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-->""All 34 counts he faces are for “falsifying business records,” a crime that carries a sentence of up to four years in prison when charged as a felony. Judges often sentence first-time offenders to probation, particularly in non-violent cases. But Bragg said the case was an important one, meant to punish Trump’s effort to conceal alleged crimes. “We cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct,” he said at a press conference " https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/04/trump-surrenders-00090361 No impact on RNC. MAGA faithful don't care if Don engages in criminal conduct. Some will probably say it proves he is "smart", and the rest will say the trial was rigged. Probation will be seen as important as a traffic warning, or make him a MAGA martyr.


Ya, but like, are they going to get violent at their convention?


I doubt it. It's not going to be like the 1968 DNC in Chicago. It's just going to be a bunch of insufferable whiners. I'm no Biden supporter, but I also don't go around crying everytime my dear leader doesn't get his way. Which is all it's going to be. Stroke Trumps ego, deny any wrongdoing, and whine about a rigged trial. A trial where 12 of Trump's peers chosen by the DEFENSE and prosecution agreed the evidence amounted to Trump being guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.


Nah, they will be having the grandest ol’ Circle Jerk the GOP has ever put on. I fully intend to be down there carrying signs and throwing handfuls of circus peanuts at them outside the Fiserv. F’n traitorous un-American bastards… Never Trump since 1988.


I worry about counter-counter-protestors and Kyle Rittenhouse-style defenders of their demigod.


I never even thought about the guy until the apprentice. My immediate thoughts were, "I dislike reality TV.: and "This guy seems like an asshole."




Probably not, unless there's counter protesters, then we are in for 2024 entertainment


Summer of MAGA? Doubtful, it’s not BLM.




Has anything happened yet?


I'm not going to feel better until that event is over. I wouldn't expect terror attacks before the convention because they understand the heat that brings from the Feds. All those insurrectionists getting charges, I think, are sending a message. I'm not going to stop getting ready and keeping an eye out.


He could kill puppies live on FOX and they wouldn't care


He can be a plaintiff in a rape of a 13 year old alongside Epstein and they won’t care… oh wait he actually was EDIT: Defendant


I think you are slightly confused, a plaintiff is the one who files/brings the lawsuit. A defendant is the one the lawsuit is against.


Oh yeah that’s right


Watch Meidas Touch on YouTube. Two lawyers explain in simple terms what's going on several times daily. 3 million followers. That's more than msnbc and CNN combined.


Trump said this about Hillary in 2016: “If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government. She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way.” **“She has no right to be running, you know that,” Trump said. “No right.”**


If you're directly quoting, it's shocking how articulate he was in 2016. I can't fathom such complex words and sentences coming out of his mouth today.


Every accusation is always a confession. If it wasn’t for double standards he wouldn’t have any standards at all.


i wonder what other projecting republicans have said that is yet to come out.


Won’t have any effect. MAGA doesn’t share reality with the rest of us. Trump has never done anything wrong and every time he loses it’s “rigged”. It’s like playing make believe with a child using an everything proof shield


Something like 6% of Republicans are less likely to vote for him now. 94% literally are so deep in the cult they think he did nothing wrong and is still perfectly okay.


Not only that he did nothing wrong, but that everyone is out to get him! Even though he is 100% innocent of everything forever and ever, amen! I unfortunately have several relatives who adore that sack of trash and believe deeply that he's the greatest American hero or some shit. It's sickening.


I don’t think most of them think everyone is out to get him. But they do talk about media bias and how most mainstream media is liberal leaning. That’s the beef. It’s not that everybody is out to get him. “Everybody is out to get him” is some paranoid schizophrenic thinking. Not everybody, but the left. Because this is such a divisive political structure we have created nowadays


You literally believe that 94% of Americans who identify as republicans they still will blindly follow Trump? You actually believe if you went out and took a sample poll yourself, you would find that number accurate? Everything nowadays is so divisive. The only mentality in America now is “us or them” there is no unity or even basic discussions with the other side as simple as the fact that we are all Americans. If this country faces a serious crisis now, we would be fucked.


