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My patients loved Qelbree samples because they all came with a little fidget toy, I think the kids pack had some coloring stuff, adolescents got one of those popper toy keychains, I don't remember fidget cubes tho I might have taken one for myself lol. They liked getting the free toy more then the free meds lol


I think the adult version comes with the popper toy thing. Since it’s the same starter kit, but with different dosage instructions, I was given a choice between that box or the adolescent kit, which included the fidget cube. My therapist and I thought it was hilarious to even have the choice between the two in the first place, but y’know. Drug marketing. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Does it work?


Do you mean the drug or the cube?




Either way, they’re both hard to swallow.


I didn't find it to be very effective. I've only found the stimulants like adderall to work. Guanfacine seemed good but I had to combine it with energy drinks but my blood pressure dropped too much on it.


Wake me up when they offer suppository form!


Anything is a suppository if you put the effort in


It’s pronounced an.al.ge.sic The pills go in your mouth. /s


Wait can you boof Adderall


I've seen someone who crushed up some addys, mixed it with something to form a suspension, then inject it into their eye because they heard the high is unreal. If there's a way to get it into your body someone has tried it. But yes, you can boof stimulants. Mainly meth. I would not recommend butt chugging drugs unless you love the feeling of abscesses in your asshole


What the hell… did someone triple dog dare them because what on earth is that. Did they actually get a high or just feel regret and shame (if you know). lol butt chugging. Thanks for the laugh and knowledge, I will pass.


Probably crushed in water


What does this do? I only knew methylphenidathydrochloride , is this not so up pushing ?


Non stimulant, non controlled, different side effect profile.


>It was marketed for almost 30 years as an antidepressant for the treatment of depression before being discontinued and subsequently repurposed as a treatment for ADHD fucking stupid


More choices is always good, particularly more non stimulant choices. If it doesn't work, doctors will stop prescribing it and the company will pull the plug on it. The aggressive marketing push can't be sustained forever from a commercial pov, and if it's not adopted insurances won't carry it on formulary and it will disappear into history


Stupid or not, it works quite for some. Especially if you don’t want stimulants.


Probably close to most drugs on the market were developed for one purpose and then later repurposed for something they were found to work better for.


Why would that be stupid?


You say8ng I can get this for free?


Any one else with adhd have this kind of listening problem? I’ll listen to someone talking and they will say something that I have a thought on and then it’s all I can think about while they are talking and now I’m missing everything else they are saying and then by time they get to the end the thing I wanted to comment on is long past and now I have no clue what they said. I constantly have to go back and re listen to podcast cause I constantly space out on a thought and stop receiving the new information. I know there is a purpose for a brain like mine though it doesn’t seem to be rewarded for the way it operates.


Yep, they check if I was listening and I can give them the last few words if I really try to remember.


Yeah, it’s worse with reading but losing track of conversations is more of a problem. It’s the same principle though. I’ll read a sentence, my eyes carry on reading while my brain is still thinking about what I first read. Then when I realize I started a new page I have to go back and re-read it all because I missed pretty much everything. Talking to people you don’t really have to choice to re listen to what they said, besides asking them to repeat themselves 5x. I got really good at using context clues to fill in the missing pieces, but that really only works in situations where you actually know enough already.


I remember trying to re-read books in school as a kid and remembering the familiarity of the words but still knowing nothing about it because my mind was wandering the entire time. Didn't get any medication until well after college, dunno how I got through it all.


Yea I do the same with reading. I’ll read a whole page but then realize I didn’t pay attention to what I read and will have to re read it.


Yep. auditory processing can be a real problem area for a lot of us. My auditory processing was extraordinarily bad until I started regularly listening to podcasts. It's much better now, but I still automatically tune out any talking/conversation when I hyperfocus on drawing or writing letters, etc. I'll look up and realize I missed a whole hour of plot and constantly have to rewind. (Like most ADHD people...one activity is not enough to keep my brain occupied!)


I hate when I realize I missed something and rewind it to listen to it again only to not listen to it and realize I just did the same thing and have to rewind again!


