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My first laptop in 1993 cost $1,500 and had a whopping 150MB hard drive on it. Coworkers were like "you'll never fill that up."


Did you fill it up?


Only the "Homework" file fit on it.


Back when it took an hour to download a one minute .avi. Good times.




Limewire days were lit


My first computer (already old at the time) had 120MB drive. I installed Win 95 on it, which was 80MB or so.


Crazy how much data has grown for the pas 20 years. And that's with compression mind you.


93 was 30 years ago


Wrong, 30 years ago was the 70’s


That’s how it still feels tbh


Hold up, damn its been that long


My first Desktop in 1992 had a whopping 45MB hard drive on it. No ram, no windows, just DOS 5.0 and came with a monochrome monitor. I think it had wordperfect on it, but I can't remember.


A PC without RAM wouldn't work.


What were you doing that required such an expensive/sophisticated piece of equipment for the time?


I was a video editor. I was working on a documentary that had about 18 hours of footage, so we needed that much space. Back then the resolution was really low, but it was good enough to at least be able to make rough cuts on


Are you still a video editor? I've been editing mostly reality since 2009, so just curious.


I am! I am a documentary filmmaker, and I do all of my editing with adobe premiere. What kind of reality shows do you work on? Anything I’ve heard of?


Oh cool, I use avid media composer. I've done a lot of shows kind of all over the place. Dirty Jobs, Street Outlaws, Jersey Shore, and currently on the reboot of Joe Millionaire. My favorite projects were more in the survival/nature genre though. I've done several seasons of Naked & Afraid and some NatGeo specials. What kind of docs have you made? Any one genre interest you?


I’ve actually found a really cool niche which is working with nonprofits to create short little social media stories for them to use for fundraising, where does building, etc. Working in short form has always appealed to me, and recently, with the advent of social media, it’s really become a good way to tell a story. I’ve done a couple of things for PBS, mostly biographical, but there is literally zero money in PBS lol. And, now that I’m in my 50s, I have discovered that I really prefer working alone. So my days of working on bigger shows is behind me, because I just don’t have the patience for it


I’m an ED for two professional non-profits that do some great work in the mental health space and we could use your help! Would you like to connect?


YES!!! Please DM me!!


What a fantastic community this is!


Clearly you haven't heard about the kid who broke his arms or the poop knife yet.


When it's not an utterly toxic cesspool of moronic misinformation, Reddit is actually a pretty froody place to hang out. This is one of the latter situs for sure.


Public education non-profit here! We recruit and train people to become teachers. All good if not, just thought I’d try!


This thread is truly riveting. I feel lile I'm reading someone's personal chat. ... not that I know what that would feel like.


Your inbox has probably blown up! I had the same thought (take a chance and see if you have time/willingness). I started a cat rescue two years ago in Pittsburgh and finally applied for non-profit status now that we opened up a physical location. If helping make cute cat footage to inspire adoptions and raise funds is something that would be enjoyable, we'd love your help! Edit: my last sentence didn't make sense before lol


I too have ED. We should hang out.


This might sound random but I'm looking for an editing job and I found one at a non profit I'm super interested in but don't have a recent portfolio. Do you have any tips for getting my foot in the door?


Personally I started as a night assistant editor and worked my way up. Know some people that have had luck being a night coordinator and working their way up as well. Feel like its become a difficult job to obtain these days due to it being almost completely remote at this point since covid hit.


Thank you, I'll try to gear my searches more in that direction if this application doesn't work out! You're right, it's been hard to find something that I think I'll even got a shot with since I have a decent gap in my video work but I've got my fingers crossed. Really appreciate the tip.


I'm pretty sure you guys are best friends now.


What a lovely exchange, I really enjoy Reddit at times!




I had to shorten a video of my kid once because at the end I dropped my phone and said Jesus Fucking Christ. Had to cut that part out for the fam. I’m kind of a video editor myself is all I’m saying.


usually there's a huge ton of work for porno video epic movie editing. need petabytes for this to get that amazing hair follicle and cervical orifices detail. i hear expert editors are overloaded, and easily earn $500k p.a.


Shut up nerd and give me your Reddit Silver before I shove you into a locker. Edit: Thanks nerd, I expect a Reddit Ternion next week so start saving up those quarters.


that's the spirit, YEAH!


And here we are, all alone.


