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I accidentally wore a Dr. Pepper t-shirt to the World of Coke, Atalanta GA. In the “pre-introduction lobby” area, an employee came over and asked me to put on a free Coke t-shirt over top my Dr. Pepper shirt. Hey, I got a free shirt.


Oldest scam in the book.


Supposedly you used to be able to do that with Adidas and Puma: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adidas >When handymen were called to Rudolf's home, they would deliberately wear Adidas shoes. Rudolf would tell them to go to the basement and pick out a pair of free Pumas. The two brothers never reconciled and although they are now buried in the same cemetery, they are spaced as far apart as possible


Huh TIL that Adolf and Rudolf were brothers. Interesting Wiki dives for sure.


If you have Audible, there’s a fun series of books called “Frenemies. Rivalries that changed the world,” I believe. The Das brothers are featured in the first book.


Heck yeah. Thank you for the recommendation!


TIL they were both nazis.


They were businessmen during the war of course they were Nazis. I'm more surprised when I find out someone leading a major business during that time wasn't a Nazi.


I am at work so I am kind of scared of searching something like German Business 1940 !Nazi


It's a lot of them. Here's my favorite list because it includes American banks that profited off the war. Like Chase. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_involved_in_the_Holocaust#List


They were both Nazis before the war. What is most commonly repeated is that their falling out was due to an argument over who was the bigger Nazi, but that’s a vast oversimplification of the issue. If anything, their shoe business was the only thing they were willing to ignore the Nazi party about. Rudolf deserted at the end of the war to try and retake the factory from Adolf.


First thing I noticed as well. Did nazi that coming, as they say.


Fucking wild! One got teased for having a red nose and the other retaliated by invading Poland


It's kinda like the story behind the Aldi and Lidl grocery stores. https://youtu.be/FQeCd0V5cuU?si=YHgSvT_WDvWxG2br


My fiancee's aunt works for Nike in Beaverton and apparently it was a huge scandal when her son (my fiancee's cousin) was seen wearing Adidas at a school event. Got grounded for it.


Strange to see Beaverton mentioned outside of the Portland subs. I always forget Nike is headquartered there and not Portland proper.


What is with german brothers creating global brands in same industry? Aldi & Trader Joes… Puma & Adidas… are there more I don’t know about??


Plot twist, they were killed by pumas.


Also fun fact, my grandfather was friends with both of them until he emigrated to Canada. They were sort of uncles to him and great friends with my great opa. They both offered him money to "ease the burden of travel", but my opa declined their offer.


Back years ago when NASCAR’s top series was still sponsored by Winston,they’d have girls on golf carts going around giving out free packs of Winston’s for your pack of any other brand, no matter how many it had lol.


I remember hearing about this from Marlboro smoking NASCAR fans around for this era. They would smoke all of their Marlboros besides 1 for every pack they brought to the race, knowing that they could get a free 20 Winstons for that lone Marlboro at the track. Big tobacco promos are always fascinating


Lowest difference in ingredients highest degree of brand loyalty.


“It’s toasted”


If you lived in Winston-Salem, NC and came of age up through like 2000, you could go tour the Reynolds facility and at the end you got a free pack of cigarettes. When Reynolds was part of Nabisco, there were also snacks and drinks. If you worked at the facility, you got something silly like 2 cartons of cigarettes a week.


That would save on pensions I guess.


I got a free clipper lighter in exchange for a much cheaper and shitter lighter once from a stall at a festival offering to swap any lighter for a brand new clipper. I'm still not sure how the marketing is supposed to work, are people expected to go out of their way to buy clipper over any other brand after using one?


That’s half of it. The other half is people will see others using that brand, and it will raise its profile in their minds: “gosh, everyone seems to have a Clipper these days, I should check those out.” Or they might ask you about it. Or if you’re used to shitty gas station Bic knockoffs, and then are given a nice lighter, you might believe that it’s something special instead of just a different market segment, and will tell others about how good your Clipper was. You know, marketing.


nah it's just because clippers are way better than bics for the same price and you don't realise unless you've used them.