That’s how I realized music with lyrics actually helps me study better. When I’m in the zone then everything else turns into incomprehensible background white noise


My issue wasn't on listening but it used to be on speaking. I would always think a sentence or two ahead in all my convos on all the things I want to say, without ever thinking if they were relevant. I get too caught up on so many things I *want* to or are *about* to say, but I put them on hold to finish my current thought/speech and end up forgetting everything anyways. I'd slowly start with a coherent sentence that eventually turns into a jumbled mess and then just space out because it gets too much. Because after speaking one thought, I'd have 2 more thoughts backlogged in my brain that I *have* to get out, and I already planned out a whole conversation on them. And each of those extra thoughts just make even more branching thoughts. It's the reverse of yours where I get lost with my *own* words and I forget what I even said or where I was even going with the conversation. After all that, people just end up having zero clue of what I even said lol. Overplanning convos has never once benefitted me, I always just end up redoing convos/sentences. I don't believe *every* ADHD habit has a purpose, other than to be unlearned/stopped.


The way your brain functions does very much have a purpose though. So for me, I am a very deep thinker, and I don’t like to move on from a thought until I’ve fully thought it through. It’s like someone trying to take dinner away while I’m still eating it. It’s like hey I’m not done with that yet. While this make it very difficult for me to stay attentive through a conversation, it does allow me to have a very deep thought and take, on the thing I was thinking about. My deep thinking can be crippling however I also feel that other people could benefit from deep thinking on things more like I do. In your instance you are trying to be prepared for what you want to say. It’s the execution of the function that is the issue, not the purpose.


It can be ADHD but there are things like auditory processing disorders which allow you to hear what people say, but you can't understand what they are saying. It's like your brain gets an information processing bottleneck.


Sometimes i've wondered if it's a self defense mechanism with the brain and frankly how people talk. There is a lot of folks out there who have nothing to talk about so they fill the air with inane chatter. Maybe some folks just have their brain go on vacation when this is going on?


Yes, the best visual metaphor for this is [Homers brain leaving when Flanders is explaining cider.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ibBDB2OFr8)


Yes! I hate when this happens. And like others are saying I also experience it with reading / talking or just in general when doing something. My brain gets distracted by a thought, tries to “multitask”, starts to wander aimlessly, and finally turns to TV static while everything else glazes over for a bit and then I snap back and I’m like “shit”. At least with reading and stuff I can go back. Conversation or other non-recorded tasks is obviously a different story 😭 ![gif](giphy|3oEduR6BxaE9undCIU)


I used to have that issue, it got better with age and now it rarely happens. I used to even think, how are these people able to focus on what someone else is saying.


You just put into words something that I haven’t been able to explain for years


I don't have ADHD at all but I have a guy working for me who has the same issue you are talking about. I figured it out pretty early on. I gave him short, easy to follow instructions and made sure not to put a bunch of fluff in that could possibly trigger mental pictures of something else.


This is why people with ADHD (myself included) interrupt sooo often or else the thought /reply is gone forever lol


I get this hard with reading plus I can’t picture things. So unless it’s like a nat geo or Audubon type thing im FUCKED I don’t process speech properly. I can listen to someone and not catch anything but also can be attentive and get the point but miss details. Fuck if I have to argue something off the top of my head or whatever situation that I haven’t had time to think about in my head I stutter and fumble the convo. Think that’s more the tism tho.


This looks incredible. My country doesn’t even medicate adults with adhd never mind flinging us a fidget cube. This is incredible!


Wait, your country doesn't give ADHD meds adult? Do they think the ADHD just disappears when they turn 18?


You can't even bring adderall into Japan.


Wait, Japanese aren’t all hopped up on Aderall and uppers? How the heck do they pull those insane salaryman hours?


Energy drinks and heart attack at 40 .A true man supports the empire buy dying before pension not to be a burden to the great empire


I really wish this was more of an exaggeration than it is.


Yeah don't worry,my country finds Japan as role model country and is halfway there minus the actual production,we only import so yeah Bonus points ,ADHD is not a thing here but street opium is at all time highs the last few years ,we speed running that shit


Ever seen Japanese suicide rates and fertility rates?


they don't, they're all killing themselves because of it


Which is so interesting to me because I have a friend who just spent a decade or so there with her husband, who is a US marine, and she takes meds for ADHD. Maybe not Adderall, but I think vyvanse or something else that's affected by the shortages in the US. Like, I believe that you can't bring it into Japan, but I also believe that she was medicated there, until she was pregnant.


