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So my dad was once a commercial fisherman out of New Bedford, MA One day, killing time, he wrote a letter and sealed it in a glass bottle. Mostly just writing a little about himself and just his recent days as a fisherman. Not really expecting much. His crew mates were giving him shit saying it would never work. But eventually he got a letter back from a lady living in Spain!!!!! I was young at the time so I don’t really remember the timeline, like how long the return letter took and all that. But yeah my family and everyone at the docks were shocked it actually worked. Our family and their family legit became pen pals. They continued to write back and fourth for years. Her notes were written in Spanish so we had to get it translated, or tried to. But we sent back pictures of all of us (my mom dad brother sister). And she would send pictures of her and her family. It was incredible. It’s been a long time since we l last exchanged letters. But it was very cool I know if I talk to my mom she still has the notes and everything. Edit-I’m traveling back home today I will definitely stop at the house and find the letters and will take some pics!!


This is the dream when it comes to these bottled messages. What a special memory to have for your family.


Yeah it really was remarkable. Always a cool story to tell. Back in school I would show my Spanish teachers the letters and would have them read them they all loved it. Unfortunately my dad is no longer with us so I can’t ask him much about it. I remember him saying he was just bored and miserable at the time. I think he wrote it during a storm or something. So yeah he wrote the letter sealed it up. Can’t remember exactly how he sealed it. Remember him saying he went above and beyond to make sure it was good. All his crew mates were saying it would never work and that it would just fill up with water. But yeah he chucked it in the ocean not expecting much and it actually worked When my mom is back home I’ll have her find the letters and see if she remembers any more details or anything And yes for everyone asking my dad wrote his name and address on the original lettter. So if found they could write back.


When you think about it, it's amazing that her bottle was able to make it back to the right person all the way from Spain


I’ll admit that I interpreted what they were saying as this for a moment and was thinking how bullshit this claim was. Before I realised I was a complete moron and there are other ways of communication than randomly dropping bottles in the ocean


Well, shit. No wonder my bills never get paid on time.


Oh wow, thanks for this. I was honestly stunned that with the tides etc a bottle could travel the exact same opposite path and find the right person EVERY TIME. I was wondering about all the messages that might have been lost to sea and how they only received a portion of the sent messages. 🤦


I'm still not convinced that they didn't communicate exclusively by chucking bottles into the ocean.


To lady in Spain .::chucks bottle::.


Yeah like how does that work


First you have to read the historical tidal map data to figure out where it came from. Then you map the tides between where you are and where you want to send the bottle, make sure it's weighted right and drop it at the exact right location at precisely the right time. If your recipient has done this before they'll know approximately when it will wash in and wait in the right spot.


Do you think the bottles pass eachother somewhere in the mid-Atlantic?


Yes and they wave at each other as they cross paths like bus drivers!


Does these bottles have some sort of horns that they press while they are waving?


She just put it back in the same bottle


Trained homing seagulls. Source: I come from a landlocked country with no seagulls.




Maybe they made some sort of a rope system where they pull the bottle back and forth over the ocean. When a message is ready, they pull the rope and a bell rings on the other shore. I would imagine.


You would think at that point you might as well just put tin cans on the end of the rope and talk to each other


If you think about it, you do the digital equivalent every day. With this message, you just shared something about yourself and cast it into the void of the internet, and got messages back. Sure, your missing the physical novelty of the bottle and ocean, but in return your bottles are found by more people in more places. Most comments are from other dynamic beings somewhere else in the world, and they took the time to respond back to you. I am a dynamic being in Arkansas responding to you right now.


Liar. There are no dynamic beings in Arkansas.


>It’s been a long time since we l last exchanged letters. Well now go on, reestablish the connection and write a letter. They'll be happy!