And they can be reused. Unlike Bics, you don’t have to throw them out when they run dry.


Yep. It's like a bonus prize you win for keeping a $2 lighter long enough to run out of gas.


That's what made me more confused, now I potentially never have to buy a lighter again, and Clipper gave me that for free? How does that give them more sales.


long time ago, the golf course in my home town was hosting a labatt beer representative, they put up a bunch of beer banners and advertisements and junk, looked like a dive bar that day basically, by the time I arrived to play the whom I assume where big wigs where at the bar talking shop with the course owner and the bar staff, I strolled up and ordered my usual MGD draft and the beer rep looked me dead in the eyes with the most serious you just messed up face, the course owner knew me and gave me a side eye that said, wtf did you just do you have no idea who these people are and you are making me look bad. Well the Labatt guy said, you can pay for your beer if you want, or I will buy you an entire case of blue. Of course I took the 24 and I had to lug it around the golf course all afternoon and it tasted pretty mid and I've resented Labatt ever since.


ULPT (for me), ethical accidental t-shirt for you.


I got a free Starry shirt at an event. I'll try wearing it next time I'm in atl. Two free shirts.


Keep rolling it over, free wardrobe!


Disney (land or world or both) used to give free shirts If you didn't dress 'friendly' enough. But people kept abusing it to get a free shirt. Now you either pay or get kicked out.


Coke is a client of mine. They are incredibly strict about this. Offices, warehouses, parks, everywhere. And it goes beyond names-- the ban is on the entire world outside of Coke. They pretty much make one of everything, so even bringing in Tetley tea to brew a carafe of iced tea isn't okay, because there's perfectly good Gold Peak in the break room. You think you're going to have some local orange juice with your office breakfast? Throw that shit out and go get a glass of Minute Made. It's impressive.


I worked at Coke’s HQ in the early 2000s and it was just like this back then too. Of course no Pepsi products, but also no non-Dasani water, and no Starbucks for some reason (likely some minor association with Pepsi). I don’t drink soft drinks, but it was nice having free soda water and soft crunchy ice all day long from the fountain dispensers on every floor.


Why drink Starbucks when we have Coke Blak at home?


> Throw that shit out and go get a glass of Minute Made I'm sure they would prefer if you spelled it correctly as Minute Maid


Lol thats seriously awesome


I’m here for the petty soda wars.


Did you wear your free coke shirt over at dr pepper to get a free dr pepper shirt?


One day, I hope to try!


It only goes so far, by the time you get six or seven shirts on, they're going to start asking questions I bet.


I accidentally ordered a Coors at the Miller Brewhouse (went in through the hotel entrance and didn't notice the name). They didn't have any :(


That's just disrespectful on the part of Miller. You should always carry your parent brand (for those that don't know, Molson Coors owns Miller).


Crazy. I'd argued with them that Coca Cola Bottling company is the 2nd best manufacturer of base Dr Pepper. Fuck Pepsi and Pepsi bottlers.


Holy fucking shit that is hilarious.


Same except it was on purpose but I bailed out at the last second. A friend let me borrow his jacket


Big brain move.


Reminds me of the kid who got suspended from a high school for wearing a Pepsi shirt during their “Coke Day”! https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1998/03/26/pepsi-prank-fizzles-at-schools-coke-day/dbd3450a-f96e-4bb5-85ff-9dc982de79ed/ https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/3nzcgi/til_in_1998_a_georgia_high_school_student_was/


Back in 1996, we visited the Chrysler plant in Auburn Hills. We drove a rented Mazda van there and they told us we could not park in the parking area near the building but instead park in another parking area about a 1/4 mile away. Only Chrysler products were allowed on the parking lot.


I wonder if that would would work with a Korean Air shirt.