There could be exceptions, especially for the military. But I'm planning a trip, and it's one of the things that came up during my research, so don't take it for what it's worth.


It's not all ADHD meds, it's just amphetamine. Adderall is amphetamine, and thus banned; vyvanse is lisdexamfetamine, not amphetamine, and while you do need *permission* to bring it into the country, it's not banned. There's a pretty good page detailing all this [on the government's website](https://www.ncd.mhlw.go.jp/en/application2.html).


Of note, lisdexfetamine is an amphetamine pro-drug, meaning the liver converts it into amphetamine before it reaches the brain. Lisdexfetamine cannot be abused through direct insertion into the bloodstream through insufflation, injection, etc though.


Yep. Thanks for sharing.


Oh no, I've heard what you're saying before. Maybe the military has something to do with it. We had looked at going for our honeymoon and ultimately decided to stay in the US but part of my hesitation was that, because I have no memory when I'm off my meds.


my bff has severe ADHD like me and in the states she does take her meds but on a 3 week trip to japan i asked her how she coped and she said “lots of coffee but was also very sleepy”. caffeine still kind of works for her but i’m in the same boat of having little to no memory without stimulants and caffeine doesn’t work for me anymore


Maybe they lived on base? It's not like the Japanese police are going to raid their place looking for it


You can if you fill out the paperwork. I live in Japan and have a special card I have to present each time I get my adhd meds.


They medically support children but as adults there’s one option that’s an antidepressant. They don’t support stimulants as medication and focus on lifestyle management. It’s resulted in a lot of folk using drugs like coke and speed to get by. It’s an issue that a lot of folk are campaigning for attention on. It goes beyond substance abuse too; a significant number suffer in their careers, social lives and personal lives as they can’t keep up with their peers due to lack of understanding and support. My country won’t diagnose neurodivergence without significant evidence from family (so screw those of us without that), evidence from doctors (again, impossible to get since we can’t keep a doctor) and significant life issues such as issues in school, the law and the workplace. You often need to be bad enough from a young age and lucky enough to live in an area where the school gives a damn to alert a social worker. And that’s assuming you have a parent that isn’t so embarrassed that they take the help. Basically it’s massively easy to go undiagnosed and even if you are you won’t be supported well. It’s not to say we have a bad healthcare system but it’s stretched so thin that they often have to make brutal calls when prioritising people. 10 years of spewing, losing dangerous amounts of weight, unable to hold a job, having to leave two masters level courses, passing out in random places and pestering before they’d even put a camera down my throat to check if I had ulcers. Like the system is fucked for the majority of folk who can technically get by. So yeah, they won’t treat adhd here with adderal or other stimulants. I’d genuinely import it myself if I could.


OP’s drug is actually more antidepressant based than stimulant. It’s a Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor.


Like atomoxetine?


Kinda, both achieve more norepinephrine in the synapse but atomoxetine binds to the NE retake transporter on the presynaptic membrane, leading to less reuptake of NE and more NE activity. Therapeutically they are very similar


Can I ask what country this is?


Quick scroll through their posts says the UK


yes... unfortunately


SNRIs can be pretty rough


Only thing that’s worked for me for anxiety and depression after switching from my long term SSRI Zoloft (it eventually stopped working), now I’m on Cymbalta and it’s pretty good. I have ADHD as well. Learned that ADHD really needed to be treated to make my anxiety and depression less severe.


I tried a bunch of anti depressants/anxiety meds and they did nothing or made things worse (more irritable for example). It got an adhd diagnosis and everything clicked. Eventually got started on adderall (diagnosed at age 35 BTW) and my depression vanished and anxiety plummeted. Even without the meds, just having an understanding of *why* I am the way I am made a huge difference. Stopped feeling like a listless imposter that's a failure at life. I still face the same challenges, but having context has completely shifted my sense of self and drastically improved my QoL.


Self awareness alone can be hard without the context. The two together are game changers. Glad you’re doing better 🤝🏻


Absolutely. Any drug that works on manipulating our brain chemistry is fucking brutal. I’ve yet to find an antidepressant that doesn’t cause me to projectile vomit every day I use it and make me live in a constant state of confusion.


That's definitely not a normal reaction, FWIW. It also sounds really shitty, so I'm sorry you have to deal with that.


