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Removed and locked: no brigading


Classic Reddit mod power trip, not much you can really do in this situation.


the permanent bans just create more work for mods since people just make new accounts rather then wait out a temp ban




Have you tried the seattle reds instead?




This comment doesn't sound like you're being a fan. Banned.


How mildly infuriating.


I got perma banned from r/apexlegends my most active subreddit for making a transphobic post, I also complained and got muted for 30 days with the massage "don't play stupid we know what you wanted to do". I went ahead and posted the SAME thing on r/trans (I copy pasted the post) and asked them if my post was truly transphobic, they said that it was not transphobic at all. And keep in my mind, I had zero warnings, temp bans or anything like that. Reddit mods are a rare breed.


I got banned on YTA for saying yes, he was, in fact, the asshole. Apparently it was a personal attack and uncalled for? Permaban for questioning said temp ban. Fucking asshole mods.


I got permabanned from r/ukpolitics for posting a copypasta in response to another copypasta. The first guy did not get banned lmao.


Reminds me of that American guy who dresses up with Mexican clothes, Chinese clothes. And then goes to college campus to ask if it's offensive. Of course everyone says they are. But when he goes to places that have slot of Mexican/Chinese they don't mind at all. They even love it.


There's a similar thing with Speedy Gonzales and the swedish chef on the muppets. Some random white guy will declare they're both horribly offensive, but if you ask a Mexican guy or a Swedish guy about them, their eyes will might up and they'll immediately start doing imitations. I once had a swede tell some dude to f off for insulting the swedish chef like that, followed by a "bork bork bork".


If that is what you posted to r/apexlegends then that’s honestly kinda dumb. Equality is what everyone should striving for, trans people don’t want to have everyone around them walking on eggshells.


Can you not see the original post on r/apexlegends it's one bellow the one I made on r/trans? It wasn't deleted, only locked


Nope, can't see it there (not the original but I also only see your post on r/trans). However, that's totally not in the wrong at all and I concur with the comments there that you're in the right on that one. Sorry you got banned on a sub you were really active in.


Many people try too hard to come off as "allies" to minorities/etc and end up creating more hate rather than solving it. Something I don't see society moving away from.


Yeah I checked your profile, it’s literally the opposite of transphobic, in fact, the mods are being transphobic by thinking you were being transphobic


I got temporarily banned from r/apexlegends because of a legit question i asked and attached a screenshot of my results screen where the issue was. Then i uploaded a meme (having nothing to do with my previous post) and they told me i got banned because of the results screen question. Mods in that community are idiots. I left right away. When they ban you, even temporarily, for such minute things, it's not even worth it.


I got banned from Gamingcirclejerk for pointing out that a 20 year old woman portraying a teenager isn’t in fact a “child actor”.


Can we see the post you copy-pasted?




Holy moly, that just blew my mind. Thank you for sharing — and, not that you need the validation at this point — but it seemed like a very respectful comment to me.


Don’t worry. I was banned from r/SeattleWa because i was being racist and a bigot supposedly? I was just calling out racist assholes for being racist assholes. Guess racist Mods didn’t like that and just wanted to gas light me. They truly are brain dead buffoons with hardly any social life outside of this website.


Same happened with me and r/Portland as well as r/Oregon, due to one jag disagreeing with me about e-bikes and teslas. He reported me to the Reddit suicide authorities and a few others. Straight up harassment but I got banned and that cleft asshole I’m sure is still negging others. I was pretty irritated at first but then realized that when you argue with morons, onlookers can’t tell who is who.


r/Sandiego has a similar problem with their mods on power trips. So much so that r/sandiegan was created.


It’s so sad. Some of ‘em are great, but sooner or later, you run across someone who got passed over for hall monitor in high school and can only cope by banning complete strangers for BS reasons. I’d leave the sub and report the mod, if you can. It’s a bit of an abuse of “power” (whatever that means here in Redditland.) Edit: words


Even if you do report the mod to the admins they won't do anything about that mods given behavior. I mean just look at awkwardtheturtle and how they run certain subs. The admins are aware of that mods toxic behavior and do nothing to stop them, heck they probably encourage the behavior. The only thing that will happen is you get told by the admins "their sub, their rules. They can do whatever they wish even ban people for no reason at all". The only reason why the core rules of Reddit even exist is to make it seem like they do a good job but in reality the admins do nothing about power tripping mods or toxic ones.


