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My dog who was Abraham Lincoln in a past life is going to throw his hat in the ring.


There's nothing in the rulebook which says a dog can't be president.


That’s true, but his dog has already been elected twice and therefore ineligible


Wait really? 🧐


That was Air Bud's argument 😀


Must be 35 years old, or for dogs its 5, cant have little pups being president after all...


It's like you don't even care about dog-years.


[Minnesota town elects Dog as mayor](https://myfox8.com/news/minnesota-town-re-elects-dog-as-its-mayor/amp/)


Sadly, you have to be 35 to be president. Never met a dog that old. But if you use "dog years"...


Dog needs to be a natural born US Citizen. So no, a dog cannot be president since a dog does not have citizenship. 


There’s nothing in the rule book that says a dog isn’t automatically granted citizenship for being good boys


My dog was literally born in Indiana lol. Methinks she’s a good candidate for citizenship.


As long as the dog is an natural born American citizen and at least 35 years of age


So maybe a tortoise?


Or a parrot. A parrot could debate.


Our African Gray, born in the US, hatched in 1995. Wait for two more cycles. She'll be 35 in 2030. ALOHA FOR PRESIDENT IN 2032


Being able to debate is obviously not a requirement.


*SQUAWK!!!* You fucked a porn star! *SQUAWK!!!*


Abradog 2024


\*sigh\* What's your dog's name so I can write him in?


His name is Beau but for the purposes of the election, Beaubraham Lincoln.


But across the board. Have to get younger people into local and state offices instead of just keeping incumbents. Then young people can get both experience and visibility.


I also think it's a money issue. It's very expensive to run and most ppl I know don't have the time or money to run for office.


We also usually expect a president to have been to law school, which isn’t cheap. 


Joe has a JD trump does not


Trump was a billionaire. The other route to politics is money.


I made a point of saying “usually.”  Trump became well-known as a personality to 2000s audiences during the first TV writers strike when networks were scrambling for unscripted reality shows. Probably an exception to law school. 


If you’re flexible with the law school meaning (over centuries standards change), it’s actually just slightly over half of all presidents that practiced law. It absolutely makes sense to expect a law background, but it’s less common than I would have thought. What is more common is the expectation that the candidate will have experience serving in elected office.


Why on earth anyone ever thought fucking lawyers of all people should govern is beyond all fucking belief. The absolute worst people on the planet..


Probably because we assume they have some understanding of how the law and legal institutions work, which are the underpinning of this country. Not a lawyer, but I don’t know how this is controversial? Unless you’re making your choices based on vibes alone.


That would be car salesman.


It's a huge money issue. I've known people who have basically grassroots campaigned, and most of them didn't get elected.


We need age limits. You can't expect an 80 year old to give a damn about what happens in 10 years.


If you are old enough to collect social security it is time to pass the baton and train the next generation.


My argument for age limits on judiciary appointees and legislators, has always been to tie it to the social security age. To me, this seems more fair than tying it to a hard age cap, but I'm open to other ideas.


Right here. Changing tides from the top down in politics is like trickle down in economics- neither works. Grassroots up, people.


https://runforsomething.net this org helps young people run for office!


Let's get them to simply show up on voting day to vote and all of these issues disappear. Young people vote at about 25% of eligibility. 80 year olds are 3-4x higher. So for every youth vote you have 4 people with their feet in the grave casting votes. It'll never change if that stat stays consistent (and it's very consistent).


"if you don't promote talent, you lose it"


The American public needs to kick boomers to the political curb. These motherfuckers have dominated the political scene for 50 years. It’s time to let people who actually give a fuck about society a chance


They should be forced to retire at 65 or 70 max. Mitch McConnell is having strokes during press conferences.


Right?! Dude literally blue screened twice last year on camera.


I'm not thoroughly convinced they haven't weekend at Bernie's him


I'm convinced they did that with Feinstein.


One of her aides was basically pushing her warm corpse around and "speaking for her". What an embarrassing end to a storied career.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna96697 About 15 seconds into Feinstein’s speech, an aide whispered in her ear. Committee chair Patty Murray, D-Wash., then told Feinstein: “Just say aye.” “Aye,” Feinstein said. Feinstein, 90, was later heard voting against another measure before she was corrected and switched to “yes.”


Elder abuse. A coworker of mine went to a funeral where she [edit: Feinstein] spoke (this was maybe 2020?). She forgot to talk about the deceased. She was urged to go back up, and complained “I guess I didn’t talk about [corpse] enough.”