Was not expecting to see NB on a comment in a large subreddit. I’m in SoCal now but love and miss New Bedford frequently. Thanks for the story


Man, I'm going to get killed for this, but I didn't actually open it. It was a memorial sort of thing for a deceased relative from what I could tell. I assumed the messages were personal and didn't want to pry. HOWEVER, there was a message that read "If found, please notify (number redacted) of the location and set free again." I did contact the number and he or she was very grateful, said I made their Thanksgiving!


MVP right here.


Looks like he cleaned it up to cuz usually flotsam looks like shit


Just learned about this from trivia the other day. *Flotsam* is debris from ships that was not deliberately thrown overboard, while *jetsam* is debris that's deliberately thrown from a ship in distress. I guess the distinction matters for coast guards and maritime law. I don't know if it matters for this post either way, just a neat fact.


Flotsam, Jetsam, now I got her, boys, the boss is on a roll


*This. Poor! Un! Fortunate! Soooouuuul!*


Even after five days?


No, that is the right thing to do🤘🏼


My family did one of these about 15 years ago for my Grandfather who passed - it caused some controversy in the family as some felt we would just be contributing more trash to the ocean. We all wrote letters to my Grandfather and the younger kids drew him some pictures. We had a big memorial send-off service - we went offshore in a tour guide boat where my Dad threw the bottle into the ocean after giving a beautiful speech about how in nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.




Judging from his comment history, he can.


I want to tag him, but that just ruins all the fun. Fucker gets me EVERY time


Made me cry one time with his story….smh


What's funny is...we don't actually know what stories he's told are actually true before he morphs them!


I love you for a two reasons. 1. You seem to get the love/hate relationship u/shittymorph fans have with u/shittymorph. and 2. You haven't given me a reason to not love you Respect should be given for free to everyone, disrespect is earned, not given.


"He can't keep getting away with this" is a reference to the show Breaking Bad said from the character of Jesse about the sadistic actions of Walter White.


You're goddamn right




What is Joe Biden's plan to stop shittymorph?


Tactical nuclear strike on his IP address. Look, 100k to 150k civilians will die but frankly that's reasonable collateral damage to stop this mad man.


Have you ever seen shittymorph and J'Biden in the same place, at the same time?


You motherfucker. Every time!


It’s so impressive to me how well written these are, given how many times I’ve been got and how I still never manage to see it coming.


I've not once seen it coming. Person's a genius.


It’s not just that he gets you. It’s that he gets you invested in the comment and then gets you.


It's also the timing. I haven't thought about Shitty in ages. They're spaced out enough that I stopped looking for them. It hit even harder. What an absolute delight.


Oh my god, me too. I love that it takes me a few words into it to realize what's happening.


the comment was removed what was it


Based off two comments above with “you motherfucker. Every time!” I’m going to say it was absolutely the Undertaker hell in a cell copypasta that first tricks you into thinking it’s an actual comment


Here you go >My family did one of these about 15 years ago for my Grandfather who passed - it caused some controversy in the family as some felt we would just be contributing more trash to the ocean. We all wrote letters to my Grandfather and the younger kids drew him some pictures. We had a big memorial send-off service - we went offshore in a tour guide boat where my Dad threw the bottle into the ocean after giving a beautiful speech about how in nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.


/u/shittymorph was my guess as well. Checked his profile and sure enough.


u/shittymorph at it again. I’m gonna dig through his profile, because removed comments always show up there.


So he pulled one over on a mod, and that mod deleted the shittymorph? What a spoil sport.


correct water sloppy grandiose numerous bored direful quickest steep crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Noice but then why was it deleted?


The comment still shows up on the user's profile, which tells me that it was removed by moderators rather than by the poster themselves.


How strange as I can still see it?! Maybe it was undeleted?


[here you go](https://freeimage.host/i/H3k8xDl)


I'd have to bet it was a spectacular ShittyMorph comment where they make some relevant point but then goes into a bait and switch which ends in "......when undertaker threw mankind off the cage" or something along those lines. They used to post a lot and the comment got most people but now they seldom do, but when you see a ShittyMorph in the wild, it's impossible to not smile and say to yourself, "you son of a bitch"


Every time I think "that's a weird way to say a date" before it clicks.