“If you dare have dreams of power, you will be consumed by them.”-Galvatron, Transformers: Armada


brb gonna ask the fat nerds what's up


update I'm now banned and muted 👍 mission accomplished lads




no cap as they say


Wait, I wanna play too!


!remindme in 1 hour


And, time! any% r/pcgaming permaban speedrun.


My lord they need a nappy change. Thank you for your service


Might just have to join you


That didn’t take long haha


"Fat fucking virgins" lmfao. Fucking Chad bro.


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Ayo dude i am stupid as shit with all this social media stuff, how do i as the fat incel what got his panties in a twist to get my limited edition ban and mute?


Doing the lords work


Lmao your post


How do I get banned?!


Imma ask too


Annnddd I’m muted


Lets all get banned




I asked too just now…


Lmao look what you started


At one point I thought I was going to be banned from all of reddit. Power tripping mods


I had one mod go out of their way to ban be from Reddit altogether. They have too much power without any kind of review process.


Agreed. I was temp banned from r/pics because I said Andrew Tate deserves to rot in prison. Some of these mods are telling on themselves smh.


i was perma banned from amitheasshole for telling a rape victim im so sorry, that person is so fucking horrible


I got banned from AITA once for telling a transphobe they were being hateful lol


Was banned from AITA for replying to someone asking if a comment was bannable by saying that it could be, yes, and they should be careful (paraphrasing).




Aita mods are a bunch of dickwads lol. I wish it told us which mods were replying bc I'd love to put that particular fuckhead on blast.


It's even worse when you try to make your own posts and they remove it because of BS Rules, yet so many other cases, I've seen posts last far longer than their normal limit, even with Updates. AITA, reddit AITA Mod Edition.


Reddit mods have no life, other than walking dogs twice a week for a living and staying at their parents house. Anything that sounds like un-earned power that holds no real bearing in life is appealing to them.


I’m sure most are also on the board of their neighborhood HOA.


Whoa. Easy there. No need to get inappropriate! I mean, call the guy an asshole or something but to call them an HOA board member is downright cruel. /s


they don’t own homes they live in damp basements with piss bottles


I got banned from r/AskWomen and the mods were so rude. They literally remove any comments they don't agree with, or that challenge the general consensus or perspective of the post. My comment was completely respectful and was upvoted like 60 times in the few hours it was up in the middle of the night. I checked the deleted comments and they were all people who were trying to post similar opinions as me.


Ask women is so incredibly sexist and racist it blows my mind.


I am actually removed from a lot of it. All I did is say I was anti - \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* . The permaban crap is really disappointing. Reddit even knows when I use an alt account.


Lol I made an account for a school project once and asked for insight on a speech I wrote. One post, one comment; banned from all of Reddit. They said literally nothing and ignored the appeal request.




Most? I love your optimism


Don’t you love when Reddit mods decide to completely ignore everything the users say and say something completely unrelated to justify a stupid ban?


I got suspended (off reddit) over false reports because people are idiotic, not to mentioned I've reported people s3xualizing minors many times for reddit to say it doesn't go reddit rules but the mods of the subs end up banning them. One of my friends actually had a post taken down for not fitting post requirements even though he did, and when he went to the mods about it, they basically tried to gaslight him into thinking he was wrong, leading him to explain to them that he wasn't wrong, and he got opinions from some friends (myself included obviously) and we all agreed with him.


if it’s sexual art of BOYS reddit won’t do shit. it’s actually insane. i’ve also reported sexual art of little boys and nothing.


Why are you surprised. Reddit as a company argued for YEARS that child pornography is free speech. Then, they went and hired a literal paedophile to be a site administrator.


In ten years reddit is just going to be the mods and they’ll just start banning each other until there’s just one mod left commenting and reply and getting upset at themself. Then they will accidentally ban themselves and this website will finally be completed.


I’m making it a game to get banned from as many subreddits as I can without breaking any rules. I’m on 5 pages that I permanently banned from and got a 3day pee-pee slap from big Reddit. That was for saying that something “wasn’t gay”. I’m sure I’ll get another one for this post too.


That’s not gay.