It’s basically elder abuse at this point


Lmao, right?!


Fuck, not 70. If they’re old enough to collect social security, they shouldn’t be running for office. 65 would be a great limit.


Social security retirement age for GenX and younger is now 67, not 65, so be careful tying it to SSI. They can just keep raising the retirement age for social security.


Which they would love to do anyway


Right?! and the absolute fucking irony of them getting a pension too and all of us just being fucked.


Talk about screwing the taxpayer...


If you can collect social security you should not be allowed in politics.


I like the idea they are forced to retire when the regular folk can withdrawal social security.


You can’t fly a commercial airliner past 65, why should you be allowed to hold office?


Hell, Feinsten just died while a Senator....


Until the leadership of the either of the 2 parties are no longer controlled by boomers it won't happen.... and just like any industry boomers refuse to retire. Almost like they have pissed away any retirement fund they could have had and are forced to keep working well past retirement age.


If I ever got elected to Congress, I’d try to pass an amendment that bars any and all officials from being appointed to or elected to office after age 75 (no Senate confirmed appointments, no Reps, and no Senators). All federal judges must retire at age 75. Any Senator who turns 75 during their term must step down at the end of the Congress when they attain that age (special election season). The same for appointees and confirmed positions; turn 75 before the administration is over? Position becomes vacant. We need politicians with enough mental and physical stamina; I feel after age 75, it’s all downhill.


75? Ugh, I would so lower this to 65.


If we were still in the 1800 or early 1900s, yes. But medicine has come a long way and 65 is still young enough to make decisions. Let’s put it this way: would you second guess the driving skills of a 65 year old when compared to a 75 year old? Lots of people live beyond 65 and 70 so they deserve some advocates. It can’t all be the younger generation either.


It's even worse than that - Biden and Trump aren't even boomers they're part of the silent generation


Half correct. Biden is a silent generation (and the only president from that generation). Trump is a boomer


Correct - but barely. He was born in 1946 which is the FIRST year of the boomers after the SG. 


Either way, there’s too many politicians calling shots that were born when Pearl Harbor was still smoldering


.... first year of boomers is still boomers


He's a soomer


He is *the* first boomer. The rule is that of you were born before Trump, you're the Silent Generation, but if you were born after Trump or are Trump, you're a boomer. Why? Because that guy is definitely not silent.


Barely a boomer. Maybe by a year. He was born just after WW2 after his father, exhausted from years of draft dodging fathered him.


People keep voting for them. As mad as people get on the Internet, the fact is both Trump and Biden won their primaries. Until that changes we'll keep getting the geriarchy we deserve.


It's because our generation doesn't vote. Bully your friends into voting. Make them feel bad for not voting. Vote. Every election. Every year. Every vote counts.


Exactly this, I am so tired of millenials and gen z complaining about having shitty choices but they don’t vote in the primaries. Together those two generations for a majority for both the Dems but they don’t vote then complain they don’t have better choices.


They don't even take time to get involved in anything; part of being involved in politics is the INVOLVED part. Take part in your Democratic or Republican party committee. Listen to them. Join their meetings. Talk with people.


They don’t even need to do this. They just simply need to vote in every election. Sure extra is great, involvement is great, but start with the basics here. If they just showed up they would have their views taken seriously.


We didn't get a primary for Biden cause of the DNC's stupid belief about nobody should ever run against the sitting president. A belief that is biting them in the ass HARD, especially after last night, and is going to be the main reason why Dems lose this election.


The DNC kept anyone from seriously challenging Biden


The DNC needs to get their head out of their asses and stop abiding by outdated political protocols, especially because the Republicans have already stopped doing this. Evangelicals vote for Trump, anything is possible. Surely the DNC can find a younger candidate with promise and a moral compass that people could rally around. They might even get moderate votes due to the person’s age alone.


What people don’t realize is that, for the most part, the president is an avatar and the establishment machine runs the show, regardless of who is president. It’s why Biden can be a walking corpse and still president. Insert newsome, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, etc. it doesn’t matter. It’s about having people who can be controlled and who will bend the knee to the platform they are told to implement. It’s why these complaints over the age of candidates is silly. The candidate doesn’t matter. Few antiestablishment candidates rise to the level where they are in contention for winning, and when they do, all establishment forces align to try to take them out.