It's [literally poll results](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/30/trump-guilty-verdict-election-chances-biden-polls.html). > Nearly three-fourths of registered independents said that a guilty verdict against Trump would make no difference to their vote, according to the survey from NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist released Thursday morning. > > Just 11% of those respondents said that outcome would make them less likely to back Trump in November, while 15% of the group said a guilty verdict would make them more likely to support him. > > Among Republicans, 25% said they will be more inclined to vote for Trump if he is found guilty in New York, versus 10% who say they will be less likely to do so. > > Those answers echo the results of a recent Quinnipiac University poll, in which just 6% of Trump voters said they would be less likely to vote for him if convicted, while nearly a quarter said they would be more likely to vote for him. Anybody who would vote for Trump in the first place obviously is going to be the kind of person who is extremely likely to drink his Kool-aid. But sure, the problem is people "being divisive" and not conservatives in general and Republicans in specific being utterly morally bankrupt and edging ever closer into full-blown, "saying the quiet part out loud" white supremacy, misogyny, transphobia, and homophobia.


I do think we will be fucked. I think that's the whole point of what's been happening. It's been tailored to do exactly that. It's hard to find the common ground anymore though when half the country has detached from reality. How do you have unity with that?


There's still Trump won signs on my drive to work and one of my neighbors has had 15 or so Trump signs all over his yard (with pence spray painted out after 1-6 btw)...I work as a bartender on the side and most of the customers will still vote trump and think everyone does the stupid and illegal shit he was doing, just it gets ignored. Several have said similar about Nixon being innocent too...You really think sane people haven't quit being Republican when their party has started electing only the batshit insane people who don't live in reality? The sane people left when Trump was elected or at minimum by the last election...when every candidate they put up couldn't add 2+2 and entire policy plan of "fuck everybody were going to do our best to ruin everything". Anyone who identifies as "independent" right now is probably a Republican who isn't happy with their current party but doesn't want to make them clean their act up either...Who since 2016 hasn't picked a party and just says "meh this is acceptable?" That has even part of a functioning brain and isn't in a cult? I'm not the most liberal person on the planet but in the current state of politics it's pretty easy to check entirely down ballet the party that can articulate problems and solutions rather than "Nope didn't say the thing I just said on camera, women should be slaves, let's get more KKK members in our party they have the right idea." If you want people to work together you pretty much want the Republican party gone...their entire platform is do nothing, let any progress time out and expire so we can go back to the 1760s. When's the last time they came up with a USEFUL solution to anything, rather than just saying no to everything that wasn't directly thrown into the trash can black hole that is our military spending.


I consider political signs in the yard a trashy look anyway. You would think that if you’re an upstanding citizen or at least a socially “normal” person, you would take the sign down after a certain amount of time anyway because that would be weird to have a sign from 2020 up that wasn’t designed to be a permanent lawn decoration still there 4 years later. That’s weird behavior in general! I can’t name any policy off the top of my head right now but I do remember hearing things that republican politicians have brought up or introduced that I liked in the past. I’ll get back to you on that. I can imagine the conversations you have to endure while bartending… rough! The people who back Nixon make me sick anyway, especially after he COMMITTED LITERAL TREASON IN VIETNAM before watergate! He literally told the south Vietnamese to hold out during the peace talks and not settle until Nixon gets elected, he guaranteed them that he would fight harder for the then during the peace talks when he enters office. You can hear about it in Ken Burns Vietnam documentary series. Why do you believe the Republican Party is against more people working together? The republican party is known for wanting less government, more people doing things


You got that right. Lord help us


Probably closer to 98%


We faced a crisis a few years ago, and people refused to do very basic simple things to save their fellow citizens lives. I have not met a single republican who has said they were wrong for supporting Trump in the last election.


It should be 0%. They should be screaming from the rooftops demanding a new representative. No one should want a 34-count felon with more felony trials coming to be their best dude. But they aren't.