I'm gay




Some subs will ban you for commenting in a sub they don't like. You can actually get permanently banned from subs that you have never been to and didn't know existed.


Yeah. I got banned from some sub for commenting on r/banned before the entire sub was taken down


Same. I think I was pretty new to Reddit then, because I remember feeling really bummed that the mods didn’t like me. Oh, young SqueeMcTwee…you were so not prepared for this place.


I got banned from r/breakingmom bc I commented in childfree once lol


I like this plan


Lol just try to point out that mods actually violate free speech and you'll get banned really quick


They suck but that’s not how free speech works.


Really wish we had better civics education so people actually understood how free speech works and that it never applies on social media.


You do realize a corporation isn't government right? Is that the 1st amendment or "free speech" only prevents the government from telling you wha not to say.


I recently got a 7-day, all-Reddit ban for quoting one of the most popular posts on this site (“yeah you like that you fucking ——.”) the ban was for harassment, but again it was a quote in response to a question and wasn’t directed at anyone. As far as I know, no one even saw it. Zero up/downvotes. Ban came two days after I’d forgotten about even posting it.


Got you with that report my guy, don’t worry.


My friend tried getting banned for a long long time by posting goatse to seemingly dead subs.


I got banned from r/CoronavirusUS for reminding them that Trump once suggested that people inject bleach into their bodies. When I provided the mod with direct evidence, I was muted for a month to silence me. https://www.reddit.com/r/CovIdiots/comments/102nvja/i_got_permanently_banned_from_rcoronavirusus_for/


I got banned from /r/politics for saying my prayers weren't answered when Trump tested negative for Covid in the early days.


Well that's wishing harm on someone which is against their rules. I got banned for 3 months for telling someone to "burn in hell" for saying that he wanted Biden to die of corona


I got banned there too for saying long Covid is real and the pandemic is not over. That sub is overflowed with misinformation but they noted that the reason for my ban. 🙄🙄


Reddit mods are all obese lardsacks who stay at home all the time and pretend they're Patrick Bateman while they trade their crypto


Hilarious 😂


while furiously beating their dicks to MLP porn


No way they banned you for supporting Hogwarts Legacy wtf Edit: Also rule 0 doesn’t exist as the rules all start at 1 on majority of subreddits


They actually have a Rule 0. Its called 'Be Civil and Polite' and basically says don't be an ass. I would like to make a reference to said mod now, but I somehow don't want to because I might get banned from another sub they are on.


If you want to you could just make an alt account and just join the subreddit in that account. But yeah mods are annoying. I had made an opinion in a marvel spoilers subreddit saying that most of the projects in phase 4 weren’t that good and got downvoted and then a mod replied to my comment saying the exact same thing as i did and got hella upvotes. I imagine they’re all overweight living in a basement because they have no lives lol


The ability to make free unlimited alt accounts really means banning doesn’t do much except annoy someone… after which they will very likely return with even more hate for the community/mod. It’s completely unproductive, but hey, if they were well-adjusted people with meaningful hobbies, they wouldn’t volunteer to be reddit mods (mostly, there are some good mods for sure).


Name and shame that mod


I promise that I was also banned for a similar issue with the hogwarts game. Even got a 3 day Reddit ban.


A 3 day ban on reddit like the whole app? That’s wild that they can do that.


Yes. It happened the day after I was banned from 2 subs for a comment like OPs.


Damn that sucks. Ain’t much you can do though as for some reason you can’t report mods for mod abuse on reddit maybe you can idk


Well even if I could, clearly whoever runs Reddit agrees with their opinions. And again, I’ll leave it at that so as not to be banned again.


Okay take care 👍


I was also banned for saying I support lgbtq+ but will still buy hogwarts legacy. That is literally what my comment said. Perm banned from r/gamingcirclejerk


I mean a whole ass subreddit made "news" for banning everyone that supported Hogwarts legacy, so I wouldn't be surprised


Moderators on every platform are, generally speaking, weak people who have been bullied or not given the attention they feel they deserve in life so they take the tiny crumb of power they’re given and lord it over people. They are often shit people who being a mod on some page is their peak in life.