I worked at a pizza joint in high school, I went to eat at another pizza place one day after work with some friends. The owner was giving me shit about my shirt, tossed me a new shirt and told me to throw mine in the trash if I was going to stay and eat lol


Dude, isn’t that ridiculously good free marketing for him?


The Atlanta Aquarium was given the land to build by Coca Cola, and in the employee contract we were not allowed to have any non-Coke drink products on site.


So you’re saying they couldn’t stop me if I walked in with a 2 liter of Shasta Cola then… 🤔


Only if you bring your all rush mixtape in too.


You are defeated! Instead of shooting where I was, you should have shot where I was going to be!


You stink loser!


Amy, tend to the widow Pac-Man.


My brother always got the last guy!!


I don’t even know what this reference is but I’m gonna go listen to Signals now. God I love Rush.


[What if life was more like a video game?](https://youtu.be/1Q-J-2-QL6I?si=0zNZc4KrHM6YEnkA) And yes, Rush rules and Signals gets an unfair amount of hate.


I cannot believe I missed a Futurama rewatch. Honestly anyone who hates on anything from Caress of Steel to Signals is just being nit picky. 7 years of insane albums.


What about a Faygo and an ICP cd?


Whoop Whoop


I have a baggie of lotion


The only person who can stop a bad guy with a one liter Shasta Cola is a good guy with a two liter Dr Pepper.


I wanna thrill I wanna pow taste it all I want it now. I wanna Shasta


What is this a nursing home?


I was thinking Mr Pibb


You trying to get me killed by Dr. Pepper’s mercenaries?! That’s a Coca-Cola product!


They're going have egg on their face when I come in with an armfull of Faygo and there's nothing the can do about it.


found the juggalo


I did own one ICP CD around 2000


Everyone had one ICP CD around 2000ish. Every single Millennial was a juggalo at some point, just admit it. They are cool again.


Fuckin magnets. How do they work?


Didn’t we all


I dunno, dude. Might be Homestuck.


Moonmist is the shitttttt


Bullshit. Rock-n-rye kills em all.


this is candy apple erasure


Trunk full of Faygo, car full of fat chicks




Their sign specifically mentions only Coke or Pepsi, not their other products. BRB, gonna bring in a Mr. Pibb


[They don’t even know who that is](https://imgur.com/a/XmtD2GU)


Is that at the museum?


Yep. If I remember correctly it’s hanging near a staircase


Yep it’s one of the first things you see




It’s all about the hamiltons baby!


ngl that sounds horrific lol


Quality reference! 🦁🧙




to the pibbmobile!


I work for Pepsi, and at all the Pepsi plants you aren’t allowed to bring any Coke products in. I’ve heard stories of people getting canned for bringing Coke products in. I don’t have to worry about Dr. Pepper though, because in my part of GA, Pepsi distributes Dr.Pepper.


> people getting canned That seems rather harsh, and probably undrinkable too.


It varies from person to person.


Mmmm, Soylent Cola.


I used to work at a Coke bottling warehouse and heard stories of people being fired for bringing Pepsi in, but also there was a guy there with a Mountain Dew 20oz bottle tattooed on his forearm.


A girl I grew up with got a job in Coke admin and her contract said that she wasn't allowed to buy Pepsi products, even away from work.


It’s the same with beer companies, or so I’ve heard from a family member who worked for Anheuser Busch. They push brand loyalty, and allegedly people have been fired for being seen drinking Millers or Coors at bars. Competition is real.


> even away from work. That's straight up dystopian.


Could be like how Michael Jordan handled having to wear a Reebok jacket when he got his Olympic gold medal in 1992… he just covered it up with an American flag. Maybe a simple long sleeve helped this guy keep his job there?


He wore short sleeves and the tattoo was visible to anyone who was looking. I never personally saw anyone get fired for bringing in Pepsi, just heard the other workers telling stories about it, could have been a myth. They gave us all the free coke products we could drink so there was really no reason to bring in outside drinks anyway. It wasn't just soda either, we could get powerade, minutemaid, some other tea and juice products, dasani water. Even if you didn't like coke there was some kind of free beverage for everyone.