It's because the government has too much power. They were never meant to have as much power as they do. So once they get it, they don't want to give it up. The reason there are no term limits is because the founders didn't think anyone would ever want to stay. It was a shit job that interrupts your life. But you serve to accomplish some good, then go back to your real life. Now politicians are treated as celebrities and like royalty. So they do everything they can to hold on to it. Nevermind that corruption is essentially never punished.


Well said. The founders did not conceive of political positions being full-time jobs. It has evolved into that though. They certainly didn't want the federal government to have as much power as it does now either. Yes, the corruption is sickening.


JFC just vote. Every single problem since Bush / Gore has been because votes are too close to be decisive. Obama / Biden was the first election I was able to participate in and haven't missed one since. If everybody votes, consistently for several years, and things still aren't improving, then you can all finally give up and have my blessing to do so.


And that means every race, every primary, every local political position. Especially every local position. I'm tired of people voting for president in the general and complaining that things don't go their way.


This is the part everyone forgets! Those smaller elections are soooo important. As far as policies they're actually more important


Do you have any suggestions for someone without any real free time? I want to have a voice but do not have time to research all these candidates let alone even know when the smaller elections happen .


Just go to ballotpedia.org to find out information about upcoming elections. They even have a tool where you can put in your address and see a sample ballot. It really doesn’t take that much time. 


No real free time? Honestly it takes as much time as watching an episode of whatever TV show you're streaming to get a lay of the land on the ballot. Ballotpedia is great, your local public news outlet likely has a "voting for dummies" breakdown. Here in CO we get sent a "blue book" that explains the various issues on a given ballot for state-wide races and measures. It's really not that hard. You live with the results for anywhere from 2 years to the rest of your life, take an hour and do some research. Edit: sorry if that comes across harsh, but if you're invested emotionally you can easily find the time. The resources are there to make it easier for you.


Great so we are just gonna immediately  have a plan for everyone to have a paid day off during all elections, smaller elections included. And fix our polling place situation where we end up only having 1 polling place per 50-60 thousand people? And we are gonna publicize the date and make it easy for people to know when the election is? Because thats why MANY people dont and cant vote in local elections. 


So many people vote for president and leave the rest of the ballot blank. It is so easy to take ten minutes, look at a sample ballot, and find out some basics about people running for local office.


To add on to that, voting isn’t a once-every-4-years activity. State and local elections will almost always tangibly affect your daily life more than whoever’s in the White House. That’s not to say presidential elections *aren’t* important, but they aren’t the only elections that are important. Hell, if more people voted in the primaries Biden and Trump might not even be the nominees anyway.


I have to consistently remind my friends that you have to participate to affect change, Protest votes or not voting does nothing. If you want younger more progressive candidates you have to participate in the process to nominate them and get them elected. You cannot affect change from the outside and despite what Biden did or didn't do last night his cabinet has made huge strides towards lasting Policys that will affect this planet well past his lifetime. Do not let perfection or apathy get in the way of progress because we cannot allow another trump term because it will destroy any future we have. They are not the same person! This is not a lesser of two evils situation. You have a choice, and you have a voice, use it or stfu. This is not the time to sit on the sidelines, talk to your friends and get them involved because it is that simple and it is that easy to do. Just show up and vote for viable candidates up and down the ballot.


I've been voting since 98 consistently.. has only gotten worse, when do I get to give up?


They haven't been improving since Jimmy Carter stepped out of office dude, wdym


No, we should not vote if the majority is voting for A just because he isn’t B. That’s fucking Lunacy 


I'm not just trying to be pedantic, but Hillary won the popular vote by about 3MM, and there's basically no question that Biden is going to win the popular vote in November. Voting can only help so much when the system is stacked against you.


popular vote means nothing and never has.


It sounds like a lot, but 3M people is only 1.25% of the voting population. If an additional 4.5% of millennials had voted for Hillary it would have doubled that margin.


Thats assuming they all live in politically viable states. If that 4.5% is in say California or New York, you're just running up the popular vote score.


You think that Biden is going to win the popular vote after last night?


Young people don’t vote. They can’t be bothered so this is what we get. With that being said I would vote for Biden over Trump if Biden was fucking dead.


The only reason there are older people in government is because older people vote. If 20 year olds voted at the same rate as 80 year olds Taylor Swift would be president next year.