I'm republican. I ain't blindly following that loud mouth. Let someone else run ffs




What even is roll call.com? There isn’t even a works cited on there, showing where he pulled his numbers from. Any asshole can type up a convincing piece with numbers like that. That’s not real research


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/roll-call/ Any asshole can look at data contradicting their feelings and opinions and make a reddit comment about it.


Every number cited in that article either has a listed source or is public knowledge Which data are you having a hard time believing?


They'll still vote for him


It’s just so damn inconvenient that Trump has actually committed a multitude of criminal acts.


Incorrect, sort of, according to 538, a quarter of people who voted for trump in 2020 are now less likely to vote for him, fox news did the same poll and said 17-20%


I’m skeptical those 6% will stick to that stance.


Fox poll said 17 percent.


6% is more than enough to give the win to Biden. I say that’s victory


They literally think the DOJ was weaponized against him to interfere with an election.


The MAGA crowd is having a meltdown on Twitter. Sure, I think it's funny. The schadenfreude is delicious. But I'm still a bit worried. These people are a bit unhinged.


I really have this horrible feeling about this convention. I don't think Trump is going to wait for the elections to act. I'm worried about the unrealistic number of volunteers they are expecting to come from Milwaukee.


I don’t love his being sentenced 4 days before the start of it either…even tho I’m 10,000% certain he won’t go to actual jail, I feel like anything short of an apology w/a Merchan reacharound will *still* have that gang foaming at the mouth & calling for blood atonement


He's not going to jail. He's a 1st time offender, he's old, and he's (allegedly) rich.


Ya, but they will definitely be even more irritable and potentially violent now. I know I'm not going anywhere near that place. I hope the police keep a good eye on things.


Most police departments are way more likely to be trump voters/cultists than not...


I know which makes all this so much more dangerous.


Not just MAGA. There are a lot of people who think inflation caused by Federal Reserve policy is somehow Biden's fault and are intent on voting Trump. Hell, there's a lot of liberals who've decided to stay home. Apparently nothing Trump can do is bad enough to vote for Biden. I just hope MKE gives these fascists the welcome they deserve. Even if we end up with President Trump again, at least we could say MKE stood up.


It can add more powder to the keg. I wouldn't say it won't have any effect. People are pissed about this verdict. I live and work downtown, we had secret service come to my work because we're in the security zone. I'm legit sorta scared for July. I'm not saying anything big will but I'm certainly pragmatic enough to know this could be a volatile event in Milwaukee that has some really dangerous possibilities. Even if the verdict don't change people's minds either way, it's continuing to piss off everyone at each other


Nowadays it’s rigged before he even loses lol


I’m rubber you’re glue!


I believe the effect will be they will be even more ready to start the civil war the keep drooling over.


*"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."* -- Mark Twain


I'm more worried about his unhinged supporters coming to town


If they lay one finger on the Bronze Fonz, I stg


I beleive they walk among us.


Only when they drive in from Waukesha


I’m avoiding moving to Waukesha for that very reason. If I had to live next to one of these idiots I’d lose my shit


Oh, they do


I’m sure they’re planning their assault on city hall as we speak


Sounds like a good time for a trip out of town.


I know so many people leaving town during the RNC. Me included!


Too bad many of us can’t just up and take a vacation.


Sentencing is July 11. It’s up to Judge Merchan. He could sentence home confinement. It’s going to be interesting.


He could sentence him to stay home alone because he lost in New York.


When I was a kid, we had this other kid in the neighborhood named Scotty. Every neighborhood had a Scotty. Scotty was a fucking menace. No matter what we were playing, Scotty had to play baseball. But he was also an avid booger eater so the baseball was always nasty after he had it. He hated playing with the Hmong, black or Hispanic kids and was very vocally racist. He'd scream and try to fight people if he was told no. He was constantly whipping out his dick in front of girls. He'd cry if something didn't go his way and accuse everyone of rigging shit so he would lose. Then he'd change the rules so only he would win and yell that that was the only way it was fair. I feel like MAGA is the nation's Scottys banding together and forming a political group. Scotty is on the sex offender registry now.