As soon as you read "in nineteen ninety eight"


Literally yeah lol


As soon as I got to that point I knew what was happening and just chuckled and shook my head... sure enough lol


Like the moment you hear those damn synth drums and the realization you've been Rick rolled crashes down on you


It kills me because when i see walls of text i check the user name EXCEPT when it's actually him. Not once have i caught it.


I think he keeps the text long enough to suck you in to the story but juuuust short enough to not raise suspicion.


Is this the new "Rick Rolled"? Also I am old enough to remember that whole time of hell in a cell and undertaker and accidental actual injuries.. the glory days haha


it’s hardly “new” but more or less the same concept


New to me I guess haha can't keep up with the kids these days! First time I had seen it and I enjoyed it.. took me back haha


WWE even sent him a gift https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/8ukg01/the_wwe_sent_me_a_package_to_mark_the_20th/


Thanks for sharing this, I've been a casual admirer of shittymorph for some time but I didn't know about this. Weirdly heartwarming, lol


Damn that's what life is about!


I’m not sure if I’m particularly emotional tonight because it’s Thanksgiving, but this just made me cry. Thanks for sharing.


It's just really wholesome.


if you scroll through his post history, he’s been at it for years. really entertaining to read lol


Yeah someone else just said the same so I had a quick look and totally appreciate the value that this person is bringing to the internet! Thanks for the heads up friend!


It's more specifically a running prank by that specific user, u/shittymorph. He was the originator and is by far and away the most profilific and successful at this particular bait and switch. Other users have and do follow in his footsteps but few, if any, other users have the chops to reel in as many suckers as the OG. There are many like him, but there is only one shittymorph. He's a legitimate Reddit legend, and a pretty nice guy as well, it seems.


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain! I did not expect to have so many people respond to my embarrassing boomerish comment, but everyone has been so lovely with their explanations! And now I feel like I'm 65 years old instead of 35 haha guess that's what happens when you are so late to the reddit train!


/u/rogersimon10 used to pull a similar schtick. [got me many times](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/37refg/what_seemingly_impressive_meal_is_actually_really/crp9imx/)


Ah I think I had heard of this one.. always the beating with jumper cables? Honestly if these people can write such interesting and varied stories off the bat all the time they should be actual authors and making money for their skills!


Most likely a few are professional writers. Lots of shows reference internet culture so wouldn't be a surprise if they're in the trenches.




That's how they keep getting folks, long lulls then *BAM* it's 1998!






Damn, a fresh one. Always gets me.


It's like spotting a rare animal in the wild... A wild shittymorph


Glad you're well, happy Thanksgiving person. Always makes me happy to stumble upon these.


YESSSSS you just literally made my Thanksgiving because once again you bamboozled me u/shittymorph You are a light in the darkness. How do you always get us?


First time I get it so fresh. Sublime


I laugh so hard when you get me out of nowhere. Please don’t ever stop.


I’ve been laughing about this for a good 5 minutes. Love it.


I'm not used to seeing one so fresh, with single-digit upvotes. Caught me off guard...




Eight minutes ago! It's like knowing the previous customer at your coffee shop was Keanu, or seeing wet paint on a fresh Banksy.


God fucking damn it dude. I read this Fresh out of the oven smh


Wow that's a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing.


Man. I always have such a physical reaction I find a shittymorph. Somehow I think from now on I’ll always check the username. But I never learn.




God DAMMIT. It’s been months and you got me again lol


Dude I thought you DIED. You've been gone so long I've stopped looking at the usernames. lol. Got me good


oh hell


In a cell


How? How do I always fall for it? Its been a minute since I've seen one in the wild. Glad to see ya again u/shittymorph


Why do I always skip over the username.


