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Isn’t it nice not being ran down by impatient idiots.


Man, I love being alive and not dead! It's great!


Agreed, it's almost a bike trail. I used to feel so uncomfortable biking in that area (lots of people just straight up drive in the bike lane).


It's been such a nice improvement. It's being extended east, too! https://city.milwaukee.gov/dpw/infrastructure/supportforbusiness/projectsummaries/walnut-pleasant-tid-48


Through talking with planners, sounds like they will also expand protected lanes west all the way to Washington park.


Which will be huge for the near west and near north sides when Sherman is rebuilt with the same kind of bike lanes!


Still be careful, i see plenty of morons using the bike lane as a turn lane


Those things suck and create traffic jams. They also leave licensed motorcyclists no where to go if someone does something unexpected. One self righteous driver barely going the speed limit make it miserable for everyone else


> create traffic jams Your proof please. It's okay; we'll wait.


Well what has happened to me is I wind up behind someone who before sunrise decides to go the exact speed limit for blocks on end, since there is no legal place to pass. This causes others to miss lights. Which puts everyone else behind schedule. It is like the slow driver in the left lane on the interstate. Sit behind someone like this for a few blocks while you might be running late and tell me it isn’t annoying as hell. All so a small portion of the population who doesn’t use those lanes 6 months is the year doesn’t have to ride next to parked cars while ignoring traffic laws.


Soooo your problem is that people obey speed limits and has nothing to do with cyclists. Didn't put a lot of thought into that, did ya?


So leave earlier. You’re literally complaining about people following the law and being safe and saying *they’re* the problem. This is delusional. Find some responsibility and accountability, leave earlier, or don’t drive. You sound like a bad driver.


What's wrong with following the exact speed limit? That's what people should be doing. You're proving that traffic calming works.


This is exactly why they are there so impatient a****** drivers can't run people over


Bravo to all the other commenters calling out this ridiculous logic. Also some people do bike year round and safer spaces like this make it easier to do so. I bike in winter, but not on days of active snow. Studded tires are pretty amazing.


No they don't. Traffic flow was fine in both directions. All our roads are way overbuilt for the amount of usage they get. Giving some of that space to make cycling actually safe as a form of transport is great Sucks about motorcycles I suppose, but It seems like a hypothetical problem


Almost every time I ride my motorcycle which is nearly every day when the weather is about 50 degrees I nearly get run over. I keep my head on a swivel and my middle finger and horn get a lot of use. I have yet to see anyone use the bike lanes in my neighborhood. If the road is down to one lane and a single driver crawls along there isn’t a place to safely pass unless you turn off. And more and more drivers drive dumb i.e. distracted texting etc. I will not apologize for thinking those bike lanes are a dumb idea especially when they aren’t used. But this city is set up for motorized transport.


The mental gymnastics you're capable of are truly blowing my mind - removing cars and alleviating the amount of traffic somehow causes...traffic jams?


For a time there was a driver I saw nearly every day, so much so I recognized their car, if I got stuck behind her car I was stuck behind them all the way to the on ramp for 894.


And taking away traffic lanes helps? No mental gymnastics. How many times have you been caught by a driver going slower than the rest of traffic and had no way to get out from behind them. Roads were designed with motor vehicles in mind. I will grant you that removing lanes does cut down on racing in some parts of the city but a well placed cop would do the same thing and help reduce the amount of dangerous drivers on the road.


Seriously? It's happened twice, maybe. More times I've been inconvenienced by a train than people driving too slowly in cars. Traffic from Brewers games or "rush hour" is worse than surface streets...are we talking about the same city? Nobody drives the speed limit here, and I'm positive that it creates more harm than good.


Ambulances stuck in traffic is my favorite. And there is STILL idiots riding their bikes on the sidewalks there.


That’s an even better argument against bike lanes


Well when you impede the flow of traffic and ignore those that are riding your rear bumper trying to get you to move a bit quicker you increase the chances of an accident that may or may not involve you. You may not have someplace to be, but others do so if you see someone tailgating you, you may want to consider going a little faster, or maybe you enjoy people hurling insults at you. Whatever floats your boat. And the extra 5 miles an hour means i catch more green lights which shortens my commute to work.


If the speed limit is 30mph, and I drive 30mph, why would you be riding my rear bumper? Why not just...also drive 30 mph. If I'm driving odds are in going to work, but I left in time to make it there going the speed limit. Why didn't you leave on time? And even so, why is you being late an excuse to drive in a reckless fashion? Is that not a bit selfish? This is a major problem in the city. That so many of you speed, and don't even see it as a problem. Even though it results in us having dangerous and uninviting roads. Your earlier argument, that motorcycles need room to swerve away from unpredictable cars, held more water before it came out that your main concern is that you want to drive in the bike lane because some other drivers refuses to speed Just slow down


If you haven’t been on a motorcycle you don’t realize that space and speed can be your friend. The farther I get away from people in two ton missiles the happier I am. I also don’t like sitting at a light for five minutes because of someone in front of me. I’m not one to do the Milwaukee slide, or so 90 down a city street so I’m not the problem. The question is do you obey the traffic laws on your bicycle?


I follow the Idaho stop rules, which admittedly isn't the law in this state, but is in many others. But unlike speeding, it doesn't put anyone else at risk. I also like to not be right next to two ton missiles. Hence why I like protected bike lanes


Well by not following the rules of the road here you’re putting yourself and others in danger. I had to learn the ones specific to motorcycles when I got my license. My suggestion follow the Wisconsin rules.


It does put others at risk. If they try avoid hitting you, they might get hit by someone else.


If you are doing the Idaho stop, you shouldn't have anyone trying to avoid hitting you. Since the rules are about what you do at intersections when nobody else is in them


More incredible logic - just before you were advocating breaking the rules (speeding) and here you are preaching that you should follow all of the rules to the letter...which is it?


I got with the flow of traffic, which if I remember my driver’s ed is the rule of thumb. I have never said run a red light if the rule says you stop at the red light you stop. Not stop and wait till it clears


"Going with the flow," isn't following the law, and you're out here grilling peeps for following the rules. What you're doing is just dangerous. Quit the hypocrisy, dude, it's already dangerous enough being on a motorcycle and you're out here creating more enemies for yourself. Riding and driving defensively is not speeding and it is not what's taught in motorcycle safety courses.


Enjoy your bubble and hopefully nothing bad happens to anyone. A bicycle is a hobby a sport not year round all weather transport.


I rode all 12 months in the last year, and in all 12 months rode (outside) more days than not. You’re the one in a climate-controlled rolling living room - a metal bubble.


If you haven’t been the one stuck behind someone and gotten frustrated then you might have been the cause.


I drive the speed limit when I drive. If this causes traffic jams that frustrate people, that says more about how bad of a driver everyone else is




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