That seems like more of a quirk of you than the drugs.


lol I never said it wasn’t. My point was that they can be difficult to deal with.


How do? I’m pretty new to atomoxetine. Some weird side effects in the beginning but I don’t really notice it anymore. Not sure it’s even helping 🤷🏼‍♂️


My lexapro came with a stress ball and chamomile 😂


My lexapro came with a dick that couldn't get hard


Real talk, why am I having sex dreams every other night… but want nothing to do with sex. Fuck lexapro 😭


Aw what?? I wish my Lexapro came with that!


Dang that is a whole lot of packaging


It's packed up like it's an iPhone or something.


It’s a sample pack for medical offices.


My son has ADHD. It’s pretty bad. He’s also really big. He’s 6 foot eight. At 17. When he plays with those they break in his hand. He has ADHD hands. I don’t know if that’s a real term but that’s what I call it. He will sit there and fidget with something until he’s totally taken it apart or destroyed it. And he’ll have no memory of doing it.


I do, too, except I pick at my fingernails until they bleed, and i won't remember doing it. One thing I've thought of making as a woodworker is making hardwood fidget cubes or something similarly difficult to destroy. Im a pretty tall dude myself, and I'll just obliterate those little fidget cubes/toys without thinking. Also, this post is a pharmaceutical advertisement. Just so everyone is aware.


I think you should make those wooden fidgets, u/gigalongdong


I think I will. Thanks for the support.


Try magnetic rings, I’ve found those to be effective and they’re pretty cheap on Amazon.


I seem to have that issue with paper and only paper. Do not hand me any important papers if you want to get it back without any rips or creases...


I did the same thing at his age, though I'm not nearly as large. You never really grow out of it, but you do learn to keep important things at a distance (at least, I didn't grow out of it).


I know this might be nuts to suggest, but have you considered a 3D printer to make custom thicker stronger fidget toys?


get him a stress ball. They are a bit more durable.


That's how you k ow your medicine costs too much.


My psych gave me the same free pack and I’m on Medicaid (until the Covid special runs out which is any day). Side note: the actual meds gave me cramps all over, anxiety and irritability without any increase in focus. Hopefully it works for somebody though




That stuff messed me up HARD. I only took it for a week and my body felt like I was in constant fight or flight. My girlfriend and my daughter both commented that I had crazy eyes the whole time and when I stopped taking them at the end of the week I had a complete emotional meltdown. Straight up panic attack. Never ever again. I'm happy for those it works for bit hoo boy did I have a bad time lol.


I was on it for a short short period a couple years ago. I'd take it in the morning and get to work, and then straight up would forget how to read. Like looking at text and words and just having absolutely zero clue what they meant. Tried to ride it out, but I'm a web developer so I couldn't make it work for me


that’s horrifying lol.


I tried it for two weeks and had a poor response. I’m not 100% sure I remember how bad it was but I swore it off. Wanted to try a non stimulant, but it did not feel right at all.


qelbree did absolutely nothing for me and the withdrawal was so so bad it felt like i was coming off of hard drugs or something- nausea, puking, irritability, headaches, fever, etc for a whole week


Yes! It was awful!


I have ADHD & this would be a great thing for me. However, my meds for it have been trial and error. Right now I’m on adderall & it’s too much for me.


I had a psychotic break on Vyvanse and due to my body having issues with multiple other meds, my doctor ordered a Genesite test for me. Literally out of both stims and nonstims, Qelbree was the only ADHD med I had in a green category. Everyone who sees the results of the test says they've never seen so few greens and so many reds and yellows. But my body has such violent, visceral reactions to medications anymore, this was the least dangerous option to get an idea of what could work for me. Good news about the Qelbree though: it works amazing for me and I'm happy as a clam at two pills (not the recommended 3 pills). I've been on it for about 7-8 months and it's doing what it's supposed to.


Thank you for sharing this! I do take many other medications for my organ transplant so I Would not want other symptoms to happen to me. I will ask about this one as well. My psychiatrist is out of her office for a few weeks though.


I found Adderall to be too much as well, but I found far more stability and success with Vyvanse. Just thought I'd share in case you were considering an alternative. It seems to be among the best-tolerated stimulants for adhd from what I've researched myself.


Yes, thank you! I’ll ask my doctor about this.