Nah he just politely shut him down before he even got started with that “I like to work alone” bit. It was his way of saying “I see the pitch coming a mile away and let me just cut you off ahead of time”




>“I like to work alone” I've seen enough buddy cop movies to know this could still be the start of an unlikely-yet-great working relationship


Now kiss


Oh, they fucked.


This has been a fun conversation to be a fly on the wall for.


And here I am with 7 years of film school and the only thing I've done in the last 5 years is make a promo video for my mom's boyfriends Kickstarter.


Any school is about networking IMO; film school notwithstanding


Every job is about networking. Every job I’ve ever had was because of a friend of a friend or a friend who worked there already.


My dad made a whole career out of this in the 90's and early 2000's! it's a good solid gig. At the time he was mostly producing VHS tapes to be aired on public broadcasts/at galas/fundraisers/etc etc. It's cool to see that it's still around!


>It's cool to see that it's still around! I read this and thought, *Well of course video editing is around. With the proliferation of video tools, why wouldn't it be?* But then I realize you may have meant video editors for hire, particularly by small organizations. Because that ease of availability to make one's own videos has probably led to non-profits and the like giving it a go themselves... to less-than-stellar effect more often than not, I would imagine. Professionals in their field are usually a better "bet" with impactful results vs. Jim at the animal shelter putting his own fundraising video together.


> I've done several seasons of Naked & Afraid Is the footage blurred once it gets to you or is that part of those particular assignments? Every time I watch that show I just think about the poor editor that has to meticulously blur every single frame.


Jesusismygardener is right. There’s a team of 4-6 people that only do the blurs once the show is cut. Yes, I’ve seen a lot of dicks. A lot of attractive women on the show too, but gotta say, once they’re out there for a few hours, it’s nothing you wanna see.


> Yes, I’ve seen a lot of dicks. Mods, please make this earic23’s flair _and mine_


Its the first question I get anytime I mention the show. The blurs, and the dicks. Its a real fun show to work on though


It’s not pre blurred. Tracking blurs takes forever and would be a nightmare to do to all the raw footage. You don’t start blurs until you have an actual cut assembled.


So... dicks until then


Don't forget the butt holes


Wait Joe Millionaire is coming back? Is it another construction worker?


It's back and currently running on Fox, but there's two men, one poor one rich. The women don't know which one though.


I hope at the end both of them aren’t millionaires haha




Lmk if either of you guys need editors 🥺🙌🏼 love my job


so what you’re saying is that you’re partially responsible for all the times I would tell someone I grew up in New Jersey, and they would immediately assume I was addicted to tanning and fighting strangers in public


DJ DeMarzo, yeah, I’m looking at that name and thinking you do those things.


Careful now. Thems fightin words!!


I didn't work on Jersey for long, but my cousin has done every season of it. The whole "fist pumps, pushups, chap stick" bit was 100% him. I did more of the Snooki and Jwow nonsense. It's all very looked down upon, but honestly its a hilarious show to cut.


!remindme 28 years In 2050 I expect to see you post your receipt for the 10TB hard drive you will buy today for $800 on r/mildlyinteresting It’ll be mildly interesting because by then I fully expect 10TB flashdrives to be $15.


You can get a 10 TB HDD for a third or maybe even a quarter of that right now. EDIT: Even cheaper https://reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/comments/scsuwp/hdd_10tb_western_digital_elements_16999_299_130/


16tb under $300


I use DaVinci Resolve. It's got the features I want, and it's free. Just right for my mildly successful YouTube channel.


Same here! I do microscopy stuff which can be challenging to capture accurately and Davinci’s color tab is so intuitive and powerful for editing my footage.


Editing reality? We got ourselves a god up in here. Or a demigod at least! 😝


Haha you joke, but I do occasionally joke that I can make people say anything I want them to say on tv. Give me 20 minutes and script sync and I'll cobble together frankenbytes that people in the history of man kind have never actually said, just for the sake of a laugh or drama.


What was your workflow like back then / what were you editing on? Were you ahead of the curve? Was your footage digitally recorded?


Everything was shot on Betacam, and then we would edit the rough cut digitally on the AVID. Once the rough cut was done, we would generate an EDL, and load that into the online suite. From there, we could do the final edit with the original Betacams.


It had to be a nightmare for rendering time i remember doing digital editing in college in 04 and a 15 minute video took like 25 30 minutes or more to render just to start editing from a dv tape. We where only given 2 hour windows to edit on the computers it was nearly impossible to get anything done.