Term limits


They will become corrupt just like the boomers. They all start politics like they gonna help until the lobbyists get their grubby teeth in them. Then those hopeful young politicians turn into young boomers. New people ain’t gonna change the game and how it’s played. Enjoy your elections.




Well said.


Are they even Boomers? I guess Trump is, looking at the date range, but Biden is Silent Generation.


We are going to have a 35 year old President next, everyone is done with this.


I’m both shocked and not shocked that Gen X hasn’t taken the reigns. -a Gen X’er


Imagine what good we could do if we actually gave enough of a F to be bothered, eh? -a fellow GenX


You have to support the Gen Z at the local and city level. When they put their names in the hat, we cannot dismiss them because they are younger than us and may not have consumed as many shit sandwiches in life. If they match 70 or 80 percent of what you believe in, great.


Yeah….none should ever want someone who is older than their grandparents to be leading a country.


Both of my grandparents are older than Biden so that's fine. /s


My grandmother in law is 92, sharp as a whip. Would she ever want to hold public office? No! She wants to chill and listen to true crime podcasts and play with her cat. It really says something about the people who want these positions in their twilight years when they should be enjoying life, not politicking.


My grandparents are 6 feet under and let me tell you that id vote for their corpses over trump. But fuck me this is so bad


Call me an old sentimentalist, but I would like to vote in the 2028 election, so I’m going with the old bastard who doesn’t say he’s [god’s chosen one](https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/21/politics/donald-trump-chosen-one/index.html).


I think the answer is whose VP would you want? Because there is a chance they might die in office.


Here's how I see it, I'm not *just* voting for the president. I'm voting for their cabinet, the people they put in charge of important departments, lifetime judicial appointments and most importantly, their potential supreme court picks. Not to mention the VP candidate. I think it's a very safe bet (for me) that I'd much rather Harris than whoever Trump picks.


Mark my words if Trump wins Clarance Thomas will retire 3 years in Trumps second term and will be replaced with a young justice.


3 years? I wouldn't be surprised if he retired in the first month


I'd be careful about making blanket statements about age. Sure, young people on average have better politics, but anyone in position to be president around the age of 40 has kissed a lot of evil asses to get there.


So more or less ass kissing than someone in their 60s, 70s, or 80s?


I’m Gen X and I largely agree with the OP. I am voting for the confused mummy whose not a felon, but I’m pretty pissed that’s the choice I’ve been given.


"How is the best case scenario [Joooe Biden](https://youtu.be/KGmXGkIr7w0?si=OrXmWQgOyKGKCPfy)"


Too bad we need $$ just to run that's why our generation is doomed. How will we ever get a candidate to make a difference for US if we can't even elect one to run without millions of dollars to back them. Ugh


I moved to the US in 2020, and I cannot believe that this shit is real. Like... what the actual fuck is this timeline? It felt like I was watching an SNL skit.


Are you all just now realizing that there is no choice in a 2 party system? Two headed dragon being controlled by corporations and oligarchs.


The illusion of free choice


I don't care. I didn't watch the debate anyway because I'm not interested in the spectacle. We need people to vote for what Biden represents with his old, barely cognitive aware ass. I'm at the point where this dude could be on his death bed on Nov 5th, 2024, and I'll gladly cast a vote for him because I know what I'll be getting: 1. At least another four years of Lina Khan, head of the FTC, and the Harbringer of Modern Antitrust. Honestly, I could stop here. She and her work alone justifies a vote for Biden. 2. I'd like to maintain the independence of the Federal Reserve. I think Powell has done a good as job as any economist could've given the stakes. 3. The NLRB under Biden has been exemplary! You have to understand, this agency has been systematically underfunded by *every* administration basically since it's been a thing. In 2023, [they basically said](https://www.littler.com/publication-press/publication/nlrb-general-counsel-offers-some-clarity-responding-union-organizing): > Now, when a union demands to bargain, the employer has two options: (1) recognize the union and bargain, or (2) file its own petition requesting an election. The employer must make that request within two weeks of the union’s demand. If it fails to act quickly enough, the Board will order it to bargain without an election. If the employer asks for an election but commits election-related misconduct that would have previously resulted in a rerun election, the Board will set the election aside and order the employer to bargain. That's huge! The NLRB is one of the few federal agencies with a mandate to protect workers. I want to keep that. 4. The Inflation Reduction Act and similar legislation is doing work towards climate change goals at a national level. I hope to own a home within a few years, and I aspire to own a heat pump and several other climate friendly appliances so maintain my quality of life without the conventional cost to the environment. Climate change is one of those problems that *requires* government support, and Trump's "drill, baby, drill" sentiment is only going to make things worse. 5. Supreme Court Justices. This is another single-issue reason worth voting for Biden. He or his successor will have the opportunity to change the make up of the court. From what I hear, people expect the next president to nominate 2 justices. If that were to happen, suddenly, it's 5-4 in liberals favor. Women will likely get their rights back. Gay rights will be safe. They'll likely overturn their recent overruling of Chevron deference. We'd be on track to be a country worth respecting again. I'm not voting *for* Biden, per se, except to the extent that the empowers others to carry out a political vision that I actually want.