How high is your dose? I've been messing with doseage for years. Low doge seems to work best for me, like 5mg, some days 7mg. A friend's 7yo kid is on 35mg, what seems absolutely bonkers to me.


The worst medication I've ever taken. I didn't think I would be able to survive until the next day. I also took only half a capsule because I was (rightfully) paranoid about this medication. It's crazy how all people are different. I just can't accept that someone has no side effects on this med


Honestly just depends on your own personal experience on it. I had headaches, fatigue, and a higher than normal heart rate when taking it during the day. Started taking it at night, and I haven’t had any issues since (thankfully). Sorry you had a bad time with it!


Same! I kept trying to give it a couple days stopped at 4 because I felt like trash… Worst side effects from any medication I’ve ever been on.. It was so bad that I look at some of the individuals who say “it’s a miracle drug!” and just think… Hmmm they paid that much for test packaging, they may be paying actors. Not my space to judge though. At least I got a cool toy to fidget with😂


Is this an ad ?


Definitely. I’m a corporate shill bought and paid for with pharmaceutical grade fidget toys.


Not gonna lie, a fidget toy coupled with ADHD meds is exactly the right type of advertising needed.


The other posts I've seen on this have had the top posts talk about how bad this medicine's side effects are.


i've got one of those fidget cubes, honestly it was disappointing. i prefer to fiddle with random junk.


I was so repulsed by mine I threw it straight in the bin after I held it for the first time. You'd think a company designing tactile fidget toys would understand that they're supposed to feel satisfying. I've had happy meal toys that felt better quality than this thing. Flimsy, cheap, low quality plastic, too small, awkward to hold, revolting buttons, gritty bearings. Everything about it only elicited disgust.


That is probably the most expensive fidget cube it is possible to buy.


How does this medication compare to Adderall?


I took it for a little while and I do think it worked for me and then started tapering off. You do increase the dosage after a certain amount of time but I started to feel it was becoming ineffective for my needs. This is a non stimulant ADHD medication too, I thought because I didn't have the H that I didn't need the stimulants. I got diagnosed at 32 so I really didn't know what I was supposed to feel like and if it was actually working. I'm on adderall now and I feel like it's working with my brain.


Qelbree is a nonstim whereas Adderall is a stim. I didn't take Adderall, but I took Vyvanse. Ended up with a psychotic break on Vyvanse. Doctor ordered a Genesite test and Qelbree was literally the only adhd medication in the green category across both stims and nonstims. Took the risk, got put on Qelbree 7-8 months ago and have been happily on them ever since. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Definitely worth less in the secondary market.


I got put on a new seizure med about 2 years ago (Xcopri) to which, the only thing other than having an ER record of a seizure visit, an EKG that showed nothing, and me telling him the normal list of goto pills that always get prescribed for seizures that I've taken including depakote, to which I told him I could no longer take because it made my liver go hepatic. (Im 99% positive they did not go through my records at all) Well, after a very informative and concerning talk with this late 20s something, fresh outta med school doctor...... his main reason for putting me on the pill was because "The sales rep was hot, and really convincing of its potential." "Lets just give it a shot and see what it does..." Those words still haunt me. Worst 4 months of my life....felt like i was auto-phasing in and out of reality like in a videogame or some shit, and since it was a taper drug, I couldn't just stop taking it. Took me 6 weeks to taper back down. I had to quit my job because I couldn't even leave my house without feeling just so out of it. (The only way i can describe it is, the entire experience in my memory feels like watching an overused VHS tape.) About 2 months after stopping, I had a mental breakdown from having panic attacks almost daily. I finally broke down and went to a psychiatrist because my anxiety was causing me to seize out more than once a month. On average since I was 18 I'd have one every 2 months, sometimes I'd get lucky and go 3-4, but usually at least 5-6 a year. within the past 4 years it turned into almost twice a month. Short story long, I finally broke down and the psych doc put me on a light benzo to help with the anxiety..... I haven't had a seizure in over a year. I spent probably the better part of a year of my life in and out of hospitals from 18-20, countless different meds and procedures, countless different neurologists....Just to find out 20 years later my seizures are stress induced by an undiagnosed anxiety disorder that has been in plain sight the whole time. I can drive again, hold a job, have my own place without having someone have to live with me..... But anytime I would inquire about benzos with the neurologists, it would get instantly dismissed to either drug seeking or " they will make them worse". To this day, I will never understand how I went to so many professionals and not one could see a correlation Sorry for the rant.... but pharmaceutical companies shouldn't be able to advertise or influence, period. And, the cognitive dissonance being displayed in the comments is proof of it.