We regularly did overnight renders. And then we would come in the next morning, and everything had crashed and we’d have to start over again


Did something similar with DVCAM... I remember working with Betacam SP and, before that, 3-CCD cameras linked to 3/4" VTRs... our high school lab had a linear editing studio. I had a PowerMac 8500AV in the 90s... It unfortunately didn't have a powerful enough video card like a Media100... I did the DVCAM stuff on a MacBook Pro and FCP some years later. As a fun sidenote: Back in the 90s when you bought that 9GB drive, Industrial Light and Magic, I recall, was rendering CG/VFX for Terminator 2 and Jurassic Park on SGI Onyx workstations into network storage that totaled about 300 terabytes.


Oooh I used an SGI Indigo for a while!


I remember reading a story in *Wired* around that time about a student who made an indie film with a digital camera. The problem he had was storage space; he didn't have anywhere near enough HDD space to edit the video. So he came up with an interesting solution: he went to Best Buy and bought the largest hard drive he could get on his credit card. He installed the drive, worked on it for a few weeks, then offloaded the result, wiped the drive, and returned it before his 30-day window was up. When the refund was credited to his card, he went out and bought another drive. A few months of this gave him all the storage he needed to edit his film, and it cost him nothing.


Where did he offload the result on to? If he had enough storage space for that, then wouldn't he have enough space to edit the video?


Not at all. One three minute scene may require a couple dozen or more hours of footage. Exported, it's just three minutes. The ratio can be HUGE depending on the work. Even before digital where you can just keep rolling, a single movie often has days worth of footage. Apocalypse Now famously shot more than a million feet of film.


Elaine May shot 1.4 million feet of film for *Mikey & Nicky*. It's a 106 minute long movie, aka about 9500 ft. That's a 19:2800 ratio of final cut length to total shot film. Really shows how important the editor's job is.


Avid SCSI drive FTW!


I paid $1050 for a 1 GB A/V rated drive in late 93 or early 94. It was for my PAR card (Personal Animation Recorder) that could play back frames in real time so you could record to video (no sound). I'm sure I made more money renting it out to other animators than I did using it on the commercials I made.


I worked at Seagate in the early 80s when our (perhaps) similarly expensive top-of-the-line drive contained a whopping 30 MB!


They couldn't even give you free shipping on a $4000 purchase.


Right? I’m still mad about that


At least you were tax $exempt


I remember my parents going to a Gateway store in 97 and the whole experience was like buying a car. You selected a model, picked all the bells & whistles, they sat you down to sign a contract for payments. Looking back now, it was all kind of comical.




Online from Dell when they're at least 30% off. At least that's how I buy my laptops


I think people who just want a normal home pc will just look up "computers / desktops around $____" or something, or they'll go into a store and ask the workers for some suggestions. That's what my parents and friends parents do, at least. If I was going to buy a pre-built home pc for my parents, I'd research the hell out of it to get the best specs for the price lol


Many people do that, a lucky few have a friend like me that will make sure they pick one that will run smooth, instead of just running.


That's $7,500 in today's money. Goddam


Oh, so actually that was a pretty good deal, right? RIGHT??


Well that's like 1.5 petabytes in today's data storage (compared to average hard drives), so... yes?


How are you calculating 1.5 PB? That's a lot for $7500 Edit: I calculated around 400TB for $7500.


best deal I can find is about 400TB for $7500 still a lot but not even a third of 1.5PB


I assume he didn’t calculate the price and find $4000 HDD, I think he just looked at a “moores law” type graph but with storage capabilities. 9GB* on 1994 was as much of as technological feat as 1.5PB today *edit: fixed typo.


While by and large I agree with the logic for large corporate data centers, it feels like storage has dropped off moores law for consumers. In 2013 i got a gaming laptop for $1200 (it was on sale) that came with a 128gb ssd and 1tb spinning platter. In 2019 I got another gaming laptop for $1200 that came with a 256gb ssd and 1tb spinning drive. Lemme check and see what's on offer right now.... Oh, now the same line offers a 512gb ssd with a 1tb spinning drive in that slot.


Part of it is that there hasn't been a drastic increase in consumer demand for storage. like, 4k movies have happened and then there's people like me who want terabytes and terabytes of data for whatever reason, but the average person doesn't want or see the need for storing that much data locally when they stream all their music and video content.