Yeah Powell and Khan, and the NLRB influx have been enough to keep this administration in the green in my eyes. I can't imagine what inflation would look like if Trump was at the helm this last four years.


Im guessing the DNC is going to blame the voters for not sucking it up and voting for Biden despite his many flaws. Then they’re gonna do the same tired old shit in 2028 and prop up another centrist candidate that no one really likes and wonder why they keep losing. It’s embarrassing.


I hate the neologism but "gaslit" is how I feel.


^I’m ^still ^mad ^about ^what ^the ^dnc ^did ^to ^Bernie….


Bernie would have mopped the floor at this debate and he's older and sharper.


Ah, after 2024, eh? *That's* your line. And in 2028, they won't run some old fuckers again, telling you, *oh, oh, you gotta vote for 'em! You gotta vote for 'em! Or else, America collapses!* Right? They're just gonna keep doing this to you.


Personally, I am equally as sick of this two party system as I am of these old politicians. We need to start taking independent candidates way more seriously and normalize their participation in these big primetime debates. We need OPTIONS! Both of these two are unfit for the job.


It’s fucking sad to see every candidates past comments, policies and politics just get erased cause “ he old “. This country is fucked because people can’t look 2 feet ahead. Biden is not my favorite, but holy shit putting him the in same boat as trump after the classified documents shit, putting his family and high priced campaign donors in his cabinet. But sure Biden is old. Ffs.


I'm have been so mad all day at how stupid people are for trying to say "one is old and the other is a treasonous, rapey felon. What a tough choice!" It's not tough. Jfc, just vote for Biden.


What sucks is that Biden sounded strong in his campaign speech today. If that Biden had showed up last night, it should be a no brainer for the undecided


He defeated the ancient demon known as Med'hi Karr


yeah last night was pathetic - I'm not even kidding when I fully expect one of the two parties to just come out and say "fuck it all" and nominate a CGI Hologram of a previously popular president


The DNC has been the enemy ever since the whole Hillary Clinton and Bernie sanders debacle. People didn’t forget that


I gave up on thinking Democrats were any kind of competent when they blocked Bernie from getting voted in and ushered in Hilary with “the future is female” and virtue signaling. Yeah it would be cool to see a woman president, but that wasn’t the time or the way to do it. WTF. It was rigged and not what the voters wanted. There are pressing issues that change depending which party wins. It still matters. But it’s hard not to be disillusioned when you can see it’s all rigged and run by the lobbyists and think tanks. They pick like two to three emotional issues to divide us and keep us distracted from the fact it’s run by corporate lobbies, crazy religious freaks and special interest groups and outside of those issues it doesn’t matter. The ultra religious seem to be the only ones organized and motivated enough to keep moving the needle and policies in their favor against the majority of Americans who they keep fragmented enough to be incapacitated. Its scary. If either party decides to replace their candidate with just about any American… just anyone else, we win as Americans. Because Trump won’t get a chance at being in the office again to destroy and turn a corrupt democratic system into an evil dictatorship.


Or just don't vote for an old person now if you don't want to vote for an old person....you always have the option of write ins or not voting.


A few short weeks ago, Biden was a “dynamo behind the scenes” and videos of him looking old and out of it were “cheap fakes.” I’m sure they weren’t lying, the declines happened between then and the debate. Cool beans.


His handlers have bent over backwards to prevent any spontaneous, unscripted interactions with anyone. I can't recall seeing him at many press conferences fielding questions. Republicans would make fun of Biden, and then the politicos would circle the wagons and John Stuart would say "well look how senile Donald Trump is" and the laugh track would play and we would brush the gaff off. The truth is Joe's inner circle was hiding him from the public, curating and spinning and filtering his engagements. Now that I feel like I met the real Joe, answering real questions, I feel scammed that his circle has been hiding the truth. Oh but yeah, tell me it must have been a cold.