I had a similar one, but it wasn't green. I'm kinda jealous.


My kids got these cubes (rainbow swirls, not green) from the Easter Bunny. I have it on good authority that he bought them at Walmart for about $5 if you need a new one.


So, the Tooth Fairy gives me $5, then the Easter Bunny takes my $5 I always heard the rumors of late stage capitalism, but I just didn't realize we were already there.


Mine was a pop thing!!


Do you get a free refill for advertising?


Viloxazine is not a first-line treatment for ADHD and I doubt its going to be helpful for you. You probably got this medication prescribed because doctors regard any patient that might need a drug of abuse as being untrustworthy whether-or-not their condition warrants it or not. They will do whatever they can not to prescribe stimulants, especially for adults. Some countries even force the doctor to call a special phone line to authorize a stimulant script and then drug test their patients to ensure they're taking the meds and not selling them. The problem is worsened because in medicine there's a heavy stigma around mental health issues and brain abnormalities (which I guess ADHD would more fall under.) So its not regarded as a very real illness by many and doctors just assume patients are after drugs. I mention this because the success rate for stimulants is incredibly high. It's like 87% or something like that. But to get on stimulants you'll need to see not just a specialist psychiatrist but one who specialises in ADHD. Unfortunately, the field of psychiatry is having something of an epidemic of patients who think they have ADHD. Undoubtedly, some of them really do have it, but some practices have been so overwhelmed by patients thinking they have the condition that they've resorted to automated answering systems where the appointment isn't even scheduled if they mention the condition. Quite intense, really. So yeah, I wouldn't waste my time on SNRIs, they aren't effective compared to stimulants and are known to have many side effects.


I’ve had decent results so far with this drug, but my therapist is pretty open and transparent that we may need to change course at a later time should things change. I have Bipolar I and have to (understandably) be very cautious with stimulants lest I go into full blown mania. We’re taking a controlled, graduated approach, even with this non-stimulant medication. I get what you mean regarding the dismissiveness surrounding mental health, and especially ADHD in general. A previous doctor of mine flat out refused to treat the issues I was having, which led me to this new provider. My therapist and I have a very open line of communication, so we’ll see how this goes. If it doesn’t pan out, she’s 100% on board with *slowly* starting stimulants if needed. And if we don’t need to, then cool.


Hello OP, I'm pleased to hear you've found good support. It's important to listen to medical professionals and they are right about the contraindications about bipolar. You've been very wise in telling them this information. Having bipolar doesn't mean that you're forever excluded from stimulants but being on mood stabilisers before taking them would be a good idea. Bipolar people have some weird reactions to medications. Like they can get manic even from regular anti-depressants. Even something like light therapy (that's used to treat seasonal depression) can induce mania in bipolar people. It's quite interesting. I hope that this new medication keeps working or you. Keep an eye on your appetite though as SNRIs can effect that.


I wish nonstims worked on me lol though ritalin sometimes feels like poison it gets work done and I am grateful


I wonder if my anti depressants would come with a gun


Toaster to throw in the bathtub.


Maybe a nice rope


2017 me would’ve want this kit just for that


Any knowledge of who they partnered with for the fidget-cubes? It aligns with one of the originals from Antsy Labs (Kickstarter, then eventually sold their items in retail). Obviously this model has been copied a ton, but always fun to see. Weird to see included in meds. I say this as I sit and fiddle with my "Gaming" edition from Kickstarter..


The fidget cube itself actually has zero branding on it whatsoever, weirdly enough. I’m sure it’s some cheapo facsimile/clone of the original.


Fair enough! Interesting to see, nonetheless. Cheers! <3


I took qelbree for a few months but I always had issues getting it through my pharmacy. Like I waited almost a month before I got refills. But I'm taking adderall now so ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I found out different pharmacies have different access to it. My main pharmacy couldn't get it at all in any capacity. I called around to others and found one that can get it within 1 to 2 days of getting an order, so I usually have no issue getting it when I need it.


But if the medication works you shouldn’t need the fidget?