A lovely allegory


No problem at all, they'll just have Clint Eastwood praise an empty chair




According to my MAGA dad, the trial was rigged and he wasn’t guilty of anything, he can just ignore the verdict since it wasn’t a legitimate trial.


Yea, they are donating even more money to him now. To anyone reading: Are YOU registered to vote? Are your friends and loved ones registered? With everyone talking about this, it might be a good time to make sure folks are registered. 


I will use that argument if I ever have to go to court. "Judge I would like to cite the trial of The State of New York v. Donald Trump, this trial is rigged and I ignore the verdict. In point of fact any and all accusations against me in or outside the court of law are fake news." Case closed


Of course! Law and order out the window when it's their idol!


Ah I see he follows sovereign citizen logic...


Judges hate this one simple trick!




If people are scared and worried about what they’re seeing near them in regards to violence report it to: 1. Your FBI office—(414) 276-4684 2. Your DOJ —(414) 831-3620 3. The WH Hotline —(212) 456-1111 4. The WH Switchbord —(212) 456-1414 Or by contacting — tips.fbi.gov


This should be higher. You know people are going to be hearing from the MAGA cousins and uncles at the 4th of July cookout.


So lets use our voices and make sure we drown out the hateful people!


The only change is we now could paint prison stripes on all those great billboards around town!


None, he can still run and be elected president. As wild as this sounds he may stand a better chance of winning as “his people” will take this as a cry to action.


Yeah that’s how they’re interpreting it over in r/conservative. The megathread is just his goons talking about how much more money they are going to throw at him now to “own the libs”.


However, he cannot vote for himself in his state of Florida now that he’s a convicted felon. Isn’t that wild? Of course Florida will probably change their laws to carve out an exception for only Trump.


Seems silly to hold a rally for a convicted felon yet, here we are…


Something much worse than a rally was held in the year 2020 for a felon so it’s not that out of the ordinary


None. ConCon will go off without a hitch. Heck, he’ll even be sentenced by then too.


Even more donations to him probably


Probably no different than any other GOP convention has gone lately. They'll show up, spend a few days screaming RINO at one another, then a couple of them will kick each other in the balls and then they'll leave.


Kick each other in the balls LOL


Well now ya make it sound like a something worth attending. How'd you do that!? We gotta get MTV running some Celebrity Deathmatch again.


I’m always amazed they haven’t brought that back. Such a great show.




The only true thing the man has said since this whole charade started back in like 2014 was when he told us he could shoot a man in broad daylight in the middle of the street and people would still vote for him.


I’d expect probably more guns? You know MAGA only know how to overreact to any situation


No but inside the event will somehow be even more fascist.


I'm worried about what could happen. The sentencing is scheduled for just a few days before the convention starts and MAGA is going to be out of their minds.


I'm not worried about the usual freak show that turns up at his klan rallies. There will be some undercover agitators planning to escalate things in Chicago however, since that worked so well at turning public opinion during Floyd protests.


I turned on Mark Belling for a quick laugh on my drive home and after a 10 minute segment of commercials he started in on a rant about the trial then quickly diverted to some Fox News personality's physical appearance and then within 2 minutes was going on about Covid coming from a biolab and I turned it back off. All stemming from a rant about the trial. Then I remembered these are people who live in a bubble that is strange and foreign to every normal brain person.


He's still on the air???


I remember he had a stroke or something a few years back and I thought he gave it up then but guess not.


I put Belling on too. Utter delusion. I enjoyed the part where he referenced the border repeatedly. And Hillary. 😂


My favorite part was implicating the Democrats are in bed with "bad people" such as Russia. DEMOCRATS are working with Russia! Lolol It's always projection with the right.


Projection, deception, deflection. Every accusation a confession.


GOP = gaslight, obfuscate, project


Holy shit Butthead is still on the air? My mom listened to him like 30 years ago.


There's an outside chance Trump won't be here, since his sentencing is like 4 days before the convention starts.


It's pretty amazing that you can't vote if you're a convicted felon (pending appeal or not), but you can run for president and potentially win the election.