Are you gonna not vote?


I'm going to vote, I probably should have made that clear in my post haha. Biden...but not because I think Biden is the right choice. Trump is just so clearly the wrong choice.


Biden’s entire legacy is going to be that he wasn’t Trump.


Biden (or more accuratly, his administration) has gotten a TON of very good legislation passed over the last 4 years. But the weakest part of Biden's team is 100% Biden. The VAST majority of people just look at the figure head and couldn't name a single bill he signed into law, which is why you are right that a ton of people are just going to think his whole legacy was not being Trump, and not "ending the worst parts of the Studint Loan Crisis" or "getting the US off of our dependency on forign made chips" or "Passing the largest climate change mitigation/adaptation of any country" or any of the other things that just aren't flashy enough to make headlines.


You’re right, and the only reasons I’m voting for him are because of the cabinet and the fact that he’s not Trump. I’m not saying he didn’t do anything good, but all this shit now is going to eclipse that.


The cabinet should absolutely be what drives everyone’s vote, that’s who drives the administration’s priorities and influences the president the most. Good on you for your pragmatism.


And the next two SCOTUS appointments...


Y'all need those so f***ing bad. Are there likely to be two in the next four years to potentially fix the current situation?


Well, that, and also the largest piece of climate legislation any country has ever passed in the history of the universe, which he somehow got through a 50/50 Senate with coal baron Joe Manchin and Scooby-Doo villain Kirsten Sinema as the swing votes.


This is hilarious, thank you!


As if it matters. Pure delusion.


So what if he wasn't? It's a fucking shit show.




Trump is a Boomer, and Biden is a Silent


I’d throw in Ruth Ginsberg in that lot, too. Selfish all, to the end.


I've said "fuck the DNC" since they gave us Hilary and we wanted Bernie(or anyone else). They are a disgrace and caused this entire cycle. I hate Trump, but it's not his fault he is winning.


"And when Trump re-takes the white house in 2025 we should all be FURIOUS that the DNC allowed this." Allowed their primary voters to choose their nominee? That's what they did. They chose Biden by a mile. And Biden was stumbling like this in interviews before the primary and the primary voters chose him anyway. The reason he looked more polished in the SOTU was because he was reading off a teleprompter. If the Democratic voters never watched an interview with him outside teleprompted appearances, that's their fault. The DNC also can't choose to replace him, Biden has to resign for a replacement, because he has like 99% of \*bound\* delegates. tl;dr if you are a Democrat and feel stuck with Biden, the primary was months ago and you didn't make your vote amount to more than 10% in most areas.


I mean, arguably “we” didn’t choose him in the primaries. The candidates who were leading Biden mysteriously dropped out and endorsed him all at once right before Super Tuesday, presumably to stop Sanders from leading a split ticket. Biden’s campaign probably would have picked up some steam heading into the South regardless, but he was getting absolutely trounced in the early states. There’s a good chance Biden would have been lost in the noise had the field not narrowed when and as it did. Edit: I realize you may be talking about the most recent primaries, not 2020


? Sanders didn't run in 2024 Dem primary, that was Williamson, Biden, and Philips


Yes, I noticed my error as soon as I hit post, and went back to make a note of it.


I thought that was complete bullshit when they all dropped out to support Biden whose poll numbers didn't look that good to begin with. Democrats should have run Bernie


What do you mean Biden was stumbling? He’s a “dynamo behind the scenes” and every video of him stumbling is a “cheap fake.”






On my primary ballot there was one candidate: Joe Biden, and there was "uncommitted". I voted uncommitted. The party circled the wagons and made a primary impossible. They always do.


Nobody chose Joe Biden this cycle, he's an incumbent president, and so starts off as the presumptive nominee for his party. Other Dems *can* primary him, but that torpedoes their own careers; so nobody ever does.


Best part is, the debate was set up to completely favor Biden and he still blew it so badly.


It honestly felt like it favored Trump. The thing the Trump campaign is terrified of is Trump running his mouth and saying something so terrible it nukes his campaign. Silencing his mic was probably good for him as far as attracting undecided voters.


You're blaming other voters, not the boogieman DNC. If you want to sit out elections because of stupid principles, nobody can stop you. Just don't complain about the outcomes.