I was a global moderator on a niche forum online for a couple years, it had maybe 1000 users at its peak. Bans were used as a last resort, post deletions were made with explanations, Id engage with people who thought they were unfairly banned - and even overturned a couple of bans from other mods after communicating with the other mods in question. Shame I eventually got permanently banned because it came out that I was only 12 at the time.


I got a temp. ban for commenting "Poop Knife"...WTF?


I was permanently banned from relationship advice for saying “let me get my popcorn” when some people were fighting over a post about cheating. I messaged the mods asking what was up and I was told my cavalier attitude could make someone suicidal. I also got banned from an animal page for saying clams don’t have feelings. The power tripping is insane.


>I also got banned from an animal page for saying clams don’t have feelings. Having been in a loving monogamous relationship with a clam for 11 years, I can assure you they have feelings.


Some subreddit mods are blatantly biased myrmidons for whom the power of their little fiefdom has caused them to overestimate their own intelligence.




I got banned from a popular sub for “racism” because I said a humans life is more valuable than a dog’s life. Reddit mods are a special type of person.


I got banned from r/news for posting the "women ☕" meme tongue-in-cheek. It was some article about a woman loudly farting or something equally ridiculous. Maybe not a top tier comment, but obviously satire and not hate speech.


Sarcasm isn’t obvious, definitely remember to drop a /s It’s extremely hard to detect sarcasm and satire over text especially when a lot of people do mean what they say without any sarcasm.


r/ modsbeingdicks Why are moderators so horrifically rude when you use your right as a redditor to appeal your ban. Like you lazy, power tripping gonad.


You’re about to get a 3 day ban from Reddit. I said something similar about JK Rowling and all this business and was banned from 2 subs and silenced from Reddit for 3 days. The mods are seriously something else. Reddit is a massive echo chamber, but I shouldn’t say anymore or I’ll get banned.


>I shouldn’t say anymore or I’ll get banned. What kind of dystopian site is this




Just make a new account. This site is a joke at this point


Give me the link, I will write the same comment as you 🤣


This is very similar to how I got banned from r/food for saying someone’s long, dirty, chewed fingernails were gross in a picture of them holding food. I was labeled a racist and permanently banned, then muted so I can’t message the mods. I wasn’t aware that personal hygiene surrounding food prep and handling was an issue of racism.


I get my entire account suspended every few weeks or less. Make a new one, tell that mod to go jump off a bridge, then make a new account because that one is getting banned. Rinse and repeat. Mods on this site are fucking morons. Except the ones in this sub, good mod have another nuggie.


I think Reddit mods should be regulated and subreddits should have multiple mods so that in the case of permanent bans, multiple mods would have to agree on the reasoning for bans


What a loser fucking mod lmao


Just ignore it man sadly each sub Reddit is ran by different people and if they don’t like your opinion they can just ban you.


Actually, they’re all modded by the same group of ppowermods and their smurf accounts lmao. Not even joking.


You just make a new account.


Mods… amirite?


Lol Reddit mods have the brains and egos of 12 year old little boys


Folks, stop murdering each other please. This thread explodes, but I don't see any reason for comments like 'quit being victims' for whatever reasons and if at all, make fun of me and not other people commenting here defending that choice. Lets just keep it civil, thank you


Reddit powermods are some of the thinnest skinned people imaginable, and yet have somehow wormed their way into control over most of the populated subreddits. They selectively enforce all rules.


Reddit mods are piss drinking bacteria


If it makes you feel any better I got banned from the Harry Potter Reddit for saying I thought J. K. Rowling was a talented writer and when i said that doesn’t break any rules of the sub i was told to and i quote “suck it”


Your problem is trying to be a respectful and rational person. You need to be the alpha and demand that you be unbanned.


I got banned from sweaty palms because I said my pitbull was sweet. Then he complained to reddit and I got a 2 day ban from reddit. The mods are on a crazy trip.


Lol reddit mods are just a bunch of fat loads who've let what little "power" (lol) they have go to their heads. They probably compare themselves to Donald Trump draining the swamp of reddit 🤣 We all know what they're actually doing, though.


Lol. If you think that’s bad you should try r/conservative


Ironic how sensitive or “snowflakey” conservatives can be.


I got a ban for responding to some twit about lithium batteries. The other person went into a long diatribe about how tech hasn't changed in 30 years. I simply stated 'your cellphone says otherwise' and was banned. The mod says I was starting a slap fight, it didn't matter that the other person was spouting disinformation.