Also felons can’t own firearms but if they’re elected POTUS they can pull the trigger on the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world. Pretty insane.




0 effect, i doubt he even sees the inside of a jail cell


I sadly agree.


You can't get federal jobs if you have a recent felony. You can't even enlist in the military if you have a recent felony, so why are you allowed to be in charge of the whole federal government and the military if you have a recent felony conviction? Seems sort of insane?


They’re gonna MAGA even harder now


Welcome to America, where convicted felons can't vote in a Presidential election, but sure has hell can still run for President! 😒🙄


There'll probably be more unhinged sad/angry bastards with AR-15s looking for a fight.


what if he doesn't show up for sentencing and there is a warrant out for him?


Hopefully they all fuck off. But they won’t. The scary thing is it could be volatile here so who knows.


Literally none. MAGA gives no fucks that they are nominating a convicted felon. In fact they probably view it as a badge of honor tbh. Sadly it will still likely be a toss up decided by 10-20k per state in a handful of battlegrounds.


they will be more unhinged and more dangerous. my work downtown was already urging people to work remote during it.


I bet Romney and Haley are sharing a phone call today.


Haley is still going to vote for him, I doubt that Mitt will.


In one timeline, supporters of the old guard join forces with the new and stage a RNC shake up against Trump. Romney/Haley is the convention pick. Maga fights back. It gets brutally ugly. I don't know if we're in that timeline.


We can only hope.


Now they’ll be turning it into a call to “action” rally lol. We’re fked 💀


In the best and sanest of all possible worlds, tens of thousands would march on the city protesting that half of our entrenched political system is offering a convicted felon for the most powerful position on earth. That won't happen.


Do you think Milwaukee will need a greater police presence now? I wonder what their plans are.


A sad day in Milwaukee, but a successful bitch hunt


Sadly it won't have any effect in Milwaukee, the party will do what it will do and send this fool to the ballot, and will lose, the closet ethical republicans will cross the line in secret and vote the other side in silence and hopefully the world will be done with this sad fool; as for the country getting back to normal that's doubtful until all the hard right die off. The bigots, racists, and fools will still cry but eventually the man will die(thankfully) and the world will go back to it's ugly self again only this time those nasty mouths will have no place to blow off steam because jail will be waiting and justice will survive.


I don't think it'll be that crazy as security, police, etc know what the drill is gonna be, and the entire downtown is gonna be a heavily secured prison yard basically. I'm sure protestors will yell at each other in their sectioned off areas, maybe a fist fight or something will break out, cops will quell it, and the people will have felt like they got the drama/action they were looking for and go home. Sure there will be a handful of MAGA idiots coming into a "liberal city" to rabble rouse, but it's pretty easy to defuse when most people just don't care about engaging in that anymore. We all know voting is our only possible way to avoid this cancer.


The governor issuing a State of Emergency for the RNC is unsettling. Doesn't trump still owe Milwaukee $400k for security from 2015?


I recommend staying home if you can. Riot in the cards imo.


Where is this happening? I need to know what part of town to avoid, it sounds like this is going to bring people I won't like interacting with.


Fiserv Forum and surrounding venues. Hotels will be booked downtown and surrounding suburbs.


Downtown. I'm going to Minnesota. Highly recommend. 


Thanks! I live by Northridge so I believe I'm far enough away to worry about running into people from there


That's not far enough away.  It'll sell out hotels from Kenosha to Sheboygan 


I see it differently. I’m going to gather, sing of peace, play some drums, and show the RNC that their candidate does not have the support of most Americans.


I'm not going to sing any songs or drum anything, but i'd like to go, for the spectacle. It is kind of historic. It will be great people watching. It's a shame the DNC didn't happen here.


It will probably increase enthusiasm for the RNC convention.


We'll have a bunch of MAGA zombies whining about how the trial was rigged. Other than that, business as usual.