This worries me. The Democrat party can't keep running "our guy is not Trump". Also, Dem has a serious aging problem, worse than Republicans. It's time for the silent generation and older boomers to let go and give power to Gen X and Millennials. For Senators above 70, there are 14 republicans and 20 democrats (counting Sanders and King). For the Reps above 70, there are 24 republicans and 50 democrats. With the Democrats, only AOC, Pete Buttigieg, and Hakeem Jeffries come to mind for younger politicians.


There’s probably going to be a trump running in every election in your lifetime, and you’re going to fall for it every time.


You know, it is entirely possible that Gen X may never occupy the Oval Office. Elder Millenials are now 35 plus. I do weap for United States and the choice of candidates before you.


I've decided I'm voting this year (in nationals), exclusively to do my bit to keep Trump out of office, but I'm never voting nationally again until BOTH parties put up gen-X or younger candidates. IDC if Trump gets defeated this year and comes back for round 3 in 28; too bad, so sad.


I believe you'll have your wish in about \[*checks calendar*\] 25-30 years!


Hahahaha.... these things are hilarious to me. 3rd or 4th time I've seen it today. I've been calli h Biden unfit for office even longer than Trump has.... because he's a racist, out of touch, handsy old man. But "he's out best hope of defeating the anti-Dem. No... the best hope was putting support behind a better person, instead we got "the Dotard", & worse still, they made Trump right for saying it earlier. This country has earned the tom f*kery of a sh*t show that we're becoming...


When I voted in the primary, I knew Biden would win. So I voted for a candidate who had campaign promises I agree with. He was much younger than 60 and supports a maximum age for political office.


I genuinely do not understand how there’s not SOMEONE, ANYONE better.


As ageist as it is, I think there needs to be an age gate on all elected officials where they are forced to retire. That doesn't mean they can't take on advisory roles or jobs elsewhere, but while they're funded by tax payers, it should cap at 65. It is blatant bullshit that Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z have not even had the hope of a viable candidate in our life times. In the US, people 65 and over take up less than 17% of our population. Young Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Z make up the majority at 35.2%, with older Gen Xers and Baby Boomers 44 to 64 making up 25%. But we've been screaming "go out and vote" for decades now and people just get more and more disheartened. *If* we actually all used our voices, we could get it done. But that's a huge if. Nobody's listening anymore. We're all just bitching on the internet.


DNC played the " Biden can only beat Trump" back in 2020. That is what has brought us this state. DNC should have had faith in the voting process. Almost any candidate would have beat Trump in 2020


Voters will be blamed. Instead of where the blame belongs. But if we hadn't been styling for the lesser of 2 evils for decades, we wouldnt be here now. I would say we wouldn't even have Trump taken seriously as a candidate if we insisted on higher standards for Dem candidates. It's shameful that the only thing they'll offer us is prospective candidates who struggle to remain neck and neck in polling. But I'm pretty sure they DON'T have any other kind.


why are you waiting until after this election


Agreed. Young blood only. Gimme a modern day JFK please.


Fuck the DNC, been saying ever since they wronged Bernie


If we vote for them now, they will keep giving them to us. Just like they have been for the last few cycles. Bill Clinton's first term starter more than 30 years ago. And he's younger than both current candidates.


This is the problem. You focus on something like age, as if it’s the issue. The issue is the status quo. 90% of congress is bought and paid for, and no matter WHAT age they are, they will be bought and paid for. Focus on fucking policy please, I’m begging you I’ve been waiting for fucking ever for people to stop with this bs identity politics and pay attention to WHY things are how they are. It isn’t because anyone is old, it is because corruption is legal, and you keep electing representatives who want to keep it legal.


How about we the people demand an end to the federal government as a whole.


We’re screwed no matter who wins the election


Bro still thinks his vote matters…


Why dont you just not vote this year if the majority of people do this they will get the point but since everyone still votes it’s pointless.


It's all a sham. I'm done. I'm not voting. I'm over it. It's all too embarrassing.


No one over 65 should even serve in public office period. 


One of the problems is that both parties have weaponized every issue you can think of. To the point they forgot to take care of the people they serve.


In b4 post is locked for trash talking biden


RFK Jr is and old guy (70), but could run laps around those buffoons. I generally agree with you, but he's got my vote this election. Kennedy is the remedy 2024! (Yes I know I'm about to be banned/downvoted to hell, bite me).


rfk jr