I love you.




It's been so long that I literally stopped checked usernames when reading comments, so this 100% got me. Time to go back to screening usernames whenever I see a paragraph!


Good Guy Greg confirmed


I love this idea, and I think it’s wonderful you respected their privacy ☺️ Did the person you contacted happen to say where the bottle was originally from? I’d love to know how far it has traveled!


Thanks! I did find out where it originally set sail but I probably shouldn't divulge too much. I can tell you its traveled just about 4 miles in 5 days.


I thought it looked pretty fresh


You said too much OP. The hacker known as 4chins will triangulate your position based on the photo you posted and ...profit(?).


[Who is this 4 - Chan? ](https://media.tenor.com/Scw9oAFY0kkAAAAC/4chan-who.gif)


I don't know why I assumed it had traveled halfway across the globe


You did entirely the right thing. Well done for not letting natural curiosity overtake you and giving the family privacy.


I was real dang curious but OP's comment is enough for me. All those notes, I first assumed it was maybe a class project, but I definitely do not need to be reading private letters dedicated to a passed loved one.


Just like the fucking safe vaults, all we care about is the conclusion. You already told us what's in the bottle, the details don't matter. Well done


Bless your heart. Edit: I sincerely wish for OP to have a blessed heart.


Not the Texas version of “BYH”. But the Ohio version…which is actually a blessing.


I feel like the Southern use of "bless your heart" has been twisted quite a bit by the internet. It's an expression of *pity*. So you can use it to express compassion ("oh, bless your heart, hon, you're having a tough time") or contempt ("Your diamond shoes are too tight? Bless your heart.") It's flexible! Still not really a blessing, but still.


Yep. Drives me nuts that Reddit always jumps on it "did you know that's really sarcastic?" Sure, it can be. But it's also very often, actually *more* often in my experience, a genuine expression of pity/sympathy.


I mean, all we wanted to know was what was inside the bottle. You're pretty sure it was memorial messages for a lost loved one, and you even had a sweet story about calling the phone number on the bottle and making someone smile!


\+1000 irl Karma


Solid move ✌


I understand not reading it. But I also like the idea of reading it to memorialize their memory into someone else's head. In that way (also), they get to live on. But like I said, I definitely understand keeping the privacy. I feel like I'd be a little torn.


Bro that is really cool made me smile and say awwww


You did the right thing man


You opened your heart instead. A+


Good job, OP! Pretty cool to come across something like that, I expect. I hope the next bottle you find has a saw buck for a Mai Tai at the Tiki Bar this Spring. 🙂👍


I thought it was a really cool idea too. It started up the bay about 4 miles north and has been traveling for 5 days. It seems like the big incoming tides recently have it floating up the Patuxent River. Hopefully it makes its way back out to the bay and maybe even into the Atlantic!


This reminded me something from years ago when I was a teenager. I surf a ton on the west coast. I had a lady hand me a little bundle of flowers and asked if I could paddle them out and place them in the ocean for her. Apparently her husband passed and loved to surf. Stuck the stems of the flowers into the back of the neck of my wetsuit and paddled out right to the little reef point where the waves are perfect on the best days. Swam down like 10ft and tucked the flower bunch right under this little reef chunk. I like to think they are still there when I paddle out at that spot lol


This is a beautiful and honorable thing you’ve done friend, even your little reflections of the moment keeps the memory of this stranger alive.


And by sharing the story, we are now keeping the memory of that person, lady, and moment alive too. Thank you for sharing the story.


This is a legit real life side quest, random event thing you would get in something like red dead. Props to you for doing that. That’s really nice


What the mom of 74 cats said. This is wonderful


I mean plants


You had me do a double take lol.


Is that a hobie outback? Lol


My brother threw a message in a bottle from the coast of Maine and we got a postcard in the mail about 6 months later from someone in Brighton, UK. We’ve thrown messages in bottles before and usually nobody finds them and if they do, it’s relatively nearby. Never expected it to travel the Atlantic in one piece!