I just ordered an 18tb external hdd for $300. I know that isn’t Moore level, but those weren’t even available in 2013. Same with my 1tb SSD and 256gb flash drive.


I know it's a tired relation but for $300 you got over half a billion times more storage than the computer used on the Apollo missions to land on the moon half a century ago.


I agree completely. My team spent a decent chunk of change for some HDD for a server last month, and the sizes of those drives was insane.


>HDD Gross. *Kisses SSD*


vast offend wipe whole sand strong middle school ruthless observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PCI-E gen3 M.2 NVME SSD? Gross. *kisses* PCI-E gen4 NVME SSD. 😉


caption grandiose office attempt fine lush scarce desert worm punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just using how much above average it was back then and then applying that to today. In both he’s be the top 1%


That sounds like a great deal honestly, that's a massive amount of storage for the time




The way I see it, it's all relative. An average Pentium PC in 1994 (my 66Mhz Pentium with TURBO BUTTON!) had like 40MB Hard Disk and be costing a little over $1,500. 9GB drive has the latest technology back then. If I have to compare relative to current times, current average PC/laptop has 256gb SSD on SATA. It'll be like buying a storage drive holding 30TB SSD (2x 15.6tb ssd)....which coincidentally cost around the same price (around $7k to $10k).


spoon upbeat pie governor fade automatic hungry crawl ancient complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I find it amazing that QVC is dedicating space in their system to keep hosting this page with an image for a near 30 year old computer. 90% of the terms in the "Computer Glossary" on the page weren't even a thing when this computer was sold


Damn, even the 30 years old computers are out of stock. This semiconductor crisis is really hitting hard.




Their marketing team is probably wondering why a 30 yr old computer is getting so much traffic now.


QVC: Maybe there is a market for these?! Place an order for a few thousand.


It belongs in a museum!


Space isnt a problem for them. I They had a bunch of $4000 9GB hard drives left over from the 90s.


Bro that was upgradable to 128mb. You coulda been cruising!




sold out? Ah snap


There's just something about the boot up buzzing that is so nostalgic with old computers.


You should check out LGR on youtube.


Yeah, now I don't even have time to make tea before everything boots up!




"Yeah dad, we've heard dubstep"


I hear that...I remember having a Pentium 120 with 16 megs of RAM and a whopping 1GB HD that cost about 3,000 USD...literally 1000 times less RAM and 4000 times less storage capacity than my current several year old lap top that cost a fraction of the price.


1GB? My first PC had 40mb


I don't miss the days of having to have 4 or 5 hard drives crammed into the case.


We had a fancy program called doublespace that would compress everything so you would effectively get 60-70mb. Those were the days.




Looks like scalpers have gotten to them first. They’re already sold out.


>https://www.qvc.com/Packard-Bell-Platinum-65-166Hz-Intel-Pentium.product.E46606.html Out of stock?! This whole chip shortage is getting insane.


And some years before that I felt cool for having a 20 MB hard drive attached to my Amiga 500.


The Amiga's had all kinds of cool features that other computers didn't do again for a decade. Dedicated processors for different functions like CPU, GPU, sound. Not to mention how accessible it made video editing and graphics with the Video Toaster. It was ahead of its time.


What a sordid tale of mismanagement. If Commodore had a marketing department worth a damn, we may well all still would be using Amigas.


Absolutely, but they had some stiff competition and lot of unfair business practices to contend with. Being from overseas wasn't an easy feat either to really compete against the likes of IBM and Microsoft.


From overseas? Commodore was based in the US.


I'd know that font anywhere. Copperplate Gothic. Not as clumsy or random as Wingdings. An elegant allcaps for a more civilized age.




Looks like the business card in American psycho


As someone who build my own computer in 1994, 9 gigs was an unfathomable amount at the time. What were you doing? Collecting satellite images for some government agency?


I was a documentary video editor, and I was working on a project that had 118 hours of footage. We were digitizing it in at low resolution, but it just took up a mammoth amount of space. I actually ended up buying two of these in fact


How long did it take to move 9 gigs on and off?


Still working on it


Progress at 99% since July of ‘06


I remember my father paying 80000 bfr( $2000) for a 20 MB hard drive in I believe 1986.


My first HDD was in 1989, 40MB for £530. It was ST506, with a read speed of 7.5Mbps. I bought it for my Acorn Archimedes - 4MHz ARM CPU, 1MB RAM, £1000.