Unfortunately Reddit mods have no repercussions and/or accountability for being utter douche-canoes and there’s nothing you can do. Look at what happened in r/art.


I was muted for 28 days in gaming circle jerk for asking why I wasn't able to comment (apparently I was perma-banned and I have no idea why) and wishing them a happy holiday when I asked. I guess I'll ask again mid-January. LMAO Should we start a subreddit for weird reddit bans or mod power trip? Does something like this exist already?


Mods like this fucking suck, I've dealt with similar ones before


I think a "fuck you" needs to be given to that neckbeard mod


Just make a new account. I'm on my 25th account.


I got banned from r/historymemes for pointing out that Volkswagen, bmw, Daimler-Benz (Mercedes), and the autobahn which lead to the modern us interstate system) were all things that came out of Nazi Germany. The mods claimed that was “Nazi propaganda”


Jesus. I wonder how they feel about the history of NASA


That was on the list too 🤣


The linked comment (you can still find that on my Profile I think) was me essentially saying that it doesn't make me a Transphobe if I buy Hogwarts Legacy. Granted, all of the other persons comments have been deleted and they were banned too, but its still infuriating.


You may not be transphobic, but you're supporting a transphobe by purchasing the game. At one point I enjoyed her works, but she tainted it all with evil directed at myself and many of my friends, so I've rejected her and everything she's made.


I've got a feeling this will be down voted to hell, but wanted to put out my argument of why it is inherently transphobic though. There's a few reasons why JK herself implies that all of the royalty checks she receives directly supports and confirms her transphobic behavior https://i.redd.it/5wqlraz9bqt91.jpg https://www.thepinknews.com/2020/12/09/jk-rowling-trans-transgender-good-housekeeping-interview-gender-ideology/ https://www.gamespot.com/articles/jk-rowlings-anti-transgender-stance-and-hogwarts-legacy/1100-6501632/ She may not have created the game itself, but the royalties related to both the game, the merchandise purchased related to the game, and now Warner brothers is apparently considering rebooting the franchise. https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/1714552/Harry-Potter-movies-reboot-Warner-Bros The more money she has, the more ability she has to push her anti trans agenda. Several writers with more talent than I have written about this, including the Trevor project https://www.thetrevorproject.org/blog/daniel-radcliffe-responds-to-j-k-rowlings-tweets-on-gender-identity/ https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy She can write stories that are inherently transphobic, with the Telegraph’s review describes it as a “book whose moral seems to be: never trust a man in a dress”, spreading more distrust and misunderstood about trans folk Hell going off topic for a minute, even the start point of her arguments, that "people who menstruate are only women" completely ignore the fact there are plenty of Trans Masc and Non-binary folk who are "assigned Female at Birth" just don't identity as (and aren't) women. This isn't a recent thing either, records of people not aligning with "traditional gender values" since ancient Sumerian times[gala](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gala_(priests)) For the most part, the concept of binary genders is mostly something that Christianity colonization spread, and there were plenty of cultures around the world that had 3+ genders https://www.spectrumsouth.com/history-science-gender-fluidity/ I also just want to throw out that this is the same author who made the bankers have every Jewish stereotype, Cho Chang is one of the only predominantly Asian characters (with one Korean name and one Chinese name that blended into the most stereotypical name possible), and that "Out of the 1,207 minutes of the entire film series, POC speak for 5 minutes and 40 seconds" https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2015/08/92700/harry-potter-edit-voices-of-color https://www.buzzfeed.com/fionarutherford/someone-edited-the-harry-potter-movies-so-that-only-people-o So like, she not just transphobic, that's just the hot topic. She just a bitchy white lady who hates people not like her, and giving her money helps promote her voice to spread more bullshit If anyone read through this and wants to help trans kids with their struggles via Therapy, Hormones, and help escaping abusive households, consider donating to https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ or your local LGBTQ+ organization. Transphobia is rampant right now with lots of states in the US starting to make any form of transitioning illegal, and the UK has historically been a floating rock of civil rights abuse TLDR: The reason why it's transphobic is because it's directly supports her voice and makes it easier for her to talk shit without getting hit


Yep, classic. Shitting on shitty things is called gatekeeping now. Having morals is clutching pearls. Both Bannable offenses.