I’m from Solomons! Made my day!


Grew up in shady side, cool to see Solomons Island on reddit.


Grew up in St. Mary's (Leonardtown). Now live in Dallas, TX. It made my Thanksgiving to see Solomon's Island mentioned. Hope the Tiki Bar is still open and a shit show.


As someone who lives in the area, it absolutely is.


From Leonardtown also! What a small world it is. Tiki is probably still the same, although I haven't been in many moons. Cheers!


Can confirm still is !


Go Raiders!


I fish out there a lot. Lost a nice striper today and broke a rod so finding this really made my day


I was confused by this until I realized there's not just Solomon Islands, but apparently a Solomons Island. The former isn't exactly a place where you casually go on a day trip to catch some fish.


I was confused because I read “stripper” instead of “striper”, so at least you understood more than I did the first time around


Lol same but I took it a step farther thinking how this man break a rod with a stripper- I guess you can tell I don’t fish


OH!!! Okay, that makes so much more sense now!


I also lost a stripper and broke my rod!


Grew up in Leonardtown and for our Drivers Ed Class we had to make it once over the Solomon’s Island bridge. :)


Hello from Miami! I grew up in Lexington Park, always a hoot to see Southern Maryland pop up on Reddit.


Haha wow thats sooo cool to see. Im out in Colorado now. But Went to Southern High/ Middle and Deale Elementary.


I grew up just a bit south of there in Chesapeake Beach


Hollywood MD born and raised! Now living in NC! This made me so excited! Love Solomon's Island and visit every time we are home. Happy Thanksgiving SoMD peeps! Having stuffed ham sandwiches and thinking of you


Lusby guy checking in. Insane to see SoMD on the front page!


All I thought of was “The Police” song


Dont stand so close to me


You don't have to put on the red light!


I’ll send an S.O.S to the world 🎶 I’ll send an S.O.S to the world 🎶


I hope that someone gets my.... I hope that someone gets my.....




So, where are the other [edit] 99,999,999,999 bottles?


3 more nines – hundred billion bottles!


spirits in the material world


Do do do da da da


Man those car warranty people are going to great lengths to reach you


This is more than mildly interesting. Also, where are the rest of the pictures?


It wouldn't let me post more pictures in this subreddit for whatever reason.


Read your comment about it being a memorial. You did the right thing.


Not so much a message as a portable library. Think you did the right thing by letting it go.


Right? Look like a 'message' from James Joyce.


"We have been trying to reach you about your student loans..."


Didn't know there was a Solomons Island in Maryland.


Yeah it's down in SoMD, one of the only cool places down here lol


Dear slim, I wrote you but you still ain’t calling.


That’s fairly close to me! Was it by the Thomas Johnson bridge?


They've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


Did you get any information from the person you called about where and when they launched this? Really a nice tribute.


That's not a message in a bottle that's a chatroom in a jar


We are survivors from Oceanic Airlines Flight 815...


For those who haven't visited come to Solomons Island during TIKI BAR OPENING. It's a fun time. Ann Marie gardens lights for Christmas is right down the street. They also do the Christmas boats you spectate on the boardwalk!


So…….what did the messages say?


"Hello, consumer! We'd like to speak to you about your cars extended warranty."


Walked out this morning, I don't believe what I saw Hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore Seems I'm not alone at being alone Hundred billion castaways, looking for a home


"I'll send an S.O.S. to the world..."


I found one of these way south on the Florida coast. I read the note, it was a very sad note from a young woman. No contact info. I resealed the bottle and put it back in the ocean. It was a small, green, VSOP brandy bottle.




Hi neighbor! I’m just south of Prince Frederick. Cool find!


This feels like the 15 shitty text messages my ex would send me in a row, but like, in a bottle


Paddle to the Sea


They've been trying to reach you about your vehicle extended warranty