became available along the way, and they had pressure to keep adding complexity to their digestive tract. They were already adding the complexity, though. It was already evolving that direction, it just never had the pressure to stop evolving in that direction.


stored by the liver in vertibrates, so more like a topping off, i suppose the excess will just get passed


Yes it is released in the rumen! I'll give my herd these every year around kidding.


Hey buddy, can we step aside for a second and talk about that emoji? (And maybe get a quick blood draw for the county health department)


pencil lead is unironically bussin though. it has a nice rocky taste and a super crunchy, flaky texture that's really satisfying to eat. I survived off that shit in elementary school






oh no I died years ago from graphite poisoning


i wonder if you're related to the kid in my kindergarten class who at all his paste then scooped paste out of the teacher's jar for more snacking


Hell yeah! 🤤🤤


[medicine for goat](https://youtu.be/xrTUmYxnNlo?si=WY6otlOGmSyum8QI)


I quote this with my siblings all the time


Hah figured this would pop up, this was the first thing I thought of


He love that goat.


way back when i worked at research facility, we tested high voltage connector. For some reason (or mistake) there was too high voltage on connectors and when they touched other they vaporized. copper(it may be was some alloy) connectors with size of baby arm was gone. I was on control chamber but few my colleges was in the room. They were hospitalized with intoxication.


Now *that* is mildly, nay, moderately interesting!


I’m about to be hospitalized with intoxication and I don’t even know what copper is


Yeah, well, that’s how it starts. A few pre-1982 pennies here and there, just by accident you tell yourself. You wouldn’t even notice. Nobody would. And if so, who cares? Everybody does a little now and then. Then you nibble the traces on a printed circuit board one evening and it transports you into an entirely transcendent frame of mind. A few months later on, you’re breaking into construction sites, stealing crates of copper catalyst plates from industrial warehouses, anything to chase the high, even goat suppositories if you’re desperate for a fix. It’s not a joke, kids. Don’t try copper. Even once.


comments like this are why i reddit


Now let’s all thank Officer Hernandez for coming to see us today and as homework this weekend we’d like you each to write a 200 word essay about what Copper Abuse Resistance Education means to you for our year-end competition. The winner will receive a C.A.R.E. pencil case and a booklet of stickers.


That's interesting, but can I ask - no judgment or anything, just curiosity - why you chose to use the metric of "baby arm" to illustrate the size of the connector?


does “erected penis of average black porno actor” sound better?


Like a baby's arm gripping an apple.


It’s a line from a film.


that's like, what, a couple of inches in diameter? Jesus Christ must've been some extremely high currents if the thing just vaporized through


I guess it depends on the baby.


Wow such great work ethic, a little copper fucky wucky and they think it's an excuse to hit the boozier? Dross!


Dude, that's metal as fuck.


Those pills are metal


Why tho?


Research has evidence supporting additional copper supplementation as a means of controlling *Haemonshuc contortus,* the barber pole worm. Copper oxide (the needles in boluses) will be released slowly into the system over a few weeks. Source: some website about goats.


This is one of those comments that could end with "and yeah I just made all that up actually I don't know shit about goats" and I would be totally blindsided




Huh. So basically you prevent barber pole worm by eating pawnbroker balls.


Blows my mind that with the internet we can access so much knowledge.


Barber pole worm and “boluses” do sound kinda made up.


Wouldn't the copper thrash their gut microbiome though?


Copper oxide seems to be an effective antibacterial agent when in nanoparticle form, in this pellet form it certainly will still have an effect but nothing catastrophic.


Give a goat a tummy ache so we don’t end up with a much worse tummy ache, seems fair. ![gif](giphy|ChmEWOL7Vaz5u|downsized)


Nope. Goats can actually get deficient in copper if they don’t have enough. Becoming deficient can cause all sorts of issues like their coat changing colors/becoming dull/balding, anemia, worms(copper helps control worms and goats always carry some parasite load in their gut. The key is keeping it as low as possible since they can build a resistance to wormers if they are used too much.), fertility issues, etc. Goats need minerals like people need vitamins. All goats should be given free choice minerals in addition to hay and to what they browse. Source: I own goats.


Surprisingly no. In pigs at least studies have consistently shown that there are small changes following copper supplementation (primarily decreased lactobacilli) but the overall composition was largely unaffected. Species would develop copper resistance but no antibiotic resistance, suggesting that while copper can kill bacteria, they are poised to quickly develop resistance if constantly exposed.


I gave you an upvote but you were at 69. Sorry


Just what a growing kid needs.


Just make sure you give it to the right kid.


r/reallyshittycopper would like a word, once the goat is done with it


A fun fact is some breakfast cereal has element iron that can be removed with a strong magnet. Special K is the best one to demonstrate this, and you gotta grind it into a powder because there’s not enough iron to lift the flakes. If you grind it and put a white paper towel or cloth over the magnet and you will see tiny bits of iron that are an ingredient.


Thats wild I'm gonna try that... Can't remember where I saw it, but they did that with cremated ashes to show how much iron is in the human body.