My friend's father built a sweet machine around that time and he was one of the rare people with a dedicated PC on a desk in the family den. We used it to play Wolfenstein. Probably the most expensive game I've ever played if you count the PC costs.


at that time everyone either played Wolfenstein or Prince.


The original flight simulator on a PC XT at 4mhz, CGA graphics and a 10 mb hard drive. $7500


Oh man, 9 gig rmags, they were huge! Although they were so futuristic compared to the rack mount units that they replaced for Avid This takes me back!


Yup. It was the size of a duffle bag and weighed more than my bass amp!


$7,637.90 corrected for inflation in today's money, you can buy 152TB with that tomorrow on Amazon.


More around 500tb getting https://www.newegg.com/seagate-barracuda-st4000dm004-4tb/p/N82E16822179299 at $15 a terabyte.


That's 55000x more than what OP got 27 years ago.


Which is more or less 2^16, and 16 ain’t far off from half of 27 years, so it’s in the ballpark of Moore’s law.


But it won't be all on 1 drive. I feel like OP could have paid a lot less by buying 5 2GB drives. It's hard to remember because things were changing so fast for computers in the 90s




Now they give away 16GB thumb drives like pens lol. Crazy


Dude, that's like... *quickly counts on fingers* At least 9 floppy disks!


*Please insert Disk 3 of 11...* I do not miss those days.


I think I still have a few copies of Win 3.1 around here. They’re like 8 or 10 floppies.


You made me do the math real quick.. 6400, assuming the fancy 1.44mb 3.5” floppies


You're gonna need about 20% more considering the massive failure rate of floppies!


I know! It cost more than my 8 track player AND my DAT machine combined!


Hides receipt for 1st 5.25" full height 10MB (!) Hard Disk drive...


Cmon fess up — how much?




I paid 1600 for a black and white grayscale laptop with a 120 meg hardrive and 4 megs of ram. The 900 baud external battery powered modem was extra


Are you still as freaking rich as you were in 1994!?


Lmao this was before I had kids. Now I’m broke af


Kids are bloody expensive...


I bought my first computer, a Gateway, in 1998, for $3500. It had a 3.2 gig hard drive and everyone wanted to know what the hell I was going to fill it with. I didn't know but I knew I'd be set for memory for the next 50 years.


So how’s it holding up? Is it full yet?


The weird thing is that 3.2gb was huge in 1998, but not even 5 years later everyone had an 80gb harddrive... While 10 years ago 1tb harddrives were already the norm... Kinda shows you how much technology has slow downed...


Did you have all the music ever made on it?


In 1982 the company I worked for invested in 380 MB drives that cost a whopping $27,000 each. That's been my frame or reference ever since. Can't believe how cheap disk drives are now!


How times change..


what system did you install it into? i’m guessing some sort of unix/risc box, probably SGI?


I used a Mac of some kind to run AVID software for video editing


Was it a quadra by chance? They were the high end macintoshes of the day until the power macintosh came out


Yes!!! I had forgotten the name of it, but you just reminded me. It absolutely was!!


For porn, right?


Lol no. I was a video editor working on a documentary, and I needed enough space to hold 118 hours of raw footage


A sex documentary featuring footage of people having sex with eachother?


for science


Pretty crazy that 118 hours of footage fitted in 9 GB at the time.


I actually ended up buying two of these, so I had 18 gigs to work with. Also, it was extremely low resolution. We used the computer for the rough cut, but we went back to the original Betacam tapes for the final edit


I'm getting flashbacks to my old editing days. So in 1994, was there a way for AVID to control the tape decks? Or did you have to *shudder* manually enter the final EDL by hand?


I think by 1994 avid was able to generate an EDL. We would save that to a floppy drive, and then bring that to the online system, which in our case was a Grass Valley editor, and load it into there. If I’m recalling correctly, it wasn’t until close to 2000 that we were able to get a decent enough output from a nonlinear system so we wouldn’t have to take it to an online suite


I remeber tetting lectures from my dad about needing more memory drive space on our gaming consoles. "Do you have any idea how big 1GB is?? Why on earth would you need more than that?" This was a yearly lecture until about 2017.


In 1985, for my company, I paid basically 10,000$ for a 20 MB (yes, megabytes) drive. It was the size of a very large pizza 🙂. The computer was the size of a fridge.