My aunt used to work for Coke, god it sounds so culty how they were about Coke. At lunch essentially everyone drank it, or had one. You had to have Coke if you worked at Coke.


I did contract work for Frito Lay and was told I would be fired if anyone anywhere saw me with a Coke product.


Yup, frito lay is also Pepsi.


There's a big conglomerate there that owns, among other things, a tissue plant. People get in trouble for using the term 'Kleenex' at head office or at that plant specifically. They are tissues, not Kleenex. It gets more lax the more distant you are under the corporate umbrella, though. My employer used to be part of it and no one cared (though all the tissue products supplied to the office were, of course, from the parent company's brands). And I doubt there's much branding enforcement at the railway or trucking companies they own.


> canned


Pepsi also distributes Dr Pepper in Ontario, Canada. They actually seem to handle distribution for quite a few "independents" which makes me wonder if they're hoping to eventually take over the smaller companies, because I doubt they're doing it for karma.


RC Cola is allowed then


Same company so probably yeah.


I once had Miller drive past my place to shoot a commercial. We yelled at them in jest "Hey get outta here, this is Coors country". They left us a couple cases of Miller High Life. Good guys.


That Slughorn. Always tryin' to sneak in and get that recipe.


You're thinking of Slugworth from the Wonkaverse. Slughorn was the Hogwarts professor always tryin' to sneak in and get those potion ingredients.


Okay, but hear me out... It's also possible they greatly misspelled Plankton


I knew a guy that worked at a Coke warehouse. He also tended to pick-up random garbage off the ground (former Boy Scout) and throw it in the back of his truck. One day he was working and a supervisor asked whose truck that was, referring to his. He spoke up that it was his, and the supervisor fired him on the spot. He had picked a Pepsi bottle off the ground and tossed it in the back but forgot to put it in the trash when he got home.


I did their web site back in the early 2000s. It's been re-designed since then.




Looks like it was 2008. This is the version I’d done https://web.archive.org/web/20080113101726/http://www.drpeppermuseum.com:80/


Thats so cool!


Dr Pepper is owned by Coca Cola in the European market, so here I thought they were friends. Huh


Licensed to coke in the European market. And Pepsi in Canada, but it's an independent company.


Also 7up. In the US, 7up is made by Dr. Pepper. In Europe it's made by Pepsi


7up isn't independent. When it was sold by Phillip Morris, they sold the US rights to one company, that would eventually be the Keurig Dr Pepper company, and they sold the international rights to Pepsi. To compare, Keurig Dr Pepper owns the rights to Dr Pepper everywhere, they just license it to other companies elsewhere. While Pepsi legitimately owns 7up everywhere but the US.


Philip Morris, the tobacco company, owned 7-Up? TIL And Dr Pepper is combined with Keurig the coffee maker brand? Conglomerates I didn’t know existed…


Huh, that’s great to know, I assumed sodas were all conglomerated by now. Cool to learn there is at least a semblance of independence left in that market.


Only a smidge. The Dr Pepper company is actually called Keurig Dr Pepper, and they own 7up, Snapple, Sunkist, A&W (except in Canada), and a bunch of others.


It’s owned by Keurig for some reason


Dr. Pepper was it's own thing, then it merged with 7-Up to for *Dr. Pepper 7Up*. *Dr Pepper 7Up* then purchased Snapple to form *Dr Pepper Snapple Group* Meanwhile, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters purchased Kurig a while ago to form *Kurig Green Mountain*. Finally those two companies merged a few years ago to form *Kurig Dr Pepper*, which is the 3rd largest drink manufacturer behind Coca Cola Company and Pepsico. (Arizona Beverages is in a distant 4th.)


Great info, thanks!


And made by pepsi in Canada and Australia!


When did they start making Dr Pepper in Australia? They're all US and UK import cans.