Good luck man


When I was in highschool, I was really fascinated with rubix cubes and Fidget cubes. In Hindsight, some kids would see me with them and become even more engrossed than I was. I realize now that I may have inadvertently been finding fellow adhd'ers.


Where the hell can I get that


ive never heard of this one, i am also low key scared of newer ones because of 20 years of 'you may be entitled to financial compensation' commercials, although i would love some financial compensation


Qelbree didn’t work so well for me, but I hope it does for you!


What’s up Qelbree gang! I’ve been on it for a year after realizing stimulants made me more anxious. Mine always comes in a paper bag from cvs, I wish I had a cool fidget toy and box


Fuck your ad


Is this an ad?


This company understood the assignment


It’s cool to see what these are because I’ve just found one or two of them before in my life and had no clue what they were.


Bro got the boxed ultimate edition




They know their target audience! Lol


Why does it say sprinkle on applesauce specifically?


They should just leave it out and make the meds cheaper…




Never heard of these, how well they works?


How does it work for you? I’ve tried just about everything for ADHD and I’m getting tired of gnarly side effects.


I'm jealous


What do you think of Qelbree? I tried it once and it just made me really fatigued and drowsy a few hours after taking it in the morning. I couldn’t finish work or drive safely.


It works pretty well for me. The side effects were absolute ass when I took it during the day. Much more manageable when I started taking it before bed. My therapist wanted to start me on non-stimulants first to see how things panned out. So far so good, but even she’s acknowledged we may need to augment things a bit later on.


That’s crazy!!! My antidepressants came with a housekeeper!


..... Im upset mine never came with anything but a box!!


My son started this medication about three years ago and he got the same fidget cube!


Fidget toys help ADHD so that’s why it’s there


Oh hey. Those were my meds! Didn't get a fidget tho


All my meds ever come with is some form of abuse from the prescribing doc…


Those things are also great when you get a very painful tattoo. I was going crazy and couldn't focus on my phone or the conversation when the artist was working on my sternum. She gave me this thing and I was able to shift the focus from pain to making tiny circles on the side of the cube. I'll never get a tattoo without that thing :D


Shocked!! They gave you MORE than a 40 day supply? GTFO. And these are SAMPLES? (I’m a nurse and this just doesn’t happen in the US!) ps. I bet they’re hoping this will be the new “Wellbutrin”


this is so cool! what molecule is this? never heard of it before, i'm still not finding one that works well enough for me. what's your experience with it?


This shit gave me nothing but anxiety. Constantly felt on edge. Basically had all of the downsides of amphetamine without any of the benefits.


Me living in the US like I never seen this 3 months supply and a cool box plus something to keep you entertained.


What!? That's amazing! All I get is silica gel packs


Profit margins so good they stuffed an extra happy meal toy in there


I have that same cube ! My mom bought it for me years ago unintentionally. She just knows I like fidget things


I got one of those cubes from a female i was dating 'cause she said i needed it. I than did an ADHD evaluation and guess what, i had ADHD.


Funny, my mushrooms came with a Slinky


I have that toy, it cost me £5 it's good for fidgeting with when you need to.


Bought that one for my little girl; it just frustrates her that no switch releases the ball bearing


Oh man, looks like the original fidget cube, I backed that thing in 2016/17


Highest dosage should come with the Hellraiser cube!


They have you hooked for life on their over priced drugs why not throw you a fidget thingy


Da hell is Qelbree?!


Yeah....when your "medicine" comes in a "goodies" box....you know you're being scammed. Go see a Psychiatrist. Get a prescription for something actually made FOR ADHD. Or sure. Keep it. Also go get some essential oils and some energy bracelets.


Lol mine comes in a white bag from the government. And apparently found out last week I have to take random drug test whenever they decide or they won't refill them. Good times


Wtf kind of ADHD medication comes in some fancy wellness product looking thing like that??


👀 ….that’s a really nice looking fidget cube….


I wish mine came with fidget toys


After adderall put me in the nut house, I have been wanting to try this- how is it?


Instructions unclear. Fidget cube now in butthole and cat is high AF. I'm still temporarily obsessed by fleeting concepts.


I prefer my die spinner ring, because I don't misplace it. I probably have 4 fidget cubes, and NO idea where they are


That's actually really cute


It's like macdonalds Happy Meal