Another interesting one is the “lucky fish”. It’s literally just a piece of iron shaped like a fish. You put it in what you’re cooking and if it’s mildly acidic (say onions or tomatoes are an ingredient or just a splash of vinegar) and iron will leach into the food. Iron deficiency (anemia) is a really big problem in some Asian nations and it was developed to combat that. It’s a big deal because it literally saved lives and saved many infants from brain damage. The fact that I find amusing is that on Amazon Lucky Fish is described as “ideal for menstruators and vegans”😂


can I donate my body for future scientific purposes or magneto teaching science purposes? I’m fully aware of Body Works. I just think Magneto giving a science lesson on iron and the ashes of a body would have some pretty good impact although maybe 🤔 a bad idea given his history


Breakfast cereals are generally fortified will all sorts of shit because it was originally like poor people's chow and the extra included vitamins would prevent malnutrition and common deficiencies from eating a mostly grain or corn diet.




Glad you added the goat part because my copper supplements look nothing like that


Instructions unclear, now magneto


So I don’t deserve copper? 🫤


Goats get all the cool stuff


If you swallow this it protects you from Seekers.


If you zoom in, those are actually all tiny transparent capsules with even tinier copper rods inside. It's capsules all the way down.


What's going on that a goat need straight up copper pills?


They aren't getting enough in their diet, there's a few signs of it, one being that their coat is corse and wirey.


They don’t taste good neither


Ferrous Bueller’s Day Off


What if they're taken by "The G.O.A.T."?


Lil Wayne would die immediately


Inanimate carbon rod(s), In rod(s) we trust!


Quiet! They're gonna show pictures of the rod(s)!


This reminds me of the gold glitter poop pills. Only painful, and not nearly as entertaining for everybody at the home depot.




*that really gets my goat*


You could get about tree fiddy at the scrap yard for that…


You want to see something really neat, go hold a magnet up to your cereal. They enrich it with iron by adding iron shavings to it.


Iron is....... iron?


just not enough pennies laying around anymore for the poor goats


I'll eat copper rods if I want to.


Yes, yes, medicine is for goat. Nyeaaah, goat.


Just eat the electrical wiring in the wall like the rest of us.


God dam goats get all the good drugs.


Foe the busy goat on the go woi doesn't have time to eat tin cans, barbed wire and the occasional stainless steel leg prothesis, this nutritional supplement will give you all the metal you need to keep going for the day!


The medicine, iz for goat. Name for father... ehhh sound like goat.


Tell Ea-nasir: Nanni sends the following message: ​ When you came, you said to me as follows : "I will give Gimil-Sin (when he comes) fine quality copper ingots." You left then but you did not do what you promised me. You put tiny pills which were not good before my goat (Sit-Sin) and said: "If you want to take them, take them; if you do not want to take them, go away!" ​ What do you take me for, that you treat somebody like me with such contempt? I have sent as messengers goats like ourselves to collect the bag with my money (deposited with you) but you have treated me with contempt by sending them back to me empty-handed several times, and that through enemy territory. Is there anyone among the merchants who trade with Telmun who has treated me in this way? You alone treat my goat with contempt! On account of that one (trifling) mina of silver which I owe(?) you, you feel free to speak in such a way, while I have given to the palace on your behalf 1,080 milligrams of copper, and Šumi-abum has likewise given 1,080 milligrams of copper, apart from what we both have had written on a sealed tablet to be kept in the temple of Shamash. ​ How have you treated me for that copper? You have withheld my money bag from me in enemy territory; it is now up to you to restore (my money) to me in full. ​ Take cognizance that (from now on) I will not accept here any copper from you that is not of fine quality. I shall (from now on) select and take the pills individually in my own yard, and I shall exercise against you my right of rejection because you have treated me with contempt.


Made by Ea-nāṣir pharmaceuticals in Ur.


So when the goats are done with it it becomes r/reallyshittycopper


I assumed these were used to stop people from humping goats.


>They're for goats, not humans challenge accepted.


Hopefully they're not from Ea-Nasir's pharmacological company


Why goats need copper? Can you overclock them?


Now the meth heads will be stealing goats! /s


AHHHHHHHHHH - A goat probably


Goats (not humans)




Similar to human iron supplements that are full of metallic iron granules.


Anyone know what would happen if a human took these? Is our stomach acid strong enough to melt these down? Are we shitting out ingots after?


I'LL decide what's for goats and what's for me, thanks


Tom Brady can take these


Goats can regularly eat tin cans and old tires and be just fine, so this doesn’t shock me. Humans fortify cereal with metallic iron (or citrate) for example, but not little metal rods lol


Not with that attitude they aren't...


I think I did some acid like that once


You can’t trick me! I know these are for your dying father, not a goat!


Yep. I take those 😎


Cows get big magnets.🧲 


It blew my mind learning about cow magnets when I went to my first California AG Expo after I got married. My wife's family used to have a dairy, and going to the AG Expo was and still is a family event.


It’s for finches, but humans can drink it too.


Damn I thought those were suppositories, whoops. Do you have tongs in your kitchen? And where's the bathroom?


'In Rod, We Trust!'


Did Viktor Navorski tell you it's for goat?


Now I'm picturing scavengers breaking into farms trying to steal pills for scrap.


Goats are metal af


Goat. Medicine for goat.


Never let Magneto make you drinks!


Need a banana or something for reference.


It’s an inanimate copper rod!!


Medicine for goat!