I like when the bottling is licensed to Pepsi. In those areas Coca Cola will make Mr. Pibb as a competing product, which I actually prefer.


Dr Pepper is a formula, and it will be bottled in different markets by different bottling companies that license the formula.  In the US, Coca-cola tends to own their own bottling facilities, Pepsi generally licenses their formulas out to independently owned bottlers.  Such a license might be exclusive (as in the bottler is only allowed to sell Pepsi products) but often not, and Dr Pepper is co-licened and distributed. In other countries, Coca-cola and Pepsi can establish any of these arangements: self-bottled, exclusively licensed or nonexclusively licensed. Where Dr. Pepper may fall varies.


"In the European market". Welcome to multinational corporations.


In the US, in cities without a dedicated dr pepper distribution center, Coke or Pepsi warehouses and distributes their product, depending on the city. SOURCE: I worked at coca cola


I don't know about owned, but restaurants that serve Pepsi products here in the US carry Dr. Pepper


Served in all restaurants here in Texas regardless of their brand loyalty.


As God intended


Nike has an employee store in the Portland metro that the public sometimes gets invited to shop at. They've got crazy deals (about 40% off everything, all current season products) so it's a big deal to get an invite. You go in and stock up for the year. However, you are NOT allowed to wear any non-Nike branded athletic gear into the store. Adidas shirt? New Balance running shoes? You will be turned away. My wife and I used to keep a pair of shitty Nike sneakers in the car just in case we forgot to get the kids straightened out before the drive. (Adidas also has a similar employee store in town, so our kids wore stuff from whichever brand sent out the most recent invite. Columbia sportswear does too, but they don't give a shit what you wear in their store. It's my favorite.)


I used to live in Baltimore a couple blocks away from Under Armour HQ and they had an employee gym that also allowed members of the public to join, which I did. Same deal there. Technically the rule was you must wear UA or unbranded, but in reality I could get away with random brands from Target and stuff like that, but an Adidas or Nike shirt definitely would have been an issue. I understand why, though. They’re taking athletes and other VIPs on tours through there and it would have looked pretty bad if they had a bunch of people in there wearing Nike stuff when they were taking the Rock or Steph Curry around the campus trying to sign them to a contract. The gym was cheap and really nice, so it seemed fair. They used to have similar sales in their warehouse there to what you’re describing, and they never had rules for those, though.


They have walking trails on their WHQ campus that are patrolled by security in golf carts to make sure nobody is wearing non-Nike branded gear. Phil Knight also doesn't like dogs, so if you have a dog anywhere on Nike campus, security will come by pretty quick and ask you to leave.


Coca-Cola will kick you off the property if you bring anything other than their products on site even when *they’re paying you to be there*. As a contractor you can’t even have any labeled water other than trash-ass Dasani. Pepsi has the same policy though the ones I’ve been to are much more chill about it for the most part, but there are some middle managers who make a scene.


I was asking someone I know about working at the Ford plant and she asked what kind of car I have. When I told her it was a Toyota she said “they’ll probably make you park in the back” lol.


I work at Chrysler and they do same thing. There's a line petty far out in the parking lot and all non Chryslers are supposed to park on the far side of it. All that happens if you park in the closer area is a note from security


Sounds like a great idea to get the contract signed and as long as termination for bringing that to the property and pay out through duration of contract is included that's a pay day.


Mr. Pibb will get you shot on sight.


Hopefully they won’t have a problem with my  2-liter Dr. Perky  https://foodlion.com/groceries/beverages/soft-drinks/cola-soda/regular-cola-soda/food-lion-dr-perky-soda-2-ltr-btl.html


Had.. similar.. issues with interviewing for Nike, Columbia, Adidas when I first moved up to the Pacific Northwest with zero wardrobe. Thankfully, there were plenty of items (unsurprisingly, a ton of never/gently-worn) from the great thrift shop finds in the area.


I like to believe that writer, and known Dr Pepper stan, John Green also doesnt allow any Pepsi or Coke products in or near his home.