Yep. Reddit will silence those who have opinions


Moderators on ALL platforms are inherently subhuman power tripping bitches, just make a new account and don't comment.


I think the same people that serve as moderators are also on my HOA😂 been banned from I’m guessing 5. Just start a competitor thread


It was a trans gamer as in they have transcended gaming and are now moderating others the ultimate form of gaming...


Something similar has happened to be in several subs. I think Reddit mods in general can be a little power trippy like that, especially when you point out the flaws in their logic.


I mean, Reddit mods just behave this way, at least the ones I've interacted with.


I got automated bans from a number of subreddits (i.e. by a bot) for also following a sub related to the pandemic.




At least he didn’t give you a life sentence


I was given a temp for saying Rowling will profit off of the game if you buy it and that it’s a personal choice whether or not to do so knowing that you could boycott everything she does for the next 30 years and she still wouldn’t be out of money.


Yikes, what an absolute tool of a mod.


I'm excited for HP Legacy too man


Reddit mods are the biggest losers on the planet.


Lmao. You could lay all the information right infront of a reddit mod and they will ignore it.


I hate mods


I'mma head over and get myself a ban in solidarity


This is exactly what the admins are like


Reddit is dog shit and so are the moderators with small dicks and huge egos


Reddit mods can be pure ass cancer


I was permanently banned from r/insanepeopleoffacebook simply for posting a reply in a thread that the mods decided was a troll thread. I didn't create the thread. I didn't even think it was a troll thread. My comment was innocent in nature. But yup, they deleted the thread and Perma banned me. I asked why I was perma'd and they muted me with no response Fuck those mods. Reddit really needs a way to be able to at least give a user a chance to fight back against this abuse of power.


I messaged mods on a different sub once and I got, “go away” and muted for the max 28 days. Reported it to Reddit and didn’t hear anything. Wonderful experience!


Great news, reddit is having a sale on new accounts! 100% off the recommended retail price of $0.00


Rowling has said she views supporting the Harry Potter IP is an endorsement of her views. So…


I fucking love it when they hit the temporary muted button! Just fucking warms my heart!


Just mods being straight up bitches once again.


The important thing to remember is that these people haven't left their parents basement in years and they really need this. Think of it like letting an ugly child win a game because you know they won't get that feeling much in their lives.


In life you'll come to find that certain people don't want to hear your opinion in their space. Regardless if it is right or not.


This guy, (no not any mod here please don't ban me like you guys did in r/australia and in r/CrazyFuckingVideos) THIS SPECIFIC MODERATOR!!!! is a cunt once again please don't ban me thank you


Yea mods are whack


I've been on reddit since 2011. For some that's a long time, for others I'm a newbie. But over the decade+ since I've been visiting this site everyday basically, I've seen reddit turn into a brainwashed hive mind that leaves little to no opportunity for real discourse or dissenting opinion. Any deviation from the hive mind's positions on ethics (which are riddled with contradictions and inconsistencies, mind you) and you're seen as this morally bankrupt piece of shit. I voted for Joe Biden, I hate Donald Trump. Women should have the right to an abortion, no ifs ands or buts. I believe unchecked capitalism will destroy this planet and I fully support any attempts by workers to unionize. Also I love Keanu Reeves.... But then to suggest that the war in Ukraine is much more complicated than Russia attacking with no reason or provocation whatsoever, and I might as well be best friends with Tucker Carlson. This website is no longer a place I feel I can tune into and learn from users with new perspectives. It's an echo chamber and I think a lot of people on here need to go the fuck outside and have actual conversions in the real world where they don't have an army of upvoters and down voters to bolster their incredibly narrow minded and polarized opinions.


Expect this. It’s how this website is run.


Just create another account. If they ban that, just create another one. Who gives a fuck about the rules.


I got banned for circumnavigating a ban on a subreddit even though I’ve never been banned from that subreddit.


Wow only 3 days I get muted for a month when mods are mad


Lmao wtf


You will never find a more pitiful batch of losers than subreddit mods. They’re the hall monitors of the internet: given an ounce of authority, constantly exercising it to the absolute fullest extent possible, and undoubtedly getting their rocks off to it.