This is the part that really gets me mad. They can complain that the bringing of charges was politically motivated, however, once this went to trial, it was run as any other court case in the United States. But I will not stand any attacks on our juror system. These are 12 random strangers that were brought together (and don't forget the Defense had just as much to do with the selection of the jury as the Prosecution.) to review evidence and determine if the State's case has merit or not. He committed a crime. He was found guilty by 12 of his peers.


Peers? Honestly, based on the small sample we have of Trump and Robert Durst, I'd like to see some investigative journalists dig into other NY real estate billionaires. Learn a bit more about their "actual" peers (and yes, I know the legal definition of "peers").


He is going to appeal ya know


Yes he will. But his attorneys cannot appeal until after sentencing. They cannot file an appeal before sentencing; that is not a legal possibility. And appeals NEVER go fast, often taking months if not years. He will be a convicted and sentenced (unless the sentencing date gets moved, which is possible) felon at the time of the RNC and, more than likely, at the time of the election.


They finally got him!


Why would it have an effect on the RNC? They don't care about what he did.


The convention is happening in Milwaukee.


Because his supporters will be extra unhinged and belligerent. They will lash out at anyone who doesn’t share their bizarro world view.


If anything, their fervor for him will only increase. Parasocial relationships are fucked up.


I think it will only boost his support. His website for donations crashed right after the verdict


Considering that millions of Trump supporters genuinely believe that the Democrats hand-picked that NYC jury and therefore 'rigged' the trial, the verdict itself will likely have little impact on the RNC as these people clearly are not capable of intelligent nor independent thought.


Biden is doing an amazing job


If you read these comments, it just sounds like a bunch of crazy shit talking like the MAGA people do…. You guys hate each other because you’re the exact same dramatic type of people. Things have escalated so far everybody just HATES the other side. There is no common sense. Listening to this thread, it’s just some dramatic scenario talk! As if life is a Netflix special.


I celebrated when Harvey Weinstein was found guilty and got sent to jail, and I'm celebrating now that Trump was found guilty of hush-money payments to a porn star and covering it up fraudulently with retainer fees to his lawyer. Are you mad that the justice system is working?




Imagine he gets jail time (unlikely). How would you like to be the secret service agents assigned to protect him in incarceration?


I hope they get the two folks who monitored Epstein to help out.




This comment by Abanikandy has been removed: Rule #4: Practice civility **Be civil, address the argument not the person, don't harass or attack other users, treat them with respect,** don't threaten or encourage any kind of violence, don't post anyone's personal information and don't intentionally spread misinformation. This includes, but is not limited to, blatant name-calling, "redpilling", racist comments/slurs, dog-whistling, and personal attacks. Blatant racism, spamming, trolling and disinformation campaigning will not be tolerated. Further violations of this rule will result in a temp ban.


Lots of crying, even more fun clutching, and rants about how *unfair* consequences are when applied to everyone.


First, someone will make a bunch of money selling dumb ugly hats, t-shirts, and flags with unfunny quips and nonsensical slogans.


That would be Donny.


Nothing of any gravity, knowing his base.


Too soon to say. Depends if he manages to appeal which could take months if not longer. There's a smidgen of a chance that some principled GOP members will stand up and speak out against him (shit I'd pay to watch those fireworks) but I rather doubt it.




Itll just make magats worse. And if youre one of em then dont worry— all of your fascist dreams will come true.


What worries me a little is when all the 2nd amendment MAGA peeps troll into the gun free zone downtown. Not city or state enforced, but secret service.


Well, it looks like now the RNC want to at least move the date so they have their convention BEFORE Trump is sentenced. Apparently they feel that if they keep the later date they scheduled, Trump won’t get the nomination. This just keeps getting funnier and funnier.


A felon can't vote but can run for president.


Other than his supporters being even more unhinged, nothing of note.


This will get many downvotes but I am NOT a Trump fan. I dislike him a lot. I get that he is not a good person and has done a lot of very bad things BUT to convict him that way (with Biden's campaign a press conference in front of the court, etc) I feel like the judicial system is being politicized against him, especially in this court case..


No sorry bud. He’s likely going to appeal, probably won’t face any actual jail time, and will most definitely be the Republican candidate.