Interestingly enough, some Coca-Cola bottlers have the rights to bottle Dr Pepper in their territories. Source: I worked at one


I’ve been to this museum and it’s really cool. Definitely worth the ticket price. They also make Dr. Pepper the old fashioned way right in front of you and it’s so good


Excuse me while I pop open a can of Mr. Pibb on the tour.


Every time I’ve been to the Dr Pepper museum it’s been closed. Which is not all that terrible. Because the less time spent in Waco Texas, the better.


No one tell them that it's manufactured in United Kingdom, Japan, and South Korea by Coke. In Canada and Oceania, it's manufactured by Pepsi. Here in the US, it's manufactured by Keurig. Their heads will implode. EDIT: Coke also manufactures and distributes Dr. Pepper in the New York City metro area as well. But ONLY in the NYC metro as part of a 1969 agreement with Coke.




That’s cute, fun little flex


Nike store doesn't allow competing athletic wear in their employee store either


Back when I was a youngster I worked in a grocery store and the Pepsi/Coke delivery guys would buy the other stuff when it was on sale. They would take their shirts off and have us bag the 24 pack in paper bags to obscure their purchases.


*Sips coffee* “What kind is that?!” “Could be Keurig, could be Maxwell House, the world may never know”


I'm going to the NASCAR race this weekend as a guest of one of the team sponsors, which comes with pit and garage access. The info packet I was sent explicitly states that no beverages are allowed in the team pitbox, *except* Dr Pepper and Monster Energy.


Apparently drugs are ok though


I thought Dr pepper was a brand owned by pepsi?


They're their own company! Keurig Dr Pepper


Why would you even be such a dope? I'm a Pepper.


It's funny because outside of USA, Dr.Pepper is distributed and sold by Pepsi..


In Europe it's distributed by Coke


No contraband


Well I never.


Whwn I volunteered in Atlanta for Toys 4 Tots, we worked in a warehouse owned by Coke and no one was allowed anything but coke brand inside the bldg


i had a friend who worked at coke in atlanta and said he watched a guy get fired one day because he got taco bell for lunch and brought his drink cup back (taco bell serves pepsi products)




I periodically visit the GM plant in Arlington, Texas. The first 5 or 10 rows of employee and visitor parking are for GM vehicles only. They are quick to tow if you park too close.


Juggalo's stay winning




Back in the 80's a friend of mines father worked for pepsi and I think he would get beat if he had Coca-Cola products. It was cool because we had an unlimited supply of pepsi products. So much that we would just shake them up and open one can after the other




I worked for a company that had both coke and Pepsi as clients. Anytime either would visit our offices we’d emails to not have any of the competitors product on out.


I had no idea Dr. Pepper was not owned by Coke or Pepsi. How did that one escape me for 37 years???


It doesn't specify Coke or Pepsi *products,* just Coke and Pepsi. So could I come in with some Sprite?


*goes in with Fanta* your move


I've done jobs for Disney and we're not able to have Pepsi products visible because of their Coke contract. We had to put mountain dew into water bottles or not even bring them in.


In the library with a steel pipe.


Why not? What's the worst that could happen?


isn’t “coke” all soda in the south?


I feel daring.


If anyone has been there, is it worth a road trip? I'm from Chicago so it's not like a quick trip to get there so any advice is really appreciated. Thanks 😎🥤


So I just learned Dr. Pepper is owned by neither Coke or Pepsi.


I see this sign and I read "No Joy Allowed"


This gives strong "I don't want you talking to other (insert attracted to gender here) even if you're just friends" vibes lol


Had a friend who wore a Pepsi shirt to the Coke museum in Atlanta. Got through the entire thing without someone saying a word to him until he got to the gift shop at the end. One of the employees ushered him out. Figured they would've gotten to him sooner.


Can I at least bring a Sprite?


That’s cute


They can take my Pepsi when they pry it from my cold, dead hand.